Tujurikkuja 3 Eesti Ujumine

  • Опубликовано: 25 дек 2024

Комментарии • 419

  • @FortunateJuice
    @FortunateJuice 7 лет назад +193

    Swimmer 3 is by far my favorite. Ever the gentleman toasting the crowd on each shot, and later passes out in the pool with the pickle still in his mouth.

  • @jmcg816
    @jmcg816 10 лет назад +767

    I feel like this is almost better without any subtitles. Estonia, you are awesome...

  • @EmMa-uz6pe
    @EmMa-uz6pe 2 года назад +80

    Translation from Estonian:
    It is a big and important day.
    The Estonian Swimming Championships 2010 has been in the field for many years, but it is still looking for its right name. Today is the finals. The 4 bravest have reached the finals. They are the only ones who have advanced from the tense semi-finals. There has been a tight preliminaries screening throughout the summer and not does it sustain to compete very closely in this field.
    Ago Pärnust (Ago from Pärnu), his personal record of 5.35.14 is clearly the weakest, but his performance in the semi-final was impressive.
    Märt Raplast (Märt from Rapla), very stable this season. His swimming times are close to three minutes. The personal record is 3.00.00.
    And then Ott Tartust (Ott from Tartu), the hope of the future. The youngest participant, but made a big rise from among the juniors this season. His personal best is under 5 minutes, but his performances have improved with each race.
    Indrek Tapalt (Indrek from Tapa), well, who else but from Indrek Tapalt. A real giant in such a demanding field. The only Estonian who has gotten a result under a minute.
    But these past results are worth nothing today. The people rabidly sympathize with their heroes. Competitors move to starting bids. Ago, one might say, is the dark horse of this race. And of course the big favorite is still Indrek Tapalt. The world record may not really happen here today, but the Estonian record 0.12.14 is now in real danger over many years, unless a super surprise happens, Indrek Tapalt should take the victory from here. But with what time, that is the big question today. There is tension in the air, you could even say there is electricity in the air. So much is at stake, more than life is at stake. To see the traditional pre-start rituals of the competitors. And now the crowd holds its breath, the hall holds its breath, the whole crowd holds its breath.
    The start signal has been given. The first stage of the competition has started, which belongs to this field, to Estonian swimming: you have to drink half a liter of vodka. No need to score style points here. The pace is important and of course volumes, volumes and again volumes. Ott, by the way, what an interesting fact, outside of this royal area, that is, Estonian swimming, it is a complete abstinence. I said that style points don't count here, but if you keep your composure even in this difficult moment, you can see Märt. And here, at what pace Ago moves. Pickles, the only permitted aid. The judges have also thoroughly reviewed them to ensure that nothing has been inserted that could help the contestants. And here you can see that the contestants are more and more ready for the second stage. Märt, Ago, hard. It's hard! But now men's willpower comes into play. It's even harder for Ott, but he is also ready for the distance. The men go to the starting stands. You have to fix the starting position and this is one of the most difficult moments of the race. You could say that this is one of the key moments of the whole ordeal. Many, many, many have had to resign in this phase, but they are not in the final either. There are 4 of the strongest ones here, but they also have difficulties. Where is the jumping stand, where to go, there is no strength hands, legs either. But you have to go.
    Is everything to the judge's liking now? Have the competitors received their starting positions? Yes.
    The intermediate start signal sounded. A short moment in a headless state, but already the favourite gathers himself and sets out on the road to victory. At the same time, Ago is on the floor without leaving the stand. Yes, it was his last start. But the competition continues. Märt drowned in direct contact with water, maybe even sooner. Indrek, the grandmaster, has started very powerfully. It's true, the direction is not quite what it should be, but that does not diminish the value of his performance, the brilliance of his performance. In the background, you can see that, surprisingly, Ott from Tartu, who is swimming the dog paddle, is still on the course. At the same time, the audience lives along with what we see... Indreku has obvious difficulties.. yes. And the checkered flag indicates the premature end of the race. Ott has won. A new champion. Purely by persevering to the end. The people are going crazy. There is no one who is not left indifferent by this drama. What a surprise, what emotions! There is no need to hold back anymore and Ott downs another half liter of vodka. It is already a traditional victory vodka. And what does Ott do, where does Ott go? Ott shouts "Estonia victory dickheads!". A shout of victory worthy of a new champion. What an unexpected turn of events today. Ott rushes out into the cold! In the Snow! No to the car! Well, where now Ott, where now. But what does Ott do, he shows that he can still accelerate by moving on a trajectory that is understandable only to him, only to Ott from Tartu. Everyone has their own way. But so now... yeah that's the end. Amazing competition. Ott receives the championship title and posthumously inducted into the Estonian Swimming Hall of Fame. The other men did not get the result.
