VIXX (빅스) "도원경(桃源境) (Shangri-La)" - Piano Cover

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 311

  • @daeguni1747
    @daeguni1747 7 лет назад +374

    a masterpiece turned into another masterpiece. this is so cool.

  • @abcixs
    @abcixs 7 лет назад +599


    • @smyangpiano
      @smyangpiano  7 лет назад +28

      : DD

    • @reginaalyssa2032
      @reginaalyssa2032 7 лет назад +36

      Smyang Piano if it won't bother you, would you like to cover Love Paint by NU'EST? It has the same vibe as this song :") thank you!

    • @maisarahkamal4248
      @maisarahkamal4248 7 лет назад

      regina alyssa oh my i thought i was the only one that thought they had the same vibe

    • @valien4142
      @valien4142 7 лет назад


    • @bynou6fy4o
      @bynou6fy4o 3 года назад

      @@reginaalyssa2032 never expect this coincidence :)) i've just listened to Love Paint then came here all of a sudden.

  • @yan-kun3712
    @yan-kun3712 7 лет назад +162

    MY MAN

  • @minhnguyetang1484
    @minhnguyetang1484 7 лет назад +399

    So glad you cover the song ~ it's very beautiful. The piano really give the song different vibe and feel. I just fall in love with it

    • @smyangpiano
      @smyangpiano  7 лет назад +43

      Thank you so much!

    • @minhnguyetang1484
      @minhnguyetang1484 7 лет назад +19

      Smyang Piano it's nothing ~ you are very talented, keep up the great work!

  • @beyritjel
    @beyritjel 7 лет назад +24

    흐드러져 피는 꽃
    바람마저 달콤한
    이곳은 꿈
    너와 함께 있다면
    어디든 마음이 나풀대며
    불어올 그림 속
    난 네게 취해
    아득한 향기에 기대
    시간 따위 버려두고
    널 바라보고
    하얀 달이 뜨면
    달에 비친 너를 보고
    낮과 밤이 전부 너야
    빈틈 없이 (꽉 채워)
    모든 숨소리가
    너인 것만 같아
    덧칠해 좀 더 짙게
    이 밤 깊이 번져가고 있어
    벗어날 수 없게
    눈 감고 내 안의 널 또 찾잖아
    난 취해, 좀 더 취해
    이 꿈속에 빠져들고 싶어
    넌 다가와서
    내게만 스며들어
    밤의 안부에
    널 닮은 붉은
    동백이 질투해
    달짝한 입술은
    눈이 부시게 빛나고
    잠재운 마음속에
    파도를 부르고
    덜 익은
    복숭아마저도 달다
    휘날리는 꽃잎 아래
    네 비단결 옷자락
    그 끝을 따라 널 와락 안아
    난 네 숨소릴 잘 알아
    네가 불어와 내가 들어간
    꿈같은 상상
    낮과 밤이 전부 너야
    일렁이는 (내 맘도)
    그 짙은 향기에
    홀릴 것 같아
    덧칠해 좀 더 짙게
    이 밤 깊이 번져가고 있어
    벗어날 수 없게
    눈 감고 내 안의 널 또 찾잖아
    난 취해, 좀 더 취해
    이 꿈속에 빠져들고 싶어
    넌 다가와서
    내게만 스며들어
    텅 비어냈던 나의 공간이 채워져
    너로 물든 색이 아련하고
    눈부시게 빛나
    아름답고 따듯했고 신비로워
    난 날아, 너와 날아
    꿈에 번진 환상 그 안에서
    가까워지는 넌
    다시 또 마음에 피어나잖아
    단 하나, 너만 알아
    찾아 헤맨 그곳 바로 너야
    다시 눈을 뜨면
    내게만 스며들어

  • @chocolat4787
    @chocolat4787 7 лет назад +229

    What really amazed me that in just 24 hours we can make a piano cover of any song and what fascinate me more is that you give it another vibe and dimension making it a totally different from the original .. That's really really great talent :) Good job and keep up the hard working

  • @ermahgerdwut1418
    @ermahgerdwut1418 7 лет назад +16

    Okay, but the pictures you use as the backgrounds are so aesthetic and pretty.

