ARK Crystal Isles Featherlight & Glowtail Taming Location

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 209

  • @seeshellgaming6883
    @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +11

    Please leave a like on Steam. Thank you.

    • @sasukelol3899
      @sasukelol3899 4 года назад

      You are my crush

    • @mig497
      @mig497 4 года назад

      You good?

    • @sasukelol3899
      @sasukelol3899 4 года назад

      @@mig497 yes

    • @UnifiedInfo
      @UnifiedInfo 3 года назад

      I think they only work at night to get those seeds. Abb is 24/7

    • @ghettoCKid
      @ghettoCKid Год назад +1

      @@UnifiedInfo to get those seeds you need to stand next to it with a hurt tame. Through standing next to it with the damaged tame it's healed by the plant and the plant will drop a seed every 60 seconds.

  • @tycoonraptor7052
    @tycoonraptor7052 4 года назад +33

    Dude thank you so much, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for those mushrooms and the glowtails. I LOVE those cute lil' lizards.

  • @laseremerson5133
    @laseremerson5133 4 года назад +3

    The reason you don't get any with the sickle is because the sickle only works on the blue and red mushrooms, not the brown ones, those you have to harvest by hand or with dino. That's why you only get fiber. Also considering the spoil time, harvesting them on the eastern part of crystal isles is more useful since that's where both the featherlight and glowtail spawn otherwise you're going to be racing against time even if you're using preserving salt.

  • @miserable7352
    @miserable7352 3 года назад +6

    Earned a new subscriber! I want to go to the crystal isles, now know where to find the glowtail and featherlight. I love how you actually show us where the cave is instead of cropping the video to where your in it. Thank you so much! I look forward to my new pets! 🥰 ❤️

  • @tikar8982
    @tikar8982 2 года назад +1

    Thank you! I'm kinda new and didn't know where to locate or how to tame them.... this video is awesome and explains it perfectly.

  • @cradilly3618
    @cradilly3618 4 года назад +14

    "may as well tame 2 while i'm here"
    proceeds to leave the level 90 untamed and finishes the video

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +6

      Halfway through I thought to myself this is a garbage level.

    • @NotEzn
      @NotEzn 3 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 lol wow

  • @lilmisskannibale6756
    @lilmisskannibale6756 4 года назад +2

    you can still get z seeds through harvesting. I got some z seeds by using a mesochops and harvesting plants around the red obelisk. I think you can do this in any swamp area or where ever the z plants are. I haven't tested this though.

  • @hyperapex5724
    @hyperapex5724 4 года назад +1

    To make arking a bit easier, you can use a tent to tame featherlights. When it lands, place the tent over the birdie. If you have a wyvern, you can blow it away when its on the ground to get it somewhere safe/away from enemy structures(if you play pve)

  • @leemotosuwa
    @leemotosuwa 2 года назад

    The best video about this in the whole internet

  • @KTRGamingJPN
    @KTRGamingJPN 4 года назад +5

    I didn't know exsis them in crystalisles. Thank you!

    • @reipolhopolar
      @reipolhopolar 4 года назад +2

      Bulb dog exist in valguero and genesis, feather light in valguero genesis and crystal isles and the others idk

    • @h3e4rt
      @h3e4rt 4 года назад

      On xbox they dont exist for me

    • @KTRGamingJPN
      @KTRGamingJPN 4 года назад

      ​@@h3e4rt how about use command at DestroyWildDinos?

    • @h3e4rt
      @h3e4rt 4 года назад

      @@KTRGamingJPN Do like i say nothing i just find a featherlight my question is now why cant i find EMBER CRYSTAL WYVERN

  • @SnoGryphon
    @SnoGryphon 4 года назад +8

    You don't have to go clear across the map for those mushrooms. I've seen them growing on the floating isles around the artifact cave.

    • @KoriyeO
      @KoriyeO 4 года назад

      Those only gave me fiber

    • @SnoGryphon
      @SnoGryphon 4 года назад

      @@KoriyeO You might have to go to another floating island; I don't think any grow on that island. Try heading for the pink trees.

