It's just not mechanically demanding, once you got the macro down the gameplay becomes plain unless you play some niche picks that have a different approach from the usual
Brother spear i love ur vids but u had 3 winning lanes tho but u did good thing is you fall off while top and mid are levels beyond you and so you cant do anything
Well, i am not a jungler (though i somewhat picked it up recently coz i fcking love playing briar) , but i can tell, jungle isnt easiest role, its the most coinflippy one of all. Even the best junglers can underperform on it, while the worst can overperform, because jungle is reliant on situations on the map. You may be best jungler, planning excelent gank top with immaculate pathing only to see your top dying 1v1 5 sec before you reach him and enemy getting away. On the other hand, you can be absolute garbage jungler, but accidentaly be in right place at the right time and changing the entire game in your team favour, gaining 4 kills and drake for your team. Solo laners have to be careful about 3 players (junglers and enemy top laner), while junglers have to follow actions of literally every player on map and respond accordingly (only to then fail anyway, because you cant predict anyones action, let alone entire game). TLDR jungle is coinflipping and it doesnt really matter how good you are at it, bronze can beat challanger and vice versa.
I think top & mid just create the best players in the game. As a support main, I’m excited when a mid or top player gets filled ADC cause they understand how to play around wave states, they understand lv 2 fights, & are just better at spacing. I think jungling is extremely difficult to learn, but how good it makes you as an individual player leaves much to be desired
@@glenndiddy you miss the point, he sucked bad at jungling and was actually still useful even at 1/4 because the role is actually easy and broken. go 1/4 top or mid or go 1/4 as adc with no hands supp and see if you have any impact on the game. Also this game proves alot, 3m point GM heca main losing objectives to autofilled feeding pantheon.
@@cahn2003 yes, amy role can still be useful at 1/4. Look at bausffs going 0-8-1 and still contributing to the game. Every single tank and enchanter support is also useful regardless of score. Control mages are also always useful regardless. Adc is a bit tougher, but depending on your champion you can still contribute a lot. Everyone can contribute while behind that's called getting carried. It's not like the team was doing bad, mostly it was just spear doing bad early. So when it turned to midgame when the line between jungle and laner gets blurred he started doing better. Crazy how the jungle part was bad, but the part that's more similar to his usual role went well
@@glenndiddy baus is useful because, normally, with all his deaths he creates an advantage for himself. so while he has 0 kills on the scoreboard, he likely has around 12-15kills worth of gold just from towers, minions, plates and so on over the enemy top.
@@cahn2003 I honestly can't remember how it was laat year, but in the current meta you cannot take dragons without prio from bot and mid. You can try to set up prio, but it's still fully up to the laner to create a dragon timer
Maybe in higher elo because a laner understands the macro needed by 70%, but that is NOT the case in lower elo where nobody understands SHIT but junglers about macro
This makes absolutely no sense. If junglers understand more about macro than low elo laners, then why are those junglers in low elo? You can easily climb with just macro and decent mechanics, because that's the impact of jungling. The macro knowledge is about even if you're truly in the rank you belong in.
I don't think jungle is easier, jungle is just more impactful. Once you have the knowledge, you feel like its easier because you have a lot more impact in your hands. As a top laner you can still impact with a nice split push. But you need to reach a state of the game in order to do so unlike jungle.
Played as a jungler, helped bot lane get a headstart, midlaner is losing. Helps midlane, toplaner starts losing. Helps toplane, botlane gave up the lead i gave them and starts losing. Goes back bot to help them again, adc got the double kill and immediately recall even after I pinged drake.Starts dragon alone, drake got stolen after a smite battle, and the adc spams the question mark and starts blaming and using slurs, "useless jg" .. Being a jungler is fun
The opponent jungler also has more impact, therefore your skill compared to the enemy junglers is the most important part of a lol game.@@alexalexdu37390
Jungle is hard, but you have a better knowledge than most lane players on how to rotate and look for picks. Putting you on pantheon while playing jungle is just a natural extension of what you already do. So yeah, for you? is' a natural transition.
