Not quite! Rather than using the terminology positive and negative likelihood ratio, you can just use the term likelihood ratio, and apply this to any given result, be that a positive result, a negative result, a given value or even a range of values...any value less than 1 gives you an decreasing likelihood that a person with the condition will have this result compared to a person without the condition, and any value greater than 1 an increasing likelihood that this result will be seen in a person with the condition compared to the same result or range of results in a person without the condition...negative associations will run from 0 to 1, and positive associations from 1 to assess equivalence, merely invert the value (a LR of 0.2 is as powerful at showing a non association as a LR of 5 is at showing an association...
Not quite! Rather than using the terminology positive and negative likelihood ratio, you can just use the term likelihood ratio, and apply this to any given result, be that a positive result, a negative result, a given value or even a range of values...any value less than 1 gives you an decreasing likelihood that a person with the condition will have this result compared to a person without the condition, and any value greater than 1 an increasing likelihood that this result will be seen in a person with the condition compared to the same result or range of results in a person without the condition...negative associations will run from 0 to 1, and positive associations from 1 to assess equivalence, merely invert the value (a LR of 0.2 is as powerful at showing a non association as a LR of 5 is at showing an association...