INFJ Strengths - Ni Superpowers

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 213

  • @MrHappyNappy
    @MrHappyNappy 4 года назад +49

    INFJ love to be creative! As an INFJ I can tell you:
    Health is wealth, knowledge is power, ignorance is the seed of all evil and time is treasure.
    We want to save the world or help when we see others/animals in pain /suffering innocently or with mercy.
    The greatest gift that an INFJ have is infallible empathy - that's your greatest/strongest gift! Love!
    Descendants of Prophets/seers.

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      Your last comment...I realize that not everyone is religious, but it scares scares me to think that that is what God may want me to do...😱

  • @jwinstonfanok
    @jwinstonfanok 6 лет назад +71

    Knowing your personality type is so useful, and important in self-development. INFJs rock!!!

  • @sanaabdulsamad4366
    @sanaabdulsamad4366 4 года назад +14

    I found out that I was an INFJ yesterday... And it made me cry with happiness.. I had been feeling different since I was young.. I had all kinds of creative talents like singing, dancing, painting and I run an online business on creative arts.. I grasp things so quickly and I always wanted to learn new and new things.. I wanted to be a social worker and always wanted to help in big situations where nobody was doing anything to solve it and when I tell about it to my friends they used to laugh at me... Even I was able to understand many complicated situations and people.. And many more...I was hiding my personality these days since everyone made fun of me... Now I know the answers... And I wont hide it anymore... I am going to find my true potential..

  • @kbg12ila
    @kbg12ila 5 лет назад +111

    I noticed I am constantly thinking of reasons why things the way that they are, why people are the way that they are and so on. Constantly. Sometimes I have a reason why so quick in my head I find it difficult to back track how I got to that conclusion. Then when I think about it hard I'll notice different elements that connect together.

    • @henson530
      @henson530 5 лет назад

      kbg12ila it seems you have yet to achieve hyper self-awareness.

    • @henson530
      @henson530 5 лет назад +1

      You’ll notice when you do. You’ll see the bigger bigger picture of the bigger picture of the picture. It becomes natural and helps one understand and live life at a much higher quality because they’ve realized once you change your perception and how you perceive you can live life feeling many different emotions that you figured out you can control. You can control your emotions and how you feel all the time by switching between your internal and external life. If you start thing about sad thoughts you need to be self aware and recognize from a background stand point that you yourself is thinking sad thoughts. A easy way to fix that is switch to your external life and do something maybe has simply has making chocolate milk. What’ll do is it’ll get your mind off of those thoughts and then you’ll recognize what you just did and see the bigger picture and how easy it is to live a higher quality of life

    • @henson530
      @henson530 5 лет назад +1

      What bothers me most is of how internally self aware I am and being able to see other people not being self aware at all and knowing that they feel like they really can’t control there ideas and emotions to maneuver their way to a much better life.

  • @lyndaschroeder8117
    @lyndaschroeder8117 4 года назад +16

    When l finally took the test l was able to value myself as OK instead of different and odd. I have been a teacher, a therapist, a musician, singer,tap dancer, song writer, and creative workshop leader. I'm ok!! Yay. Thanks.

  • @Hedgewitch79
    @Hedgewitch79 4 года назад +23

    I’m an infj and I’m my friends personal therapist and I never get board of helping, I love problem solving and I’m also a big conspiracy theorist too 😊❤️

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      I enjoy the theories, I don't necessarily believe them...

  • @justinfalzon6854
    @justinfalzon6854 5 лет назад +17

    Im a chemist. And an entrepreneur. Im rewriting the chemistry textbook to make it easier.

  • @krishnasivakumar2479
    @krishnasivakumar2479 6 лет назад +32

    I'm a heavy meta-thinker. Thanks for compiling this.

  • @mindylafler3456
    @mindylafler3456 6 лет назад +37

    1. me
    2. me
    3. me
    4. me
    5. me
    6. me
    7. me
    8. me
    9. me
    10. ME! ME!
    11. Me
    So perfectly correct. Pow! Mind blown!
    Must create or die. (Well, maybe not die....but, you get it.)

