Just was at Gettysburg a couple days ago. Visited Gen. Armisteds marker (One of my favorite civil war Generals). The whole battle was surreal. The places you stand are places where extremely brutal combat took place. Devil's Den, Little Round Top, the Slaughter Pen, The Wheatfield, Big Round Top, Seminary Ridge, Cemitary Ridge, Reynolds Woods, the list goes on. The bones are still there buried on the fields. You can feel their presence. Hallowed ground.
Thank you for posting this video Tim Kent. I have 10 ancestors who fought with The Confederate States of America. I am proud of all of my Confederate ancestors. I have finally located all of their gravesites. Now I must visit them before I die. And I honor all Confederate Gravesites , when/if I happen upon them. Also glad to see the truth of the South's position in The War of Northern Aggression is finally getting out. No thanks to what has been taught by the North in schools all these years. God Save The South. All Confederates Deserve Honor. And may our brave and gallant Confederate Ancestors Rest In Peace.
R.I.P to all who fought in the war Union or Confederates. Even though everyone is trying to tear down your monuments and statues you'll all be remebered.
I don't know how. That's why the SOBs are tearing them down. Communists know how to erase history. we should be fighting this shit in the streets but we don't have the same guts as communist agitators.
@@carljohnson317 shouldn't speak like that about Obama, Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, Schumer. They were born and raised by communists to be communists. And that's what they are - traitors to the bone. Southerners believed constitution said nothing about secession, thereby making it legal, albeit drastic, course of action. They were right. The power of govt has only grown since then. Had your 4th shot yet? I hope that mask hasn't slipped below your nose. Hope you don't think your CHILD is going to get educated without jabs - every time and any time the govt demands it. Soon, under green emergency bs, they'll come for your gas car and limit energy for heating, cooling and everything else. And on and on.
I would like to see, these cowards, that run their mouths, today, be made to stand on a battle field, with bullets whizzing around them. And they were forced to choose sides.
Rest in piece for both the Confederates and Union Solders who died in the American Civil War. I am a Rebel myself by place of birth however like many of you, I had family who died in this war on both sides so with this said, I need to respect all who passed here.
my 4th great grandfather fought in the 3rd Louisiana cavalry regiment. he was at Vicksburg. he was captured at Snyder's bluff and taken to point lookout in 1863 as a POW where he died a year later. he was Buried in a mass grave there and his names on the memorial but our last name is mispelled. God Bless our Confederate Veterans and may they live on through us; and not be forgotten.
Old South Restorations My ggpa was at point lookout too but he survived. He was in the 36th NC. Captured at Ft Fisher, NC. Ive got his war recollections.The last thing he said in it was " He was never ashamed to be a confederate soldier."
Sergio Aldana To him that showed no mercy, no mercy will be shown. Just remember that , and dont be suprised when someone does the same thing to you that you did to us.
GOT a Life : God bless your great grandfather for serving the South. May he be resting in peace until that great day when we all come to Judgement before God. And then, may he rest in Heaven for Eternity. Our men were good men who answered the call to defend our land. We all carry the souls of our ancestors in our hearts and always will. It is important to impart this history of them and our pride to our children. Let them know how brave they were to March into battle. God bless them all as well as ALL their families.
These men were soldiers. I find it very disturbing that there is no Civil War Medallion with a FLAG marking their graves. They served with honor. I am retired military and live in Pennsylvania. Let the Civil War End and let's honor all vets.
Yep, they fought in defense of their families, homes and their land just like we would expect of any good American. They are no more traitors than our own George Washington was as he took up arms in defense against his own country as well.
George Skinner Nazi's were just like Lincoln, strong central government with no regard to human rights. I hope your happy with an overbearing Federal government blowing your hard earned money on nothing.
This piece memorializes those who were undoubtedly very brave men who died for a cause they honestly believed in, and it does it quite effectively. Even as an African-American, I am almost swept away with the emotion of this piece. Almost… Studying the South, particularly the White South, with all of its complexities, has always been an avocation of mine. On top of that some of my best friends while in the Army were proud SCV, and there were probably more who didn’t feel comfortable telling me. And that’s ok. I hope we get to the point again where we can have honest discussions about this war, and its aftermath, without wanting to condemn each of other. I’m grateful the South lost that war fighting for what was truly a misguided cause. Honesty compels me to say that. Yet I still have tremendous respect for these Soldiers, and it is important to remember their sacrifices. May all who suffered in that War RIP.
Yeah modern medicine back then was way behind the killing tools thus you died from lead poisoning !!! Back then you died from arm ,leg and stomach shots where today's modern medicines you survive rather easily from those same wounds !!!
@@javiermendez9880 I wish I was in the land of cotton old times there are not forgotten. 🎼. Union soldiers honored and respected their valor and bravery. So your respect is little more than long decayed cow dung. 😉
He wasn't hit by a cannonball, per se. A shell exploded in front of him, tearing his torso open so badly that his heart came out, amongst other organs, killing him instantly.
@@karlconnolly3994 Oh Judge Clarke, sounds like greed, hate and lust have never entered your heart!! You sound so holy and above anyone else who battles with these things often. Do you envy people richer than you? Have you ever seen pictures of women in bikinis or naked? Hatred? You haven't driven your car in traffic lately. Congratulations, your holiness judge! You just didn't have power like the politicians in the mid-19th Century. If you had had it, it might have surprised you just how evil you might have been. Poor sheltered liberal sap, you are!
huskerite2 What a load of irrelevant rubbish... your ridiculous argument seems to be... oh, you could be a bad person so who are you to condemn wrongs against humanity... I’ve picked a side, the side against supremacy, discrimination and hate. Maybe you’re a fan of the kkk?
@@karlconnolly3994 Sounds to me like you got a lot of hate goin' there Mike toward Constitutional Conservatives that in its purist form doesn't show preference to anyone, nor against anyone (color or race, etc). That's not hate. It's called having an even break. I don't knowingly hate anybody including you. In traffic, I pray not to, since I know that God loves them enough to send His Son to die in their place. My point is and was, I hate hypocrisy, thoughts of superiority (I'm above all that, I would never be like that). A person has no idea of how evil they might become if they had the power that the Confederacy gave to racist bigots. Get out your history book Mike -- it's full of it. I do hate all forms of slavery - it's dehumanizing.
@@karlconnolly3994 most confederate soldiers did not have slaves and did not care for the system so your ignorant about these American soldiers who died for their loved ones and homes
Robby From TX You called me a Communist. I'm a Viet Nam Vet. My Honorable Discharge thanked me for service to my country. I have 4 medals listed on my DD form 214. Should that not be proof that I am not a Communist?
It's the heritage of the people of the South that is being honored by the icons of Southern Christian heritage. Those of the liberal left racist that hate whites and hate Christianity, they're the bigots and racists! 1. Black Lives matters: An extremely racist group against whites. Listen to their language and speeches, horribly racist against whites. 2. Antifa: A violent and racist organization that hates conservatives and especially Christians. 3. Mainstream Media: Controlled and ran by extreme liberal secular humanist persons. They promote hatred of anything Christian, White or conservative! The mainstream media is very pro-homosexual, pro-infanticide, pro-Muslim, anything but White or Christian. They especially hate conservatives Christians and the South. Who are the true racist? They want black history taught in public schools, no problem. They want Hispanic Heritage taught in public schools, no problem. Yet when it comes to White history and especially, Southern Christian Heritage, they call it racist, evil or Nazi. Very hypocritical, all of them! Most Whites don't support Nazi ideologies, most Whites don't hate Blacks, most Whites support equal opportunity for all, which is why the Judeo-Christian principles and cultures have changed the world. Freedom and blessings of Christianity have changed the world. The West, which is based on the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible has transformed once pagan cultures and peoples into thriving centers of prosperity and equality. Yet American kids are now being taught in our government indoctrination centers, that Whites are evil, Europe was evil, Christianity is oppressive and evil, all the while they live in the most blessed and free nations in the history of mankind. Take a good look at Africa, South America, Mexico, the Middle East and large parts of Asia...those are the heritages your relatives escaped from to have real freedom! These racist, liberals, perverts, and socialist secular humanist are now trying to bring those same failed oppressive societies and cultures to the West. These racist are too brainwashed with anti-white bigotry to see how foolish they're being. They will have no one to blame but themselves and their racist white hatred when this is gone. These people espousing such horrible racist anti-white and anti-Christian hatred will rue the day when these great Caucasian derived nations are no more, mark my words!