This was actually hilarious. Good job man. Jungle can be played with 2 hours of sleep and a big toe. Jungle used to be so stupidly difficult because clearing camps would take so long. These days you spam shit over and over and over and leave with full HP. Thats just how the game evolved. I remember having to do ganks at 20% hp all the time way back, these days most ganks are full health CC fiestas under a tower. Can't say i like jungle anymore.
Jungler is just completely different from any laning role. I couldnt say whats easier or harder its just vastly different. You roam the whole map as does your opponent therefore tracking is much harder than when your in lane. Also farming is a bitch as a jungler. You need to be top clearing speed or else youll be behind fast. You have your team constantly pinging you, affecting your decision making. You need to know when to listen and when to ignore . You dictate which objectives are taken. Anyone on the team can die except you whe taking objectives. When the game gets rough as a laner you can play safe and just farm. You really dont have that option as a jungler, youll just be giving an advantage to the enemy team.
Bro him calculating how MAD the maphite is and assuming WRONGLY that he wasn't that mad. Only to be proven wrong by the god dam Avengers that literally manifested/teleported/Dashed instantly to punish him. I haven't laughed like that the entire week.
I have been panth jungling for awhile and my friends doubted it and would ask whether Spear Shot plays panth in jungle so now I can show them this video :)
@@abelboronkai448 obviously hes saying its loud relative to spears voice so he cant just turn down the volume lol, i kinda agree with him the music did feel a bit loud in some moments but it wasnt too bad overall
TBH Tyler1 already proved how stupidly broken jungle is, and how elo inflating it is. Dude was stuck at D1 as adc, swapped to jg, hit challenger in one season.
@@shanemaxwell1784 I have played all 5 roles in the game bro. I mainly main adc and jg. Adc is far more easier then Jungle. While top is harder for me since i don't play top. Mid is a cakewalk. I don't play mid much either. While support is kind of meh. As a jungler your success depends on you team more then any other role. Like sometime mofo will just won't even budge when i gank. Pantheon is easy champ to gank with but it gets harder when you play champs like Kayn who does not has hard cc or dmg early game. Also, I did get Mr 7 on Pantheon in 3 days my fastest Mr 7 of any champ so that is something.
@@shanemaxwell1784 ? he legit had to play 2.5k games AND he was on a fresh acc. if jg was so elo inflated, then why did it take the most amount of games for him to hit chally? he hit chally on all 5 roles and yet you are singling at jungle. that's actually hilarious. i would LOVE for you to hit chally jg since it's so "elo inflated". lmfao
Good toplaners know macro and pay attention to early jg pathing, and thats 50% of the jungle the first 15 min. Then you can add the clear timers, the matchup experience, the little things. Good top laner can be good junglers, and junglers can be okay top laners if they learn wave managment. I think they're alike roles, more than the other 3.
Thing is you are right with most u said about us junglers (except that camps past lvl 4 are worthless compared to lane exp and that smite untill the upgrade means basically having no second sum) The big problem is if we dont btch around helping us you get the super fed smite buffed high leveled impact everywhere monster on the other team.
Jungle literally requires understanding the flow of the game, lane match ups, being at the right place at the right time, etc. But sure, lets pretend that the role that has to constantly be going around the map assisting the team is the easiest role and not support who doesn't even have to really do anything. Edit: Plays jungler so positioning doesn't even matter since he has an ult that just lets him be there, check. Plays early game bully so he can do w/e check. Plays against a dogwater jungler check. Now jungle 5 more games and lets see how that goes.
non-jungle mains don't understand this. they think all jglers do is farm camps and walk to lanes to gank. like high-elo decent jglers legit have to track enemy jg, take certain paths depending on enemy jg, decide where to path depending on the matchup (volatility of lanes), kite camps to minimize time spent (eh, this becomes easy af later on, but there's still so many shitters who can't do this), get objectives, and maintain vision control. like lmfao i would love to see all these kids who say "jg is so easy" to queue up ranked for 30 games and send their winrate/kda. gl trying to learn everything
Bro mains top were the slightest mistake can cost the whole lane. In jg you can mess up your ganks any number of times and still have farm unless the enemy team actively trys to invade but when they DO invade whether you fk up your ganks or not your team is what dictates who wins that, not the jglers themselves. Jg is forgiving compared to toplane but if you got a trash team you dont get a safe lane to farm in or any farm at all in some cases. A RNjesus role that only can really carry the game if the lanes are even is what jg is. All that goes out the window with coordination though, its only soloque that the above applies to.
