Well, if the tree had hit the middle of the passenger door, Swedish co-driver would probably have been dead. The car hit between the wheels and the edge of the car door, causing the roof itself to be pushed to the left. My theory is that Swedish co-driver may have suffered a serious concussion after a serious crash and bang. Therefore, they had to work to try to get him out of Volvo, in a calm and unstressed way.
Häftig smäll de gjorde mot stor träden. Undrar bara om de klarade sig.
Det tror jag säkert. Fast det var lite ovanlig vurpan de gjorde mot träden, det kan jag hålla med om.
Real nasty crash against the trees.
I guess that first car, Volvo, what crashed into tree, Swedish co-driver did died for that crash, but driver didn't injured.
Well, if the tree had hit the middle of the passenger door, Swedish co-driver would probably have been dead. The car hit between the wheels and the edge of the car door, causing the roof itself to be pushed to the left. My theory is that Swedish co-driver may have suffered a serious concussion after a serious crash and bang. Therefore, they had to work to try to get him out of Volvo, in a calm and unstressed way.
My dad told me one time, that co-driver did died, but I'll trust your theory.