Zabudol som dodať, že žinčica upravuje trávenie a biokultúru v žalúdku, omnoho lepšie ako nejaký actimel :D Ja ju tiež osobne nejak nemusím a áno je to skysnuté ovčie mlieko niečo ako kefír a dá sa to použiť aj ako preháňadlo :D
I haven't lived in Slovakia for over 18 years now. I've never missed it nor cared much for it, but your videos make me more and more homesick. I feel like I'm falling back in love with my country, so thank you so much, Kim!
wonderfuul dear Kimberly!....this is my kind of village...I could live there in a you been to SPANIA DOLINA????.it is must will love it i know it.....excellent production you have got here on your editing too....Jana x
I am so happy I discovered your channel. I was born in Slovakia and now living in USA. I left many years ago, but I want to return. I always enjoy watching anything about my beautiful country. I want to return and retire early there. Thank you for showing the world our beautiful Slovakia in such a positive way. Your Slovak is really great! I am impressed.
I love this video. I was so proud. I live in Ružomberok, so I know Vlkolínec very well. I saw that there was some new sculptures, so I have to visit it again. If I were a foreigner I definitely have to see this place. You were so nice and excited as you talked about this place. Also cute when you pronounce that Slovak words😅. I finally have one piece of advice for you. visit some salaš in Liptov and ask about the just cooked žinčica. It will still be hot and sweet and with lumps of cheese. you will definitely like it😉.
Oh my gosh! My favorite place to visit when we go to the mountains! There is a village where my family comes from called Vychodna who has a huuuge folk fest every year. It's a big event and I hope you get to experience it one day!
Ahoj! Ja som z Ružomberka a na Vlkolínec chodím často. V lete na bicykli hoci aj každý druhý víkend. Je tam nádherne. Mala si šťastie, že tam zrovna neboli turisti. Niekedy, hlavne keď sú nejaké slávnosti (napríklad spomínaná Nedeľa na Vlkolínci), tak je tam veľmi veľa ľudí. V tej galérii som pred pár rokmi vystavoval a predával svoje olejomaľby Vlkolínca. Teraz je už asi zavretá, keďže je ten koronavírus. Som rád, že sa ti Vlkolínec páčil a dúfam, že sa tam ešte niekedy vrátiš. Salaš Krajinka je super. Chodievam si tam kupovať skvelé, domáce, údené syry, takzvané "oštiepky". U nás na Liptove varíme najlepšie bryndzové halušky. Tu snáď ani nenatrafíš na reštauráciu, kde by ich uvarili zle. Oravský hrad je tiež nádherný. Určite sa ti bude tiež páčiť. A určite doporučujem Vysoké Tatry. Budeš z nich nadšená! 😉
Mila Kimberly. Dakujem Vam I vasmu milemu manzelovi , ktory je aj velmi- sikovny kameraman- za prekrasne aj zabavne videa. Ste ako slniecko aj super inspiracia , je radost vas vidiet aj pocut Aj vasu konverzaciu s manzelom. .Zakazdym prinesiete dobru naladu. Ako vsetci Filipinci,. Pozitivni, sympaticki a asi najmilsi ludia akych som v zivote stretla. Vase videa preposielam pribuznymi I priatelom, ktori ziju v zahranici- pre spomienku aj pre reklamu. Este raz srdecna vdaka a vsetko najlepsie vam obom.
Kimberly skvelý výber miesta na potulky, Vlkolinec je naozaj nádherný aj s celou svojou prírodnou scenériou. Žinčica ťa nemusí trápiť, na jej chuť som si dodnes nezvykla, ale na halušky sa mi už teraz zbiehaju slinky. Slovensko je krásne, tak nech sa ti u nás páči.
Thank you so much for sharing your life with the world, Kim 😃 I’ve been binge-watching your videos and really enjoyed them. I have tried finding vlogs about bookshops or stationery store in Bratislava but to no avail, if by any chance you could make a video and show where to find nice journaling stuff and vintage books, that would be lovely, thank you 🥰 I hope I can meet you when I visit Slovakia 🇸🇰 - Warm regards from Indonesia 🇮🇩😀
Thanks a lot, glad you are enjoying my videos! I will try find some in Bratislava. 😊
3 года назад+2
Hi, this video made smile on my face (also a few tears came down because of memories), I was living in Ružomberok few years ago and once I got really crazy idea to go to the Vlkolínec by foot 🙈 I went alone and it was longer walk than I expected, but these views were amazing (I walked from Ružomberok across the Vlkolinske lúky - Vlkolínec meadows and I saw whole city, Liptovská Mara and High Tatras), it was something unbelievable 😍 But way back I went by bus, so I went through the forrest - it was some kind of shortcut to high way to outskirts of town (some guy at the gallery said me about it) and this shortcut was like fairly tale, everything were so so green, little stream flowing around tiny path, trees felt around... I really recommend this way for hike 👌 I took maybe 3 hours, but I was sitting many times and enjoyed the scenery, so it can be less 😇
k zincici sa da dopracovat cez kefir (ten je z kravskeho mlieka), halusky potom chutia lepsie (ak su zapijane kyslym mliekom / ja zapijam aj obycajnym plnotucnyma niekto zvykne dat miesto zincice na halusky kyslu smotanu ako nahrada zincice). a velke plus je, ze si dostala k haluskam lyzicu. este lepsie je z drevenej misky a drevenou lyzicou.
