Ua ib sim neej nyob xwb yuav tsum yuav tus yus nyiam thiaj xav hlub thiab thiaj tsimnyog yug los ib zaug. Raug yuam li no xwb ces nkim tag yus ib tiam neej. Txawm tsis hlub los txhob ua phem rau xwb. Tus niam tij los tsimnyog yuav yuam kom tus kwv yuav tsum hlub nws ib leeg thiab. Vim tus yus ntshaw yus yeej tau lawm, tabsis nws tuag lawm xwb. Tus kwv tsis yog yus tus lawm. Raug quab yuam xwb. Yog kuv yog tus niam tij, kuv yuav cia tus kwv yuav tus neeg nws hlub thiab nyiam. Yuav tsis ua phem rau nws. Tabsis yuav thov kom nws coj zoo pab yus xwb ces tau lawm.
Qhov zoo ces txhob sib txis xwb. Yog sib txis tsis sib hlub los txhob hlub ib pab me nyuam tseg ib pab. Tej me nyuam ntawd twb xaiv tsis tau los yug ne.
@ShouaTojsiab yog mas. Tabsis cov laus thaum ub phem yuam2 tej menyuam li no. Tsis nyiam los hlub cov menyuam li yog tus tijlaug cov tiag2 kom lawv txhob tu siab rau yus. Tus niam tij los txhob khib thiab cia nws yuav tus nws nyiam tsuas nws pab yus nrog hlub tej menyuam xwb. Yus tus yeej tuag muaj ntxa lawm ces cia tus kwv muaj tus nws hlub.
I feel the most sad for you bc you were forced to marry your sil. At least she got to marry her lover, had a life with him, and had some kids. You, on the other hand, had to marry your older sil. That's disgusting.
Tej laus lim hiam dhaus lawm, lawv cov niag cai niam tij txis kwv thov kom muab tso pov tseg. Txhob muab ob tug neeg sib tsim es cia ua niam tij thiab kwv xwb thiaj sib hlub.
Kuv mas ntxub Hmoob txoj niag cais muab niam tij txis kwv. Between the first wife and second wife, the first wife is always the saddest, because they no longer receive any love.
Thanks for sharing your story brother it's so sad and unfair. Kuv xav tias txoj kev Niam Tij txi kwv yuav tau muab tso tseg. Ntawm kuv, kuv xav tias yus niam tij zoo ib yam li yus niam lawm yuav tsum yuav tsis tau.
Yus yeej ibntwm tsis hlub luag ces txhob ntshaw luag tug. Txoj kev sibyuam no txhob ua lawm. Nej yuam ib tug hluas nkauj los yog ib tub tub ces lub neej yeej tsis kawg
Tus txiv tsev aw pab koj tus siab rau koj lub neej kawg li os xav Cas Los yog Tim koj txiv niag tshej muag ntawd txiav neb ob niam Tim kw lub neej xwb tuag lwm tiam mam mus nrog koj txiv sib has pem ntuj os
This is why its very important to learn about our Hmong culture, so u know what u were doing when asked to bow. Its sad this happened to you. U and ur sister-in-law didnt deserve this. Why wouldnt u communicate with her about what u want and dont want, so u both can be on the same page. Why couldn’t u offer her that u were willing to work and provide for her and her kids as long there is no marriage between u both? Why can’t this agreement be between just u and her? Why kept ur pain and sadness to urself? Well, im glad u were able to accept her along the way. Im glad u were thoughtful towards ur brother to treat her well. Thank you for sharing ur sad story. I really don’t understand why hmong men who got into this situation…would live a miserable life that makes you torture ur wife…Hmong guys really need to open their mind..she (sister-in-law) didnt deserve the torture…she srill grieved for wonderful husband who was gone…Why u men dont ever understand how shattered a woman felt??? Anyways…i believe hmong men in the past and lived this lifestyle…are mostly truly mean and evil torturing ur wife (sister-in-law). Because u guys were this evil to torture ur wife (sister-in-law), this was why u were the chosen one to be tortured to live this lifestyle Lmao 🤣.
