  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 357

  • @TheSmegPod
    @TheSmegPod 4 года назад +192

    Cinephile ASMR

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +14

      Hello and thank you so much for your kind words!

  • @brettconsolacion3027
    @brettconsolacion3027 5 лет назад +213

    That tingling feeling I get when he says “Here’s the Blu-Ray”

  • @trogdoar149
    @trogdoar149 2 года назад +25

    Criterion Collection ASMR is something I never thought I would want, but I don't think I can live without it now.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +7

      Hello, and wow, you are very very kind! Thank you and warmest regards and I hope you are well.

  • @romanhaberstock4819
    @romanhaberstock4819 5 лет назад +102

    Does anyone else just wanna give this guy a hug. He has such a soothing voice and he seems like he loves every single one of his fans equally. I love this guy 😂

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +29

      Dear Roman, thank you so much for your really kind and generous words. This means a lot. I hope you are well and cheers to you, from Tokyo.

    • @birddogfreemann
      @birddogfreemann 5 лет назад

      Hey wait, you're the "kid" who has parental limitations on watching Rated R films. You shouldn't be watching this.

    • @romanhaberstock4819
      @romanhaberstock4819 5 лет назад

      birddogfreemann yah ur right😂

  • @leoinsf
    @leoinsf 4 года назад +17

    Daisuke, this is landmark! You are staggeringly smart and compellingly relaxed about your accomplishments. Who would have thought that we could take an historic romp through the entire Criterion Collection. Bravo!!!!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +3

      Thank you so much my dear friend. Your passion and enthusiasm and kindness are wonderful.

  • @animegirl20
    @animegirl20 5 лет назад +70

    I love your glasses. Reminds me of the ones George Romero used to wear.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +53

      Dear Michelle Kisner, thank you very much for your kind comment!
      Yes! This is the precise reason why I wear these glasses in this video! My eyes are not so good and so I wear glasses anyway, and I have a number of pairs.
      However, this oversized pair is my favorite, precisely because they remind me of the kinds that the late and great Mr. George Romero often was seen wearing late in his career.
      So, as a kind of tribute to him, I wear these. Mine are not the exact kind of frames that he wore, but they are similar in style and look I think. And I had to have special lenses put in because the frames are too big for ordinary lens stores here in Tokyo to handle!
      I affectionately call these my "George Romeros" in honor of the filmmaker who gave me so many memories as a kid growing up with film.
      Cheers from Tokyo.

    • @ianjohnson458
      @ianjohnson458 4 года назад +3

      Make me think of those big glasses Robert De Niro wears in that famous scene in Casino with Pesci , when DeNiro thinks he might get whacked and is arguing with Pesci in the desert

  • @RazorwireReviews
    @RazorwireReviews 6 лет назад +95

    WELL THEN. I've been hearing your name a lot the past couple of weeks based on this insane complete Criterion collection. Absolutely mental. Never thought I'd see the day where someone would actually do it and have the ENTIRE collection. Based on what kind of videos you post, I can tell I've found a new favourite channel here, looking forward to diving into your videos and checking out this entire collection series!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +27

      Dear RazorwireReviews, this is quite an honor, because I am a fan of your channel and have been for some time. Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a comment! This is really a nice surprise! Thank you.
      Yes, I had planned to make this one long video, but unfortunately my editing app on my iPhone did not allow me to upload a video that was more than 2 hours, and so I had to divide up my Criterion Collection video into 4 parts. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Parts 2 and 3 and 4 are also on my channel.
      Also, if you are into the Criterion Laserdiscs, I have a separate video about that as well. I was very fortunate enough to become CC LD complete a few months ago (after the efforts and assistance from many people in the Laserdisc community). So if you are into LDs, please have a look!видео.html
      Again, I am a great fan of yours and so it is a thrill to get a comment like this! You have such a nice demeanor and a welcoming style to your videos that make them really great, and you are so clear with your comments and so on point. I am now rewatching your Asian cinema reviews regarding films like RAN, and your other reviews in that series are really great.
      Please keep up the excellent work, and best regards from Tokyo.

  • @diegojaramillo2931
    @diegojaramillo2931 6 лет назад +46

    Wow... this is the first time someone takes the time to do this. Thanks so much for sharing, can't wait to watch the entire series... Cheers from Colombia!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +3

      Dear Diego, thank you very much. I hope you are happy and well in Colombia.
      You are very kind to watch this video! I am so sorry it is so long because I know you must be busy, so thank you very much for taking the time to do so. I really appreciate it.
      For your information, this is in 4 parts total, and Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 will be uploaded in the coming days.
      Part 2: Spines 251 to 500;
      Part 3: Spines 501 to 750;
      Part 4 Spines 751 to 928.
      PART 2 will be uploaded around the same time tomorrow!
      PART 3... the day after tomorrow... and
      PART 4 the day after the day after tomorrow!
      Are you into the Criterion Collection? If so, please let me know what movies you like! I would really love to know.
      Best regards, from Tokyo. --Daisuke

    • @diegojaramillo2931
      @diegojaramillo2931 6 лет назад +3

      Don't be sorry, actually im super grateful with you to take the time to make such a detail presentation of the different editions of every spine numbers. Once again thanks so so much for sharing. Cheers!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +2

      You are very kind. Thank you very much! Best regards and I look forward to talking to you again soon!

  • @thecinematicmind
    @thecinematicmind 6 лет назад +43

    A masterpiece collection right here.

  • @aarond9563
    @aarond9563 4 года назад +4

    I love how you talk about them all with the same level of enthusiasm. I feel like I would lose it for my favorite films.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Aaron D. I hope you are well and safe during these times. And best regards.

  • @matthewpiergies2333
    @matthewpiergies2333 2 года назад

    Wow not only having all spines but multiple versions on both dvd and blu ray when possible this is truly the best movie collection video ever!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад

      Hello and you are very very kind. Cheers and warmest regards.