The problem with jungle is that unless you really want to improve and become a good jungler you'll always find someone else to blame and there is no metric to tell you whether you're a good jungler or not. I blame myself for everything that happens on the map when Im jungling. My laners are braindead (as they always are) it's my fault. That's how I become a better jungler every game. one game at a time. It's a really difficult role. Not a lot of people understand the nuances and skills required to be a good jungler.
Pyke knew Spear was in the bush. By walking up to the bush and then immediately dashing backwards he was laying a trap for Spear to try and jump-scare him with W. If Spear had taken the bait, he would have gotten stunned, hooked, and collapsed on by the enemy team.
actually true ur laners dont play to let u have presence u just need to guess what the wavestate will be in 30sec and burgerflip a play before they try and 1v1 while ur pathing to them
@@abbasnadiri3031 some of them don't even follow ganks, some of them throw their lead, some of them don't roam to help you against the lvl 3 udyr invade. There is so much shit low elo players don't do just play mid top or support.
Is jungle the easiest role? Idk, but in this video Spear had actual human players as his laners, an enemy hecarim running it down at random points in the game, and he's already got a high level of mechanics and game knowledge. Its safe to say when you're attempting to climb out of low elo, not everyone is going to be blessed with such things.
@@leeroy1961how did you come to that conclusion? Both jungle and support have to know every enemies location and power state compared to their own teammates to propely assess ganking options. Every other laner only needs to look out for enemy jungler and their opposite laner. Mechanically jungler is easier, thats true, but in general?
Jungle is easy and drinking water is easy, but they’re both important. In short it’s easy, but when you do fuck up it impacts a lot. Jungle is easy… hardest part is dealing with the enemy team(same thing for ur teammates).
@@schattenherz3019 in theory yeah it should be like that, in reality you only need to keep the enemy jungler in your radar and play opposite to him. You only need to know if you can 3v2 or 2v1 depending on the matchup and on how strong the enemy is. And that's it. The macro is extremely easy nowadays as a jungler compared to a mid/top macro.
dude that guy has 3 mil points on hec, it’s unthinkable that he wouldn’t at least be on par for micro with spear especially at that rank, also hes in the same elo as spear just on a diff role main
@@jumpvelocity3953 You can have 1000m points on a champ and still do basic champ mastery mistakes. Otherwise the 18m Heimerdinger main wouldn't be gold... In this game, Hecarim played a decent early with terrible mid/late, and Spear played subpar jungling all game, but outmicro'd enemies half the game. Also, the Hecarim might be on par to Spearshot, but he did extremely basic mistakes on Hec that not even a plat player should've done.
People saying spear had 3 winning lanes 🤣 lanes were losing and top was even, they started with 1 kill, he started E. The gank bot followed by the countergank was what put bot ahead, the 1 for 1 with malph put the rumble on the map, and was freaking davemon on midlane. what game was people watching? people only talk bout the final score when what matters is how u played the losing map to win.
"People who actually watched the game know syndra, rumble and xayah hard carried" Did we even watch the same game lil bro? Xayah was two levels BEHIND the kalista; Syndra was losing lane and absolutely nothing ever happened on toplane for either side lmao. But ofc they're jg mains so they don't really get the amount of impact they have, they're on this constant victim complex.
