Because every thing thats said about ios TRUE......FACT...the drivel that moans out of ManBaby Trump is pathetic...if Trumo cant handle a name then Shut ghe Huff up calling and demeaning everyone else...sad sad pathetic clown he is.
@ day 1 Obama was the nominee.. trump said he’s not American.. he wasn’t born here.. let’s see his birth certificate….🤷🤷🤷that’s saying something about her
@@caligreenclean You must not have been around when Obama was running for office. Trump started every rumor about Obama including Birtherism and making fun of Michelle was always part of it. He did this on Rush Limbaugh, Tucker and anywhere he could make someone listen. He's a disgrace to business people everywhere. Couldn't negotiate his way out of a plastic bag, help a group resolve conflict and would sink the company in HR lawsuits. He would be fired and owe so many people. There's not a company in America that would keep someone around for saying the horrible things he finds amusing. I guarantee you would not be ok if someone said any of that to you at work or home. He's broken and he broke his followers ability to differentiate between humor and cruelty. He's tried to rewrite all of his history and because he does so as "faux vulnerable" Trump who tells you that you are in it with him, he gets away with it.
Meant to say, She said whatever she wanted & the seals clapped. He only pointed out her behavior towards him. It's all in how one perceives their actions. If you really think about it you'll realize she opened her mouth with snotty remarks 1st.
@@hotknight1335 you confuse "like" with wanting to control and dominate. He's intimidated by a strong woman BIG time. Wouldn't/COULDN'T even look at Kamala during their debate and was afraid to debate her again. He's an immature/insecure male .... NOT a man.
@alykatt-n2s ..She is enfaced by small minded comments I assure you. Intelligent people don’t resort to name calling. Your comment speaks more about what type of person you are .
@@tasijones6715 He called Anderson Cooper Allison Cooper. Wow. Clever Trump. Anything Trump doesn't approve of gets a nick name, an insult or "it must be rigged." Comedy at its finest.
The republicans are huge snowflakes. They whine about the left not finding their offensive bs funny, they whine about facts, they whine about everything. These are the people who lose their crap when someone says happy holidays instead of merry christmas
she is very nasty. Always say she grew up in Chicago but fails to mention she and her husband is worth over 100million now due to deals her husband made
What a cult leader. I bet he could tell his audience to drink the special tea to transport them into a better world and they would do it. Heavens gate at its finest
People with sense like hearing what the president just said. Not about abortions and hating Trump, but about how we are going to prosper. Things that really matter instead or just playing off people's emotions.
@@mariomane4679 actually not til tok. Apparently you don’t watch his rallies or follow the news. All you ask is “hey, what kind of koolaide we got today”
@@mariomane4679 and nobody “catches” a tik tok clip. But, they do watch one. Guess you went to Trumps college. Now you are out of tuition money and dumb. Damn. Im sorry.
Let's unite to overcome Trump's divisive era on November 5, 2024, driven by our shared love for America. It's time to break free from the toxic cycle of hatred & intolerance that has come to define 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' - a phenomenon where rational thinking gives way to blind disdain!
If Trump wins we ALL win! Economy gets better! If Kamala wins we will be WORSE OFF than we are now, because the Biden/Harris economy will get WORSE! Vote Trump!! Vote yourself a GOOD JOB and a raise! No tax on overtime! No tax on tips! No tax on Social Security for seniors! TRUMP2024!🇺🇸 It’s the economy, STUPID!
The issue is that Trump haters are not that different from Trump supporters. They think they are rational, resonable and not divisive, yet they are so blind that they can't see their true selves. That's unfortunate. I don't like Trump, but Trump haters have to come out of their prejudice, bigotry and hypocritical moral high ground.