Hi Kim, nice video. You don't have to be afraid of a little pony. They are mild and kind animals. I wish you another great experiences from trips around Slovakia. Greetings from Czechia. Michal
Je krásne vidieť Slovensko očami takej milej osôbky z úplne iného sveta. A ver mi, že tých nádherných zákutí je u nás oveľa viac. Aj takých, o ktorých turistický sprievodcovia nepíšu. Robíš Slovensku úžasnú reklamu. Lepšiu, ako mnohí z nás. Vďaka.
Kim,dalsie krasne video👍Z kazdeho slova pocut,ako mas rada nase krasne Slovensko a mnohi Slovaci by sa mohli od Teba ucit.Este si zvyknes na zincicu a mozes kandidovat na prezidentku.👍😉
Kudoz to the location and video. Beautiful. Good job. P. S. Ask your husband to get you a mic, dont ruin your vids with bad audio. (it is mainly inconsistent volume that your vids suffer from)
I believe that even among Slovak people, žinčica is the type of drink that one either loves or hates... nothing in between... btw, Salaš Krajinka is one of my favourite restaurants when I travel across the country. ✌🏻
What a lovely place! It's been added to my "it's a must" list. Are there similar places in the Philippines? Like heritage... Great video, lots of fun again. ☺️👍 P.S. I love bryndza but I don't like žinčica. Beer is much better than žinčica. 🍺 Though rumours say žinčica is very healthy. 🤔
Hello Kimberly, I visited Vlkolinec two years ago. It was a very beautiful place, I really liked it too. It looked like they were either building or rebuilding one of the wooden houses on the main hill at the time. If I remember correctly, there was an animal area there. Perhaps it wasn't open to the public yet when you visited. I've also been to Cicmany. Love that village! I love Slovakia. It's too made that visitors don't usually go further than Bratislava.
I didn't see the animal area though sawots of chicken, probably owned by residents there 😂😂 Slovakia is more than just Bratislava, it's a shame that some tourists don't know it but I think Slovakia is such a beautiful country and has so much to offer 😊
There was a time when I did not eat at all - and drank only žinčica and worked hard. A couple of months - from may to august. And I was not hungry at all. A litre, litre and half, of žinčica a day and you can do anything. And hriatô - as a starter :c)
Hej ked budes mat niekedy nabuduce cestu okolo rimavskej soboty daj nejak vediet. Dam ti na ochutnanie domace pivo od stareho pivovarnika. Nieje to uplne gemer ale velmi blizko chutovo. Som zvedavy co poviete
Ja som bola v Ružomberku na výlete na šesť dní. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰Prvý deň som bola Vlkolínci druhý deň som bola na túre potom som bola v Bešeňovej na celý deň. Potom som bola na lanovke v Tatrach 🤩🤩😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊😊
Hi Kimberly. So you finally visited place where I come from. So how did you like Lower Liptov? I have born in Ruzomberok I guess on your way to Oravsky podzamok you passed through village I used to live. Vlkolinec is nice place and you have no people there. I'm surprised Dano didn't drive on Banska Bystrica it's better than way on Martin, and you can pass Donovaly. Maybe next time. Best halusky you make at home when you know how. Zincica honestly don't like it. Looking forward to see your video from Orava. Your Slovak is getting better, Dano should help you more😁. Have great weekend, greetings from NYC.
thanks Vlado! I like Ruzomberok a lot, so many great places to see. I will surely come back and explore it more. We were there for only one day and it was not enough 😂
@@ChasingKimberly Yea one day is lot of stuff to do you are like Japanese or American turist bin there, don that. When you go North you need bit time so maybe you can take weekend stay overnight and finish the trip. As I said Dano should drive on Banska Bystrica, you can see Pribilina skanzem and also on Liptovsky Svaty Kriz you can see Lutheran church builder without nails it gorgeous timber structure. But thats enough from me. I'm very happy you had chance to finally got chance to go North, see heart of Slovakia, they are many nice places there you need time to explore it. But little by little no need to rush. Covid going slowly away and I'm hoping Slovaks getting vaccinated I know there is hard Slovakia is like little village everybody see into your pots. If I ever be able to come back home, will show you how to make Liptov style halusky and also pirohy, but Dano should know how to doit. So all the best to my Philipino Slovenka you making me so proud, you doing the best job for that country I'm surprised nobody from government didn't see it, you should be working there on departments of travel instead of all the nuts they having in government now. God bless you have great rest of the weekend 🤗🇵🇭🇸🇰🇵🇭🤗♥️
I don't like žinčica either. I can't drink žinčica separately. But I can drink žinčica when I eat halušky. (Halušky zapíjam žinčicou - I don't know how to translate "zapíjať" :D ). Did you drink that žinčica or Danko had to?
