Abzi Europa nab Eritrea zsedu alewu b,hgawi elom gen nab Etiopiea wey Ugnanda elka tshafo Ybluka shu ab Eritrea zsededkayo genzeb dewilom ab fkodo anglotat eyom zhbwom. Kabey Zmexe genzeb u ezi 5000 zfked kab bank ketewutsie. Zieru zieru gen eti mengsti u zserho. Abzi gen b,hgawi mengedi knhzom ygbana u.
Danakils Experience 632% plus Problems Compared to the Tigray Tigrign 's. Remettances : thought Danakils have very few possibilities they have NO access to Financial services at their residence areas. The biggest recognized Danakils Town Tio Arrata Dankalia haq No Bank services. They have to travel to Asmara and return with 12% of the Remetances from Abroad. Dan'kal wald Arrata
I wish all media owners would educate our people regularly!!!!!!
አዚ ፉሹል ስርዓት አብ ሃገር ንዘሎ ዜጋ ጅሆ ሒዙ አብ ስደት ንዘሎ ናመዝመዘ ሃገር ብሐ ዋላ ከምሐድር ዝሐስብ ስርዓት ዲብሎማስያዊ ዓለም አብ ምትህልላኽ ዓመታት ዘባኸነ ተስፋ ዘይብሉ ፉሹል ስርዓት ::
Clear explained
ካልድ ዓብዱ ዓቢሰብ ክብረት ይሃበልና ስለቲ ቁኑዕን ሉኡምን ትምህርቲካ። ከሙኡ ውን ሄኖክ ሓዉና ነመስግነካ።
Thanks Kalid Abdu for you are teaching us important lessons about the snaching money from the poor and hardworkers living in abroad.
ካልድ ሄኖከ ብዘይምሕላል እተገብርዎ ቃልሴ አዜና ነመሰግን። አይትታዓንቀፍ ተባረኩ።🙏🏾🙏🏾💕
ብራኸ ሸዉ, 🙈
ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ ሃገራት ሰብ ንሓጎስ ፣ንጣዕሚ chase እንዳ ገበረ፣ ህዝብና ኣብ Survival mode ኣትዩ እሞ ድማ ንክንድዚ ዘይትብሎ ዓመታት...ብጣዕሚ የጉሂን የሕዝንን በቃ፣፣ Thank u for the analysis mr. Khalid.
ናቅፋ ናይ ምግዛእ ዓቅሙ ባዕሉ መርአያ ውድቀት ናቅፋ ኢዩ።
2012:- 1000kr = 5500Nk nera
hji gna kemzi khald zbelo1000kr=1300Nk
slezi bebabi 20% nsdraka , 80%nmengsti.
ykewn alo malet yu
Only the government would be rich people poor it was made to make the government rich like I said, but the people I feel sorry for it
ካልድ ዓብዱ ምስ ሄኖክ፣ ስለቲ ዘቅረብኩምልና መደብ ብልቢ ነመስግን። እዚ ኣርእስቲ ብሰሚናራት መልክዕ እውን እነተዝቀርብ እሞ በዙሕ ሰብ መቅለበሉ። እዚ ስርዓት እዚ ብ መባህላዊ ምሕደራን ስርዓትን እንዳ ገዝኤ ንህዝቢ እኤርትራ ወዲሹቕ ኮይኑልና ኣሎ። ሰለዚ ንቅሓትና ነዕቢ።
A long time ago I told my brother not to send money to family members.
❤ xbuq tntane
ንህግደፍ ዳርጋ 90% ደው ኣቢልዎ ዘሎ ሓወላ እዩ እንተ ዘይ ንሕውል እንታይ ምተፈጥረ ኔሩ ትብሉ
Abzi Europa nab Eritrea zsedu alewu b,hgawi elom gen nab Etiopiea wey Ugnanda elka tshafo Ybluka shu ab Eritrea zsededkayo genzeb dewilom ab fkodo anglotat eyom zhbwom. Kabey Zmexe genzeb u ezi 5000 zfked kab bank ketewutsie.
Zieru zieru gen eti mengsti u zserho. Abzi gen b,hgawi mengedi knhzom ygbana u.
ን ስድራኻ 1 ቪላ ክትገዝኣሎም
ንመንግስቲ ዋጋ 4 ቪላ ምስ ትህብ’ዩ።
ምንባር ሐንሳብ ኢዮ ንፍዓት አለው ስድሮኦም ካብ ኤርትራ አውጺኦም አብ ካይሮ ኦጋንዱ ይነብሩ አለው ሕስብሎ
መብቱንና ነፃነቱን ሞት ወይም ነፃነት ብሎ በማፊያው አስተዳደር ዘምቶ ድል ማድረግ ሲችል በፍራሀት ሞቱን ፈርቶ በችግርና በኑሮ ውድነት መሰቃየቱን ከፈለጉ ምንም ማድረግ አይቻልም። የአላቸው ምርጫ ሕዝባዊ አመጽ በማስነሳት ለውጥ ማምጣት ብቻ ነው እድላቸው ካልሆነ ግን ባርነትን አሜን ብሎ ተቀብሎ መኖር ነው።
Danakils Experience 632% plus Problems Compared to the Tigray Tigrign 's. Remettances : thought Danakils have very few possibilities they have NO access to Financial services at their residence areas. The biggest recognized Danakils Town Tio Arrata Dankalia haq No Bank services. They have to travel to Asmara and return with 12% of the Remetances from Abroad. Dan'kal wald Arrata
Only the government would be rich people poor it was made to make the government rich like I said, but the people I feel sorry for it