I have nothing against fan fiction, but hearing some of these objections tells me that some fans need to grow up and accept that the author dictates the actual story, and it is the author, not the fans, who dictates what is to be accepted as canon.
Exactly this. The author and the author alone dictates what is part of his story and exists in his universe. No one else can ever add lore that's unquestionably "canon", even if the author sells the rights to make profit off of his work. People who can't accept this simple fact are the cause of nearly all the problems we see in fandoms.
I agree, but in this particular case only when it comes to the characters and the actual Harry Potter book series. I'd say it's still valid to say that the Cursed Child play is not canon even though Rowling has said it should be considered as canon. I mean, after all the stage play script's content contradicts the books' contents in several ways AND more importantly Rowling didn't write the script. It would be canon only if she had written the script, and even then only secondary tier canon what with its contradictions to the original books.
The author is making money out of the fans as a writer your job is to make the fans happy with your ability to tell a story period. Your logic can be compared to what's happening to star wars.
Yes/no... You need to look back to the 1950s-1980s where there were prolific authors and large chunks get 'left out' of the continuity of any given universe, ignored... and fan annoyance was the cause... Things basically getting dropped out of canon. Or gosh, Star Wars where they tried to keep all the books straight, and things were at multiple levels of canon. It isn't just the Author who determines these things. The word Canon means the ~accepted~ body of work, not the Author's determination, except for more modern attempts to redefine words which is disingenuous at best... the idea that the Canon is determined by the Author is an idea that Lucas Arts created with the Master of the Holocron, whose job it was to keep track of the continuity and canon of the Star Wars universe due to all the arguments over what is canon and what isn't. Look up the meaning of 'Western Canon', remember that Canon was first used in the late 1700s to talk about what was considered a masterwork or not among literature. Works that weren't 'up to snuff' weren't considered part of the Western Canon. To extrapolate more modernly... which of the Terminator movies actually happened? You can mostly get people to agree 1 and 2 happened, then even the later films actively ignore the other two because... they haven't been ~accepted~ as Canon.
If you think about it, Fawkes as a Horcrux would be immpossible, because when he burned and died the horcrux would be destroyed before he came back to life.
That is possible, but it is also possible that a horcrux could survive the burning of a phoenix and be reborn with the phoenix. We do not know enough about phoenix’s to decide this matter; only the author can answer this hypothetical question.
Dogs, no matter their breed, can take on their owner's attitude. I have seen the gentlest breed of dog become mean and unpleasant because their owner was mean and unpleasant.
Bulldogs are the most inbred breed of canine according to genetic testing. I have met several with explosive aggression. Their messed up undershot jaw prevents them from doing any real damage. However Aunt Marge’s inbred show freaks driving Harry up a tree was one of the more believable moments for me.
Yes I love Sirius Black he deserved to live a life and take care of Harry like he said he wanted to be at least he didn’t die in vain he died protecting the only family he had left, Harry.
I am still mad at JKR for killing him. Sirius already had an awful life, grew up in an abusive home, then was falsely imprisoned in the worst place imaginable, then forced to stay in his childhood hell, only to be killed off before he could clear his name or be a family with Harry.
The major twist I expected and wished for the most reading the serie (from the moment Neville's parents fate was revealed) was Neville being revealed the real chosen one / the one killing Voldemort in the end (while Harry would have been used by Dumbledore & co to make him miss the real threat). I'm curious if JKR considered this option or reacted to this theory I certainly wasn't the only one to have came with.
I always say Voldemort without the t. I’m not French, hardly speak the language, but know enough to pronounce it right. I didn’t start reading the books or watching the movies until my children were old enough. By then, I had seen interviews with J K Rowling and how she pronounced the name.
In Jim Dale's reading of the Harry Potter series he didn't pronounce the T in Voldemort until later in the series. I can say for sure that he didn't pronounce the T in the first book.
I think Snape, in a way was a mentor to Harry. Harry said he was the bravest man he had ever known. They both shared a love of Lilly. Harry even named his son after Snape.
I was quite surprised by being one of the first commenters! Authors often have a truth that readers refuse to accept. People want to control their favorite stories and see what they want to see. The availability of online forums makes this so much easier in today’s world. I remember being a young reader of Robert A. Heinlein and looking for fan clubs. Now this used to be the only real way to contact your favorite authors! Most conventions were aimed for authors or potential authors, writers, editors, etc. I once tried to get to a Sci-Fi convention held in San Francisco, but it was simply out of my reach as a 12 year old boy. Looking back I now doubt that there would have been anything for me! Stories are often plagiarized now by “fan fiction” as a “true expression” of readers devotion to a book or series of books. I am going to say that readers do not have a say in what happens to the characters and it is the sole responsibility of their creator and what happens when they die or live out their lives beyond the limits of the story is truly in the hands, pen, pencil or computer of the original author. I have read stories that invite everyone to offer stories to enhance the stories of a given “universe” some are quite famous, but I tend to avoid these as I dislike the uncertainty of character development. Often even story lines are so abstracted as to limit the belief of readers. So while I once read stories in this vein, I no longer bother. I hope J.K. Knows she has created a world and stories that are truly wonderful! I believe they will stand the test of time. I know that a lot of people have made money from her world and her stories, this video is just another way for others to profit from her genius. We should acknowledge this evolving aspect of “fandom” but it is not truly inspiring, yet I watched it so there is a desire for more from this magical world. What are people to do?
I disagree. She was a very annoying character to me and I was personally glad she was left out of the film. As a black person, I was deeply offended by her slavish devotion to her master. It disgusted me, to be perfectly honest.
In all clarity, I am not what most people would call a "fan", though I HAVE read, and enjoyed all the Harry Potter books. I agree (both with the annoying and the valuable character!) She was actually the cause of Bartie Jr's escape, setting off all the subsequent events, as she begged Bartie Snr to allow him to go to the Quiddich World Cup. At the end, she is the one who gives exposition for those events. I know that books and film are two totally different mediums, so it is hard to reproduce faithfully what IS in the books - with all the extra details in each of the HP books, we might still be seeing the films being produced today! Some adaptations require that a lot of details are left out, but it is hard sometimes to appreciate how difficult it really is, and accept those omissions - sadly, peripheral characters are one of details that suffer the most. xxx
@@MsAppassionataalso there where more white slaves in recent history then black slaves but you probably dont want to hear that becouse you want to be a victim😅
Imagine thinking that YOUR interpretation of the source material, takes precedence over the actual author herself 🤣 Arguing with the author over what she really meant is next level narcissism😂
I hated Fred's death, but it was a very important thing in the story. I agree that it had to happen, or something like it, to show what was at stake in the war against evil.
A phoenix must die to be reborn. Therefor a phoenix could not be used as a horcrux. Dumbledore may have been a master manipulator but he'd not be the sort to make a horcrox, and a phoenix is not immortal.
"partial reflection" HaHA Literally the only thing that separates me and my main character from my book I'm reading right now is our physical differences and she's better at school than me but only because of her magic. Interestingly, I get a lot of my inspiration from Harry Potter and Owl House. I felt like there wasn't enough exploration with Hedwig, there could be more owl creatures than just the one or two we see and that's not necessarily A bad thing to be cursed if that's who you are and what would Howl look like if he had stayed in bird formed the whole time. And I like the idea of the Phoenix being like one of the main characters so you know
I think the biggest mistake is that death scene for Voldemort, he should've died like a human and fell to the ground like in the book. 3d was popular back then but now it looks horribly dated.