For pantheon jungle i reccommend attack speed adaptive force and armor runes and also magical footwear and cosmic insight. You can choose PTA or Conqueror and then you pich triump legend; tenacity and coup de grace. These are imo the most optimal runes for Pantheon ( JUNGLE)
What's your take? Is Jungle actually the easiest role and playable with just one big toe? 🦶
It's just not mechanically demanding, once you got the macro down the gameplay becomes plain unless you play some niche picks that have a different approach from the usual
Brother spear i love ur vids but u had 3 winning lanes tho but u did good thing is you fall off while top and mid are levels beyond you and so you cant do anything
Spearshot W as usual
It's easiest if you massive mental strength like Spearshot
Well, i am not a jungler (though i somewhat picked it up recently coz i fcking love playing briar) , but i can tell, jungle isnt easiest role, its the most coinflippy one of all. Even the best junglers can underperform on it, while the worst can overperform, because jungle is reliant on situations on the map. You may be best jungler, planning excelent gank top with immaculate pathing only to see your top dying 1v1 5 sec before you reach him and enemy getting away. On the other hand, you can be absolute garbage jungler, but accidentaly be in right place at the right time and changing the entire game in your team favour, gaining 4 kills and drake for your team.
Solo laners have to be careful about 3 players (junglers and enemy top laner), while junglers have to follow actions of literally every player on map and respond accordingly (only to then fail anyway, because you cant predict anyones action, let alone entire game).
TLDR jungle is coinflipping and it doesnt really matter how good you are at it, bronze can beat challanger and vice versa.
9:29 might be the funniest karma moment I've seen in quite a while
"Sir, I'm sorry."
this thing is so hilarious, it looks like one of those chinese custom game tiktok skit
The avengers fuckin' came lmao
"This guy is an incredible jungler, but he's still a jungler."
Make League Great Again
I think top & mid just create the best players in the game. As a support main, I’m excited when a mid or top player gets filled ADC cause they understand how to play around wave states, they understand lv 2 fights, & are just better at spacing. I think jungling is extremely difficult to learn, but how good it makes you as an individual player leaves much to be desired
Sad that they don't even know how to kite
@@randomnpc4173i'm top/mid main and whenever i play adc i only struggle with kiting i just can't get it
As a gold 4 mid laner my ego has been increased
Top yeah, mid gets away with a lot that top can’t since their lane is so short and in the middle of the map
As an emerald mid laner when I get autofilled adc I go crazy
The monologue at the end was gold😂 13:37
Is that a Leet reference?
Hilarious that he said his chat would spam carried at the beginning and they did exactly that at the end lmao
He was carried though. Then again, 1 single game doesn't prove anything to begin with
@@glenndiddy you miss the point, he sucked bad at jungling and was actually still useful even at 1/4 because the role is actually easy and broken. go 1/4 top or mid or go 1/4 as adc with no hands supp and see if you have any impact on the game. Also this game proves alot, 3m point GM heca main losing objectives to autofilled feeding pantheon.
@@cahn2003 yes, amy role can still be useful at 1/4. Look at bausffs going 0-8-1 and still contributing to the game. Every single tank and enchanter support is also useful regardless of score. Control mages are also always useful regardless. Adc is a bit tougher, but depending on your champion you can still contribute a lot. Everyone can contribute while behind that's called getting carried. It's not like the team was doing bad, mostly it was just spear doing bad early.
So when it turned to midgame when the line between jungle and laner gets blurred he started doing better. Crazy how the jungle part was bad, but the part that's more similar to his usual role went well
@@glenndiddy baus is useful because, normally, with all his deaths he creates an advantage for himself. so while he has 0 kills on the scoreboard, he likely has around 12-15kills worth of gold just from towers, minions, plates and so on over the enemy top.
@@glenndiddy COPE
10:13 I swear Xayah says ""It's a jungle gap" from ulting
She does XD
I lost it when he brought up the raptors 😂😂
one of the most entertaining creator and editor duos out there, love to see it.
each day this man becomes more based against all the odds
He's like Broly, as more bullshit flies his way, his basedness infinitely scales.