WOW... you have visited my home town (Ruzomberok)... :D ...I hope you liked it. I grew up in between of those mountains. I was smelling my computer by watching it. :DDD BTW. I love sour milk... I don't understand what is bad about it. For me it is much more refreshing than the normal milk. And I would die for one plate of "Zemiakové pyrohy". Not long time ago I was able to eat 20 of them in one session. (I am still the skiny one :D )
hahaha for starter, I am not fan of drinking milk maybe that's why I didn't like žinčica. 😂 and pirohy, omg, if Halušky is not too heavy I would order it too. I love pirohy as well. But maybe next time when I come back 🤔
Hmm... Žinčica could be served as "fresh"/"sweet" or "sour"... And as for bryndza, I would say, best bryndza should definitely not be "creamy" ;-) ... btw. best bryndzove halušky are homemade one... ideal without added milk and cream... just potato dumplings mixed with bryndza and crispy bacon AND fresh chopped chive on top ;) have you ever tried kefír or sour milk? I love them, as I have lactosis intolerance and this is one of few kinds of milk goods my stomach is not upset from... but žinčica, I don't like either
Ďakujem Kimberly, toto video som si vážne užil a celé. Zvuk bol oveľa, oveľa lepší. Ešte to chce kravatový mikrofón keď si ďalej od kamery a bude to dokonalé.
No Horalky this time? I am outraged 🙂 Thanks for the video, i feel hungry now 🤤 PS: try not drink žinčica alone, eat some halušky and drink žinčica with it. Maybe you like it more.
Ahoj , výlety po dedinách sú pekné ale ešte krajšie by bolo keby si išla na nejakú túru do našich hôr . Odporúčam Jánošíkove diery a následne na veľký rozsutec
@@ChasingKimberly poznám jeden kanál ktorí robia videa z hôr . Bolo by fajn ak by si sa ku ním pridala a tým pádom by ste si navzájom mohli zdvihnúť sledovanosť 😊 kanál sa vola liptáci 😁😁
Ahoj Kim viem ti odporučiť dve nádherné miesta. Prvé miesto je dunajec plavba na plti po tejto rieke je to nádherné ale treba tam ísť iba keď je pekné počasie, lebo keď je daždivé počasie plte nepremávajú, lebo vtedy má rieka veľmi silný prúd a ďalšie miesto sú Dedinky ale na to si musíš vziať dobrú trackovú obuv aj keď na vrchol sa dá dostať aj lanovkou, ale to by si prišla o ten zážitok a hneď kúsok od Dedinky je Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa to už len tak pre zaujímavosť, keď budete tam že ešte aj tam môžete zavítať :) Ak sa mi podarí prísť v septembri na SK tak idem si dať track z Dukly do BA trasou Cesty hrdinov SNP predstavuje to asi do 30 dní chôdze a okolo 760 Km chôdze cez celé Slovensko. Normálne sa tento track začína 29 augusta, kedy červená armáda prenikla po troch mesiacoch ťažkých bojov na Dukle na Slovensko a postupne začala oslobodzovať Slovensko z pod nadvlády fašizmu. To je také malé historické okienko :D
Aj ja som bola vo Vlkolínci s celou rodinou krásny zážitok a tiez som si dala bryndzové halušky, milujem ich. Slovensko je krásne a ty to každím videom ukazuješ nielen ľuďom v zahraničí ale aj nám... Ďakujem. Btw po každom videu by som chcela ísť tam kde ty 🤣😭🇸🇰
Hi, could you tell us more about the skin whitening culture in Philippines? I just saw a document by Undercover Asia and it was really interesting and I'm curious if it's really that common and if you know somebody, who took it up to extreme levels
Kim, mám už cez 70rokov, mám rada bryndzové halušky, pirohy a nátierku, ale ochutnať žinčicu som sa ešte neodvážila. A neviem či to niekedy skúsim. Si jednotka!
Lubomira Hajduova Hi Lubomira, there are two kinds of zincica ! Sweet and sour ! Maybe, you will like sweet zincica, better, instead ! Give a try ! Thank you ! 💚🌹👍🙂. Jerry.🗽
@@lubomirahajduova2751 Hi Lubomira, here I'm again ! Will you please, tell me, what kind of spread ( natierka, natierku, natierky ) , you like ??? 💚🌹🥣🙂👍🇸🇰🇺🇸 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Poznám len jeden recept na bryndzovú nátierku. Vy ho nepoznáte ? Bryndza, maslo , červená mletá sladká paprika a na jemno posekaná mladá cibuľka .
Kimberly, spravili ste chybu. Ked ste boli vo Vlkolinci, mali ste pokracovat hore dedinou a dat si neviem, ak si dobre pametam cca 30-40 minutovy vyslap na Vlkolinske luky. Tam by sa vam tajil dych. Pre mna jedno z najkrajsich miest vobec.
I like your videos as they make me homesick and I can also show them to Japanese when I want to show them something from Slovakia in English. Damn…been away from home since 2017 and haven’t seen anyone from my family for over 2.5 year now. But mostly, I miss halusky! :D
Adam Matejovic Hi Adam, you can make your own halusky . It's very easy to make ! Instead of bryndza, just use, feta cheese ! Me and all my family members we are enjoying eating halusky all the time ! And all of us, we agreed, that, feta cheese taste better than bryndza ! Because, it is stronger, in taste ! Feta cheese is sheep cheese and is very healthy ! Enjoy !!! Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Uz ste asi moc dlho zo Slovenska prec, lebo syr feta a bryndza je uplne ina chut. Podla mna je lepsia na chut bryndza, feta je skor tvaroh taky nijaky, slany. Ale ked vam to chuti, nic proti tomu. :-)
@@j4uznev1mc0 Hi uznev, there are, many kinds of feta cheeses, available. I don't really like most of them ! They're all dry blocks, or dry crumbled of feta cheeses . Mine and my family's favorite brand, is " Vigo " feta cheese! Please, research the " Vigo " brand ! Thank you ! 💚👍🤠* Jerry.🗽
Who else have been to Krajinka and Vlkolinec?
