Chanyeol glancing at rosie omg, he's not glancing at jihyo coz jihyo a little bit behind chanyeol's side but jihyo is so beautiful! Chanyeol's smileeee to rosieeee
Is that Chanyeol looking at Rose while she singing her part??? And that proud smile is for Rose right??? Someone please help meeeee..... DUO PCY Shipper where are u????? Put your hands up
The way he smiles and pretty much just his whole reaction everytime Rose sings is absolute golden. And the way his head turned to her direction when she started singing. 😍😍😍 SHIP! PCYxPCY ❤❤❤
I just realise that all of them are parks... And everyone here ships Chanyeol and Rose but for me I ship Chanyeol and Jihyo more after what happened at GDA
The comments are so funny that people saying chanyeol smiling when Rose is singing Wasn't he smiling when jihyo was so singing The fact is he always smiles that's why he is the happy virus And to be honest he looks more happy at the time of TT he even had sung this song along with his fans at his birthday party fanmeet arranged by smtown
Chanyeol smiles only when Jihyo sings, he always looks at Jihyo and smiles happily. ChanHyo is real, not ChanRose ok? so please stop saying word "Rosé" in this video
the big smile only when rosé sings 🙊🙊🙊
Chanyeol and Rose = Guitar couple
Channie's smiles when rosè it bc he's proud? (cause he helped her?) well we never know.I miss PCY couple it's been 2 years
Chanyeol always smiling when rose part
He smiles like he's a proud boyfriend. Rosé and Chanyeol 🔥❤
Chanyeol glancing at rosie omg, he's not glancing at jihyo coz jihyo a little bit behind chanyeol's side but jihyo is so beautiful! Chanyeol's smileeee to rosieeee
Jk was shook 😂😂
The way he looks at rosé! 😭😭 i cant do this anymore. My PCY COUPLE
Im happy that the comment section is flooded by chanrose shippers well that's the power of CHANROSE❤️
Why is that Chanyeol always stare at his right side. And it's more than 2x. Omooo😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥 my pcy couple
Rosé *♡*
Rosé is such a naturaly beautiful oh goshhhhh😍🤩
Double PCY woooooo
the PARKS ^.^
Chanyeol looks so happy when Rose sings 😍❤️
I know this is a chanyeol fancam but omg jihyo looks so beautiful
ikr 😍😍 too bad she doesn't have much lines other than when she sang TT 😢 i wanted to hear her angelic voice more 😍
True 😍😍
Is that Chanyeol looking at Rose while she singing her part??? And that proud smile is for Rose right??? Someone please help meeeee.....
DUO PCY Shipper where are u????? Put your hands up
Farkhandah Putri 🙋
About 10 or 9 time chanyeol saw rose
at the end, chanyeol tried to go to rosè and shows gratitude.. also rosè did the same.. omg ♡♡
i ship them ♡♡♡
Reason to ship chanrose😍💙
The way he smiles and pretty much just his whole reaction everytime Rose sings is absolute golden.
And the way his head turned to her direction when she started singing. 😍😍😍 SHIP! PCYxPCY ❤❤❤
1:19 when 'neon neomu areumdawo'/' you're so beautiful'came chanyeol looked at rosé for few seconds 😊😊 dafuq
Just find a man who look at you the way Pcy look at Pcy
I know this is a chanyeol focus but HOW CUTE IS JIHYO AWH MY BABY
True 😭, very cute 😍
jihyo is such a cutie look at how she plays with the yellow thing in her hand uwu
I don’t ship rosé with chanyeol, but I find this so cute 😍😍 rosé getting all those guys. OPPA COLLECTOR, INTERNATIONAL PLAYGIRL, U NAME IT 🙏🏾😍😍😍
Chanyeol is so cute.
Look how pcy powerfully played guitar for rose
Pcy and Pcy ❤
Jihyo looks so pretty
Omg, why am I so happy to see PCY X PCY😂😂
2:17 Omg he actually sang with them ahhwwww😭❤️💗
Jihyo's voice is so soothing in the soul 💕
*i can never get over this*
JIHYO ... 😍😍😍😍 why you (jihyo) always smile everytime ?