  • @chrismohan
    @chrismohan 4 года назад +3

    Utterly fabulous overview* of the collection Daisuke. It’s a testament to the wonderful work by Criterion that so many DVD upgrades have been released since this video. Thanks for taking the time and energy to put this together 😀

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      I really appreciate this comment. Thank you so much for this. Cheers.

  • @leocoh89
    @leocoh89 6 лет назад +8

    I’m glad you highlighted night and fog, didn’t realise criterion had a bluray, which I have now ordered. I’ll be honest, the first 15 mins or so I was thinking ‘this is ok, I can handle it’ then the last ten minutes came and I was weeping like a small child when the crane shots of the rooms kick in. Everyone should see this film. So powerful, Resnais just reports. Sadly as a race we never seem to learn. Bravo for saying it’s one of the most important films in the collection or anywhere for that matter.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +5

      Yes, I agree... everyone should seen this film. I completely agree with you. And yes I lament the fact that I showed it like I did, as a kind of product or disc that is part of a collection, because it is really more significant and important than that. Thank you for your comment, because I really wanted to make the point clear in the video.

  • @GhostDiZ
    @GhostDiZ 4 месяца назад

    One of the coolest collection videos I've ever seen

  • @gloryholebutforholdinghands
    @gloryholebutforholdinghands 3 года назад +15

    All jokes aside I really appreciate how you handled Shoah being on this list. I think a lot of film fans can be guilty of thinking of that film as a “challenge” for cinefiles rather than the important document of history that it is.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +2

      Hello and thank you so much for your comment.
      Cheers and I hope you are having a nice weekend.

  • @robthebobz
    @robthebobz 6 лет назад +3

    This is fantastic! You certainly have my envy, sir! I look forward to working my way through your videos.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      robthebobs, this is such a nice comment. Thank you so much! And not at all, my collection is not so vast and I wish I had collections that were like some others that I have seen by other RUclipsrs here. However, thank you for letting me share what I have with you!
      If you are a Criterion Collection fan, please let me know!
      Best regards.

    • @robthebobz
      @robthebobz 6 лет назад

      Daisuke Beppu I certainly am I Criterion fan. However I am severely lacking in my collection! Criterions have only been available relatively recently in the UK, I'm currently on 9 titles. Although a few are box sets, so it's 16 films haha. The Lone Wolf and Cub set and 12 Angry Men are some of my favourites which I own. I'm hoping for The Apu Trilogy and Night and Fog UK release. I've only gone region free recently and importing is expensive! I can't complain as in the UK we are privileged with the amount of distributors, Arrow, Eureka, Artificial Eye, Second Sight and BFI for example. I am really looking forward to the upcoming huge Bergman set, that looks really special.

  • @Jared_Wignall
    @Jared_Wignall 5 лет назад +4

    Rewatching this series of videos and this is really terrific. You have such an incredible collection Daisuke. I love how passionately you are in film and physical media. Your Criterion Collection is really fantastic. Please keep up the great work you do Daisuke.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +2

      My dear dear friend. You are so kind to visit these earlier videos of mine! Thank you so much!!

    • @Jared_Wignall
      @Jared_Wignall 5 лет назад

      Of course. You’re videos are quite informative and are always an interest of mine to watch. You have so many great videos that I can’t help but look back and see your older videos just as much as your newer videos. Keep up the great work!

  • @dukiewilkos4247
    @dukiewilkos4247 6 лет назад +2

    Wow! I just started collecting critierion. That collection is amazing sir. Great presentation as well.👍

  • @markofcaine
    @markofcaine 4 года назад +1

    You have an amazing collection. When some people would kill for one of each you have multiple variants. I salute the depth your collection goes.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Dear Gabriel Molina, wow, thank you very much. You are very kind. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @megal0maniak
    @megal0maniak 5 лет назад +2

    Absolutely amazing collection, Daisuke! You are my new youtube hero good sir!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      My dear friend, thank you very much!

  • @nickreyes9100
    @nickreyes9100 2 года назад +1

    beautiful video, cheers to a new year and an expanding collection for you!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад

      Hello Nick and you are very very kind. Cheers and warmest regards. I hope you are well.

  • @sethcfaulder6886
    @sethcfaulder6886 4 года назад +2

    Holy moly!! Outstanding, sir.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Oh hello. And thank you very much for your comment. You are very kind.

  • @fbritannia
    @fbritannia 5 лет назад +5

    oH my, so cool. I just started getting into film collecting (although I've been watching many films for a few years now) and though I don't have any of the Criterion films yet, as I'm just a student and don't have much money.. This is super inspirational, one day I hope to have a collection half as beautiful as this. Thanks for sharing your passion with us.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Dear F Britannia, thank you so much for your comment!
      If you have a moment, I would love to hear about some of your favorite films! If you have any recommendations for me I would love to hear about them! They can be new films or classic films. In any case, thank you so much again, and I hope you are well. Cheers to you, from Tokyo.

    • @fbritannia
      @fbritannia 5 лет назад +2

      @@DaisukeBeppu oh geez! that's a really hard question, well Barry Lyndon, Modern Times and Cinema Paradiso are definitely up there. I also love Perfect Blue, Blade Runner, Scott Pilgrim, Jacob's Ladder, Suspiria, Macario, Santa Sangre, Belladonna of Sadness. I also love some documentaries like Monterey Pop, 20 ft from stardom or searching for Sugar man.

  • @Dancemachine4ever
    @Dancemachine4ever 5 лет назад +1

    I just have to say this is so cool, you pretty much have them all!!! =) very cool! I love how you show them and also like your calm, peaceful way of talking about them, keep it up! Look forward to finish seeing your whole collection. Also you and other channels are inspiring me so much to jump on RUclips and share my collection and love for classical films. =)

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Hello, and thank you so much for your wonderful comment.
      And, oh yes, if you do decide to make videos about cinema, please let me know! I would love to check those videos out! You can always leave links to your videos in the comments section here and elsewhere on my channel anytime. Cheers and I hope you are well.

