Paulus Hector Mair Exotica

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
    Music: 'Trotto' by Saltarello
    Weapon Forms: Scythe, Sickle, Flail, Cudgel, Duelling Shield.
    From Wikipedia
    Paulus Hector Mair (1517--1579) was an Augsburg civil servant, and active in the martial arts of his time. He collected Fechtbücher and undertook to compile all knowledge of the art of fencing in a compendium surpassing all earlier books. For this, he engaged the painter Jörg Breu the Younger, as well as two experienced fencers, whom he charged with perfecting the techniques before they were painted. The project was very costly, taking full four years, and according to Mair, consumed most of his family's income and property. Three versions of his compilation, and one later, less extensive manuscript, have been preserved.
    Not only did Mair spend huge sums on his collections and on his projects, he also had a very expensive lifestyle, frequently hosting receptions for the more important burghers of Augsburg. His own income was not sufficient for this, and during many years, he misappropriated funds from the city treasury, with the supervision of which he had been entrusted since 1541. His embezzlements were discovered in 1579, and Mair was hanged as a thief at the age of 62.
    1) mdz10.bib-bvb.d...
    2) mdz10.bib-bvb.d...

Комментарии • 133

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  16 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the compliment. When I first found these books I spent hours just looking through all the magnificent illustrations. Mair has at least two enormous volumes illustrated in this quality. There was recently a book printed titled: "The Polearms of Paulus Hector Mair" that obviously only deals with polearms and it is still huge. It's also in black and white. I imagine the price of reprinting everything in color would cost a ton!

  • @Zeithri
    @Zeithri 10 лет назад +2

    I love this. I would love to have his ultimate compendium. Some people just really need to sit down with it and just translate the remaining copies and re-produce them before they are lost in time.

  • @drav1dan
    @drav1dan 15 лет назад

    Of course, the knights do deserve credit. And it is really good that people are reviving European martial arts. The reason that western martial arts declined until now, whereas eastern martial arts did not decline as much is because, western people saw martial arts merely as a means to an end - to defeat enemies. So, when firearms arrived, martial arts declined. In the east, people realized the potential for spiritual development with martial arts. So, it did not decline as much.

  • @FreakyGremlinDK
    @FreakyGremlinDK 15 лет назад

    thats sure some special weapon choices, and i never seen such shields before

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад +2

    The music is by a group callee Saltarello. I found their CD on Lark In The Morning's website.

  • @JohnRaptor
    @JohnRaptor 15 лет назад

    I wasn't aware of any dueling shields like that outside of Talhoffer. Very cool to see them from another source.

  • @Thrand11
    @Thrand11 13 лет назад

    This is Thrand!!!
    Love the weapons it shows the diversity of the European martial artist.

  • @eacortes
    @eacortes 13 лет назад

    I've never before seen or heard of dueling shields. Those things look very nasty and practical for close melee combat.

  • @MrBudwv
    @MrBudwv 11 лет назад

    It was a dueling shield. A lantern shield was also kind interesting but I think its a later period weapon. It was more of a personal defense weapon that held a candle. A switch inside the shield would open a door & the lit candle would blind your attacker.

  • @schizoidboy
    @schizoidboy 13 лет назад

    The interesting thing is in the ancient times people would have gone to war using such weapons because swords were outlawed to commoners. Many so-called martial arts weapons are in fact farm impliments, so it should come as no surprise that people developed fighting styles around such tools.

  • @Entheobotany
    @Entheobotany 14 лет назад

    Also in Codex Wallerstein. Those shields are brutal!

  • @Entheobotany
    @Entheobotany 14 лет назад

    @Kelvarra Best bet for new ones is to go online. Older ones can be found in antique stores, rural garage sales, and places like ebay. The old ones usually work if you put some WD40 and a new edge on it.

  • @ReeceNelson6
    @ReeceNelson6 16 лет назад

    wow! Cool stuff. Thanks for posting.

  • @Ranziel1
    @Ranziel1 15 лет назад

    It depends on the era, but knights were proclaimed nobles and granted feuds in exchange for military service. They lived by war, if they'd not be good warriors, they wouldn't be wanted as vassals. In the age of chivalry, knights were trained from the age of 7, in all types of combat, from sword fencing on foot to mounted combat with a lance.

  • @MrUdsmykke
    @MrUdsmykke 14 лет назад

    i don't like to fight. The song is wonderful

  • @FrisianDude
    @FrisianDude 14 лет назад

    Haha, nice outfits. :P Some of those attacks are plain hilarious, though I'd certainly hate for them to happen to me.

  • @MrSwimer23able
    @MrSwimer23able 9 лет назад +6

    Anyone else notice the black man at 0:17? Were these illustrations made in Italy? I understand that in medieval Italy, blacks were not subject to the racism that they later became accustomed to. See Shakespeare's Othello.

