They both deserve better 🥇🫶🏼

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @LuvCats27
    @LuvCats27 2 дня назад +145

    In the first clip, Alexandra was actually bronze medal, not silver and Anna was silver, not gold. Alena was gold in the first clip

    • @Valxx_espn
      @Valxx_espn 2 дня назад +6

      They did those performances twice, that was at the Russian championship, Anna did win gold there

    • @FigureSkatingPlaylists
      @FigureSkatingPlaylists День назад

      @@Valxx_espnyes but there sasha was third too

  • @V1vaquik
    @V1vaquik 2 дня назад +50

    Both are equally talented and beautiful both deserve 1st 🥇 ❤

  • @Majk1920-h3x
    @Majk1920-h3x 2 дня назад +22

    He kisses your hands on your knees Ania i Sasha😗🌷🌷

  • @Scarletedits1-t9q
    @Scarletedits1-t9q 2 дня назад +23

    I 🩷 Both

  • @davidazuaje0962
    @davidazuaje0962 2 дня назад +3

    No llores bebé ❤

  • @aksharayoutubechannel3170
    @aksharayoutubechannel3170 2 дня назад +6

    What about third place it is also good she also deserved a good place right?

  • @cl0udy_tulipss
    @cl0udy_tulipss 2 дня назад +3

    The first one sounds like when you blow inside of a water bottle

  • @hiiiiiiii3853
    @hiiiiiiii3853 2 дня назад +1

    ما فهمت يشبهون بعض

  • @Jessychzx
    @Jessychzx 2 дня назад +7


  • @o_p5864
    @o_p5864 2 дня назад +1

    Why all look like same

  • @jol0973
    @jol0973 2 дня назад +5

    Gold and silver deserve better? Platinum? What nonsense.

    • @Cardboardwater
      @Cardboardwater 2 дня назад +2

      It literally does not mean that but okay

    • @jol0973
      @jol0973 2 дня назад +1

      @Cardboardwater So it means they deserve better what? More money or something?

    • @Cardboardwater
      @Cardboardwater 2 дня назад +2

      @@jol0973 it literally says in the lyrics that history repeats itself. Anna the brown hair girl always gets first when it matters and trusova narrowly missed her chance at gold when it mattered in her heart. Don’t assume terrible things just because

    • @jol0973
      @jol0973 2 дня назад +1

      @@Cardboardwater The statement under the video literally says THEY BOTH DESERVE BETTER. I ask again.. how do they deserve better? History repeating itself has nothing to do with deserving better. Are you just picking random English sentences without knowing what the words mean?

    • @Atumnn
      @Atumnn 2 дня назад +2

      ​​@@jol0973They probably say that because the gold medalist gets hated for it and people say that she didnt deserve first place, "she deserves better" its because that girl even tought she won almost no people aprecciated her victory, and the second girl deserves better because she jumped 5 quads and she got second which probably means this channel wants both to win, and also they put so much efforts to this and ruin their body, and they were still innocent so they deserve better (In my point i think that's what this video trynna mean)

  • @MenteemBranco
    @MenteemBranco 2 дня назад +2
