St Dymphna, please intercede for my son, Jason who suffers from bipolar disorder and turns to drugs and alcohol to get relief from his anxiety and depression and paranoia. I pray that he may find peace from God🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
St Dympha I pray for my daughter those voices that torments and don't give her peace of mind I pray they would go away I pray that she will be healed and have peace of mind St Dympha I ask you to help her 🙏 Thank you
Pray for me, St. Dymphna, for my Epilepsy to be cured or to have the grace to endure my suffering to help bring sinners home to the Catholic Church. ❤🙏💒
All I can say is that she really did help me. For mental illness please pray to her. I'm 72 years old and if I told you my story I might cry. Thank you SAINT DYMPHNA. Amen 🙏
Please pray for the healing of my 87 year old husband who has developed dementia & our 37 year old son who has high functioning autism and needs a job. Praise God for your miracle & thank you! 🙏🏻
St dymphna I am happy because you are touching my sons Akihiro and Keisuke. I believe that you will help them to recovery And thank you for guiding us amen
Dear St Dymphna, please pray for our son Samuel who is struggling with his OCD mental condition and anxiety. Through your intercession before Our Almighty God, please obtain for us the grace of healing and cure for our son’s mental condition and anxiety. Thank you God and thank you St Dymphna. Glory be to God forever and ever. Amen Amen 🙏🙏
St.Dymphna please pray for me to overcome all the thoughts ,anxiety, doubt and fear .Pray for me to have a peaceful mind and clarity in thought.In Jesus name I Believe. Amen .🙏🙏🙏🙏
Saint Dymphna, help my sister to heal herself from schizophrenia and major depression. Through your intercession, convince to take her medications from the doctor, it will help her sleep and bring back her appetite. She lives with my parents, who are now in their 70s, my father is just recuperating from a lung disease two years ago. She is unmarried in her early 50s, with no kids. My sister was okay before pandemic, she was the one doing errands for my parents. Due to pandemic, we couldn’t visit them as much as we can as are from the city where Covid cases are high. Guide her to see the light and recover. Make her my follow my mother to come to the doctor and get confinement so she can get proper treatment. I humbly implore your help and grace, Saint Dymphna, through your intercession, help my sister on her full recovery. Amen 🙏
Sweet Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dymphna please intercede for my Daughter who had brain surgery and has severe anxiety and severe head pain from illness and surgery. Please help her so she can have a miraculous miracle healing recovery soon. Please let her get the financial disability help that she so desperately needs. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dymphna please intercede for my urgent miracle healing prayers for my family for healing health and happiness and for financial disability help immediately. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
O Venerable Beati Mama Maria, conceived without Original Sin (the Immaculate Conception,) pray 🙏 for us who have recourse to you. A Amen 🙏 Saint Dymphna pray 🙏 for us. Amen
St dymphna I am praying for healing of my son Keisuke who had an attack of epilepsy last Wednesday. Please touch him and release al the bad thing in his body so that he will never attack again. And help me to ease my nervous and negative taughts amen
Thank you st Dymphna for your perpetual support for all who need Your love healing and protection! You are a special. Person and Saint! Amen! Alleluia! 🌅🌠🌠☘️
I pray for Peace that St.Dymphna cultivated in her self Honor to her....and Thank her 4 all she Dymphna Please heal all mental illness and mood disorders. specifically in my personal life my BI Polar Disorder and my nephews Autism. amen.
🌋💘🙋♂️💘🌋 به نام خداوند یکتا💘🌋💘 کلمه گات🌋 به خوبی تو حافظم هست🌋 فکر می کنم دعا هستم به سوی خداوند🌋 بر علیه کافران🌋 چه کلماتی زیبا است از این کلمه گات خیلی خوششون میاد🌋 و این دوست عزیزم🌋 به خوبی بیان میکنه🌋 غول فارسی ها🌋 چقدر به دل میشینه🌋 دوستان عزیز🌋 ساعت ۵ صبح بلند شدم🌋 یعنی همیشه کار مهم این است🌋 نفس منظوری باز می شد🌋 این آشغالا کار از جلوم بیرون آوردم یه مقدارش چقدر باید آب بخورم یا میوه و اینا بخورم که اینا از بدن من خارج میشه دیشب منو کاملاً شکنجه دادن کف پاهای من که در آتش میسوزد انگشتر من فکر می کنم گذاشتن روز برق گذاشتن رو طوری داغ گذاشتن رو انگشت من کاملاً سوختگی مشخصه همچنان پشت سر من گوشام آرامش ندارد شما صحبتی صبح تو صورت من نگاه کنه بچه و تمرکزتان آسم ثبت نام انجام بدم🌋 من برای همین گمراهان🌋 تلاش می کنم اما افراد گمراه راه گمراهی تیکر ن به همون راه گمراهی ادامه میدم🌋 خداوند🌋 گوشی🌋 چشم🌺 و عقلی نارو🌺 چونکه با فاسدا در ارتباط از سن🌺 ازشون گرفته شده🌺 خدا نگهدار شما🌋