Zabudol som dodať, že žinčica upravuje trávenie a biokultúru v žalúdku, omnoho lepšie ako nejaký actimel :D Ja ju tiež osobne nejak nemusím a áno je to skysnuté ovčie mlieko niečo ako kefír a dá sa to použiť aj ako preháňadlo :D
I am from Ruzomberok, so very often :)
Not yet.
Kim, it seems you're planning our route for our next visit to Slovakia.
Ja som bola vo Vlkolínci minulý rok v lete a na Oravskom hrade som bola dvakrát
ive been in vlkolinec in 2016 :) it snice place.. and when i was there... everything was open :D
Jste opravdu moc sympatický člověk.Máte talent zachytit život pozitivně a mile.Děkuji.💓🌞💓
Po vašich videích cítím,že je svět lepší.🍀
Ďakujem veľmi pekne František . 💚
Super video ukázal som to kolegom Angličanom a už tam chcú aj oni. Dobrá reklama pre Slovensko. Ďakujem 👍🤓🤓🤓
Aj ja ďakujem 💚
You put smile on our faces with each video.😊🤞
Thank you 😊
Loved every second of your jorney. So glad that you made this cut longer than all previous ones. Have a lovely weekend ♥️😀
Thanks Radko! I am glad you liked the video. Have a beautiful weekend too 😉😉
This channel is pure gold! I only discovered it today accidentally, but I can't stop watching it!!loving the content you do! :) Dobré
Ďakujem 🙋🏽♀️
Krasne video s krasnou Kim. Neni nad bryndzove halusky, zapit chutnou, studenou zincicou. Mnam. Pekny den vam prajem na Oravskom hrade. 💐👍🍀🌞🌹
Ďakujem 😊
I haven't lived in Slovakia for over 18 years now. I've never missed it nor cared much for it, but your videos make me more and more homesick. I feel like I'm falling back in love with my country, so thank you so much, Kim!
You are welcome 😉⛰
Low-Key Hi Low-Key, I feel the same ! 💚👍🙂* Jerry.🗽
That's why I like to watch her videos too 😉
As a Slovak, I never had zincica before. Now I feel like I have to give it a try!
wonderfuul dear Kimberly!....this is my kind of village...I could live there in a you been to SPANIA DOLINA????.it is must will love it i know it.....excellent production you have got here on your editing too....Jana x
Thank you Jana! For sure I have a long list of places to explore in Slovakia 😄
krajinka is my childhood
Rooster, the sound of the village. Getting rare these days.
exactly! but i can understand that :-)
Thank you for bringing us here Kim. The scenery is really beautiful and calming 🥰 Wish to be there too soon 😅 Enjoy and stay safe always 😊
thank you so much Kate ❤️❤️
I am so happy I discovered your channel. I was born in Slovakia and now living in USA. I left many years ago, but I want to return. I always enjoy watching anything about my beautiful country. I want to return and retire early there. Thank you for showing the world our beautiful Slovakia in such a positive way. Your Slovak is really great! I am impressed.
Thank you Martina 💚
Thanks for the video. I have cousins in Ruzomberok and haven’t been there since 2000.
welcome! hope you get to visit the place again, someday!
Krásne pozitívne video plné milých úsmevov. Ďakujem.
Aj ja ďakujem
Your videla are best for excercising English :) I can understand all what you are saying. Thank you 🌿
Not videla but VIDEOS (i am sorry, mobile autocorrector)
Thank you 😊
Slovensko je krásne a keď sa vyberieš do Tatier jeden deň ti nebude stačiť 😊,,, robíš to naozaj dobre že takto ukazujes túto krajinu celému svetu,,,
Ďakujem ,už sa tešim na Tatry .⛰🏔⛰😉
I love this video. I was so proud. I live in Ružomberok, so I know Vlkolínec very well. I saw that there was some new sculptures, so I have to visit it again. If I were a foreigner I definitely have to see this place. You were so nice and excited as you talked about this place. Also cute when you pronounce that Slovak words😅. I finally have one piece of advice for you. visit some salaš in Liptov and ask about the just cooked žinčica. It will still be hot and sweet and with lumps of cheese. you will definitely like it😉.
I will add that on my list, thanks a lot for your recommendation 😉😉
Takto mám žinčicu rád i ja , keď je čerstvá sladká a ešte teplá
Awww you are so sweet! You made me smile! :) enjoy Slovakia! ❤️
Thank you 😊
💖Very beautiful place couz..
Love yah
Take care always 😇
you are so cute.... your husband should be proud of you...
Oh my gosh! My favorite place to visit when we go to the mountains! There is a village where my family comes from called Vychodna who has a huuuge folk fest every year. It's a big event and I hope you get to experience it one day!
Vážně bych si teď dala halušky. 😂
Hey someone recommended your channel to me, lovin the vids!
