178- Shafie Ayar

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @rezauruzgani3447
    @rezauruzgani3447 10 лет назад +6

    زنده باشی . اقای شفیع عیار.

  • @shirinhamidanaziry6458
    @shirinhamidanaziry6458 10 лет назад +13

    درود برآغای عیار.

  • @greencardkhaled
    @greencardkhaled 10 лет назад +6

    زنده باشى آقا عيار.
    خداوند خودت وخانواده را سلامت داشته باشه !! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @londonforyou2067
    @londonforyou2067 10 лет назад +3

    I love this guy he is so right in everything he says

  • @mohammadjawed8386
    @mohammadjawed8386 6 лет назад +2

    زنده باد آغای شفیع عیار بزرگ !

  • @СветТок-й1т
    @СветТок-й1т 3 года назад

    Шафи́и айор зинда боши

  • @AliReza-ss9ge
    @AliReza-ss9ge 10 лет назад

    خداوند شمو ره خیر بته که خدمت ده راه اسلام و بشریت مونید

  • @sayedztalebi7431
    @sayedztalebi7431 10 лет назад

    jenabe ayar mowafagh bashid

  • @marmohkakan273
    @marmohkakan273 10 лет назад +5

    zenda bashi shafie ayar

  • @farhadarabzadah
    @farhadarabzadah 10 лет назад

    fact is fact and nobody can change it , shafie ayar is a person who seeks fact, shafie brother you are brave and raised your voice i cant i am scared but i have 2 children and ask them to find thier religion not to go with his father religion. i know you personally shafie ayar , i see you as a brave person and wise not genius or even intelligent, God was equal with all human beings, thank you for everything

  • @Alicena_1995
    @Alicena_1995 2 года назад

    Aqay Ayar nor chashm ma hastain🙌

  • @mahboobaassim3081
    @mahboobaassim3081 2 года назад

    افتخار افغانستان هستي داكتر شفع جان ايار. جهان سپاس كه اين ملا ارشد كثيف را معرفي كردي كه راستي يك دزد أست .

  • @bashirsultani9519
    @bashirsultani9519 10 лет назад +1

    Zenda baad Mr shafi ayar 👍👍👍

  • @SHEER3009
    @SHEER3009 10 лет назад +2

    Ami Gap-e Dil-e Mara Migen!!

  • @khalasiminomar2569
    @khalasiminomar2569 10 лет назад

    gulbudine posht sajia ba ba and i you support you

  • @AliReza-ss9ge
    @AliReza-ss9ge 10 лет назад +2

    آغای عیار از برکت سر شمو جف زدن ملاه یاری هم کمتر شده

  • @Kobulione
    @Kobulione 10 лет назад +1

    good one it was funny ...

    @NYPOLICE 10 лет назад

    Shafi Ayar az bacha hae Wakhti Paltalk ast,
    Shafi Ayar hale dega Sukhangoy Shoray Terroriste wa Bande Manfore Nezar shoda Jawanemarge ra ...
    Khob Fahmida wa Danesta aste Magar Nejad Paraste,Boghz wa Kena kharabet mekona Shafi Jan....
    Taraf dare Munafiqeen ( Ashrar ) Na ko.

  • @omarkhetab2506
    @omarkhetab2506 10 лет назад

    simin what are you doing here?

  • @firouzehhosseyni9445
    @firouzehhosseyni9445 3 года назад

    Zenda bad ayare bozorg. Ma az shoma besyaar amoktom khuda shoma ra nega kona

  • @daoudahmady6613
    @daoudahmady6613 2 года назад

    حافظا ، می خور و رندی کن و خوش باش ولی،
    دام تزویر مکن چون دگران قرآن را !

  • @GolamAbbasi
    @GolamAbbasi 6 месяцев назад


  • @arieswais
    @arieswais 10 лет назад +1

    Mr. Ayar you posed these naive few questions from the hadith. Let me try to answer some of your questions. You dont need Mr. Ershad for this (by the way thanks for introducing him to us).
    As a student of knowledge I too like to research and look into things deeper. Unfortunately you consider yourself among the wise-man alive, i beg to differ.
    1. As you mockingly referring to Aisha(RA) hadith... The point of that hadith is to answer the question regarding Hajj and its rituals and also comforting bibi Aisha(RA) since she thought she can not perform the rituals of Hajj. It is not related to sexual intercourse and lust, obviously there is a verse and Hadith to back that claim.
    2. Hadith related to wearing Aizaar and going to bed (by Bibi Maimona) is very simple. According to Jewish law when women get her period they are shun away and considered unclean to be around. Here this hadith clarifies that when your wife is on her period you should not shun her away rather you can be on the same bed with her and even cuddle. Again sexual intercourse if forbidden in the Quran and reaffirmed in Sahih ahadith.
    Your limited knowledge of the deen clearly is reflected in you clips.
    Sometimes you make me laugh when you say " Aa wallah waqteke ami alema wa molaha clip mara maibenain wa magoyan ke aa Wallah Ayar kho rast maiga amija" No they watch and get saddened by how manipulative and misguided person you are who brings Allah's anger upon us all.
    Khudaya hamai mara tawfeek kamel beda bil khusus adam gumrah (S. Ayar)

