Deep Mapping Estate Archives by Jon Dollery and Scott Lloyd

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • English below
    Mapio Dwfn Archifau Ystadau gan Jon Dollery a Scott Lloyd
    Mae archifau ystadau’n rhan bwysig o ddaliadau archifol Cymru. Caiff miloedd o gasgliadau ystadau eu cadw gan archifdai sirol, cadwrfeydd cenedlaethol, cadwrfeydd prifysgolion, a pherchnogion preifat. Yn aml, fodd bynnag, mae’n anodd deall yn union pa ardaloedd ar lawr gwlad y mae’r dogfennau hyn yn berthnasol iddynt. Mae’r gallu i gyfuno a strwythuro cofnodion o wahanol gasgliadau, yn ddaearyddol ac yn gronolegol, yn cynnig dulliau digidol newydd o ddeall tirweddau cyn-ddiwydiannol Cymru.
    Mae’r prosiect peilot hwn wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar ardal yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru sy’n llawn ystadau niferus y mae eu cymeriad, eu cyfansoddiad a’u hirhoedledd yn amrywio ac y mae digon o gofnodion i’w cael amdanynt.
    Bydd Scott Lloyd a Jon Dollery o’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn sôn am y mapiau, y dogfennau a’r technegau digidol sy’n golygu bod y deunydd hwn ar gael mewn modd arloesol i bawb.
    Deep Mapping Estate Archives by Jon Dollery and Scott Lloyd
    Estate archives form a major part of the archival holdings of Wales. Thousands of estate collections are held by county record offices, national and university repositories and in private ownership. However, it is often difficult to understand exactly where on the ground these documents relate to. The ability to combine and structure records from different collections, geographically and chronologically, opens up new digital methods for understanding the pre-industrial landscapes of Wales.
    This pilot project has focused on an area in north-east Wales packed with multiple estates of varying character, composition and longevity, served with plentiful records.
    Scott Lloyd and Jon Dollery of the Royal Commission will talk about the maps, documents and digital techniques that make this material available in an innovative way to everyone.

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