Thank you ✌🏽
Ahoj! Ja som z Ružomberka a na Vlkolínec chodím často. V lete na bicykli hoci aj každý druhý víkend. Je tam nádherne. Mala si šťastie, že tam zrovna neboli turisti. Niekedy, hlavne keď sú nejaké slávnosti (napríklad spomínaná Nedeľa na Vlkolínci), tak je tam veľmi veľa ľudí. V tej galérii som pred pár rokmi vystavoval a predával svoje olejomaľby Vlkolínca. Teraz je už asi zavretá, keďže je ten koronavírus. Som rád, že sa ti Vlkolínec páčil a dúfam, že sa tam ešte niekedy vrátiš. Salaš Krajinka je super. Chodievam si tam kupovať skvelé, domáce, údené syry, takzvané "oštiepky". U nás na Liptove varíme najlepšie bryndzové halušky. Tu snáď ani nenatrafíš na reštauráciu, kde by ich uvarili zle. Oravský hrad je tiež nádherný. Určite sa ti bude tiež páčiť. A určite doporučujem Vysoké Tatry. Budeš z nich nadšená! 😉
Ahoj , ďakujem za koment. 💚✌🏽
Žinčica dobrá, ale ešte lepšia borovička - to pak priamo cítim voňu lesa 😂👍 Pozdravy z 🇨🇿
Krásne ❤️
aj Banskú Štiavnicu príďte pozrieť, ale treba aspoň 2-3 dni ...už sa dá aj kupať v tajchoch, voda mala už 21 stupňov
Ďakujem 😉
Nádherné ....ďakujem
Krčah, maybe you tried to say Črpák what is exactly what you described. Krčah is made from ceramics ;)
Mila Kimberly. Dakujem Vam I vasmu milemu manzelovi , ktory je aj velmi- sikovny kameraman- za prekrasne aj zabavne videa. Ste ako slniecko aj super inspiracia , je radost vas vidiet aj pocut Aj vasu konverzaciu s manzelom. .Zakazdym prinesiete dobru naladu. Ako vsetci Filipinci,. Pozitivni, sympaticki a asi najmilsi ludia akych som v zivote stretla. Vase videa preposielam pribuznymi I priatelom, ktori ziju v zahranici- pre spomienku aj pre reklamu. Este raz srdecna vdaka a vsetko najlepsie vam obom.
Aspoň ďakujem bolo pekne
Tam som bol 😁 majú tam výbornú tatársku omáčku domácu 👍👍
Krásne video 😉😉🤗🤗
Ďakujem 🙋🏽♀️
Kimberly skvelý výber miesta na potulky, Vlkolinec je naozaj nádherný aj s celou svojou prírodnou scenériou. Žinčica ťa nemusí trápiť, na jej chuť som si dodnes nezvykla, ale na halušky sa mi už teraz zbiehaju slinky. Slovensko je krásne, tak nech sa ti u nás páči.
Ďakujem Ľubica 💚
I dont like zincica either it s very strong. But I like acidko or kefir. Nice video keep it up🔥🔥
Thank you so much for sharing your life with the world, Kim 😃 I’ve been binge-watching your videos and really enjoyed them. I have tried finding vlogs about bookshops or stationery store in Bratislava but to no avail, if by any chance you could make a video and show where to find nice journaling stuff and vintage books, that would be lovely, thank you 🥰
I hope I can meet you when I visit Slovakia 🇸🇰
- Warm regards from Indonesia 🇮🇩😀
Thanks a lot, glad you are enjoying my videos! I will try find some in Bratislava. 😊
Hi, this video made smile on my face (also a few tears came down because of memories), I was living in Ružomberok few years ago and once I got really crazy idea to go to the Vlkolínec by foot 🙈 I went alone and it was longer walk than I expected, but these views were amazing (I walked from Ružomberok across the Vlkolinske lúky - Vlkolínec meadows and I saw whole city, Liptovská Mara and High Tatras), it was something unbelievable 😍 But way back I went by bus, so I went through the forrest - it was some kind of shortcut to high way to outskirts of town (some guy at the gallery said me about it) and this shortcut was like fairly tale, everything were so so green, little stream flowing around tiny path, trees felt around... I really recommend this way for hike 👌 I took maybe 3 hours, but I was sitting many times and enjoyed the scenery, so it can be less 😇
Wow thank you for the tips Žofia! For sure I will come back there and try to see that Lúky 💚💚
k zincici sa da dopracovat cez kefir (ten je z kravskeho mlieka), halusky potom chutia lepsie (ak su zapijane kyslym mliekom / ja zapijam aj obycajnym plnotucnyma niekto zvykne dat miesto zincice na halusky kyslu smotanu ako nahrada zincice).
a velke plus je, ze si dostala k haluskam lyzicu.
este lepsie je z drevenej misky a drevenou lyzicou.
Krajinka TOP :)
Je to lepšie ako s hypermarketu a je to originálne práve.
What a beautiful place 👍👍❤❤
I like your videos. You have it nicely done. Try to visit the Manínska tiesňava. Very nice place. And near Súľovské skaly ;) I recommend :)
Ďakujem ✌🏽
Hi kim nice video keep up good work. Travel safe 👍
Thank you Jakub 💚
Táto tyč za mnou sa volá Máj😄😄
Hi Kim, nice video. You don't have to be afraid of a little pony. They are mild and kind animals. I wish you another great experiences from trips around Slovakia. Greetings from Czechia. Michal
Ha ha ha thank you . Wish to travel more 💚.
