Extruding Polymer Clay using a Makin's Extruder

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @galady8632
    @galady8632 7 лет назад +4

    This type cane is an absolutely ideal way to introduce someone to caning. Unlike complex caning it provides 'immediate gratification' with lovely and versatile results. As we often say in the States, it will 'whet their appetite' for more caning techniques. An extra bonus is using scrap clay. A total win-win. Thank you for sharing.

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  7 лет назад

      faye austin, thank you for the lovely comment and yes it does help when you can see that it doesn't have to be hard to achieve an immediate result.

  • @UnrulyHousewife
    @UnrulyHousewife 7 лет назад +6

    I love a good Retro Cane! That box is a triumph. 😊

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  7 лет назад +1

      Unruly Housewife, thank you

  • @nadiazayman779
    @nadiazayman779 3 года назад +2

    The box is stunning! Looks like Klimt.

  • @patriciaweaver7735
    @patriciaweaver7735 10 месяцев назад +1

    hello wonderful video could you show us how you made the dangle earrings featured in this video they look lovely

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  10 месяцев назад

      Hello, thank you for watching. If I remember rightly I just laid some of the cane on top of some clay and then using a cutter I made the earrings, inserted an eye screw in each (quite along time ago, hard to remember,sorry) and then baked and once cooled added some ear wires. They really were very basic earrings and I’m sure if you searched easy polymer clay earrings here on YT you will find a video.

  • @merryclicker
    @merryclicker 7 лет назад +1

    If you get the LC extruder (Czextruder), you won't want to ever go back to the others. You can attach it to a drill if you want, but the one I got also has a base that it attaches to, and with the handle and the base, it was very much like turning the pasta machine handle. So far for me, the drill just makes it faster, but it's a difference of seconds. No more ridges in my hand from the Makins, no more difficulty holding the Walnut Hollow. And the variety of disks with the LC is amazing. The Cynthia Tinapple (?) disks also fit.
    Nice job on the video, and some good ideas. Thank you!

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  7 лет назад +1

      Martha D, thank you for your lovely comment and yes I hope to get the super duper one, lol! The Makin's is a good little tool and a definite step up from the one I had before that you needed Popeye arms for! I must admit too the different discs that LC do are incredible and look so much fun. Perhaps another video when I get it 😊

    • @merryclicker
      @merryclicker 7 лет назад +1

      I'll watch for it. I have to clear my desk to use it - never enough space - but today is extruder day because there are things I want to try.

  • @TeresaPandoraSalgado
    @TeresaPandoraSalgado 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you!

  • @candigates8999
    @candigates8999 3 года назад +1

    Brilliant. So cool. Thank u 4 sharing

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  3 года назад

      Thank you for watching!❤️

  • @jsa-z1722
    @jsa-z1722 Год назад +1

    Looks great!

  • @elizabethvallely4044
    @elizabethvallely4044 6 лет назад +1

    WOW! Really like your cane the colors are very pretty! Like the jewelry you made from the cane, thank you for sharing!!! Subscribed to your channel! I also enjoy the unruly house wife video hope you don’t mind me mentioned it!

  • @anknaparkin7510
    @anknaparkin7510 7 лет назад +1

    So lovely and wonderful. Thank you very much.

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  7 лет назад

      Ankna Parkin, Thank you very much for watching and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  • @marinafernandes718
    @marinafernandes718 4 года назад

    Fantastic tutorial . Thanks a lot

  • @joc6555
    @joc6555 Год назад +1

    When the clay comes out of my extruder it has cracks as if it will break, even though I condition the clay for several minutes with my hands and pasta machine, why is this?

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад

      I noticed with the clays that had sparkle in they can be quite dry and it can cause cracks but you can smooth the cracks out by gently pushing it back together. The clay really needs to be soft to prevent cracking also holding the extruder horizontal whilst extruding helps too.