این کلمه گات🤣 نمیدونم چیه خیلی برام خیلی جالبه گوش گرفتن این صحبته نمیدونم منو میبری به خاطرات دوره چونکه پشت سر من و پسرم رو فکر می کنم مورچه های من را قطره اگر مور کام قرن کرده بودند مغز سرم را به خوبی نه یاد می گرفتم🌋 خیلی برام جالبه🌋 موقعی که موبایل آمده بود🌋 من همیشه از خدا میخواستم چه برای من بی سواد افراد بی سواد یه چیزی اختراع بشه🌋 تا بتوانم درون خودم خالی کنم🌋 به خداوند همیشه این لطف شامل من بوده🌋 موبایل که دست گرفتن خیلی برام جالب بود🌋 پیش خودم گفتم این یه تحولاتی برای مغز من خداوند آفریده🌋 البته زمان شاه گوش گرفتن تلفن های تصویری🌋 در ژاپن آمده بود🌋 چه برای من خیلی جالب بود🌋 چونکه تمرکز میکردم ایجور بودند خوب از حافظه خود من باخبر بودم🌋 یک مرتبه🌋🤣 کل این کره زمین🌋 آمده بود در حافظه مغز من🌋 من همه چی مشاهده می کردم میدونستم جنگل ها آتیش میگیره🌋 اون رویایی که من همیشه خوابشو میدیدم چطور چشم زنده میشه تو موبایل من میدیدم🌋 متاسفانه اگر در مورد مرگ های سر من قرن کرده بودند🌋 حتی یه شب جلوی تلویزیون ایستاده بودم🌋 برنامه یکی از دانشمندان عزیز نگاه میکردن🌋 یک فرد سیاهپوست بود دانشمند عزیز🌋 یک فصل چند فکر می کنم از منو شروع کنی است از همون نژاد زرد هست و کوتاهی داره🌋 خوب چندین دانشمند ایرانی هم یک مثال فیروز نادری عزیز یک دانشمند دیگر هم بود قدش بلند بود یکی نبود علاقه داشتن به این ستاره ها و کره ها بچه که بودیم راه شیری خیلی ما خیره می شدیم رو پشت بام میخوابیدیم ستاره ها می کردی🌺 ۵۳ سال پیش آلودگی زیاد در هوا آسمان نبود شبها چه نگاه میکردیم در آسمان رفت و آمد داشت🌋 ماهواره قیمت قطعه مثال گرفتن از دانشمندان موقعیت گفتین موقعیت مکانی گفت درسته کاغذی هواپیما های کوچک اومده بود🌋 خدا شاهده بعضی موقع🌋 کرم ها دهن دانشمند که نشون میداد من فکر میکرو هات دیدم برام خیلی آشنا بود🌋 فکر کردم از کنارش رد شدم متاسفانه اینو سرم را ب دلم را خراب کردند آرامشم رو کاملا گرفته من تمرکز زیاد نکنه فکر گناه هم چیزی است خدا نگهدار شما گات آیا خوب یا بد برای خدا نگهدار شما
راستی دیروز که این من گوش گرفته منو تهدید می کرده🌋 من فکر کردم کلمه های بد به کار میره نمیدونم بیرون از کشور بود یا داخل کشور به خودم دارم خوب قبلا هم فامیلا و دوستان من گفته بودند آهنگ های خارجی گوش نگیر برای شما به شما مضرب 🌋 به خاطر دارم موقع تایلند هم رفتن بعد متوجه شدم که یونان مأمور های حکومت بود در شهر پاتایا تویه یک شماره کنارا یک مرد تقریباً قوی هیکل بود تبلت وصل شد و بدنش به ورزشکاران میخورد نمیدونم الان ورزشی آمپولی بوده نمیتونم اومد به من گفت چند تا فرزند گفتم چهار تا فرزند دارن فرزندان نفرستی خارجه🌋 گفت که من دوتا داشتم اومده راه های منحرف اومده🌋 فرزندان نفرست خارج🌋 فکر می کنم همون معمول بود🌋 هرمود او تو هتل گرفتیم🌋 فکر میکنم این دفترم زیر نظر همین خود حکومت بود هواپیمایی 🌋 فرشته اطلسی شیراز🌋 ما چند روزه شهر پاتایا بودیم🌋 بعد رفتیم برای بانکوک🌋 با چند نفر دیگر🌋 فکر کنم ولی در آن از خود حکومت بود🌋 که داخل فرودگاه دنبال من نیومد🌋 موقعی که ما وارد هتل بانکوک شدیم🌋 من فکر کردم این هتل م هتل جالبی هست یک جای خوب بانکوک باشه🌋 در جنوب شهر بانکوک🌋 نزدیک پولهای که بیخود شهر بانکوک وصل میشه هتل قدیمی بود موقعی که وارد شدیم مدیر هتل یک خانمی بود که لیاقت و مدیریت نداشت دعواشون نمیدونم با کی بود چاه های فاضلاب اون هتل تخلیه میکردن چه بوی تعفن کل هتل گرفته بود که من به پسرم زنگ زدم اعتراض کردم گفتم به هتل چرا برای من گرفته راهنمایی گرفته بعد متوجه شدم تو برادر زن خودم انگشتر بهش داده بوده انگشترو تو هرجا که میرفت شهرداری این است که برام میرم معجزه میکنه اون معرفی که بهبودی دفتر هواپیمایی را🌋 پسری با ادب این بچه شیراز بود گفت که شما که پول دارین این هتل دیگه شما پول پرداخت کردیم نداره شما اگه دوست دارین برگردیم فردا مجدداً تاکسی بگیریم برمیگردیم بیشتر پتیو و من نتوانستم شهر بانکوک را بگردم برگشتم شهر پوکویو یک تاکسی که گرفته بودم وسط راه🌋 از راننده تاکسی مشکوک شدن🌋 ضد چنار یه تعمیرگاه موتورهای موتور تعمیر می کرد به اون صحبت که من توی اینه بغل آینه روبرو فرد زیر نظر داشتن پشت تو ماشین چهار گرفته بودیم سپر به سپر می مت🌋 من یک کمربند چرمی داشتم باز کردن پشت سر راننده نشستن🌋 متوجه شدم که میخواهد را منحرف بره یک روز بعد از این رو من اومده بودم کاملاً جاده به خوبی با چشم نظاره گر بودم خاصی رو منحرف ره نشان داد که رم با ناراحتی گفتم برو جلو موتور امیر اس موتورسیکلت دورم متوجه شد که من متوجه شدم در خودش ادامه داد اولین چهارراه که رسیدن رفتم سراغ پلیس یعنی در باز کردم که سراغ پلیس برم احتمال سیوند خارش گردن که یک مرد اشاره به اون موتور که موتور ازما فاصله گرفت🌋 با موبایل خیابان خیابان هتل قبلی ازش عکس گرفته بودم عکس خود خود دلم گرفته بودم بهش گفتم بر خیابون در همچنین مشکوکی هم به سر من داخل شهر بانکوک به وجود آمد🌋 سرود دریا که رفتیم به وسیله چتر پوستر دریا هوایی میکند شما خونه قبلا چت باز بودیم و رفتی موجود عکس گرفتیم نیروها پشت سر مرد عکاسی از ما عکس گرفته کاملاً نیرو مشخصی که پشت سرم نبوسیده و یک نیرو هم پشت سر و هوایی نداره نزدیک تاتو شهر بانکوک آرامشم را گرفته بود حقوق یک شب به خاطرم هست آخر شب بود بچه های بانک گروه موسیقی شون آهنگ اصلانی میزدم منم دلم گرفته بود کنار هم و کسی که گیتار میزد دیدم از دور یک پسر قدم یک و خورده میلکو ۷۰ کم و بیش پسر ۴ ساله بود من و زیر نظر داشت🌋 آیا موقعی که من اومدم شیراز در بانکوک بمب گذاری شد درباره یه حالت فکر میکنن انتحاری فکر می کنم بود چون که می خواست بزنه بگه اسرائیلی فکر می کنم و من خیلی تعجب کردم🤣👍💘👆 اسکندر مختاری فرزند ابراهیم🌋
