VW Golf MK7 R Upgrades Part 3/3 - Virtual Cockpit Installation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 65

  • @chloeleedow7250
    @chloeleedow7250 2 месяца назад

    Ahhhh the good old MOST 150 BUS lol I drop near 2k on an audio interface to integrate my own stereo into the car it's expensive as fuck but work it for noise free audio over optic even with aftermarket dsp etc that runs on a different type of optic the old toslink style. It can use rca as well which ive done as a redundancy incase the toslink ever gets damaged.

  • @cedricwilson4509
    @cedricwilson4509 Месяц назад

    Hi does the coding change the cluster for a diesel engine car

  • @alih42612
    @alih42612 2 месяца назад

    I have a question if its possibile to install Tiguan’s digital cockpit on golf 7 ?
    Now on my golf having anlogic

  • @AmarAlgadi
    @AmarAlgadi 27 дней назад

    Hi, i have tried to retrofit virtual cockpit on my 2020 tiguan 2.0 TDI my immobiliser is 5D and my cockpit is 5NA92790D but it refuses to pair the keys at all? Any work around to pass this!

  • @klaghost
    @klaghost 2 месяца назад

    Where are you located sir ?

  • @ssaini.
    @ssaini. 2 года назад +2

    Hi, really useful video. I wanted to check if it is possible to just upgrade the firmware on the original canbus gateway rather than install a new one?

  • @harrykatsoyannis3580
    @harrykatsoyannis3580 10 месяцев назад

    Hey buddy. I have a virtual cockpit from a vw mk 7.5R. I want to install in my mk 7 gti. Can you help me that and how to code the clocks if possible

  • @njswheelandtire8471
    @njswheelandtire8471 11 месяцев назад

    Do you offer remote coding?

  • @awesomeangus8364
    @awesomeangus8364 Год назад

    Hiya, really helpful vid, Im looking at getting a 2015 VW polo blue motion, is it possilbe to retrofit a cockpit into that?

  • @jemz7r
    @jemz7r 10 месяцев назад

    If i buy all the stuff necessary can you guys help me with ODIS remotely from Melbourne or do I have to drive up to you guys :)

  • @reddpill
    @reddpill Год назад +1

    Do you know if you can swap out the Mk 7.5 Grid's analog dials for the digital cockpit in the standard 7.5?

  • @HJ_Systems
    @HJ_Systems Год назад

    Great video, I have analogue dials and i want to swap it with a second hand digital one. Coding is the only thing i need?

  • @42much1
    @42much1 2 года назад +2

    Great video, keep the good videos as the mk7/7,5 has survived the challenge of mk8 arrival.
    On my 2015 GTI I had previously retrofit the mibi 2 and 8 inch screen with great success.
    Last week I went to the shop and retrofit the virtual cockpit like you did in this video. Problem now is every time I connect car play by my phone I loose the ability to use voice control, phone or see the music or album in front of me, instead I keep seeing the message to first disconnect Apple car play, which makes no sense whatsoever, since before it was working fine.
    Could you help solve this mystery?

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад +2

      Sounds like the coding hasn’t been completed correctly.

    • @marc-oj3sc
      @marc-oj3sc 2 года назад

      What can you say about errors like ESC, ACS and start stop, and intermittently electrical steering fault after this virtual cockpit installation on a mk7? Have you seen this kind of cluster faults after this retrofit?

  • @katleho1998
    @katleho1998 10 месяцев назад

    could you do this upgrade to the white polo infront

  • @LR52VUU
    @LR52VUU Год назад +1

    Can this be done on a vw golf mk5? What parts will we need?

  • @brokeowl7676
    @brokeowl7676 Год назад

    Hello i have one question, i recently was tryna to change my instrument cluster on my mk7 gti and disconnected it it and when i was trying to reconnect my original cluster all my lights came on and doesnt want to reset to normal and i was wondering if you can help me why is that problem

  • @davantesigney7166
    @davantesigney7166 2 года назад

    Should do a video putting rs3 front seats into the Golf R.

  • @Hol-mes
    @Hol-mes 2 года назад

    why would you put the steering wheel back on if you knew you were going to be taking the cluster out?

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад

      This install wasn’t done in one day unfortunately. Cluster was done on a separate day.

