
  • Опубликовано: 1 янв 2025

Комментарии • 31

  • @劉啟祥-o4n
    @劉啟祥-o4n Год назад +8

    聲音好讚 聞者欣喜

  • @waiwong8282
    @waiwong8282 2 года назад +8


  • @駱承澤
    @駱承澤 Год назад +3


  • @蕭月春-h4o
    @蕭月春-h4o 2 года назад +6


  • @meilau844
    @meilau844 4 года назад +15

    感恩法師虔誠 用心吟誦叩鐘偈 上徹天堂宇宙 下至法界地府 十界眾生 历代性靈 同渡佛國淨土。祝賀宇宙祥和 國泰民安! 感恩三寶上承 功德無量育眾生。

    • @黃騰盛
      @黃騰盛 Год назад +2


  • @patricialee4835
    @patricialee4835 Год назад +3

    阿彌陀佛! 阿彌陀佛! 阿彌陀佛!
    感恩師父 隨喜讚歎

  • @黃錦紅-m4r
    @黃錦紅-m4r Год назад +5


  • @mile-e7e
    @mile-e7e Год назад +2


  • @vivianchao3246
    @vivianchao3246 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @巫宸慧
    @巫宸慧 2 года назад +4


  • @vivianchao3246
    @vivianchao3246 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @meilau844
    @meilau844 4 года назад +7

    佛钟音声雄亮 偈诵上达宇宙 下至幽冥 社会祥和 十界众生获益 感恩三宝护佑!

