New York $7,200,000 Townhouse|好莱坞巨星KatharineHepburn故居

  • Опубликовано: 20 авг 2024
  • What does the townhouse of hollywood star Katharine Hepburn look like, not on the market?
    不在市场上,纽约女明星Katharine Hepburn的故居Townhouse联排别墅什么样?
    It is adjacent to the embassies of various countries and shares a private garden with 20 other townhouses on the same street, of which there are only four such private gardens in all of New York. Among them are the residences of famous American singer Bob Dylan and "The New Yorker" magazine contributor E.B. White.
    它与各国大使官邸为邻,并与同街其他20栋Townhouae共享私人花园,这样的私人花园全纽约只有四个。这其中也有美国著名歌星Bob Dylan,《纽约客》杂志撰稿人E.B White的故居~
    #好莱坞明星 #纽约豪宅 #Townhouse #联排别墅 #纽约豪宅经纪人vickyzhang
    #HollywoodStar #newyork #Townhouse

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