I sometimes feel alone in my contrary attitude about Snape, even from reading either the first book or watching the first movie for the first time, I have already had started self-speculation that Snape might be more complex than what was being let on and now years later I find out that I was not alone in believing this speculation; but of course by, that time, the Half-Blood Prince novel had come out and it still hasn't deterred my belief about Snape.
I'll say this: There are many ways to make a puzzle fit together, HP characters, plot etc could have gone in many directions, many of whom would have been just as great as what we got. Harry and Hermione both marrying Weasleys makes sense thematically because it officially makes them part of a large and _chosen_ magical family. Something they both lacked all Harrys (close) relatives on the Potter side are dead and Hermione has none at all. And well, Ginny in the books have way more in common with Harry than Hermione. Harry and Hermione are so riddiculously sibling-coded in the books that i feel like Rowling just said that shit for drama. Could Herminone and Ron have been paired with others romantically? Absolutly.... Hell i love reading the occasional Hermione/Draco fanfic but Ron and her are thematic representations of Harry's parents (the brilliant muggle born witch and the loyal, righteous pureblood wizard....). So while Harry never got to know them, he got to grow up and find a family and friendship in 2 people who in so many ways were just like them. As i said, what we got fits.
I hate the direction JK has gone in recently Hogwarts Legacy has to be one of the best things the Harry Potter universe has going recently i’m ready for a sequel already. I want Azkaban and the chamber of secrets lol
It struck me at the time of reading, and has done ever since, that the deaths of Fred, Tonks and Lupin made it - easier is the wrong word, so let us say less onerous - for Harry to walk to his own death. It forced him to realise that his death was more important than his life...
Tbh, the one death i continue to wish did not happen was that of Snape. I wonder how his relationship with Harry and Hogwarts would have developed after the war. I wish none of the good guys died, but his seems so tragic because he never learned how to appreciate his own life, even as he honored Lily's sacrifice. His death feels so empty when it happens, but in many ways his life was at the heart if the whole series. Just as for Lupin and Tonks, a happy ending for Snape would have been nice.
I'm with David Yates, and JK Rowling - Dumbledore's sexual orientation really had no bearing on the storyline, and unless a character's orientation is relevant to the storyline, in a meaningful way, why make a big deal out of it! There are many actors/actresses who are gay/bi, at least one (that I know of) of whom was a recurring character in the Harry Potter films, but they don't make a song and dance about it, why should it be different for fictional characters? I think the case of the Bulldogs is something that parents could have tackled far better by using the fact that, it doesn't matter the breed of the dog, it is how the owner trains it, or doesn't, as the case may be. It was Aunt Marg who was at fault, as with many real owners of "vicious" dogs, and this could have been used as a valuable life lesson to teach their children. This could also be enhanced by pointing out that it was only Harry who was chased, not any of the other characters, as Aunt Marg wanted - it was HER who didn't really like Harry, not the dog(s)! Why would any fan of the books think Dumbledore would create a horcrux? It is shown, as plain as plain can be, many times in the books, that only a Wizard/Witch of the most evil nature would create a horcrux - do they really think Dumbledore would do something so evil? I honestly don't understand how "fans", inspired by the characterisation, wilfully ignore the author, whose own creativity, moulded those characters, into something so relatable and beloved. They are fictitious, accept it and move on, for heaven's sake!
I suspect the reason to lessen Dobby and his kind from the film adaptation was down to production costs#, a business person writing fantasy novels ought to consider this . # real actors are cheaper to film than special effects
As a French reader of HP, I always pronounced Voldemort right… the interesting part that most English speaker don’t know is that yes, it can be translate as Flight of death but the word Vol can mean fly or Theft. Which make it’s Theft of death which has even more meaning and I think JK didn’t even realized that… or maybe she does but I don’t understand why she always said flight of death when Theft of death fits even better for the character.
While Fred's death seems too cruel, I honestly believe that it was the right move for Rowling to make. It brought an emotional connection for me that deepened my respect for the whole series. It brought a life and reality to it that will cause it to live on forever in my heart. It makes the series itself more alive. War is cruel. And good people are unalived by it. That is the tragic reality of it. To run away from that fact, or to romanticize it in such a way as to expect that good people will never come to an end (even in a fictional fantasy), is just unreasonable and even irresponsible. Joy and hope can still live on through others. Anyone can bring those emotions to life.
I could only read book 7 twice; the deaths and destruction is far worse and more felt in the books than what the movies tried, but couldn’t truly portray. The movies just showed some of the dead bodies, but not how some of them like Fred died.
J.K. Rowling wanted to show that war kills people, but in a magical fantasy world, is that really necessary? There was something mean about killing a bunch of characters in one sentence.
Let JK Rowling rejoice : dozen of millions of French speakers accros the world pronounce Voldemort correctly (and were baffled like me when they learned that this was indeed the original name and not a translation - many names have been changed in French so the joke would be translated). The right pronunciation is not lost, it will endure.
How much influence did Rowling have during the making of the movies? If she didn't like the fact that Dobby wasn't in the Goblet of Fire movie why didn't she vitto it. Saying something like: "I don't care if its just a cameo appearance put in a scene with him in the movie."
It seems to me that Brits often intentionally mispronounce French words' silent end letters (e.g. 'marquis') I just figured this was a similar example.
I love dogs, but as you can see from Marge's Bull Dogs, even the nicest most lovable dog can become aggressive if not train properly. My sister has a lovely black labra-doodle and he would just as soon lick your face repeatedly and play fight with the family, but if he wasn't trained, if he was mistreated or abused, he could just as easily have became a mean wicked dog. He's the goodest of good boys
Why wasn’t Snape among the ghostly loved ones who appear to Harry when he goes to the woods to be killed by Voldemort? Harry knew he was a hero by then.
Yeah they messed up with Dobby in the movies. Lupin lost me after he abandoned Tonks after impregnating her and wanted to go run off with three teenagers on an "adventure". Completely spoiled his character and ruin anything good he had. I cheered Harry on so much after he put him in his place. Do you think really James wanted you to abandon your child when he gave his life for his own? 🤦
regarding Snape's compicated character: we recall that he was headmaster for a while, meaning that his portrait hung in the Headmaster's suite. I wrote a number of short stories regarding Harry's visits to the Headmaster after the War. In one of them, Harry confesses his misunderstanding, and the dead former headmaster acknowledges that his feelings toward Harry were colored by his hatred of James - in my little story, Harry asks Snape to recreate the improvements in "Advanced Potion Making" with due credit being given. This softened the history of animosity. (another of Harry's visits was about his finishing he education and doing an "internship" with Ollivander, at which time we discover that the Elder Wand's power had been transferred to Harry's when (in the canon), Harry used it to repair his humble holly wand.
Any dog can be aggressive. The parents just were being piss poor at communicating with their children. Easier to bitch on a forum than actually TALK with your kids, right?
The story required Harry and Hermione. There didn’t need to be a triangle. Ron was never written as displaying that great an interest in Hermione at all and Ginny was an afterthought character pulled out of the author’s behind as consolation prize. I would say HBP was originally intended to show Ginny using the love potions on Harry and others. It would have led to Harry finally realizing only Hermione would understand him.
I disagree wholeheartedly with the Harry/Hermione pairing. This, in my estimation is too pat & somewhat reduces the story to the level of a B western. In addition, Ginny & Harry have much more in common. They're both jocks & quidditch is their game. Third, with the Harry Hermione pairing, Ron becomes an expendable character in place of Fred. Fred's death was heart rending. Ron's death would have been ever more so, just as bad as killing off Arthur Weasley.