Yeah, Yeah. Heard it all before.That is what restricting immigration is all about. Protecting the right to be white!!! The majority is so scared that in the future it will be the minority!!!!!!!!!
Appreciate your dedication to the South and it's heroes/patriots in the fight for Southern Independence which was fought against the tyrannical northern thugs, a fight which continues to this day. Thanks to you sir and always - Deo Vindice!!
MultiSky I have a simple question......where did most freedman live before and during the Civil War,,,,it wasnt up north it was Virginian North and South Carolina and part of Georgia..around 5 to 1....verify it for yourself.....and by the way did any southern states have laws that forbade freedman to live there...no but several northen states had laws that forbade freedman from taking up residence. This is in no way a defense for the abomination know as slavery.....it IS an attempt to explain to the uninformed that the Civil War is way more complicated than slavery........
Damnokayt you saying all confederates were racist is like all Yankees were fighting to free blacks Wrong the confederates were willing to fight until the cake with the conscription act exemption if a person had 10 or 20 slaves they were exempt Thus the rich man's war poor man's fight Same thing with Emancipation Proclamation many of the Northern soldiers did not share the same feelings as President Lincoln As a result both Southern and Northern failed to sign up many deserted at alarming from the Army more so on Confederates side after the war For instance Newton Knight deserted during the battle of Vicksburg took his nephew who was killed home to his sister go read books about him or watch the movie Free State of Jones.
JEB Stuart was shot by an unmounted union private in the left side. The bullet passed through his stomach and exited his back 1 inch to the right of his spine. he was in agony for hours before mercifully dieing at 7:38 pm the next day. his last words were "I am Resigned, God's will be done".
There are a number of Confederate generals buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Memphis. I used to play in that cemetery when I was in the 5th and 6th grade. AS best I remember there are also a number of Union dead in Elmwood.
Sir, Excellent work, I would love to have ALL of your productions on DVD format where I could share. I have been working on locating the graves of ALL of one of my GGGF regiment Clinch 4th GA CAV, thus far I have FOUND and documented about 350 of these Southern Patriots. SCV National Life member & Ga. Div. SCV Life Member.
I always find it interesting how young the vast majority of high ranking combatants and officers is... with the understanding that "in-theatre" promotions to high rank of officers, that under normal circumstances, wouldn't happen. I don't know how commonplace it is currently. Combat losses today of high rank, are probably very rare when compared to past conflicts...even up through the Vietnam Conflict. I know that even one loss, of any man or woman, in service to our Country is too many. It's still the old cliche' that "freedom isn't free." And I'd like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all who serve...and their families for what they're doing for me, my daughter, and my family. The freedom we enjoy and it's price, are taken for granted and forgotten most of the time. None of us should be like that (yes, I'm guilty too), but ALL are in my prayers this holiday season, and the rest of the year also. Me and mine keep a good thought for all of you. I could go on and ratchet-jaw the rest of the status quo that all of you hear from the rest of us. But, I'm gonna keep it simple... just COME HOME.
I counted 3 brigadier generals killed in the the exact same spot at chickamauga. One shot multiple times, one hit in the side and 1 was hit in the chest by a solid shot cannon ball. I wonder if those trees could talk nearby what they would say.
They actually weren't killed in the same spot, they all three have the same stack of cannon ball monuments which make it appear they are all together. But, I gotta admit, that was very observant of you to notice, I'm impressed, no one has ever noticed that before.
AG Jenkins@ 4:32 was a two time US Congressman from Cabal County VA and resigned his seat for a Captains commission in the Boarder Guard of the Army of the Kanawha. Took command of Col. George S Patton's brigade when Patton was severely wounded at Scary Creek. Went on to lead the northern most advance of confederate troops as the advance brigade of Lee's army in Pennsylvania, halting at the opposite side of the river from Harrisburg. Withdrew to meet up with the main force converging on Gettysburg and was wounded by artillery shrapnel on the second day while scouting for Longstreet. Went on to his demise as described above. How many Harvard trained country lawyers in Congress today would follow his example?
fireball1322-thats how dumb confederate sympathizers are...those soldiers plunged all those southern states into abstract poverty, mass illiteracy and toothlessness, most likely forever...right now alabama has the the economy comparative to bangledesh.....and you are praising them as though they were fighting for the rights of the common man, which they were not.......the common man couldnt even vote in pre civil war america....youre a bunch of butthurt racist
@@georgemckenzie1824 Look up Morrill tax act ...Look at how the North taxed the South unfairly and exorbitantly prior to 1860s. Lincoln gets in office and then strangled the South's vibrant economy with other countries, by blocking the Southern ports. All of 'em. Lincoln is the one who wished to, and did, kill the South as it was. Killed a helluva lot of it's people too. All of whom were once US citizens. And the ones who survived, were pardoned and US citizens once again. Seems the northern sympathizers never mention any of that.. just slavery. Oh and the North always fails to mention it once had/used massive slave labor too. Strange huh? You must be a liberal, as you're throwing out the race card and the name calling. Maybe concentrate on the subject matter? Or if you're going to resort to name calling, please do it face to face, and don't hide behind your monitor. But we both know you won't do that...right?
fireball1322 That War, from a Southern perspective, was a stupid act of futility. They had as much chance of winning that war as you would in the ring with Muhammad Ali in his prime. That’s how bad it was.
@@alan30189 Where's your facts? Lee's troops won a helluva lot of battles even when outnumbered., And while Confederate troops were often outnumbered they still managed to win/ kill more yankees than the yankees did Confederates. But not everytime.... . You're showing your lack of research on the war. Here's the real numbers: americancivilwar.com/cwstats.html. The truth is the Southern troops were better shots and fought harder. The Henry rifle was the advantage the North had late in the war. Also Lee's messenger dropped battle plans intel he was to deliver, and the note was found by the Northern troops. That hurt Lee's battle plans tremendously. But yes the South was outnumbered badly towards the end of the war. Oh BTW, how come we never hear about the "Yankee Yell" ? ROFL. What most Americans do not realize is that we're currently in the 2nd Civil War *right now*. We're just in the *beginning political* part of it so far. Same way the 1st one started, just different subject matter. Seems the left wants to remove all traces of the 1st civil war. Ever wonder what their real intentions of doing so is ? The problem is the (current) dems are not the same party they were in 1861. The Democrat party has een hijacked by socialists/communists/muslims and have gone 100% loco. And I suspect the Republicans will again win the 2nd one. Yet the Conservatives/Republicans will be considered the Rebels this time. Just my prediction. Keep your powder dry boys.