St. Dymphna please intercede for my urgent miracle healing prayers for my family. Please help them with healing health recovery and happiness and for financial disability help that they do desperately need. 🙏🏻
Oh,Blessed Saint Dymphna, please swiftly intercede on my behalf to squash the vicious rumors about me suffering from Bi-polar/ Schrizopnia... only suffered from depression due to Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Just would like my reputation to be restored and cleared..Amen
Saint Dymphna pray for all with mental health problems, specially for me, l dont want to have more crisis, it have been 1 year and 9 month since llthat l dont have any crisis, lm bipolar, THANKS FOR MY WORK AND FRIENDS Im taking my medications at the same time every day and it really works. Please give me my health and if possible l would like a good man at my side.
Hello! Remember we have to carrie our cruces, drink our medications help a lot, l take my medications at the same time every day, and l have my work, l love it, l go to mass and take the Jesus body, it help too. God bless you
St Dymphna I am praying for healing of my son Akihiro. Please touch his heart and mind to make it better. I know thyhe is suffering again from bipolar disorder and you are the only one that can heal. I believe in miracles because when he is 2 years old he has his ist miracle He has a second life now and I am praying for another miracle Thank you. Amen
St. Dymphna, pray for all of us suffering from emotional and mental issues, especially chronic depression and anxiety and fear and worry. Thank you very much!
St. Dymphna, please help me and my entire family, and also, please pray for us sinners. Please intercede for me with Jesus Christ our Lord to help me and to grant my prayers and pleas. I'm also praying from kind intercession to help my sister's mental health, please help them to be cure. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and through to the intercession of Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints together with the Holy Spirit especially to your holy name, St. Dymphna, thank you so much, Amen 🙏.
Saint Dymphna intercede for me now at this very moment, the stressful thoughts and overthinking is being caused by not finding a job yet. Please help me 🙏 Amen
Thank You in advance St Dymphna that through your intecession, Rhiemar Art Bryll Diosma Lalican will be healed from the cyst on his brain he suffered...
St. Dymphna, i pray for fast healing of DAVID BOUDREAUX... may You heal him thru the grace of God forgive all the sins he have done in your mercy i pray AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
This makes me want to make my own. Nearly twenty years I have revered her. After all this time I'm still Unitarian, so conversion is futile, but this doesn't capture the grace and beauty and comfort She has given me. There is no other figure in any religon that comforts the depressed, the forlorn, the abused, like she does. I can't explain it. I feel silly saying it out loud, but never silly with her pendant, her chaplet. She spreads hope to all. I don't mean to be offensive to the faithful. You will never convert me, but through her mystery I find a piece of that something more.
فارسی دیروز تاپر روز این عکس یک نقاش خونمون کار میکنه نقاشی این نقاش در کنار دست مونه این عکس نشون اون نقاش دادم در کنار منزل مون این نقاش زندگی میکنه بچه های همشهری و خودمون آیا اینم اطلاعات داد که عکس داخل حافظه گوشی من کار کنم همه چیز باشه
Hi everyone! While I know sudden supernatural healing is a real thing that can happen, know that you can also seek professional help and ask St. Dymphna to pray for you during that process! Miracles can happen, but therapy and medication are gifts from God too! After all, He works THROUGH PEOPLE all the time:) So St. Dymphna, pray not only for those who suffer from mental illnesses, but also for those appointed by God to help treat them (including doctors, therapists, and psychiatrists!)!
Pray That I Will Keep The Ten Commandments Have Sorrow For My Sins Poor Souls In Purgatory Prayer In Schools My Priest Friends For The Pope That I Will Live Peacefully With My Neighbors Conquer My Passions Endure Hardships Resist Temptations Flee Evildoers
St Dymphna Keisuke is doing Good his tantrums lessen And he can sleep too. And IST because of you. Please continue to touch him amen. And also Please touch Akihiro Please guide him to be strong And have peace In his mind And body amen
St Dymphna please send a fire lily to me one to my BFF A, & one to his twin J. Please see A & J healed & cured of all mental health issues. Please do the same for my history of friendship with A. Convince A to call me soon & return to friendship with A.