    • @KoriyeO
      @KoriyeO 4 года назад

      @@SnoGryphon the mushrooms i gathered came from the swamp near the obelisk.

  • @Fordybag
    @Fordybag 2 года назад +1

    Up north by redwood/oak forest/swamp by the cove are bushed fullllllll of species seeds. Iv got a metric ton of them by hitting the red flowered bushes.

  • @dwjchai
    @dwjchai 4 года назад +7

    you need a dino thats low on HP so you can stand next to the plant Z long enough for it to drop a z seed. I just found out a few days ago.

    • @SilkyXShadowX
      @SilkyXShadowX 4 года назад

      How does this work?

    • @aayushtandon
      @aayushtandon 4 года назад

      Thanks! I'll try it as soon as I play next.

    • @leonardofusaro6029
      @leonardofusaro6029 4 года назад

      @@aayushtandon did it work?

    • @aayushtandon
      @aayushtandon 4 года назад

      @@leonardofusaro6029 nope, did not work for me. Stood for 10 minutes with a wyvern at 25% HP and it did nothing. I don't know if you already need to have a tame with a charged light.

    • @coltonmorrison4616
      @coltonmorrison4616 2 года назад

      @@aayushtandon That is exactly right. The seeds will only drop from the plant if you have a charge lantern pet.

  • @Literallyjustafatbird
    @Literallyjustafatbird 4 года назад +5

    Thanks, been looking for these guys!

  • @JAMESPF12314
    @JAMESPF12314 4 года назад +4

    nice easy to follow guide i tamed two good glowtails there , Thank you!!

  • @viktorarnberg2873
    @viktorarnberg2873 4 года назад +4

    didn't even know about these guys but youtube recommended this video to me so i'm glad hahah

  • @szasmckay6058
    @szasmckay6058 4 года назад +1

    Great tip with the Whip and thanks for taking time to show that there is really no point using a DIno to harvest these mushrooms! :P

  • @ceenoweevil860
    @ceenoweevil860 4 года назад +1

    Thanks! This video had all the info I was looking for neat and clearly

  • @soaponarope8995
    @soaponarope8995 3 года назад

    Go to gen 2 buy seeds from HLNA and fly anywhere in Rockwell garden I just tamed 5 in 15 min

  • @nova-px6zb
    @nova-px6zb 4 года назад +4

    did u know u can use a tent to tame them also just put the tent over it when it lands and then it wont fly away

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +1

      yeah a similar method to the vultures on Scorched Earth.

    • @nova-px6zb
      @nova-px6zb 4 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 yes i tqme mine that way all the time so i dont have to worrie about something hiting itt or it flying off

  • @joesniffer9815
    @joesniffer9815 3 года назад +1

    FYI, if you take a brontosaurus into the ab caves on Genesis lunar, you can get hundreds of plant species Z in a few minutes.
    Or another way without Gen is put a gacha next to the plant and sit in a chair. Let the gacha pick up the seeds while you go chill for a while. But seriously... just go to Genesis.

    • @wommy1732
      @wommy1732 3 года назад

      The video was about how to tame them on CRYSTAL ISLES and you have to tame them with plant species X seeds not y

    • @joesniffer9815
      @joesniffer9815 3 года назад

      @@wommy1732 And your point is what? Why would you not go off map to get the resource much easier? You can either sit on Crystal Isles for hours collecting seeds or you can go to Genesis for 30 minutes and get enough seeds to last you for years.

  • @TheeOmen
    @TheeOmen 4 года назад

    You make the best ark videos thanks for actually showing where they are!!!! No if only you can help me with turkey locations on crystal isles!

  • @Twenty5KDiamond
    @Twenty5KDiamond 4 года назад +2

    Have you tried using a Moschops to get the mushrooms?