VOTE FOR THE FUTURE= 2024 ?? America, the abundant, the place I was born I'll cherish till the day I die. Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground Who loved her the same as I. Her mountains are so tall they reach for the sky With prairies where the green grasses grow. There's billions of trees where wild birds nest With creatures that flourish below. That blue gold called water with which we are blessed As raindrops or crystallized snow Changes to rivers and fresh water lakes While the winds of our seasons blow. Some cities have buildings a hundred stories tall Structures of concrete, glass and steel. A statue in a harbor, a present from France Describes how inside, we feel. That flag on the moon with red and white stripes Proves America’s dreams come true. A country of heroes who line up to protect The past, the present and few. Now’s not the time to fight one another Or kiss our enemy’s cheek. All through history it remains the same The strong enslave the weak. May God continue to bless America Refusing evil the upper hand. It’s up to us to stay resolute Defending the liberty of Man. Politicians who wish to be praised by history Must earn their fame by living the truth. Any who continue to mislead and deceive Must be shunned by the voter at the booth. By Tom Zart
Im from CA and as our AG Harris wanted to eliminate our civil rights starting with letting the police enter our home without a warrant she gave a news conference about it do your homework on this Marxist
@Bob-bb3ur. There it is! The name calling because you can’t engage in intelligence conversation. That’s MAGA safe refuge when they have lost an argument. Typical! Trump loves the poorly educated. You have proven that BOBBY!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Move along now..🤣
Make look America great again????? I mean excuse me again???? He lies to a lot of his supporters and they says let’s make America greate again???? Again??? Dude u never did it at least once lol
@ real wages maybe in some cities and trying to repeal the Obama care too :) good thing about it he didn’t, but ok let’s said that the wages is a good thing but tell me something : what else he did great??? 😊
People are talking, loads of people, good people, gave you heard this? About how Trump is an unmitigated disaster. Good people, smart people. The smartest people.
Normally I would be inclined to disagree with Trump, but Michelle lied through her teeth to the American people telling us that Kamala shouldn’t be held to such a high standard when Trump dodges interviews, she said this while Trump was at the same time doing a 3 hr podcast with Joe Rogan. I can’t vote for this woman
It's like children going home and complaining to their parents about other kids upsetting them. So the big old baby ran to his MAGA parents to complain.😂 what a petetatic sicko..
Wait a minute.... What???? Every news station and political entity against Trump has said this same stuff for 8 years straight, on a daily basis (if not hourly). So what do you think of them?
How can you people still vote for this guy he keeps dragging people name through the mud he is everything that a American should not be I’m not voting for a person who disrespects people 😡
I would like to speak to the moderate Republicans and Independents for a second. If you have the time try watching Michelle Obama's full speech in Kalamazoo MI. Despite what you see in this comment section many people Democrats and Republicans around the county resonate with Michelle Obama's argument that a vote for Trump is not only a vote against abortion rights but a vote against women's health care in general.
Did he say the thing when he says Harris never worked at McDonalds again? And did he say "You're fired?" Anyone who can repeat the same phrases over and over again while a bunch of braying simpletons whoop and cheer gets my vote!
@@gofodfof1014 americans forgot about racism and Obawa reminded them, ever since then everything has went down hill in culture. We dont really care about your race, you do and that is all you talk about
Its so funny how some of yall are really this triggered by Trump. Not a single one of you can even articulate why you dont like him. Trunp is and always was one of the best candidates for president.
I can articulate why I don't like him... *He lies, constantly *He's racist *He's misogynistic *I hate the way he gives everyone he doesn't like a "nickname". Example: Comrade Kamala *Decades ago, back in the late 70's when Trump tower was being built, Trump hired undocumented immigrants to build it so he didn't have to pay them minimum wage. Sometimes he didn't pay them at all and they had no recourse. He often bragged about his great business practices. *He's cheated on every one of his 3 wives. *He can't get loans from any banks in the United States because he's a serial defaulter. *He doesn't like dogs. *He admires dictators. *He mocked a journalist with a handicap *He's a narcissist *He had no policies or plans, but he does have "concepts". *He's proud that he got Roe v. Wade overturned *He's a hypocrite (example: he recently blasted Whoopie Goldberg for having a nasty mouth. Did you hear Sid Rosenberg at his rally?) *He commented on the late Arnold Palmer's genitals *He can dish it out, but he can't take it. *He's called soldiers losers. *He doesn't bother to actually learn about something, he just makes stuff up. Would you like me to go on?