Txhob tu siab koj cov me nyuam uas yog niam loj yug tsis hlub koj. Koj twb tsis tau hlub lawv li koj hlub koj tus niam yau cov me nyuam. Koj hlub luag li cas ces luag tsuas hlub koj txij li ntawd xwb.
Koj twb hais koj tias koj hlub tus niam twg dua ces koj hlub tus niam ntawv cov me nyuam dua no ne ces txhob tu siab mo txawm tias koj tsis hlub tus niam los yog kij hlub cov me nyuam sib npaug mas nyaj lawv yuav hlub koj thiab
It’s not both of yall fault, it’s the Hmong culture fault!! This culture needs to change because your life and some people lives are ruin because of it. Thanks for sharing.
This is so sad, I’m pretty sure the sister in law was also sad too.. I hate hmong culture, forcing your children to do sad things.. what a waste a life
Cas koj tsis xav txog tias koj tus niam loj ua lub neej nrog kua muag es haj yam nyuab thiab chim nws siab. At least koj tseem yuav tau tus tshiab hos nws twb yuav tsis tau. Tim koj txiv xwb.
Don't blame her, blame yourself and your dad. Cause you can't stand on your feet at the your dad asked you to married her.😂Yog koj tsis yeem, tsis muaj leej twg yuam tau koj.
Koj hais tias lawv (koj tus Niam loj) hlub tus txiv vim hluas npaum koj hlub tus niam yau vim nws hluas. Qhov no tsis tseem vim nws tsis tau xaiv koj ua nws tus txiv- nws raug quab yuam li koj xwb. Nws tu siab tshaj koj vim nws tus txiv tuag, tseem tau koj tsis hlub nws thiab koj yuav niam yau.
Koj hais tias lawv (koj tus Niam loj) hlub tus txiv vim hluas npaum koj hlub tus niam yau vim nws hluas. Qhov no tsis tseeb vim nws tsis tau xaiv koj ua nws tus txiv- nws raug quab yuam li koj xwb. Nws tu siab tshaj koj vim nws tus txiv tuag, tseem tau koj tsis hlub nws thiab koj yuav niam yau.
Hmong people mas thiaj txawj practice ua neej rov qab quav qees . Neb yeej lwj siab txaus nyias tus kheej. Tab sis koj yog tus lwj siab thiab siab phem heev. txiv neej Hmong siab mas thiaj txawj miv2 tiag2 tsuas muab koj tib lub niag npe los lwv thaum nws tuag es niag txiv qhuab kev tuaj ntawg nws es tuav koj lub npe .1 tsoom poj niam hmong cas nej yuav ruam txog qhov thaum nej tuag es,muab nej ntawg 6 tus neeg siab phem lub npe es nej thiaj nkag tau rau dab teb nas .
Neb lub neej tsis. Zoo Los yog Tim cov niag ntseg muag laus ntawd xwb os koj tus niam loj tu tsis nyog siab rau koj os nws yuav tsum paub tias nwss laus dhau rau koj lawm na
Wow thaub no tseem ntshaw kev hlub from nws cov mi nyuam niam loj yug thiab? U g hlub lawv niam u ua li cas los ua tsis yeej niam loj ces yus yuuav ua raws u siab tabsis ua tsis tau thiab. This guy is a joke! I would do the same as niam loj. Tsis pub minyuam hlub nws li hos
Hmong need to stop with this digusting tradition. Stop forcing marriage on someone and ruining their life. If you want to keep the nyab in the family, why don’t the FIL marry the nyab instead 😂SMH I feel sorry for your life brother, your whole innocence and life was ruined. You never had the chance to experience dating and first love because that was taken away from you 😢
It’s all your dad’s fault. It’s sad for both of you, especially for your niam tij/niam loj. She lost the man who loved her and whom she loved only to be forced to marry you, be you and your niam yau’s slave, and tortured by you mentally. Tu siab peb cov poj niam lub sij hawm ntawd tsis muaj cai thiab txoj cai tsis ncaj ncees. Zoo kawg thaum koj muab koj niam loj nrauj lawm nws thiaj dim kev txom nyem thiab tsim txom siab ntsws ntawm txoj kev niam hlob niam yau. Thaum koj txom nyem koj thov niam loj rov qab, SIAJ ntshe siab dev thiaj tseem rov los. Nrog neb ob leeg tu siab. Tsis tsim nyog koj tsis hlub niam loj cov me nyuam vim koj tsis hlub niam loj. Koj cov me nyuam twb xaiv tsis tau los yug.
