The Key to Conscious Creativity | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

  • Опубликовано: 11 дек 2024

Комментарии • 240

  • @joeclimer3906
    @joeclimer3906 3 года назад +50

    “Don’t get lost in your creation”, OH MY LORD, what a fantastic line. Love you Eckhart !

    • @macaroon147
      @macaroon147 Год назад

      Easier said than done. Have you managed to create like that yet? Got any tips?

  • @VishVibezREACTS
    @VishVibezREACTS 3 года назад +164

    “Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” -*ECKHART TOLLE* 💜🙏🏽💫💜

    • @s.smessner4836
      @s.smessner4836 3 года назад +1

      Egegegegeggggggģgggggegegegegegegegegegegegegegeggeeegeegegegegegegegegegegeģegege.egegegegegeģegegege.gegegegegegegegegege egegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegggggg.gggg GB gggggggggggg.gggggģggggggggggggggeggggggggggģģgggggģģggggggeģegegegegegegegege egegegegegegege gege gegeggeggegeegegg.gege ge.gwas eg gegeeggegegegege gegege.gege.ggegggggegegegege egeģege egegegegegegege ge gegegegegegegegegege gegegegegegegegegegegegege g.e g. ggggegege gegegege gege gegegegegegegege egegeg.gegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegee.eegegegegege.gegegegegegegegegegge egegege g egg gggggggeg gggegg eegeggegegegeggegegggegegegegegeegegegeg.eggegeeg egg ge ggge egg eegggge2eggeggeeggg eschew eggegg geggggegegggegg gegeg egg g egg gegeggegeggggeg egg gegeggeggeggeggggg ebb eggegegggg eggg egg eeggggggggegeggggegegg egg g ggegg egg ggggggeggegeeggeggeggeggeggeggggegegeggg egg ggg egg eggegg gggegggggggggegegg egg eggeg ge ggggegggeg g egg g ge g g.e g egg gegeggeeggeegeegg ggeg egg egg egg egeeggggggg egg gggg egg gegggg egg egg eggg egg egg gggeeg egg ebb ee egg ebb gggg egg ggggeggggggggģeg egg eeg egg ggeggggggeggeeggģģ g egg eggg egg gggggeegg eggg egg ggģgģeģeģeģeģeveveveveveeveveeveeveevevevevwvwveveveveveveveveveveveg3ģģģģģnģģģģģģģģģegģģģ3ģ3ģ2ģ1ģ1ģģģģ1ģģģģģg1ģģģgģģ1ģģ1ģģ1 newegg 1g3g3dģggg ngf gggggggggg ngf gggggg ngf g g ggg ggggg2g2g2g2 begg 2g2g2g22 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 begg 2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2 gg2 begg 2g2g2g2 begg 2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g22 dweb gggggg2 g2 g22g2g2g2 g2g2g2 g2g2g2 begg 2g2 2g2 g2g2g2g22g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2 2g2g22 g2g2 begg 2 2g2 begg 2g2g2g2 newegg 2 2g2g2g2g2 2d2gggg2 g2g2g2g2 begg 2g2 2g2 begg 2 beg 2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2 2g2g2g2 g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2 beg 2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2 2 2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2 2g2g2g2g2 g2g2 2d2ggggggngf g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 22g2g2g2g2 22g2g2 beg 2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 d2 222g2g22g2g2g2g2 2 22 2g2g2g22 g2g2g2 23g2g2g2 2 22g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2 newegg 2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2 222g2g2g2 g2g2 2g2g2g2g2 2 2g2 2g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2g2g2 beg 2g2g2 2g2g2g2 2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 g2 begg 2g2g2g222g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2. 2g2 2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g222g2 2g2 22g2g2 2 2g2 2g2g2 beg 2 beg 2 2g2g2g2 g2g2 2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2 g2g2 g2 2g2g2 2g2 2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2 22g2g2g2 g2 22g2 2 22g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2ggg g ggggggggg gggngf gggg 3ggggggggg gggggggggggggg gg 3gggg ggg gg bgg ggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggģggg ģgģģgggg ggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggg GB ggg gg GB ggggggggggggggggggggg gggggg gggggggggggg g g22g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2 g2 2g2g2 g22 g2g2g22g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2 2d ev ggg g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 2g2g2g2 newegg 2g2 2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2 g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2ģ2g2g2ģ2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2g2ģ2g2g22. 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    • @mars1783
      @mars1783 3 года назад +1