Spoken prayers on RUclips are a wonderful idea. That electronic voice isn't and sadly, I can't really focus with it. It's too fast and with no devotion at all.
THE TRUE AND POWERFUL CONVERSION STORY: the 2nd part: March, 2022 Thank GOD for our LADY of GUADALUPE; when I visited her Shrine in Mexico in Dec. 2012, and I was suffering at the time of "Sleep Apenea" I was healed really while still there - FRARNKLY, my first intensions were to honor her. †Also, when I prayed few Rosaries to help me to quit smoking cigaretes on May 17, 1998, she answered my prayers immediately, though I was SUPER skeptical at that time. †Truely, when I was inspired to recite one single Rosary in December 12, 2000, I was healed from my unbelief (Jn. 14: 1) - and I tried at the time first to pray OUR FATHER, but I couldn't remember the prayer; and GOD still saved me! Also During my first Holy arosary procession outdoors on May 13, 2001, I saw Queen of the Rosary walking with us for 4-5 seconds; And she had long, dark, blue dress & absolutely attractive one. †Also in 2003 I heard a very sweet voices a few times singing above my bed as I awoke in the morning, and they continued for nearly 5 seconds. †Since my conversion, I try NOT to miss attending Masses weekly or daily etc. And I pray the Devine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm for years, and I NEVER miss it. †UNDOUBTLY, Reading & meditating in "Gospel of life" according to the daily readings is like my "daily bread" And I read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times since my conversion! & I read CCC as well, (Is. 55: 10 -11). Also, I like to what some one says: every winter turns into spring. But "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God"(Ps.14:1) †Unfortunately, many "Catholics don't know what they have, and Evangelicals don't know what they are missing!" †And I used to attend few different Evangelical Churches for a few years searching for TRUTH while residing in Stockholm & they opened my eyes a little bid to the faith at the time. † God is still in the miracle buisness. And thank God for the most holy ROSARY prayer, etc. Psalm 107:13 - 14)" "BROTHERS & SISTERS PRAY FOR ME THAT I MAY NOT FLEE FOR FEAR OF THE WOLVES [terrorstes]," (Psalm 107:13-14)" †"This is the day which GOD hath made a day for us to REJOICE & be GLAD"-Ps.118: 2. †By Saba Korial, MIC, & I was born in Middle East in Palm Sun., now Christian Catholic & Canadian. (2 Tm 2:4 & 4:7). Note that the Name of God is mentioned 3 times while praying the ROSARY as follow: first the LORD, then the name Jesus & GOD:видео.html SHARE WITH FRIENDS * Please google the following words: "99+ EFFECTIVE WAYS TO EVANGELIZE AS A CATHOLIC"
St Dymphna, please intercede for my son, Jason who suffers from bipolar disorder and turns to drugs and alcohol to get relief from his anxiety and depression and paranoia. I pray that he may find peace from God🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please St Dympna pray for my son who suffers from mental illness lives in a world of unreality lonely very fearful has struggled all his life
Please St Dympna hear my prayer and all those praying this litany 🙏please pray with us for mental clarity in this chaotic world 🙏❤️
St Dympha I pray for my daughter those voices that torments and don't give her peace of mind I pray they would go away I pray that she will be healed and have peace of mind St Dympha I ask you to help her 🙏 Thank you
Pray for me, St. Dymphna, for my Epilepsy to be cured or to have the grace to endure my suffering to help bring sinners home to the Catholic Church. ❤🙏💒
St. Dymphna please pray for my anxiety and depression. Thank you for all your assistance & prayers in the past. Amen. ❤️🙏
All I can say is that she really did help me. For mental illness please pray to her. I'm 72 years old and if I told you my story I might cry. Thank you SAINT DYMPHNA.
Amen 🙏
Please pray for the healing of my 87 year old husband who has developed dementia & our 37 year old son who has high functioning autism and needs a job. Praise God for your miracle & thank you! 🙏🏻
Please saint Dymphna please intercede for my daughter ‘s anxiety and to find a good find a good Catholic husband 🙏
St dymphna I am happy because you are touching my sons Akihiro and Keisuke. I believe that you will help them to recovery And thank you for guiding us amen
Dear St Dymphna, please pray for our son Samuel who is struggling with his OCD mental condition and anxiety. Through your intercession before Our Almighty God, please obtain for us the grace of healing and cure for our son’s mental condition and anxiety. Thank you God and thank you St Dymphna. Glory be to God forever and ever. Amen Amen 🙏🙏
St.Dymphna please pray for me to overcome all the thoughts ,anxiety, doubt and fear .Pray for me to have a peaceful mind and clarity in thought.In Jesus name I Believe. Amen .🙏🙏🙏🙏
Saint Dymphna, help my sister to heal herself from schizophrenia and major depression. Through your intercession, convince to take her medications from the doctor, it will help her sleep and bring back her appetite. She lives with my parents, who are now in their 70s, my father is just recuperating from a lung disease two years ago. She is unmarried in her early 50s, with no kids. My sister was okay before pandemic, she was the one doing errands for my parents. Due to pandemic, we couldn’t visit them as much as we can as are from the city where Covid cases are high. Guide her to see the light and recover. Make her my follow my mother to come to the doctor and get confinement so she can get proper treatment. I humbly implore your help and grace, Saint Dymphna, through your intercession, help my sister on her full recovery. Amen 🙏
Amen ✝️♥️♥️♥️🙏
St Dhymphna pray for us. I pray that my two in-laws be cured of their mental problems and return to Jesus. Amen,
St. Dymphna, pray for us.