9:40 gotta be the funniest blast cone i've ever seen
As a jungle main for for almost 8 years I love this video.
I literally found this guy through random clips and he's already my favorite league streamer lol
the problem nowadays is the enemy jungler can be winning everything but the shite jungle changes keep your jungler almost even
Jungle is actually close to useless in terms of the games outcome. All you need is some good mid to late game champions and you win nowadays
@@glenndiddy guess you didnt play last year when dragons auto won games.
@@cahn2003 I honestly can't remember how it was laat year, but in the current meta you cannot take dragons without prio from bot and mid. You can try to set up prio, but it's still fully up to the laner to create a dragon timer
2:03 music sync was sick, i see you mr. editor
Maybe in higher elo because a laner understands the macro needed by 70%, but that is NOT the case in lower elo where nobody understands SHIT but junglers about macro
Exactly, jnglrs just understand in macro more than others do in low elo
This makes absolutely no sense. If junglers understand more about macro than low elo laners, then why are those junglers in low elo? You can easily climb with just macro and decent mechanics, because that's the impact of jungling. The macro knowledge is about even if you're truly in the rank you belong in.
I mean love ya Spear but you say "I HAVE TO GIVE UP THE WOLF CAMP! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS?" when laners lose their shit over a minion
I don't think jungle is easier, jungle is just more impactful. Once you have the knowledge, you feel like its easier because you have a lot more impact in your hands. As a top laner you can still impact with a nice split push. But you need to reach a state of the game in order to do so unlike jungle.
Well, isnt more impactful = easier to carry (if you have the knowledge) ?
@@alexalexdu37390true, but easier to carry, and easier to play are different, correlated, but still different
Played as a jungler, helped bot lane get a headstart, midlaner is losing. Helps midlane, toplaner starts losing. Helps toplane, botlane gave up the lead i gave them and starts losing. Goes back bot to help them again, adc got the double kill and immediately recall even after I pinged drake.Starts dragon alone, drake got stolen after a smite battle, and the adc spams the question mark and starts blaming and using slurs, "useless jg" ..
Being a jungler is fun
@@izaakwedgwood9153Explain what the difference is
The opponent jungler also has more impact, therefore your skill compared to the enemy junglers is the most important part of a lol game.@@alexalexdu37390
12:03 to 13:33 the scenario the voices in my head go through on a daily basis.
11:37, xayah ult: "ITS A JUNGLE GAP"
12:05 as a jungle main this shit is hilarious
Jungle is hard, but you have a better knowledge than most lane players on how to rotate and look for picks. Putting you on pantheon while playing jungle is just a natural extension of what you already do. So yeah, for you? is' a natural transition.
9:28 I've never seen any karma like this.
I mean, Spear Shot proved his point... againts facts there is not arguments.
I feel like Broxa deserved a shoutout for their jng game.
at 9:28 they did not let that slide...
This was actually hilarious. Good job man. Jungle can be played with 2 hours of sleep and a big toe. Jungle used to be so stupidly difficult because clearing camps would take so long. These days you spam shit over and over and over and leave with full HP. Thats just how the game evolved. I remember having to do ganks at 20% hp all the time way back, these days most ganks are full health CC fiestas under a tower. Can't say i like jungle anymore.
I've been jungling since season 2, you never in the history of jungle ganked at 20% hp.
@@glenndiddyUmmm yea you did, at some point the only really viable junglers were those who can heal, like ww fiddle nunu
@@glenndiddyyou absolutely did. There were points where having half hp at lvl 3 for river fights was considered OP
@@glenndiddybruh back in the days you had extra suspense. To not get the pop up where youre jungle died to camps.
@@bartonnink3896 hahaha totally
I remember a lot of shacos dying to jgl because they messed up their box placement
Last bit is quality gold
that last rant was so true it hurts a little
La miniatura tiene el wojak de DalaS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD los memes hispanos han llegado a sitios inauditos
9:29 This maplhite was in fact pissed
I want to add that Spear's rant at the end of the video is twice as funny at 2x speed.
