MCC- 294 Cane Essentials #6 (Poking Efficiently)

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
    These clips are for entertainment and general informational purposes only. We are not instructing you, or encouraging you to do or to believe anything, except to view, enjoy, and think. Never forget that martial arts, like any rigorous course of physical activity, presents the risk of injury, sometimes serious, disabling, or even fatal. Actual techniques should only be practiced in a controlled environment emphasizing safety, under the direct supervision of a Black Belt instructor (in whom you have trust and confidence), and only after you have been cleared by your personal physician.
    There comes a time in the life of every martial artist where multiple airborne kicks are forever locked in the past, along with full contact, and falls to solid surfaces. I too can remember when I was young and invincible. Frankly, it's now a distant dream!.
    An essential tenet of Gun Fu is that every practitioner must continue to improve with each passing year. Generally, skill level should double with each level of rank. In the same vein, you should, like a very fine wine, improve with age, producing your greatest achievements as you approach your final sunset. That is not to deny there are injuries, or even physical limitations which meld into who you are as you mature. But good Gun Fu means finding the answer, and that answer can never be to "give up" or to "quit".
    The Cane is often overlooked in martial arts training. Frankly, it combines much of what you can find in the study of Nunchaku, with movement of the Jo, and the lightning strikes of Arnis. Some have even convincingly demonstrated a direct link between the Cane and Sword.
    Within Gun Fu, Cane is a complete subsystem, taking 1-2 years to learn (and somewhat longer to master). Typically, those who make the effort puzzle over how they ever overlooked this unique weapon in the first place.
    For more information on balance, visit:
    Used with Permission. Copyright 2000-2012, Mc Cabe and Associates, Tacoma, WA. All rights reserved.

Комментарии • 47

  • @paullasmith4975
    @paullasmith4975 4 года назад +6

    There comes a time, when the body simply isn't what it once was. (I love your disclaimer). There have always been younger, faster and just plain bad people who could hurt you. Moreso, now that everyone's younger and faster than me. I've never been one to give up or give in. Never. My spirit is still that of a free stallion. After numerous surgerys over the years, and now with a phoney leg," The Cane" has brought a ray of hope. If I quit, few would blame me. Quitting anything, has never been a part of my life. If I hadn't lost the leg, I would have never found "The Cane"---The sun hasn't set (yet). The future is as bright as it ever was. I sent a video to my Sensei (husband and wife many degree black belts). I have a feeling I'll be going back to the dojo soon. In the mean time, you can bet I'll be cane practicing the best I know how, in the basement, in the late afternoons (of my life). YES ! ! !

  • @hfrendal5374
    @hfrendal5374 7 лет назад +8

    I am a cane fighter myself due to certain disadvantages I have, but I mostly use it more like a baton or a saber, I actually never did think of this oh so fast and easy defense, its beautiful. Thanks a lot!

  • @howdydave45421
    @howdydave45421 5 лет назад

    Your Cane Essentials series is just what I was looking for. I used to dabble in cane techniques in Tai Chi Chuan and Bartitsu. Now that my cane is an essential element in my mobility, it's time to get back to basics and lose all of the flamboyancy where both feet are not firmly rooted to the ground.

  • @robertbrunston5406
    @robertbrunston5406 5 лет назад +2

    Very helpful! Thank you.

  • @pedromeza2398
    @pedromeza2398 4 года назад

    Thank you for a very good informative video, on how to use a cane for direct strikes with a cane.

  • @spartacus871
    @spartacus871 9 лет назад +1

    Great video young man. I share your sentiments regarding the cane as a very powerful self defense tool that has been overlooked by many martial art schools. Unfortunately, the cane is viewed as a crutch or the perception is the one wielding the cane is injured and undergoing therapy. Nothing can be further from the truth. I think young folks should consider carrying these canes because it is innocuous and can be carried on planes to bypass the suspicion of the TSA. Again, great video and explanation.

    • @wilshirewarrior2783
      @wilshirewarrior2783 8 лет назад +1

      That kind of talk will bring a different rule

    • @dan7242
      @dan7242 4 года назад

      I use a cane as a balance aid. Strangely many bully types have lately asking about my leg. It's ok. I don't mind misdirection. The assumption that we are invalids is amusing. Twice I have used a cane to end street attack with minimum injury. Cane users are less likely to press an attack.

  • @oldsgtmajusmc
    @oldsgtmajusmc 9 лет назад +5

    found these cane vidios - very good- thanks-too bad more do not watch these

  • @rjv2395
    @rjv2395 10 лет назад +2

    good video, tks, but maybe you could discuss a little about the setup and prepartory footwork needed when you know the attack is coming, hand position on the cane for best leverage and finding that position easily (actually, your demo if done in an attack might injure the wrist controlling the cane), using the second hand as backup and support, etc. Also, I am not too convinced about your final segment on holding the cane against the attacker and manipulating his movement. I agree that as a first strike the poke is a very effective technique, but prolonged contact will allow many trained or even strong attackers to grab the cane and climb down it to striking range. in an attack situation, it would take a very stiff shot to stop someone, maybe better to stun with a poke then retreat for next attack. Once the attacker knows the victim is proficient with the cane, the second attack might not come.