Sweet Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dymphna please intercede for my Daughter who had brain surgery and has severe anxiety and severe head pain from illness and surgery. Please help her so she can have a miraculous miracle healing recovery soon. Please let her get the financial disability help that she so desperately needs. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dymphna please intercede for my urgent miracle healing prayers for my family for healing health and happiness and for financial disability help immediately. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Saint Dimphna please help me with my mental illness inside of me and all people with mental disorders heal us amen.
O Venerable Beati Mama Maria, conceived without Original Sin (the Immaculate Conception,) pray 🙏 for us who have recourse to you. A
Amen 🙏
Saint Dymphna pray 🙏 for us. Amen
St dymphna I am praying for healing of my son Keisuke who had an attack of epilepsy last Wednesday. Please touch him and release al the bad thing in his body so that he will never attack again. And help me to ease my nervous and negative taughts amen
St.Dhymphna guide me to handle stress. Give me peace full and harmonious mind. Amen
Thank you st Dymphna for your perpetual support for all who need
Your love healing and protection!
You are a special. Person and Saint!
Pray for me, St Dymphna. Help me control my temper!
St. Dymphna, pray for my son, Rogelio. He was diagnosed with Autism in 2007🙏❤️
St. Dymphna I pray for my father, Amen
Saint DYPHNA I pray for healing of BABUJAP who is sufering from depression. i Believe in miracles thank you.
St Dymphna thank you For taking care of my son Akihiro And Keisuke Please heal them amen
St. Dymphna pray for my father, brother and myself. Pray that our anger, anxiety and fear diminish!
I pray for HEALING over PTSD of abuse ANXIETY and fears mental HEALTH IN JESUS NAME AMEN
Oh saint Dymphna, don't forget my husband and my brother. Both of them need your intercession before God 🙏🙏💙
I pray for Peace that St.Dymphna cultivated in her self Honor to her....and Thank her 4 all she Dymphna Please heal all mental illness and mood disorders. specifically in my personal life my BI Polar Disorder and my nephews Autism. amen.
🌋💘🙋♂️💘🌋 به نام خداوند یکتا💘🌋💘 کلمه گات🌋 به خوبی تو حافظم هست🌋 فکر می کنم دعا هستم به سوی خداوند🌋 بر علیه کافران🌋 چه کلماتی زیبا است از این کلمه گات خیلی خوششون میاد🌋 و این دوست عزیزم🌋 به خوبی بیان میکنه🌋 غول فارسی ها🌋 چقدر به دل میشینه🌋 دوستان عزیز🌋 ساعت ۵ صبح بلند شدم🌋 یعنی همیشه کار مهم این است🌋 نفس منظوری باز می شد🌋 این آشغالا کار از جلوم بیرون آوردم یه مقدارش چقدر باید آب بخورم یا میوه و اینا بخورم که اینا از بدن من خارج میشه دیشب منو کاملاً شکنجه دادن کف پاهای من که در آتش میسوزد انگشتر من فکر می کنم گذاشتن روز برق گذاشتن رو طوری داغ گذاشتن رو انگشت من کاملاً سوختگی مشخصه همچنان پشت سر من گوشام آرامش ندارد شما صحبتی صبح تو صورت من نگاه کنه بچه و تمرکزتان آسم ثبت نام انجام بدم🌋 من برای همین گمراهان🌋 تلاش می کنم اما افراد گمراه راه گمراهی تیکر ن به همون راه گمراهی ادامه میدم🌋 خداوند🌋 گوشی🌋 چشم🌺 و عقلی نارو🌺 چونکه با فاسدا در ارتباط از سن🌺 ازشون گرفته شده🌺 خدا نگهدار شما🌋
این کلمه گات🤣 نمیدونم چیه خیلی برام خیلی جالبه گوش گرفتن این صحبته نمیدونم منو میبری به خاطرات دوره چونکه پشت سر من و پسرم رو فکر می کنم مورچه های من را قطره اگر مور کام قرن کرده بودند مغز سرم را به خوبی نه یاد می گرفتم🌋 خیلی برام جالبه🌋 موقعی که موبایل آمده بود🌋 من همیشه از خدا میخواستم چه برای من بی سواد افراد بی سواد یه چیزی اختراع بشه🌋 تا بتوانم درون خودم خالی کنم🌋 به خداوند همیشه این لطف شامل من بوده🌋 موبایل که دست گرفتن خیلی برام جالب بود🌋 پیش خودم گفتم این یه تحولاتی برای مغز من خداوند آفریده🌋 البته زمان شاه گوش گرفتن تلفن های تصویری🌋 در ژاپن آمده بود🌋 چه برای من خیلی جالب بود🌋 چونکه تمرکز میکردم ایجور بودند خوب از حافظه خود من باخبر بودم🌋 یک مرتبه🌋🤣 کل این کره زمین🌋 آمده بود در حافظه مغز من🌋 من همه چی مشاهده می کردم میدونستم جنگل ها آتیش میگیره🌋 اون رویایی که من همیشه خوابشو میدیدم چطور چشم زنده میشه تو موبایل من میدیدم🌋 متاسفانه اگر در مورد مرگ های سر من قرن کرده بودند🌋 حتی یه شب جلوی تلویزیون ایستاده بودم🌋 برنامه یکی از دانشمندان عزیز نگاه میکردن🌋 یک فرد سیاهپوست بود دانشمند عزیز🌋 یک فصل چند فکر می کنم از منو شروع کنی است از همون نژاد زرد هست و کوتاهی داره🌋 خوب چندین دانشمند ایرانی هم یک مثال فیروز نادری عزیز یک دانشمند دیگر هم بود قدش بلند بود یکی نبود علاقه داشتن به این ستاره ها و کره ها بچه که بودیم راه شیری خیلی ما خیره می شدیم رو پشت بام میخوابیدیم ستاره ها می کردی🌺 ۵۳ سال پیش آلودگی زیاد در هوا آسمان نبود شبها چه نگاه میکردیم در آسمان رفت و آمد داشت🌋 ماهواره قیمت قطعه مثال گرفتن از دانشمندان موقعیت گفتین موقعیت مکانی گفت درسته کاغذی هواپیما های کوچک اومده بود🌋 خدا شاهده بعضی موقع🌋 کرم ها دهن دانشمند که نشون میداد من فکر میکرو هات دیدم برام خیلی آشنا بود🌋 فکر کردم از کنارش رد شدم متاسفانه اینو سرم را ب دلم را خراب کردند آرامشم رو کاملا گرفته من تمرکز زیاد نکنه فکر گناه هم چیزی است خدا نگهدار شما گات آیا خوب یا بد برای خدا نگهدار شما