Beautiful cap with Cicmany decoration pattern :-)
Thank you 😊💚
Try to Visit Slovak village museum ať Zuberec next time. It's gorgeous asi well....👍
thank you! I will 🙂
Terchová is also beautiful. You could go there too. I highly recommend it. And by the way great video
Thank you so much 😊
You are welcome
hi, guys. slovakia has a lot of lovely places like this to offer. i recommend you to visit špania dolina
Je krásne vidieť Slovensko očami takej milej osôbky z úplne iného sveta. A ver mi, že tých nádherných zákutí je u nás oveľa viac. Aj takých, o ktorých turistický sprievodcovia nepíšu. Robíš Slovensku úžasnú reklamu. Lepšiu, ako mnohí z nás. Vďaka.
Ďakujem pekne 😊.
Kim,dalsie krasne video👍Z kazdeho slova pocut,ako mas rada nase krasne Slovensko a mnohi Slovaci by sa mohli od Teba ucit.Este si zvyknes na zincicu a mozes kandidovat na prezidentku.👍😉
Ďakujem ! Už som si zamilovala tresku možno si zvyknem aj na žinčicu . 😂😂😂
@@ChasingKimberly Neboj,zvyknes si a na zincici je najlepsie to,ze Ti zlepsi aj kondiciu 😂
salas krajinka si amazing, i was there alerdy :) we have many like this one in slovakia :)
Yes 👌🏽😉
Kudoz to the location and video. Beautiful. Good job.
P. S. Ask your husband to get you a mic, dont ruin your vids with bad audio. (it is mainly inconsistent volume that your vids suffer from)
you become famous step by step :D
Don't think so 😄.
I believe that even among Slovak people, žinčica is the type of drink that one either loves or hates... nothing in between... btw, Salaš Krajinka is one of my favourite restaurants when I travel across the country. ✌🏻
Salaš Krajinka is great, nice food and good view!
Toprý ten pani koza,ako sa máte ? ✌👌👍😂
What a lovely place! It's been added to my "it's a must" list.
Are there similar places in the Philippines? Like heritage...
Great video, lots of fun again. ☺️👍
P.S. I love bryndza but I don't like žinčica. Beer is much better than žinčica. 🍺
Though rumours say žinčica is very healthy. 🤔
Hmm I think there are but not as well preserved as Vlkolinec 😄
Hello Kimberly, I visited Vlkolinec two years ago. It was a very beautiful place, I really liked it too. It looked like they were either building or rebuilding one of the wooden houses on the main hill at the time. If I remember correctly, there was an animal area there. Perhaps it wasn't open to the public yet when you visited. I've also been to Cicmany. Love that village! I love Slovakia. It's too made that visitors don't usually go further than Bratislava.
I didn't see the animal area though sawots of chicken, probably owned by residents there 😂😂 Slovakia is more than just Bratislava, it's a shame that some tourists don't know it but I think Slovakia is such a beautiful country and has so much to offer 😊
There was a time when I did not eat at all - and drank only žinčica and worked hard. A couple of months - from may to august. And I was not hungry at all. A litre, litre and half, of žinčica a day and you can do anything. And hriatô - as a starter :c)
Yaaaaaaaaaaassssss my most Favorite Food, Slovak Gnocchi with sheep cheese is famous!!! >:3 🤤🥰💖😋😋
Ku Haluskam je dobra aj domaca kapusta, taka nalozena zo suda
Áno strapačky tiež mám rada 😋💚.
Hej ked budes mat niekedy nabuduce cestu okolo rimavskej soboty daj nejak vediet. Dam ti na ochutnanie domace pivo od stareho pivovarnika. Nieje to uplne gemer ale velmi blizko chutovo. Som zvedavy co poviete
Bolo by fajn keby ste viac využívali hromadnú dopravu v kombinácii napríklad s bicyklom. Je to rovnako pohodlné a ešte aj lacnejšie.
Ja som bola v Ružomberku na výlete na šesť dní. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰Prvý deň som bola Vlkolínci druhý deň som bola na túre potom som bola v Bešeňovej na celý deň. Potom som bola na lanovke v Tatrach 🤩🤩😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊😊
Určite krásny výlet Sofia . Som rada za teba 💚💚💚
Ďakujem 🥰🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊😊
Odporucam Vysoké tatry
Ďakujem ,určite pôjdem .
Treskaaaa a 10 rožkov hahah that's what I'm missing in Manila now :(
haha yes! my favourite is the red one 😂
omg i am from ružomberok! :)♥
yes! beautiful place ❤️
Hi Kimberly. So you finally visited place where I come from.
So how did you like Lower Liptov?
I have born in Ruzomberok I guess on your way to Oravsky podzamok you passed through village I used to live.
Vlkolinec is nice place and you have no people there.
I'm surprised Dano didn't drive on Banska Bystrica it's better than way on Martin, and you can pass Donovaly. Maybe next time.
Best halusky you make at home when you know how.
Zincica honestly don't like it.
Looking forward to see your video from Orava.
Your Slovak is getting better, Dano should help you more😁.