      Yep, it's like "training a dumb dog"- Seinfeld

    • @tamaraterrymusic2656
      @tamaraterrymusic2656 3 года назад


  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 2 года назад +4

    Consciousness uses you as instrument to create outward from within. This is true creation and satisfaction. You don't “attract” anything.
    True creation happens for two reasons: the situation requires action, or you bring something into spacetime from the universe.
    Thanks Eckhart. 🤩🐳🌴🎖🚵‍♀️🥂🦄🦒

  • @david.walters
    @david.walters 3 года назад +82

    Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by to send some positive energy to all of you! These past years been very tough to me. Ive been challenged mentally, emotionally and certainly spiritually. I feel like i’m finally finding myself and who I was once before when I had peace. I am thankful to come across a channel like this one that shows me that we are really all one in the same. We all have these daily struggles that we deal with that can keep us up late at night but just know that you are not alone. Knowing that I can come here and openly express myself and see others doing the same gives me hope that the world will indeed be a better place but it starts with us. We have to set an example for others and I know we can do it. Peace and Love to ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

    • @user-ds4uo8hj7h
      @user-ds4uo8hj7h 3 года назад +8

      This was soo beautiful to read. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing your truth wonderful soul, I see youuu and I’m so proud of you! Sending you love, light and hugs 🥰 We’re in this together 💫❤️

    • @elizabethtunstall7042
      @elizabethtunstall7042 3 года назад +2

      Oh yes! This is what I learnt in Buddhism. The only revolution that's guaranteed to work is our Human Revolution. (Daisuku Ikeda)❤🙏

    • @feardheas4548
      @feardheas4548 3 года назад +1

      I hope I can feel as positive as you, one moment at a time.

  • @varshamuzik2149
    @varshamuzik2149 3 года назад +213

    Whoever is reading this may all your dreams come true 🤗

    • @ashiquep7511
      @ashiquep7511 3 года назад +3


    • @starseed7701
      @starseed7701 3 года назад +1


    • @monicacalais1039
      @monicacalais1039 3 года назад +2

      Thank you. Same to you. ☺️

    • @luke4119
      @luke4119 3 года назад +4

      What if dreams are nightmares and better if they stay in that state

    • @lorrainew7529
      @lorrainew7529 3 года назад +4

      Thank you! I send you Good Karna from Scotland 💜🕉💜🙏

  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 2 года назад +5

    Outward movement: universe creates multiplicity of forms.
    Inward movement: universe returns to its source.
    The universe needs both creativity and stillness.
    You are the microcosm of the universe.
    Thanks Eckhart.💝🐉🍁🐂🥂🚵‍♀️🍍🍍🐘🐯🐯

  • @RealSuccessfulYouTubeChannel
    @RealSuccessfulYouTubeChannel 3 года назад +118

    After going through a breakup I started to workout and become silent and suddenly after one year I had a huge outpouring of creative energy and started to paint with very little knowledge or training so I can say from my experience that his words ring really true to me. Thank you for the video

    • @2sides
      @2sides 3 года назад +1


    • @ismotarakhatun767
      @ismotarakhatun767 3 года назад

      @@2sides uyuuj

    • @mamashanshan2772
      @mamashanshan2772 3 года назад +1

      That’s so awesome!! Keep on! That’s truly incredible! Much love.

    • @realjaytruth
      @realjaytruth 3 года назад +4

      All of your creative energy was transformed for the relationship. This is why so many people who are inn relationships don't know themselves. Too worried about the other when you don't know yourself. Congratulations.

    • @trojanpony
      @trojanpony 3 года назад +2

      I just looked up your art and wow!! You are very talented! Misty Waters especially really spoke to my soul. May God’s grace continue to shine through you. :)

  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 2 года назад +4

    Outward creation reflects inner movement.
    The power within you, the awareness of you being consciousness, flows through you. That's what creates through you, not the little creations by your ego.
    Fulfillment is already here now. True creation can't come out of neediness.
    Thanks Eckhart. 🍓🎡🎪🚵‍♀️🎖🚴‍♂️🦄🦄🚵‍♀️🐧

  • @VishVibezREACTS
    @VishVibezREACTS 3 года назад +42

    “ *LIFE* is the dancer and *YOU* are the dance.” -*ECKHART TOLLE* 💜🙏🏽💜

  • @1st1anarkissed
    @1st1anarkissed 3 года назад +12

    It took a quarter century or so of hearing your name and waving you off as yet another fad spirit guru telling people what they want to hear. I had a philosophy. I was not searching. I was exploring what I knew and trying to share it. Then, finally, I spent the first twenty minutes on one of these videos. I can say it was as much a delight as a shock to hear someone teaching what I have known for so long. What I continue to practice and explore. I feel like pressure is off me to try and share it. Nobody ever wanted to hear it from me, and now I can just reference Eckhart Tolle and they'll listen to him and get the teachings. I can simply return to my current experience. Namaste.