    • @AlinaHirtlMusic
      @AlinaHirtlMusic 6 лет назад +2

      completely agree!! awesome

    • @s3dghost
      @s3dghost 3 года назад +1

      Create or die is for real 😅😅

  • @naynay9434
    @naynay9434 6 лет назад +50

    I just found out i was INFJ yesterday omg 😍 and im a writer, well i sing but write my own music, i want to be a social worker cuz i love people and i want to help. Wow and i read alot as well

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +4

      Awesome, Janaye! Glad you could connect. :-)

    • @naynay9434
      @naynay9434 6 лет назад +3

      I Speak People yesssss and I received your free guide , your awesome . Thank you

    • @thereaIitsybitsyspider
      @thereaIitsybitsyspider 4 года назад +1

      Me, a composer who is looking into being a social worker: I'm not alone!

    • @tiwiogunye
      @tiwiogunye 4 года назад


    • @emethystseer1343
      @emethystseer1343 3 года назад

      omg me too just like you

  • @richellemanaloto3102
    @richellemanaloto3102 3 года назад +3

    I remembered the time when I asked my friends why is the formula for our mathematics class is like that. How the formula was formulated and reason behind it. And all of them said, it is what it is, just accept it. And it frustrates me the fact that I don't know where the formula came from hahaha

  • @dogbark
    @dogbark 6 лет назад +21

    All of these points are so true!! (I just absolutely hate studying things that I'm not interested in. Everything that has to do with Math makes me cry.)

  • @severinamarsh
    @severinamarsh 6 лет назад +50

    Do enjoy your videos. Number nine reminds me of visiting a counselor for some self analysis and having the psychologist say to me....."you are close to a third person analysis of yourself. You are so good a figuring out what makes you tick, explaining it and removing yourself from the emotion of it. I feel like I'm wasting my time here." Truth. We do self thinking "thing" very well.

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +1

      Well said! Thanks for sharing!

    • @mrazzanibuble9273
      @mrazzanibuble9273 4 года назад +2

      I remember going to a psychologist and analize her😆, and thinking, why are you talking about your self too much, and why are you so insecure that you need to say 'im the first woman in this country to go to the internasional gathering of psychologists.'...who the hell cares😆. And yeah i wasted 40$ for that. And never came back.

    • @MrHappyNappy
      @MrHappyNappy 4 года назад

      @@mrazzanibuble9273 😂

  • @erikknudsen4034
    @erikknudsen4034 4 года назад +2

    I worked in the corporate world for 18 years and am now breaking out to be a self employed cycling coach (sharing training systems to help people reach their goals). Everything about this new path seems perfect... To the core!
    Thanks for this video, it reinforces what I kind of know and gets me pumped about the future!

  • @anthonybogart5224
    @anthonybogart5224 6 лет назад +15

    The greatest passion for creation I have involves gardening and landscaping. I love the idea of drawing and I wish I could draw well but I don't draw so well but I am A fantastic landscaper, I love organizing flowers and putting them in a specific arrangement that complements themselves and the landscape around them.

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +1

      That's awesome, Anthony! Keep using that talent! That's definitely an application of Ni - expressed through Se, interestingly. Good stuff!

    • @JonasAnandaKristiansson
      @JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 лет назад


    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      Ohhh! Maybe I should try that! I don't really like outdoor work but maybe it's what I need...🤔

  • @MarquezSchoolgirl64
    @MarquezSchoolgirl64 5 лет назад +7

    Wow, what a deeply thought-out & original list.

  • @timeisgold7793
    @timeisgold7793 6 лет назад +27

    I agree new knowledge seems an stimulant for me .

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      New knowledge that I'm certain can be helpful or of use to others...🥰

  • @divyakhubdikar5129
    @divyakhubdikar5129 5 лет назад +3

    I discovered yesterday that I'm an INFJ. And I was so happy knowing about INFJs. I was really happy to know why I do what i do.
    I saw a lot of videos. But your channel sir gave me a very positive insight about the INFJ within me.
    I'm so much in love with myself. I'm so much in love with knowing myself and knowing why I do what I do.
    Thankyou so much❤️

  • @WillWay
    @WillWay 6 лет назад +69

    So nice that you share with many the traits of our “rare breed”😉👍🏻 Thanks, and God bless

  • @ursulanonya6590
    @ursulanonya6590 6 лет назад +5

    I run heavy equipment, so I love my job. The learning is endless. I also write & paint.