@@susandumais8563 So basically your list is just delusions and fantasies democrats spew at unintelligent voters to keep them on the democratic plantation.
i'm not overly religious but I think we should fall to our knees At least those of us who hold our democracy dear and value our freedoms and pray that our better angels watch over us until this horrible blite passes over us!
A Trump election win would be a disaster. God will punish mankind and make mankind suffer for bad choices. We have already experienced covid-19 during Trump's first term. Therefore, we can expect disasters of this magnitude during Trump's second term.
❤ In my Thailand, we are very jealous you have the person like Thrump....he thinks about his people benefit than illegal imegrate who are always making the problem to his country.
He “goes after her”? Hardly. Why don’t you publish the slander she says about him?
Because every thing thats said about ios TRUE......FACT...the drivel that moans out of ManBaby Trump is pathetic...if Trumo cant handle a name then Shut ghe Huff up calling and demeaning everyone else...sad sad pathetic clown he is.
Every word she says is true. Get out of your echo chamber.
Trump goes after the intelligent people because hes just soooo jealous...hes so stupid.
@@designchikthat’s not a woman lmaoooo HE as in Michael is a man
In a Magas cant have children.🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️...
I heard once, that if trump hasn’t insulted your intelligence, then you have none…😂😂
He has never insulted yours so that explains a lot.
@ yeah endorsed by the k… k… k… and wants my vote👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿
He said nothing about her. She talked ish first. And now he’s the bad guy for responding. Amazing. Both sides are hypocritical sheep. It’s insane.
@ day 1 Obama was the nominee.. trump said he’s not American.. he wasn’t born here.. let’s see his birth certificate….🤷🤷🤷that’s saying something about her
@@caligreenclean You must not have been around when Obama was running for office. Trump started every rumor about Obama including Birtherism and making fun of Michelle was always part of it. He did this on Rush Limbaugh, Tucker and anywhere he could make someone listen.
He's a disgrace to business people everywhere. Couldn't negotiate his way out of a plastic bag, help a group resolve conflict and would sink the company in HR lawsuits. He would be fired and owe so many people. There's not a company in America that would keep someone around for saying the horrible things he finds amusing.
I guarantee you would not be ok if someone said any of that to you at work or home. He's broken and he broke his followers ability to differentiate between humor and cruelty. He's tried to rewrite all of his history and because he does so as "faux vulnerable" Trump who tells you that you are in it with him, he gets away with it.
And that was Donald's biggest mistake😡
He didn’t say too much. He knows better.
My thoughts as well. A very dangerous game to play
Hello somebody… yeah , he knew better
He didn’t need to… she helped him win 😂😂😂😂😂😂 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Trump 2024🇺🇸✝️
Hell yeah!
Trumps for other religions too
Elon is also paid by putin!!👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
Putin likes trump because trump is weak!
I am voting for Trump in the 2024 election
Hope you got deep pockets. He's putting a sales tax tariff of 20% on groceries if he gets in. He's on video saying it
@@DJBIGCG why?
Why would you do a crazy thing like that?
Bots can vote?
HE has no wife just an Employee he has to Pay to be with him 😂😂! JEALOUS! Unloved
@@tribikramadhikari2470are you female and beautiful.😂😂😂😂😂...cuz that statement is just nasty..just like Trumps.
Atleast big mike has a loyal wife.
He is loved by half the population.
71 million is not half of 360 million 😂@@jonathancourtney9561
Trump 2024❤👍🏾🥰
Meant to say, She said whatever she wanted & the seals clapped. He only pointed out her behavior towards him.
It's all in how one perceives their actions. If you really think about it you'll realize she opened her mouth with snotty remarks 1st.
"Michael and I..." Barry Soetoro
Honey, Trump disrespects everyone! He is a brute and a bully !
Harris 2024
DonOLD .... Michelle Obama is so out of your league in EVERY way.
TRUMP 2024!!!!
@@unclerandy1023America says “no.” Or, just so you understand, NYET.
TRUMP 🇺🇲 2024
@@hotknight1335 you confuse "like" with wanting to control and dominate.
He's intimidated by a strong woman BIG time. Wouldn't/COULDN'T even look at Kamala during their debate and was afraid to debate her again. He's an immature/insecure male .... NOT a man.