    In Estonian.
    Käes on suur ja tähtis päev.
    Meistrivõistlused Eesti ujumises 2010 alaga on küll tegeletud juba aastaid, aga eks ta otsib veel oma õiget nime. Täna on finaal. Finaali on jõudnud 4 vapraimat. Pingelistest poolfinaalidest rohkem edasijõudnuid ei ole. Suve läbi on toimunud tihe eelvõistlustesõel ja ega võistelda sellel alal küll väga tihedalt ei kannatagi.
    Ago Pärnust, isiklik rekord 5.35.14 on küll selgelt kõige nõrgem aga tema sooritus poolfinaalis oli muljetavaldav.
    Märt Raplast, sel hooajal väga stabiilne. Ujunud ikka sinna kolme minuti kanti. Isiklik rekordki on 3.00.00.
    Ja siis Ott Tartust, tuleviku lootus. Noorim osaleja, aga teinud juunorite seast kõva tõusu just sellel hooajal. Isiklik rekord on alla 5 minuti, aga tema sooritused on iga võistlusega paranenud.
    Indrek Tapalt, nohjah kes siis veel kui mitte Indrek Tapalt. Tõeline gigant sellisel nõudlikul alal. Ainuke eestlane, kes on saanud tulemuse alla minuti.
    Aga need varasemad tulemused ei maksa täna mitte midagi. Rahvas elab oma sangaritele maruliselt kaasa. Võistlejad siirduvad stardipakkudele. Ago, võiks öelda on selle võistluse must hobune. Ja muidugi suur favoriit on ikkagi Indrek Tapalt. Maailmarekordit siin täna võib-olla tõesti ei sünni, aga Eesti rekord 0.12.14 on üle paljude aastate reaalselt ohus, kui ei juhtu super üllatust, peaks ju Indrek Tapalt selle võidu siit võtma. Aga mis ajaga, see on täna suur küsimus. Õhus on pinget, õhus on elektrit võiks isegi öelda. Kaalul on oi kui palju, kaalul on rohkem kui elu. Näha võistlejate traditsoonilisi stardieelsed rituaale. Ja nüüd hoiab rahvas hinge kinni, saal hoiab hinge kinni, kogu rahvas hoiab hinge kinni.
    Stardisignaal on antud. Alanud on võistluse esimene etapp, mis kuulub selle ala juurde, Eesti ujumise juurde: tuleb ära juua pool liitrit viina. Stiilipunkte siin koguda pole vaja. Tähtis on tempo ja ikka muidugi mahud, mahud ja veelkord mahud. Ott muide, kui huvitav fakt, väljaspool seda kuninglikku ala ehk Eesti ujumist, on tegemist täiskarsklasega. Ütlesin küll, et stiilipunktid siin ei loe, aga soliitsust säilitades ka sellel raskel hetkel näete Märti. Ja siin, millises tempos liigub Ago. Hapukurk, ainus lubatud abivahend. Kohtunikud on need ka põhjalikult läbivaadanud, et sinna ei oleks pistetud midagi, mis võiks võistlejaid aidata. Ja siin on näha, et võistlejad on üha rohkem teiseks etapiks valmis. Märt, Ago, raske. On raske! Aga nüüd tuleb meestel tahtejõud mängu. Ottil veel raskem, aga ka tema on distantsiks valmis. Mehed lähevad stardipukkidele. Tuleb fikseerida stardiasend ja see on võistluse üks raskemaid momente. Võiks öelda, et see on kogu jõikatsumise üks võtmehetki. Paljud, väga paljud on pidanud just selles faasis allavanduma, aga nemad ei ole ka finaalis. Siin on ju 4 kõige kangemat, aga ka neil on raskusi. Kus on pukk, kuhu minna, ei ole kätes seda jõudu, ei ole jalgadeski. Aga tuleb minna.
    Kas nüüd on kõik kohtunikule meelepärane? Kas võistlejad on stardiasendid kätte saanud? Jah.
    Kõlas vahestardi signaal. Väike hetk peata olekus, aga juba favoriit kogub ennast ja asub teele võidu suunas. Ago samal ajal stadipukkilt lahkumata on mees põrandal. Jah see jäi tema viimaseks stardiks. Võistlus aga kestab. Märt kokkupuutel veega uppus tema, võib-olla isegi ennem. Indrek, suurmeister, on startinud väga võimsalt. Tõsi suund pole päris see, mis ta olema peaks, aga see ei kahanda tema soorituse väärtust, soorituse sära. Taamal on näha, et üllatuslikult on veel rajal Ott Tartust, kes ujub koera. Samal ajal elab publik kaasa jaaa mida me näeme... Indrekul on ilmselgeid raskusi.. jah. Ja ruudulipp näitab võistluse enneaegset lõppu. Ott on võitnud. Uus meister. Puhtalt sellega, et pidas lõpuni vastu. Rahvas on hullumas. Ei ole kedagi, keda see draama ei jätaks ükskõikseks. Milline üllatus, millised emotsioonid! Siin ei ole vaja enam ennast tagasi hoida ja Ott paneb hinge alla veel pool liitrit viina. See on juba traditsiooniline võiduviin. Ja mida teeb Ott, kuhu läheb Ott? Ott karjub "Eesti võit türa!". Uue meistri vääriline võidukarje. Milline ootamatu pööre tänastes sündmustes. Ott tormab välja külma kätte! Lumme! Ei autosse! No kuhu nüüd Ott, kuhu nüüd ometi. Aga mida teeb Ott, ta näitab, et suudab veel kiirendada, liikudes ainult temale, ainult Ottile Tartust mõistetaval trajektooril. Eks igalühel ole oma tee. Aga niisiis nüüd...jah see on lõpp. Vapustav võistlus. Ott saab meistritiitli ja postuumselt ka Eesti ujumise kuulsuste halli. Teised mehed tulemust kirja ei saanud.