Not to mention the thematic representation of Harry marrying in to the Weasleys, since that makes him _officially_ part of a large, loving family. And well, Ginny also resemblence Lilly..... Same with Hermione, she got to officially become a member of the magical family she never had. And Ron and Hermione also thematically are spiritual representations of Harrys parents (righteous, loyal pureblood Ron and the brilliant, intelligent muggle born Hermione) so them getting together also makes sense. Not to mention that Harry and Hermione are so riddiculously sibling-coded in the books..... Feels like half the stuff Rowling has thrown out over the years has just been for drama
Harry Potter what a good inspiring sotry. A young jock, not the most academically gifted, a trust fund kid that in the end ends up marrying a school sweetheart and becoming a cop himself.
The fact that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were in love with each other came through, tho. I even saw it in the look Jude Law gave: a shy, welcoming look with smiling eyes. You don't have to have a bodice-ripper scene to show a lovers relationship.
The dev team behind final fantasy 8 are wrong. They said squal doesnt die at yhe end of disk 1. But he does. The rest of the game only makes sense if he died.
Voldermort had to have the t because Tom Riddles full name having the letters rearranged needed to spell out I am lord Voldermort. Without the t the first name would have been Om Instead of Tom.
I like that Ron and Herminie ended up together. Ron could not have ended up with Ginny as they were siblings, but she could end up with Harry. Ginny was about as close as anyone to being a part of the Golden Trio and with a marriage between Harry and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione, not only would this bake Ron and Harry brothers in law, it would make all the children of the Golden Trio 1st cousins. With Ron and Herminie married and Harry and Ginny married, the sibling relationship between Harry's wife, and Herminie's Husband, being siblings, the Trio has a stronger bond keeping them together. If Harry and Hermione ended up together, then Ron would be left with an outsider to be his wife (or be left alone), and as Ron's career as an Auror not working out, Ron and his wife would have little reason to remain in regular contact with Harry and Herminie. This would likely lead to Ron drifting away over time, and this, to me, would be very sad. I'm not saying this would happen, only that it is much more likely to happen should Ron marry an outsider. I think the obsession of fans thinking Hermione should have been with Harry belittles Ron. Also, maybe it's because I strongly related with Ron.
I definitely follow your reasoning, and feel that the marital link of Harry to the Weasleys was almost guaranteed early on as he needed a family to belong to. The Weasleys accepted Harry as family (Molly particularly so), and Ron was a mix of best friend and brother Harry never had. I believe that the twins, Fred and George, also considered Harry a brother of sorts as he was kind, loyal to Ron and a good influence on him. I understand that many feel a vibe between Hermione and Harry, and I do as well because I've always considered Ron, though a good person and loyal friend, to be the weaker link in the Golden Trio. It was Ron who was jealous of Harry's popularity as a quidditch player and Harry's robes at the Yule Ball. It was Ron who begrudged Harry getting into the Triwizard Tournament and (at first) didn't believe that it wasn't a grab at glory by Harry. It was Ron who gave Hermione a hard time about her date with Viktor Krum, letting jealousy get the best of him. And in Deathly Hallows, it was Ron who said some very hurtful things to Harry about not having any family, and abandoned his friends. And it was also Ron who preferred hanging onto the Elder Wand while Harry and Hermione wisely considered it too powerful, and dangerous. I'm not bashing Ron, and I think that these instances make him human like the rest of us. But if you had to pick which of the Golden Trio "wavered" the most in the relationships--i.e., was, perhaps the least emotionally mature of the three--there's a good argument for it being Ron. Hermione had the intellectual fortitude and maturity that comes with it, and Harry was a graduate of the school of hard knocks with a miserable upbringing, but didn't let it jade him. I'm not forgetting that Ron (and the Twins) rescued Harry from the Dursleys, that Ron sacrificed himself in the chess game so Harry could go on to face Quirrell/Voldemort, that Ron finally came around in Goblet of Fire once he realized just how dangerous the trials were and that Harry hadn't entered it voluntarily, and that in Order of the Phoenix he joined Hermione in trying tried to comfort Harry when he felt isolated and was being gaslighted by the Ministry of Magic. In my youth (and I'm talking about the 1980's) I knew a male/male/female trio of friends and they had an interesting dynamic. Male A was what we now call a Sigma; kind, smart, mature beyond his years, easygoing, nonconformist and highly independent. His buddy was much like Ron Weasley: good natured, quite smart, unwaveringly loyal, but a bit nerdy and slightly shy, especially around females. He wasn't a wimp, but if you categorized the two guys as leader/follower, or main/sidekick, he was definitely the follower/sidekick despite a rich, healthy friendship that was very brotherlike. Then there was the girl and she was exceptionally close to Sigma, had an extroverted personality, goodhearted and was highly intelligent. Sigma considered them both honorary siblings, and the Harry/Hermione dynamic was much like Sigma/Girl. Girl and Buddy guy never had a romantic thing, but neither did Sigma and Girl. Like Harry/Hermione, it was a bonded, platonic friendship that for years endured each of them marrying other people. In the last ten years or so, I learned that Sigma and Girl apparently drifted apart in their thirties, but Sigma and Buddy still keep in contact. I think you have a good point that if Harry and Hermione wed, Ron would have married another and likely would have let time, lack of familial ties and perhaps some of his own self-doubt--in the face of Harry and Hermione being a "power couple" of high level people in the Ministry of Magic--abate his bond to his friends. In marrying Ron to Hermione, and Harry to Ginny, Rowling ensured their destinies are intertwined. As an aside, Ginny makes a wife who--unlike many women--will never be jealous of the Harry/Hermione bond, as she grew up seeing the relationship. It's Hermione to whom Ginny confides her initial feelings for Harry, and she helps, with some sound advice, Ginny develop that relationship with Harry. I think Cho Chang, or another female, might have had some insecurities when it came to how close Harry and Hermione are.
Yeah, and Alan Rickman can’t come back to life I’m sorry but actors can’t come back to life. This is an immortal. This is reality even though I wish I would be so awesome so amazing. This is not gonna happen. I miss him I love him
It is not really the fans fault for having a misunderstanding over these Potter books, in short Rowling should have had made a re-edit for the contents in her books to correct some of the errors that she made; other authors before her who had originally written copies of their manuscripts that had to be re-written due to drastic misconceptions that they accidentally made about a culture or something that they had to be re-written as something else had made the necessary changes; and trust me, I have watched other RUclips videos that talks about this kind of thing; Roald Dahl had to re-write some his drafts 3 times for "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" and "James and the Giant Peach"; P.L. Travers had to make a few minor changes to some of her drafts from the chapter "The Bad Tuesday" in her very first "Mary Poppins" book, I got most of the information from the Jon Solo videos; but, I do not like the way half the world took offense over some of Ted Geisel's books though; because he just draws the way he draws, that he never meant to offend anyone over the issue how he draws some of his human characters like the Chinese man featured in "And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street" or whatever they think they saw out text of one of the Horton stories, I mean I am not as big a fan of "Horton Hears a Who" myself; but, I never saw anything wrong with "Horton Hatches the Egg", the parents got the wrong idea when they were reading to their children; I found this out from a site that my mom found online about banned Dr. Seuss and T. Leseig books; as you can see that sometimes fans are right and sometimes fans are wrong, and fans are not wrong in the issues surrounding Rowling's books. Theories swimming around about characters in fiction literature usually can't be taken seriously anyway no matter if those theories are plausible or completely false or holds no meaning in it at all.
