I retired from health care in the U.S. I worked with RNs from Hong Kong. They only needed to take a psychiatric course and the RN licensing exam to be a RN here. No need to go back to nursing school.
Dear Mr. Ng and Mr. Tseng, Thank you for discussing this subject. There is one group of individuals your show does not cover. Those people with disability. Let me suggest one possible path for those people with disability. I am an individual with Cerebral palsy. In recent years, I have studied classes from various universities worldwide online through edX. One university at which I took classes is MITx. The Microeconomic was started at MIT which I highly recommended. Those disabled individuals interested in taking the class may take it with MIT open courseware, or MITx. Both are free if you don't want credits. If you want credit, the tuition is on a sliding scale which depends on your income.
Stanley asks a chef from his homeplace to be his chef. Emperor of Ching set up Moon Han Full Meal to serve Moon and Han official Charro, which is a combination of Chinese and Spanish desserts. Macao food is also a combination of the two. Ho Hung Sun marries a noble-class lady. British and us are different from the beginning. Can you give me any examples that we can mix? I get a hand to Freeland when she is in need that's it. I never help her to solve her problem and she is supposed to fight for herself. I also ask Ford to do what he thinks it's right. If you want to join us you should be Freeland. Even Starry I just ask questions
非常非常非常感激感激感激森爺小豪子的報導分享陳淑莊的近況,好開心知道陳淑莊今天的情況,我相信大部分的香港人都極關心懐念她,我衷心恭喜紅棉私房料理,我深信一定生意滾滾來不絕,但最擔心她身體健康精神,餐館業確實是很困身very stressful 的生意,她做得開心,我們更為她拍掌高興,我深信她的十月盛放紅棉私房料理是眾人的口福。
我沒有Facebook, 所以都是靠森爺和𠎀斯知道陳淑莊的近況
支持森哥同豪仔 撐森直口快同志豪 live show 😊
黎留言,like and share
陳淑莊,呢啲算係好極端嘅例子,不過,都要佢本身係有料之人,資質聰穎,做事當然要有毅力 👍
支持太后與小豪子, 祝生活愉快!
支持Ng Ng ,支持太后,支持小豪子。
支持Ng Ng,Sa姐,支持太后小豪子。
很欣賞費明奴的心態,be flexible,又懂得體量別人,你的人品超👍👍👍美麗的內心
今晚個phone in 好正👍🏻
好喜歡聽各人分享自己嘅奮鬥故事,久不久做一集很好啊! 名位海内外港人加油💪
Oz guy 都係值得留,公司才留你的,valuable employee NOT easy to find , give yourself a big hug
三藩市做巴士司機連埋加班費,一年有過US$20萬。 人工多過律師,會計事。
上次去英國都有去Hampton Court. 可惜嗰日冇開. 但周圍行吓都好舒服. 行附近條河好chill.
若果phone in嘅題目可以早啲放出來就好啦。因為類似呢個題目,自己黎左兩年幾,真係好想分享自己嘅經歷同埋感受,但係預唔到時間。若果早一個星期知道題目,就可以預留時間收睇同希望可以揀中分享啦😊
I retired from health care in the U.S. I worked with RNs from Hong Kong. They only needed to take a psychiatric course and the RN licensing exam to be a RN here. No need to go back to nursing school.
Dear Mr. Ng and Mr. Tseng, Thank you for discussing this subject. There is one group of individuals your show does not cover. Those people with disability. Let me suggest one possible path for those people with disability. I am an individual with Cerebral palsy. In recent years, I have studied classes from various universities worldwide online through edX. One university at which I took classes is MITx. The Microeconomic was started at MIT which I highly recommended. Those disabled individuals interested in taking the class may take it with MIT open courseware, or MITx. Both are free if you don't want credits. If you want credit, the tuition is on a sliding scale which depends on your income.
Stanley asks a chef from his homeplace to be his chef. Emperor of Ching set up Moon Han Full Meal to serve Moon and Han official Charro, which is a combination of Chinese and Spanish desserts. Macao food is also a combination of the two. Ho Hung Sun marries a noble-class lady. British and us are different from the beginning. Can you give me any examples that we can mix? I get a hand to Freeland when she is in need that's it. I never help her to solve her problem and she is supposed to fight for herself. I also ask Ford to do what he thinks it's right. If you want to join us you should be Freeland. Even Starry I just ask questions