    • @RobbeyT1
      @RobbeyT1 2 года назад +3

      So it's true. I didn't want to accept this, but the teachings of "Law of Attraction" gurus like Abraham Hicks and Neville Goddard are absolute rubbish in my opinion. These teachers say that you manifest by thought, and that what you think creates reality and also imagination is God which created the world. I have always thought that this is totally wrong, because how can form create form, how can the finite mind create anything but unhappiness? I've been trying to inform the world by referencing Eckhart's teachings, but because all these other so-called "teachers" have become so established, it's an impossible task. Well ultimately, it's not up to me as a "person" to this, I know.

  • @downfortens
    @downfortens 3 года назад +28

    This is literally the best video on manifestation I have ever seen. So clear. He’s the real deal ❤️

  • @now3210
    @now3210 3 года назад +73

    Creativity comes from Acceptance, Stillness, Presence, Wisdom, Being, Peace.

    • @mojorising1
      @mojorising1 3 года назад +3

      Doing after the being 👌

  • @xflipsyx9878
    @xflipsyx9878 2 года назад +1

    a dance between creating, and not getting lost in your creations
    perfect, thank you

  • @cathyflemingfleming4286
    @cathyflemingfleming4286 3 года назад +9

    I forgot to tell you I listen to you every night and thank you my love all the way from Newfoundland, Canada

  • @karenwillars4881
    @karenwillars4881 2 года назад +3

    This question has often puzzled me too... what an incredibly wise and insightful explanation this is. Thank you Eckhart, you are a blessing and a source of great comfort to me and to so many on this planet 🙏❤🌈

  • @Dray.TheChosen1
    @Dray.TheChosen1 3 года назад +25

    Don't wait for tomorrow to start building the life you dreamt of, the time is now! 🙏💙💫

    • @zan7838
      @zan7838 3 года назад +1

      "start building"?

  • @alternativehealthandbeauty3928
    @alternativehealthandbeauty3928 3 года назад +2

    Listening to Eckhart Tolle is so calming.

  • @nataliefaith8946
    @nataliefaith8946 3 года назад +17

    I’ve been feeling lost and in need for something more. Thanks for the peace in this moment . 🙏🏼

  • @giannab3174
    @giannab3174 3 года назад +38

    Wow. Again and again, he is just so incredibly wise. Really, amazing. I love you Eckhart so much. Such strong love comes out for you. I love you so much ❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗

    • @Mermaidmare
      @Mermaidmare 3 года назад +2

      so sweet, i feel the same. I just smile listening to him.

  • @h2_kumar
    @h2_kumar 2 года назад +1

    Thank you, Mr. Tolle. Another timely teaching for me. Forever in your debt. 🙏💌

  • @nguyenhaiyen911911
    @nguyenhaiyen911911 3 года назад +20

    thank you! i'm so grateful to live in this world at the same time with you, Eckhart! hope to see you and join your course! be healthy best wishes for you, thank you so much!

  • @messenger8279
    @messenger8279 2 года назад +1

    That was one of his best speeches. I love hearing about his early life.

  • @rajibiru2282
    @rajibiru2282 3 года назад +3

    The way he(Eckhart) talk even predictable by being still. and i remember in a power of now when you follow a teacher it is because there is enough presence in you! This too also prophetic energy!

  • @mridulamalpani1010
    @mridulamalpani1010 3 года назад +20

    Your talk and guidance is so simple that student like me can understand, infact some time I listen 3 - 4 times to understand. Thank you Sir 🙏

  • @SpiritSoulSense
    @SpiritSoulSense 3 года назад +3

    I love how he clearly shares the concept of using the word AND instead of OR. We use present thought AND creative thought. An abundance mindset regularly uses AND when making decisions. I love it. ♥️✨

  • @Valandor_Celestial_Warlock
    @Valandor_Celestial_Warlock 3 года назад +48

    I really like ET's sound effects. Truly state-of-the-art. ;o)

  • @loislangley2975
    @loislangley2975 3 года назад +3

    Your words regarding Internal Peace, has changed me. I am so grateful.