  • @ALI-dy8ci
    @ALI-dy8ci 3 года назад

    If anyone watching this and doesn't want to go to the arctic you can also find them in the tropics around 80,30 I found multiple

  • @natsudragneel7083
    @natsudragneel7083 4 года назад +2

    Did you have a glow pet with its light on while standing next to the plant?

  • @FriedCarp
    @FriedCarp 4 года назад +2

    This is really helpful, Thank you

  • @berbandis
    @berbandis 4 года назад

    I was taming a lv 145 glowtail in this cave and suddenly died, no attack music, no health going down, just instant death. I went back and laid down sleeping bags to try to finish the tame and the same thing happened again. This cave is bugged, my shoulder mount and tame were not hurt or even effected I just died instantly for no reason. After that the glowtail would not tame, it would just show "wait until hungry" forever and never eat.

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +2

      a lot of the things with crystal isles for consoles especially are bugged. that sucks.

  • @onetwonickles9662
    @onetwonickles9662 Год назад

    Thanks for the video . Cheers

  • @truc4372
    @truc4372 4 года назад +1

    Z Plants are not the only glitched resources... i saw some « unfarmable » red gems as well

  • @ostrich3335
    @ostrich3335 4 года назад

    Thanks a lot. This video was very helpful and informative. You've earned yourself a sub!

  • @EdmundiumHitting
    @EdmundiumHitting 4 года назад +2

    Suprised there’s no bulbdog. It’s arks most popular original creature ( I think)

  • @caywo_
    @caywo_ 4 года назад +3

    What about iguanodon? Does he harvest the mushrooms? Btw love your videos

  • @sergiozambonino372
    @sergiozambonino372 4 года назад +1

    You can find some more mushrooms in all swamp zone is more common

  • @Thunderwolf5561
    @Thunderwolf5561 4 года назад

    Direbear seem to gather the most berries. I've tried using it to gather that special stuff from the red mushrooms but no luck. I don't play a lot of crystal isles but dire bears are in abberation

  • @imarmite9846
    @imarmite9846 3 года назад

    Great video. Subbed!

  • @1984chevroletdude
    @1984chevroletdude 4 года назад

    Whats the respawn timer on the glowtails if you kill everything and leave

  • @r.s.renkirk
    @r.s.renkirk 3 года назад

    I like to put a wooden cage on top of them so I don't have to follow them around or loose them

  • @DOHARKsmash
    @DOHARKsmash 4 года назад

    Ahh. Thank you for this video. (And accompanying comment section) very useful.

  • @serveruz6666
    @serveruz6666 3 года назад

    There's no bulbdog in cristal?

  • @Kitty-Marks
    @Kitty-Marks 4 года назад

    You can feed them any kind of seeds too

  • @starfacctiom
    @starfacctiom 4 года назад +1

    you can farm Y seeds with a bronto from random bushes but is weird

    • @Dude-X-Perfect
      @Dude-X-Perfect 4 года назад +1

      @Starfacctiom from scorched earth’s silk bushs

  • @edgarvillanueva9200
    @edgarvillanueva9200 4 года назад

    Thank you so much really helpful

  • @Edith5011
    @Edith5011 2 года назад


  • @cogfirewolf4620
    @cogfirewolf4620 2 года назад

    Thank U for the video

  • @Chinstrap-99
    @Chinstrap-99 4 года назад +1

    Thanks so much for the info, it was very helpful!

  • @lixiviumrahxephon6375
    @lixiviumrahxephon6375 4 года назад +1

    Good video miss. For anyone watching this in November, feed the bulldog aquatic mushrooms to tame them.

  • @cassidystreater4165
    @cassidystreater4165 4 года назад

    Yeah o moticed the Featherlite seem to spawn around the northwest part of the Eldritch isle

  • @superoutchthathurt
    @superoutchthathurt 4 года назад

    the anky will do good i bet but have not tried it

  • @mortifinkenbein9559
    @mortifinkenbein9559 4 года назад +2

    Why are you spamming "\"? you can see it at 5:55 when your tame is done the field for the name fills up with "\". I've seen this in other videos from you before.

