@@subhashthakur8226 well umbreon is Defender..and Mimikyu is all rounder... umbreon is good for team fight and to help your teammates and Mimikyu is to deal damage or assassinated the enemy
Machamp is trash until lv 9 and he is bad after that too, he is only good when he has his unite move or is fed, Machamp only locked move is Dynamic Punch, the first ones are like that: If you are REALLY ahead in exp and has stacks, go cross chop, hit lv 13 and stack its passive, thats the biggest powerspike ever for you, if you are behind, always go close combat, it has consistent damage unlike non stacked cross chop. This champion only engages, he has 0 escape from teamfights and mostly of the time will just die. Agreed on everything about Azuma, just dont recommend not running atk weigth, it is its best item. Nice on tytar, but stone edge is trash. Mewtwo doesnt need razor claw, Weakness Policy or Curse band is better, i think he should be higher too. Scizor i disagree with potion, full heal is better and his early is quite strong and i think you should have mentioned his insane match up against physical champions. Dragonite is veryyy caitable and cc vulnerable, full heal for sure for him. Lucario is the highest skill cap mon in the game, e speed needs so much stacks and power up punch is more consistent. Zacian's build for me would be muscle / razor claw, his critical rate was nerfed to the point where he nearly never crits and muscle band was always great on him. Buzzwoles low mv speed is an illusion, you can easily get a reset with flash and pursuit ur enemies. Mimikyuu Play Rough? What, Shadow claw is just way better and is truly a skill cap move. I would change this list like this: 1. Zacian 2. Buzzwole 3. Blaziken 4. Metagross 5. Mimikyuu 6. Mewtwo X 7. The other from your list in order.
I mained him to master last year. Aegislash is amazing imo - and the community radically underrates him. Probably because he's a bit harder to play because you really need to understand form changing. But Aegis can really swap between a tank / assassin basically if you know what you're doing. His underrepresentation appends to his advantage because people often don't seem to know how to deal with me or what to expect when I delete a squishy in sword form, and then hold two beefier targets in shield form while waiting for my team. Top tier and underrated - definitely worth maining if you like him like I do!
Look l suggest gengar although absol is my main coz sometimes enemies can counter absol moves like sucker punch and it deals no damage but with gengar its always fun and is the best from my view l dont know about urs
It's the Pokemon I use everytime. But today I'm not able to keep him up in ranked matches . So I was seeing if there is any other better Pokemon other than lucario so that I can win ranked games
Metagross was really good when he was released but after the nerf he is quite bad...and gyarados is also quite bad... especially in the early game he is very weak...and if the enemy gang on gyarados lane they can totally dominate molest him
@@Talarmarupoke magicarp I can agree that it is useless early game once it evolves early you will snow ball the game,on the other hand metagross is good early game too and the nerfs is not too big
@@bMarvinWalter in lower rank gyarados is definitely good..but in master rank the enemy only gang the lane of gyarados because they also know gyarados is weak in early...so it will be quite hard for you to level with gyarados in higher master rank that's why I didn't put gyarados in top 10 list...i hope you understand
Garchomp and ageslash in corner Just crying you forgot them 😔 I dont know why you didn't add them but they are great garchomp is also deadly in close combat with ground type moveset Age with shield stun is friggin hard to ko
bc its not actually abt the enemy its abt your gameplay and teammates.It's so hard to find decent/good teammates.I always loss not bc of me but my teammates
Join my channel membership to support my channel
Next time my account has no more rupees
I bought pc
I only started playing 6 days ago and I gotta say zacian carried me to veteran rank
For me it the best pokemon in game
BTW pretty good list
Glad to hear that brother ❤
Zacian is best always
Me who did ko streak 5 with charizard. 😤
Opposite side was of scizor,mimique,blastoise,meowscarada,greninja
I did 5 streak multiple times at enemy base with 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗢𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗘💪and 61 kills💀.
I made 5 ko streak two times in a match with zacian as opponents blastoice,mamoswine,buzzwole,mimikue,miraidon
I am always with you bro ❤❤❤❤
Dragenite is the best in terms of damage .it easily take me to ultra class 5 in just 5 days as i play 3 matches per day
Yep he is really strong 💯
Thanks for uploading this video❤❤
Btw when miraidon will come in game??