Nurul Komariah fake
에리들 그와중에 응원법때창하는것봐 ㅋㅋㅋ역시♡
Chanyeol is certified ONCE👏
yes he is 😊😊
Yes 😍
Jihyo chanyeol😍
exol jjang! chanyeol too jjang!
this is so cutee I can'ttt. it's been three years and I still like them omg
Because chanyeol match everyone hahaha
Jihyo ❤❤❤she is pretty
see how exited chanyeol to play gitar whe was TT time uwahhh so real 😊😊 2:31
#ChanHyo is real 💕
ji hyo and chanyeol looks like sibling. idk why.. hehehe.. jihyo looks like a princess,chanyeol looks like a prince..
chapter61 .yeol their eyes size 😹
Yes, true 😍
thinking of rose's voice in his in-ears
Chanyeol always smiles whenever Rose sings🤭
Jihyo making face at 3:56 cute uwu
Rapper that can sing well. Only in EXO
Chanyeol and Jihyo just 1inch closer mygaaaaad ❤❤ They look so good together 💕
Isnt jihyo dating with daniel but they broke up after 1 years🙄
Yes, hope in the future there another collabs between Jihyo and Chanyeol
I just realise that all of them are parks...
And everyone here ships Chanyeol and Rose but for me I ship Chanyeol and Jihyo more after what happened at GDA
nice to see comments I can relate to 💙💙💙💙👍👍 I ship the big eyes couple 2 😂😂✌✌
Omg me too fam
3:06 look chanyeol and jihyo head
Jihyo and chayeol😚😚😚🤗
😍 semoga nanti bisa duet bareng lagi
박찬열 그냥 화면을 잡아 먹는구나...너무 멋있고 잘생겼고 이쁘고 간지나고 사랑스럽고 귀엽고 잘생겼고..그냥 혼자 다 해 먹어라..♡
I wanna watch the full video! Did rose played the guitar while chanyeol sings?
Jihyo 💜
chanyo is real!!!💕💞
chan and jihyu big eyes couple 😍😍😍
Jihyo is with Daniel
That's why we aren't shipping them
But they would be a rly good couple
What JIHYO hold in her her left hand
Son Chaeyoung it was a shaker thingy. It's an instrument.
Sorry for the late reply 😂
Chanyeol enjoy TT so much
*I represent to you, the King and Queen of K-pop 👏👏👌Hail King Chanyeol 👑and Queen Jihyo* 👑🙏
ceye loveyou 🌸🌸😘
4:38 WTH cameraman? I wanted to see Jihyo sing Monster
Lol yea me too
Miss chanyeol and rosè
Pcy couple😭😭
Miss them 😢
차뇨르.... 왕댜님.. 세상에;;
Apaan sih rose semua. Emang Chanyeol selalu senyum setiap saat
chanyeol smile while jihyo sing , shake your head boy 😍😍😍 #twicexoship
people nowadays so easy to ship people... smiling during someone sing are pretty usual and common.. u did the same thing..
do_nut shipping is fun! but overdoing it and being delulu is annoying ~_~
In 7:38 they walked together
5:57 damn his voice is so beautiful
Imutt bgt chan
Lol. Chanyeol singing but im listen fanchant fans more amazing 😂😂
ChanJi Here
ChanHyo Here
ChanRose Here
Jihyo Being third wheeling at thease couple😂
열아...나 죽어
The comments are so funny that people saying chanyeol smiling when Rose is singing
Wasn't he smiling when jihyo was so singing
The fact is he always smiles that's why he is the happy virus
And to be honest he looks more happy at the time of TT he even had sung this song along with his fans at his birthday party fanmeet arranged by smtown
is here just me who ship chanyeol X jihyo?:[
Alya Aziza me too. I ship them so hard 💕
3:27chanyeol copyed jihyo's hand jesture of counting beats oohh it's big eyes couples!This move my junghyo statusXDone dislike from jungkook
Chanyeol smiles only when Jihyo sings, he always looks at Jihyo and smiles happily. ChanHyo is real, not ChanRose ok? so please stop saying word "Rosé" in this video
Jihyo is dating Daniel so keep it now sister
Rosé Rosé Rosé Rosé Rosé Rosé
Fyi, Jihyo is happily with daniel now 💁
Jihyo chanyeol😍😍