    • @ktoth29
      @ktoth29 9 лет назад +2

      +MrSwimer23able "subjected to racism" is a modern way of thinking that would probably be out of place in the period. Conditions were pretty barbaric for everyone and especially for those who were of a different religion, but I don't think they really made as much of a distinction between people of different races... the racism comes latter, after the abolition of slavery when people feel a need to perpetuate or justify the mistreatment of minority populations.

    • @DjempsMusic
      @DjempsMusic 8 лет назад

      +MrSwimer23able Hi, I'm going through all of my old video comments. The illustrations we made in Augsburg, Germany. But the person at 0:17 is probably based on a Spanish 'Moor'

    • @paweandonisgawralidisdobrz2522
      @paweandonisgawralidisdobrz2522 4 года назад +1

      Paulus Hector Mair was a rich entusiast of martial arts. He met with other european (mostly german) martial arts masters and paid a lot of money to Albrecht Durer for the illustrations to his books. Its possible that he invited african martial artists to exchange knowledge as there is also a picture of an african and a european practising european side sword as well as the first picture could be the african teaching sickle techniques to Mair since sickle sword were in use in africa.
      If you're asking about rasism in medieval times then it was barely a thing becouse of the lack of diversity. People didnt interact much at all. The regions with the most xenophobia were usuwally the ones invaded the most by forein looking people such as Spain, balkans or Russia.
      There were probalby individual racists or antiracists but the was no racist culture becouse of the lack of interactions in most regions

  • @MEMAG
    @MEMAG 14 лет назад

    The spiritual benefits of Western Martial Arts were realized as well, but many of them still fell by the way side.

  • @Entheobotany
    @Entheobotany 14 лет назад

    I think the main thing is cost, in both funding and time. You can buy wooden wasters or blunt steel for not too much money, and you can easily find them online. With those dueling shields I imagine you and your fighting partner would have to make them yourselves or pay a lot to get them custom made.

  • @tsafa
    @tsafa 15 лет назад

    Thanks for posting this guys. I did not think the sickle was every used for anything other then harvesting. I know it has been used in a few horror movies but I thought that was Hollywood fantasy.

  • @tiamat9989
    @tiamat9989 16 лет назад

    very nice!

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    @Entheobotany .. Sorry I didn't put 2 and 2 together. It completely went over my head that you were referring to the fact that Wallerstein has the same exact shield plays as Mair. Now I don't know why Mair would switch the fighters to Armor. Another interesting thing is that Wallerstein and Mair have shields with a complicated T shaped inner beam that allows you to hold the weapon in unique ways. I don't know of any other manual that has this type of construction.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  16 лет назад

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. These plates are taken from the 1st of two enormous volumes held at the Munich library in Bavaria.

  • @user-cq5qc9go6z
    @user-cq5qc9go6z 5 лет назад +1

    Музыка Боевых искусств

  • @JohnRaptor
    @JohnRaptor 15 лет назад

    Smart sensei.

  • @Okaruwazashi
    @Okaruwazashi 13 лет назад +1

    @ArkoudoROMANTIC I think it's more likely that martial arts just develop on their own, than that they all come from some original system. People try to kill each other, some things work and some don't, the winners pass on and refine their techniques, and so on and so on.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    Thanks for the fascinating observation. I was wrong in translating this particular weapon as Cudgel. The correct term is Bauren Stangen, or Peasant's Staff. I've only learned this because a translation of the Peasant Staff and Flail just came out. I'm working through the translation with a fellow WMA practitioner in another state. He mentioned that the Peasant Staff works very similar to the Portugese traditon of Jogo Do Pau. I searched RUclips for Kobudo-Jo and definetly see the connections.

  • @drav1dan
    @drav1dan 15 лет назад

    Because we are westerners. So everything we do and everything we have is the greatestest, or at least equal to what other cultures have. It is simple logic.

  • @svetit10
    @svetit10 11 лет назад

    ха,очень интересно,подручные средства,класс

  • @obermegalutschoar
    @obermegalutschoar 13 лет назад

    Medieval illustrations of dudes in pyjamas beating each other with farming equipment. Now I've seen everything.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 10 лет назад +1

    One thing I find interesting is that most war scythes you see in artistic depictions of combat have been modified/straightened, as opposed to the unmodified scythe you see in Mair's treatise. Obviously, a normal scythe can still kill someone, but it makes you wonder why he opted to show the unmodified tool used as a weapon, as opposed to the apparently more common modified version.