    • @Dancemachine4ever
      @Dancemachine4ever 5 лет назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu Thanks so much Daisuke! That's very nice of you, I will for sure let you know when I finally end up creating some videos, till then take care and have a great day =)

  • @TheStormyweber
    @TheStormyweber 4 года назад

    this video is an absolute dream! love seeing all the different releases and packaging. thank you so much for making this

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Hello my friend and wow, thank you so much. Yes, this was done a while back. Cheers and I hope your year is off to a fine start.

  • @bigboss-yv2nr
    @bigboss-yv2nr 9 месяцев назад

    Man you’re the real deal thanks for sharing what a treat

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  9 месяцев назад +1

      Wow thank you! That is such a nice comment. WOW. Truly, thank you very much!!! Yes I really enjoy what Criterion has had to offer over these years.
      Anyway thank you again and I hope this message finds you well!

  • @neonnights1912
    @neonnights1912 6 лет назад +4

    Wow, quite a feat you've accomplished here. Amazing collection you've got here. Thanks for uploading your videos. :) Cheers, Matt

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much, Matt. It means a lot that the comment is coming from you, my friend.

  • @michellemonroe9546
    @michellemonroe9546 4 года назад +3

    I admire your dedication man. I aspire to have such collection one day.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +1

      Hello and thank you very much for your very kind words! Cheers and I hope you are well.

    • @michellemonroe9546
      @michellemonroe9546 4 года назад

      Thank you! You as well 😊

  • @SasanRanjbar
    @SasanRanjbar 3 года назад

    Continue this type of introduction ,your friend from iran🇮🇷🇯🇵

  • @johnwaters4989
    @johnwaters4989 4 года назад +3

    This is such a Fantastic collection! I am super jealous, I've only just seen your channel but I'm already a fan! I also love your glasses (they remind me of George Romero which might be intentional?)

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +2

      Thank you very much for your kind comment. You are very kind. And yes! These glasses... I don't wear these all the time, but I wear these when I am at home and when I do videos for the most part. They remind me of the pairs that George Romero wore in many interviews later in his career. So, I wear these in honor of him, who directed many films that I enjoyed growing up as a kid. So I affectionately refer to these as my "George Romeros".

    • @johnwaters4989
      @johnwaters4989 4 года назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu that's really awesome! thank you so much for making your videos, have a great day!

  • @litcrit1624
    @litcrit1624 6 лет назад +30

    Hypnotic! You are the ASMR of Criterion collecting! Thanks for sharing.
    BTW... I really liked your title sequence.
    I do very little video editing, but what software do you use (specifically for that title style)?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +5

      Dear Lit Crit, wow, what a kind comment you are! And I know about the ASMR genre, and I like it. So for you to say that is really flattering! Thank you. I think that I tend to speak with much stuttering and "um"s and "aah"s and "you know"s too much, and so I tried to focus on slowing down my speaking and being as clear as possible. So perhaps the effect was to have a ASMR type voice?! Haha. Thank you so much!
      By the way, my editing software is nothing special, because I do not have a computer at home to edit. All my editing is done on the pre-installed software on my iPhone 7 Plus. So that means the editing itself is done in iMovie on my iPhone. I used some title software apps that were free as well, such as LEGEND, which I highly recommend because it is free and very easy to use.

  • @agdude6
    @agdude6 5 лет назад +4

    Holy shit, this is amazing! A true fan and Collector! Subscribed!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Haha! Thank you so much for your very enthusiastic and kind comment! May I assume that you are also a fan of the Criterion Collection? Cheers from Tokyo.

    • @agdude6
      @agdude6 5 лет назад +1

      @@DaisukeBeppu I actually just started today! I've been wanting to get started for awhile, so finally the sale happened, and now I've begun! I went overboard and bought 12 of them lol, theres still a bunch of titles I want though! Cheers from Kentucky! Have fun collecting!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад

      Cool! What did you get?

    • @agdude6
      @agdude6 5 лет назад +2

      @@DaisukeBeppu Election
      Rosemary's Baby
      The Blob
      The Royal Tenenbaums
      Pan's Labyrinth
      It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World
      The Graduate
      Fantastic Mr. Fox
      The Darjeeling Limited
      Bottle Rocket
      All Blu-Ray

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      agdude6 very nice!! I hope you enjoy those great titles my friend!

  • @antoniohinojosa8370
    @antoniohinojosa8370 3 года назад

    Hey!! that wacky “C” is one of the reasons I love the covers so much.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you so much for the comment. Yes that is a great design. Agreed.

  • @heartofcinema3454
    @heartofcinema3454 2 года назад

    Daisuke, my dear friend, I can't even imagine how much this all cost you? Although I am sure you would say it's worth every penny. I am not sure my family would allow this amount of dedication, your family's support is incredible. Take care.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад

      Thank you and yes I am very very fortunate in that respect.

  • @domoroboto8752
    @domoroboto8752 2 года назад

    I love your channel and you have such a great collection here, thank you for sharing!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +1

      Hello and thank you so much for your very kind words!! I am very moved.

  • @davo7045
    @davo7045 6 лет назад +1

    Impressive collection my friend! I loved the video, thanks for posting!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Thank you so much for your kind words, David Johnson. It means a lot. If you too are a Criterion Collection fan, and if you don't mind, I would love to hear your recommendations and favorites from the collection! Best regards.

  • @xyboyms
    @xyboyms 2 года назад +1

    You probably didn’t mean to create an ASMR video, but your voice is so incredibly soothing lol. Amazing collection and amazing video. Thank you.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +1

      Thank you very much for your very kind words. Cheers.

  • @HoldenHomeVideo
    @HoldenHomeVideo 6 лет назад +2

    This video gave me ASMR, Great collection.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much, CinnamonRollBowl! That is very kind of you to say.

  • @martinez112820
    @martinez112820 6 лет назад +8

    Wow mind blowing! Can you do a video of your most favorite criterions?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Lupita thank you so much for your kind comment. It is really so kind of you to say.
      I made a video about my “Top 10 Favorites” which is here if you want to take a look:видео.html
      But I may make more videos about my other favorites so please stay tuned!
      Also, are you into the Criterion Collection, Lupita? If so, I’d love to hear about your recommendations and favorites! Best regards.