  • @BritishJamaican777
    @BritishJamaican777 6 лет назад +5

    Wow, this is 100% me. Thank you for your clear explanation of this, especially seeing how things will turn out by seeing people's behaviour or what they say and honest people tell me they are glad to know me the dishonest ones mock me and tell me I make them 'feel naked' or other things to mock me. I keep away from them and stick with those who want to grow, and I love to see people grow and improve and be happy. Thanks for sharing yourself with us too :-)

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад

      Awesome, BritishJamaican777! Glad you found the video helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  • @ArcCastleStudio
    @ArcCastleStudio 4 года назад +2

    I found your video so very insightful. As an INFJ who has been trying soo hard over many years to fit into various pre-packaged molds of the corporate world. it has taken me much time to see that this approach does not work for me. Even though I wanting soo much to help others , however, the strict roles did not allow me the freedom I needed to truly help. The experience left me feeling weak and mediocre! A terrible thing for an INFJ to experience! I am finally coming to terms with this nonsense and my own bad choices, and will be doing it on my terms! After all, this is how I can best serve others from a position of strength. Thank you for taking the time to make this video and appreciate your ability to articulate this presentation so very well indeed.

  • @buddy8412
    @buddy8412 3 года назад +1

    Hello there, thanks for this. Since june 2019, went to rehab which resulted into things coming to flurish now that im sober. Your item has put some new and soothing perspective on things. A little silver lining 🙏🏽

  • @mightymight24
    @mightymight24 4 года назад +3

    I used to hate myself when I was young (because I always felt like I'm odd and often misunderstood) but now that I've grown older, I appreciate and take pride on my strengths and I actually think it's a gift to be one

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      I'm working on that...

    • @mightymight24
      @mightymight24 3 года назад +2

      @@Eowyn3Pride Good for you. Goodluck! It took me years to be finally confident with who I am as a person. But when I did, it was worth it.

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      @@mightymight24 I still feel odd, or the odd one out. Even among family. I feel like I've had more failures than successes, so trying to stay positive is real work. If money was no object and I didn't have to worry about food, clothing, or shelter, I'd "go to town" with studies, exploration and creative arts.

    • @mightymight24
      @mightymight24 3 года назад +1

      @@Eowyn3Pride I know that feeling :( Even now I still can't help but to compare myself with others and I know it sucks especially when others are doing well and you kinda wonder if you're a failure or not :( When I wrote that comment 9 months ago I was on a better mental state but nowadays I again find myself on the negative headspace once again :( But I just remind myself that no one will be there for me as much as myself so I am trying to be kinder to myself although it's hard :( But yeah, positivity is our only ally here especially at this time of pandemic :( That's good that you have a plan, you'll get there don't give up! Keep pursuing your dreams!

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад +1

      @@mightymight24 I feel like this pandemic needs us INFJs more than ever. I feel like it's up to us to quietly go through and do what we can to bring back stability. Perhaps that's selfish or altruistic, but it starts in our own families, neighborhoods, workplaces and communities...
      Focusing on the now, or what I should do next seems to help. Everything seems to follow through. 🤗❤🍦

  • @mahendra4352
    @mahendra4352 5 лет назад +22

    When I did the "synthesizing" and "seeing the future" power, my boss mostly dismissed my idea, said that I was "thinking too much". My boss is the "Shoot first, aim later" type. I think INFJ better not work for that type of boss.

    • @juliam.2291
      @juliam.2291 5 лет назад +3

      MainHander Prime you just described my dad. It’s very hard to deal with such people

    • @TcGroenestege
      @TcGroenestege 4 года назад +5

      @@juliam.2291 My dad too 😂 it's frustrating when he tells me what to do when I know that this won't work out in the future

  • @angelbarrios1
    @angelbarrios1 5 лет назад +2

    You completely just put in words what I was thinking about my thoughts just now

  • @kellykerr5225
    @kellykerr5225 5 лет назад +7

    I often figure out the future. Not always in a good way.

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      About1.5 to 2 years prior to the pandemic, I had overwhelming feelings of needing to make sure I had enough basic supplies. Also, emergency planning, what to do if I couldn't get out of my room. It's wild to think about it now!😱 Lately I've been interested in how people survived in WWII England and how Rationing worked or how they kept up they're morale...
      I know what you mean...