Ntuj aw koj ruam los ntse ? koj tsis nyiam yog koj txiv nyiam ces muab koj niam tij txis rau koj txiv ua nws tus niam yau xwb ? hmoob txoj niag khauv tshawm quav dev no mas phem thiab ntxim ntxub tshaj plaws. Hmoob ruam ua dabtsi los yuam kev tas huvsi, ib yam nkaus li nus muag cov me nyuam los sib yuav hmoob qhuas tias li no mas thiaj li txum phaj tab sis luag lwm haiv neeg haistias muam thiab nus cov me nyuam yog koom roj koom ntshav ces sib yuav tsis tau. Tub hluas nrog pog laus pw mas pog laus tsw2 tsog tsw mis tsw2 zis laus koj nrog pw ib zaug tas mas tsis xav ncooj nrog nws ntxiv lawm.
This txiv tsev is hiding something from the marriage. Since his kids from the second wife all failed in life. Only lub ntuj see all the shits he oulled n did. It's called karma.
Niam loj ua yog tshaj plaw lawm
Thaub, tim tej laus yuam neb, tabsis tsis tsimnyog koj yuav tau niamyau hlub 2 leeg tsis ncajncees. Koj thiaj npam hnub no.
Ua ib lub neej tsis tsim nyog
Thov qhuas koj tus niam hoj tshaj plaws, cov pój niam keej, thiab tshaj lij li nws ces nrhiav yuav laug tsi tau os .
Such a sad story. These old geezers need to stopped this practice of niamtij txeb kwv😡
Niam loj ua tau yog tshaj plaws lawm nawb
Tragic life story for you and her, but at least you found love and she found peace. Time to let go
Ca yuav nrog niam loj tu siab ua luaj
Ntuj aw cas tsis paub txaj muag li os yus twb tsis hlub luag es tseem muaj plhus mus tsib luag kom hlub yus thiab tsawg sawm rau nyuam qhuav ntxim rau tuag tsis tuag
Tsis yog os tus txivtsev …, ntuj yeej foom tsis zoo rau niamyau cov menyuam hos…..pab koj tus niamtij tusiab os
Koj txhob tu siab os nawb koj niam tij twb tsis laus cuag li cov tub mos ab tim nplog yuav cov pog laus na thaub
I understand you didn’t love her but you didn’t love your kids either, horrible father!! Sorry that’s no excuse to not love your kids!!
Ua ib sim neej nyob xwb yuav tsum yuav tus yus nyiam thiaj xav hlub thiab thiaj tsimnyog yug los ib zaug. Raug yuam li no xwb ces nkim tag yus ib tiam neej. Txawm tsis hlub los txhob ua phem rau xwb. Tus niam tij los tsimnyog yuav yuam kom tus kwv yuav tsum hlub nws ib leeg thiab. Vim tus yus ntshaw yus yeej tau lawm, tabsis nws tuag lawm xwb. Tus kwv tsis yog yus tus lawm. Raug quab yuam xwb. Yog kuv yog tus niam tij, kuv yuav cia tus kwv yuav tus neeg nws hlub thiab nyiam. Yuav tsis ua phem rau nws. Tabsis yuav thov kom nws coj zoo pab yus xwb ces tau lawm.
Qhov zoo ces txhob sib txis xwb. Yog sib txis tsis sib hlub los txhob hlub ib pab me nyuam tseg ib pab. Tej me nyuam ntawd twb xaiv tsis tau los yug ne.
@ShouaTojsiab yog mas. Tabsis cov laus thaum ub phem yuam2 tej menyuam li no. Tsis nyiam los hlub cov menyuam li yog tus tijlaug cov tiag2 kom lawv txhob tu siab rau yus. Tus niam tij los txhob khib thiab cia nws yuav tus nws nyiam tsuas nws pab yus nrog hlub tej menyuam xwb. Yus tus yeej tuag muaj ntxa lawm ces cia tus kwv muaj tus nws hlub.