    • @informatik01
      @informatik01 2 года назад +5

      Wow, just an epic job!

    • @neilas1630
      @neilas1630 Год назад +3

      Damn bro thanks that would take a long time

  • @Chukase
    @Chukase 9 лет назад +324

    I love how the explosion smooths the water surface :D

    • @jakeup2470
      @jakeup2470 9 лет назад +4

      +Chukase Please tell me I'm the only one who thinks this is fake because it is scaring the crap out of me.

    • @seanfromjersey
      @seanfromjersey 9 лет назад +114

      +SkywardStar Studios you watched one guy drown, and another get in his car, drive it away drunk, crash it, and it burst into flames... and you think MAYBE it MIGHT be fake. that right?

    • @LordOrio
      @LordOrio 7 лет назад +47

      its estonia, its normal thing to do in friday for them

    • @quasistellar_
      @quasistellar_ 5 лет назад

      Chukase 8

    • @VigilantX9
      @VigilantX9 5 лет назад +1

      It was the blastwave

  • @empputrubaduu4725
    @empputrubaduu4725 5 лет назад +88

    So youtube decided to recommend this to me i dont even speak estonian nor have i searched anything related to Estonia

  • @partyman5797
    @partyman5797 3 года назад +44

    This is a million times better then anything snl has ever made.