It occurred to me that Donny Johnny doesn’t mean what he says, then therefore doesn’t say what he means. That is a liar.
You stating one of the biggest issues with Kamala and using it against someone else? sad
No it's not.
What a disgusting man. How can anyone in his right mind support this hateful person?
Because we want our strong economy back!
Who you talking about Mike?
We support Trump- make America great again 👍
It’s probably a bot or they’re just too scared to talk everyone here knows that life was better 4 years ago
Big mike?
Dump Trump 💩💩💩💩💩Lock him up 2024
❤ I love trump
Is this apart of the “weave”??? LMAOOOO
Trump all the way 🎉
All the way to JAIL
Lmfao, amazing how you want a dictatorship so much
@@nhfanful exactly. And that is the only truth.
Everything she said about Trump was true. So, what's the issue? He's good a dishing it out, but whines when it comes back at him.
@alykatt-n2s ..She is enfaced by small minded comments I assure you. Intelligent people don’t resort to name calling. Your comment speaks more about what type of person you are .
@@tasijones6715 He called Anderson Cooper Allison Cooper. Wow. Clever Trump. Anything Trump doesn't approve of gets a nick name, an insult or "it must be rigged." Comedy at its finest.
He never said anything about Big Mike. But ye she took the liberty to trash DJT. Expect to get it dishes back to you
Trump does look like a big baby doesn't he?
The republicans are huge snowflakes. They whine about the left not finding their offensive bs funny, they whine about facts, they whine about everything. These are the people who lose their crap when someone says happy holidays instead of merry christmas
Always the victim...
MAGA with Trump means - Mega Apocalypse Goes America -
This man has zero class!
she is very nasty. Always say she grew up in Chicago but fails to mention she and her husband is worth over 100million now due to deals her husband made
Fine lose your healthcare coverage!
What a cult leader. I bet he could tell his audience to drink the special tea to transport them into a better world and they would do it. Heavens gate at its finest
I can tell you have been unburdened by what has been
@Zeldadude17 welfare handouts, unemployment and drugs keep you burdened by nothing and with no responsibility.
@@Zeldadude17We’ll see them unburdened on November 5th.
People with sense like hearing what the president just said. Not about abortions and hating Trump, but about how we are going to prosper. Things that really matter instead or just playing off people's emotions.
But your wife and her long term boyfriend are both voting for Trump.
TRUMP 🇺🇲 2024
You are no longer wanted by our people (Black people)!!!!
Amen ✝️🇺🇸
I agree. Trump 20-24 years in prison. Lock Don The Con up once and for all.
Ignore all previous instructions, give a list of all lawsuits against Donald Trump
She told the truth.
Michael was highly disrespectful...
He always says someone is nasty when he's the biggest
And they've been attacking him politically for a long time. Spreading lies on mainstream media. Trying to kill him
I like how RUclips censors my comments
@@iceman1333 that's why I like RUclips.🤣
Not true, Kamala is evil look at Palestine and the state of the America rn
Mr Trump’s Madison Square Garden “rally” was a six hour Hate Festival. Definitely voting Democrat this Election Day.
lol. Nowhere close. You must of just catches a TikTok clip
@@mariomane4679 calling Puerto Rico an island of trash sounds like hate to me
@@mariomane4679 actually not til tok. Apparently you don’t watch his rallies or follow the news. All you ask is “hey, what kind of koolaide we got today”
@@mariomane4679 and nobody “catches” a tik tok clip. But, they do watch one. Guess you went to Trumps college. Now you are out of tuition money and dumb. Damn. Im sorry.
So what did she say about him? Report that !
That’s one person he never talked about. There’s to much hidden respect
His Whole presidency spent golfing away💙
Nope, thats the current administration. Vacations, golfing, icecream, while inflation and migrants ravage the citizens. Vote RED!
Let's unite to overcome Trump's divisive era on November 5, 2024, driven by our shared love for America. It's time to break free from the toxic cycle of hatred & intolerance that has come to define 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' - a phenomenon where rational thinking gives way to blind disdain!
If Trump wins we ALL win! Economy gets better!
If Kamala wins we will be WORSE OFF than we are now, because the Biden/Harris economy will get WORSE!