@@fireball1322 dude youre a revisionist racist dope....they went to war and killed millions of people because they were getting taxed off of completely free labor they had for close to 250 years by then?? dont address me with no revisionist neo confederacy bs like that..... the souths vibrant economy shouldnt have been based on human misery you dope.....
Micah Jenkins was killed by friendly fire and general Longstreet was also lightly wounded at the same time Micah was shot in the head. Micah was killed at the battle of the wilderness.
Brings it on home......these men lived and died (mostly young) for a cause they believed in. Flesh and blood on both sides shall not perish from this earth in memory.
Interesting video, although hard to read the white letters on the white background. Would've enjoyed more if a little more thought was put into the making. But overall, ok.
At least they had the guts to fight for what they believed in which was foremost States Rights not Slavery, a lot of Northern familes had slaves as well
I understand the States' Rights position. It is preferable to keep government influence to a minimum. However, this nation could not go forward as one nation with slavery accepted in one region and prohibited elsewhere. Slavery wasn't just the foundation of the South's economy: it was the foundation of Southern life. A white child could be taught by the age of three that his black playmate was sub-human, and grow up thinking that way. Which brings us to where we are today. Some Americans think they're more "American" than others.
No Northern states have a free pass, the North never sinned, matter of fact they didn't even go to war against the South, but used poor German immigrants to fight for their cowardly asses.
Tim, Brigadier General Jean Jacque Alexander Alfred Mouton is my Great, Great Uncle. He is addressed at 2:30 in your video. I want to thank you kindly for doing your homework and correctly referencing the actual way that he died. I say this because various historians give a different account from what you referenced herein. I believe that they erroneously state that he died leading a cavalry charge at the Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana. However, other accounts state that he was essentially murdered in cold blood when after a troop of Union soldiers had been taken captive, General Mouton advised his men not to slaughter the Union troops when one of the Union troops pulled a pistol and murdered General Mouton. Enraged at the loss of their gallant leader, Mouton's men proceeded to slay all of the Union troops because of the cowardly act of one of them. At least that is what I have been able to discover from my research. I must confess I need to research the issue in greater depth to be able to state with absolute certainty as to what exactly occurred. Regardless, I want to personally thank you for your inclusion of my great, great Uncle in your video. God bless you!
Albert Sidney Johnston was the second highest ranking member of the Confederate military. He was the highest ranking officer to die in combat in the Civil War, and the highest ranking american military member to die in battle ever.
I've heard that most if not all Southern People are "Very Funny" about that war. I was born in Dallas Texas and have lived most of my life in Louisiana. When I watch these touching videos by Tim Kent, I have a distinct feeling that makes me sad. These guys mostly died young and missed the majority of their lives. They all live through us, because this weird, sad feeling I get while watching is rather hard to explain. GOD BLESS them all.
Probably more competent than today's "socially aware" generals who worry more about retirement pensions and landing a high-paying, do nothing job with a government contractor when they retire. Have to make sure their bitchy wives can still maintain their social status and lifestyle after Gen Henpecked retires....
how do you get a hold of one of the infantry caps i think they are called a keppel cap union i have always loved the historic side of the civil war i must have seen just about all the films and documentaries on all the major battles to have a piece of history would be fantastic i assume they are very scarce the originals that is
We settled a political disagreement with Minnie Balls and Canister Shot. It's a real disgrace with what is going on right now there is a federal law protecting monuments and memorials by the way. This all comes down to not putting a foot down and just saying no.
I agree. Those statues and monuments honor the human sacrifice and suffering . No matter what side, people died fighting for what they believed in. They should remain up.
The Confederates would have won the Civil War. They were a hairs breath from doing so, during the battle of Gettysburg. Had General Lee opted to not attempt an up hill siege on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge, but rather had listened to his second in command, He could have flanked the union troops, avoided the heavy casualties and gone right into Washington D.C. Conquering the City and winning the War on that very day! Biggest Mistake Lee made was to ignore Sun Tzu's advice when He wrote: "It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he comes downhill." Lee would have also been wise to take counsel of Sun Tzu when Sun Tzu declared: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ...The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ... “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Had General Lee known and followed this advice carefully, He would have won the war easily, even with inferior numbers, and inferior weapons.
Thank You for your work. The ages of these men make me look deep inside myself. In some way I'd would've loved to have spoken to them to see who they were and what they thought of the world they lived.
Before the age of penicillin and antibiotics, it was hard just to live to adulthood much less being shot by musket. Some of these men died by today easily treated wounds. Rest in peace brave men.
Thomas Green was killed while attacking gunboats on the red river. A shell hit him and mortally wounded him and he died at Blairs landing in the blair plantation.
Tim Kent, Thanks. Must have taken a lot of hard work trying to gather up all this information. What must be done but may never be done is fix the cemeteries of the forgotten Confederate soldiers. I am told massive amount of federal monies went to create some nice cemeteries, but nothing for the Confederates. I am told that the monies for the Confederate graves came strictly from private funds put together by the Daughters.
topcat seriosblack maybe people like glenn billings needs to read a book and learn history, don't let the television do your thinking for you, it makes you look just like you are, stupid.
@@supermanbhc So this video really had nothing to do with honoring these men. Pretty stupid on your part. If you know where all these monuments are exactly, please don't say. Of course, if you've toppled them over already well, then, the point is moot. Dixie.
Far more, but history gets cherry picked. No defending the wrongs of history, but the full story isn't as advantageous when taught in full. Due to the mis-teachings, most people now believe that was the central cause of the war.
Huskies And More Huskies Tell us...what was more important than freeing people who were raped,murdered,enslaved and worked to death for nearly 300 years..tell us!
michael clarke Why, retaining my “property.” Keeping my free labor. Maintaining my superiority to other humans. THAT’S WHAT. is that not enough to commit treason? What, would be?
Thomas Knight Indeed Thomas..project this type of thinking forward to Germany in the 1930/40’s..and America has to fight another war to defeat tyranny.
You're right. I'm glad to see somebody knows his history. I'm a southerner too. When death becomes more and more apparent, people begin to lose the will to fight or continue a war, so both sides begin to propagate platforms, motivating soldier and civilian alike to continue the fight in the name of morals. The civil war was no different. By the end of the war, both sides only continued to fight because they were afraid to lose.
Let us raise a toast to the brave men of Eire, who fled oppression only to find themselves fighting each other in another Rich Man's War. Goodnight, and joy be with you all.
Fox news eh? Well you do understand that basically the south were Democrats at that time and the north was Republicans. While we can't under stand things perfectly through the prism of time you are calling all of our presidents and half of our country back then racist. As hard as liberals try, People can't bend today to yesteryear to make half of that America evil. While liberals today are still trying to enslave the black population and the Republicans are still trying to free them.... Nice respectful video of brave men.
@@grimsebek5501 Clearly you studied the tactics, the casualties, the advantages and disadvantages of each side, their economic and industrial strength, the sheer will and motivation to win, the leadership and so on. 🙄
How many african americans were brought in this country under the confederate government. the answer is 0. how many were brought in under the united states flag. the answer is all of them. be careful what you say, the truth hurts.
Alnert E FACT....more freedmen lived in Virginia the Carolinas and Georgia than the North....not a single southern state had a law forbidding freedmen from living there whereas numerous union states had laws that FORBADE freedmen from living there and owning property...look it up ......if you are capable
I respect them for their gallantry. I was born in New Jersey. Ancestral members of my family fought in the Union Army. That does not stop me from respecting both sides.
Lovely video, very informative. I do wish you'd added some color to the writing; the white on those old black and white photos are hard to read at times.