  • @mindylafler3456
    @mindylafler3456 6 лет назад +17

    You know,
    Through our 30 years together, my husband and I must have assembled 10 pieces or more, of furniture. After a couple minutes into the first piece, it became clear to both of us, that I read the instructions and he does what I tell him. I'm the one comparing screws and bolts to the photo in the instructions, just to make sure he uses the right ones in the right place. He would do what he thought should be the right way, and I come in, and checking the instructions, I notice it's a big, "NO"! So, we get along great he hates instructions, and I live by them. Of course, there are always exceptions, but that's how it usually plays out.
    You wouldn't have an opinion on having INFJ children? My middle child is working on his doctorate in Physics. He went through college on scholarships. He's also an artist.
    I can think of so many things that we are great at, and all of them involved learning and teaching. One of 3 incredibly nice people that I brought up. Nice people DON'T always finish last. More like the journey is the best part.
    Thanx again,

  • @doreenb.8928
    @doreenb.8928 5 лет назад +1

    This is spot-on-I didn’t know that I was an INFJ or even what it was until I started getting RUclips recommendations for INFJ videos...Only videos about the INFJ personality type-(I finally looked it up,) but RUclips was right! As I said-spot-on! Great video-thank for the info.

  • @jiwon5315
    @jiwon5315 6 лет назад +11

    I see a lot of aspects of life as puzzle pieces. If i am presented with the big picture before i work on it and a lot of time to work on it, i can sit there and work on it all day until im finished. If you throw a thousand puzzle pieces without the big picture, im less likely to both enjoy or effectively work on it. The big picture acts as the future outcome for me and really motivates me.

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +1

      Awesome, Jiwon! Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I'm sure many can relate. I definitely can.

    • @tommywolmart265
      @tommywolmart265 5 лет назад

      What's your field?

  • @daviddavid9837
    @daviddavid9837 4 года назад +4

    Wow. I thought I might have autism. As it turns out, I finally took the Myers Briggs. INFJ.

  • @mohitm1911
    @mohitm1911 3 года назад

    Detailed explanation of complexities....
    Unfolding of layers... Undeniably.....

  • @p.poe157
    @p.poe157 6 лет назад +6

    Thank you every single chapter of this video is a big YES thats how i function and thank God not alone...

  • @davidkepke1435
    @davidkepke1435 6 лет назад +13

    I love the way you explain all this. Thanks.

  • @interestingfamilyorigin3574
    @interestingfamilyorigin3574 4 года назад +1

    I'm an INFJ and this video is very fitting with me i love learning / improving on skills old and new just as long as it's something that interests me. love the great outdoors as rural as possible I was born and raised ( mostly raised myself ) rurally learnt servival skills hunting fishing building making and maintaining things as well as farming along with the many things that comes with a very rural back ground love metal working ( blacksmithing ) and woodwork ( old style ) I've always been a very observant guy even from a very early age seem to Sus people out pretty quickly I tend to get asked for advice from people even people i don't know all that well, most at peace when very rurally I tend to see outcomes of things before they happen I'm very spiritual have my religious beliefs But not as in the bibles always have and always will but i don't have any problems with people with different beliefs just as long as their not harming anyone else. Also i do like my own space at times. Anyway loved your video only just come across your RUclips channel stay safe and well Godbless to you myself and all the other good decent people

  • @sabkamalikek2568
    @sabkamalikek2568 4 года назад +1

    I recently read your book INFJ Guide. It's amazing.

  • @DetroitThreatManagementCenter
    @DetroitThreatManagementCenter 5 лет назад +5


  • @AlexanderLopez-xk1hh
    @AlexanderLopez-xk1hh 4 года назад +1

    An Amazing breakdown, thank you for this video. Stay safe & Thanks

  • @marycain5668
    @marycain5668 4 года назад +1

    I thought I was the only 1 doing things from the end result lol! I speak French & Spanish as well 💖

  • @veronicabarraza9566
    @veronicabarraza9566 3 года назад +1

    Ok this all makes sence! The pieces are being out together 😭😫

  • @maristelaclaresandoval5274
    @maristelaclaresandoval5274 4 года назад

    Most accurate explanation of an INFJ

  • @genevievebelanger903
    @genevievebelanger903 3 года назад

    Oh! That's one of my favorite video. It's so true...