  • @carlosmateus1306
    @carlosmateus1306 2 года назад +1

    hello what i need to fit virtual cockpit in my golf mk 7.5R because i have old dials

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад

      If you have the mib2.5 nothing it just needs to be purchased with an optical cable. If you don’t have a mib2.5 headunit you need to see if you have an optical cable port

  • @Shari_Tejp
    @Shari_Tejp 2 года назад +1

    I have a pre facelift golf 7. 2014. What exactly do i need hardware wise to do this upgrade. As i understood i need: mib 2.5 head unit, and the digital cluster itself? Everything else is done by coding? Thanks

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад

      You will also need a canbus gateway module upgrade and a most cable. Everything else is done on a laptop if your interested we can supply these kits just send us an email info@vcdssydney.com.au

  • @toelal8648
    @toelal8648 2 года назад

    Hi there what’s the part number for the canbus gateway ? I’ve just got a 3Q0907530C will that one work ? Thanks regards Tony

  • @arifghaffari2657
    @arifghaffari2657 2 года назад

    Can I put a 2nd hand LED Cockpit into my 2019 Polo? Can you please help?

  • @clinteastwood8637
    @clinteastwood8637 2 года назад

    hello is it possible to use , used cluster from tiguan 2018 model on passat b8? it's cheaper then new and it's original, but can it be used on other car and adapted to passat?

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад

      They can be adapted yes. But do they physically fit the different model will be the only issue.

    • @clinteastwood8637
      @clinteastwood8637 2 года назад

      @@vehiclecodingretrofits can you code it remotely? I would maybe buy one but I need assurance that can be done.

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад

      If you have odis and vcds yes we can.

  • @taximarknl
    @taximarknl 2 года назад

    Hello. I have a Golf 7 GTE. I bought a used virtual cockpit to retrofit. I have a MIB2.0 infotainment system. What else I need to change besides the coding to make this work ? And can it be that the virtual cockpit is vehicle locked ?

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад +1

      Yes both the mib and cluster will need to be matched to your car. Otherwise the car will not run.

  • @azamatbogatov1600
    @azamatbogatov1600 3 года назад

    Can you advise where that steering wheel is from? Thanks :)

  • @karoln7078
    @karoln7078 2 года назад +4

    Absolutely ridiculous how audi and vw made this very difficult to retrofit, I miss the good old days when everything was plug and play now it's all coding nonsense

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  2 года назад +1

      It’s gets even worse now, there starting to use component protection which vin locks modules now which wasn’t the case 5 years ago.

    • @ghost-4230
      @ghost-4230 2 года назад

      It’s justified. It’s an upgrade in technology which is reasonable

    • @chloeleedow7250
      @chloeleedow7250 2 месяца назад

      ​@@vehiclecodingretrofitscomponent protection is one thing that can be removed by legit breakers/wreckers or whatever but any more than that is fuckin stupid and makes more landifl lol.

  • @yangambusha5259
    @yangambusha5259 3 года назад

    Can you retro fit it to a 2018 polo?

  • @slergdasinna
    @slergdasinna 9 месяцев назад

    10 minutes bfore you showed the retrofit!!?!?!?! You can always do voiceovers you know

  • @pipolebnene
    @pipolebnene 3 года назад

    How much does the digital dash cost?

    • @vehiclecodingretrofits
      @vehiclecodingretrofits  3 года назад

      It will vary depending on whether the cluster is new or second hand.

    • @TimWalshe
      @TimWalshe 2 года назад

      @@vehiclecodingretrofits how much new? To replace damaged LCD

  • @Brand_marrakech
    @Brand_marrakech 3 года назад

    Second hand dash need coding??

  • @audioarchetype17
    @audioarchetype17 2 года назад

    Does this work with a 2018 or newer mk7.5 base trim Golf Sportwagen (North America)? If so, do you know the part number for the cluster and infotainment I need? Great video, very thorough!

  • @simpleman8584
    @simpleman8584 2 года назад

    Hi sir, how to contact you?

  • @chloeleedow7250
    @chloeleedow7250 2 месяца назад

    That flat top steering wheel in this video is criminal 🤮

  • @7rushy
    @7rushy Год назад

    Can this be done on a 63 reg mk7 gtd(2014)