Good comment. The other day I was pondering levels of conflict - sniping, skirmishing, minor battles, major battles, theaters, campaigns, wars. Likely I've missed some. Still, at every level, people die. We know that Vietnam was not declared a "war" by Congress - unless they've done so retroactively. But to us laymen, it was a war. A skirmish may be a minor engagement to everyone except the families who lost a loved one: to those families, it was a "battle."
It is sad that the youth of today want to villainize these brave men when all they were guilty of was bravely answering a "Call to Arms" by their State Governments to serve & protect their homes.
James Harvey Hill Eli Stanley Christopher Nipper Isaiah Springer Beck Jeffrey Beck These are 5 if my direct blood line ancestors who fought for my beloved Confederacy. They were men of honor and deserve to be revered for who they were not demeaned because of the ignorance of those who in this day and time must work hard at remaining ignorant.
topcat seriosblack you are wrong about that. Why then did Lincoln say that no confederate could be tried for treason without Lincoln also being hung as they had only exercised their rights in leaving the union? And if you would cry they fought for slavery...well then if that's the case why did they not accept the Corwin amendment? I don't ask u to take my word but to research the contents of both the Corwin amendment, and Lincoln's statements concerning why no confederate was tried for treason. Then if you still need more proof the us government has lied...look at the numbers on the us census of 1860. Numbers don't lie. 2/3 of all confederate owned ZERO slaves further they could not afford to buy one... Do you know what the average slave cost in terms of something we can identify with.... The average slave cost roughly the same amount as a brand new top of the line bmw... Facts sir...not blind belief in what the federal government dictates or in a book they commissioned, edited, financed and handed to you without a single person off confederate descent even being on the compilation committee of either book that was approved for federal funding back in 2016 when I was a sitting member on my towns curriculum review committee... Only a liar bars his opponent from speaking...Only a liar destroys the proof an honest man invites debate
Dixie Vixen: God bless you, darling girl. Your ancestors are proud of for defending the Confederacy and old glorious Old South. Anyone who speaks badly against them will bring trouble down on themselves. It is wicked to speak badly of the dead, especially those brave boys and men who made the ultimate sacrifice. There is one here in this group who has made the mistake of speaking badly. He will bring misfortune down of himself and his family. Never speak ill of dead heroes. Pray for their souls.
Tim Kent, this is a wonderful and deeply moving presentation. The hours of research you must have put into it! Thank you for sharing it.
Thanks Corrie, it is my passion.
Just was at Gettysburg a couple days ago. Visited Gen. Armisteds marker (One of my favorite civil war Generals). The whole battle was surreal. The places you stand are places where extremely brutal combat took place. Devil's Den, Little Round Top, the Slaughter Pen, The Wheatfield, Big Round Top, Seminary Ridge, Cemitary Ridge, Reynolds Woods, the list goes on. The bones are still there buried on the fields. You can feel their presence. Hallowed ground.
What astonishes me how young these generals were back in the day. Thank you for the video.
Many were resigning officers in the US Army or graduating cadets from military academies such as West Point, VMI & the Citadel .
In those days you led your Brigade into battle prime targets
Yes indeed
Thank you good brother for the time and effort put into these posts...
They are greatly appreciated and very tastefully done.
Deo Vindice
Lmaooooooo they died like cancer 🤣🤣🤣🤣😍
Thank you for posting this video Tim Kent. I have 10 ancestors who fought with The Confederate States of America. I am proud of all of my Confederate ancestors. I have finally located all of their gravesites. Now I must visit them before I die. And I honor all Confederate Gravesites , when/if I happen upon them. Also glad to see the truth of the South's position in The War of Northern Aggression is finally getting out. No thanks to what has been taught by the North in schools all these years.
God Save The South. All Confederates Deserve Honor. And may our brave and gallant Confederate Ancestors Rest In Peace.
still here, this weekend Shiloh memorial where my grandad fought with NB Forrest, he was buried close to Savannah, TN
Thanks so much for sharing this. Seen many civil war sites I never knew existed. Looking for more as you post them. Great job and thanks again.
Thanks so much .....these men needs to be remembered as history is being rewritten......so much bravery.
This is an amazing piece of work! Thank you, Tim
R.I.P to all who fought in the war Union or Confederates. Even though everyone is trying to tear down your monuments and statues you'll all be remebered.
I don't know how. That's why the SOBs are tearing them down. Communists know how to erase history. we should be fighting this shit in the streets but we don't have the same guts as communist agitators.
@@teller1290 rest in pain to all national terrorist.....
@@carljohnson317 shouldn't speak like that about Obama, Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, Schumer. They were born and raised by communists to be communists. And that's what they are - traitors to the bone.
Southerners believed constitution said nothing about secession, thereby making it legal, albeit drastic, course of action. They were right. The power of govt has only grown since then. Had your 4th shot yet? I hope that mask hasn't slipped below your nose. Hope you don't think your CHILD is going to get educated without jabs - every time and any time the govt demands it. Soon, under green emergency bs, they'll come for your gas car and limit energy for heating, cooling and everything else. And on and on.
Nope. Confederates are traitors and sc*m
You are definitely clueless. F the kkkonfederate people. They lost Get over it.
Honor made brave men back then, now hiding behind computers make brave men out of cowards.
Plenty of Chicken shits back then too, Just like Komrade Don being a draft dodging coward during the Vietnam Era
Shawn Phillips
Blah blah blah...
Are you your computer now.
Necessity made them brave, nothing more and nothing less. Human beings can adapt to nearly any set of awful circumstances.
I would like to see, these cowards, that run their mouths, today, be made to stand on a battle field, with bullets whizzing around them. And they were forced to choose sides.
Rest in piece for both the Confederates and Union Solders who died in the American Civil War.
I am a Rebel myself by place of birth however like many of you, I had family who died in this war on both sides so with this said, I need to respect all who passed here.
You don't sound like one of those Americans who think that some Americans are more "American" than others.
Norbero Fontanez Rub away, traitor.
A rebel what ! The war is over.
michael clarke bro your retired you got golf carts 2 drive gtfoh smh
Thomas Knight no, boomer
my 4th great grandfather fought in the 3rd Louisiana cavalry regiment. he was at Vicksburg. he was captured at Snyder's bluff and taken to point lookout in 1863 as a POW where he died a year later. he was Buried in a mass grave there and his names on the memorial but our last name is mispelled. God Bless our Confederate Veterans and may they live on through us; and not be forgotten.
Old South Restorations My ggpa was at point lookout too but he survived. He was in the
36th NC. Captured at Ft Fisher, NC.
Ive got his war recollections.The last thing he said in it was " He was never ashamed to be a confederate soldier."
Sergio Aldana To him that showed no mercy, no mercy will be shown. Just remember that , and dont be suprised when someone does the same thing to you that you did to us.
Yota Life my regards fit the service of your ancestor
GOT a Life : God bless your great grandfather for serving the South. May he be resting in peace until that great day when we all come to Judgement before God. And then, may he rest in Heaven for Eternity. Our men were good men who answered the call to defend our land. We all carry the souls of our ancestors in our hearts and always will. It is important to impart this history of them and our pride to our children. Let them know how brave they were to March into battle. God bless them all as well as ALL their families.
Amen and amen!
These men were soldiers. I find it very disturbing that there is no Civil War Medallion with a FLAG marking their graves. They served with honor. I am retired military and live in Pennsylvania. Let the Civil War End and let's honor all vets.
Yep, they fought in defense of their families, homes and their land just like we would expect of any good American. They are no more traitors than our own George Washington was as he took up arms in defense against his own country as well.
George Skinner You sir speak the words of a fool.