  • @mikewalker4260
    @mikewalker4260 5 лет назад +2

    Very well done! Recently discovered that I am indeed an INFJ and this helped me to understand my often peculiar behavior lol!

  • @lifeseeker2534
    @lifeseeker2534 5 лет назад +2

    it's been 8 years, 8 years!! finally, i finally found what that i seeking for, i learns about people characteristic and philosophy for 8 years without telling a soul just to understand why does my characteristic different from most of the people i know. why they can't understand me but i can't understand then just by glaring at them.. why i tried every hobby but something related to paper pen or pencils inspiring me the most.. and i found the reason why i like to be alone and love to spend my days off with myself.. hahahaha 嬉しい!!!

  • @kevinbell6778
    @kevinbell6778 6 лет назад +6

    Wow Bo you are absolutely on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 with all of this. Amazing guy you are. Seriously. People still don't get it. But as long as you do. And the other people. Helps me keep my sanity. 😊 Keep it up!

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +1

      Awesome, Kevin! So glad you're feeling encouraged. It's definitely nice to know that other people understand. That's a big deal for me too. Thanks for sharing!

  • @allankrause6510
    @allankrause6510 4 года назад +1

    We like to do our own research

  • @micsully
    @micsully 4 года назад

    Thank you, thank you, I so thank you for your words - they are perfect for my ears. You are so amazingly helpful to me ...Please, continue sharing your videos - you are soooo helpful and I need more of your messages. ...I want, no, I need your book in my library, my new friend. ...You are a blessing. You have a purpose. You are appreciated. ...I want, no, I need your book in my library, yes? ...God bless you my friend - thank you much.

  • @jungleent9714
    @jungleent9714 4 года назад

    21 year old INFJ here for the past couple of months I’ve been reading self help books And Financial books and it gave me a weird satisfaction of learning how the world is wired. Idk if u guys are bored u should check it out.

  • @lloydlifestone7045
    @lloydlifestone7045 5 лет назад +1

    Very good, interesting, and in a perfect compact format. Thank you & GOD bless

  • @anthonyjemison5016
    @anthonyjemison5016 5 лет назад +3

    we could use a vacation! our minds need a reboot so much cause we process so much information all the time

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      Sometimes I can't shut the damn thing off! But that would make a great vid-ways an infj can rest their minds...

  • @elementfayt
    @elementfayt 5 лет назад +1

    I create by writing web code, and making websites. Its really relaxing to me.

  • @bradm1813
    @bradm1813 3 года назад

    Thank you!!! I’m such an infj :)

  • @beebeeimstrong8218
    @beebeeimstrong8218 4 года назад +1

    I'm a INFJ...I have a hunger for learning.I love to create...etc

  • @michelmtg1979
    @michelmtg1979 2 года назад

    informative and insightful video as usual

  • @madhvishukla4332
    @madhvishukla4332 2 года назад

    Thank you i really need this video 🙏❤

  • @rawirihemi27
    @rawirihemi27 5 лет назад +1

    This is bang on dude, well put together. 👌🏻

  • @light5634
    @light5634 6 лет назад +3

    Very many true things for me! I love languages! I'm a linguist by degree. I speak two foreign languages and understand a bit of a third one.

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      I dabble but have not formally learned...🤔 I enjoy prayer in many languages!😁🍦

  • @marizabarnes
    @marizabarnes 6 лет назад +2

    Wow you are so right on spot. So accurate 😳😮😳 no one has never described me so well. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

  • @ramisen7964
    @ramisen7964 5 лет назад +2

    Investing most of the time Contemplating my own thoughts n y certain things are happening in a certain way

  • @kinglewisjtl24
    @kinglewisjtl24 5 лет назад

    Thorough work, I will subscribe and click the link. I am impressed

  • @annptully695
    @annptully695 6 лет назад +3

    I have a saying when I can see trouble coming, particularly for my partner, “get of the track there’s a train coming”. It took a while for them to crack on but they listen now. 😉

  • @emethystseer1343
    @emethystseer1343 3 года назад

    wow why everything you said is so true about me

  • @savinduhimansa1677
    @savinduhimansa1677 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much sir!

