I remember passing through this wonderful part of Tigray region. I always wandered why this area was not talked about because I was told most of the major battles had happened in this area specially in Ambaalaje Mountains. However all I heated was to the extent that is deafening was only about adwa but not about the battle of Maichew and Ambaallaje. Not about the great warriors of this area that chased the Italian like they were chasing away monkeys. The great warriors of this area such as Dejach Ali , Dejach Braraki, and many others heroes of Bora Silawa and Samre.... Wow, I cannot thank you enough for saying something and bring to the light of mass media about this gorgeous place that has a huge part in the Ethiopian history. I hope you will dig in and bring many interesting programs that revolve around the history and socioeconomic of this place. Keep up the good work!
As far as remember the first time I saw them remember I was a 12 year old kid in a trip from Asmara to Addis Ababa. Somebody told me the Italians were in a rush to finish he highway to built a wall was out of question. Ingenuity suggested to use the empty asphalt drum. I don't think there hidden treasure inside.
Dimtsi woyane, please stop documenting your personal adventure and Tigray vacations. if you care to go and convince your tplf Masters to fix the Alaje,Maychew, and Alamata roads which have been killed many peoples for the past. for sure they will kill many more for the future As everybody knows the one and the only Groups of TPLF Leaders owing Tigray for personal significance in the past 27 years They created 1st and 2nd class tegaru in many discriminatory ways. they never even care about Alaje Roads or Aaje people in that matter all Raya people in infrastructure, economy, creating Jobs or socially and many more in the past Alaje people suffered and died for Tigray for that matter for Ethiopia people more than any Tigrayway or Ethiopians During 1st and 2nd Italio Ethiopia wars
ኣላጀ ዓዲ ቅያን መግለፂ ጅግንነት ትግራዋይነት! ትግራይ ንቕድሚት! 💪💪💪💪
I remember passing through this wonderful part of Tigray region. I always wandered why this area was not talked about because I was told most of the major battles had happened in this area specially in Ambaalaje Mountains. However all I heated was to the extent that is deafening was only about adwa but not about the battle of Maichew and Ambaallaje. Not about the great warriors of this area that chased the Italian like they were chasing away monkeys. The great warriors of this area such as Dejach Ali , Dejach Braraki, and many others heroes of Bora Silawa and Samre.... Wow, I cannot thank you enough for saying something and bring to the light of mass media about this gorgeous place that has a huge part in the Ethiopian history. I hope you will dig in and bring many interesting programs that revolve around the history and socioeconomic of this place. Keep up the good work!
It is amazing Iove it
Merhab tigray adey 🥰🥰🥰
ነብርት የብሉ ገል ይብሉ ስነ ስርዓት ድምፂ ወያነ
Yegrem .Ewe Eza Tigrayna Hezba Werki Mereta Werki. Enka kabakum tefeterku Tefeterna. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹❤💋
ይገርማል የመሬት አቀማመጡ የመንገዱ ዚግዛግነት በርሚሉ እስከ ዛሬ ምንም ሳይሆን ። ንብረት አለው ብለው እንዳያፈርሱት ተጠንቀቁ።
alaje maichew
ብጣዕሚ ዝገርም እዩ።አሰራርሕኡ ብዘይ ምንም ብዙሕ ዓመታት ምፅንሑ ኮታስ እንታይ ሑዙን ንምንታይ ከምዘቀመጥዎን የገርመልካ እዩ። ኮይኑ ግን ብዙሕ ከይተጎደአ ጠመተ ክግበረሉን ክፅገንን አለዎ።
ይበል ትግራይ ዓደይ ወናንት ብዙሓት ሓዲግታት
ሰባት ንብረት አለዎ ኢሎም እንተፈሩሱ ድምፂ ወያኔ ተሓተቲ ኢኹም
*ኣቱም ሰብ እንታይ ኣምጽኦ ናብ ሚድያ ኸ እሞ ከኣ ኣበይን ብከመን ነጺሪኩሞ እቧእ ኣነ ብወገነይ ባህ ኣይበለንን 😕ነቶም ጸረ ትግራይ በሪ ኣይትክፈቱሎም*
ድምፂ ወያነ ጣጣ ኣምፂኹም በሉ ንብረት ሒዙ ከይኸውን ኣፃርይዎ ተኾነ ይህልዎ ካብ ስደት ንላቀቅ ነይርና
ንብረት አለዎ እልኩም ሰብ ክታወድኡ እኹም
As far as remember the first time I saw them remember I was a
12 year old kid in a trip from Asmara to Addis Ababa.
Somebody told me the Italians were in a rush to finish he highway
to built a wall was out of question. Ingenuity suggested to use
the empty asphalt drum. I don't think there hidden treasure inside.
Sasha hamasen terfie talaina shermta bexabxe fuck
🤔🤔🤔 የማይመስል ነገር ዘግባችሁ ነገ እድሉን እንዲሞክር ወደማፍረስ ሰዉን ልታስገቡት ባትገፋፉት ጥሩ ነዉ
አይይይይይይ እዚአስ ንቲ ሕብረተስብ መንገዲ አፍርስዎ እያ ጣልያን ዓሻ ገርክማስ ንብረት አብዚ ቀቢሩሎ እልኩም ትዛረቡ አየ DW
ብጣዕሚ ልገርም ክንደይ ዓመቶም ለይትባለሽው ናቀደም ንብረትይ ናቃደም ሰብይ አይግነይ 👏👏
በሉ ንብረት እንሀዎ ኢሎም ከያፍርስዎ ንብረት እንሀዎ አይትበሉ ከይሰምዑ እን እንክስቶ🤔🤔
Btaemi zgerm
እወ እማንኪ ከይሰምዑ እሊ ኩሉ አማረኝ
ክክክክ እኒ ክስቶት
@@gebremedhinfitsum1693 ይቐንየለይ
ካብ አዲስአበባ ብኮሮምን ማጨውን ዓዲሽሆ አላጀ ወዘተእናበካ ክሳብመቀለ
አብ ማይጨው - መቐለ ዝወስድ መንገዲ እዩ ።
Dimtsi woyane, please stop documenting your personal adventure and Tigray vacations. if you care to go and convince your tplf Masters to fix the Alaje,Maychew, and Alamata roads which have been killed many peoples for the past. for sure they will kill many more for the future
As everybody knows the one and the only Groups of TPLF Leaders owing Tigray for personal significance in the past 27 years They created 1st and 2nd class tegaru in many discriminatory ways. they never even care about Alaje Roads or Aaje people in that matter all Raya people in infrastructure, economy, creating Jobs or socially and many more in the past
Alaje people suffered and died for Tigray for that matter for Ethiopia people more than any Tigrayway or Ethiopians During 1st and 2nd Italio Ethiopia wars