The totes and messenger bags are higher quality than ones I’ve bought off of amazon. Be mindful to not over stuff the bags or bring something extremely heavy. That wears the bags out a lot faster. However I use my tote as my main bag and have had no problems with it a year later.
Also I said Colossal East in the video and just meant Colossal. I had Colossal East on the brain lol
Ok you remind me of my best friend
Wow that's a lot of charms.
This reminds me I need to replace the ribbon on mine.
can i tsuyu for this aggressive flex
a terrible attempt at a joke, i know.
but this was a really relaxing video to watch! i enjoyed it very much :D
It is an aggressive flex, lol. I have a problem.
Hi! I haven’t seen much on ko can bags. Would you rate these higher in quality vs the ones on amazon or eBay? I’ve read that they may be the same?
The totes and messenger bags are higher quality than ones I’ve bought off of amazon. Be mindful to not over stuff the bags or bring something extremely heavy. That wears the bags out a lot faster. However I use my tote as my main bag and have had no problems with it a year later.