  • @toriztraducciones7470
    @toriztraducciones7470 2 года назад

    Love this video. Thank you so much for being such a great collector.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад

      Hello Kodama and thank you for watching this one. I made this a few years back but it was a good opportunity to talk about the Criterion Collection. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @MovieChatter01
    @MovieChatter01 6 лет назад +4

    I just found your channel and what an impressive collection. I'm really enjoying watching your videos. Happy I found your channel, I've subbed. 😀

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Movie Chatter wow! I am so flattered! I have been a great fan of your channel for a while now. I really love how clear and concise you are and yet still obviously have such a great love of all kinds of cinema. Also am I remembering correctly that in the background of your videos you sometimes have a HALLOWEEN set? If so, then you and I may have a lot in common in terms of the films we like. Thank you so much! I too have subscribed to your channel (I thought I had already done so a while back but it appears that I hadn’t... so I have subscribed again just in case). Keep up your excellent and fantastic work. Also keep up with your Criterion videos!!!!! I love those 😃❤️. Best regards.

    • @MovieChatter01
      @MovieChatter01 6 лет назад

      Daisuke Beppu yes! I do have a Halloween box set in my background. Seems like we have a lot in common. I'm so happy I found your channel.

  • @RareDivers
    @RareDivers 6 лет назад +2

    Shout out to Haxan. Such a delightful film that I hope one day gets a Blu-ray release from Criterion or anybody.
    I agree on Night And Fog. It was a blind buy for me, and it still has incredible power for being only 35 minutes long.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Yes, I agree on Haxan. I am not sure what the chances are for it to be upgraded to blu, but it is no harm to hope for that outcome. Thank you.
      Yes, thank you for your comments too about Night and Fog.

  • @johnnytroyano8870
    @johnnytroyano8870 5 лет назад +2

    Dude you are cool. Keep it up. My best regards.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад

      Johnny Troyano wow, thank you so much for the nice words! I really appreciate it and likewise, my best regards to you. Cheers.

  • @machiwoomiapoo
    @machiwoomiapoo 6 лет назад +3

    Great job. I enjoyed the video. Take care Sam.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Thank you Sam! I hope you are well.

  • @AP2003.
    @AP2003. 3 года назад +1

    Amazing collection man. Greetings from the UK!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and thank you so much. You are very kind. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @bobnob1273
    @bobnob1273 3 года назад

    A part 4 with all the new titles would be awesome! Love your content

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +2

      Hello and thank you so much. It has been some time since I did these videos but if I remember correctly, I went up to Part 4 I think... covering up to 928. Maybe one day I can continue up to the current spine numbers if possible. Let me think about it. Thank you again and cheers.

  • @chefchris198621
    @chefchris198621 5 лет назад +2

    Truly an amazing video.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much for your kind comment!

  • @it15
    @it15 3 года назад

    Congrats on your collection! I see that there are people in the world who actually live out my dream... Cheers from Croatia!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much for your really kind words. I am very honored. Cheers and I hope you are well.

  • @sumanchamaria9184
    @sumanchamaria9184 4 года назад

    I’ve been watching your video posts on Criterion since 2 weeks now and can’t appreciate you for having the entire Criterion collection. I’m from India and I’m quite passionate about Criterion collection. Having said that,India has a very poor home video market so I hv to import all of my stuffs from US/UK. In the case of Ctiterions,I end up paying huge sums of money which is a travesty. I’m still building my Criterion collection,have around 72 titles as of
    Anyways I like the fact that u care about reading all your comments,Would love to hear back from you and know how you get your Criterions when you aren’t ordering them directly. Will wait for your response . In the meantime all the best and keep making such Videos on Criterions. 👍

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Thank you so much for your comment. For me in Japan, there are usually online stores (Amazon US, etc.) that offer so-so shipping costs for me, and so I usually try to find the best deals regarding shipping. It depends on where you are in the world and how shipping can add up. Hopefully there will be a good option like that where you are in the world. Cheers and thank you so much and be well my friend.

  • @carloswilton5127
    @carloswilton5127 2 года назад

    Why is this guy so relaxing

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад

      Hello and thank you for your kind words. And thank you for visiting this channel. I hope this message finds you well and warmest regards

  • @iamtheicelord
    @iamtheicelord 2 года назад

    Impressive. I admire your resolve in collecting all of these releases. Excellent video!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +1

      Hello and thank you so much for your comment! You are very very kind.

    • @iamtheicelord
      @iamtheicelord 2 года назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu Thanks for responding! You're the man :)

  • @yommish
    @yommish 4 года назад +1

    I would look at properly backing these up in case of catastrophe (on and off-site hard drive backups, plus a cloud backup.) It would cost a lot (probably 50TB of data), but compared to what you've already invested, I think it would be worth it. This is a beautiful collection.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Dear yommish, thank you so much for this comment! Very much appreciated. And thank you so much for your very kind words. Best regards.

  • @floppybopnopfloppybopnop440
    @floppybopnopfloppybopnop440 5 лет назад +3

    Do you own blu ray versions of all of the dvd movies you've showed?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +2

      Hello and, to answer your question, yes.

    • @floppybopnopfloppybopnop440
      @floppybopnopfloppybopnop440 5 лет назад

      Wow speedy reply! Thanks for answering. That's crazy. I hope one day I will start a collection too. :)

  • @sarahben699
    @sarahben699 6 лет назад +1

    You are just...the man! Keep it up!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Dear Sarah & Ben, oh gosh! Thank you so much for your kind comment! I feel bad that the video is so long, but that you watched it, even just a little portion, is really wonderful and I am so touched. Thank you! If you are into Criterion, and if you have any recommendations for good films to watch, I would love to hear about it!
      Cheers, and best regards from Tokyo. --Daisuke.