    • @gaozamboor3302
      @gaozamboor3302 10 лет назад

      By claiming that he has a naive question, then struggling to answer it, it shows that you are an F "student" of knowledge and need to go study harder. LOL He has a spectacular question, how is it that in the Sahi Bukhari the prophet fondled and dry humped his wives during their menstrual period when in the Quron it states "They will ask you about menstruation. Say, 'It is harmful, so keep away from women during it. Do not approach them until they are purified of it, when they are purified you may approach them as Allah has ordained." (Qur'an 2:222).
      If as you state that according to jewish law they stay away from their woman during the menstruation, then Jews are better moslems and follow the quron more closely than the prophet did in the sahi bukhari. the sahi bukhari is a joke and mockery of our religion and our prophet. the jewish laws and islamic laws are both laws send by allah.

    • @arieswais
      @arieswais 10 лет назад

      Gao Zamboor so let's assume you are a married man. What would u do when ur wife gets her monthly?

    • @gaozamboor3302
      @gaozamboor3302 10 лет назад

      seeker you consider yourself "student" of knowledge yet you ask such stupid question. Im man and am a sinner. I fondle and dry hump any woman you put in front of me at any timer of month.LOL But the question you should ask is what does our religion and our God expect from us? I referenced you the verse that answers that question. Doesn't it contradict your sahi Bukhari?

    • @arieswais
      @arieswais 10 лет назад

      Gao Zamboor what is the point of having to follow a religion that has no space in practicality. As you go to the Hadith it will address your lust for woman and how to deal with it. There is no point for me to argue with you since you are openly declaring about your Zina and you dont have God consciousness. I still stand by being a student of knowledge and seeking the true knowledge is never ending quest for me

    • @gaozamboor3302
      @gaozamboor3302 10 лет назад

      seeker Good one. I gave you the verse and while it has NO space for "practicality" yet you continue to ignore it. At least I admit that what Im doing is wrong in the eyes of God. But what are you doing, pretending that its right? LOL On the one hand your telling me that its ok according to hadith to fondle on the other hand your call it "zina". which one is it? you sounded like you want to have a discussion, so have it, dont run away from it Mr "student of knowledege". whats a matter, your afraid your going to learn something?

  • @amgharani1980
    @amgharani1980 7 лет назад

    سلام اقاى عيار، در لابلاى گفته هاى شما يك مورد است كه حقير بر حسب وظيفه اسلامى به ان اشاره ميكنم، و ان اينكه تمام گفتار پيامبر بزرگ اسلام با قران كريم مطابقت دارد و ايشان كلمه ايى خارج از منطق قران كريم به زبان نياورده اند وهمه ما ان گفتار را به نام حديث ميشناسيم بِنابراين حديث قران ناطق است ولى متاسفانه بعضى از علماى به ظاهر عالم،احاديثى را به پيامبر بزرگ اسلام نسبت ميدهند كه نه تنها از پيامبر اسلام نيست بلكه عليه گفتار پيامبر اسلام است و اين قبيل باورداشتن هاى ناصحيح ما را نه تنها از اسلام دور ميكند بلكه ما را از دين زده ميكند!بزرك ترين خيانت ها از همين كج باورى ها اغاز شده است بنابراين اشتباه است بگوئيم احاديث پيغمبر جدا از قران شريف است امّا بايد احاديث ساختگى را از احاديث حقيقى جدا كنيم و دور بريزيم و همانطور كه شما برادر عزيز در گفتارتان اشاره كرديد خيلى از احاديث هستن كه عقل سليم انرا نمي پذيرد و واضح و روشن است كه بعضى بِنَا به مصالح خوبش احاديث حقيقى را انگولك كرده اند!
    موفق و سلامت باشيد

  • @khalasiminomar2569
    @khalasiminomar2569 10 лет назад

    allah i like his show bismillah but sajia ba ba is getting married with amar khil ba ba

  • @familyahmadi3753
    @familyahmadi3753 10 лет назад +3

    اغای عیار شما در مسایل سیاسی افغانستان خوب تحلیلگر کامیاب هستید ولی در مسایل دینی متآسفانه کسی که تا زبان عربی را درست نفهمد که قران به این زبان نازل شده نمیتواند در باره قران وحدیث تحلیلگر باشد چرا مستشرقین غرب وقتیکه میخواهند به ضد اسلام تبلیغ کنند اول زبان عربی را یاد میگیرند باز بحث ومجادله میکنند امثال لورنس عرب .

  • @barnomashugufaha5369
    @barnomashugufaha5369 10 лет назад

    Gooo khordi KI banami gulbodin yutob jorkardi shafi ayar rast miga KI shuma kossssssssssssssssmadara gulbodini arami TU goy khuda khuda namitani Adam mikoshi ya gull bodin konit kada gullbodin kharast yutuba namishnasa

  • @gulbudinerocketyarposhtkil8649
    @gulbudinerocketyarposhtkil8649 10 лет назад

    iam animal

  • @firouzehhosseyni9445
    @firouzehhosseyni9445 3 года назад

    Zenda bad ayare bozorg. Ma az shoma besyaar amoktom khuda shoma ra nega kona