George Skinner Nazi's were just like Lincoln, strong central government with no regard to human rights. I hope your happy with an overbearing Federal government blowing your hard earned money on nothing.
Tim Kent
Little georgie porgie skinner is what you call a boot licking bot yes man. He's basically a good little Commie statist who's say yes massa!
diana jordan
Wrong as usual Diana. They were men who fought for their homes, farms, friends and family members when attacked by tyrants. Stop lying.
God Rest and Bless these true and Noble souls!
This piece memorializes those who were undoubtedly very brave men who died for a cause they honestly believed in, and it does it quite effectively. Even as an African-American, I am almost swept away with the emotion of this piece.
Studying the South, particularly the White South, with all of its complexities, has always been an avocation of mine. On top of that some of my best friends while in the Army were proud SCV, and there were probably more who didn’t feel comfortable telling me. And that’s ok. I hope we get to the point again where we can have honest discussions about this war, and its aftermath, without wanting to condemn each of other.
I’m grateful the South lost that war fighting for what was truly a misguided cause. Honesty compels me to say that. Yet I still have tremendous respect for these Soldiers, and it is important to remember their sacrifices.
May all who suffered in that War RIP.
Extremely deadly war, even if you were wounded slightly, infections killed thousands.
Yeah modern medicine back then was way behind the killing tools thus you died from lead poisoning !!! Back then you died from arm ,leg and stomach shots where today's modern medicines you survive rather easily from those same wounds !!!
No running water was another problem.
Dirty creek water would kill you.
Well those musket balls were big, heavy and much deadlier than a bullet,
More Soldiers died of disease than bullets during the Civil War
I burst in tears everytime I watch a video like this..
same but happy tears, love seeing dead confederates
@@javiermendez9880 damn yank
Jk I’m not a Dixie but I still respect the men that died on their side.
@@javiermendez9880 I wish I was in the land of cotton old times there are not forgotten. 🎼. Union soldiers honored and respected their valor and bravery. So your respect is little more than long decayed cow dung. 😉
@@michaelbee2165 I don’t have any respect for confederates that’s the whole point lol. Hope they all eat shit and die
@@javiermendez9880 You first.
James Deshler was killed when an artilery shell exploded infront of him tearing out his heart and killing him instantly at the battle of Chickamauga.
Wonderful compilation of Southern history. Well done.
This is such a beautiful tribute to these honorable men. Thank you for remembering them in this manner.
Exactly, and let not stupid liberalism take away their memory!
"hit in the chest by a cannonball" damn...
Spanduer90 my thoughts.
Decapitated By a Shell
I wonder if it hurts to be hit the head by a Union cannonball?
He wasn't hit by a cannonball, per se. A shell exploded in front of him, tearing his torso open so badly that his heart came out, amongst other organs, killing him instantly.
One general got decapitated by shrapnel.
I'm humbled, overcome. i can't even imagine the calibre of those men in those iconic times. All blood & sweat.
I personally think of the poor enslaved black Americans who suffered at these white suprematists hands ..to satisfy their greed,hate and lust.
@@karlconnolly3994 Oh Judge Clarke, sounds like greed, hate and lust have never entered your heart!! You sound so holy and above anyone else who battles with these things often. Do you envy people richer than you? Have you ever seen pictures of women in bikinis or naked? Hatred? You haven't driven your car in traffic lately. Congratulations, your holiness judge! You just didn't have power like the politicians in the mid-19th Century. If you had had it, it might have surprised you just how evil you might have been. Poor sheltered liberal sap, you are!
What a load of irrelevant rubbish... your ridiculous argument seems to be... oh, you could be a bad person so who are you to condemn wrongs against humanity... I’ve picked a side, the side against supremacy, discrimination and hate. Maybe you’re a fan of the kkk?
@@karlconnolly3994 Sounds to me like you got a lot of hate goin' there Mike toward Constitutional Conservatives that in its purist form doesn't show preference to anyone, nor against anyone (color or race, etc). That's not hate. It's called having an even break. I don't knowingly hate anybody including you. In traffic, I pray not to, since I know that God loves them enough to send His Son to die in their place.
My point is and was, I hate hypocrisy, thoughts of superiority (I'm above all that, I would never be like that). A person has no idea of how evil they might become if they had the power that the Confederacy gave to racist bigots. Get out your history book Mike -- it's full of it.
I do hate all forms of slavery - it's dehumanizing.
@@karlconnolly3994 most confederate soldiers did not have slaves and did not care for the system so your ignorant about these American soldiers who died for their loved ones and homes
This was very sad and spooky and educational.. Thank you very much
I have an ancestor who fought in the Civil War in the Army of Tennessee. Forever proud of my Confederate heritage.
How many of your ancestors used black babies as gator bait? That is part of the history of slavery too.
eric hoppe What Communist Frankfurt school taught you this lie? Sick people you are.
Just read it you illiterate DJT Supporter! Use the internet for more than what you do. Gator bait babies were part of your Southern History
Robby From TX You called me a Communist. I'm a Viet Nam Vet. My Honorable Discharge thanked me for service to my country. I have 4 medals listed on my DD form 214. Should that not be proof that I am not a Communist?
It's the heritage of the people of the South that is being honored by the icons of Southern Christian heritage. Those of the liberal left racist that hate whites and hate Christianity, they're the bigots and racists!
1. Black Lives matters: An extremely racist group against whites. Listen to their language and speeches, horribly racist against whites.
2. Antifa: A violent and racist organization that hates conservatives and especially Christians.
3. Mainstream Media: Controlled and ran by extreme liberal secular humanist persons. They promote hatred of anything Christian, White or conservative! The mainstream media is very pro-homosexual, pro-infanticide, pro-Muslim, anything but White or Christian. They especially hate conservatives Christians and the South.
Who are the true racist?
They want black history taught in public schools, no problem.
They want Hispanic Heritage taught in public schools, no problem.
Yet when it comes to White history and especially, Southern Christian Heritage, they call it racist, evil or Nazi. Very hypocritical, all of them!
Most Whites don't support Nazi ideologies, most Whites don't hate Blacks, most Whites support equal opportunity for all, which is why the Judeo-Christian principles and cultures have changed the world. Freedom and blessings of Christianity have changed the world. The West, which is based on the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible has transformed once pagan cultures and peoples into thriving centers of prosperity and equality.
Yet American kids are now being taught in our government indoctrination centers, that Whites are evil, Europe was evil, Christianity is oppressive and evil, all the while they live in the most blessed and free nations in the history of mankind.
Take a good look at Africa, South America, Mexico, the Middle East and large parts of Asia...those are the heritages your relatives escaped from to have real freedom! These racist, liberals, perverts, and socialist secular humanist are now trying to bring those same failed oppressive societies and cultures to the West. These racist are too brainwashed with anti-white bigotry to see how foolish they're being. They will have no one to blame but themselves and their racist white hatred when this is gone.
These people espousing such horrible racist anti-white and anti-Christian hatred will rue the day when these great Caucasian derived nations are no more, mark my words!
Yeah, Yeah. Heard it all before.That is what restricting immigration is all about. Protecting the right to be white!!! The majority is so scared that in the future it will be the minority!!!!!!!!!
Very well said. Agree 100%.
Isaiah122 i agree but people need to stand up against them
diana jordan is a Commie News Network programmed bot who's loyal lies with the enemy within.
Proves it...Not all religious people are crazy, but all crazy people are religious
Appreciate your dedication to the South and it's heroes/patriots in the fight for Southern Independence which was fought against the tyrannical northern thugs, a fight which continues to this day. Thanks to you sir and always - Deo Vindice!!