  • @deekachu910
    @deekachu910 7 лет назад +98

    Found this channel by chance after looking for vixx comeback, fell in love, automatically subscribed in the speed of light.
    Love the covers, love the imagery and the graphics you're aiming for. This is perfect. Thank you

    • @smyangpiano
      @smyangpiano  7 лет назад +15

      +deekachu910 Thank you for your support!

  • @Allitoka
    @Allitoka 7 лет назад +167

    Omg T-T this night couldn't be better♡

  • @amandajdo
    @amandajdo 7 лет назад +84

    This arrangement is so beautiful! The piano really gives this amazing song another layer of beauty. So glad I found your channel. Looking forward to more VIXX pieces! Subscribed! :)

  • @indigocloves1907
    @indigocloves1907 7 лет назад +110

    I want this to be played at my funeral I swear
    thank you for covering this, it's just so beautiful

    • @NyuAkiyama
      @NyuAkiyama 7 лет назад +2

      Melissa R. Pineda me too T.T I like your idea :') sounds it will fit perfectly for my funeral as well ~ -w-) ♡ ㅋㅋ

    • @MultiSweetbanana
      @MultiSweetbanana 7 лет назад

      actually me too

  • @gyuzizi9043
    @gyuzizi9043 7 лет назад +28

    only god knows how much i love this cover

  • @yukiitoi6002
    @yukiitoi6002 7 лет назад +523

    Starlights where u at??

  • @cloverssi
    @cloverssi 7 лет назад +11

    제가 별빛(빅스 팬) 이어서 연관영상에 뜨길래 들어와 봤는데 너무 좋아서 구독이랑 좋아요 누르고 가요..
    이런 재능 정말 너무너무 부러워요!! ㅎㅎ 피아노 커버라고 하셨는데 정말 저만 듣기 너무 아까워요 ㅜㅜ.. 많은 분들이 이런 좋은 커버는 꼭 들어주셨으면 좋겠어요 ㅎㅎ 앞으로 자주자주 영상 보러/들으러 올게요 ㅎㅎ

  • @pauli_joy
    @pauli_joy 7 лет назад +29

    I don't even stan VIXX (yet) BUT THIS MADE ME TEAR UP!

  • @izzatiismail7
    @izzatiismail7 7 лет назад +54

    someone please explain to me why this art is not placed in the museum :-) TT!!!

  • @김다정-f2z
    @김다정-f2z 7 лет назад

    원곡은 컨셉 그 자체로 몽환적인 환상에 빠진 느낌이라면
    피아노 커버는 희망적인 말을 건네주는 자장가같아요..
    너무 너무 이쁘게 쳐주셔서 감사합니다!

  • @halcyon9987
    @halcyon9987 7 лет назад +3

    피아노 커버 너무 듣기 좋아요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 소리가 주인공인 영상을 보면서도 화면에서 눈을 뗄 수가 없더라고요ㅎㅎ 배경 사진을 어디서 구하신지 알수있을까요..?
    앞으로도 행복해지는 소리 기대하겠습니다♥

  • @xovesyrin2428
    @xovesyrin2428 7 лет назад +73

    thank you for making such a beautiful piano version of vixx shangri-la ^^ i am a hardcore starlight. if you dont mind, can you make a compilation of vixx song like you did for bts? it will be my greatest happiness if you can consider it thank you

  • @jiha9757
    @jiha9757 7 лет назад +30

    이런 재능 진짜 부럽다,,ㅠㅠ

    • @smyangpiano
      @smyangpiano  7 лет назад +9

      +jiha 9757 감사합니다ㅏㅏ

  • @윤화-y8g
    @윤화-y8g 7 лет назад +14

    피아노로 된 도원경을 들려주셔서 정말 감사드려요

  • @sleepyalyn1911
    @sleepyalyn1911 7 лет назад

    One thing to describe? BEAUTIFUL.

  • @saphires2875
    @saphires2875 7 лет назад +5

    You tranformed one of my favorite songs from VIXX into something even more beautiful with your piano♥ keep doing this please!