    • @joc6555
      @joc6555 Год назад +1

      @@tjaysilver thank you for your reply! The clay doesn't actually have sparkles or glitter in it🤔 But I saw in another video she recommended adding some drops of liquid sculpey to the clay beforehand so I will try that 😊

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад +1

      @@joc6555 I can also recommend the kato clay softner as it’s not as messy I find

  • @jeaninejacob1158
    @jeaninejacob1158 6 лет назад +4

    How can I prevent the clay getting distorted at the end of the extrusion. Thanks Jeanine

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  6 лет назад +2

      Jeanine Jacob, I'm afraid I don't think you can unfortunately, I have tried to keep it as cylindrical all the way down as possible but the end part always seem to be a bit distorted and I end up cutting about a half to an inch off. Thank you for arching

  • @rachelnixon4266
    @rachelnixon4266 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the video. Well done. I am curious though how you clean the extruder when you are done.

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  6 лет назад +1

      Rachel Nixon, thank you for watching firstly. To clean the tube I would roll some paper towel up and use that but I found the tube stayed pretty clean, I now have a Lucy clay Extruder and that comes with a brush that you can use, it's just a brush about 4" long and 3/4-1" in diameter and that works well.

    • @rachelnixon4266
      @rachelnixon4266 6 лет назад

      Thank you.

  • @nancyh9125
    @nancyh9125 7 лет назад +2

    Please do a video on how you apply this to the heart shapes.

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  7 лет назад +1

      Nancy H, your wish is my command, lol! I shall do one as soon as I can. :-)

  • @helenefatovich9474
    @helenefatovich9474 Год назад +1

    Oh a cane I can finally make.

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад

      I’m with ya! It’s so much fun. Thank you for watching ❤️

  • @joc6555
    @joc6555 Год назад +1

    are polymer clay extruders dishwasher safe?

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад +1

      I don’t see why not although they do have a little rubber opting at the end of the plunger and I don’t know how well that would do in a dishwasher. Thank you for watching.

  • @isabelsarcealvarezdearaya6677
    @isabelsarcealvarezdearaya6677 Год назад

    Hola cómo cocinó la arcilla de la caja.? . Le quedó muy hermosa🥰👏👏

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад

      Firstly I am sorry you think it is “muy hurmosa” ;very horrible in english), I will take a look again at the video and see what you mean by cooking the clay?

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  Год назад

      Ok I pre baked the box for about 15 minutes just in case there was any glue and to completely dry the wood and then I baked the clay on the box. Thank you for watching.

  • @severinamarsh
    @severinamarsh 7 лет назад +1

    Oh so fun. Thank you.

  • @joyceparkes2678
    @joyceparkes2678 5 лет назад

    Gorgeous! Thanks💜

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  5 лет назад

      Joyce Parkes, thank you so much for watching and I'm glad you enjoyed the video 🙂

  • @lucinda2329
    @lucinda2329 4 года назад +1

    ❤️ ~✿~❧~🌿~❧~✿~ ❤️

  • @carolchapman-gd4ln
    @carolchapman-gd4ln 2 месяца назад +1

    Love it

    • @tjaysilver
      @tjaysilver  2 месяца назад

      @@carolchapman-gd4ln thank you!

  • @1019buster
    @1019buster 3 года назад

    Nice tutorial

  • @cinzialastrega1635
    @cinzialastrega1635 5 лет назад +1


  • @blossomofmyheart854
    @blossomofmyheart854 5 лет назад +1

    3:52 NO we cannot see anything

    • @traceyjones8201
      @traceyjones8201 5 лет назад

      Blossomofmy heart, do you mean you can’t see the video? I have been able to watch today, 8th Jan, but I know sometimes RUclips does do ‘odd things!

  • @jokemartien
    @jokemartien 6 лет назад

    Thanks for this video!

  • @hannelorehofler715
    @hannelorehofler715 2 года назад +1

    sehr schön danke