I used to write fanfiction (two novels worth actually) before OOTP had been published. I made some predictions that ended up becoming canon, like Ron becoming Keeper and an Auror as well as ending up with Hermione. I came up with a Bottomless Bag, just like Hermione used in TDH and also that she'd become Minister for Magic. Draco becoming a Death Eater and Harry becoming friends with Dudley and Dumbledore getting killed by Snape. Then I heard that JK used to frequent fanfiction sites during her hiatus between GOF and OOTP and it always made me wonder if she happened upon my stories and thought I had some good ideas. Guess its farfetched, but I cant help but wonder every now and then.
My personal fan fiction is something simple, but powerful. I wanted to see Dudley on Platform 9 3/4, seeing his 11yo son or daughter off to his/her 1st year at Hogwarts. This would prove that he survived, and accepted his magical son/daughter. It would even open a door for maybe Harry building a relationship with the one person left from his mother's family. I understand why Harry ended up with Ginny. It was the only way that Harry could officially become a member of the Weasley family, as he had been in spirit since the very beginning. Hermione in turn became family as well by marrying Ron. She and Ginny were as close as sisters for most of the books. The Weazleys became the the mutual connection that created the complete family Harry never got to have. Regarding the English Bulldogs, it's more about the owner. When the owner is mean and horrible, the dogs will tend to be too. When the owner is kind and honorable, the dogs will tend to be as well. It surprises me, and saddens me that so many people don't naturally recognize such things. Obviously, Rowling had to choose some of the biggest characters to fall victim in the war. From everything I've read and heard, it was between Fred and Arthur. Arthur was the closest Harry had to a father. Harry deserved to keep that relationship. IMHO
I just watched your video and I have to agree with you on some issues and disagree with you on some. Dobby, Fred, Lupin, Tonks' deaths were totally unnecessary as others should have been killed off. Harry and Hermoine relationship all the way. Concerning Snape, he was a villain who refused to let go of his adulterated hatred of James and especially the way he treated Harry was unforgiveable. If he truly loved and cared for Lily, then he should have been more supportive towards Harry especially when it came to the occlumency lessons. In the end Snape got what he truly deserved and my dislike for Snape that in my copy of Deathly Hallows I crossed out the name of Severus for Harry's second child and replaced it with Hagrid. Albus Hagrid Potter sounds way better to me!
Harry works better with Ginny. Harry and Hermione would not have really worked. Men often marry their Mom's. Hermione acted as a mother to both Harry and Ron at school. Molly basically adopted Harry. Harry would be attracted to Ginny and Ron would be attracted to Hermione both as Mother figures.
After reading the books a number of times, I think Dumbledore IS /WAS the real Dark Lord. If you notice the way he treats people through out the book and especially his treatment towards Harry. Living where he knew he would never be loved or cared for, sending him back every summer even after find out what they would do to him. And don't get me started on the blood wards thing, cause for one they would have never took hold in the first place, and Dumbledore knew this after Harry's first year. Then you have the fact that from year 2 on wards. He let him go to the Weasley's for the summer. And then you have the whole Molly breaking the ISS at least 3 times in the first book. There is a lot of things that just doesn't add up with him. AND in a round about way Harry was responsible for Dumbledore's death bu making him continue to drink that potion making him so weak to even defend himself from the bloody bass***d Draco when he dis armed him. And non of you can say he would be to on any other day
The Auther of any story is no longer the free thinking creator, once the fans get too involved. This occurrence in itself is stupid. Get a life! Really. Harry Potter is a fictional work of art which pulls at our heart strings. And in doing so, humans naturally get emotional. Get a grip, stop your Trip. You all got an ENTIRE theme park. And its so STUPIDLY EXspenssive that most rational people will never visit. Which continues too play into your exaggerated emotions as you blow all your money on a theme park. Meanwhile America is falling apart. Its enemies all laughing with great joy, including you English. Quick, everybody America is distracted sinking all their money into fictional fan dumb! 🤣🤣 Hey, we didn't learn anything from Wizard of Oz, nor our Star Wars experience - so we were RIPE for the royal corn holing.
does she regret the transphobic comments, or the denigration of the actors who have since stood out as allies of all disaffected individuals subjected to hate in society? no? then who cares what she has to say about anything now?
Bigots rarely regret their own bigotry unless forced to by society. While the quality of her works can be debated, the quality of her character is clearly lacking.
This is the kind of hate mongering destroying society today. We are all entitled to our beliefs and opinions. This makes us neither good nor evil. Just another human. You talk as if her opinion is intolerant, but it is no more intolerant than what you just said. We don't all have to agree all the time to get along. That would make for a very boring world. And all of this has nothing to do with her book anyway. It is her intellectual property so what she says about it does matter.
Calling the Cursed Child canon has got to be one of them.
It certainly wasnt good, but still better than The Crimes of Grindelwald.
@@FuzzyFoot58I don’t care too much as Crimes of Grindelwald doesn’t impact the main HP as severely as Cursed Child does.
I believe she said it "should be considered canon" if I am not mistaken. I have found the answer a bit elusive.
I have nothing against fan fiction, but hearing some of these objections tells me that some fans need to grow up and accept that the author dictates the actual story, and it is the author, not the fans, who dictates what is to be accepted as canon.
Exactly this. The author and the author alone dictates what is part of his story and exists in his universe. No one else can ever add lore that's unquestionably "canon", even if the author sells the rights to make profit off of his work.
People who can't accept this simple fact are the cause of nearly all the problems we see in fandoms.
I agree, but in this particular case only when it comes to the characters and the actual Harry Potter book series. I'd say it's still valid to say that the Cursed Child play is not canon even though Rowling has said it should be considered as canon. I mean, after all the stage play script's content contradicts the books' contents in several ways AND more importantly Rowling didn't write the script. It would be canon only if she had written the script, and even then only secondary tier canon what with its contradictions to the original books.
I disagree. Once you put something out into the world it's up to the world's interpretation.
The author is making money out of the fans as a writer your job is to make the fans happy with your ability to tell a story period. Your logic can be compared to what's happening to star wars.
Yes/no... You need to look back to the 1950s-1980s where there were prolific authors and large chunks get 'left out' of the continuity of any given universe, ignored... and fan annoyance was the cause... Things basically getting dropped out of canon.
Or gosh, Star Wars where they tried to keep all the books straight, and things were at multiple levels of canon. It isn't just the Author who determines these things. The word Canon means the ~accepted~ body of work, not the Author's determination, except for more modern attempts to redefine words which is disingenuous at best... the idea that the Canon is determined by the Author is an idea that Lucas Arts created with the Master of the Holocron, whose job it was to keep track of the continuity and canon of the Star Wars universe due to all the arguments over what is canon and what isn't.
Look up the meaning of 'Western Canon', remember that Canon was first used in the late 1700s to talk about what was considered a masterwork or not among literature. Works that weren't 'up to snuff' weren't considered part of the Western Canon. To extrapolate more modernly... which of the Terminator movies actually happened? You can mostly get people to agree 1 and 2 happened, then even the later films actively ignore the other two because... they haven't been ~accepted~ as Canon.
If you think about it, Fawkes as a Horcrux would be immpossible, because when he burned and died the horcrux would be destroyed before he came back to life.
That is possible, but it is also possible that a horcrux could survive the burning of a phoenix and be reborn with the phoenix. We do not know enough about phoenix’s to decide this matter; only the author can answer this hypothetical question.
