WHAT, DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME!!!!! Mint has an Infinite combo!?!?!?!?!? *rubs eye, and rewinds video* Yep, Mint has an infinite combo as long as she has enough TP, perfect for me! My Mint has 999 TP and HP with 300-400 atk, lolz! Could you tell me what ur ability set for Mint is? Awesome vid!
The Tales Company is currently in danger of going bankrupt, kinda expected considering on how they've been releasing their games but its still very sad to me, if though dont figure out a way out we wont see another tales of series again D:
Very nice. I've been enjoying your VS material alot :D
Dude, that was extremely awesome, you rock for doing this so much :D
Wow what a way to finish it off with Kohak!
Oh Yeah I love that ! ❤️
I am gonna buy two copies of this game. One for me and one for my friend xD And thank you for a great video. I am subbing
Yes I know but the name for Anise's is Dying Moon.
That presea combo was BEAAASSSTTT. Presea pwns :D
WHAT, DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME!!!!! Mint has an Infinite combo!?!?!?!?!? *rubs eye, and rewinds video* Yep, Mint has an infinite combo as long as she has enough TP, perfect for me! My Mint has 999 TP and HP with 300-400 atk, lolz! Could you tell me what ur ability set for Mint is? Awesome vid!
The only problem with all of these combos is the probability of the enemies using the OVL escape.
The Tales Company is currently in danger of going bankrupt, kinda expected considering on how they've been releasing their games but its still very sad to me, if though dont figure out a way out we wont see another tales of series again D:
Maybe just a HUGE Leon fan
Leon is on the girl's side? Of course, the hot springs made the same mistake. It couldn't be his manly pink cape.
my favorites are-
1. Farah
2. Kohaku
3. Anise
4. Presea
5. Philia
makes sense
@supersaninpikachu you probably already know, but thats anise from tales of abyss
yuri should also be in this vid for obvious reasons
Kohak's is but Anise's is Dying Moon.
hey are kohak's and anise's hi ougi both called satsugeki boukoken?
why do i get the feeling that u like using Farah? :P
@EbilPoring i wonder why people think leon is a girl just cause he has a pink cape
How'd u remove cast time for rita's combo? o.o
@LightMasterX The title of Badass man easily goes to Yuri. Jade is hilarious, but no badass
but dhaos is a guy thus boy side is necessary