    • @cygil1
      @cygil1 10 лет назад +1

      The techniques of a "war scythe" would not, I imagine, differ greatly to that of a glaive -- indeed a war scythe could be considered an el-cheapo improvised version of a glaive.
      The unmodified scythe, on the other hand, is something any agricultural worker has to hand, and can carry without suspicion.
      I think of all the agricultural implements, the flail would be the most handy

    • @jello788
      @jello788 10 лет назад

      cygil1 So War scythe < Flail ?

    • @NonApplicable1983
      @NonApplicable1983 9 лет назад

      I always assumed it was either a novelty dueling weapon or a way for peasants to kill each other in style.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    Everybody loves that one!

  • @gurkfisk89
    @gurkfisk89 11 лет назад +1

    You can go to the wiktenauer site and search for "Mair".

  • @schizoidboy
    @schizoidboy 15 лет назад

    I can see why they were banned, where those scythes and sickles could cut... Whoa!

  • @Leeroy002
    @Leeroy002 15 лет назад

    it would have truly sucked to have done melee combat back then. I think I would have picked up the bow.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    Yeah, this is probably the most hilarious illustration in the entire book. The text says to strike your opponent on the back, so apparently this is what happens when you get cracked on the back with a spiked flail!

  • @mojothemigo
    @mojothemigo 12 лет назад

    @schizoidboy Sometimes, at some places. They were usually so expensive, knights didn't have to worry as much about them. You might have a lower class person with a sword, but a knight has armor, a horse, etc. This is what I have read, and I give it a high chance of being off. I also read that peasents with crossbows and guns were a much bigger concern and more likely to be banned, as they could take down an armored knight on horseback.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    Yes, tons of sources have the Duelling Shield included in them. I'm disappointed that there has not been a lot of serious study dedicated to them since they crop up in just about every manual. I always thought Mair was the only source with Armoured Stechschild but recently I found out that "Anonymous Cl. 23842" also includes armoured shields.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  13 лет назад

    @anAngryHamster I goofed up with the name. It was called a 'Peasant Staff', and was an uprooted sapling. Still pretty basic, but certainly not the first thing you would grab to settle a fight.

  • @SirJabsAlot
    @SirJabsAlot 15 лет назад

    :P just goofing off nice vid. I'm a martial artist, i find it interesting.

  • @drstrangeman
    @drstrangeman 14 лет назад

    thankyou for posting this vid. the real galdeators just do swords but none of the "odd" weapons. which i would like to learn more about. could you post more in depth videos on each weapon?

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    @Entheobotany Yeah, I agree. I've considered making some myself but got overwhelmed with picking the right material, thinking about how to put everything together, and the final cost.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  16 лет назад

    *** ATTENTION *** I put links to Mair's online volumes at the bottom of the video description. Click 'more info' and check them out!

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    Thanks for the comment. Check out my channel and you will find lots of in depth videos about the flail, a few on the sickle and a small bit on the peasant staff. :-)

  • @Zeithri
    @Zeithri 10 лет назад

    Most who do games don't practice what they program, and I believe it's in general a bit too expensive or "unnecessary" to hire a weapon choeographer. It's just easier to watch other movies or games and make something like that.

  • @SavageInsight
    @SavageInsight 12 лет назад

    In a one vs one or street fight the sickle looks like one of the deadliest weapons I've seen (and I've seen a LOT of hand held weaponry, some of which would make HR Geiger turn cold).

  • @Magicyogi
    @Magicyogi 15 лет назад

    man where can i buy some of these cool tunes? man. they make me so happy listening to them...

  • @Thrand11
    @Thrand11 13 лет назад

    @ThegnThrand Also shows the Asians are not the only ones to use exotic type of weapons.

  • @Cosmoline
    @Cosmoline 10 лет назад

    Plate 14 has GOT TO HURT!

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    Reaper, you don't know what you are talking about. The crusaders had just as many decisive victories over the Turks and Arabs as losses. Saladin had his ass handed to him many times. I can quickly site the Battle of Montgisard as well as the epic Battle of Arsuf where the marching crusader column looked like a group of porcupines because their armor worked so well against Arab archery. It's easy to claim total Arab domination since they still occupy the area, but it was never a sustainable goal.

  • @JohnRaptor
    @JohnRaptor 15 лет назад

    I loled at 1:51

  • @Sakuntu
    @Sakuntu 16 лет назад

    Fre Djemps, nice this from a book? and by the way, I'm digging the 6/8!

  • @DeathWishMonkey
    @DeathWishMonkey 12 лет назад

    Those longswords at 2:27 are very interesting. Are you aware of any historical longsword specimen that had spiked hilt and quillions?