  • @미니마니모-v3m
    @미니마니모-v3m 7 лет назад

    와 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠㅠ 도입부분 설레고 아련하고 감정이 휘몰아치는 느낌

  • @어흥-p9j
    @어흥-p9j 7 лет назад +1

    제가 도원경 노래를 좋아해서 검색하다가 이거 오늘 처음들었는데, 듣고 울고싶었어요.ㅠㅠㅠ 도원경 노래가 이렇게 또 예쁘게 표현될 수 있고, 지금이라도 듣게되어 기쁘네요!
    추운 겨울이 오면, 따뜻한 음료를 마시면서 다시 한 번 들어보고 싶어요!(물론 그사이 종종 들으러 다시 오겠지만...)
    예쁜 연주 너무 감사해요!♡

  • @Shinxran-of2tl
    @Shinxran-of2tl 7 лет назад

    This is beautiful!!!!! pls do more VIXX songs~!!! 💜💜💜⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • @ammaramsyar4073
    @ammaramsyar4073 6 лет назад

    I'm crying from the inside. This is beautiful...#starlight

  • @butter3fly461
    @butter3fly461 7 лет назад +9

    the song is soooo beautiful ..... and you make it even more amazing❤❤
    thank youuuuuu soooo much😍

  • @muki1223
    @muki1223 7 лет назад +2

    도원경 노래 좋아서 요즘 맨날 듣는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ으악피아노 버젼 감사합니다...너무 좋아요ㅠㅠㅠ

  • @kiba_owl930
    @kiba_owl930 7 лет назад +66

    Cross finger this cover gets played in every Shangri La hotel all over the world.

    • @Yuqideqiko
      @Yuqideqiko 7 лет назад

      Kiba _Owl YEAS ! Shangri La Hotel Anthem 🐣

  • @김연주-w4d
    @김연주-w4d 7 лет назад +24

    도원경 피아노 커버가 이렇게 좋을줄은 몰랐네요 잘 듣고 갑니다:-)

    • @smyangpiano
      @smyangpiano  7 лет назад +4

      +김연주 감사합니다:)

  • @ladyphoenix501
    @ladyphoenix501 7 лет назад +4

    OMG you're so fast! I absolutely love the concept of this one and I love how you interpret it

  • @siejsidjksjdjd
    @siejsidjksjdjd 7 лет назад

    this is so beautiful omg it feels melancholic

  • @adeliakhairunnisa1341
    @adeliakhairunnisa1341 7 лет назад +1

    it give me chills everytime i hear your piano covers. thanks for covering Shangri-La. love it 😭💕

  • @risevixxrise1149
    @risevixxrise1149 5 лет назад +1

    Hi, i just wanna say thankyou for this cover
    I can't sleep easily at night, but this cover help me so much
    I play this every night and is in my playlist for sleeping❤️

  • @hopeonthestreet3660
    @hopeonthestreet3660 7 лет назад

    I could just fall asleep listening to all of this music thank you and bless ur soul

  • @ghoulatnight3551
    @ghoulatnight3551 7 лет назад

    Your piano version covers are what keeps me alive at nights. You are amazing.

  • @mykingvixx7660
    @mykingvixx7660 7 лет назад +4

    Thankyou so much for covered piano its beautiful

  • @KittenStant
    @KittenStant 7 лет назад

    I've been obsessing over this song. Thank you so much for such a beautiful cover. I absolutely love your music

  • @lucyfarrell7078
    @lucyfarrell7078 7 лет назад

    I've been having real bad sleeps because of my injury in my upper back/neck, and these gorgeous piano covers have really helped me take my mind of continues uncomfortable feeling. Soz if that sounds real attention seeking, but I really appreciate the effort you put in to making these videos for us viewers!!!

  • @브리즈-t9y
    @브리즈-t9y 7 лет назад

    Thank you TT this song made me peaceful... also made really good night

  • @aliyah8239
    @aliyah8239 7 лет назад

    This is so peaceful and amazing

  • @MultiSweetbanana
    @MultiSweetbanana 7 лет назад

    this song is amazing and cover of the song is amazing. I love your interpretation a lot

  • @sreyagupta2127
    @sreyagupta2127 5 лет назад

    It sounds heavenly.