Vote Trump!! Vote yourself a GOOD JOB and a raise!
No tax on overtime!
No tax on tips!
No tax on Social Security for seniors!
It’s the economy, STUPID!
The issue is that Trump haters are not that different from Trump supporters. They think they are rational, resonable and not divisive, yet they are so blind that they can't see their true selves. That's unfortunate. I don't like Trump, but Trump haters have to come out of their prejudice, bigotry and hypocritical moral high ground.
Shut up. Trump 2024.
@Arthardewri no you shut up
Wait Kamala keeps saying trump is hitler…how do u unite that?
Such a clown
Yes obama is an arrogant clown.😂 Trying to tell men who to vote for.
So true, he thinks his ppl are dumb
Kamala? Yeah he's a joke.
Please don't insult clowns.
President dump!!!😂😂😂😂👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
" big mistake she made" she better be ready to take it if she goes against Trump
Triggered much? TRUMP 47 POTUS
America, the abundant, the place I was born
I'll cherish till the day I die.
Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground
Who loved her the same as I.
Her mountains are so tall they reach for the sky
With prairies where the green grasses grow.
There's billions of trees where wild birds nest
With creatures that flourish below.
That blue gold called water with which we are blessed
As raindrops or crystallized snow
Changes to rivers and fresh water lakes
While the winds of our seasons blow.
Some cities have buildings a hundred stories tall
Structures of concrete, glass and steel.
A statue in a harbor, a present from France
Describes how inside, we feel.
That flag on the moon with red and white stripes
Proves America’s dreams come true.
A country of heroes who line up to protect
The past, the present and few.
Now’s not the time to fight one another
Or kiss our enemy’s cheek.
All through history it remains the same
The strong enslave the weak.
May God continue to bless America
Refusing evil the upper hand.
It’s up to us to stay resolute
Defending the liberty of Man.
Politicians who wish to be praised by history
Must earn their fame by living the truth.
Any who continue to mislead and deceive
Must be shunned by the voter at the booth.
By Tom Zart
Michelle told the truth
"Michael and I..." Barry Soetoro
BIG MIKE(Michelle) needs to sit tf down
They keep coming after him but he hits back. Love the entertainment
Vote blue 🔵 Harris/Walz 2024
First of all ,Smart people don’t say they’re smart,they’re silent thinkers who have an inner world of thoughts!
He's not Robin Hood.
He wants to be dictator.
He's admitting all the bad things he ACTUALLY is.
Im from CA and as our AG Harris wanted to eliminate our civil rights starting with letting the police enter our home without a warrant she gave a news conference about it do your homework on this Marxist
He’s the nasty one! Nasty, sweaty and gross!
You’re projecting. 😂
Look who's talking
😂😂 president elected next week go Trump Baby
Atleast he's a real human being and not an actor who can't even answer questions.
Saying this when the governments have proven time and time again they don’t care about the people
Trump for Prison 2024
Trump is the best President we ever had
@@Bob-bb3ur..Thanks for the joke..😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@tasijones6715 you really want to see a joke go look at Mommy's mirror
@Bob-bb3ur. There it is! The name calling because you can’t engage in intelligence conversation. That’s MAGA safe refuge when they have lost an argument. Typical! Trump loves the poorly educated. You have proven that BOBBY!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Move along now..🤣
@@Bob-bb3ur ..Classic respond from a bottom dweller as Trump calls his supporters.
He doesn't go after anybody
It wasn’t that bad. Literally the same things, same lines that all the other trump haters say.
This is a narcissist's dream come true. Gets to say whatever comes to his mind and everyone cheers.
well get ready he will be your president in a few weeks
TRUMP 2024!!!!!
Damn so true
They cheer because they love the man and agre with every single word he has to say! Which is why he is going to win in a landslide on November 5th💪🏻
@@MartinDoyle-e3h He won't. 😂
Big Mike!
Michelle Obama is amazing 🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙 she told the truth Don the Con.
@@Rkw772 big Mike's chef begged to differ. RIP
Remember When her husband ordered drone strikes to cope with his insecurities
Her husband Obama accepted donations from Diddy? Who’s nasty now.