Have great weekend, greetings from NYC.
thanks Vlado! I like Ruzomberok a lot, so many great places to see. I will surely come back and explore it more. We were there for only one day and it was not enough 😂
@@ChasingKimberly Yea one day is lot of stuff to do you are like Japanese or American turist bin there, don that. When you go North you need bit time so maybe you can take weekend stay overnight and finish the trip. As I said Dano should drive on Banska Bystrica, you can see Pribilina skanzem and also on Liptovsky Svaty Kriz you can see Lutheran church builder without nails it gorgeous timber structure. But thats enough from me. I'm very happy you had chance to finally got chance to go North, see heart of Slovakia, they are many nice places there you need time to explore it. But little by little no need to rush. Covid going slowly away and I'm hoping Slovaks getting vaccinated I know there is hard Slovakia is like little village everybody see into your pots.
If I ever be able to come back home, will show you how to make Liptov style halusky and also pirohy, but Dano should know how to doit.
So all the best to my Philipino Slovenka you making me so proud, you doing the best job for that country I'm surprised nobody from government didn't see it, you should be working there on departments of travel instead of all the nuts they having in government now.
God bless you have great rest of the weekend 🤗🇵🇭🇸🇰🇵🇭🤗♥️
I don't like žinčica either. I can't drink žinčica separately. But I can drink žinčica when I eat halušky. (Halušky zapíjam žinčicou - I don't know how to translate "zapíjať" :D ). Did you drink that žinčica or Danko had to?
my mom-in-law was with us and she gladly finished mine hahaha 😂😂
WOW... you have visited my home town (Ruzomberok)... :D ...I hope you liked it. I grew up in between of those mountains.
I was smelling my computer by watching it. :DDD
BTW. I love sour milk... I don't understand what is bad about it. For me it is much more refreshing than the normal milk. And I would die for one plate of "Zemiakové pyrohy". Not long time ago I was able to eat 20 of them in one session. (I am still the skiny one :D )
hahaha for starter, I am not fan of drinking milk maybe that's why I didn't like žinčica. 😂 and pirohy, omg, if Halušky is not too heavy I would order it too. I love pirohy as well. But maybe next time when I come back 🤔
@@ChasingKimberly Yeah... maybe that is the case... I am drinking milk nearly every day.
zájdi si tam v zime, keď tam bude meter snehu ;) Podobné miesto je skanzen vo Vychylovke a folklórne slávnosti bývajú vo Východnej.
Ďakujem ✌🏽
Hmm... Žinčica could be served as "fresh"/"sweet" or "sour"... And as for bryndza, I would say, best bryndza should definitely not be "creamy" ;-) ... btw. best bryndzove halušky are homemade one... ideal without added milk and cream... just potato dumplings mixed with bryndza and crispy bacon AND fresh chopped chive on top ;)
have you ever tried kefír or sour milk? I love them, as I have lactosis intolerance and this is one of few kinds of milk goods my stomach is not upset from... but žinčica, I don't like either
Ďakujem Kimberly, toto video som si vážne užil a celé. Zvuk bol oveľa, oveľa lepší. Ešte to chce kravatový mikrofón keď si ďalej od kamery a bude to dokonalé.
Veri Nice video kim I like your RUclips chanel ❤️👍🥰 dal by som si halušky.
ďakujem 💚💚
Môžeš prísť aj do Kežmarku 😀
treska :-) you're ours already :-)
No Horalky this time? I am outraged 🙂
Thanks for the video, i feel hungry now 🤤
PS: try not drink žinčica alone, eat some halušky and drink žinčica with it. Maybe you like it more.
Didn't know I should do drink žinčica like that! okay maybe next time I will try 🤔
o5 super video 🙂
Ďakujem ✌🏽
Mila kim hasusky su the best,treska is good,ale horalky nesmu chybat, co ta zahradka?
😄 Spravím čoskoro video aj o záhradke opäť . 🌱🌱🌱
I said you can do a guide over Slovakia Kim. I was never been there!
really?! you have to go, it's really nice 😊
Treba si uvedomiť, že naozaj nieje žintica, ako žintica. Ja som už pil lahodnú a krémovú, ale aj starú a horkú.
Ahoj , výlety po dedinách sú pekné ale ešte krajšie by bolo keby si išla na nejakú túru do našich hôr . Odporúčam Jánošíkove diery a následne na veľký rozsutec
Áno Jánošikové diery už mám na zozname .👌🏽😉
@@ChasingKimberly poznám jeden kanál ktorí robia videa z hôr . Bolo by fajn ak by si sa ku ním pridala a tým pádom by ste si navzájom mohli zdvihnúť sledovanosť 😊 kanál sa vola liptáci 😁😁
krajinka means landscape, land scenery, countryside,.., krajnica means roadside
Yes 🤭
Ahoj Kim viem ti odporučiť dve nádherné miesta. Prvé miesto je dunajec plavba na plti po tejto rieke je to nádherné ale treba tam ísť iba keď je pekné počasie, lebo keď je daždivé počasie plte nepremávajú, lebo vtedy má rieka veľmi silný prúd a ďalšie miesto sú Dedinky ale na to si musíš vziať dobrú trackovú obuv aj keď na vrchol sa dá dostať aj lanovkou, ale to by si prišla o ten zážitok a hneď kúsok od Dedinky je Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa to už len tak pre zaujímavosť, keď budete tam že ešte aj tam môžete zavítať :) Ak sa mi podarí prísť v septembri na SK tak idem si dať track z Dukly do BA trasou Cesty hrdinov SNP predstavuje to asi do 30 dní chôdze a okolo 760 Km chôdze cez celé Slovensko. Normálne sa tento track začína 29 augusta, kedy červená armáda prenikla po troch mesiacoch ťažkých bojov na Dukle na Slovensko a postupne začala oslobodzovať Slovensko z pod nadvlády fašizmu. To je také malé historické okienko :D
Ďakujem za tip 😉. Veľa šťastia s túrou 🙋🏽♀️.