  • @anita1960ification1
    @anita1960ification1 3 года назад +2

    may the universe recognize your light and send you lots of love thankyou

  • @dr.michelleevamorholt1538
    @dr.michelleevamorholt1538 3 года назад +9

    Thank you Divine 💖 our cups are full

  • @terohuuskonen1809
    @terohuuskonen1809 3 года назад +2

    Thank you! I've been TRYING to express myself for a long time through music. But i've always felt like there's something off in my songs. I have recently re-discovered my spirituality, and i realised that i've been trying to express my personality, rather than soul. Or try to portrait myself as others might wanna see me. I'm glad i wrote all those songs and got better at the technical side of it. But i think now it's time for me to find myself, and let the creativity happen when it's time for it.

  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 2 года назад +1

    The more you align with the essence, stillness, and unconditioned consciousness, the more power flows through you to create.
    Thanks Eckhart. 🌄🏌️‍♂️🧗‍♀️🎖🍓🎡🐘🚴‍♂️🧗‍♀️🐳

  • @sofiagoudaropoulou2392
    @sofiagoudaropoulou2392 3 года назад +6

    The fullness of presence within,is the power of the creation in the outward world.stillness inwardly spreads outwardly creativity!!

  • @TarotWithFoxxx
    @TarotWithFoxxx 3 года назад +6

    This rolled across my suggested videos and I feel like there were several answers and messages meant for me to find. I'm trusting myself more everyday and in doing so I notice that the flow has become stronger and more obvious in everything that comes towards me. Alignment with soul is where you find fulfillment.

  • @neelammorey5317
    @neelammorey5317 2 года назад +2

    Thankful and grateful for Eckhart sir
    Love and Blessings to you

  • @yvettel7038
    @yvettel7038 3 года назад +7

    You made me feel better, Eckhart, as I spend a lot of time in introspection these days. Perhaps this is what I am supposed to do at the present time before I become creative. I have been asking the Source to enlighten me in this area. Thank you for this message. I am so grateful for your insight.

  • @OliveonLove
    @OliveonLove 3 года назад +3

    Acceptance and Alignment is my way 💕💫

  • @lisengel2498
    @lisengel2498 3 года назад +2

    Beautifull description of all the micro and macro rhythms as a dance of awareness and as a dance of creations

  • @bmart4170
    @bmart4170 3 года назад +1

    The yin and yang of stillness and creativity. Wonderful. Interesting how the answer to so many seemingly conflicting forces can be found by seeing them in this way.

  • @briankraemer8139
    @briankraemer8139 3 года назад

    Whoever the Jeff is who asked the question is a brilliant thinker and eloquent writer of questions. :)

  • @karamills1
    @karamills1 3 года назад +1

    I have been urged for two years by my Vedic astrologer to start painting again. He told me that I could even be monetarily successful. I started thinking about that one point and was fearful, thinking I needed to create what people would buy. I have been paralyzed and haven't started. This completely reminded me of how I felt earlier when my creativity with painting was at my peak. Thank you for this powerful talk❣️🙏🏼🎨

    @JULALAINE 3 года назад +1

    In the stillness we can create consciously...Be still and know that I AM God... The I AM within us.

  • @affirmwithnai
    @affirmwithnai 3 года назад +1

    He don’t miss, I love Eckhart 🌞

  • @ligiaramos9217
    @ligiaramos9217 3 года назад +1

    Gratitude. Gratitude

  • @vthyaga
    @vthyaga 2 года назад

    A deeply vital and useful question to the world asked at 5:36 - “what is the motivation for creation if you are already accepting of the present moment?”
    Ppl have asked me this question before when I talk of acceptance and I’m so so grateful Eckhart answered it here! 🙏🏽❤️

  • @gracefulindeed6091
    @gracefulindeed6091 3 года назад +1

    Fulfilling just listening to you Eckhart

  • @marie-gabriellemarty2689
    @marie-gabriellemarty2689 5 месяцев назад

    This is very helpful - I've been questioning my motives for my 'creative' desires lately, and just had this strong feeling today that I'd rather pause and only start again when it feels 100% authentic. Focusing on self-inquiry and digging deeper, and creating from this place and not to prove anything to anyone (even myself!), get respect etc... Takes a lot of being honest with oneself but I'm here for it :)

  • @musingearth
    @musingearth 3 года назад +2

    Just the message I need right now. A big thank you, Eckhart, as well as all the sages spreading wisdom on earth 🙏

  • @SonnieScripts
    @SonnieScripts 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this moment with eckhart

  • @mars1783
    @mars1783 3 года назад

    Thank you,Teacher!!! I'm so blessed to have time to write n process all the wonderful healings experienced in this era. I occasionally(30-40% of my days) feel annoyed by lack, but having conscious control over those illogical, "Debbie Downer" thoughts, I know satisfaction with accepting myself n the current situation is my reason for being. Thanks for listening. Have a great week you guys!!!

