Second try here too LOL...make sure and check the exhaust hose size in your house too. Generally I think the cubic feet/minute the fan can move, the fan "hole size" and the outlet hose size correlate (IE; 50 CFM fan = 7 1/4" x 7 1/2" = 3" exhaust hose), but I could be wrong. I know when I was thinking of stepping up to a 75 CFM from my 50's, the hose size changed from 3 to 4". Good luck ma dude!
Second try here. Thanks for the tip on the exhaust fan! Have to replace one and now I’ll be sure to check the decibels first!
Glad I could help. For reference, the ones I bought are 4 "sonne". In the kitchen, I'd ty and go down around the 1 or .5 level. Good luck!
Second try here too LOL...make sure and check the exhaust hose size in your house too. Generally I think the cubic feet/minute the fan can move, the fan "hole size" and the outlet hose size correlate (IE; 50 CFM fan = 7 1/4" x 7 1/2" = 3" exhaust hose), but I could be wrong. I know when I was thinking of stepping up to a 75 CFM from my 50's, the hose size changed from 3 to 4". Good luck ma dude!