@@adrastoso9727which she did by simply saying Fawkes isn’t a Horcrux
Thinking Fawkes is a hocrux shows how modern fans are so stupid that they don't know what a pheonix is in the first place.
Dogs, no matter their breed, can take on their owner's attitude. I have seen the gentlest breed of dog become mean and unpleasant because their owner was mean and unpleasant.
Ok Aunt Marge 😂
Bulldogs are the most inbred breed of canine according to genetic testing. I have met several with explosive aggression. Their messed up undershot jaw prevents them from doing any real damage. However Aunt Marge’s inbred show freaks driving Harry up a tree was one of the more believable moments for me.
of course bulldogs can be aggressive when trained to be aggressive like the owner lol
Does Rowling regret that she killed off Sirius Black? He deserved a chance to clear his name and lead a happy life and marrying, as Remus Lupin did.
Yes I love Sirius Black he deserved to live a life and take care of Harry like he said he wanted to be at least he didn’t die in vain he died protecting the only family he had left, Harry.
I am still mad at JKR for killing him. Sirius already had an awful life, grew up in an abusive home, then was falsely imprisoned in the worst place imaginable, then forced to stay in his childhood hell, only to be killed off before he could clear his name or be a family with Harry.
No, she doesn't.
@@freyaemrys799i adore Sirius Black. He had an awful life and was just about to be happy 😭😭😭
Yeah, that's the death that really got me.
The major twist I expected and wished for the most reading the serie (from the moment Neville's parents fate was revealed) was Neville being revealed the real chosen one / the one killing Voldemort in the end (while Harry would have been used by Dumbledore & co to make him miss the real threat). I'm curious if JKR considered this option or reacted to this theory I certainly wasn't the only one to have came with.
In French, Voldemort could also mean "theft of death".
fly of death. I'm french
@@alicedefrance4411 "vol" can mean flight or theft. I'm French too 😉
He also has a baguette xD
@@emmanueldesdoit9278 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
@@alicedefrance4411in not even French and i know it can mean 2 different things
I always say Voldemort without the t. I’m not French, hardly speak the language, but know enough to pronounce it right. I didn’t start reading the books or watching the movies until my children were old enough. By then, I had seen interviews with
J K Rowling and how she pronounced the name.
Where do your illustrations come from? They’re mesmerizing 💗
In Jim Dale's reading of the Harry Potter series he didn't pronounce the T in Voldemort until later in the series. I can say for sure that he didn't pronounce the T in the first book.
Beautiful art picture,s ❤
Thank you for the video 😊
I think Snape, in a way was a mentor to Harry. Harry said he was the bravest man he had ever known. They both shared a love of Lilly. Harry even named his son after Snape.
Aunt marge is so evil. Even her bulldogs go wild
If JK told us how horcruxes were made, ppl would leave the theory alone probably
Thankyou. She doesn't seriously expect she can take that important knowledge to grave does she?
I was quite surprised by being one of the first commenters! Authors often have a truth that readers refuse to accept. People want to control their favorite stories and see what they want to see. The availability of online forums makes this so much easier in today’s world. I remember being a young reader of Robert A. Heinlein and looking for fan clubs. Now this used to be the only real way to contact your favorite authors! Most conventions were aimed for authors or potential authors, writers, editors, etc. I once tried to get to a Sci-Fi convention held in San Francisco, but it was simply out of my reach as a 12 year old boy. Looking back I now doubt that there would have been anything for me!
Stories are often plagiarized now by “fan fiction” as a “true expression” of readers devotion to a book or series of books. I am going to say that readers do not have a say in what happens to the characters and it is the sole responsibility of their creator and what happens when they die or live out their lives beyond the limits of the story is truly in the hands, pen, pencil or computer of the original author. I have read stories that invite everyone to offer stories to enhance the stories of a given “universe” some are quite famous, but I tend to avoid these as I dislike the uncertainty of character development. Often even story lines are so abstracted as to limit the belief of readers. So while I once read stories in this vein, I no longer bother. I hope J.K. Knows she has created a world and stories that are truly wonderful! I believe they will stand the test of time. I know that a lot of people have made money from her world and her stories, this video is just another way for others to profit from her genius. We should acknowledge this evolving aspect of “fandom” but it is not truly inspiring, yet I watched it so there is a desire for more from this magical world. What are people to do?
I was really upset there was no mention of Winky or Dobby in Goblet of fire, Winky was annoying but she was a valuable character
I disagree. She was a very annoying character to me and I was personally glad she was left out of the film. As a black person, I was deeply offended by her slavish devotion to her master. It disgusted me, to be perfectly honest.
In all clarity, I am not what most people would call a "fan", though I HAVE read, and enjoyed all the Harry Potter books.
I agree (both with the annoying and the valuable character!)
She was actually the cause of Bartie Jr's escape, setting off all the subsequent events, as she begged Bartie Snr to allow him to go to the Quiddich World Cup. At the end, she is the one who gives exposition for those events.
I know that books and film are two totally different mediums, so it is hard to reproduce faithfully what IS in the books - with all the extra details in each of the HP books, we might still be seeing the films being produced today!
Some adaptations require that a lot of details are left out, but it is hard sometimes to appreciate how difficult it really is, and accept those omissions - sadly, peripheral characters are one of details that suffer the most. xxx
The houselves don't contribute anything. Especially windy. Even dobby should be cut out. They are all annoying filler material
@@MsAppassionatayou where offended by a fantasy book??😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@MsAppassionataalso there where more white slaves in recent history then black slaves but you probably dont want to hear that becouse you want to be a victim😅
I be goin sleep with your videos on in the background. Something so calming bout ur voice bro. Love
Where do you get the artwork you use in the video?
She probably regrets casting Radcliffe and Watson
I've been saying his name right, and a lot of others kept telling me that not that, yet I kept saying it right!
Imagine thinking that YOUR interpretation of the source material, takes precedence over the actual author herself 🤣
Arguing with the author over what she really meant is next level narcissism😂
Still torn on Prof. Snape, he was cruel to the children, including Hermione, who was very similar to the "love" of his life.
I hated Fred's death, but it was a very important thing in the story. I agree that it had to happen, or something like it, to show what was at stake in the war against evil.
A phoenix must die to be reborn. Therefor a phoenix could not be used as a horcrux. Dumbledore may have been a master manipulator but he'd not be the sort to make a horcrox, and a phoenix is not immortal.
"partial reflection"
Literally the only thing that separates me and my main character from my book I'm reading right now is our physical differences and she's better at school than me but only because of her magic.
Interestingly, I get a lot of my inspiration from Harry Potter and Owl House.
I felt like there wasn't enough exploration with Hedwig, there could be more owl creatures than just the one or two we see and that's not necessarily A bad thing to be cursed if that's who you are and what would Howl look like if he had stayed in bird formed the whole time.
And I like the idea of the Phoenix being like one of the main characters so you know
I think the biggest mistake is that death scene for Voldemort, he should've died like a human and fell to the ground like in the book.
3d was popular back then but now it looks horribly dated.
I sometimes feel alone in my contrary attitude about Snape, even from reading either the first book or watching the first movie for the first time, I have already had started self-speculation that Snape might be more complex than what was being let on and now years later I find out that I was not alone in believing this speculation; but of course by, that time, the Half-Blood Prince novel had come out and it still hasn't deterred my belief about Snape.
Fans can't accept the loss? I've never really heard anyone care all that much about Lupin and Tonks dying.
im listening to this while im doing my homework soo thanks cuz no i learn hp more while im learing about things in my school
I'll say this: There are many ways to make a puzzle fit together, HP characters, plot etc could have gone in many directions, many of whom would have been just as great as what we got.