    • @SO-Negative
      @SO-Negative 2 года назад +2

      I'm not saying this joke is bad, but even if it was they at least try. SNL just makes forced jokes no one feels comfy with, even the actors often look like they are like: "this has to be to low point of my career". Maybe it's more convenient to produce "fast meal" jokes or pretty much anything in States, but these Eesti boys are fly rolling.

    • @mallu-lj4hm
      @mallu-lj4hm 2 года назад

      @@SO-Negative they're right tho snl has only gotten worse

    • @SO-Negative
      @SO-Negative 2 года назад +1

      @@mallu-lj4hm It never was that good anyway

    • @mallu-lj4hm
      @mallu-lj4hm 2 года назад +1

      @@SO-Negative true ,ig American comedy isn't that good 💀

    • @SO-Negative
      @SO-Negative 2 года назад +1

      @@mallu-lj4hm Comedy is easy to learn and hard to master. Think it's still general problem around the world that the quality of comedy is going down, which makes me question what kind of crap do we feed on. Why do we let em shove that crap for us and we swallow it, why won't we stop watching?

  • @ogcarlwheezer9331
    @ogcarlwheezer9331 9 лет назад +410

    that one guy that didnt finish his pickle drowned for sure

    • @MegaBrainHunter
      @MegaBrainHunter 7 лет назад +43

      donut the commentator even said he drowned on impact with the water,maybe even before that

    • @xxbtsismylifeuxx8976
      @xxbtsismylifeuxx8976 5 лет назад

      Haha for sure

    • @pichineg2282
      @pichineg2282 4 года назад +1

      @ARGOMIX PLAY i thing
      organizers saved him

    • @cluclo
      @cluclo 3 года назад +4

      @ARGOMIX PLAY its called acting, its a dead giveaway when the car blows up at the end

    • @hazelich9113
      @hazelich9113 3 года назад

      @@hukatus Su nimi juba ütleb, et ta jäi magama 😂

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven 13 лет назад +35

    I don't know more than 5 words of Estonian, but I laughed the whole way through this..

  • @temeweckis
    @temeweckis 7 лет назад +280

    Being a Finn I can kinda understand what's going on without actually knowing exactly what they're saying. I think I now know how most people hear Finnish.

    • @SebiKurac
      @SebiKurac 7 лет назад +8

      TKWeckroth perkele

    • @klarinkaluckerbokan3115
      @klarinkaluckerbokan3115 6 лет назад +20

      Not really. Finnish and estonian doesn't sound similar that much. Maybe numbers yeah, puhekieli is pretty similar to estonian, however these languages have completely different intonation. Finnish is way more monotone however estonian sounds more like a singing. :)

    • @eksiarvamus
      @eksiarvamus 6 лет назад +6

      Ei ole kedagi, keda see draama ei jätaks ükskõikseks. :D

    • @gimmethegoddamn2ksubsplzlo144
      @gimmethegoddamn2ksubsplzlo144 6 лет назад +7

      mu isa õppis suomi kieli ära tänu purjus olemisele

    • @MagMaybe
      @MagMaybe 5 лет назад +2

      @@klarinkaluckerbokan3115 Well we are known for our "Singing revolution":P

  • @RakvereTarvas
    @RakvereTarvas 12 лет назад +114

    Kuulake mida Ott ütleb enne uksest väljumist :"Eesti võit türaa!" (Y)

  • @ristosusi9712
    @ristosusi9712 8 лет назад +283

    Puhka rahus Lembitu Kuuse ! Ilma tema kommentaarideta oleks see video poolik .

    • @TTikuu
      @TTikuu 7 лет назад

      Risto S mul on kahju öelda aga Lembitu Kuuse on surnud

    • @puulanetohtlane6149
      @puulanetohtlane6149 5 лет назад

      Tõeline pärl...😁😁😁😁

  • @JustJulyo
    @JustJulyo 7 лет назад +17

    Thank you Ozzy man for showing me the light!