  • @isabelaoliveira9270
    @isabelaoliveira9270 3 года назад

    Amazing video!
    Your dedication is admirable.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and thank you very much for your very kind words. Are you a Criterion Collection fan as well? Best regards and I hope you are well.

  • @ronaldfabricante2158
    @ronaldfabricante2158 5 лет назад +2

    Is there a blu-ray version of every one of the criterion collection? I think the first spine is only DVD

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      No, not all Criterion titles are on blu ray, but many of them are. If you want more information on this, I suggest checking out the Criterion website. Also, you can look at the wikipedia page on the Criterion releases. This is usually kept up to date about what titles have been released on blu ray and what have not.

    • @ronaldfabricante2158
      @ronaldfabricante2158 5 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu so if I wanted to get a good criterion collection then I will have to get al formats since some titles have only DVD. That’s fine. More expense but they are worth it. I’m a starting collector. So I’m at the beginning of it all. It will be hard to get the first one. They are pricey but will have to save up for it.

    • @777JonT
      @777JonT 4 года назад

      If you live in the US, find a Barnes and Noble store. They do a fifty-percent off sale every July and December, in which case you'll be able to get many Criterion blu-rays for twenty dollars, and DVD releases for fifteen.

  • @merrylderrickson3147
    @merrylderrickson3147 4 года назад +1

    You're a maniac and I love it.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +1

      Haha! Thank you so much for the lovely comment. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @horrorableshow
    @horrorableshow 3 года назад

    Well, here’s my Sunday right here lol 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥thanks for this man!!!

  • @lawdogcritic4482
    @lawdogcritic4482 3 года назад

    Keep up the great work man! Love what you do!!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you so much Lawdog Critic! You are very kind! Are you also a Criterion fan? Or do you have any film recommendations? If so, let me know anytime! I would love to hear about them. Cheers.

  • @rabidfollower
    @rabidfollower 3 года назад +1

    Criterion has the unspoken rule that if a film doesn't have bang-up top-notch picture quality or rewarding special features, a disc won't be made for it. That's why you never see Woody Allen films in the collection, because Allen is famously against special features (he thinks a film speaks for itself). You can't fault Criterion for this, because it's a small company and it relies on good picture and features as selling points. We Criterion fans naturally want them to release every film, but it just won't happen. When David Fincher's The Game came out, we all wanted it to be a Criterion and thought it was a pipe dream. It was a miracle that it eventually did. It was a miracle, too, when people like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, etc. were added to Criterion because it used to be far-fetched to think that Criterion would include kungfu genres.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and thank you very much for your comment, and for sharing with me your perspective and expertise on the Criterion Collection!! Those are very interesting points indeed. Much appreciated.

  • @aarond9563
    @aarond9563 4 года назад +1

    Why buy the DVD if you have the blu ray? Like salo for example? Just curious.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Good question. I don't do that for all titles. But sometimes, there might be instances where, say, I have the DVD, but then the blu ray comes out. Or maybe there is a packaging detail of the DVD that is not included in the equivalent blu ray, etc.

  • @stmark4181
    @stmark4181 4 года назад +1

    Daisuke is handsome.
    Also I like his RADIO VOICE - really nice on the ears.
    I could fall asleep listening to him talk.
    The App CALM should hire him to read books or talk to its listeners.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +1

      Hello, and WOW... I am very honored by your very kind words. Truly I am. Thank you for that, and I hope you are well and please have a nice rest of your week.

  • @iselect1012
    @iselect1012 6 лет назад +1

    This is just epic my friend!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Hello, iselect 101! Thank you so much for your kind comment! Best regards.

  • @zolyx5395
    @zolyx5395 3 года назад +1

    You SIR, are a legend.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      You are very very kind my friend. Thank you and I hope you are well. Have a nice rest of your day.

  • @stevevincentfurness4537
    @stevevincentfurness4537 6 лет назад +1

    Well, I posted a proper comment that was summarily eaten and digested by RUclips, never to be heard from again. Suffice it to say, it was a brilliantly worded comment, probably the most exciting and heartbreaking words I've ever committed to RUclips. Or... not. Anyway, the comment was more praising of your collection and these wonderful show-and-tell videos that you make. Thank you!!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Haha! I have said it before and I will say it again: I love the way you write. You are so great.

  • @VulgarianTroglodyte
    @VulgarianTroglodyte 6 лет назад +2

    The amount of quality cinema in this video is enormous! Sadly there's only 68 Criterion titles in region B at the moment, I'd love to get films like Ikiru and Le Samourai on region B Criterion blu-ray. Also Criterion needs to release blu-ray version of Nights of Cabiria. Anyway, thanks for sharing your collection and I can't wait for part 2!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your comment, SJSFilms! How are you? I hope you are doing well, my friend.
      So, I too hope that one day a blu of NIGHTS OF CABIRIA will happen, but I don't know if it is realistic to expect... Still, I hope! By the way, are you a Fellini fan as well?

    • @saiashwin26
      @saiashwin26 6 лет назад +1

      can you play region locked titles in a region free blu ray player?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Yes. It is possible to do so with a region free blu ray player.

    • @VulgarianTroglodyte
      @VulgarianTroglodyte 6 лет назад +1

      I'm good buddy, hope you are too! I'm a Fellini fan, although I've only seen 3 of his films: Nights of Cabiria, 8 1/2 and La Dolce Vita. So I'm definitely not an expert regarding his filmography, but I obviously want to watch more of his films such as Amarcord and I Vitelloni. 8 1/2 is my favorite of his so far, what a brilliant film, I've only seen it once though.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      My friend SJSFilms, thank you. I am doing well, though it is very hot here in Tokyo (it is mid July 2018 now).
      You mentioned 8 1/2, which is one of my favorite films ever. I hated it the first time I saw it, but now I think I cannot live without it.