Actually cried laughing Holy hecarim
Jungler is just completely different from any laning role. I couldnt say whats easier or harder its just vastly different. You roam the whole map as does your opponent therefore tracking is much harder than when your in lane. Also farming is a bitch as a jungler. You need to be top clearing speed or else youll be behind fast. You have your team constantly pinging you, affecting your decision making. You need to know when to listen and when to ignore . You dictate which objectives are taken. Anyone on the team can die except you whe taking objectives. When the game gets rough as a laner you can play safe and just farm. You really dont have that option as a jungler, youll just be giving an advantage to the enemy team.
"I can run magic resist" no shit his champ starts with 40 fucking armour lol
Remember when tyler1 proved the same exact thing? The iconic line ''jungle is the easiest role with the worst players'' came from that
Didnt he get chall easier on supp? or am i dumb and remembering bs?
@@abelboronkai448 Yep, he picked up support and just started roaming after first base to do his jungler's job :))))
He said support was the easiest role with the worst players.
that was support bro
Bro him calculating how MAD the maphite is and assuming WRONGLY that he wasn't that mad.
Only to be proven wrong by the god dam Avengers that literally manifested/teleported/Dashed instantly to punish him.
I haven't laughed like that the entire week.
I love the sniffs and inhales in between rant lines xD
music was a vibe this video
For the Love of God spear bro please share that melody playlist going in the background... I tell you it helps be in the right place @ the right time
Man the music fits PERFECTLY with the game incredible edit
I have been panth jungling for awhile and my friends doubted it and would ask whether Spear Shot plays panth in jungle so now I can show them this video :)
9:28 was peak comedy
music choice on this video was top notch
He then plays pantheon. A champ with terrible clear.
9:30 So funny 😂😂
9:40 😂laughing loud af
The funniest shit this week 9:27
you can turn the volume down you know right? Just as you can turn off caps lock
@@abelboronkai448 obviously hes saying its loud relative to spears voice so he cant just turn down the volume lol, i kinda agree with him the music did feel a bit loud in some moments but it wasnt too bad overall
10:53 bruh what was the build up with the music. Made it sound like he was gonna 1v5 and then he just gets hooked and slapped.
9:28 why did that look like one of those chinese clips where they protect their teammate or something like that
Nunca pensé que veria un edit de dallas en una miniatura de spearshot
El soyjack de dalas en un canal de lol, epicardo
That final anyhoose 😂
Bluds about to make sure he never gets ganked by his jg again 💀
Do a jungler challanger run.
TBH Tyler1 already proved how stupidly broken jungle is, and how elo inflating it is. Dude was stuck at D1 as adc, swapped to jg, hit challenger in one season.
@@shanemaxwell1784 didnt jg literally take like 2500 games him to hit chall in the 5 role challenge? lmaooo
@@shanemaxwell1784 I have played all 5 roles in the game bro.
I mainly main adc and jg.
Adc is far more easier then Jungle.
While top is harder for me since i don't play top.
Mid is a cakewalk. I don't play mid much either.
While support is kind of meh.
As a jungler your success depends on you team more then any other role.
Like sometime mofo will just won't even budge when i gank.
Pantheon is easy champ to gank with but it gets harder when you play champs like Kayn who does not has hard cc or dmg early game.
Also, I did get Mr 7 on Pantheon in 3 days my fastest Mr 7 of any champ so that is something.
@@shanemaxwell1784 ? he legit had to play 2.5k games AND he was on a fresh acc. if jg was so elo inflated, then why did it take the most amount of games for him to hit chally? he hit chally on all 5 roles and yet you are singling at jungle. that's actually hilarious. i would LOVE for you to hit chally jg since it's so "elo inflated". lmfao
Spearshot how do you beat the volibear matchup as pantheon?