  • @jakubmuron8372
    @jakubmuron8372 5 лет назад +123

    Ma pole eestlane, aga saan aru palju lausi ja sõnu, see on väga naljakas :D No nii, just Eesti :D

  • @nikotheophanis8795
    @nikotheophanis8795 9 лет назад +73

    just watching that makes you feel drunk

  • @helenTW
    @helenTW 10 лет назад +101

    Märt - kokkupuutel veega uppus tema... võib-olla isegi enne xD naerukad

  • @margustoo
    @margustoo 10 лет назад +61

    I am surprised that this one doesn't have subtitles..

  • @mirtul1
    @mirtul1 7 лет назад +56

    This is some Monty Python level of shitposting for sure.

  • @VHopstaken
    @VHopstaken 10 лет назад +25

    thank you imgur

  • @christhjian9923
    @christhjian9923 8 лет назад +32

    Jah, oli tõesti kirss tordi otsas Kuuse Lembitu kommentaar siin. Puhaku rahus! Väga omanäoline kommentaator oli minu silmis.

  • @aiagn
    @aiagn 9 лет назад +234

    Of course it's Estonia...

    • @DinkyWaffle
      @DinkyWaffle 9 лет назад +10

      +Gaian Valdegamo yeah they have nothing better to do there, except make skype.

    • @MikaTheWulf
      @MikaTheWulf 9 лет назад +16

      +DinkyWaffle this are us comedy guys

    • @mellenceold6290
      @mellenceold6290 9 лет назад +15

      +Gaian Valdegamo Estonians are very well known in Eastern Europe for drinking. A good Estonian buddy of mine was out traveling, and wanted to hide the fact he was Estonian when there was a traveling group of loud drunk Estonians.
      Despite that, it's a lovely country, with amazing people.

    • @Futu06
      @Futu06 9 лет назад +3

      +DinkyWaffle And a better wireless connection: www.bbc.com/news/technology-34942685 Once we get it up and running for commercial use, YOU'RE WELCOME. I say "we" because I'm tiny and insignificant and the tiny bit of national pride I occasionally get is the only thing that's keeping me going.

      @EstoniaANTICOMMUNIST 9 лет назад

      +Mellence And soon it all will be gone and Eurabia will rise!

  • @cannabismaker1512
    @cannabismaker1512 9 лет назад +46

    "Võistlejad on üha rohkem teiseks etapiks valmis" hah nii hea

  • @dontlayeggs
    @dontlayeggs 14 лет назад +12

    Sketš oli super. Sobiks isegi riskikäitumise ennetamise kampaania reklaami ju. See on lahe, et Lembitu Kuuse nõustus seda kommenteerima. See teeb asja kuidagi eriti ehtsaks ja naeruväärseks.

  • @CarlosAtwell
    @CarlosAtwell 7 лет назад +27

    Ah, Ozzy man, you showcase the funniest things.

    • @olluman123
      @olluman123 6 лет назад

      Carlos Atwell ozzy?

    • @anti-ethniccleansing465
      @anti-ethniccleansing465 5 лет назад

      “Ozzy Man Reviews” RUclips channel. He did a video about this skit, titled “Ozzy Man Reviews: Drunk Olympics.”
      His whole channel is hilarious. I highly recommend it! If you are not in the United States or Australia, you might have to set your RUclips settings to one of those nations to find it.
      I am in the United States myself, and Ozzy’s channel is findable for me without changing my settings, but in order to find this original video here I put my settings to Estonia because I figured I probably wouldn’t be able to find it otherwise.

  • @SO-Negative
    @SO-Negative 2 года назад +9

    They should had added one Finnish guy with flag to the audience to be like: Wait, am I in the wrong place?

  • @GhostLeader16
    @GhostLeader16 14 лет назад +3

    Väga hea. Geniaalselt tehtud!

  • @minaise
    @minaise 14 лет назад +4

    Liiga mahe !!! :D
    Tuju rikkus küll korraks ära :D
    Aga naerda sai rõvedalt.