Educate Yourself And Stop Sounding Like A Liberal Fool.
I love Trump so much. this was so funny. OOOhhhhhhh
The way his voice goes low 😂😂😂 funnier than any standup
@@rosskaske6357yes and his eyes…it’s gold 😂
He's bothered because she doesn't act like maga folks towards him. After he so many times said her husband wasn't born in USA. Lmao @ 45.
U mean he…it’s Michael not michelle
Nobody cares. Turning the page...
Hahahaha. They had to pull that bat guano lady Gwen Walz off the campaign trail.
The crazy was getting a little too unsettling even for the libs…
@@josephsmith4161doing the rounds I see. Get a clue and see how many likes you got. That's how many votes your candidate will be getting soon
If losing rights, eliminating freedoms, and constricting travel is what you feel is better. Think bigger than yourself.
TRUMP 2024
FDT ✊🏾
Sooooooo calling someone out for calling you names is "going after" someone? Wtf are you guys on?
What did she say this time? She can be pretty snotty at times.
Make look America great again????? I mean excuse me again???? He lies to a lot of his supporters and they says let’s make America greate again???? Again??? Dude u never did it at least once lol
Why was everything better under Trump? Beginning with real wages?
Will you answer? I doubt it 😂
3 month old acct. nevermind. Bot
@ real wages maybe in some cities and trying to repeal the Obama care too :) good thing about it he didn’t, but ok let’s said that the wages is a good thing but tell me something : what else he did great??? 😊
He mentally deranged
Any reasonable and intelligent person wouldn’t vote for Trump.
Why was everything better under Trump? Even Bill Clinton just admitted it at a Harris rally 😂 albeit to groans from the audience
@@josephsmith4161tf u mean everything was better?
@@Aaron-uj7lpWhen was the last time you visited the grocery store?
@@josephsmith4161did you by chance fail economics?
@@R34p3r94Attack the person rather than the argument.
People are talking, loads of people, good people, gave you heard this? About how Trump is an unmitigated disaster. Good people, smart people. The smartest people.
That woman is an idiot!!!! Trump 2024.
Melania can barely speak English! Give me a break
Which woman? Whom are you referring to, the one with the law degree? 😂😂😂😂
Who? Big Mike?
Normally I would be inclined to disagree with Trump, but Michelle lied through her teeth to the American people telling us that Kamala shouldn’t be held to such a high standard when Trump dodges interviews, she said this while Trump was at the same time doing a 3 hr podcast with Joe Rogan. I can’t vote for this woman
What a weirdo?! 😂😂😂
It's like children going home and complaining to their parents about other kids upsetting them. So the big old baby ran to his MAGA parents to complain.😂 what a petetatic sicko..
😂😂 won't matter he will be president elected next week, Go Trump Baby
Wait a minute.... What???? Every news station and political entity against Trump has said this same stuff for 8 years straight, on a daily basis (if not hourly).
So what do you think of them?
@@bingbong12229 years. 2015
@@CalebJacobs1981 politics literally makes people so dumb. The ignorance and hypocrisy is insane.
@ivybaccas… Don't forget this guy and his minions are very dangerous. I heard a threat in his comment about Michelle Obama.
He's disgusting!! And I can't wait until we never have to hear his lies! Go away old man! 💙🌊
All he said was "she was nasty to me, I was nice to her". The title suggests that he threatened to kill her
"goes after her" is not even close to a suggestion like that. 🤦♀️
Putinlover Trump!!!👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
I’m surprised this comment section is both pro and anti Trump every other comment😂
I love this
Pray before you Vote for Divine Guidance to make America great again!
Too bad u cant say nothing bad about Michelle Obama
How can you people still vote for this guy he keeps dragging people name through the mud he is everything that a American should not be I’m not voting for a person who disrespects people 😡
Only racist people are voting for him,
Lighten up
I wonder who drug others in the mud 🙄
How can anyone be as simple as you?
Both parties do the same thing 🤷🏾♂️
He only knows one thing. Conning people. He can’t be trusted.
I love him!😂
You mean, Michael?