  • @allyciasantacruz6628
    @allyciasantacruz6628 7 лет назад

    This made my night so much better

  • @nailaysm
    @nailaysm 7 лет назад

    my night won't be the same.
    maybe ken will appears on my dream after i listened this. so beautiful omg, thanks for does exist.

  • @ieng9485
    @ieng9485 7 лет назад +1

    I like all the piano covers of yours. It's so beautiful and some special feeling in it.
    Could you do the cover of vixx-1,2,3,4,5, cause I really really want to hear that your way to cover this song.

  • @StarlightMyLife
    @StarlightMyLife 7 лет назад

    Victoria Steinberg
    1 second ago
    This is the most beautifully covered VIXX song I have heard and I wish you would do more VIXX T.T I love them so much..

  • @wangha9969
    @wangha9969 7 лет назад +13

    I was clicking on random videos. this has to be the best random video ever lol.

  • @mayfaye34
    @mayfaye34 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for the cover and for sharing this great masterpiece, you gives a sadder version of them and now im feeling emo in the middle of the day 😭😭 this interpret the feeling of the song better than any review could 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @KahinaWhyNot
    @KahinaWhyNot 7 лет назад +1

    I don't know why but as I started playing the song my eyes got teary. Wow thank you.

  • @gz5247
    @gz5247 7 лет назад +13

    Could you cover SF9's easy love? Thank you so much! Your covers are amazing!

  • @tardybloomer
    @tardybloomer 7 лет назад +1

    OH MY GOD. This is so beautiful. Love the aesthetics you used; I don't know what's more soothing, the cover or the imagery. xD
    Thank you so much for making this!! It's so beautiful ~ my starlight heart is sobbing TT ♥
    Definitely looking forward for more!

  • @spoonie525
    @spoonie525 7 лет назад

    my ears have been blessed by the sound of angels

  • @lovechangkyunie965
    @lovechangkyunie965 7 лет назад

    keep up the amazing work! your covers relax my day or night so much! thx for that! 💙

  • @fauziahameliaananda2624
    @fauziahameliaananda2624 7 лет назад

    You turned this song into an art.. good job!

  • @ABandPerson
    @ABandPerson 7 лет назад +2

    I love your covers and VIXX so this is like best of both worlds :'D

  • @honeylagran9663
    @honeylagran9663 7 лет назад

    You're a legend. I love your work always looking forward for your videos and they keep me calm.

  • @Floriensa
    @Floriensa 7 лет назад +2

    It's Beautiful !!! I saw your cover in Fantasy of Vixx and i should like know, what it's the group the more difficult for do the cover in piano ? Vixx no ? :)

  • @angelyip7605
    @angelyip7605 7 лет назад

    I was waiting for your cover when vixx first released this song!!!!!!!!! 역시! 짱!!!!

  • @taeman5938
    @taeman5938 7 лет назад


  • @들레-t2t
    @들레-t2t 7 лет назад

    진짜 힐링되네요ㅠ 좋은 곡 연주해주셔서 감사합니다!

  • @azureskies9325
    @azureskies9325 7 лет назад

    this is my favorite by far. it has the right amount of dramatics for my taste :)

  • @MultiSweetbanana
    @MultiSweetbanana 7 лет назад

    nice. now I understand how beautiful this song is

  • @dextersmith13
    @dextersmith13 7 лет назад


  • @shairamennn3003
    @shairamennn3003 7 лет назад


  • @redphantxm
    @redphantxm 7 лет назад +1

    Beautiful as always, and thank you so much for making the cover. ❤

  • @tankc9365
    @tankc9365 7 лет назад

    you won a new subscriber!! 😇😇😇 this is so beautiful!!!

  • @alhanoufsalman9369
    @alhanoufsalman9369 7 лет назад

    This was so fast and it's so good 💜💜💜

  • @TheJazzydarling
    @TheJazzydarling 7 лет назад

    this was amazing listened to it before i sleep i swear if you ever made an album of all your covers id buy it 💕💕

  • @remuspierre
    @remuspierre 2 года назад

    Amazing song

  • @Yuqideqiko
    @Yuqideqiko 7 лет назад

    Omg Bless My Ears 😍😍😍 maybe you can make one-hour piano compilation for vixx songs? That would be awesome 👏👏👏

