Beauties of Islam - Predestination (Sheikh Yusuf Estes)

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • Support us on Patreon: / digitalmimbar "Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on HudaTV. Twentieth episode: Date of episode: 12-January-09 Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: www. TheM...
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Комментарии • 33

  • @loxy777
    @loxy777 13 лет назад +6

    i love the way he speaks

  • @ReturnOfJackDawson
    @ReturnOfJackDawson 11 лет назад +10

    Yesterday, I lost the woman I loved. We both agreed to see each other one last time, and split apart, because we were fighting a lot. I am so sad in my heart, so sad in my soul, is she not my destiny? Oh Allah! Put her back on my path when we will be ready to live a life together. Amen.

  • @liverpoool4lyf
    @liverpoool4lyf 12 лет назад +11

    Everything is written for you, both the good and the bad. The thing is, it is totally up to you which route you take. So in your example, you could steal from a shop which may have been written for you. But you could chose to give to charity, which may have been written for you. The one you chose to take is up to you. I use to think that way too until i asked someone and got some guidance.

  • @nafism6969
    @nafism6969 14 лет назад +13

    islam is truely and utterly gorgeous.

  • @roses11100
    @roses11100 10 лет назад +9

    thanskyou so much yusef estes i love ur talks very much and really appreciate all your knowledge as i find you very clear to understand ....compared to some other preachers so thank you ever so much you have been a great improvement to my deen may Allah bless you and reward to highly .... salamualaikum

  • @pr0master
    @pr0master 13 лет назад +3

    Who was reciting koran in the beginning? beautiful! Can someone help me out?

  • @MsSeekingtruth
    @MsSeekingtruth 15 лет назад +1

    All praise and glory be to Allah

  • @mralhadi1
    @mralhadi1 11 лет назад

    Since its a simply a translation from the arabic word for pronunciation purposes, you can use either, with a reference to the arabic word, I hope this helps.

  • @janellecameron2130
    @janellecameron2130 11 лет назад +4

    I need help with spelling! I'm not Muslim or know much about the religion, but I'm taking a class that's teaching me about it. But I don't know how to spell any of the Arabic words he's using, like kadar (?) or kadur (?) I just can't quite tell. If anyone could help, that'd be great!

  • @October31st1517
    @October31st1517 13 лет назад +2

    What is the difference between Islamic predestination from Christian Predestination?

  • @MsSeekingtruth
    @MsSeekingtruth 15 лет назад +1

    This is why we have free choice to chose whether or not we believe in God and what God has said to us. Islam is beautiful, All praise and glory be to Allah

  • @bahar6979
    @bahar6979 11 лет назад +6

    how can anyone have their own intentions if Allah already planned and know ones intentions

  • @Omer7
    @Omer7 15 лет назад +1

    this actually makes sense, Allah makes it clear that the purpose of like is to worship him. He doesnt say its to find out if you love him or not because he already knows. The answer why he created us if we already know is, we dont know. That is a reason that only Allah knows and maybe beyond our understanding

  • @spozhmaiH
    @spozhmaiH 14 лет назад +3

    let me give u an example bro,
    v r all in a class and the teacher at the end of the yr will decide weather v will go to university or not because HE knows if u can good enough for uni or not, ok?
    now some pple will compain if they didnt make it right?
    because how does the teacher know for exact that v cant go through uni,
    so for this v have exams, if u pass them then u can go and if u dont then u fail
    then u cant complain of y u didnt make it

  • @solitair1
    @solitair1 15 лет назад

    I heard it somewhere that it's not called Free Will but more accurate to call it Free Choice. I htink what it means by that, is that God created us with brain and to choose right from wrong but we don't have much power on ourselves as free will means. We cannot have free will to make our heart stop or our thought stop or stop breating or stop blinking our eyes. It's more free choice than free will and Allah knows best.

  • @overcastx3
    @overcastx3 10 лет назад +8

    sorry, but how does that work? we are punished for things God planned for us to do, but it's fair because that was how we would behave anyway? but didn't God also design our behaviors? he created every part of us, right?

  • @grandmasterqz
    @grandmasterqz 14 лет назад +1

    in essense is the Skeikh saying that the world of matter, us as bodily beings and desires is pre-destined but our intentions (niyah) aren't?