  • @rebeccaledam7544
    @rebeccaledam7544 6 лет назад

    Everything is so true, I recognize myself in everything! 🤗

  • @david_oliveira71
    @david_oliveira71 6 лет назад +3

    Yess, i love languages

  • @Tarantula_Fangs
    @Tarantula_Fangs 5 лет назад +2

    Yup, this is definitely me, lol. It's actually kind of frightening.

  • @TrilhaMusiki
    @TrilhaMusiki 5 лет назад

    tbh im impressed you made this whole list in the same tense. -ing

  • @johncapps6728
    @johncapps6728 2 года назад

    Yep 😁👍fellow infj here

  • @Brisco1
    @Brisco1 6 лет назад

    Big picture thinkers, love to see how it all fits together, yep. Love to learn & enjoy novelty, yes very true for me. And I LOVE learning languages. I switch back and forth between several on Duolingo.

  • @pattyhill9278
    @pattyhill9278 6 лет назад +3

    I have a friend that pours out her feelings and frustration with her situation and I can see so clearly the path that would ease her burden but she shuts me down when I share it with her. Then a couple days later she will come by and lo and behold she has figured it all out herself and it’s exactly what I explained to her. It’s kind of satisfying though.

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад

      Oh, wow. I'm glad that you're looking at the positive in that situation. Thanks for sharing this great example!

    • @JJ-dx7xx
      @JJ-dx7xx 6 лет назад +2

      Your friend is more of an extraverted feeler and they often just need to rant their frustrations out to a listening ear. They will first seek to connect with someone who can empathize and understand their pain. It is only later, when their feelings have calmed down, that they can see and think more logically and practically. When dealing with Extraverted Feelers, you will have to leave your "Mr. Fix-It hat off until they are truly wanting you to help them fix it. ;-)

    • @pattyhill9278
      @pattyhill9278 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your thoughts Julie. I always ask first if people want to hear my thoughts on what I see in their situation. My friends come to me because of my “Mr fix it hat”. It’s the most amazing hat I own and I wear it with awe .
      I had to learn to ask though, through many decades of experience. I do agree with what you’re saying.

  • @annptully695
    @annptully695 6 лет назад

    I love, love, love to learn!!!

  • @StraaayKings
    @StraaayKings 3 года назад

    Vision-Casters.. i like it

  • @kuangtien3980
    @kuangtien3980 2 года назад

    I just got done traveling from my home in the Cosmos ..

  • @jamesjosephkeating4th569
    @jamesjosephkeating4th569 5 лет назад

    Thank you your voice helps me kind sir

  • @insomnisveritas9669
    @insomnisveritas9669 6 лет назад +1

    12 for 12 here, too.

  • @ahmadadil1576
    @ahmadadil1576 4 года назад


  • @DaveRod76
    @DaveRod76 3 года назад +1

    "Diamonds in the rough," is the key phrase there. Honing these traits, (cultivating, developing them) must be the key verb there, because I"m in midlife, and as of yet, have amounted to nothing. I have been distracted time and time again from my varied interest, but I have mastered nothing. How do I focus, and at least choose to see at least one interest through to completion?

    • @Eowyn3Pride
      @Eowyn3Pride 3 года назад

      Oh Dave, where have you been my whole life??!!😁 I'm the same pickle in your jar! 🤣 Mid-life...0 prospects, going nowhere fast...yup.
      One day at a time.
      Gandalf has ALWAYS been one of my favorite characters...
      "All you have to decide is what to do with the time that's been given to you. "😁🍦🌺

    • @TGIF82
      @TGIF82 3 года назад

      Here is one way of looking at it- take Michalengelo- he was a chemist, mystic, astrologer, painter, sculputer, teacher, student, musician…and who knows what? Was he master in everyone of them, no. Maybe for some. Why? Because as a master and philosopher he understood how things are connected, and that learning and exploring never stops. Once u think you are master in anything, u stop growing, learning, exploring…encyclopedias offer ideas into all topics, not necessary all of it for one topic. Of course, if you feel that way, nothing wrong with that. I was told this, that I never finish anything, not true. I finished many things and on funny side, once you finish university- you are master! 😁😁 I love learning, exploring…and you know what, I often go back to my ‘interests’ to take them to the next level, so I just take things as I finish level, some are introductory and some are higher, but I finish each.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  • @paulmessis1985
    @paulmessis1985 6 лет назад +6

    I'm an INFJ and hate learning, I get very overwhelmed by it and then very frustrated when I am unable to make sense of it... in fact it freaks me out.

