Forbidden Desert Extended Gameplay

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 83

  • @coreynoemif3j29
    @coreynoemif3j29 9 лет назад +22

    At 7:40 you took both players water down a tick, but one was in a tunnel.

  • @shanonbutler2393
    @shanonbutler2393 3 года назад +2

    I know this video is 7 years old but I just recently found your channel. This was hands down the best run through ever. I was on the edge of my seat at the end. I just wanted you to know that I have got to get this game...because of this video. Great job! I was sweating like I was in that desert too. Lol

  • @bamb1zas
    @bamb1zas 10 лет назад +3

    The most intense runthrough i've seen so far. Got my hearbeat higher in the end of vid

  • @EchoMateria
    @EchoMateria 11 лет назад +1

    At 26:53, you can't pick up the crystal because it is in a tile that is not excavated yet. You first needed to spend another action there excavating.
    "For 1 action you may pick up a revealed Flying Machine part on an unblocked and excavated tile."

  • @onewholeegg
    @onewholeegg 8 лет назад +2

    I love your enthusiasm!

  • @35o125
    @35o125 7 лет назад +1

    17:54 so many games on the shelf :)

  • @Cats-can-do-it-too
    @Cats-can-do-it-too 2 года назад

    Good game to play in the summer. Tht s 40 degrees in south France now !

  • @gbank44
    @gbank44 11 лет назад

    Minor error: the first "Sun Beats Down" card shouldn't have affected you as you were still on a tunnel space. What a thorough, interesting, and just plain awesome review. It does seem different enough from Forbidden Island to warrant a buy.

  • @Tater_Toot
    @Tater_Toot 8 лет назад

    Just got into tabletop gaming and Forbidden Desert is the first board game I bought online. Your video is very good and hopefully gets me prepared for this brutal game XD

  • @jibbyjackjoe
    @jibbyjackjoe 11 лет назад +1

    "So far we're doing really well". Said that during a game of Pandemic once. It wasn't pretty towards the end...

  • @Enroth186
    @Enroth186 11 лет назад +1

    as a free action, you can swap water between players on the same tile. you could have shared some of your water with yen in the end

  • @TK-sl3no
    @TK-sl3no 7 лет назад

    At 23:52 you didn't dig your way out before you moved. Or is it different since you're in a tunnel? Intense game!!

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 7 лет назад

      it was noted in the video that he made an error there :)

  • @goesgeek
    @goesgeek 11 лет назад

    This game and forbidden island are the best games to introduce coop. Games for my friends. I`m from brazil and i just want to say: good job! Nice reviews and gameplays! Thanks a lot!!

  • @RoelvanderHoorn
    @RoelvanderHoorn 10 лет назад +1

    Another great run through!
    A small mistake at 35:20. The arrow on the card is up, so you shouldn't have moved the tile down, saving you a sand. This would have also saved you another sand on 37:13. Not sure if it mattered in the end, though ;)

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  10 лет назад +1

      Thanks... note added

    @ALMASSHINE 8 лет назад

    WOW that was so much fun to watch ,, can't wait to play it..
    thanks for explaining the game

  • @starbucksmocha88
    @starbucksmocha88 10 лет назад

    Holy crap this was nailbitingly tense!!! Seriously at the end you were losing on almost every front!!!

  • @andrewsheehan6935
    @andrewsheehan6935 8 лет назад

    Small mistake at 26:53. You were supposed to have excavated that tile before picking up the crystal.
    "For 1 action you may pick up a revealed Flying Machine part on an unblocked and excavated tile."

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 8 лет назад

      +Andrew Sheehan it was already noted... thanks!

  • @OllyPolecy
    @OllyPolecy 2 года назад

    At 7:36 Jen is still in the tunnel. Should she have lost a water?

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 2 года назад

      already noted in the Klingon subtitles

  • @yannhillion6316
    @yannhillion6316 10 лет назад

    Thank you for the video walkthrough. Quick question: I noticed that you re-shuffled the storm deck after you exhausted the last cards. I could not locate any official word on wether or not you had to re-shuffle the deck or leave it as is for the entirety of the game. Can you confirm either way? Thanks!

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  10 лет назад

      we've always reshuffled the deck, but I went to check on BGG just in case we've got it wrong, and I found you started a thread there! well done :)

  • @AaronFormyduval
    @AaronFormyduval 9 лет назад

    That was fun to watch. Thanks for posting.

  • @rahdo
    @rahdo  11 лет назад

    yeah, it's an insanely good family game! :)

  • @heavyrainloverful
    @heavyrainloverful 11 лет назад

    Sooo excited to get this game! :3 Me and my family are going to love it. :)

  • @davqvist
    @davqvist 11 лет назад

    Thanks for that run-through. I thought it would be very similar to Forbidden Island, but it seems way more different than I thought. But maybe I shouldn't say thanks, now I have to get it. :P

  • @dsr15
    @dsr15 11 лет назад

    That was pretty epic. Nice job

  • @EchoMateria
    @EchoMateria 11 лет назад

    Yea. I was almost shouting that to the screen. Would have been such a dramatic, movie like scene. :)
    You could have won if you used the items more effectively and didn't focus on that well too much. It was fun to watch none-the-less. Though I worry about how long the novelty to would last if we'd play this again after 3-4? times. Then again one can argue that at that many plays it already earned its keep, considering the price.

  • @camalo171
    @camalo171 8 лет назад

    awesome video. it answered many questions and didn't waste mt time. thanks!

  • @DrMcFly28
    @DrMcFly28 7 лет назад

    How did Indy dig himself out at 23:49?