  • @abdulwasaykhan6984
    @abdulwasaykhan6984 9 лет назад +2


  • @RealName007
    @RealName007 15 лет назад +7

    Allah is the most compassionate the most merciful. if you have made mistakes in your life and lived your life in a bad way and you truly repent Allah will forgive you. But if you have heard the truth and you still choose not to belive and you deny Allah existence then the only place that person deserves to be is in hell, simple logical thinking. Selam / Peace

  • @cameroonbeauty4ever
    @cameroonbeauty4ever 13 лет назад +1


  • @Emograin
    @Emograin 15 лет назад +1

    see, there are two kind of disbelievers. the ones who just arent informed and dont bother to learn something about their creator. And then you have the type of person, who literally fights against Islam and disobeys his Creator with full commitment. the first person can change his mind, the second wont. We are all responsable for our character. you can change yourself whenever you want. Allah knows your Character best. If His judgement is, that you dont deserve to be guided, then its sadly over

  • @Emograin
    @Emograin 15 лет назад

    that is totaly right. most of the religions dont fight if there does exist a god. the disagreement comes along with the understanding of god. and who knows better then god himself? :)

  • @Emograin
    @Emograin 15 лет назад +1

    apart from the fact, that you finally mentioned 2 kind of believers and not just one, I have to correct you. There is indeed the kind of believer, who doesnt know anything about his religion, but declares himself a muslim because of his family. but then there is the believer, who has studied his religion and comes to the inevitable conclusion that there must exist God. I didnt refer to you in my explanation, cause I dont know you. Its just my general point of view.

  • @juliolaredo2307
    @juliolaredo2307 11 лет назад +2

    so allah knew about my stroke? and this makes me accept god?

  • @Emograin
    @Emograin 15 лет назад +1

    Allah s.w.a. speaks of the disbelievers, the wrongdoers. They don´t deserve to be guided, because they chose voluntarily to not believe in Allahs word, the quran. And if you dont seek Allahs guidance through prayer and through submission to Allah, you wont be helped by Allah. Its like a trade (61:10): you believe in Allahs revelation, and Allah will guide you, so you wont be one of the disbelievers, who will be punished in the hereafter.

  • @infinity2012shelter
    @infinity2012shelter 14 лет назад

    I am a predestinaria in another word a kudareian if there is such a word. I HAD a vision at age eight or near that for the vision was forgotten un,till I was ten. THE vision was that of a glowing man who spoke through his eyes into mine one thing he planted in my mine was predestination IT was to much for me to understand that was the reason I could not remember it.FOR two years. Now nearly fifty years have passed from the day of my memory of it.

  • @armanazuki08
    @armanazuki08 15 лет назад +2

    to omer7,....
    yes,...intention matter,....but,.for example,...
    u wannted to steal a car,....if allah doesnt want it to happen,...even the car wasnt unlock,logically it will be easy to steal rite??
    if allah doesnt want it to happen, will not,n u will not succeed,....
    its the concept of qadaq and qadr,...
    may this can help u,...assalamualakm

  • @Omer7
    @Omer7 15 лет назад

    I dont understand, if our intentions matter most, wouldn't allah swt know what it'd be? for instance, allah knows Ill steal a car so he also knows what my intentions will be.

  • @synch1216
    @synch1216 15 лет назад

    I'm going according to what the man said in the video.
    Predestination and Free Will cannot exist at once. Its either one or the other.
    It doesn't matter if we don't know what will happen in the future or what we decide because God is already controlling everything like machines, making the decisions for us, and even influencing our emotions.
    If Islam believes in Predestination from a God that is Separate from His "creations" then we might as well give up trying to live righteous.

  • @cowtipper222
    @cowtipper222 11 лет назад

    kadar Vs kadr

  • @synch1216
    @synch1216 15 лет назад +1

    You are missing out on the Will of God. God is not just all-knowing but also All-Powerful. Remember, no project of his can go wrong. Everything goes exactly as planned. Everything.
    Islam makes no sense if this is true.
    The only way it would be able to make sense is if You were Allah, Yourself. Or if Allah were All That Is (Including Yourself).

  • @spozhmaiH
    @spozhmaiH 14 лет назад

    bt in this case God knows exactly if v r goin 2 heaven/hell
    if he just put u 2 heaven & me 2 hell, obviously i will complain of Him not beign a fair Judge as as v know He is the most JUST
    thus there is a test,life =intention
    if u end up in hell u wll know exactly y u ended up there, just like u know y u cant go to uni, u failed the test
    wen u read the conversation in heaven and hell u will notice that they dont comaplin of y they r in hell, cause they know the reason of y there r there

  • @Emograin
    @Emograin 15 лет назад

    And I surely dont want to get involved in a discussion whether their exist a god or not and whether the islam is true or not, because I dont see any benefit in this discussion. everybody should deal with this issue and decide for himself.