Harry and Hermione both marrying Weasleys makes sense thematically because it officially makes them part of a large and _chosen_ magical family. Something they both lacked all Harrys (close) relatives on the Potter side are dead and Hermione has none at all.
And well, Ginny in the books have way more in common with Harry than Hermione. Harry and Hermione are so riddiculously sibling-coded in the books that i feel like Rowling just said that shit for drama.
Could Herminone and Ron have been paired with others romantically? Absolutly.... Hell i love reading the occasional Hermione/Draco fanfic but Ron and her are thematic representations of Harry's parents (the brilliant muggle born witch and the loyal, righteous pureblood wizard....). So while Harry never got to know them, he got to grow up and find a family and friendship in 2 people who in so many ways were just like them.
As i said, what we got fits.
I hate the direction JK has gone in recently Hogwarts Legacy has to be one of the best things the Harry Potter universe has going recently i’m ready for a sequel already. I want Azkaban and the chamber of secrets lol
For bulldogs, couldn't have been a case horrible dog owner training?
Exactly!! Spoiling them like aunt marge did and giving them praise for reactive behavior (as in running a child up a tree..) i can see it
It struck me at the time of reading, and has done ever since, that the deaths of Fred, Tonks and Lupin made it - easier is the wrong word, so let us say less onerous - for Harry to walk to his own death. It forced him to realise that his death was more important than his life...
Tbh, the one death i continue to wish did not happen was that of Snape. I wonder how his relationship with Harry and Hogwarts would have developed after the war. I wish none of the good guys died, but his seems so tragic because he never learned how to appreciate his own life, even as he honored Lily's sacrifice. His death feels so empty when it happens, but in many ways his life was at the heart if the whole series. Just as for Lupin and Tonks, a happy ending for Snape would have been nice.
Innit. Almost feels as if his arc was left unfinished
I'm with David Yates, and JK Rowling - Dumbledore's sexual orientation really had no bearing on the storyline, and unless a character's orientation is relevant to the storyline, in a meaningful way, why make a big deal out of it!
There are many actors/actresses who are gay/bi, at least one (that I know of) of whom was a recurring character in the Harry Potter films, but they don't make a song and dance about it, why should it be different for fictional characters?
I think the case of the Bulldogs is something that parents could have tackled far better by using the fact that, it doesn't matter the breed of the dog, it is how the owner trains it, or doesn't, as the case may be. It was Aunt Marg who was at fault, as with many real owners of "vicious" dogs, and this could have been used as a valuable life lesson to teach their children.
This could also be enhanced by pointing out that it was only Harry who was chased, not any of the other characters, as Aunt Marg wanted - it was HER who didn't really like Harry, not the dog(s)!
Why would any fan of the books think Dumbledore would create a horcrux?
It is shown, as plain as plain can be, many times in the books, that only a Wizard/Witch of the most evil nature would create a horcrux - do they really think Dumbledore would do something so evil?
I honestly don't understand how "fans", inspired by the characterisation, wilfully ignore the author, whose own creativity, moulded those characters, into something so relatable and beloved. They are fictitious, accept it and move on, for heaven's sake!
Aunt Marge was obviously gay.
Interesting, but speed it up, please 😅
I suspect the reason to lessen Dobby and his kind from the film adaptation was down to production costs#, a business person writing fantasy novels ought to consider this
# real actors are cheaper to film than special effects
As a French reader of HP, I always pronounced Voldemort right… the interesting part that most English speaker don’t know is that yes, it can be translate as Flight of death but the word Vol can mean fly or Theft. Which make it’s Theft of death which has even more meaning and I think JK didn’t even realized that… or maybe she does but I don’t understand why she always said flight of death when Theft of death fits even better for the character.
I think it's because he wants to flee from death and live forever
While Fred's death seems too cruel, I honestly believe that it was the right move for Rowling to make.
It brought an emotional connection for me that deepened my respect for the whole series. It brought a life and reality to it that will cause it to live on forever in my heart. It makes the series itself more alive.
War is cruel. And good people are unalived by it. That is the tragic reality of it. To run away from that fact, or to romanticize it in such a way as to expect that good people will never come to an end (even in a fictional fantasy), is just unreasonable and even irresponsible.
Joy and hope can still live on through others. Anyone can bring those emotions to life.
I love how he brings up the mispronunciation of Voldemort's name yet constantly mispronounces Rowling's name LOL It's ROW-ling as in bowling.
He is actually pronouncing it the correct way. us Americans have it wrong!😅
I could only read book 7 twice; the deaths and destruction is far worse and more felt in the books than what the movies tried, but couldn’t truly portray. The movies just showed some of the dead bodies, but not how some of them like Fred died.
The books are entirely different story. No Peeves...no Kreachers Tale...no repair of Harry's wand.
Now if Voldemort had tamed a phoenix and put a bit of soul in the bird, he WOULD have been immortal
J.K. Rowling wanted to show that war kills people, but in a magical fantasy world, is that really necessary? There was something mean about killing a bunch of characters in one sentence.
Let JK Rowling rejoice : dozen of millions of French speakers accros the world pronounce Voldemort correctly (and were baffled like me when they learned that this was indeed the original name and not a translation - many names have been changed in French so the joke would be translated). The right pronunciation is not lost, it will endure.
How much influence did Rowling have during the making of the movies? If she didn't like the fact that Dobby wasn't in the Goblet of Fire movie why didn't she vitto it. Saying something like: "I don't care if its just a cameo appearance put in a scene with him in the movie."
It seems to me that Brits often intentionally mispronounce French words' silent end letters (e.g. 'marquis') I just figured this was a similar example.
Oh my god i read years fanfiction about harry and hermione and i hope in the last movie harry and hermione endid up together 😢
I am proud to say I have never pronounced Voldemort with the t on the end. ☺️
I’m sure I am not alone in this. ❤️
The sword is mightier than the pen witch
I love dogs, but as you can see from Marge's Bull Dogs, even the nicest most lovable dog can become aggressive if not train properly. My sister has a lovely black labra-doodle and he would just as soon lick your face repeatedly and play fight with the family, but if he wasn't trained, if he was mistreated or abused, he could just as easily have became a mean wicked dog. He's the goodest of good boys
Why wasn’t Snape among the ghostly loved ones who appear to Harry when he goes to the woods to be killed by Voldemort? Harry knew he was a hero by then.
But Snape never loved Harry
Yeah they messed up with Dobby in the movies. Lupin lost me after he abandoned Tonks after impregnating her and wanted to go run off with three teenagers on an "adventure". Completely spoiled his character and ruin anything good he had. I cheered Harry on so much after he put him in his place. Do you think really James wanted you to abandon your child when he gave his life for his own? 🤦
regarding Snape's compicated character: we recall that he was headmaster for a while, meaning that his portrait hung in the Headmaster's suite. I wrote a number of short stories regarding Harry's visits to the Headmaster after the War. In one of them, Harry confesses his misunderstanding, and the dead former headmaster acknowledges that his feelings toward Harry were colored by his hatred of James - in my little story, Harry asks Snape to recreate the improvements in "Advanced Potion Making" with due credit being given. This softened the history of animosity. (another of Harry's visits was about his finishing he education and doing an "internship" with Ollivander, at which time we discover that the Elder Wand's power had been transferred to Harry's when (in the canon), Harry used it to repair his humble holly wand.