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 7 лет назад

      It was already noted... please turn on the Klingon subtitles to see where Richard goofs up… Thanks

  • @gerredmano
    @gerredmano 11 лет назад

    30:45, NOOOO peek at 6 cards! aaaahhh

  • @keithh372
    @keithh372 4 года назад

    So do u do a storm card after everyone’s turn or just the last player

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  4 года назад

      at the end of each player's turn

  • @starskunk
    @starskunk 11 лет назад

    At 23:53, you couldn't move out of the tunnel without clearing the sand because you were buried :)

  • @fidelsliwa6893
    @fidelsliwa6893 11 лет назад

    I think you made a little mistake at 23:52. First you need to remove the sands before moving your pawn.

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  11 лет назад

      yup, i did forget that! note already added to the vid :)

  • @stonebone000
    @stonebone000 5 лет назад

    So if a 2 part clue tiles are right next to each other, does the part always go on the row tile? Or does it matter?

    • @stonebone000
      @stonebone000 5 лет назад

      Also do you have to take the parts to the launch pad? Or as soon as you pick them up they are on the ship and done?

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  5 лет назад

      you have to fin a clue on a row and a column to find hte piece, not two on a row or two on a column. and yes the pieces have to go back to the pad :)

  • @TheFallorn
    @TheFallorn 11 лет назад

    Great video, thanks for making it (and the others)

  • @scottsmartky
    @scottsmartky 11 лет назад

    Uh, you are still in the tunnel at the 7:50 mark so why did you lose water? Looks like this game may be better than Forbidden Island.

  • @bookaddict777
    @bookaddict777 11 лет назад

    Wow! What a nail biter!

  • @whittneyburnett4229
    @whittneyburnett4229 8 лет назад

    Good job

  • @dthompsen
    @dthompsen 11 лет назад

    At 1:00, you actually drew 5 cards instead of 4. The final "Storm Rising Card" shouldn't have counted.

  • @unrulyprisoner
    @unrulyprisoner 11 лет назад

    Very nice. Thanks!

  • @jwspiker
    @jwspiker 11 лет назад

    i'm thinking co-ops just aren't my thing, the end game of these forbidden games drives me nuts

  • @powellmark2
    @powellmark2 11 лет назад


  • @gerredmano
    @gerredmano 11 лет назад

    32:20 you only drew 5 o.O

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  11 лет назад +1

      hehe, yeah at that point i was in full meltdown i think :)

    • @gerredmano
      @gerredmano 11 лет назад

      I love your game collection

  • @geekedupboardgames1076
    @geekedupboardgames1076 2 года назад

    green was buried and you didn't dig him out... whoops (this happens to me every time I live stream too lol)

  • @burritocaat
    @burritocaat 5 лет назад

    Forbidden sky next!

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  5 лет назад

      already runthrough :)видео.html

  • @XHuntinatorX
    @XHuntinatorX 5 лет назад

    OMG...Most stressful game EVER!!!

  • @DaidoujiSempai
    @DaidoujiSempai 9 лет назад

    You already lose at 37:28. You run out of sand tiles.

  • @TheFreshSesh98
    @TheFreshSesh98 10 лет назад

    You could have won at 27 59 gear cards don't take an action here's what u had to do move to partner clear landing with DB then use JP with partner and u won

    • @andrewsheehan6935
      @andrewsheehan6935 8 лет назад +2

      +steven diaz Nope, you need to be on or adjacent to a tile in order to clear it with the dune blaster. You can't simply dune blast any tile you want and then jetpack to it, as you seem to be suggesting. If there was an unblocked tile next to the launch pad, you would have been able to jetpack to that tile and then dune blast the launch pad, but that wasn't an option here, since everything in that corner of the board was blocked.

  • @coreynoemif3j29
    @coreynoemif3j29 9 лет назад

    Oops...already noted on other post. (Sun beats down).

  • @CrankyDay
    @CrankyDay 11 лет назад

    29:09 could have jetpacked you and jen into the tunnel

  • @ClaireMichelle101
    @ClaireMichelle101 9 лет назад

    ohhh thanks \i get the clues now! thank you! your awsome! so tense!!!!! lol

    @BARKINELDEM 10 лет назад

    nice video..but please get a tripod :)

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  10 лет назад +1

      you might want to check out

      @BARKINELDEM 10 лет назад

      ***** oops :)

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  10 лет назад

      BARKIN ELDEM hehe, don't feel bad, i only recently started doing it! :)

    • @Frologics
      @Frologics 10 лет назад

      ***** I like the way it's filmed here. Static cameras are boring sometimes. Great video

  • @keithh372
    @keithh372 4 года назад

    My brother picked it up faster then I could explain it

  • @DaidoujiSempai
    @DaidoujiSempai 9 лет назад

    Once you run out of sand tiles you automatically lose!

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 9 лет назад +1

      Piero Ruiz no... you lose when you need to put a sand tile and there are no sand tiles to use... you don't lose immediately when the sand tile pile is emptied, that could be the case if you needed to place one more tile then you would lose...
      But it's not correct to say you lose immediately when the sand tile pile is empty

    • @DaidoujiSempai
      @DaidoujiSempai 9 лет назад

      You're right!! I never saw it that way but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for correcting me!!

    • @PauloRenato23
      @PauloRenato23 9 лет назад

      Piero Ruiz no problem :) Glad I could help

  • @melodymacdonald7508
    @melodymacdonald7508 10 лет назад +1

    cool we FINALLY understand it thank you for the gameplay me and my mom beat it faster than you though so yea

  • @agnomotuh
    @agnomotuh 4 года назад

    The game is fun but your camera movement makes me way too dizzy and nauseated. Couldn't finish it.

    • @rahdo
      @rahdo  4 года назад

      sorry about that. this is one of my REALLY old videos. about 7 years ago i started ensuring every runthrough had a static camera option...

  • @MMODoubter
    @MMODoubter 11 лет назад

    Cool video, fun game, but do-overs are cheating. :(