Hmoob lub neej yeej ib txwm ua rov qab lawm xwb. Muab niam tij txi kwv, twb tsis sib phim li.
tsim nyog kawg qhov lawv hlub tsis taus koj yog cai lawm koj pib kev phem ua ntej tsis npam cov niam tub li os. tsuas npam koj xwb mog
I feel the most sad for you bc you were forced to marry your sil. At least she got to marry her lover, had a life with him, and had some kids. You, on the other hand, had to marry your older sil. That's disgusting.
Im glad you are telling the truth. I do believe my dad loves his 2nd wife children more than my mom. My mom was 1st wife.
Ntuj aws cas tej laus no pluag thiab siab lim hiam dhau lawm os! Kuv mas ntxhub tshaj plaws rau cov niag laus no dhau lau thov tseg txoj kev yuam neeg sib yuav no os!
What a sad story. Hmong tradition is just so jacked up. This crap happened to my grandparents. They divorced when they're already older.
Tej laus lim hiam dhaus lawm, lawv cov niag cai niam tij txis kwv thov kom muab tso pov tseg. Txhob muab ob tug neeg sib tsim es cia ua niam tij thiab kwv xwb thiaj sib hlub.
Kuv mas ntxub Hmoob txoj niag cais muab niam tij txis kwv. Between the first wife and second wife, the first wife is always the saddest, because they no longer receive any love.
Yeej nrog neb tu siab dhau rau neb lub neej vim raug yuam sib yuav os! Nim xiam tag ib tiam li os.
Sad story
Tus txiv tsev nrog koj tu siab os vim peb hmoob txoj niag kev cai tuaj nyob mekas no tseem muaj li koj piav thiab os
55555 yog lawm nawb hhhhhcia kom từ puav txiv neej zoo lí ko thiab hhhh
What a sad life? I hope that all the kids hear this story. To be force into a marriage back then
Thanks for sharing your story brother it's so sad and unfair. Kuv xav tias txoj kev Niam Tij txi kwv yuav tau muab tso tseg. Ntawm kuv, kuv xav tias yus niam tij zoo ib yam li yus niam lawm yuav tsum yuav tsis tau.
Another niam tij txi kwv. Already know the ending without listening.
Yus yeej ibntwm tsis hlub luag ces txhob ntshaw luag tug. Txoj kev sibyuam no txhob ua lawm. Nej yuam ib tug hluas nkauj los yog ib tub tub ces lub neej yeej tsis kawg
Tus txiv tsev aw pab koj tus siab rau koj lub neej kawg li os xav Cas Los yog Tim koj txiv niag tshej muag ntawd txiav neb ob niam Tim kw lub neej xwb tuag lwm tiam mam mus nrog koj txiv sib has pem ntuj os
This is why its very important to learn about our Hmong culture, so u know what u were doing when asked to bow. Its sad this happened to you. U and ur sister-in-law didnt deserve this. Why wouldnt u communicate with her about what u want and dont want, so u both can be on the same page. Why couldn’t u offer her that u were willing to work and provide for her and her kids as long there is no marriage between u both? Why can’t this agreement be between just u and her? Why kept ur pain and sadness to urself?
Well, im glad u were able to accept her along the way. Im glad u were thoughtful towards ur brother to treat her well.
Thank you for sharing ur sad story.
I really don’t understand why hmong men who got into this situation…would live a miserable life that makes you torture ur wife…Hmong guys really need to open their mind..she (sister-in-law) didnt deserve the torture…she srill grieved for wonderful husband who was gone…Why u men dont ever understand how shattered a woman felt??? Anyways…i believe hmong men in the past and lived this lifestyle…are mostly truly mean and evil torturing ur wife (sister-in-law).
Because u guys were this evil to torture ur wife (sister-in-law), this was why u were the chosen one to be tortured to live this lifestyle Lmao 🤣.