Welcome bro❤
Soon I'll upload miraidon video stay tuned ❤
27 feb on pokemon day
Today i hitted master rank 3rd time using Mewscarda🐱
1st,love you bhaiya
Thank you for love and support brother ❤
Scizor is also very good pokemon evety I play with him i get more than 20 kills and very high score point
Osam video thank you 😊😊
Thank you brother 💓💯
Bro aap haar vedio mai voice over kyu nhi dete bhoot acha lagta hai
Time bhot consume hota hai isliye
@@Talarmarupoke but bhai worth it hai bhoot jada maja aata hai aapki voice wali vedio dekh ke
Nice video bro ! Can you pls tell me what to buy umbreon or gyarados ?
Buy umbreon...gyarados is really bad as an all rounder
@@Talarmarupoke thanks bro . Should I wait to purchase mimikyu or umbreon is better ?
@@subhashthakur8226 well umbreon is Defender..and Mimikyu is all rounder... umbreon is good for team fight and to help your teammates and Mimikyu is to deal damage or assassinated the enemy
@@Talarmarupoke what should I buy as an all-rounder main ?
Metagross or Mimikyu@@subhashthakur8226
Bro you got a new subscriber
Thank you so much for subscribing bro💓💯🫶
Charizard louging in corner 💯💥🔥💀🤯🗿🥇💀🎮🏁🏴☠️🇮🇳☠️
Can you do best support next pls
Next is about top 10 Speedster...but after that I might upload for supporter
Thank you so much
New video on top 10 speedstar and suppoter
Okie sure please wait I'll upload it soon ❤️
What about ijislash?He's my favorite
Bro big fan yar ❤❤❤❤. The only to you is to play a game with me plz😢😢😢
Your opponent 🤗🤗🤗
Our opponents 💀💀💀
Thanks bro I was waiting for it❤
Plzz make a video on how to connect shadow sneak of mimikyi
😂😂😂😂😂bro its so easy what do u need help with about shadow sneak
@@SupriseAnt I mean minikyu guide😐
Hello sir ,
I am new player of unite
Please suggest me a good Pokemon
Which is easy to control .
You can choose dragonite
Go for Scizor...he is very easy to play
U can use zacian
I think
1) Zacian
2) blaziken
Next time come up with the guide of INTELEON❤
Okie if I get time I'll upload it for sure
Machamp is trash until lv 9 and he is bad after that too, he is only good when he has his unite move or is fed, Machamp only locked move is Dynamic Punch, the first ones are like that: If you are REALLY ahead in exp and has stacks, go cross chop, hit lv 13 and stack its passive, thats the biggest powerspike ever for you, if you are behind, always go close combat, it has consistent damage unlike non stacked cross chop. This champion only engages, he has 0 escape from teamfights and mostly of the time will just die.
Agreed on everything about Azuma, just dont recommend not running atk weigth, it is its best item.
Nice on tytar, but stone edge is trash.
Mewtwo doesnt need razor claw, Weakness Policy or Curse band is better, i think he should be higher too.
Scizor i disagree with potion, full heal is better and his early is quite strong and i think you should have mentioned his insane match up against physical champions.
Dragonite is veryyy caitable and cc vulnerable, full heal for sure for him.
Lucario is the highest skill cap mon in the game, e speed needs so much stacks and power up punch is more consistent.
Zacian's build for me would be muscle / razor claw, his critical rate was nerfed to the point where he nearly never crits and muscle band was always great on him.
Buzzwoles low mv speed is an illusion, you can easily get a reset with flash and pursuit ur enemies.
Mimikyuu Play Rough? What, Shadow claw is just way better and is truly a skill cap move.
I would change this list like this:
1. Zacian
2. Buzzwole
3. Blaziken
4. Metagross
5. Mimikyuu
6. Mewtwo X
7. The other from your list in order.
What about Aegislash is it good to play ?
I mained him to master last year. Aegislash is amazing imo - and the community radically underrates him. Probably because he's a bit harder to play because you really need to understand form changing. But Aegis can really swap between a tank / assassin basically if you know what you're doing. His underrepresentation appends to his advantage because people often don't seem to know how to deal with me or what to expect when I delete a squishy in sword form, and then hold two beefier targets in shield form while waiting for my team. Top tier and underrated - definitely worth maining if you like him like I do!
Tyranitar sleeping in the back.
Is metagross good?should i buy it?
Metagross is in the mid... neither he is too good nor too bad...if you have extra Aeos you can buy him
What should i buy absol or genger or save the money for other Pokemon
Buy absol
Buy absolutely he is quite easy to play but very op
Look l suggest gengar although absol is my main coz sometimes enemies can counter absol moves like sucker punch and it deals no damage but with gengar its always fun and is the best from my view l dont know about urs
Buy gengar bcoz i make 23 kills and 4 assist in ultra rank match and this happens every time and best for solo rank push .so go for gengar.