    • @Grievous-
      @Grievous- 4 года назад

      That is the push-to-talk button that MeShell and Nooblets use, so if they are pushing it down when talking then that will happen when a text box is open.

  • @FlowFIam
    @FlowFIam 2 года назад

    The plant z worked for me for some reason but idk why it didnt work for ypu

  • @Cyber...
    @Cyber... 4 года назад

    you can fly on offical in the cave

  • @bsi-blakkseriesinitiative7717
    @bsi-blakkseriesinitiative7717 3 года назад

    Do auric mushrooms spawn everywhere or in a specific location?
    Ive seen them when i didnt want them, but now i cant seem to find any...

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  3 года назад

      go to the orange crystal location area near the tropics. that is where i was on the map. if you walk around that high cliffed area throughout the orange crystal location you will see mushrooms on the ground which yeild the mushrooms.

    • @bsi-blakkseriesinitiative7717
      @bsi-blakkseriesinitiative7717 3 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 thank you, found it.

  • @silversai9368
    @silversai9368 3 года назад

    You didn't look though the rest of the cave though, just one of the entrances, so there may have been a higher level

    • @sparta998
      @sparta998 3 года назад

      I just get them cuz theyre cute

    • @silversai9368
      @silversai9368 3 года назад

      @@sparta998 personally, I prefer featherlights, at least for crystal isles (havnt dived into aberration yet) bc they are so much easier to find than glowtails.

    • @sparta998
      @sparta998 3 года назад

      @@silversai9368 i found both in the same hour

    • @silversai9368
      @silversai9368 3 года назад

      @@sparta998 the past few days, I've gone there looking for them and I've probably cleared that cave completely of anything except glowbugs like 5 times. Not once did a glowtails spawn

    • @sparta998
      @sparta998 3 года назад

      @@silversai9368 damn i found 1 1st try

  • @arneedsanap8042
    @arneedsanap8042 4 года назад

    Thanks, just tamed a couple glowtails but only after I got eaten by a Spino lol

  • @borregospringsbs
    @borregospringsbs 2 года назад

    I got z seeds by standing by the tongue plants just like in aberration.

  • @jonl2896
    @jonl2896 3 года назад

    Great guide. Just wish you would have mentioned what/if there useful

    • @silversai9368
      @silversai9368 3 года назад

      Even though you don't need them to avoid nameless, they still previde light withough using a torch, which is plenty useful

  • @thomasnance6465
    @thomasnance6465 4 года назад +2

    Bronto swings tail, entire server "LLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG!!!"

  • @rawisbabyboy210
    @rawisbabyboy210 4 года назад

    🥰🥰love ur videos !!

  • @محمداحمد-ف9خ9ف
    @محمداحمد-ف9خ9ف 4 года назад +1

    Can you make a vid about where to find a karkInos

    • @Lucky-dh6ky
      @Lucky-dh6ky 4 года назад

      In the floating islands

    • @krakoosh1
      @krakoosh1 4 года назад

      I have found 2 in the water between aberration zone and snow biome

    • @V1_Ultrakrill
      @V1_Ultrakrill 4 года назад

      Karkinos spawn on the floating islands

    • @krakoosh1
      @krakoosh1 4 года назад

      Found unicorns spawn there too

    • @V1_Ultrakrill
      @V1_Ultrakrill 4 года назад

      @@krakoosh1 :0 I've never encountered a unicorn before so thanks for the tip

  • @TheRatLord__
    @TheRatLord__ 2 года назад

    I can’t seem to find any glow tail here

  • @Clorects
    @Clorects Год назад

    is there a bronto on crystal isles??

