How a Man Landed a Pizza with Precise Calculations

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 919

  • @Brew
    @Brew  3 года назад +280

    Thanks to Raycon!
    Go to ​ for 15% off your order ☕️

    • @KaasIsLekker
      @KaasIsLekker 3 года назад +2

      Thanks to sawcon!!

    • @maru93-c1x
      @maru93-c1x 3 года назад +7


    • @kalen2
      @kalen2 3 года назад +1


    • @PlasDoesGames
      @PlasDoesGames 3 года назад +1

      Who is this quiz fellow

    • @Dtr146
      @Dtr146 3 года назад

      Hey stop dissing on GrubHub so much. I scrub up drivers at least use our thermal bag so when you get your food it's actually hot.

  • @silvertheelf
    @silvertheelf 3 года назад +1422

    Man orders pizza to train, gets addicted to ordering food on trains using calculations.

    • @nc5460
      @nc5460 3 года назад +32

      Dharr Mann be like:

    • @davidselves9384
      @davidselves9384 3 года назад +9


    • @ichi6ix611
      @ichi6ix611 3 года назад +82

      So this are the sceneries that my School was preparing me for.

    • @vikidikipipi
      @vikidikipipi 3 года назад +3

      Not funny?

    • @Tonithemeloni04
      @Tonithemeloni04 3 года назад +8

      @@ichi6ix611 I’m going to order 200 watermelons

  • @teletummy
    @teletummy 3 года назад +365

    I’m just imagining them opening the train window and the dominos man throwing a pizza box into it like a frisbee

    • @nikims_
      @nikims_ 3 года назад +2

      Mr White

    • @Thomasrex26
      @Thomasrex26 3 года назад +1

      69 likes, nice

    • @samipanini1209
      @samipanini1209 3 года назад +2

      And then imagine them missing the catch and tossing it back out

  • @coffeeelk6364
    @coffeeelk6364 3 года назад +1113

    These stories are nothing compared to what Squidward had to go through to deliver a pizza.

    • @dustinsterling3248
      @dustinsterling3248 3 года назад +69


    • @dr.inkwell1070
      @dr.inkwell1070 3 года назад +35

      You two just picked a lock on a door of my memories.

    • @feyris-san6209
      @feyris-san6209 3 года назад +1

      Yes but Squid is a cartoon character you stoopid

    • @feyris-san6209
      @feyris-san6209 3 года назад +2


    • @sokerampage
      @sokerampage 3 года назад +9

      Someone missed the joke here

  • @firstnamelastname4224
    @firstnamelastname4224 3 года назад +422

    Disclaimer: Today's episode talks about delivery, and the lengths people go to do their job. We're not delivery people, we just want to take an educated look at some stories about interesting deliveries in history. And with that, let's get into it.

    • @ZekeFreek
      @ZekeFreek 3 года назад +69

      This episode is so unproblematic Brew couldn't even come up with a possible disclaimer lol

    • @firstnamelastname4224
      @firstnamelastname4224 3 года назад +13

      @@ZekeFreek yeah lol

    • @Nikki0417
      @Nikki0417 3 года назад +42

      The lack of a disclaimer totally threw me off at first.

    • @firstnamelastname4224
      @firstnamelastname4224 3 года назад +24

      @@Nikki0417 Honestly it's... A *part* of the intro...

    • @HenryNWhite-zp5zp
      @HenryNWhite-zp5zp 3 года назад +11

      I just commented bout that. Why tf no disclaimer? Even if it doesnt need one. I WANT ONE.

  • @dyrcosis
    @dyrcosis 3 года назад +537

    Brew's Elvis impression is both creepy and amusing.

  • @Anthonybrother
    @Anthonybrother 3 года назад +121

    "And i would give up coffee for an hour to get freshly-delivered... coffee."

  • @pagananikey
    @pagananikey 3 года назад +86

    The fact that I always end up catching these videos between 12pm-2am fits into the feeling of being high on caffeine and going on a oddly specific crazy research trail at 3am in the morning when you should be asleep. It's a strange yet pleasant experience, and gives me something to think about when I finally start to fall asleep.

  • @kelp1883
    @kelp1883 3 года назад +485

    They said it was impossible,
    They said nobody could out pizza the hut,
    So Domino's did it anyway.

    • @silvertheelf
      @silvertheelf 3 года назад +16

      Domino’s out pizzad the hut

    • @moolate127
      @moolate127 3 года назад +32

      Domino's tastes better but I think Pizza Hut sending pizza to space is alot more impressive than Domino's sending one to a train.