Northern thugs? How bout them slave masters!!
MultiSkyman1 they owned slaves up north. Try again.
MultiSky I have a simple question......where did most freedman live before and during the Civil War,,,,it wasnt up north it was Virginian North and South Carolina and part of Georgia..around 5 to 1....verify it for yourself.....and by the way did any southern states have laws that forbade freedman to live there...no but several northen states had laws that forbade freedman from taking up residence. This is in no way a defense for the abomination know as slavery.....it IS an attempt to explain to the uninformed that the Civil War is way more complicated than slavery........
@@jeffsartain2395 racism - slavery > racism + slavery. Progress doesn't happen overnight
Thank you for this wonderful Post, may they all Rest In Peace.
May these men never be forgotten
correct may they rot in hell forever
They was racist fuck them
Damnokayt you saying all confederates were racist is like all Yankees were fighting to free blacks Wrong the confederates were willing to fight until the cake with the conscription act exemption if a person had 10 or 20 slaves they were exempt Thus the rich man's war poor man's fight Same thing with Emancipation Proclamation many of the Northern soldiers did not share the same feelings as President Lincoln As a result both Southern and Northern failed to sign up many deserted at alarming from the Army more so on Confederates side after the war For instance Newton Knight deserted during the battle of Vicksburg took his nephew who was killed home to his sister go read books about him or watch the movie Free State of Jones.
JEB Stuart was shot by an unmounted union private in the left side. The bullet passed through his stomach and exited his back 1 inch to the right of his spine. he was in agony for hours before mercifully dieing at 7:38 pm the next day. his last words were "I am Resigned, God's will be done".
They are great. Thanks for posting them. I salute them all.
Never realized how many generals died in that atrocity.
At Gettysburg alone, both sides lost a combined total of 9 Generals. The Confederacy lost 6 Generals in a single day at the Battle of Franklin.
Back then, EVERYONE got their hands dirty.
A great tribute to those who sacrificed all! May they not be forgotten. Thank you!
There are a number of Confederate generals buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Memphis. I used to play in that cemetery when I was in the 5th and 6th grade. AS best I remember there are also a number of Union dead in Elmwood.
Your right, there are 11 Confederate generals buried in Elmwood and of course Forrest is a few blocks away.
So many and so young.
Sir, Excellent work, I would love to have ALL of your productions on DVD format where I could share. I have been working on locating the graves of ALL of one of my GGGF regiment Clinch 4th GA CAV, thus far I have FOUND and documented about 350 of these Southern Patriots. SCV National Life member & Ga. Div. SCV Life Member.
Thank you all for you brave service ! May you Rest In Peace !
May all of the kkkonfederates rot in hell. THEY LOST! GET OVER IT.
They will NEVER Destroy these Men . NEVER ! We will Continue on ,Teaching OUR Children about these Brave Hero’s . You can Never break our BOND
I always find it interesting how young the vast majority of high ranking combatants and officers is... with the understanding that "in-theatre" promotions to high rank of officers, that under normal circumstances, wouldn't happen. I don't know how commonplace it is currently. Combat losses today of high rank, are probably very rare when compared to past conflicts...even up through the Vietnam Conflict. I know that even one loss, of any man or woman, in service to our Country is too many. It's still the old cliche' that "freedom isn't free." And I'd like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all who serve...and their families for what they're doing for me, my daughter, and my family. The freedom we enjoy and it's price, are taken for granted and forgotten most of the time. None of us should be like that (yes, I'm guilty too), but ALL are in my prayers this holiday season, and the rest of the year also. Me and mine keep a good thought for all of you. I could go on and ratchet-jaw the rest of the status quo that all of you hear from the rest of us. But, I'm gonna keep it simple... just COME HOME.
I counted 3 brigadier generals killed in the the exact same spot at chickamauga. One shot multiple times, one hit in the side and 1 was hit in the chest by a solid shot cannon ball. I wonder if those trees could talk nearby what they would say.
They actually weren't killed in the same spot, they all three have the same stack of cannon ball monuments which make it appear they are all together. But, I gotta admit, that was very observant of you to notice, I'm impressed, no one has ever noticed that before.
Tim Kent ok very interesting Sir! Thanks sir! I appreciate that
Tim Kent any specific reason why you chose General James Terrill as your RUclips picture?
AG Jenkins@ 4:32 was a two time US Congressman from Cabal County VA and resigned his seat for a Captains commission in the Boarder Guard of the Army of the Kanawha. Took command of Col. George S Patton's brigade when Patton was severely wounded at Scary Creek. Went on to lead the northern most advance of confederate troops as the advance brigade of Lee's army in Pennsylvania, halting at the opposite side of the river from Harrisburg. Withdrew to meet up with the main force converging on Gettysburg and was wounded by artillery shrapnel on the second day while scouting for Longstreet. Went on to his demise as described above. How many Harvard trained country lawyers in Congress today would follow his example?
He was indeed a hell of an interesting man. Somehow or other I'm related to him on my ma's side
This is a lot work and most interesting. Thanks for compiling this history.
RIP my fellow Southerners. We will not forget your sacrifice. Deo Vindice.
fireball1322-thats how dumb confederate sympathizers are...those soldiers plunged all those southern states into abstract poverty, mass illiteracy and toothlessness, most likely forever...right now alabama has the the economy comparative to bangledesh.....and you are praising them as though they were fighting for the rights of the common man, which they were not.......the common man couldnt even vote in pre civil war america....youre a bunch of butthurt racist
@@georgemckenzie1824 Look up Morrill tax act ...Look at how the North taxed the South unfairly and exorbitantly prior to 1860s. Lincoln gets in office and then strangled the South's vibrant economy with other countries, by blocking the Southern ports. All of 'em. Lincoln is the one who wished to, and did, kill the South as it was. Killed a helluva lot of it's people too. All of whom were once US citizens. And the ones who survived, were pardoned and US citizens once again. Seems the northern sympathizers never mention any of that.. just slavery. Oh and the North always fails to mention it once had/used massive slave labor too. Strange huh?
You must be a liberal, as you're throwing out the race card and the name calling. Maybe concentrate on the subject matter? Or if you're going to resort to name calling, please do it face to face, and don't hide behind your monitor. But we both know you won't do that...right?
fireball1322 That War, from a Southern perspective, was a stupid act of futility. They had as much chance of winning that war as you would in the ring with Muhammad Ali in his prime. That’s how bad it was.
@@alan30189 Where's your facts? Lee's troops won a helluva lot of battles even when outnumbered., And while Confederate troops were often outnumbered they still managed to win/ kill more yankees than the yankees did Confederates. But not everytime....
. You're showing your lack of research on the war. Here's the real numbers: americancivilwar.com/cwstats.html.
The truth is the Southern troops were better shots and fought harder. The Henry rifle was the advantage the North had late in the war. Also Lee's messenger dropped battle plans intel he was to deliver, and the note was found by the Northern troops. That hurt Lee's battle plans tremendously. But yes the South was outnumbered badly towards the end of the war. Oh BTW, how come we never hear about the "Yankee Yell" ? ROFL.
What most Americans do not realize is that we're currently in the 2nd Civil War *right now*. We're just in the *beginning political* part of it so far. Same way the 1st one started, just different subject matter.
Seems the left wants to remove all traces of the 1st civil war. Ever wonder what their real intentions of doing so is ? The problem is the (current) dems are not the same party they were in 1861. The Democrat party has een hijacked by socialists/communists/muslims and have gone 100% loco. And I suspect the Republicans will again win the 2nd one. Yet the Conservatives/Republicans will be considered the Rebels this time. Just my prediction. Keep your powder dry boys.