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  Год назад +1

      i've seen them on that map, here is a link for the resource map for crystal isles brontos

    • @Clorects
      @Clorects Год назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 thanks it just turns out the server i play on had them disabled

  • @bradjohnson8916
    @bradjohnson8916 9 месяцев назад

    Bever is my favorite

  • @irl-shadowsword4505
    @irl-shadowsword4505 4 года назад +1

    You can get the seeds from seed pods that look kinda different

  • @infamousshadow4624
    @infamousshadow4624 4 года назад

    I was riding around on my unicorn and I was harvesting random bushes and I got like 20 x seeds

  • @mordokai597
    @mordokai597 4 года назад

    (deleted old comment to update with new info) DAEODONS CAN ACT AS "TRUFFLE PIGS"!!! I was farming shrooms, and just as a joke i decided to ride my "truffle pig" and i noticed that when the passive health buff was on mushrooms were respawning way closer, and way faster than usual... i kept doing circles around single crystal node and the shrooms i just picked would be back. I'm on offline solo, so i know for a FACT nothing respawns that close to me or that fast... shrooms were regrowing UNDER the deaodons feet while it was standing still xD

  • @SonGoku-hv5mz
    @SonGoku-hv5mz 4 года назад

    Nice, thank u :)

  • @reginaruiz.4583
    @reginaruiz.4583 3 года назад

    Does anyone know if there are Bulbdogs in Crystal Isles???

  • @RabidGaming7
    @RabidGaming7 4 года назад

    Where have you been SeeShell? Havent seen anything for a while do you have a discord would like to get a hold of you. See if you would like to do a video sometimes.

  • @merlin9619
    @merlin9619 4 года назад +1

    The plants drop even when no light pet around
    Had a jerboa when I gathered a bunch

    • @narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867
      @narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867 4 года назад

      on Which Map..

    • @merlin9619
      @merlin9619 4 года назад

      This was crystal isle

    • @narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867
      @narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867 4 года назад

      But I've stayed with and without light pet but didn't get any z seed.

    • @merlin9619
      @merlin9619 4 года назад

      @@narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867 its a minute between each drop
      Last time I was at 1 I had the light pet on the ground near it and waited around close by
      Had 60 seeds in the hour

    • @merlin9619
      @merlin9619 4 года назад

      @@narayanasiva.vamsikrishna6867 if you're at 1 you or someone planted.... it won't work. Has to be a wild plant

  • @Pigeonqc
    @Pigeonqc 4 года назад

    Many big updates later, the plant Z still not working on Crystal Isles, thats a shame on the devs!

  • @jamesgarner8668
    @jamesgarner8668 4 года назад

    Iv been look at day for glowtale in cave have not Sean a single one

  • @allenleal6853
    @allenleal6853 4 года назад

    7:40 can you tame a komodos 😊

  • @MrAntsr83
    @MrAntsr83 4 года назад

    On official i used a mammoth in the area near floating islands and hit big mushrooms and ended up with over 300 mushrooms

    • @KoriyeO
      @KoriyeO 4 года назад

      These require certain kinds of mushrooms, you weren't specific enough

  • @ps1hagrid268
    @ps1hagrid268 3 года назад

    I love the glow tails and I’m making my base in the cave the spawn so found them on accident thanks for the shrooms location but the also spawn at the island the cave is in

  • @phierdart
    @phierdart 4 года назад

    For some reason their not spawning in this cave, *destroywilddinos* should help

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +1

      yup cave was bugged as crap for me and for other people as well.

    • @phierdart
      @phierdart 4 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 The cave really is bugged, after using the cheat 6 achatina spawned, 2 glowtails, 5 lymantria, & no megalania

  • @Archaeonomy
    @Archaeonomy 4 года назад

    I have never seen a Glowtail or Achatina in that cave. Bug maybe?

    • @Romerbarfod
      @Romerbarfod 4 года назад

      there were 2 glowtails and like 7 achatina for me just now, try clear it out the cave and come back later

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад +1

      It could also be that the cave has not spawned in the dinos correctly. Go in the cave wait there for 10+ minutes and then go out of cave and out of render distance and go back in. hopefully the stuff will spawn. however, there are issues with some creatures between console and pc spawning. I play on pc and what you see is from pc perspective. Hope you can find them.