  • @igorantonof705
    @igorantonof705 2 года назад +3

    Вообще не знаю эстонский язык, смеялся от души)))

    • @sashakirova4911
      @sashakirova4911 Год назад +3

      Советую в озвучке Yuri the Professional, если ещё не видели. Круче оригинала)

  • @mellenceold6290
    @mellenceold6290 9 лет назад +48

    See on mulle naljakas, sest umbes aasta tagasi, ma nägin palju reklaami, mis ütles, enam vähem, "Ärge laske purjus sõbrad ujuda". Nüüd, ma näen mispärast.
    This is funny to me, since about a year ago I saw many ads, which said, more or less, "Don't let drunk friends swim". Now I see why.
    Sorry for my Estonian mistakes, it's my second language.

  • @akselimaaranen3859
    @akselimaaranen3859 7 лет назад +12

    This is very funny because I understand some of the eesti keel and I am swimmer.

  • @starofgaming6864
    @starofgaming6864 7 лет назад +10

    The Commentator isn't alive anymore ;( R.I.P

  • @lebambale
    @lebambale 12 лет назад +2

    greetings from Lithuania!! ;D

  • @TheUkester69
    @TheUkester69 2 года назад +3

    I say this with the highest praise: This is Pythonesque.

  • @kidakaitachi
    @kidakaitachi 14 лет назад +1

    Inglis keelsete subidega pole kuskil juba ?

  • @ym1355
    @ym1355 7 лет назад +6

    Did the guy whose car exploded die?

    • @xarathy946
      @xarathy946 6 лет назад

      its fake lol

    • @Rektonator
      @Rektonator 4 года назад

      he did, there was News article about it, r i p :(

  • @Chao99
    @Chao99 13 лет назад +3

    Seal kus oli " Ärge vaatake siia" sinna oli pandud Eesti Uppumisliit

  • @istomol
    @istomol 3 года назад +7

    noh gg we did it, 1mil views!

  • @darkforce5503
    @darkforce5503 7 лет назад +124

    Who's here from Ozzy man?

  • @krige
    @krige 4 года назад +1

    Kas võib lisada subtiitrid inglise keeles? Küsin sõbraks

  • @ACPET2
    @ACPET2 Год назад +6

    2:50 Паттинсон закуривает огурец

    • @prosveshatel_tv
      @prosveshatel_tv Год назад

      ну после такой культурной выпивки грех не закурить

  • @TheSixteenthL
    @TheSixteenthL 12 лет назад +4

    Guys, I didn't understand a word but I laughed my ass off.

  • @uleih
    @uleih 14 лет назад +2

    Kuidas auto plahvatamine tehti? jooksev kaader juu...
    Super näitlejad!
    Arvan, et paljud ei saanud selle sketsi mõttele pihta. Ei tehtud ainult nalja vaid purjus peaga ujumise vaid ka autoga sõitmise kohta!

    • @urmo345
      @urmo345 Месяц назад

      vaata basseinivett

  • @збройні_сили
    @збройні_сили 17 дней назад

    Õiged nimed❤

  • @erikhein5819
    @erikhein5819 12 лет назад

    vajutage 2 mitu korda . mida teeb ago ?

  • @YouLikeKrabbyPattiesDontYou
    @YouLikeKrabbyPattiesDontYou 9 лет назад +2

    did he died??

  • @oliverlemmiksoo
    @oliverlemmiksoo 5 лет назад +8

    Kes vaatab 2019

  • @kuldar.
    @kuldar. 14 лет назад

    erinevalt 2009. aastast, kus tujurikkuja vist kordagi naerma ei ajanud, hakkas mul 2010 ehk eile krampidest kõht lihtsalt valutama. parim!

  • @Ninnlilium
    @Ninnlilium 9 лет назад +5

    Is this real life because this is beautiful

    • @nooramaidla9482
      @nooramaidla9482 9 лет назад +3

      no its not,estonia is always celebrating new years eve with ,,tujurikkuja"this is a show where two actors are making a funny show for everyone else

  • @evaalex001
    @evaalex001 14 лет назад +1

    Kahjuks, see oli ainuke klipp, mida ma see aasta nägin.
    Alles lõpus jõudsin teleka taha, loodetavasti pannakse rohkem klippe üles!