  • @samwels1000
    @samwels1000 6 лет назад +2

    Dope collection. Well done. Question, what are your favorite film noir criterions? Thanks for the video truly enjoyed it ,

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +2

      Hello Filmeye Jenkins, and thank you so much! As for noir in the Criterion Collection, there are so many to choose from I think, but what comes to mind immediately I suppose are films like PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET, KISS ME DEADLY, A COLT IS MY PASSPORT, THEY LIVE BY NIGHT....
      Since you ask the question, I have to assume that you are film noir fan! If so, do you have any film noir favorites? Both in and outside of the Criterion Collection is OK!
      Best regards.

  • @spencer4359
    @spencer4359 4 года назад

    This is amazing! Wish The red Circle was still in print!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +1

      Hello and I wish it were back in the Criterion Collection as well.

  • @danielelupo621
    @danielelupo621 5 лет назад +1

    17:56 Bro, why you didn't buy the dvd version of the third man?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your comment.
      Actually I do have the DVD versions of this film as well. I didn’t show them here in this video. Cheers.

  • @manym0vies77
    @manym0vies77 6 лет назад +2

    What a collection!!! How long has it taken you to complete the collection???

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      m0vie collector hello! Thank you for your kind comment.
      I had always been into the CC ever since they first started releasing DVDs. But I only seriously thought about collecting all of them starting about 5 years ago or so.
      That was the same time that I had decided to embark on the Laserdiscs journey as well I think.

  • @ladronguapo
    @ladronguapo 3 года назад

    Digging this video man. And damn it must be nice to be rich af and living in Japan!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you for your comment. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @samuelbibbens713
    @samuelbibbens713 3 года назад

    I hope you will review some of your favorites from this great collection.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and thank you very much for your comment. Yes, I have spoken here and there on this channel about some titles in the Criterion Collection, if you are interested. Thank you again and I hope this comment finds you well.

  • @LeonardoJJardim
    @LeonardoJJardim 4 года назад +1

    Hi Daisuke! Do you have something repeated in your collection? Thanks.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад

      Hello and thank you. So, to answer your question, yes, I have a number of titles that are repeated. Not many and not on purpose or intentional (except, for example, I remember that I had the Carlos Saura Eclipse set, which is OOP now, and then I was able to find it in Japan, used and at a very cheap price, and so I purchased that... also something similar happened with a Criterion blu ray of The Man Who Fell to Earth, where I have it, but then I came across another copy of it in a used store in Japan at a very cheap price).

  • @GhostHardware98
    @GhostHardware98 5 лет назад +1

    Amazing collection. I've started collecting Criterion's myself recently as Criterion have started releasing some UK region blu-rays. I've only bought films I've seen and liked (and that are available), I have 13 in total now.
    If you want some recommendations for non-criterion films, I'd recommend the following:
    -A Moment of Innocence
    -Gun Crazy
    -Monsieur Hire
    -Angst (1983)

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад

      Hello Deep Blue and thank you so much for your kind words. I have been very fortunate and lucky in many ways, and so thank you for allowing me to share what it is that I have.
      As for your own collection, that is absolutely wonderful. I think that one's collection is so important, and so whether it is 1 or 10 or 100, a collection is really wonderful it is made up of films that you love! Well done my friend.
      As for your recommendations, oh gosh, thank you so much! You know, in particular, I also echo your love for the film A MOMENT OF INNOCENCE. This is such a fascinating and narrative-complex film. I really love it.

  • @raz5614
    @raz5614 3 года назад

    Awesome collection! But I have to ask, where would you primarily buy the more rare items? And do you care if the item is new or would you mind if it were used?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you so much for your comment! So, I don't buy the "rare" stuff anymore and so I am not sure about the recent state of the marketplace. However, sometimes it was a mix of online purchases and finding items in used stores (even here in Tokyo). But one has to be very careful with online purchases, including getting as much info from the seller as possible prior to any purchase.

  • @robotone2812
    @robotone2812 3 года назад

    Starts at 4:36

  • @kd7luz88
    @kd7luz88 3 года назад

    Daisuke- maybe you have addressed this in a previous Video, but what are your thoughts on storing the films in thin plastic sleeves for “protection”. Thanks again for the superb content.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +1

      Hello and thank you very much again. For me personally, I have nothing against the use of sleeves per se, but I tend to gravitate towards the use of plastic cases that have a mechanism for holding the disc in a way that creates a separation between the surface of the plastic and the underside of the disc. I have been told that blu ray in particular is more resilient than, say, other disc formats. However, for me I have always been used to the hard plastic case point and so that is what I continue to rely upon.

    • @kd7luz88
      @kd7luz88 3 года назад

      Sorry @@DaisukeBeppu , I should have been more specific with my question. I guess they would be called “DVD/Blu-ray resealable outer sleeves”. So its a thin layer of clear plastic that holds the plastic DVD/Blu-ray case. I recently purchased some of these sleeves and have been experimenting with them a bit. Thanks Daisucke

  • @3N4N
    @3N4N 3 года назад

    This is just crazy. And I love it.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you so much for your comment. Much appreciated and cheers.

  • @MohnishSinghOfficial
    @MohnishSinghOfficial Год назад

    How do you manage to buy everything?

  • @jessegrubbs507
    @jessegrubbs507 5 лет назад +1

    Been loving your input on LD Forever! What’s your LD Criterion Collection up to? I’m at about 200

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад

      Hello! Thank you so much! I love the LDF group, and so please send everyone there my regards.
      As for your question, I managed to make a video where I show all of the Criterion Collection LDs that I had. It's several months old now though.видео.html
      And you sound like you have such a great CC LD collection right now yourself. Brilliant, my friend!

  • @BThompsonVideos
    @BThompsonVideos 2 года назад

    Where do you get the Out of Print ones? What are your tips for finding them?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +1

      Greetings from Tokyo and thank you so much. So, regarding the OOP titles, I think that generally speaking, the best way is to go to trustworthy sellers. And of course, it is always ideal to be able to examine the item beforehand, say in a second-hand store directly, but if online is your only option, then of course I think it is always a good idea to ask for pictures of the disc or the item itself where reasonably necessary.

    • @BThompsonVideos
      @BThompsonVideos 2 года назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu Thank you, besides eBay do you have any websites that you suggest?