@@fireball1322 dude youre a revisionist racist dope....they went to war and killed millions of people because they were getting taxed off of completely free labor they had for close to 250 years by then??
dont address me with no revisionist neo confederacy bs like that.....
the souths vibrant economy shouldnt have been based on human misery you dope.....
Please leave the descriptions up a few seconds longer. A south african fan.
Incredibly moving. Our brothers in arms.
Screw them the racists, picked the wrong side and got what was coming. Up the union
@@robdean704 Except the Union is no more. But the Confederacy lives to this day. JEB Stuart rides again!
Micah Jenkins was killed by friendly fire and general Longstreet was also lightly wounded at the same time Micah was shot in the head. Micah was killed at the battle of the wilderness.
Yes it was a ‘Blue on Blue’ or grey on grey in this case.
Brings it on home......these men lived and died (mostly young) for a cause they believed in. Flesh and blood on both sides shall not perish from this earth in memory.
The video is beautufully done. Thank you.
"Hit in chest by cannon ball".
Cant imagine that until now.
Interesting video, although hard to read the white letters on the white background. Would've enjoyed more if a little more thought was put into the making. But overall, ok.
At least they had the guts to fight for what they believed in which was foremost States Rights not Slavery, a lot of Northern familes had slaves as well
Yes true: The salt mines in Junction IL was worked by slaves. The old slave house still stands in Junction. doubt me. google it
I understand the States' Rights position. It is preferable to keep government influence to a minimum.
However, this nation could not go forward as one nation with slavery accepted in one region and prohibited elsewhere. Slavery wasn't just the foundation of the South's economy: it was the foundation of Southern life. A white child could be taught by the age of three that his black playmate was sub-human, and grow up thinking that way.
Which brings us to where we are today. Some Americans think they're more "American" than others.
diana jordan Why do you lie so much by parroting what your Jewish masters in the media tell you?
I am from the south. Bottom line is if you took the slavery issue away the civil war would not of happened. Call that whatever you will.
No Northern states have a free pass, the North never sinned, matter of fact they didn't even go to war against the South, but used poor German immigrants to fight for their cowardly asses.
Tim, Brigadier General Jean Jacque Alexander Alfred Mouton is my Great, Great Uncle. He is addressed at 2:30 in your video. I want to thank you kindly for doing your homework and correctly referencing the actual way that he died. I say this because various historians give a different account from what you referenced herein. I believe that they erroneously state that he died leading a cavalry charge at the Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana. However, other accounts state that he was essentially murdered in cold blood when after a troop of Union soldiers had been taken captive, General Mouton advised his men not to slaughter the Union troops when one of the Union troops pulled a pistol and murdered General Mouton. Enraged at the loss of their gallant leader, Mouton's men proceeded to slay all of the Union troops because of the cowardly act of one of them. At least that is what I have been able to discover from my research. I must confess I need to research the issue in greater depth to be able to state with absolute certainty as to what exactly occurred. Regardless, I want to personally thank you for your inclusion of my great, great Uncle in your video. God bless you!
Are you sure he was not your 'great, great, grand uncle'? My own was a Jenkins.
"Tonight we shall water our horses in the Tennessee River."
Gen. Albert Sydney Johnston
Killed at Shiloh a few minutes later.
Noble and Brave.
Amen! We really lost a good man, in Johnston.
Albert Sidney Johnston was the second highest ranking member of the Confederate military. He was the highest ranking officer to die in combat in the Civil War, and the highest ranking american military member to die in battle ever.
Thank you for keeping history alive
Junius Daniel was killed by a minnie ball in the stomach at the battle of Spotsylvania court house.
I've heard that most if not all Southern People are "Very Funny" about that war. I was born in Dallas Texas and have lived most of my life in Louisiana.
When I watch these touching videos by Tim Kent, I have a distinct feeling that makes me sad. These guys mostly died young and missed the majority of their lives.
They all live through us, because this weird, sad feeling I get while watching is rather hard to explain. GOD BLESS them all.
I know it was a different time, but the age of most of these generals was young in comparison to today
And they look very old for their age.
Probably more competent than today's "socially aware" generals who worry more about retirement pensions and landing a high-paying, do nothing job with a government contractor when they retire. Have to make sure their bitchy wives can still maintain their social status and lifestyle after Gen Henpecked retires....
how do you get a hold of one of the infantry caps i think they are called a keppel cap union i have always loved the historic side of the civil war i must have seen just about all the films and documentaries on all the major battles to have a piece of history would be fantastic i assume they are very scarce the originals that is
RIP from Poland CSA
Thor Spica sad
Thor Spica thank you good sir :(
We settled a political disagreement with Minnie Balls and Canister Shot. It's a real disgrace with what is going on right now there is a federal law protecting monuments and memorials by the way. This all comes down to not putting a foot down and just saying no.
I agree. Those statues and monuments honor the human sacrifice and suffering . No matter what side, people died fighting for what they believed in. They should remain up.
ken wesaw Aww poor little kenny triggered again! What happened to you libtards always claiming to be so tolerant, or was that just a bunch of bs?
Samuel Benton was severely wounded by a shell fragment in his chest at the battle of Atlanta he died in Griffon,GA 6 days later.
he was also hit in the foot which was amputated but infection got into the chest wound.
Good. A nice painful death.
Rest in peace, brave Rebel soldier. Deo Vindice.
So young yet they fought and died with honour. May all who perished from both sides rest in eternal peace.
It's kinda fascinating that they look old yet the oldest General who died is 58.
It was because of the stress, diet, depression that they looked old before their time ... 😔
William Scurry was killed at the battle of Jenkins Ferry shot in the leg died of blood loss.
RIP and sorry to you that your memory is now being besmirched
The Confederates would have won the Civil War. They were a hairs breath from doing so, during the battle of Gettysburg. Had General Lee opted to not attempt an up hill siege on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge, but rather had listened to his second in command, He could have flanked the union troops, avoided the heavy casualties and gone right into Washington D.C. Conquering the City and winning the War on that very day! Biggest Mistake Lee made was to ignore Sun Tzu's advice when He wrote: "It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he comes downhill." Lee would have also been wise to take counsel of Sun Tzu when Sun Tzu declared: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ...The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ...
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Had General Lee known and followed this advice carefully, He would have won the war easily, even with inferior numbers, and inferior weapons.
Rip, may your memories love on for countless generations.
Thank You for your work. The ages of these men make me look deep inside myself. In some way I'd would've loved to have spoken to them to see who they were and what they thought of the world they lived.
To all Confederate soldiers, thank you for your service. A grateful nation thanks you.
Very interesting. Well done 👍
Before the age of penicillin and antibiotics, it was hard just to live to adulthood much less being shot by musket. Some of these men died by today easily treated wounds. Rest in peace brave men.
Thomas Green was killed while attacking gunboats on the red river. A shell hit him and mortally wounded him and he died at Blairs landing in the blair plantation.
the shell took off the top of his skull.
Tim Kent,
Must have taken a lot of hard work trying to gather up all this information.
What must be done but may never be done is fix the cemeteries of the forgotten Confederate soldiers.
I am told massive amount of federal monies went to create some nice cemeteries, but nothing for the Confederates.
I am told that the monies for the Confederate graves came strictly from private funds put together by the Daughters.
topcat seriosblack maybe people like glenn billings needs to read a book and learn history, don't let the television do your thinking for you, it makes you look just like you are, stupid.
@@supermanbhc So this video really had nothing to do with honoring these men. Pretty stupid on your part. If you know where all these monuments are exactly, please don't say. Of course, if you've toppled them over already well, then, the point is moot. Dixie.