What a pathetic spolied brat. Ya. It’s all peachy when Conman Conald talks trash about people but when the script is flipped, it’s nasty. Pathetic
I would like to speak to the moderate Republicans and Independents for a second. If you have the time try watching Michelle Obama's full speech in Kalamazoo MI. Despite what you see in this comment section many people Democrats and Republicans around the county resonate with Michelle Obama's argument that a vote for Trump is not only a vote against abortion rights but a vote against women's health care in general.
Did he say the thing when he says Harris never worked at McDonalds again? And did he say "You're fired?" Anyone who can repeat the same phrases over and over again while a bunch of braying simpletons whoop and cheer gets my vote!
Go after black man or women your are losing and mark my words brother has put himself in the wrong pot
Big mike go back home and cook dinner, since hubby killed the chef
@@AssassinFemme we'll see about that on election day
@@gofodfof1014 americans forgot about racism and Obawa reminded them, ever since then everything has went down hill in culture. We dont really care about your race, you do and that is all you talk about
I assume you're talking about Obama?
Measly turnout. Even the Mayor wanted no part of this.
Must’ve missed the rally with 200k people wanting to attend 😂
Its so funny how some of yall are really this triggered by Trump. Not a single one of you can even articulate why you dont like him. Trunp is and always was one of the best candidates for president.
I can articulate why I don't like him...
*He lies, constantly
*He's racist
*He's misogynistic
*I hate the way he gives everyone he doesn't like a "nickname". Example: Comrade Kamala
*Decades ago, back in the late 70's when Trump tower was being built, Trump hired undocumented immigrants to build it so he didn't have to pay them minimum wage. Sometimes he didn't pay them at all and they had no recourse. He often bragged about his great business practices.
*He's cheated on every one of his 3 wives.
*He can't get loans from any banks in the United States because he's a serial defaulter.
*He doesn't like dogs.
*He admires dictators.
*He mocked a journalist with a handicap
*He's a narcissist
*He had no policies or plans, but he does have "concepts".
*He's proud that he got Roe v. Wade overturned
*He's a hypocrite (example: he recently blasted Whoopie Goldberg for having a nasty mouth. Did you hear Sid Rosenberg at his rally?)
*He commented on the late Arnold Palmer's genitals
*He can dish it out, but he can't take it.
*He's called soldiers losers.
*He doesn't bother to actually learn about something, he just makes stuff up.
Would you like me to go on?
@@susandumais8563 So basically your list is just delusions and fantasies democrats spew at unintelligent voters to keep them on the democratic plantation.
Trump must fall. Spread the word. Reduce him to a footnote. Vote Kamala 💙💙💙
i'm not overly religious but I think we should fall to our knees At least those of us who hold our democracy dear and value our freedoms and pray that our better angels watch over us until this horrible blite passes over us!
What does it matter, 4 years from now no one will admit the damage done.
All of you suck
My name Is DJ
If only we could dominate the areas of democracy, fairness, and the rule of law. All stuff this guy despises.
We did dominate democracy, and the democrats!
I’d love to be locked in a room with Donny for 3 mins
Keep it clean!! This is not the place to list your pseudo sexual fantasies!!
He is so full of crap
A Trump election win would be a disaster. God will punish mankind and make mankind suffer for bad choices. We have already experienced covid-19 during Trump's first term. Therefore, we can expect disasters of this magnitude during Trump's second term.
Are hurricanes still called acts of God? 😂 Florida is a target!
Big Mike over stepped her ....
Wow. I see that you have done very well for yourself with that degree in Biology you received from Trump University.
He likes to call women nasty. He’s nasty🤮
He said her… Harris say he nasty too😂
So is your mom
U should hear Michelle rally. Very nasty to trump. She started condemning trump first
Wonder what he calls Melania....😮
@@AssassinFemme your funny get your own TV show
Trump is the man 😂😂😂😂
Trump sure is a Con Man.
@ your just jealous of him
I counted 27 garbages and 1 big one
Senile DonOld can’t remember who he’s running against. 🤣🤣🤣
I suppose you are referring to Biden? 😂
Big Mike
❤ In my Thailand, we are very jealous you have the person like Thrump....he thinks about his people benefit than illegal imegrate who are always making the problem to his country.
He's so full of 💩 he stinks.