    • @Archaeonomy
      @Archaeonomy 4 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 I have been to the cave and wiped out all its creatures about a dozen times now since I am collecting the artifact, so sign of snails or lizards, I did get one terrifying crash from entering it though.

    • @coltonmorrison4616
      @coltonmorrison4616 2 года назад

      @@Archaeonomy Tell that to wild card.

  • @matteotamberelli2951
    @matteotamberelli2951 4 года назад

    Are bulbdogs on crystal isles

  • @methalammar5696
    @methalammar5696 4 года назад +1

    Pls make a stream the last one was realy funny to me

  • @hesmotit3640
    @hesmotit3640 4 года назад

    try it at night?

  • @jehg82
    @jehg82 4 года назад +2

    Is that Toothless?

  • @flabsoflabien6481
    @flabsoflabien6481 4 года назад

    Are bulbdogs not here ??

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад

      no not on crystal isles official. i think they are on mods but not entirely sure.

  • @someguy8182
    @someguy8182 3 года назад

    Yea but what do they do?

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  3 года назад +1

      they light up. they are pets shoulder mounts. they defend in abberation against nameless and are nice to have in caves for darkness

    • @someguy8182
      @someguy8182 3 года назад

      @@seeshellgaming6883 Ok thanks for the reply. I only ask kuz I'm on crystal isles

  • @SaiyanMother
    @SaiyanMother 4 года назад

    anky alt attack gets mushrooms

  • @godlordhungrydiablocannabi2850
    @godlordhungrydiablocannabi2850 4 года назад

    On pvp i had to use a tame to get the seeds

  • @josepedroverdugo8716
    @josepedroverdugo8716 4 года назад

    good video

  • @Preparationh6
    @Preparationh6 4 года назад

    What about iguandon they are good pickers maybe try one cool vid!!

  • @utubenewb777
    @utubenewb777 3 года назад

    yeah they still havent fixed the seed problem

  • @damionkennedy3042
    @damionkennedy3042 4 года назад

    I want three glow creatures like bulb dog and creatures roll rat

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад

      You will have to go to Abberation or Valguero for those unfortunately

  • @RollieRhino420
    @RollieRhino420 4 года назад

    no shinehorns?

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  4 года назад

      nope. just glowtail and featherlight on the official Crystal Isles map.

  • @sparky5894
    @sparky5894 4 года назад

    hello meshell!!

  • @BananaNanaGirl
    @BananaNanaGirl 3 года назад

    You can get the seeds easly.

    • @seeshellgaming6883
      @seeshellgaming6883  3 года назад

      at the time i was playing no you couldn't this was made right when crystal isles was launched on pc unless they fixed the plants then yer you can get them easy but they would not drop seeds when i recorded this. there were a lot of bugs when they launched this map. this is one of them

  • @jessyboone6649
    @jessyboone6649 4 года назад

    thare are littler plants
    that give that seed

  • @daphneetten5224
    @daphneetten5224 3 года назад

    Meh, searched everywhere in the cave but no glowtails:(

  • @sleepyredpanda9810
    @sleepyredpanda9810 4 года назад

    dire bears work best

  • @schtevey
    @schtevey 3 года назад

    I thought they dont even exist on this map? O.o

  • @alatar2015
    @alatar2015 3 года назад

    Mamooths harvest a little more

  • @mikemagnuson5445
    @mikemagnuson5445 3 года назад

    Hopefully you tamed a mating pair lol

  • @wreckelite
    @wreckelite 4 года назад

    I was half through taming a lvl 150 featherlight when a stupid seeker ate it

  • @ExquisiteMuffin
    @ExquisiteMuffin 4 года назад

    They still havent fixed it

  • @linkblader4065
    @linkblader4065 3 года назад +1

    En este map hay buldog