Very interesting. Thanks for the upload.
I salute these honorable soldiers and heroes of the Confederacy. A Vietnam Veteran
Brigadier General at 26, what a badass. Back when Generals actually led their men into battle...
Exactly, they deserved to be called Generals but that trait soon went out of fashion…
Overwhelming sadness at the loss of life 💔 on both Confederate and Union armies.
This is beautiful and interesting historically. All of those beautiful, noble men ...
wish the writing were in yellow so you could read them. white on white is hard to read
sorry, i study everything about the war, and they didn't have computers back then. LOL
I agree please redo this video where we can read the information. Thank you
Not for me i can read them
The faces of these men tells thousand stories.
It was more complex than "defending slavery"
Far more, but history gets cherry picked. No defending the wrongs of history, but the full story isn't as advantageous when taught in full.
Due to the mis-teachings, most people now believe that was the central cause of the war.
Very less so.
Huskies And More Huskies
Tell us...what was more important than freeing people who were raped,murdered,enslaved and worked to death for nearly 300 years..tell us!
michael clarke Why, retaining my “property.” Keeping my free labor. Maintaining my superiority to other humans. THAT’S WHAT. is that not enough to commit treason? What, would be?
Thomas Knight
Indeed Thomas..project this type of thinking forward to Germany in the 1930/40’s..and America has to fight another war to defeat tyranny.
I had relatives, father and son, Richard Owen, and Jr, who visited every Confederate General's grave and wrote a book on this subject.
So sad! I note nearly all of British descent!
@@karlconnolly3994 the fuck does that mean?
@@thesouthernhistorian4153 white Anglo Saxon Protestant
@@Lol-ry5sh Ahhhh ok
You're right. I'm glad to see somebody knows his history. I'm a southerner too.
When death becomes more and more apparent, people begin to lose the will to fight or continue a war, so both sides begin to propagate platforms, motivating soldier and civilian alike to continue the fight in the name of morals. The civil war was no different. By the end of the war, both sides only continued to fight because they were afraid to lose.
This gives me goosebumps
Green was not decapitated. just the top of his head fell apart by a cannon ball shell. Died next day at Blair s plantation.
True men. Long live Dixie, No Surrender from Loyal Ulster. Deo Vindice.
Ballynafeigh1690 Hell Yea brother
Let us raise a toast to the brave men of Eire, who fled oppression only to find themselves fighting each other in another Rich Man's War. Goodnight, and joy be with you all.
racist asshole
Ballynafeigh1690 NEWS FLASH... YA LOST... I guess fox news hasn't told y'all yet...
Fox news eh? Well you do understand that basically the south were Democrats at that time and the north was Republicans. While we can't under stand things perfectly through the prism of time you are calling all of our presidents and half of our country back then racist. As hard as liberals try, People can't bend today to yesteryear to make half of that America evil. While liberals today are still trying to enslave the black population and the Republicans are still trying to free them.... Nice respectful video of brave men.
Nice video man, much appreciated.
Salute. Brave officers of the confederacy. You will never be forgotten.
Fucc the confederacy..that's y they brave asses lost
@@grimsebek5501 you obviously have no respect and the south was winning up until Gettysburg, stop being an ignorant bigot and shut up
may we never forget where their graves were so we always have a place to piss! o7
@@grimsebek5501 Clearly you studied the tactics, the casualties, the advantages and disadvantages of each side, their economic and industrial strength, the sheer will and motivation to win, the leadership and so on. 🙄
@@javiermendez9880 We'll keep an eye out for your obituary.
Did you cover Albert Sidney in your earlier segments?😊
How many african americans were brought in this country under the confederate government. the answer is 0. how many were brought in under the united states flag. the answer is all of them. be careful what you say, the truth hurts.
Tm Kent
How many Africans were freed by the South...be careful what you say, the truth hurts.
Technically there were free blacks throughout the South that had been freed by Southerners.
Albert E. One of the largest plantations in Alabama was owned and operated by slave owning Freed Men of Color. Too soon?
Guys like Albert E. don't want to read this, blows their mind.
Alnert E FACT....more freedmen lived in Virginia the Carolinas and Georgia than the North....not a single southern state had a law forbidding freedmen from living there whereas numerous union states had laws that FORBADE freedmen from living there and owning property...look it up ......if you are capable
I respect them for their gallantry. I was born in New Jersey. Ancestral members of my family fought in the Union Army. That does not stop me from respecting both sides.
John Jones was killed at the battle of the wilderness while trying to reorganize his retreating troops.
Lovely video, very informative. I do wish you'd added some color to the writing; the white on those old black and white photos are hard to read at times.
I thought I had heard of most battles of the Civil War, but a lot of these must have been skirmishes, I have never heard of them. Great view though
Good comment. The other day I was pondering levels of conflict - sniping, skirmishing, minor battles, major battles, theaters, campaigns, wars. Likely I've missed some.
Still, at every level, people die. We know that Vietnam was not declared a "war" by Congress - unless they've done so retroactively. But to us laymen, it was a war. A skirmish may be a minor engagement to everyone except the families who lost a loved one: to those families, it was a "battle."
It is sad that the youth of today want to villainize these brave men when all they were guilty of was bravely answering a "Call to Arms" by their State Governments to serve & protect their homes.
James Harvey Hill
Eli Stanley
Christopher Nipper
Isaiah Springer Beck
Jeffrey Beck
These are 5 if my direct blood line ancestors who fought for my beloved Confederacy.
They were men of honor and deserve to be revered for who they were not demeaned because of the ignorance of those who in this day and time must work hard at remaining ignorant.
topcat seriosblack you are wrong about that. Why then did Lincoln say that no confederate could be tried for treason without Lincoln also being hung as they had only exercised their rights in leaving the union?
And if you would cry they fought for slavery...well then if that's the case why did they not accept the Corwin amendment?
I don't ask u to take my word but to research the contents of both the
Corwin amendment, and Lincoln's statements concerning why no confederate was tried for treason.
Then if you still need more proof the us government has lied...look at the numbers on the us census of 1860.
Numbers don't lie.
2/3 of all confederate owned ZERO slaves further they could not afford to buy one...
Do you know what the average slave cost in terms of something we can identify with....
The average slave cost roughly the same amount as a brand new top of the line bmw...
Facts sir...not blind belief in what the federal government dictates or in a book they commissioned, edited, financed and handed to you without a single person off confederate descent even being on the compilation committee of either book that was approved for federal funding back in 2016 when I was a sitting member on my towns curriculum review committee...
Only a liar bars his opponent from speaking...Only a liar destroys the proof an honest man invites debate
Dixie Vixen: God bless you, darling girl. Your ancestors are proud of for defending the Confederacy and old glorious Old South. Anyone who speaks badly against them will bring trouble down on themselves. It is wicked to speak badly of the dead, especially those brave boys and men who made the ultimate sacrifice. There is one here in this group who has made the mistake of speaking badly. He will bring misfortune down of himself and his family. Never speak ill of dead heroes. Pray for their souls.
@@mrsknight2984 Bravo, my dear! Well-spoken!
@@mrsknight2984 Now they try to censor us by silencing us on social media.
The defenders of Liberty and Freedom.
Lest we forget…
Jean Mouton Was killed during a caverilry charge during the battle of Mansfield,LA. He was shot from his horse early in the charge.
I found this very interesting. I love history thank you.
Abner Perrin was killed at the battle of Spotsylvania court house. He was riddled with 7 bullets in his body.
What is the name of the song?