  • @siewchoong4659
    @siewchoong4659 2 года назад +3


  • @明明白白我的心
    @明明白白我的心 2 года назад +4


  • @mejia81004
    @mejia81004 Год назад +4

    暮鐘偈 Verse for Ringing the Bell
    hóng zhong chu (zài, san) kòu bo jì gao yín shàng chè tian táng xià tong dì f
    洪鐘初(再、三)叩 寶偈高吟 上徹天堂 下通地府
    As I ring this bell / And chant this verse,
    May my voice reverberate above in the heavens / And below through the hells.
    jn zhù rén jian mín zh kang lè ken qí dì qiú jn chú wu rn
    僅祝人間 民主康樂 懇祈地球 盡除污染
    May everyone be joyful and healthy. / May democracy prevail in all lands.
    I sincerely pray that the entire world / Will be free of all pollution.
    san jiè sì sheng zhi nèi gè min lún huí ji you shí lèi zhi zhong xi lí k hi
    三界四生之內 各免輪迴 九幽十類之中 悉離苦海
    May those in the Three Realms and Four Births / Escape the Turning Wheel.
    May all beings as well as those in the underworld / Leave the sea of suffering.
    W feng shí y
    min zao ji jn zhi nián nán m dong jiao jù zhan Yáo Shùn zhi rì
    五風十雨 免遭饑饉之年 南畝 東郊 俱瞻堯舜之日
    May the winds & rains be timely / To end the years of famine.
    May the Southern Fields and Eastern Regions / Be like the times of Yao and Shun.
    gan ge y
    ng xi ji m xiu zheng zhèn bài shang wáng jù sheng jìng t
    干戈永息 甲馬休征 陣敗傷亡 俱生淨土
    May all weapons be forever put away, / And soldiers no longer go to battle.
    May those who lost their lives in war / All be reborn in the Pure Land.
    fei qín z
    u shòu luó wng bù féng làng z gu shang zo huán xiang jng
    飛禽走獸 羅網不逢 浪子孤商 早還鄉井
    May birds and beasts / Never be caught in traps or nets.
    May those who wander far and alone / Quickly return home.
    wú bian shì jiè dì ji tian cháng yun jìn tán nà zeng yán fú shòu
    無邊世界 地久天長 遠近檀那 增延福壽
    May the infinite Worlds, / Earth, and Sky last forever.
    May all donors far and near / Live long and increase in blessings.
    san mén zhèn jìng fó f cháng xing t dì lóng shén an seng hù f
    三門鎮靖 佛法常興 土地龍神 安僧護法
    May peace and harmony bless this monastery. / May the Buddha's teachings flourish forever.
    May spirits of the earth, dragons and gods, / Protect the Sangha and the Dharma.
    fù m shi zhng liù qin juàn sh lì dài xian wáng tóng deng b àn
    父母師長 六親眷屬 歷代先亡 同登彼岸
    May our parents, teachers, and elders, / As well as our close relatives,
    And our successive generations of ancestors / All reach the Other Shore
    Ná mó qing jìng f shen pí lú zhe nà fó
    南無清淨法身 毗盧遮那佛
    Namo Vairochana Buddha of the Pure Dharma Body.
    Ná mó yuán mn bào shen lú she nà fó
    南無圓滿報身 盧舍那佛
    Namo Nishyanda Buddha of the Perfect Reward Body.
    Ná mó qian bi yì huà shen shì jia móu ní fó
    南無千百億化身 釋迦牟尼佛
    Namo Shakyamuni Buddha with Myriad Transformation Bodies.
    Ná mó dang lái xià sheng mí lè zun fó
    南無當來下生 彌勒尊佛
    Namo Maitreya, Honored Future Buddha.
    Ná mó jí lè shì jiè e mí tuó fó
    南無極樂世界 阿彌陀佛
    Namo Amitabha Buddha of the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
    Ná mó qing liáng shan jin sè jiè dà zhì wén shu shi lì pú sà
    南無清涼山 金色界 大智文殊師利菩薩
    Namo Manjushri Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom, of the Golden Realm, on Mt. Qingliang.
    Ná mó é méi shan yín sè jiè dà hèng p xián yuàn wáng pú sà
    南無峨嵋山 銀色界 大行普賢願王菩薩
    Namwo Samantabhadra Bodhisattva of Great Practice and Vows, of the Silver Realm, on Mt. Emei.
    Ná mó p tuó shan liú lí jiè dà bei guan shì yin pú sà
    南無普陀山 琉璃界 大悲觀世音菩薩
    Namo Guan-Shi-Yin Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, of the Lapis Lazuli Realm, on Mt. Putuo.
    Ná mó ji huà shan you míng jiè dà yuàn dì cáng wáng pú sà
    南無九華山 幽冥界 大願地藏王菩薩
    Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of Great Vows, of the Underworld, on Mt. Jiuhua.
    Ná mó dà chéng miào f lián huá jing ná mó f huá huì shàng fó pú sà
    南無大乘妙法蓮華經 南無法華會上佛菩薩 (repeat 2x)
    Namo Wonderful Lotus Sutra of the Mahayana Teachings.
    Namo Lotus Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
    Ná mó dang shan hù jiào qié lán shèng zhòng pú sà
    南無當山護教伽藍聖眾菩薩 (at end, 3x)
    Namo Guardians of the Teachings and this Sangharama Assembly of Sages and Bodhisattvas

  • @漢鴻張-y6z
    @漢鴻張-y6z 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @dinwong1968
    @dinwong1968 3 года назад +6


  • @samwong9484
    @samwong9484 3 года назад +7


  • @meeyeeyu7706
    @meeyeeyu7706 2 года назад +3

    In praise gratitude and compassion

  • @ronaldtan1434
    @ronaldtan1434 Год назад +1

    Namo Amituofo

  • @xiuyi3604
    @xiuyi3604 3 года назад +4


  • @bluemoonmassageandspa4019
    @bluemoonmassageandspa4019 3 года назад +2


  • @leticiag.5053
    @leticiag.5053 2 года назад +1

    Could someone give me the transliteration of this beautiful chant?

  • @bobowong4396
    @bobowong4396 Год назад +3


    • @frenchfriessuper4657
      @frenchfriessuper4657 9 месяцев назад +1

      怀静法师@龙珠禅院 (四川省绵阳市游仙区忠兴镇龙珠村4社) 但我連不進他們的網站

  • @lingchang3208
    @lingchang3208 Год назад +1


  • @劉惠心-u5r
    @劉惠心-u5r 2 года назад +4

    請問 是哪一間寺廟嗎?好想親臨現場的感動

  • @葉景聰
    @葉景聰 Год назад +5