Txhob tu siab koj cov me nyuam uas yog niam loj yug tsis hlub koj. Koj twb tsis tau hlub lawv li koj hlub koj tus niam yau cov me nyuam. Koj hlub luag li cas ces luag tsuas hlub koj txij li ntawd xwb.
It’s your father’s fault for forcing you guys to get married and it turn it hate.. your father is to blame… he’s was not a good father but a pusher..
Txiv neej lub qe tsw lwj os
Nej hmoob kev caij más raum lis ruam tiag vim peb hmoob vam meej heev lis lawm 😂😂😂😂
Your brother’s wife is a good woman, mother and wife to you 😢
Koj twb hais koj tias koj hlub tus niam twg dua ces koj hlub tus niam ntawv cov me nyuam dua no ne ces txhob tu siab mo txawm tias koj tsis hlub tus niam los yog kij hlub cov me nyuam sib npaug mas nyaj lawv yuav hlub koj thiab
Karma always return....
Sad story. The niam tij wife is selfish!!!!
Lub neej no g raug lewj twg ce leej twg g paub li os
Niam loj yeej ua yog lawm❤
Niam ntshuab teev kv caum xyoo 2017 lo txog xyoo no kv xav muab kv zaj neej neeg rau kjtham heev yuav ua li cas thiaj nrog kj tham os
No support for Niam Tij Txis Kwv. Horrible idea.
Ua cas cov tub mob ab tim nplog 10 tawm xyoo xwb es ho yuav taus tus pog 60 xyoo na lawv ham tsi yog $$ xwb las as yom..
It’s not both of yall fault, it’s the Hmong culture fault!! This culture needs to change because your life and some people lives are ruin because of it. Thanks for sharing.
Cov me nyuam ua yog kawg. U didn't love them to begin with so it's only fair
This is so sad, I’m pretty sure the sister in law was also sad too.. I hate hmong culture, forcing your children to do sad things.. what a waste a life
Cas koj tsis xav txog tias koj tus niam loj ua lub neej nrog kua muag es haj yam nyuab thiab chim nws siab. At least koj tseem yuav tau tus tshiab hos nws twb yuav tsis tau. Tim koj txiv xwb.
Blame the old folks for the disheartening for everyone!😢 small minds get no where!
Don't blame her, blame yourself and your dad. Cause you can't stand on your feet at the your dad asked you to married her.😂Yog koj tsis yeem, tsis muaj leej twg yuam tau koj.
Koj hais tias lawv (koj tus Niam loj) hlub tus txiv vim hluas npaum koj hlub tus niam yau vim nws hluas.
Qhov no tsis tseem vim nws tsis tau xaiv koj ua nws tus txiv- nws raug quab yuam li koj xwb.
Nws tu siab tshaj koj vim nws tus txiv tuag, tseem tau koj tsis hlub nws thiab koj yuav niam yau.
Koj hais tias lawv (koj tus Niam loj) hlub tus txiv vim hluas npaum koj hlub tus niam yau vim nws hluas.
Qhov no tsis tseeb vim nws tsis tau xaiv koj ua nws tus txiv- nws raug quab yuam li koj xwb.
Nws tu siab tshaj koj vim nws tus txiv tuag, tseem tau koj tsis hlub nws thiab koj yuav niam yau.
Hmong people mas thiaj txawj practice ua neej rov qab quav qees . Neb yeej lwj siab txaus nyias tus kheej. Tab sis koj yog tus lwj siab thiab siab phem heev. txiv neej Hmong siab mas thiaj txawj miv2 tiag2 tsuas muab koj tib lub niag npe los lwv thaum nws tuag es niag txiv qhuab kev tuaj ntawg nws es tuav koj lub npe .1 tsoom poj niam hmong cas nej yuav ruam txog qhov thaum nej tuag es,muab nej ntawg 6 tus neeg siab phem lub npe es nej thiaj nkag tau rau dab teb nas .
This is just sad all around.
Neb lub neej tsis. Zoo Los yog Tim cov niag ntseg muag laus ntawd xwb os koj tus niam loj tu tsis nyog siab rau koj os nws yuav tsum paub tias nwss laus dhau rau koj lawm na
Ua thib 2
The logic behind this disgusting practice is so messed up and selfish. No one wins. May it never happen again.