  • @didan3683
    @didan3683 7 лет назад +2

    Did they die

    • @xarathy946
      @xarathy946 6 лет назад

      DiDan Its sketch lol its not real

  • @rrrrauh
    @rrrrauh 14 лет назад +3

    Loo moraal: kulla kaaseestlased, palun... ärge jooge alkoholi kui ujuma minek plaanis :) Teeks nii, et 2011 aasta suvi tuleb statistikas ilusam!
    Vaadake parem seda klippi ja naerge nii et silmad vees. Ott ja Märt on julged ja ausad!

  • @jeanneelise5118
    @jeanneelise5118 5 лет назад +4

    can somebody peeeeaaaase do captions? 😂 i want to know what he's explaining all the time. i'm sure it's even better

  • @Neeger80
    @Neeger80 8 лет назад +3

    R.I.P. Lembitu Kuuse

  • @robertdunay4499
    @robertdunay4499 10 лет назад +9

    Oh god this was hilarious

  • @yarragzi
    @yarragzi 7 лет назад +6

    Came from OzzyMan!

  • @bingzaniGercel
    @bingzaniGercel 13 лет назад +2

    this language sounds very funny for slovak ears:)

  • @NsMinaIse
    @NsMinaIse 14 лет назад

    @reynz9 vähemalt ei võeta videot maha ja seda videot saab endiselt vaadata.
    Muidu SUPER video lihtsalt :D

  • @robotnikkkk001
    @robotnikkkk001 2 года назад +4


    • @alexstupid6572
      @alexstupid6572 2 года назад

      ахахаха, Юрий Профессионал)

    • @ACPET2
      @ACPET2 Год назад

      И мягкое погружение

    • @cr1t1cal22
      @cr1t1cal22 Год назад

      и мягкое погружение в салат

  • @sten260
    @sten260 10 лет назад +17

    haha märt on uppund kurk suus :D

  • @mixikas
    @mixikas 14 лет назад +1

    Selle aasta parim nali! :)

  • @kaidor420
    @kaidor420 14 лет назад

    THUMBS UP! Kui keegi arvas, et Ott on paksem ;)

  • @iphone8756
    @iphone8756 3 года назад +1

    Kõik tujurikkuja osad naljakad

  • @dylanscrooby3475
    @dylanscrooby3475 7 лет назад +4

    Who else is here because of ozzyman reviews?

  • @emislaurusonis3956
    @emislaurusonis3956 6 лет назад +1

    When i saw him started use him hands i loughted for all day xD

  • @vargyr1040
    @vargyr1040 7 лет назад

    Watches 3 people die does not feel a thing? Should I go to a medical facility and make sure I have a heart?

  • @EUFT1
    @EUFT1 4 года назад +1

    See Kose ujulas tehtut.

  • @EstCrossings
    @EstCrossings 9 лет назад +5

    the water changed when the VW exploded

  • @TheSalmeT2di
    @TheSalmeT2di 14 лет назад

    Normaalne.. ikkagi kodu ujula ju :).
    Kose (Y).
    Ja sketš oli ka sitaks hea ;D.

  • @Foxiol
    @Foxiol 10 лет назад +13

    Holy shit! hahahah

  • @DeemIsTaken
    @DeemIsTaken 3 месяца назад

    2.21.04, pole paha aga 14 aastat hiljem on rekord juba alla 5 sekundi

  • @lychnnn
    @lychnnn 12 лет назад

    Can someone put or send me subtitles?

  • @lnworlddomination
    @lnworlddomination 10 лет назад +4

    0:10 Ärge siia vaadake 5:02 Ikka ärge vaadake.:P

  • @lauravitsut275
    @lauravitsut275 11 лет назад +1

    Hahaha väga hea:-):-):-)

  • @FireOccator
    @FireOccator 7 лет назад +5

    The only way Estonians are capable of racing. :D

  • @NsMinaIse
    @NsMinaIse 14 лет назад

    @MrVogelz jh ja seda parem ongi, kui sepp oleks täielikult oma tahtmise saanud, poleks seda videot enam youtubes

    • @iphone8756
      @iphone8756 3 года назад

      On hea kui seda pole enam youtubes vä????