  • @leocoh89
    @leocoh89 6 лет назад +1

    Amazing video. I’ve never gotten into Fellini. Apart from 8 and a half and la dolce vita is there any of his films you would recommend for a beginner like me? Keep up the fantastic work

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Oh man... what a great question... I admit to not being a Fellini expert at all, but I do like his films very much. If you have seen those films you mentioned, then I must then recommend LA STRADA to you. And also AMARCORD.

    • @leocoh89
      @leocoh89 6 лет назад

      thank you for the recommendations, some film-makers you are drawn to more quickly than others then you watch their films and you wonder how you lived without them for so long. Take care

  • @dracometeors3010
    @dracometeors3010 3 года назад

    I would love some more Criterion Blu Rays to be part of my collection.
    Sadly just a Few have a Region B Version.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you for your comment. Yes, Criterion does release a number of titles in Region B but at the moment not all of the collection.

  • @paulcasino9511
    @paulcasino9511 6 лет назад +2

    Wow! Incredible Collection! How long have you been collecting? And were you able to acquire your oop titles while they were still in print or did you have to track them down after they went out of print and shell out a little more for them? I would give a lot to have some of those old, rare oop titles like grand illusion, or the third man. It must’ve taken you great dedication to acquire all of these titles so great job! Keep up the good work, I enjoy your content very much!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Thank you very much for your kind comment! So, I have been into the Criterion Collection ever since the days of the first DVDs. While I did not seek to collect all of them at the time, I did buy a few that later fell OOP (like the Killer or Hard Boiled, Grand Illusion, etc.). I managed to get most of the OOPs when they were still in production, but some I had to get after the fact (like Mafioso or The Two of Us, etc.). And of course one must pay a little more money as that is the nature of the OOP market online. I think that the harder to acquire titles were definitely among the Criterion Laserdiscs, and some of those titles tended to be very difficult to track down and sometimes very expensive. But that was not all the time, and very often the Laserdiscs for the most part could be found for reasonable prices if one looked hard enough online.

    • @paulcasino9511
      @paulcasino9511 6 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu Thank you very much for the reply!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      paul casino you are quite welcome. Thank you for the great comment and question to begin with! And if you don’t mind, and if you are a CC collector yourself, I’d love to hear your recommendations or favorites of you have any! Best regards.

    • @paulcasino9511
      @paulcasino9511 6 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu I am a criterion collection collector, but I my personal collection pales in comparison to yours. However, I do have a few favorites. I am a big Richard Linklater fan, so the films of his that I own are some of my favorites. Of those my favorite is The Before Trilogy, which is a box set I recently bought, and I am very glad I did. Also, as a fan of Stanley Kubrick, I am very happy that I own Barry Lyndon and The Killing. I am looking forward to buying his film Paths of Glory, one of my favorite films of all time, during the 50% off Criterion sale at Barns and Noble. Another film that I planning to buy during the sale is Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru, the film that has affected me the most emotionally. Once I own that film I will call it my favorite criterion Blu Ray. I would love to own more Akira Kurosawa films, as he is a true master of cinema. But a few more films that I love which I own are: Fantastic Mr. Fox, The 39 Steps, The Thin Red Line, Sullivan’s Travels, and Tootsie. So those are some of my favorite Criterion films that own and wish to own and that you already own. I would turn the question over to you and ask you to name some of your favorites, but since you have released a video covering that topic, I would like to ask you a harder question to answer: What are some of your LEAST favorite Criterion Collection releases?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      What a great comment! I love your mentioning of those Kubrick films! It is wonderful. Also I am happy to hear about the BEFORE trilogy! I also love the other films you mention like FANTASTIC MR FOX and IKIRU and SULLIVAN'S TRAVELS, and others! All wonderful!
      As for my least favorites, yes, I have them. I don't know if you are on LETTERBOXD, but I am, under the name "dbeppu", and I have a list up there that sets forth The films that I try to like but don't. And on that list, I have titles like the Pierre Etaix films. Alas I suppose I am unable to get into his brand of humor, although I can really respect the films and I will try to like them more as time passes. But I will try to like those films and I think it is more about my own inabilities as a film watcher.

  • @Slugthing
    @Slugthing 3 года назад

    This video is awesome, thank you for taking the time to make it! As a newer Criterion Collection collector, I was wondering what “duel format” means, since they generally look like normal blu-rays to me.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +1

      Hello and thank you for the question. "Dual format" refers to releases where both blu ray and DVD are included. Lately however, the dual format releases are mostly (but not all, at least as of now) replaced by blu ray-only releases.

    • @Slugthing
      @Slugthing 3 года назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu thank you very much! I would also like to apologize for my foolish mistake in writing “duel” instead of “dual”. I’ll just blame it on writing this comment late at night.

  • @southendonseaarts
    @southendonseaarts 3 года назад

    I’m delighted to nab a copy of the Blu-ray of The Man who fell to earth for £65 a bargain for this OOP title, it’s in perfect condition and I finally get to hear the commentary with Roeg, Bowie and Buck Henry.

  • @laylow677
    @laylow677 3 года назад

    Thanks for putting up this up!!
    Do you have a podcast?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and wow. Thank you!
      As for your question no unfortunately I don’t have any podcast at the moment. Maybe one day I could do one.

  • @joywilliams4470
    @joywilliams4470 3 года назад

    Are the booklets identical in those copies of “Le Cercle Rouge” or does the Blu-ray booklet have different content?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      The contents of the booklets are essentially identical. (there are some slight edits made to the essays and titles, etc, but the contents themselves are more or less the same.)

    • @joywilliams4470
      @joywilliams4470 3 года назад

      Okay, thank you for letting me know :)

  • @EricWinkler83
    @EricWinkler83 6 лет назад +1

    This is amazing. What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Shawbrother Chan, hello! Thank you for your comment! I am very happy to answer your question if you want to connect with me! Are you on Facebook? If so, feel free to send a message to me 😃👍. If not, is there a way to send a message to me directly via RUclips? Best regards. By the way, are you a Criterion fan?