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +2

      Interesting... and thanks for sharing. Is it a specific kind of learning or something particular?

    • @ursulanonya6590
      @ursulanonya6590 6 лет назад +12

      Paul Messis I have to be interested in the subject, or I detest it. Try to teach me algebra and I will scream, but talk psychology, engines, or art- I will listen for hours!

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад +8

      Great point! That is totally the case for me and for many INFJs, I believe. Really, it's the case for all personality types. Thanks for sharing and clarifying, Ursula.

    • @BillRoyMcBill
      @BillRoyMcBill 6 лет назад +3

      I'm one too and I also hate anything remotely schoolastic, but that's not all that learning is.
      What I do is 'psychically' read everyone I deal with and figure out what's up with them, how to handle them and how to get the best out of them.
      I can't tell you how long it's been since anybody's surprised me with anything they've said or done. I learn about people.
      You do like to learn Paul, that's why you're watching educational videos.

    • @janetlomax2295
      @janetlomax2295 6 лет назад

      Baconstine I do the same, love to read people like books, it's my fav pass time. Been practicing the art for 50 yrs.

  • @StuartFurlong
    @StuartFurlong 4 года назад

    You nailed this!

  • @luv04angels
    @luv04angels 5 лет назад +1

    Well said! 💯

  • @CarterSams
    @CarterSams 4 года назад

    🙂 I love being an INFJ!! ❤️

  • @devendragotmare176
    @devendragotmare176 5 лет назад +1

    Wow, I am feeling God about myself ✌️❤️

  • @timshelby2324
    @timshelby2324 5 лет назад

    Great info, thanks .

  • @snow7730
    @snow7730 3 года назад

    You may never see what i want to show you, but by god you will feel it.

  • @Bellasie1
    @Bellasie1 6 лет назад

    Excellent! Thank you for this great video (and the other ones).

  • @sarahlang7724
    @sarahlang7724 6 лет назад

    Wonderful video.
    Thank you!🕊🌎

  • @kababudas4157
    @kababudas4157 5 лет назад

    I or we see more better future on the support of different types of knowledge

  • @carolyncervantes6828
    @carolyncervantes6828 5 лет назад

    Thank you so very much-- most helpful!

  • @michaelalexander5637
    @michaelalexander5637 5 лет назад

    I learn from watching people with my ears and ears..I find them fascinating and as an INFJ w IQ 157 I am indeed one rare tropical bird...HAHA mike +++

  • @muneebkhan7465
    @muneebkhan7465 4 года назад

    I think we should all know atleast all types of personalities because at the end of the day we have to deal with every type of people

  • @skaidravaitiekuniene5393
    @skaidravaitiekuniene5393 2 года назад

    Absolute truth 👍🏻😊

  • @comena30
    @comena30 6 лет назад

    Great video! Very validating. 😊

    • @ispeakpeople
      @ispeakpeople  6 лет назад

      Awesome! Glad you found it helpful!

  • @themaskofinnocence9802
    @themaskofinnocence9802 5 лет назад

    Have all these traits

  • @giovannitrujillo5525
    @giovannitrujillo5525 5 лет назад +2

    Really enjoyed this i see the number that replied if rom san antonio i live in Houston and would really like to bounce ideas of you

  • @jean-paulfaye7794
    @jean-paulfaye7794 4 года назад

    When you were young did anyone start your tests backgrounds, starting from the end and working your way to the beginning?

  • @DUxYFn
    @DUxYFn 4 года назад

    When you say we see the future I know you don’t mean literally...but I did....literally. I knew I was going to have a car crash for a week before it happened. I drove on high alert for that week but it was an unavoidable dangerous driver. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  • @gmajo93
    @gmajo93 5 лет назад

    Spot on! 👌🏻

  • @lorddarthstar
    @lorddarthstar 6 лет назад

    Right said!

  • @timeisgold7793
    @timeisgold7793 6 лет назад

    Thank you interesting n informative topics

  • @HistoricalRamblingsPodcast
    @HistoricalRamblingsPodcast 6 лет назад +1

    Perfect. ☺