  • @chocobear7976
    @chocobear7976 7 лет назад

    Everything you do are goals. Thank you so much for this!~

  • @user_hyohyo
    @user_hyohyo 7 лет назад

    배경도 넘나 이쁘네요..💙

  • @별이물든계절
    @별이물든계절 7 лет назад

    커버 너무 이쁘게 해주셔서 감사합니다ㅠㅠㅠ 많은 분들이 들어주셨으면 좋겠어요

  • @junpate9617
    @junpate9617 7 лет назад +1

    Can you please do Into The Void from the Shangri-La album? Thank you so much, your piano skills is so beautiful 😍

  • @无非黑
    @无非黑 7 лет назад

    When I first listened to the song, I immediately wondered how it would sound like if Smyang covered it and as always, it's perfect

  • @nafables3626
    @nafables3626 7 лет назад +2

    Im already crying at the song and the piano ver. makes me cry louder;;

    • @rararengganis1840
      @rararengganis1840 7 лет назад

      nur afira yg aku bingungin yg bikin nangis nya yg mn? terlalu wow lagunya atau gimana? klo ver. piano nya sih emang jdnya ballad gitu...

  • @gaabyayalaa1885
    @gaabyayalaa1885 7 лет назад

    Omg! It's such beautiful 😭💜💜

  • @shaymaasayed2981
    @shaymaasayed2981 7 лет назад

    it's very beautiful 😍 thank you so much for making an amazing cover of an amazing song 💓

  • @annielin92
    @annielin92 7 лет назад

    I love this cover so much, and the video goes so well with the music.

  • @narcissacherry
    @narcissacherry 7 лет назад

    good job!!! really love it
    I feel real shangri la!!

  • @aqua-b7r
    @aqua-b7r 5 лет назад

    This is so old now but I’m just so happy it exists; you translated it in such a haunting yet beautiful way?? It’s so sad but lovely?? This is an untouchable masterpiece and I had to express that. Thnku

  • @starlightbebe3328
    @starlightbebe3328 7 лет назад


  • @alice32433
    @alice32433 7 лет назад

    so beautiful

  • @merona00
    @merona00 7 лет назад

    너무 멋있어요ㅠㅠㅠㅜ 별빛인데 빅스의 도원경을 고급지게 되게 잘 쳐주셔서 감사하고 듣는 내내 제대로 귀호강했어요ㅠㅠ ㅡ ㆍ 왜 이제야 발견했는지 ㅠㅠㅠㅜ
    앞으로 이 곳에 올라올 피아노 연주들도 기대되구 잘부탁드려요♡(구독을 누른다)

  • @user-gp6fj1km9x
    @user-gp6fj1km9x 7 лет назад

    how are you so talented? this is absolutely amazing

  • @anamercdes1234
    @anamercdes1234 7 лет назад

    tienes mucho talento

  • @dandelion3330
    @dandelion3330 7 лет назад +1

    I love every single piece of your work ! well done :)

  • @rinakira8638
    @rinakira8638 7 лет назад

    Wow! My Heart melting

  • @sakinah8283
    @sakinah8283 7 лет назад


  • @전민주-j3z
    @전민주-j3z 7 лет назад

    크야~ 이거는 진짜 너무 예쁘는 노래 ♡ 커버는 진쯔 너무 너무 기다리는데 ~ 진짜 너무 예쁘요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @kotomihyakuya3054
    @kotomihyakuya3054 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much... I know I'm late but still..

  • @justsomeone8275
    @justsomeone8275 7 лет назад

    wow. this sounds so amazing!!!

  • @itsjustkaylie
    @itsjustkaylie 7 лет назад

    This is so so amazing, thank you so much for uploading!!

  • @얌얌-b8i
    @얌얌-b8i 7 лет назад +1


  • @trafficcontroldance
    @trafficcontroldance 7 лет назад +1


  • @starlighthottest312
    @starlighthottest312 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this! We love it❤⭐

  • @yanyan-lf2fb
    @yanyan-lf2fb 7 лет назад +2

    this is so beautiful😍 I don't stan VIXX but I just happened to see this on notifications

  • @Mell2001
    @Mell2001 7 лет назад

    This is so beautiful! I really love what you do with these songs. This is really soothing😋💞