Wow thaub no tseem ntshaw kev hlub from nws cov mi nyuam niam loj yug thiab? U g hlub lawv niam u ua li cas los ua tsis yeej niam loj ces yus yuuav ua raws u siab tabsis ua tsis tau thiab. This guy is a joke! I would do the same as niam loj. Tsis pub minyuam hlub nws li hos
Hmong need to stop with this digusting tradition. Stop forcing marriage on someone and ruining their life. If you want to keep the nyab in the family, why don’t the FIL marry the nyab instead 😂SMH I feel sorry for your life brother, your whole innocence and life was ruined. You never had the chance to experience dating and first love because that was taken away from you 😢
Right? I was thinking the same too, that if the sad wants the nyab to be in the family so much then why didn't he marry her instead.
Generational trauma…
to koj tseem hlua2 lo koj twb rau pawm lawm koj muaj kev npam ne koj thiaj xwb2 rau pawm 😂😂😂😂
Yog kawg yom…
Tus me kwv tij menyuam niam loj niam yau yeej tsi txawj sib hlub os, es txawm yog muaj teeb meem txog qhov no los xob tu siab nawv.
Cas tsis yog kuv.
neb 2 niam txiv ce phem sib xwb
Ntuj es yuav niam tij muaj 5 tug minyuam smh. Those sons and kids should put themselves in your shoes. Tsi tim koj tag tag thaib....
It’s all your dad’s fault. It’s sad for both of you, especially for your niam tij/niam loj. She lost the man who loved her and whom she loved only to be forced to marry you, be you and your niam yau’s slave, and tortured by you mentally.
Tu siab peb cov poj niam lub sij hawm ntawd tsis muaj cai thiab txoj cai tsis ncaj ncees. Zoo kawg thaum koj muab koj niam loj nrauj lawm nws thiaj dim kev txom nyem thiab tsim txom siab ntsws ntawm txoj kev niam hlob niam yau. Thaum koj txom nyem koj thov niam loj rov qab, SIAJ ntshe siab dev thiaj tseem rov los. Nrog neb ob leeg tu siab. Tsis tsim nyog koj tsis hlub niam loj cov me nyuam vim koj tsis hlub niam loj. Koj cov me nyuam twb xaiv tsis tau los yug.
These types of marriages are unnecessary. It’s just stupid and not thought through. I feel bad for the people who had to endure this kind of abuse.
It’s stupid
Niag txiv siab phem txia ntsav koj siab phem tshaj niam loj twb tsis tau kev ncaj ncees ib yam nkaus li koj thiab nav es koj tseem siab phem rau niam loj li ntawd thiab txiv neej mas siab txia ntsav tshaj plaws li os.
kvyog tus thib ib kiag
koj siab phem ne lawv saib ntsoov koj tsim lawv niam ces koj yog lawv tus yeeb ncuab
You can't be mad at the children if they don't love u. Its ur freaking fault.
You were destined to be husband and wife.
Ntuj aw koj ruam los ntse ? koj tsis nyiam yog koj txiv nyiam ces muab koj niam tij txis rau koj txiv ua nws tus niam yau xwb ? hmoob txoj niag khauv tshawm quav dev no mas phem thiab ntxim ntxub tshaj plaws. Hmoob ruam ua dabtsi los yuam kev tas huvsi, ib yam nkaus li nus muag cov me nyuam los sib yuav hmoob qhuas tias li no mas thiaj li txum phaj tab sis luag lwm haiv neeg haistias muam thiab nus cov me nyuam yog koom roj koom ntshav ces sib yuav tsis tau.
Tub hluas nrog pog laus pw mas pog laus tsw2 tsog tsw mis tsw2 zis laus koj nrog pw ib zaug tas mas tsis xav ncooj nrog nws ntxiv lawm.
This txiv tsev is hiding something from the marriage. Since his kids from the second wife all failed in life. Only lub ntuj see all the shits he oulled n did. It's called karma.
Koj npam lawm xwb os
Disgusting tradition
1975 O-G so stupid I hate that
OG 75 brain are disgusting 😂😂😂😂