  • @digiphot2
    @digiphot2 5 лет назад +1

    Are you saying I should not have a rubber tip on all of my canes? One inch vs. three square inches??? If I placed my cane with the rubber tip in the gut of an oncoming perp, he will definitely feel it, and it he kept coming I would back up and smack him with the cane full force, in the neck or reach down and hook his leg and pull it out from under him?? Or should I take the rubber tip of the cane to the throat or Sternum with force applied? Help me here!

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад

      There are reasons for and against using the rubber tip. It really depends on you, your objectives, and how you choose to defend yourself. Bring the question to your instructor, see what he or she thinks. Then, experiment with and without rubber tips, figure out the differences. It will be easy to establish your preference once you've done that.

  • @kipperwhite2976
    @kipperwhite2976 5 лет назад


  • @loki1066
    @loki1066 5 лет назад +1

    A poke is sometimes useful but unless you take out the attacker with the first jab, it turns in to a wrestling match . A swordsman only has to get the first poke in, and if it not effective, then who wants to grab the blade anyway? You are certainly not going to be able to control your assailant around the room on the end of the stick as he will have both hands on the stick in an instant and very likely have his hands in a better position than you. A stick is a good weapon... but Used like a club.

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +2

      Hi ... You should read the accompanying text, which spells out the objective of this particular video. In our collection of over four hundred clips there are several which address appropriate responses in situations where an assailant attempts to grab the weapon you are holding. You just have to explore a bit to find them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  • @swamppappyjonson9780
    @swamppappyjonson9780 4 года назад +1

    Difficult to hear you with the basketball game in the background, also hard to see the pressure points you're speaking of with those thick pajamas, but I like the Aunt Jemima scarf LOL

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  3 года назад

      They're all improvised, filmed on the fly, single take, with volunteers shooting the video. Few of them come out perfect. They wouldn't stop the basketball game for us. I looked at it, thought about tossing it, then said ... "Nah!."

  • @ronmans871
    @ronmans871 5 лет назад +3

    This all; so awesome...Thanks! However, I would appreciate if you could demonstrate defence against someone like me who would grab that cane to use it against you.

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +4

      Hi Ron ... what you're looking for is addressed in several of the 400 other videos. Just keep pokin' around, you'll find it. Pun intended.

  • @davidglazener7921
    @davidglazener7921 5 лет назад

    Good techniques and explanations. WHY is there one person standing in the background?? Distracting!!!

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +1

      There were a number of people in the room at the time. As we shifted view angles, they did their best to get out of the shot. The nice lady you see for only a few moments was standing where she was because she wanted to see up close what was going on. I can only speak for myself here, but I had no problem with it, and did not find it distracting.

  • @tomk1122
    @tomk1122 5 лет назад +2

    As far as I can tell most of these "Cane" videos assume the attackers have no hands, and can't grab the cane.

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  3 года назад

      These are fundamental techniques being presented in the most direct and basic way. That way the viewer can catch what's going on. It would appear you're beyond that.

  • @electric9798
    @electric9798 5 лет назад +1

    I don't mean no harm pops, but that there cane can be yanked right outta your hand. Take care pops!

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +1

      We're still friends.

    • @tedreitsma478
      @tedreitsma478 5 лет назад +1

      Jo defence training allows you to do Several wrist and joint locks on people who grab the stick, so this can easily be implemented with cane as well

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +3

      I agree with you. In our collection of over four hundred clips there are several which address appropriate responses in situations where an assailant attempts to grab the weapon you are holding. Most folks look at one or two videos then comment on something they think missing, or feel is a flaw, when in fact it is addressed elsewhere.

    • @electric9798
      @electric9798 5 лет назад

      ok pops! Youll be just fine! Take care.

    • @treemands
      @treemands 5 лет назад +4

      @@electric9798 You too will be a "pops" one day son. Show some respect. It will come sooner than you expect.

  • @hariadisaptono5873
    @hariadisaptono5873 3 года назад

    Bad cameraman...

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  3 года назад

      They're filmed on the fly, one take, completely improvised, with whoever is there to hold the camera. We have zero budget, zero support, and do this only to preserve skills and concepts which might otherwise be forever lost.

  • @electric9798
    @electric9798 5 лет назад

    Those techniques can possibly work if attacker is moving slow motion, and showing intent. Its better than nothing I suppose pops! Youll be just fine, take care.

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  3 года назад

      Hello again my friend. By now you already know my response. Take care.

  • @electric9798
    @electric9798 5 лет назад

    not impressed pops!

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +7

      What made you think someone was trying to impress you?

    • @MrChaes
      @MrChaes 5 лет назад

      too many inside attacks where the cane can be grabbed.

    • @Spreadswings
      @Spreadswings  5 лет назад +5

      What to do when the weapon is grabbed is addressed in several of the other videos. No single video is considered the "end-all" on any topic. Thanks for your thoughts though.