Any dog can be aggressive. The parents just were being piss poor at communicating with their children. Easier to bitch on a forum than actually TALK with your kids, right?
Thank you.
J k rowling is my cup of tea even at her ripe old age, i could forgive her for these regrets
*Mort in french sound similar to Mot ( dea@th) in hindi and Mrityu (Death ) in Sanskrit* in both the languages T is pronounced
Serious was Harry's DOG-FATHER (sorry I'll show myself out now) lol
You can't find more common ground than Death. Death and Taxes ;)
The story required Harry and Hermione. There didn’t need to be a triangle. Ron was never written as displaying that great an interest in Hermione at all and Ginny was an afterthought character pulled out of the author’s behind as consolation prize.
I would say HBP was originally intended to show Ginny using the love potions on Harry and others. It would have led to Harry finally realizing only Hermione would understand him.
I disagree wholeheartedly with the Harry/Hermione pairing. This, in my estimation is too pat & somewhat reduces the story to the level of a B western. In addition, Ginny & Harry have much more in common. They're both jocks & quidditch is their game. Third, with the Harry Hermione pairing, Ron becomes an expendable character in place of Fred. Fred's death was heart rending. Ron's death would have been ever more so, just as bad as killing off Arthur Weasley.
Not to mention the thematic representation of Harry marrying in to the Weasleys, since that makes him _officially_ part of a large, loving family. And well, Ginny also resemblence Lilly.....
Same with Hermione, she got to officially become a member of the magical family she never had.
And Ron and Hermione also thematically are spiritual representations of Harrys parents (righteous, loyal pureblood Ron and the brilliant, intelligent muggle born Hermione) so them getting together also makes sense.
Not to mention that Harry and Hermione are so riddiculously sibling-coded in the books.....
Feels like half the stuff Rowling has thrown out over the years has just been for drama
Harry Potter what a good inspiring sotry. A young jock, not the most academically gifted, a trust fund kid that in the end ends up marrying a school sweetheart and becoming a cop himself.
Still like the video.🧙♀️🛖🪦⚡️🪄🧹
I always thought the pronunciation of Voldemort was dumb. This reminds of the Manette family from "Tale of Two Cities".
The fact that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were in love with each other came through, tho. I even saw it in the look Jude Law gave: a shy, welcoming look with smiling eyes.
You don't have to have a bodice-ripper scene to show a lovers relationship.
The dev team behind final fantasy 8 are wrong. They said squal doesnt die at yhe end of disk 1. But he does. The rest of the game only makes sense if he died.
i don't know these things but about dimblebore
Rowling should’ve never made Dumbledore gay
I never pronounce the t. I would listen to the audio books before reading the books myself and Jim Dale didn't start to pronounce the t until book 4.
Could Fawkes as a horcrux could of been created/activated accidentally with the death of Dumbledore's sister?
No. Horcruxes are not just made by accident. And your soul is torn by the act of intentional murder, not an accidental death.
@@ska4dragons Harry was a horcrux made by accident, although Voldemort's murders at the Potters were intentional.
Doesn't Grindlewald say Voldemort's name correctly in DHPT2?
Who the hell puts annunciation on the t in Voldemort
Voldermort had to have the t because Tom Riddles full name having the letters rearranged needed to spell out I am lord Voldermort. Without the t the first name would have been Om Instead of Tom.
It's spelled with the t but in French it's silent 🙂
I like that Ron and Herminie ended up together. Ron could not have ended up with Ginny as they were siblings, but she could end up with Harry.
Ginny was about as close as anyone to being a part of the Golden Trio and with a marriage between Harry and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione, not only would this bake Ron and Harry brothers in law, it would make all the children of the Golden Trio 1st cousins. With Ron and Herminie married and Harry and Ginny married, the sibling relationship between Harry's wife, and Herminie's Husband, being siblings, the Trio has a stronger bond keeping them together.
If Harry and Hermione ended up together, then Ron would be left with an outsider to be his wife (or be left alone), and as Ron's career as an Auror not working out, Ron and his wife would have little reason to remain in regular contact with Harry and Herminie. This would likely lead to Ron drifting away over time, and this, to me, would be very sad. I'm not saying this would happen, only that it is much more likely to happen should Ron marry an outsider.
I think the obsession of fans thinking Hermione should have been with Harry belittles Ron. Also, maybe it's because I strongly related with Ron.
ginny and harry were much better in the books
I definitely follow your reasoning, and feel that the marital link of Harry to the Weasleys was almost guaranteed early on as he needed a family to belong to. The Weasleys accepted Harry as family (Molly particularly so), and Ron was a mix of best friend and brother Harry never had. I believe that the twins, Fred and George, also considered Harry a brother of sorts as he was kind, loyal to Ron and a good influence on him.
I understand that many feel a vibe between Hermione and Harry, and I do as well because I've always considered Ron, though a good person and loyal friend, to be the weaker link in the Golden Trio. It was Ron who was jealous of Harry's popularity as a quidditch player and Harry's robes at the Yule Ball. It was Ron who begrudged Harry getting into the Triwizard Tournament and (at first) didn't believe that it wasn't a grab at glory by Harry. It was Ron who gave Hermione a hard time about her date with Viktor Krum, letting jealousy get the best of him. And in Deathly Hallows, it was Ron who said some very hurtful things to Harry about not having any family, and abandoned his friends. And it was also Ron who preferred hanging onto the Elder Wand while Harry and Hermione wisely considered it too powerful, and dangerous.
I'm not bashing Ron, and I think that these instances make him human like the rest of us. But if you had to pick which of the Golden Trio "wavered" the most in the relationships--i.e., was, perhaps the least emotionally mature of the three--there's a good argument for it being Ron. Hermione had the intellectual fortitude and maturity that comes with it, and Harry was a graduate of the school of hard knocks with a miserable upbringing, but didn't let it jade him.
I'm not forgetting that Ron (and the Twins) rescued Harry from the Dursleys, that Ron sacrificed himself in the chess game so Harry could go on to face Quirrell/Voldemort, that Ron finally came around in Goblet of Fire once he realized just how dangerous the trials were and that Harry hadn't entered it voluntarily, and that in Order of the Phoenix he joined Hermione in trying tried to comfort Harry when he felt isolated and was being gaslighted by the Ministry of Magic.
In my youth (and I'm talking about the 1980's) I knew a male/male/female trio of friends and they had an interesting dynamic. Male A was what we now call a Sigma; kind, smart, mature beyond his years, easygoing, nonconformist and highly independent. His buddy was much like Ron Weasley: good natured, quite smart, unwaveringly loyal, but a bit nerdy and slightly shy, especially around females. He wasn't a wimp, but if you categorized the two guys as leader/follower, or main/sidekick, he was definitely the follower/sidekick despite a rich, healthy friendship that was very brotherlike.
Then there was the girl and she was exceptionally close to Sigma, had an extroverted personality, goodhearted and was highly intelligent. Sigma considered them both honorary siblings, and the Harry/Hermione dynamic was much like Sigma/Girl. Girl and Buddy guy never had a romantic thing, but neither did Sigma and Girl. Like Harry/Hermione, it was a bonded, platonic friendship that for years endured each of them marrying other people. In the last ten years or so, I learned that Sigma and Girl apparently drifted apart in their thirties, but Sigma and Buddy still keep in contact.