Aj ja som bola vo Vlkolínci s celou rodinou krásny zážitok a tiez som si dala bryndzové halušky, milujem ich. Slovensko je krásne a ty to každím videom ukazuješ nielen ľuďom v zahraničí ale aj nám... Ďakujem.
Btw po každom videu by som chcela ísť tam kde ty 🤣😭🇸🇰
@@ChasingKimberly jej ďakujem za ❤️si jedna z mojich naj yt
Ahoj Kimberly aj ja chcem takú ženu ako si ty čo mám preto spraviť musím ísť na Filipíny?Si úžasná slovenky sa na teba nechytajú.Porad mi .
Are you in Slovakia happy? How long do you live in Slovakia? Nice video👍
Very happy 😊
Hi, could you tell us more about the skin whitening culture in Philippines? I just saw a document by Undercover Asia and it was really interesting and I'm curious if it's really that common and if you know somebody, who took it up to extreme levels
Ďalší výlet prosím Drahovce
Nemáme to tu dosť pekné ale máme tu 400 ročný strom a v minulosti pekné jazero bolo extra nádherné skoro ako more a super pizzu mňam
Jazerám hovoríme trochu rasisticky: pod cigánom a vedľa je menšie tomu hovoríme: malí cigán
are Slovakia chips still made in Czech republic ?
Probably 😉
žinčicu nemám rád, volám ju "fast food" rýchlo príde a rýchlo odíde.
Presnejší výraz by som pre žinčicu asi nenašiel. 👍
I keď v skutočnosti neviem, ako žinčica funguje, pretože ju nepijem.
Asi piješ veľa :-) Mňa z nej ešte neprehnalo a chutí mi, k haluškám alebo vareným zemiakom s cibuľkou hmm... hneď by som si dal.
Kuzlo v tom si ju spravne osolit
Určite sa choďte pozrieť aj na nádrž Čierny Váh. Pohľad odtiaľ za to stojí. A určite si zoberte so sebou korčule ;)
Kim, mám už cez 70rokov, mám rada bryndzové halušky, pirohy a nátierku, ale ochutnať žinčicu som sa ešte neodvážila. A neviem či to niekedy skúsim. Si jednotka!
😄 Ďakujem
Lubomira Hajduova Hi Lubomira, there are two kinds of zincica ! Sweet and sour ! Maybe, you will like sweet zincica, better, instead ! Give a try ! Thank you ! 💚🌹👍🙂. Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Ahoj ! Tvoj oznam mi preložila vnučka, Tá sladká žinčica - urda je tiež pre mňa málo lákavá. Ale hádam to predsa len skúsim.
@@lubomirahajduova2751 Hi Lubomira, here I'm again ! Will you please, tell me, what kind of spread ( natierka, natierku, natierky ) , you like ??? 💚🌹🥣🙂👍🇸🇰🇺🇸 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Poznám len jeden recept na bryndzovú nátierku. Vy ho nepoznáte ?
Bryndza, maslo , červená mletá sladká paprika a na jemno posekaná mladá cibuľka .
Kimberly, spravili ste chybu. Ked ste boli vo Vlkolinci, mali ste pokracovat hore dedinou a dat si neviem, ak si dobre pametam cca 30-40 minutovy vyslap na Vlkolinske luky. Tam by sa vam tajil dych. Pre mna jedno z najkrajsich miest vobec.
😱 Musím vyskúšať nabudúce .
I like your videos as they make me homesick and I can also show them to Japanese when I want to show them something from Slovakia in English. Damn…been away from home since 2017 and haven’t seen anyone from my family for over 2.5 year now. But mostly, I miss halusky! :D
I'm glad you are liking my videos 😊 maybe someday your Japanese friends geet to visit Slovakia too!
Adam Matejovic Hi Adam, you can make your own halusky . It's very easy to make ! Instead of bryndza, just use, feta cheese ! Me and all my family members we are enjoying eating halusky all the time ! And all of us, we agreed, that, feta cheese taste better than bryndza ! Because, it is stronger, in taste ! Feta cheese is sheep cheese and is very healthy ! Enjoy !!! Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Uz ste asi moc dlho zo Slovenska prec, lebo syr feta a bryndza je uplne ina chut. Podla mna je lepsia na chut bryndza, feta je skor tvaroh taky nijaky, slany. Ale ked vam to chuti, nic proti tomu. :-)
@@j4uznev1mc0 Hi uznev, there are, many kinds of feta cheeses, available. I don't really like most of them ! They're all dry blocks, or dry crumbled of feta cheeses . Mine and my family's favorite brand, is " Vigo " feta cheese! Please, research the " Vigo " brand ! Thank you ! 💚👍🤠* Jerry.🗽
Ahoj how are you to čau?
Žinčica v črpáku vo štvrtok na salaši - the ultimate slovak.