به نام خدا هرچی گوش میگیرم انگار دلم بهتر میشینه کاملاً خاطره برام زندگی میکنه به خصوص وقتی کلمات ردیف صحبت میشه خدا نگهدار شما
راستی دیروز که این من گوش گرفته منو تهدید می کرده🌋 من فکر کردم کلمه های بد به کار میره نمیدونم بیرون از کشور بود یا داخل کشور به خودم دارم خوب قبلا هم فامیلا و دوستان من گفته بودند آهنگ های خارجی گوش نگیر برای شما به شما مضرب 🌋 به خاطر دارم موقع تایلند هم رفتن بعد متوجه شدم که یونان مأمور های حکومت بود در شهر پاتایا تویه یک شماره کنارا یک مرد تقریباً قوی هیکل بود تبلت وصل شد و بدنش به ورزشکاران میخورد نمیدونم الان ورزشی آمپولی بوده نمیتونم اومد به من گفت چند تا فرزند گفتم چهار تا فرزند دارن فرزندان نفرستی خارجه🌋 گفت که من دوتا داشتم اومده راه های منحرف اومده🌋 فرزندان نفرست خارج🌋 فکر می کنم همون معمول بود🌋 هرمود او تو هتل گرفتیم🌋 فکر میکنم این دفترم زیر نظر همین خود حکومت بود هواپیمایی 🌋 فرشته اطلسی شیراز🌋 ما چند روزه شهر پاتایا بودیم🌋 بعد رفتیم برای بانکوک🌋 با چند نفر دیگر🌋 فکر کنم ولی در آن از خود حکومت بود🌋 که داخل فرودگاه دنبال من نیومد🌋 موقعی که ما وارد هتل بانکوک شدیم🌋 من فکر کردم این هتل م هتل جالبی هست یک جای خوب بانکوک باشه🌋 در جنوب شهر بانکوک🌋 نزدیک پولهای که بیخود شهر بانکوک وصل میشه هتل قدیمی بود موقعی که وارد شدیم مدیر هتل یک خانمی بود که لیاقت و مدیریت نداشت دعواشون نمیدونم با کی بود چاه های فاضلاب اون هتل تخلیه میکردن چه بوی تعفن کل هتل گرفته بود که من به پسرم زنگ زدم اعتراض کردم گفتم به هتل چرا برای من گرفته راهنمایی گرفته بعد متوجه شدم تو برادر زن خودم انگشتر بهش داده بوده انگشترو تو هرجا که میرفت شهرداری این است که برام میرم معجزه میکنه اون معرفی که بهبودی دفتر هواپیمایی را🌋 پسری با ادب این بچه شیراز بود گفت که شما که پول دارین این هتل دیگه شما پول پرداخت کردیم نداره شما اگه دوست دارین برگردیم فردا مجدداً تاکسی بگیریم برمیگردیم بیشتر پتیو و من نتوانستم شهر بانکوک را بگردم برگشتم شهر پوکویو یک تاکسی که گرفته بودم وسط راه🌋 از راننده تاکسی مشکوک شدن🌋 ضد چنار یه تعمیرگاه موتورهای موتور تعمیر می کرد به اون صحبت که من توی اینه بغل آینه روبرو فرد زیر نظر داشتن پشت تو ماشین چهار گرفته بودیم سپر به سپر می مت🌋 من یک کمربند چرمی داشتم باز کردن پشت سر راننده نشستن🌋 متوجه شدم که میخواهد را منحرف بره یک روز بعد از این رو من اومده بودم کاملاً جاده به خوبی با چشم نظاره گر بودم خاصی رو منحرف ره نشان داد که رم با ناراحتی گفتم برو جلو موتور امیر اس موتورسیکلت دورم متوجه شد که من متوجه شدم در خودش ادامه داد اولین چهارراه که رسیدن رفتم سراغ پلیس یعنی در باز کردم که سراغ پلیس برم احتمال سیوند خارش گردن که یک مرد اشاره به اون موتور که موتور ازما فاصله گرفت🌋 با موبایل خیابان خیابان هتل قبلی ازش عکس گرفته بودم عکس خود خود دلم گرفته بودم بهش گفتم بر خیابون در همچنین مشکوکی هم به سر من داخل شهر بانکوک به وجود آمد🌋 سرود دریا که رفتیم به وسیله چتر پوستر دریا هوایی میکند شما خونه قبلا چت باز بودیم و رفتی موجود عکس گرفتیم نیروها پشت سر مرد عکاسی از ما عکس گرفته کاملاً نیرو مشخصی که پشت سرم نبوسیده و یک نیرو هم پشت سر و هوایی نداره نزدیک تاتو شهر بانکوک آرامشم را گرفته بود حقوق یک شب به خاطرم هست آخر شب بود بچه های بانک گروه موسیقی شون آهنگ اصلانی میزدم منم دلم گرفته بود کنار هم و کسی که گیتار میزد دیدم از دور یک پسر قدم یک و خورده میلکو ۷۰ کم و بیش پسر ۴ ساله بود من و زیر نظر داشت🌋 آیا موقعی که من اومدم شیراز در بانکوک بمب گذاری شد درباره یه حالت فکر میکنن انتحاری فکر می کنم بود چون که می خواست بزنه بگه اسرائیلی فکر می کنم و من خیلی تعجب کردم🤣👍💘👆 اسکندر مختاری فرزند ابراهیم🌋
St. Dymphna pray for me and my family, Amen
St. Dymphna please intercede for my urgent miracle healing prayers for my family. Please help them with healing health recovery and happiness and for financial disability help that they do desperately need. 🙏🏻
Pls pray for my husband been suffering from.depression and anxiety for 2 years
Oh,Blessed Saint Dymphna, please swiftly intercede on my behalf to squash the vicious rumors about me suffering from Bi-polar/ Schrizopnia... only suffered from depression due to Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Just would like my reputation to be restored and cleared..Amen
I had the same thing happen to me, from a jealous person. Gave me evil eye too. 😣
Peace on Earth!!!