  • @jello788
    @jello788 10 лет назад

    2:27 Oh no, a frontal attack!
    *Blocks up*

  • @300warrior300
    @300warrior300 14 лет назад

    1:51 smack on bottom! that's gotta hurt

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    @dontcommentmehoe Thanks! I've been trying to find that clip forever!

  • @PandemicalShade
    @PandemicalShade 10 лет назад

    Ja, right in the Godendag!

  • @pyrohomunculus
    @pyrohomunculus 15 лет назад

    Yes, they would. Too much noise, and let us not forget you have to spend the excess of thirty seconds to even start the 'wacker of the weeds'.

  • @PaterFrog
    @PaterFrog 14 лет назад

    0:48 hurts from watching.

  • @Giagantus
    @Giagantus 13 лет назад

    Assuming what you said is true what's to say that Buddhist monks (or just asians in general) didn't have martial arts prior to this monk befriending the greeks ? And how do you which parts are european (or Greek to be frank about it). I don't doubt that martial exchange occurred, but really boxing/kicking/what have you has existed in many places and not necessarily due to being introduced by another culture

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  14 лет назад

    @pochazet Sadly, no.

  • @Kelvarra
    @Kelvarra 14 лет назад

    @Entheobotany sir could you tell me where i could find scythes or sickles?

  • @memphadon
    @memphadon 16 лет назад

    no matter how i look at it, a scythe just doesn't seem like an effective weapon. i'd rather just make a spearhead out of the metal and make a spear.
    but the rest of the weapons were very interesting, as well as the short history of Paulus Hector Mair

  • @Jebbis
    @Jebbis 15 лет назад

    I dunno you can get a good one on sale at the home depot, they would not expect a 1.5 hp weed whacker in the face.

  • @jacobbenmichael
    @jacobbenmichael 16 лет назад

    How come this video was taken down?

  • @elgostine
    @elgostine 9 лет назад +1

    i cant find THAT version of the medieval tune ;trotto' none of the ones on youtube have the same tempo, most are a lot slower

    • @djemps7983
      @djemps7983  8 лет назад +1

      +elgostine I'm sorry. Other people have asked me about this music, and I can't find any place on the internet. It was taken from an old CD, by a german medieval-music group called Saltarello. Which sucks, because that is a common term / and there are even other music groups called Saltarello. :-(

    • @Unknown-dq2cj
      @Unknown-dq2cj 7 лет назад

      elgostine I was just about to submit the the Message "Song Please" lol :"D

    • @talleman1
      @talleman1 6 лет назадвидео.html

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  16 лет назад

    Hi. What was it taken down from?

  • @SirJabsAlot
    @SirJabsAlot 15 лет назад

    I say old chap! heyaaa!@ have at you!@

  • @adrianahula3547
    @adrianahula3547 10 лет назад

    Is there someone that is working with this weapon somewere

    • @jamesback8024
      @jamesback8024 8 лет назад

      Yes Adriana, there are.
      But usually not intended for actual combat, more of a Stylized practice kata.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    *Fog Horn Sound*

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  13 лет назад

    @TheGekkjevel Only 'kind of' painful? LOL

  • @tallswede80
    @tallswede80 13 лет назад

    Horseshit. Races work completely differently. It's what you don't see that makes all the difference, i.e. how the brain works, and the soul.

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    Don't believe the hype.

  • @edi9892
    @edi9892 10 лет назад +1

    Does anyone think that noblemans dressed like peakcocks would train such techniques? Moreover I find the depiction of the african strange, looks somehow out of time.
    The sicle and cudgel techniques appear to me as the most relevant for peasants.
    It appears to me that curiosa should record all fighting techniques before they drop out due to modern weapons and tactics.

    • @Friemelkubus
      @Friemelkubus 10 лет назад

      No. These were probably added for completion sake. (This book also has a chapter on ...). At leasy according to lindybeige. His opinion makes sense though. (Look for the video on war scythes)

    • @NonApplicable1983
      @NonApplicable1983 9 лет назад

      Because of the Diet of Worms, the only ones allowed to dress like peacocks, as you put it, were the Landsknecht mercenaries, who were also some of the most common clients for fencing masters.

    • @shrekas2966
      @shrekas2966 8 лет назад

      theese are peasant clothes...

    • @yeetman4953
      @yeetman4953 6 лет назад

      Shrekas 2 nope

    • @yeetman4953
      @yeetman4953 6 лет назад

      edi thats a spanish moor

  • @spartan-s013
    @spartan-s013 5 лет назад +1

    Outlandish weapons? R u serious? These r peasants weapons 😂

  • @skylible
    @skylible 6 лет назад

    What the fuck happened?

  • @djemps7983
    @djemps7983  15 лет назад

    Wrong Century! LOL

  • @kaindrg
    @kaindrg 13 лет назад

    random black guy 0:17