Ive been one for over 15 years . PCN Level 2 here in the UK, The job can be very interesting, and satisfying. and hold alot of responsibility . as you and your team are responsible for giving the all clear,or rejection of the item tested to the standard specified by the client. the job can get you about too, Ive worked mainly with pipework,pressure vessels, Castings, aircraft parts, even the job of X-Raying old master paint works fopr museums. a very satisfying carreer
Ive been one for over 15 years . PCN Level 2 here in the UK, The job can be very interesting, and satisfying. and hold alot of responsibility . as you and your team are responsible for giving the all clear,or rejection of the item tested to the standard specified by the client.
the job can get you about too, Ive worked mainly with pipework,pressure vessels, Castings, aircraft parts, even the job of X-Raying old master paint works fopr museums. a very satisfying carreer
How much does it pay and what is the career like in this field
I am currently in my final year of school and want to be an aerospace ndt engineer. I'm going to take mechanical engineering in college at level 3.
They pay $180,000 a year here what about in the uk?