I have 12k should i buy lucario or buzzwole or machamp or dragonite?
Top speedsters video pls,,
Okie sure bro please wait I'll upload it soon ❤
As a Urshifu (and Mimikyu) main, im happy and dissapointed in the same time
Dragonite or scizor or tyranitar 😢😢
Bro which should i buy mewtwo x or tyranitar please tell me😃😃😃🙏🙏
Mewtow Y best attacker Tyranitor bahut broken hai us buy Karo
Buy mewtwo x
Always lucario... And remember lucario is hard to use,, compared to any other pokemon
With extreme speed and bone rush
@@nanimonkonziyesu5074 e speed is hardest. Yes
It's the Pokemon I use everytime. But today I'm not able to keep him up in ranked matches . So I was seeing if there is any other better Pokemon other than lucario so that I can win ranked games
I always wanted a blaziken can i use that?
Yes you can.... Blaziken is also quite good
@Talarmarupoke but why blaziken is not in top 10 list he must be in top 10.😤
Bro metagross and gyrados deserves to be in this list
Metagross was really good when he was released but after the nerf he is quite bad...and gyarados is also quite bad... especially in the early game he is very weak...and if the enemy gang on gyarados lane they can totally dominate molest him
@@Talarmarupoke magicarp I can agree that it is useless early game once it evolves early you will snow ball the game,on the other hand metagross is good early game too and the nerfs is not too big
@@bMarvinWalter in lower rank gyarados is definitely good..but in master rank the enemy only gang the lane of gyarados because they also know gyarados is weak in early...so it will be quite hard for you to level with gyarados in higher master rank that's why I didn't put gyarados in top 10 list...i hope you understand
@@Talarmarupoke yep thank you 🙏
And one more which is better moveset for mimikyu?
In tournaments I have seen 90%of the times they use shadow claw but which moveset do you recommend?
Is bronze emblems ok to use?
Yes absolutely bro💯
@@Talarmarupoke Ok thanks
Bro where is Garchomp What did you forget to add them to the list 🤔
Bro playing ex speed lucario without full heal actual god
Nice video
Thank you bro❤
Keep supporting my channel 💓✨
@@Talarmarupoke full support bhai✨🫂
Garchomp is an absolute beast
Top 5 Speedster bro please 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Next week for sure stay tuned ❤
Buzzwole no bujhole😂😂😂
Why tsareena is not on the list huhu😢
Blazi?💀. I watched this video after I selected blaziken from the free box event.
Best all rounder is azumaril aquatales + water pulse
Buzzhole is soo good
u r hindi or english?
I'm indian 🇮🇳
What about blaziken😢😢😢
Garchomp and ageslash in corner
Just crying you forgot them 😔
I dont know why you didn't add them but they are great garchomp is also deadly in close combat with ground type moveset
Age with shield stun is friggin hard to ko
Dragon is betta
Bro forgot
Mighty gyarados
Bro what's about urshifu?? 😅
Its not in the meta and right now its sleeping coz its to damn weak
What about Aegilesh
What about metagross and urshifu and gyradoss
They're quite bad in the meta right now
Azunarill should not deserve that low it should be in top 3
Mewtwo users just spam psystrike
Totally true 💯
Aegislash kha gya bhai
Talonflame is best
Mooh se supari nikal ke baat kr re baba 😂
U don't lyk tsareena 😂 I think so ..cuz I never seen u playing her.
Yeah tsareena can soloq many alrounders its one of the best
@@SupriseAnt actually it's my persnl favourite nd my most played. I don't know y people don't use to play it as common.
1k va like
bro your built emblem is not good at all
you can use 6 brown 6 white
and hp should be always in +
Are you indian ?
Yes I'm indian 🇮🇳
Supari nikal ke baat kar...ya shayad paidaishi hai🥴
I want try zacian
My x mewtwo x legends
No zacian 1 and greninja 2
I took the screenshot
ur rank looks easy. i just lost 3 matches in a row.master 3 to master 4
i dont think so...
bc its not actually abt the enemy its abt your gameplay and teammates.It's so hard to find decent/good teammates.I always loss not bc of me but my teammates
@@lornavillar5752broken match making
Dragonite No 1
Zacian ke aage koi nahi bol skta
Where is blaziken
lucario 9 minu e 30 seg
Garchomp ????
No Blaizeken
Hindi mein
My Hindi is very bad that's why I make videos in English
Garchomp is not in the meta right now
@@Talarmarupoke ok
Where is bleziken
Where is agislash