💖🙏⚘My Patron St,Dymphna Thank You For All Answered Prayers💖🙏⚘Please Continue To Pray And Intercede For Me For My Daily Strength💖🙏⚘Amen💖🙏⚘
St. Dymphna.. please pray for me. And also those who suffer like me with their mental condition. Lord have mercy. Mama Mary help us...
st Dymphna thank you For the protection
Saint Dymphna pray for all with mental health problems, specially for me, l dont want to have more crisis, it have been 1 year and 9 month since llthat l dont have any crisis, lm bipolar, THANKS FOR MY WORK AND FRIENDS Im taking my medications at the same time every day and it really works. Please give me my health and if possible l would like a good man at my side.
St DYMPHNA through mary and jesus heal me today mental illness for supernatural breakthrough deliverance be off medication amen
Hello! Remember we have to carrie our cruces, drink our medications help a lot, l take my medications at the same time every day, and l have my work, l love it, l go to mass and take the Jesus body, it help too. God bless you
St Dympna please pray for my brother in law who is suffering from anxiety and fear...please heal him and give back his mental health
Saint Dymphna intercede for me and help me over come all my intense fears.
St Dymphna , intercede and pray for my siblings to overvome what ever problems they are having this time .
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
St Dymphna I am praying for healing of my son Akihiro. Please touch his heart and mind to make it better. I know thyhe is suffering again from bipolar disorder and you are the only one that can heal. I believe in miracles because when he is 2 years old he has his ist miracle He has a second life now and I am praying for another miracle Thank you. Amen
St Dynpha thank you YOU are such a comfort to my anxiety day by day You are a wonderful Saint
Saint Dimphna, please pray for Rubén Stella María Julio Pochi José José Elisa Raquel Elbio Fausto and people who suffer mental desorders
Dear Saint Dymphna I pray for the intercession and healing for my son and I with depression along with OCD, ADHD, Anxiety. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 God Bless
St. Dymphna, pray for all of us suffering from emotional and mental issues, especially chronic depression and anxiety and fear and worry. Thank you very much!
Thank you St Dymphna for granting my request. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen
St. Dymphna, please help me and my entire family, and also, please pray for us sinners. Please intercede for me with Jesus Christ our Lord to help me and to grant my prayers and pleas. I'm also praying from kind intercession to help my sister's mental health, please help them to be cure. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and through to the intercession of Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints together with the Holy Spirit especially to your holy name, St. Dymphna, thank you so much, Amen 🙏.
St Dymphna thank you for helping my son Keisuke , Joji and Akihiro.
Please pray for me 🙏✝️
God bless you.
Please St Dypmna pray for my family.
Eoin Eamonn and Trish.
Thank you for your for your help already.
Saint Dymphna intercede for nervousness and mental disorders friend of Jesus Christ and Mary amen
SAINT DYMPHNA pray for us.
One of my favourite Saint and my Patron Saint a Miracle saint,St Dymphna pray for us !
St dymphna pray for me I have anxiety and angoisse plz amen 🙏 🙌
Pray for me Amen
Dear saint Dymphna pray for Rubén Stella María Julio Pochi José José Exequiel Fausto and Our family
Saint Dymphna intercede for me now at this very moment, the stressful thoughts and overthinking is being caused by not finding a job yet. Please help me 🙏 Amen
Amen ✝️♥️♥️♥️🙏
Thank You in advance St Dymphna that through your intecession, Rhiemar Art Bryll Diosma Lalican will be healed from the cyst on his brain he suffered...
St Dymphna through your intercession pls heal my depression.
St. Dyphyna pray for us bless my daughter and son bless tgeir needs fill us in holyspirit
I pray for SUPERNATURAL Miracle deilverence healing amen
St. Dymphna, i pray for fast healing of DAVID BOUDREAUX... may You heal him thru the grace of God forgive all the sins he have done in your mercy i pray AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
Alleluia amen agree thank you king abba god amen
Dympna tabangi mi duha ni gilo og vaniza qmen😊😊😊😊😊😊
Saint Dymphna, thank you for interceding for Damien. Also pray for Joseph and Alphonse
St Dymphna pray for us Amen 🙏 ❤
🙏Please St. Dymphna take away my bi-polar disorder and anxiety away please ask God to cure me! God bless everyone!