    • @iphone8756
      @iphone8756 3 года назад

      Ma tahan naerda ei sa vä???

  • @raix250
    @raix250 14 лет назад

    4:13 Kas see pole mitte meie kuulus Activia ja ühe partei reklaamidest tuntuks saanud ''Suvaline möökakäija'' ?

  • @Алфсигр
    @Алфсигр 4 года назад +2

    Весело у них тут)0))

  • @janekvaab8839
    @janekvaab8839 11 лет назад +2

    Ott tormab välja, külma kätte, lumme, ei, autosse!

  • @chippyred4816
    @chippyred4816 3 года назад +1

    Ozzyman reviews brought me here. 😂

  • @prabhatbhandari
    @prabhatbhandari 7 лет назад +4

    Ozzy man hell yeah !

  • @eddiethomas2etmaelstrom562
    @eddiethomas2etmaelstrom562 4 года назад

    Did the people in in the drown?!😨

  • @Himma_Teraapia
    @Himma_Teraapia 14 лет назад

    Elagu Eesti kultuur!!!

  • @iphone8756
    @iphone8756 3 года назад +2

    Läks paljalt õue koos võitu viinaga ja ütles kuhu läheb ott🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 parim koht eales ever mida ma olen selles elus näind

  • @WhatYouGotZ
    @WhatYouGotZ 12 лет назад +1

    Sinu nimi juba ütleb kõik.

  • @АлесандрМальтиников
    @АлесандрМальтиников 3 года назад +1

    А где привет от Юрия the professional?

  • @ats1246
    @ats1246 14 лет назад +2

    "Kus on pukk, kuhu minna?" Hea xD

  • @SergeiMoiseev1
    @SergeiMoiseev1 Год назад +1


  • @microwave5127
    @microwave5127 4 года назад

    Is this real?

    • @markotagoma7457
      @markotagoma7457 4 года назад

      explosion yes but idk abt the guy in the car

    • @tacokoer7821
      @tacokoer7821 11 месяцев назад

      Yeah we watched this on TV

  • @theawsomeness94
    @theawsomeness94 13 лет назад


  • @WaterYaDune
    @WaterYaDune 7 лет назад +2

    4:17 thought that was Bo Burnham for a second

  • @Мойевропейскийжидобандеровский

    Это реально или кино?

    • @anysssssss
      @anysssssss 2 года назад

      Это Рил Я Был Там В 2020 Там Россия 🇷🇺

    • @anysssssss
      @anysssssss 2 года назад


    • @robotnikkkk001
      @robotnikkkk001 2 года назад


  • @orjandus
    @orjandus 14 лет назад +1

    Kose ujula (Y)

  • @mirjamkoppel3900
    @mirjamkoppel3900 8 месяцев назад

    Miks. Sa. Ei. Ole. Eestlane?

  • @jumpstylefreak2
    @jumpstylefreak2 14 лет назад +1

    KOSE KOSE KOSE ujula ujula ujula

  • @rusist08
    @rusist08 12 лет назад +6

    We should organise similar competition here in Poland... :)

    • @Okaroshy
      @Okaroshy 2 года назад

      Yeah maby there they will actually survive

  • @sitaseeme
    @sitaseeme 13 лет назад +1

    Märt, kokkupuutel veega uppus tema, vb isegi ennem. (Y)

  • @pranavattri8950
    @pranavattri8950 4 года назад +1

    Kya kya cheeze hoti hai duniya mein 😂😂

  • @lychnnn
    @lychnnn 12 лет назад

    Subtitles plz!!!

  • @linkhostr
    @linkhostr 14 лет назад +1

    Väga hea.

  • @Microphunktv-jb3kj
    @Microphunktv-jb3kj 9 лет назад +4

    aa need on ajad seal ve.. ma mõtlesin, et rekordid on promillides ikka :D

  • @iphone8756
    @iphone8756 3 года назад +1

    Ott sepp võitis🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