Good toplaners know macro and pay attention to early jg pathing, and thats 50% of the jungle the first 15 min. Then you can add the clear timers, the matchup experience, the little things. Good top laner can be good junglers, and junglers can be okay top laners if they learn wave managment. I think they're alike roles, more than the other 3.
at 11:37 you can hear xayah scream "its a jungle gap"
I don't know about many who say jungle is hard the hard part is being consistent every single match.
Thing is you are right with most u said about us junglers (except that camps past lvl 4 are worthless compared to lane exp and that smite untill the upgrade means basically having no second sum)
The big problem is if we dont btch around helping us you get the super fed smite buffed high leveled impact everywhere monster on the other team.
Jungle is easy when all your lanes are winning.
Jungle literally requires understanding the flow of the game, lane match ups, being at the right place at the right time, etc. But sure, lets pretend that the role that has to constantly be going around the map assisting the team is the easiest role and not support who doesn't even have to really do anything.
Edit: Plays jungler so positioning doesn't even matter since he has an ult that just lets him be there, check.
Plays early game bully so he can do w/e check. Plays against a dogwater jungler check.
Now jungle 5 more games and lets see how that goes.
U type a lot
non-jungle mains don't understand this. they think all jglers do is farm camps and walk to lanes to gank. like high-elo decent jglers legit have to track enemy jg, take certain paths depending on enemy jg, decide where to path depending on the matchup (volatility of lanes), kite camps to minimize time spent (eh, this becomes easy af later on, but there's still so many shitters who can't do this), get objectives, and maintain vision control. like lmfao i would love to see all these kids who say "jg is so easy" to queue up ranked for 30 games and send their winrate/kda. gl trying to learn everything
Dyin here man the music is so good but editors never out it in credits or description
11:36 "it's a jungle gap"
Can we get song list?
bro you represents all top laners fillings against all jgl players
I feel sorry for the pyke actually trying to win that game
Enemy hecarim had permanent brain damage after hitting so many r’s into brick walls
what was that instrumental. it was fire
I can't seem to find this game anywhere. Looks like diamond low masters. Is that it?
Baldie was level 4 when enemy top was level 7.
Anywhooos , better jungler lost
10:51 they used all 5 of their ults on spear in this teamfight and just barely killed him
lmao the end lmao xD
Most sane toplaner
What’s the song at 10:50???
Bro mains top were the slightest mistake can cost the whole lane.
In jg you can mess up your ganks any number of times and still have farm unless the enemy team actively trys to invade but when they DO invade whether you fk up your ganks or not your team is what dictates who wins that, not the jglers themselves.
Jg is forgiving compared to toplane but if you got a trash team you dont get a safe lane to farm in or any farm at all in some cases.
A RNjesus role that only can really carry the game if the lanes are even is what jg is.
All that goes out the window with coordination though, its only soloque that the above applies to.
Is that davemon on the pyke?
The problem with jungle is that unless you really want to improve and become a good jungler you'll always find someone else to blame and there is no metric to tell you whether you're a good jungler or not. I blame myself for everything that happens on the map when Im jungling. My laners are braindead (as they always are) it's my fault. That's how I become a better jungler every game. one game at a time. It's a really difficult role. Not a lot of people understand the nuances and skills required to be a good jungler.
imagine playing a role and the entire community just hates on you
Dalas en el thumbnail 💀
12:00 Someone had to do it, and it could not have been said any better 👏🤣🤣
8:50 what makes pyke clever here?
Pyke knew Spear was in the bush. By walking up to the bush and then immediately dashing backwards he was laying a trap for Spear to try and jump-scare him with W. If Spear had taken the bait, he would have gotten stunned, hooked, and collapsed on by the enemy team.
fucking gold, brother
Literally only applies in top of the top elo. In low elo to masters it's literally a shitshow dice roll you're better off playing mid or top.
actually true ur laners dont play to let u have presence u just need to guess what the wavestate will be in 30sec and burgerflip a play before they try and 1v1 while ur pathing to them
@@abbasnadiri3031 some of them don't even follow ganks, some of them throw their lead, some of them don't roam to help you against the lvl 3 udyr invade. There is so much shit low elo players don't do just play mid top or support.
what is the song in 5 minutes?
ill probaly grow half an ich by the time the next vid comes out
holy shit uploaded 32 seconds ago i clicked my youtube at the right time boss
Is jungle the easiest role? Idk, but in this video Spear had actual human players as his laners, an enemy hecarim running it down at random points in the game, and he's already got a high level of mechanics and game knowledge. Its safe to say when you're attempting to climb out of low elo, not everyone is going to be blessed with such things.