Amen 🙏
This makes me want to make my own. Nearly twenty years I have revered her. After all this time I'm still Unitarian, so conversion is futile, but this doesn't capture the grace and beauty and comfort She has given me. There is no other figure in any religon that comforts the depressed, the forlorn, the abused, like she does. I can't explain it. I feel silly saying it out loud, but never silly with her pendant, her chaplet. She spreads hope to all. I don't mean to be offensive to the faithful. You will never convert me, but through her mystery I find a piece of that something more.
Saint Anthony, St Francis , St Dympna pray for us to the Lord our God. Amen
Remember she was Catholic not Unitarian. If you receive some peace, it is a signal for you to embrace her religion and faith.
Beautiful testimony!!
فارسی دیروز تاپر روز این عکس یک نقاش خونمون کار میکنه نقاشی این نقاش در کنار دست مونه این عکس نشون اون نقاش دادم در کنار منزل مون این نقاش زندگی میکنه بچه های همشهری و خودمون آیا اینم اطلاعات داد که عکس داخل حافظه گوشی من کار کنم همه چیز باشه
I also ask you for who are in most need alive and deceased.
Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us
God the Holy Ghost
Have mercy on us
Holy Spirit pray for us
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
St.Dymphna pls pray for my daughter peaceful mind...and enlightenment ...amen
Hi everyone! While I know sudden supernatural healing is a real thing that can happen, know that you can also seek professional help and ask St. Dymphna to pray for you during that process! Miracles can happen, but therapy and medication are gifts from God too! After all, He works THROUGH PEOPLE all the time:) So St. Dymphna, pray not only for those who suffer from mental illnesses, but also for those appointed by God to help treat them (including doctors, therapists, and psychiatrists!)!
Pray That I Will Keep The Ten Commandments Have Sorrow For My Sins Poor Souls In Purgatory Prayer In Schools My Priest Friends For The Pope That I Will Live Peacefully With My Neighbors Conquer My Passions Endure Hardships Resist Temptations Flee Evildoers
This was a beautifully made video ❤ thank you
Sv Dimfno moli za nase psihicko i dusevno stanje Amen
St dyphyna pray for us
St dymphna please heal my son Keisuke and Joji amen
Saint dympna tabangi mi duha ni gelo og vaniza IG ampo mo kami amen
St Dymphna Keisuke is doing Good his tantrums lessen And he can sleep too. And IST because of you. Please continue to touch him amen. And also Please touch Akihiro Please guide him to be strong And have peace In his mind And body amen
ST dyphmna pray For Mt si Keisuke keep him calm. And may him sleep amen
Please pray for my self pity to go away too! God bless you all
For Ralph that he feels better -
St.Dymphna pls pray for my bbgirl to ease her depression amen
Pastor please pray for the release of curses and magic
Santa dymphna pray for my son terrrance booth he’s very sick ansiedad y depression he can’t maintain a job please pray for us amen 🙏 ❤thanks
pray for uus
St Dymphna please send a fire lily to me one to my BFF A, & one to his twin J. Please see A & J healed & cured of all mental health issues. Please do the same for my history of friendship with A. Convince A to call me soon & return to friendship with A.
Spoken prayers on RUclips are a wonderful idea. That electronic voice isn't and sadly, I can't really focus with it. It's too fast and with no devotion at all.
my 2¢ - put it on mute & say the prayers by yourself
@@Bob12369 It is a good suggestion, I was just giving my my 2¢.
lalaithan really I can easily pray with it, others are more quick
@@Olove629 not sure what you mean by "others are more quick"
lalaithan I meant other prayers on RUclips such as like this one are more quick this is at pase
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This is offensive and creepy as hell
March, 2022
Thank GOD for our LADY of GUADALUPE; when I visited her Shrine in Mexico in Dec. 2012, and I was suffering at the time of "Sleep Apenea" I was healed really while still there - FRARNKLY, my first intensions were to honor her.
†Also, when I prayed few Rosaries to help me to quit smoking cigaretes on May 17, 1998, she answered my prayers immediately, though I was SUPER skeptical at that time.
†Truely, when I was inspired to recite one single Rosary in December 12, 2000, I was healed from my unbelief (Jn. 14: 1) - and I tried at the time first to pray OUR FATHER, but I couldn't remember the prayer; and GOD still saved me! Also During my first Holy arosary procession outdoors on May 13, 2001, I saw Queen of the Rosary walking with us for 4-5 seconds; And she had long, dark, blue dress & absolutely attractive one.
†Also in 2003 I heard a very sweet voices a few times singing above my bed as I awoke in the morning, and they continued for nearly 5 seconds.
†Since my conversion, I try NOT to miss attending Masses weekly or daily etc. And I pray the Devine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm for years, and I NEVER miss it.
†UNDOUBTLY, Reading & meditating in "Gospel of life" according to the daily readings is like my "daily bread" And I read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times since my conversion! & I read CCC as well, (Is. 55: 10 -11). Also, I like to what some one says: every winter turns into spring. But "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God"(Ps.14:1)
†Unfortunately, many "Catholics don't know what they have, and Evangelicals don't know what they are missing!"
†And I used to attend few different Evangelical Churches for a few years searching for TRUTH while residing in Stockholm & they opened my eyes a little bid to the faith at the time.
† God is still in the miracle buisness. And thank God for the most holy ROSARY prayer, etc. Psalm 107:13 - 14)"
†"This is the day which GOD hath made a day for us to REJOICE & be GLAD"-Ps.118: 2.
†By Saba Korial, MIC, & I was born in Middle East in Palm Sun., now Christian Catholic & Canadian. (2 Tm 2:4 & 4:7). Note that the Name of God is mentioned 3 times while praying the ROSARY as follow: first the LORD, then the name Jesus & GOD:видео.html
* Please google the following words: