A very good knitting machine! .. The first few rows I knit with knitting needles another yarn and put stitches on the pins ... Later I just disconnect this part ...
No holding position, these machines have completely different logic: you put the stitches on hold on a stitch holder. In theory. I have not tried it yet.
They stopped making them long time ago… really no telling what the price could be. Anywhere from $100 and up… if you are lucky enough to find one for sale at all… I have been hunting mine for a few years…
Здравствуйте, Алёна! У меня такая машинка называется Волынянка. Вязала косынку с 5 петель прибавляя с одной стороны в каждом ряду по 1 петле.
Thanks for showing us, I have such a machine but not the patience :-)
Helle Raknes you should give it a shot. As I mentioned, you only need patience for the first 2-3 rows. It goes pretty fast and smoothly after that 😊
@@AlyonaFuntikovaWhite I will, next time we have a rainy day :-)
Sell it to me please!! I want one so bad!!
@@crpuravida2 I'll dig it out tonight, and take some pictures. I may be willing to sell at the right price ;-)
A very good knitting machine! .. The first few rows I knit with knitting needles another yarn and put stitches on the pins ... Later I just disconnect this part ...
hi Aly, can short row be done on this machine? Is there a hold position?
No holding position, these machines have completely different logic: you put the stitches on hold on a stitch holder. In theory. I have not tried it yet.
Спасибо большое за такой мастер - класс! А вот частичное вязание как то можно на таких аппаратах делать?
Снимать на отдельную спицу иглы не в работе. Теоретически можно, но я ещё не пробовала.
How much are the zip knitting machines and where can you buy them
They stopped making them long time ago… really no telling what the price could be. Anywhere from $100 and up… if you are lucky enough to find one for sale at all… I have been hunting mine for a few years…
Большое спасибо.
Сколько крючков на этой машине?
Таволга 140 столбиков на гребенке.
Ох ты, а я ищу как же начать на моем пассапе.
Аленчик а можно вопрос по поводу часиков😉.
Как ты видиш на часах что у тебя на камере??
На Apple Watch приложение камера. Автоматически синхронизируется, надо его просто найти и включить.
Где можно купить эту машину
Эти машины давным-давно сняли с производства. Если повезёт, можно найти б/у на онлайн-аукционах. Я свою купила на eBay.
I want one really bad!!! @hellerakness sell it to me please!!
:) I know the feeling. I have been hunting it for several years... I hope you find one for you...