I think you have a good point that if Harry and Hermione wed, Ron would have married another and likely would have let time, lack of familial ties and perhaps some of his own self-doubt--in the face of Harry and Hermione being a "power couple" of high level people in the Ministry of Magic--abate his bond to his friends. In marrying Ron to Hermione, and Harry to Ginny, Rowling ensured their destinies are intertwined. As an aside, Ginny makes a wife who--unlike many women--will never be jealous of the Harry/Hermione bond, as she grew up seeing the relationship. It's Hermione to whom Ginny confides her initial feelings for Harry, and she helps, with some sound advice, Ginny develop that relationship with Harry. I think Cho Chang, or another female, might have had some insecurities when it came to how close Harry and Hermione are.
She regrets NOTHING!!! She's RICH!!!
Money isn't everything, you know
Dam you ben at making hp videos
Did lupine not want to be with her she loved him
Yeah, and Alan Rickman can’t come back to life I’m sorry but actors can’t come back to life. This is an immortal. This is reality even though I wish I would be so awesome so amazing. This is not gonna happen. I miss him I love him
2:35 Jim Dale pronounces it correctly all the way through his reading of the series
It is not really the fans fault for having a misunderstanding over these Potter books, in short Rowling should have had made a re-edit for the contents in her books to correct some of the errors that she made; other authors before her who had originally written copies of their manuscripts that had to be re-written due to drastic misconceptions that they accidentally made about a culture or something that they had to be re-written as something else had made the necessary changes; and trust me, I have watched other RUclips videos that talks about this kind of thing; Roald Dahl had to re-write some his drafts 3 times for "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" and "James and the Giant Peach"; P.L. Travers had to make a few minor changes to some of her drafts from the chapter "The Bad Tuesday" in her very first "Mary Poppins" book, I got most of the information from the Jon Solo videos; but, I do not like the way half the world took offense over some of Ted Geisel's books though; because he just draws the way he draws, that he never meant to offend anyone over the issue how he draws some of his human characters like the Chinese man featured in "And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street" or whatever they think they saw out text of one of the Horton stories, I mean I am not as big a fan of "Horton Hears a Who" myself; but, I never saw anything wrong with "Horton Hatches the Egg", the parents got the wrong idea when they were reading to their children; I found this out from a site that my mom found online about banned Dr. Seuss and T. Leseig books; as you can see that sometimes fans are right and sometimes fans are wrong, and fans are not wrong in the issues surrounding Rowling's books. Theories swimming around about characters in fiction literature usually can't be taken seriously anyway no matter if those theories are plausible or completely false or holds no meaning in it at all.
I used to write fanfiction (two novels worth actually) before OOTP had been published. I made some predictions that ended up becoming canon, like Ron becoming Keeper and an Auror as well as ending up with Hermione. I came up with a Bottomless Bag, just like Hermione used in TDH and also that she'd become Minister for Magic. Draco becoming a Death Eater and Harry becoming friends with Dudley and Dumbledore getting killed by Snape.
Then I heard that JK used to frequent fanfiction sites during her hiatus between GOF and OOTP and it always made me wonder if she happened upon my stories and thought I had some good ideas.
Guess its farfetched, but I cant help but wonder every now and then.
My personal fan fiction is something simple, but powerful. I wanted to see Dudley on Platform 9 3/4, seeing his 11yo son or daughter off to his/her 1st year at Hogwarts. This would prove that he survived, and accepted his magical son/daughter. It would even open a door for maybe Harry building a relationship with the one person left from his mother's family.
I understand why Harry ended up with Ginny. It was the only way that Harry could officially become a member of the Weasley family, as he had been in spirit since the very beginning. Hermione in turn became family as well by marrying Ron. She and Ginny were as close as sisters for most of the books. The Weazleys became the the mutual connection that created the complete family Harry never got to have.
Regarding the English Bulldogs, it's more about the owner. When the owner is mean and horrible, the dogs will tend to be too. When the owner is kind and honorable, the dogs will tend to be as well. It surprises me, and saddens me that so many people don't naturally recognize such things.
Obviously, Rowling had to choose some of the biggest characters to fall victim in the war. From everything I've read and heard, it was between Fred and Arthur. Arthur was the closest Harry had to a father. Harry deserved to keep that relationship. IMHO
I just watched your video and I have to agree with you on some issues and disagree with you on some. Dobby, Fred, Lupin, Tonks' deaths were totally unnecessary as others should have been killed off. Harry and Hermoine relationship all the way. Concerning Snape, he was a villain who refused to let go of his adulterated hatred of James and especially the way he treated Harry was unforgiveable. If he truly loved and cared for Lily, then he should have been more supportive towards Harry especially when it came to the occlumency lessons. In the end Snape got what he truly deserved and my dislike for Snape that in my copy of Deathly Hallows I crossed out the name of Severus for Harry's second child and replaced it with Hagrid. Albus Hagrid Potter sounds way better to me!
Harry works better with Ginny. Harry and Hermione would not have really worked. Men often marry their Mom's. Hermione acted as a mother to both Harry and Ron at school. Molly basically adopted Harry. Harry would be attracted to Ginny and Ron would be attracted to Hermione both as Mother figures.
There was no gay or rainbow mafia characters in the story... AT ALL. Rowling has said this much on several occasions.
She actually said Dumbledore was gay from the beginning
Hermione was meant for Ron to obvious to put her with Harry
After reading the books a number of times, I think Dumbledore IS /WAS the real Dark Lord. If you notice the way he treats people through out the book and especially his treatment towards Harry. Living where he knew he would never be loved or cared for, sending him back every summer even after find out what they would do to him. And don't get me started on the blood wards thing, cause for one they would have never took hold in the first place, and Dumbledore knew this after Harry's first year. Then you have the fact that from year 2 on wards. He let him go to the Weasley's for the summer. And then you have the whole Molly breaking the ISS at least 3 times in the first book. There is a lot of things that just doesn't add up with him. AND in a round about way Harry was responsible for Dumbledore's death bu making him continue to drink that potion making him so weak to even defend himself from the bloody bass***d Draco when he dis armed him. And non of you can say he would be to on any other day
Molly is dead yay
She killed so many characters in the last battle that she could leave Fred alive.
Molly died
The Auther of any story is no longer the free thinking creator, once the fans get too involved.
This occurrence in itself is stupid.
Get a life!
Harry Potter is a fictional work of art which pulls at our heart strings.
And in doing so, humans naturally get emotional.
Get a grip, stop your Trip.
You all got an ENTIRE theme park.
And its so STUPIDLY EXspenssive that most rational people will never visit.
Which continues too play into your exaggerated emotions as you blow all your money on a theme park.
Meanwhile America is falling apart. Its enemies all laughing with great joy, including you English.
Quick, everybody America is distracted sinking all their money into fictional fan dumb! 🤣🤣
Hey, we didn't learn anything from Wizard of Oz, nor our Star Wars experience - so we were RIPE for the royal corn holing.
does she regret the transphobic comments, or the denigration of the actors who have since stood out as allies of all disaffected individuals subjected to hate in society? no? then who cares what she has to say about anything now?
No thank god
Bigots rarely regret their own bigotry unless forced to by society. While the quality of her works can be debated, the quality of her character is clearly lacking.
This is the kind of hate mongering destroying society today. We are all entitled to our beliefs and opinions. This makes us neither good nor evil. Just another human. You talk as if her opinion is intolerant, but it is no more intolerant than what you just said. We don't all have to agree all the time to get along. That would make for a very boring world. And all of this has nothing to do with her book anyway. It is her intellectual property so what she says about it does matter.
No she doesnt regret telling the truth. Your cult is in its last gasps move on.
That men shouldn't play women's sports? I hope not because she's right and this is coming from a liberal.