I was there with my son. This was his third KISS show and my eighth. 1988, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2013, 2015 and this last one. Goodbye, KISS. KISS FOREVER !
@TheBigHase Man, those guys can't play anymore. So before you say that Ace can play, I went to 11 reunion era shows and Ace and Peter screwed up bigtime in every show. I am not defending Paul, nor am I saying its as good as the '70s, but Tommy and Eric are 10x better than those two. I pulled my head out of the sand a few years ago after years of bashing those two.
The guitars are tuned to Z and Paul still has to lipsynch. Donut Demon looks like a sumo wrestler crossed with a ninja turtle and barely moves, boring setlist same for 15 years and two fakes in makeup. Going out on top huh.
I was there with my son. This was his third KISS show and my eighth. 1988,
1995, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2013, 2015 and this last one. Goodbye, KISS. KISS FOREVER !
1978年2度目の来日公演(日本武道館)が懐かしい。人生初の海外ミュージシャンコンサートで今でもはっきりと記憶に残ってます。確か、アルバム / ダブルプラチナムがリリースした頃じゃないかな。1976年からのめり込んで(当時、中学2年生)1977年の初来日公演には行けず、今でも悔やんでいる。そのバンドが先日ファイナルツアーを終え今後、ヴァーチャルの形でツアーを行う予定だという。さすが、ビジネスライクなジーン•シモンズの発想だ。
My favorite band. 100% real. 100% live. 100% for the people!!! Sing it, Paul! Your voice is golden, like C3PO and just as flexible.
@TheBigHase Man, those guys can't play anymore. So before you say that Ace can play, I went to 11 reunion era shows and Ace and Peter screwed up bigtime in every show. I am not defending Paul, nor am I saying its as good as the '70s, but Tommy and Eric are 10x better than those two. I pulled my head out of the sand a few years ago after years of bashing those two.
Where is the Fonz??
Jim M Recovering from VV Christmas party.
The guitars are tuned to Z and Paul still has to lipsynch. Donut Demon looks like a sumo wrestler crossed with a ninja turtle and barely moves, boring setlist same for 15 years and two fakes in makeup. Going out on top huh.
14000 people
58% of the tickets sold