    • @EricWinkler83
      @EricWinkler83 6 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu I am a criterion fan, your collection is mind blowing. I only have about a hundred though.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Shawbrother Chan I am happy that you are a fellow Criterion collector! What titles are your favorites if I may ask?

    • @EricWinkler83
      @EricWinkler83 6 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu my favorites are The Wages of Fear, Diabolique, Le Corbeau, Bob le Flambeur, Le Cercle Rouge, Children of Paradise, Umberto D., Rashomon, The Men Who Tread on the Tigers Tail, M, Tokyo Drifter, Nights of Cabiria, Monsieur Hulot's Holiday, Jour de Fete, The Devil and Daniel Webster, The Sword of Doom, Unfaithfully Yours, HaraKiri, The Game, Paths of Glory, Dr. Strangelove, Modern Times, The Gold Rush, The Great Dictator, Rosemary's Baby, Knife in the Water, Purple Noon, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Eraserhead, The Rules of the Game, Only Angels Have Wings, His Girl Friday and probably more but yeah.

    • @EricWinkler83
      @EricWinkler83 6 лет назад +1

      Daisuke Beppu which are your favorites?

  • @Mandibil
    @Mandibil 6 лет назад +4

    Ho-ly-shite ... that is an awesome collection :-)

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much for your kind comment, Mandibil! I really appreciate it! I am sorry that this is PART ONE of a four part thing. I tried to put it all into one video but my software couldn't handle one long single video.

  • @rockinresurrection6542
    @rockinresurrection6542 4 года назад +1

    46:05 My favorite

  • @777JonT
    @777JonT 4 года назад

    I'm sure you've been asked this before, and please forgive me if you've already answered this, but are there any films you like that you wish would get the Criterion treatment and release?
    Thank you for the video!

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  4 года назад +1

      One of my earliest videos on this channel was one where I talk about films I wish were in the Criterion Collection. I think for the most part that video is still accurate as far as my own feelings go.

  • @clayton7463
    @clayton7463 3 года назад

    I’ve done it…I’ve found my favorite RUclips video.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад +1

      You are very very kind. Thank you so much for such a lovely comment. I hope you are well and cheers.

  • @Meesterlijker
    @Meesterlijker 3 года назад

    Incredible, incredible collection. How many years did it take you to collect all these, if I may ask?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello RD VV and thank you so much for your comment and for your question. So, I have known about Criterion since the first DVD days and before... and so when the first DVDs were being released, I purchased a few. But at that time I was not collecting them.

  • @GhostDiZ
    @GhostDiZ 4 месяца назад

    I like how they made all the new school DVD cover re-release art to match the blu ray. 2024. I own the most recent DVD versions of part 1

  • @thestendhalsyndrome
    @thestendhalsyndrome 2 года назад

    Your collection is staggering man. When I noticed 4 copies of Band Of Outsiders on your shelf to your right (one of my all time favorite films) I was confused why you had 4 copies of it but then realised they had different versions released over time including the blu ray. I only have the old dvd and am slowly upgrading all my older movies to blu ray. As you obviously know, some films Criterion released on dvd but had lost the rights to have been released on other labels later on like Alphaville on Kino Lorber, Robocop on Arrow, Flesh For Frankenstein on Vinegar Syndrome, Blood For Dracula on Severin etc etc. Do you buy these other labels' releases and their films as well? Do you also have near completed collections like this of Severin, Vinegar Syndrome, Shout Factory, Arrow (I think I saw you had some Kino Lorber videos)
    Sorry I haven't seen your other videos yet besides the Vanessa Buttino interview which was a great conversation, I'll definitely be checking out more of your content

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  2 года назад +1

      Hello and wow thank you for your very kind comment. So to answer your question, while I have some titles from other labels I do not collect other labels as much. But I do buy them when I can and when my wallet allows me.

  • @aaronlaluzerne6639
    @aaronlaluzerne6639 5 лет назад +4

    Congrats on your achievement. Too bad the rest of us won't be able to do the same since over a hundred titles they use to sell have gone out of print and will more than likely never come back.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  5 лет назад +1

      Hello aaron, and thank you so much for your comment. Yes, unfortunately there are a number of titles that are OOP under Criterion physical media, but thanks to other labels and thanks also to the Criterion Channel, many of these are still readily available, and in particular I am very impressed with the selection made available on the Criterion Channel.

    • @aaronlaluzerne6639
      @aaronlaluzerne6639 5 лет назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu Good to hear.

    • @chefchris198621
      @chefchris198621 5 лет назад

      I mean you just gotta get lucky at pawn shops or movie stores. I got Flesh for Frankenstein for 4.99 at goodwill

  • @unrealisticarvostelu5876
    @unrealisticarvostelu5876 3 года назад

    Criterion collection has always been something that has peaked my interest, sadly there are no criterion Films in country i live.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Hello and I am sorry to hear that. Of course, there are many ways to enjoy cinema, outside of the Criterion Collection. I hope you continue to enjoy your cinema journey. cheers.

    • @unrealisticarvostelu5876
      @unrealisticarvostelu5876 3 года назад

      @@DaisukeBeppu you know criterion is not that important to learn from cinema. But they are cool still. To me Films are to learn, and not that much about collecting. But i might try to find way to buy criterion collection Films.

  • @JohnSmith-zl8rz
    @JohnSmith-zl8rz 6 лет назад +1

    Song name intro?

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  6 лет назад

      Hello! It is called “Strange Stuff” and it can be found on RUclips’s audio library that has a bunch of music that can be used free of charge (and with or without the need for attribution). There is a lot of interesting music to be found there and so I recommend it if you ever create videos to put on RUclips, in consideration of copyright issues.

  • @nick2003howe
    @nick2003howe 3 года назад

    Good Stuff. Must be like 40,000 worth of movies considering they mostly cost 40 bucks each.

    • @DaisukeBeppu
      @DaisukeBeppu  3 года назад

      Thank you so much Nick The Gamecat Howe, and I hope you are well! Cheers.