So why did you lose every drake down 2 levels with 3 winning lanes?
Is it safe to say that Jungle is both hard and easy?
I play jungle the most and there are both times I do well and terrible.
jungle used to be hard but currently it is the easiest role after support.
@@leeroy1961how did you come to that conclusion? Both jungle and support have to know every enemies location and power state compared to their own teammates to propely assess ganking options. Every other laner only needs to look out for enemy jungler and their opposite laner. Mechanically jungler is easier, thats true, but in general?
Id say it depends on the patch x)
Jungle is easy and drinking water is easy, but they’re both important. In short it’s easy, but when you do fuck up it impacts a lot.
Jungle is easy… hardest part is dealing with the enemy team(same thing for ur teammates).
@@schattenherz3019 in theory yeah it should be like that, in reality you only need to keep the enemy jungler in your radar and play opposite to him.
You only need to know if you can 3v2 or 2v1 depending on the matchup and on how strong the enemy is.
And that's it.
The macro is extremely easy nowadays as a jungler compared to a mid/top macro.
Subpar jungling from both sides, but ofc Spear Shot is great at Pantheon so he made up for it in champ mastery
dude that guy has 3 mil points on hec, it’s unthinkable that he wouldn’t at least be on par for micro with spear especially at that rank, also hes in the same elo as spear just on a diff role main
Hecarim did outjungle early, but when you have a rough team it just doesn't work
@@jumpvelocity3953 You can have 1000m points on a champ and still do basic champ mastery mistakes. Otherwise the 18m Heimerdinger main wouldn't be gold... In this game, Hecarim played a decent early with terrible mid/late, and Spear played subpar jungling all game, but outmicro'd enemies half the game. Also, the Hecarim might be on par to Spearshot, but he did extremely basic mistakes on Hec that not even a plat player should've done.
@@glenndiddy 50% that, and 50% hec taking terrible decisions mid game
I'd say top is easiest, what u pick defines how u shld play and if you hard win most of the time u win
The day when pekin woof's urgot jg beat Dantes 😅
damn i really caught this 1 sec after post
People saying spear had 3 winning lanes 🤣 lanes were losing and top was even, they started with 1 kill, he started E. The gank bot followed by the countergank was what put bot ahead, the 1 for 1 with malph put the rumble on the map, and was freaking davemon on midlane. what game was people watching? people only talk bout the final score when what matters is how u played the losing map to win.
"People who actually watched the game know syndra, rumble and xayah hard carried"
Did we even watch the same game lil bro? Xayah was two levels BEHIND the kalista; Syndra was losing lane and absolutely nothing ever happened on toplane for either side lmao.
But ofc they're jg mains so they don't really get the amount of impact they have, they're on this constant victim complex.
You are kinda dude to ff because they got 1 kill from invade
@@poopyhead5277 you're the kind of dude that makes a commentary taking things as granted without even knowing the context lmao
spearshot stop meowing start mewing 😭😭🙏🙏🤦♂🤦♂💔💔
as a jungle panth player, yes
For pantheon jungle i reccommend attack speed adaptive force and armor runes and also magical footwear and cosmic insight. You can choose PTA or Conqueror and then you pich triump legend; tenacity and coup de grace. These are imo the most optimal runes for Pantheon ( JUNGLE)
jungle is mentally the hardest role cause you will get blamed if your teammates die lvl 1
Is that canon???
@@burger9788 everytime i wanna play fiddle
Junglers are the new adc's, they think they have the hardest role so whenever they lose they bring that fact up lmao