  • @saludarle7033
    @saludarle7033 2 года назад

    Infinitas gracias, Eckhart! 🌺

  • @madelonpeterson1144
    @madelonpeterson1144 2 года назад

    I love you Echart🥰...thank you!!

  • @peacenlove6502
    @peacenlove6502 3 года назад +8

    Most definetely one ofthe best ET Now i have watched till date - don't miss this one guys ! Just too good ! Love it

  • @nexstory
    @nexstory 3 года назад +3

    Old paradigm concepts and metaphors while therapeutically entertaining will not change a tire on a car. I could say more, but this is the Tolle show.

  • @positiveandhealthy2728
    @positiveandhealthy2728 3 года назад +2

    Beautiful and calms the mind and body 🙏🏻

  • @lighthousea4655
    @lighthousea4655 3 года назад +1

    Eckhart reminds me of my grandfather.

  • @TheDhammaHub
    @TheDhammaHub 3 года назад +11

    In meditation, the first few minutes are so full of creativity... it is hard to put it aside sometimes and resist the urge to write it all down =)

  • @CL-ve2ni
    @CL-ve2ni 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the videos, this has been help me a lot, show me the light.

  • @AlexisArtandNon-duality
    @AlexisArtandNon-duality 2 года назад

    I used to think of creativity as more like making a salad as opposed to art which I felt came from a divine place other than me. I like here how Eckhart talks about creativity of thought, how thought can invoke creation. And who knows maybe even a salad can be created from a divine source, but here he is noting the importance of the body in the role of creation which is good to remember. How to let the divine in by remaining present and feeling in your body when to go into action.

  • @sarahwalton2297
    @sarahwalton2297 3 года назад +1

    Oh Eckhart thank you 🤗❤️

  • @wholeheartedmeditation8263
    @wholeheartedmeditation8263 3 года назад +3

    This is amazing. Thank you.

  • @positiveandhealthy2728
    @positiveandhealthy2728 3 года назад +1

    Stay safe and healthy my friends

  • @giuliat.9759
    @giuliat.9759 3 года назад

    "no I'm too at ease in the present moment" 🤣
    love you

  • @ednareagan6202
    @ednareagan6202 3 года назад

    Thank you again, God is so awesome. 😊💕

  • @quantumlyra
    @quantumlyra 3 года назад +1

    So grateful for you!!

  • @mspattycakes1954
    @mspattycakes1954 Год назад

    The BEST on manifesting

  • @juliethao000
    @juliethao000 2 года назад

    wow, the speech touches my heart a lot.

  • @doubtsfree0321
    @doubtsfree0321 3 года назад +1

    It is just so beautiful.

  • @deedee2455
    @deedee2455 8 месяцев назад

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:01 *🤔 There's a contrast between choiceless awareness and using thought to create.*
    01:44 *🔄 The universe manifests both outward creation and inward return to source.*
    05:23 *🌱 Balance between creation and presence is essential for conscious unity with source.*
    06:28 *🤝 Action arises both from responding to situations and from intuitive alignment with universal purpose.*
    09:06 *🌟 Deep presence may precede the clarity of one's life purpose.*
    14:39 *💡 Inner fullness leads to authentic creation, contrasting with egoic neediness.*
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @positiveandhealthy2728
    @positiveandhealthy2728 3 года назад +2

    So inspiring as always!

  • @sirat-thepath7009
    @sirat-thepath7009 3 года назад +1

    Sir, I am in love with your teachings...they are really like creating a new earth and heaven...the creation will go back to the creator is also the main teachings of Islam in the all of the creation only humans, angels and jins have the consciousness and will power...out of these three the angles are in total submission to God but humans and jins have given free choice to select between right and is written in the Quran that the earth is created for human beings to regognize God or as you say universal consciousness by observing His other words that staying in present will connect us to God...that's the true spirituality...God bless you for making the process of attaing spirituality very easy...

  • @dianeyoung8068
    @dianeyoung8068 3 года назад +2

    Very interesting and wise, thank you Eckhart.

  • @yoganature3598
    @yoganature3598 3 года назад

    thankful of beings who heed of their intuitive & instinctual natures combine the ‘essence’ (ref. E.Tolle’s usage of that term) for expression.

  • @jeffkingston67
    @jeffkingston67 3 года назад

    Gives me some hope for future creations

  • @natalia.myself
    @natalia.myself 3 года назад +1

    Bravo! Bravísimo! 💎💎💎

  • @christinabergkvist
    @christinabergkvist 3 года назад +1


  • @elinannestad5320
    @elinannestad5320 3 года назад +2

    so right. As a poet I know this.

  • @tz3887
    @tz3887 3 года назад +4

    Love this one.. beautiful clarification of “law of attraction” and “being in the now” teachings.. anybody know when this video is from?

  • @cathyflemingfleming4286
    @cathyflemingfleming4286 3 года назад +2

    Eckhart thank you so much you have helped me so much I am so glad I found you and May God always bless you for your kindness and help you give from yr beautiful Heart you are Such a beautiful person 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 I love you for being real and Unique xoxo 😘😘😘😘😘😍😍

  • @berardanne4430
    @berardanne4430 3 года назад +1

    Merci merci merci 🙏🏻

  • @lorrainew7529
    @lorrainew7529 3 года назад +3

    Thank you 💜🕉💜🙏

  • @elianeluty2065
    @elianeluty2065 3 года назад +1

    I LOVE YOUR STORY it's so true to me, thank you very much

  • @InspirationFromAbove-C
    @InspirationFromAbove-C 3 года назад +4

    Am I creating my music out of neediness? That's the question of the day.

  • @giselar.12
    @giselar.12 3 года назад +1

    „Thank you very much, for this interesting Video.🙏❤️🧚🏾“

  • @positiveandhealthy2728
    @positiveandhealthy2728 3 года назад +1

    Great motivation, thanks 🙌

    @IAMDJBLUE 3 года назад +1

    Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @Dawnofcreation
    @Dawnofcreation 3 года назад +2

    thank you!! I needed to hear this.

  • @FionaHansen729
    @FionaHansen729 3 года назад

    When I was hearing Eckhart talk I thought that he read a lot, felt a lot so he could suddenly had some conscious.

  • @gabriellarujsz5741
    @gabriellarujsz5741 2 года назад

    There is no accident, everything happens for a reason 🙏
    I am in the situation now, move and leave with my cat…
    I know I should go in a few weeks ❤
    The destination will be clarified also, I will know in time 🙏

  • @giancarlocaimi3138
    @giancarlocaimi3138 3 года назад +1

    Thank you

  • @sonjaphillips8794
    @sonjaphillips8794 3 года назад

    Beautiful message

  • @positiveandhealthy2728
    @positiveandhealthy2728 3 года назад +1

    Awesome tips! Just started my journey and created my channel to capture my journey. For sure using these to help me along :)

  • @3300flavio
    @3300flavio 3 года назад

    Thanks Master for your words

  • @TheLUCIANA63
    @TheLUCIANA63 Год назад

    ❤ gratitude

  • @MartaWaw
    @MartaWaw 3 года назад +2

    Beautiful :) thank You!

  • @LearningTheLanguage
    @LearningTheLanguage 3 года назад +1

    When setting a goal, we need to have a WHY, some coaches say. I think if our motivation comes from inside, we don't know the why. Just a thought comes that we should do something. Would love to get it clarified with Eckhart sir

  • @daniellerodgers6493
    @daniellerodgers6493 3 года назад +1

    Wow this one helped me a lot. Just what I needed.

  • @tomkahusi7914
    @tomkahusi7914 3 года назад +1


  • @linettvonblumen2087
    @linettvonblumen2087 3 года назад +3

    Eckhart, are you constantly happy within yourself since your enlightenment or you still experience moments of suffering out of which or through which you create or grow or learn? And if yes, are these moments of suffering instruments of a conscious manifestation?
    Herzlichen Dank für alles❣️☺️
    Ich würde mich seeehr freuen, wenn Sie mir antworten würden.
    Schön, dass es Sie als Zeuge gibt!🤗

  • @StarOnTheWater
    @StarOnTheWater 2 года назад +1

    During the worst suffering what helps me is the expression through art of some kind. It's more about the state of flow then about the finished product.
    I'd love to understand this. Because while I am creating I am definitely not conscious. I'm not even aware of my surroundings. I am completely lost in some part of my subconscious that is free of judgements and it just feels like I am expressing the deepest truth of myself.
    Yet it is a state completely different to meditation or consciousness. What is it then?

  • @earthangels6644
    @earthangels6644 2 года назад

    I love it here ❤