    • @silvertheelf
      @silvertheelf 3 года назад +33

      @@moolate127 they had to do it to make sure they couldn’t be out pizzad

    • @roberteischen4170
      @roberteischen4170 3 года назад +10

      Pizza hut pizza sucks though. Honestly.
      Papa John's is #1. At least out where I live.

    • @silvertheelf
      @silvertheelf 3 года назад +9

      @@roberteischen4170 domino’s is the superior pizza, just gonna say, it won the pizza challenge by The Gaming Theorist

  • @ColinJonesPonder
    @ColinJonesPonder 3 года назад +24

    I'm a train driver in the UK. A friend of mine when on the Cardiff - Portsmouth Harbour run used to order from a fish and chip shop in Trowbridge on a regular basis, so a pizza delivery doesn't surprise me in the slightest ;)

  • @zacharyhinkle3833
    @zacharyhinkle3833 3 года назад +13

    The satisfaction of Brew having to fall back a couple notches on the dial for the sponsor and seeming him exert actual effort (lol) made the video for me.

  • @6kwecky6
    @6kwecky6 3 года назад +139

    Brew seems to be so much more happy after quiz came along.
    Then I realized they are fictional characters... I need to see some real people soon...

    • @darksu6947
      @darksu6947 3 года назад +8

      @The Robloxian Minecrafter I think I might have seen him at the gas station ⛽

    • @leggonarm9835
      @leggonarm9835 3 года назад +9

      She's the Yoko Ono of the group.

    • @deepthought4243
      @deepthought4243 3 года назад

      @@leggonarm9835 chill or quiz

    • @LuigiGodzillaGirl
      @LuigiGodzillaGirl 3 года назад +8

      @@deepthought4243 Quiz. I've seen mixed reception for her. Also, Chill's a dude.

    • @ssjup81
      @ssjup81 3 года назад

      I’ve noticed this too.

  • @merlinathrawes6191
    @merlinathrawes6191 3 года назад +16

    We used to do this all the time, as a railway worker on the trains. At one station we always had a curry waiting for us when we arrived, from the takeaway a mile down the road. The owner said it was good exercise and loved it. With a 30 second gap between arriving and departing it always worked out ok.

  • @ScribblerTheThirteenth
    @ScribblerTheThirteenth 3 года назад +846

    Therapist: Elvis brew isn’t real he can’t hurt you
    Elvis brew: .....

  • @SirNerdTheThird5143
    @SirNerdTheThird5143 3 года назад +74

    That is like asking a genie for 3 more wishes.

  • @bobowon5450
    @bobowon5450 3 года назад +33

    this is one of the highest quality videos from start to finish i've ever watched

  • @ikouzaki
    @ikouzaki 3 года назад +206

    Need For Speed: Pizza Delivery Edition

    • @
      @ 3 года назад +6


    • @Goretantath
      @Goretantath 3 года назад +5

      Aka delivery pre 2000's

    • @
      @ 3 года назад +1

      @@Goretantath indeed

    • @fjrdfk6869
      @fjrdfk6869 3 года назад +1

      Any Chinese noodle edition?

  • @croissora
    @croissora 3 года назад +76

    Me: There is no way.
    Dominos: There’s a way.

    • @backer2061
      @backer2061 3 года назад

      We no da wey

    • @TheBloxxedSanarcati
      @TheBloxxedSanarcati 3 года назад +1

      So you're telling me if I order pizza from space they'll get it to me?

  • @Phant0mZ_360
    @Phant0mZ_360 3 года назад +161

    "They grew up so fast"
    So Brew’s a father now

    • @eduardovasconcelos2485
      @eduardovasconcelos2485 3 года назад +17

      Not a father, a Daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @Phant0mZ_360
      @Phant0mZ_360 3 года назад +7

      @@eduardovasconcelos2485 sus😳

    • @Terrortism
      @Terrortism 3 года назад +9

      @@eduardovasconcelos2485 you make me regret

    • @hmu958
      @hmu958 3 года назад +4

      Or shes a forced diversity hire

    • @mamoet1283
      @mamoet1283 3 года назад +5

      @@hmu958 kinda angry

  • @BoulderWraith
    @BoulderWraith 3 года назад +90

    The madlad didnt just order a pizza on a train twice
    He also ordered Hawaiian

  • @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access
    @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access 3 года назад +79

    I wish they'd deliver to my forest, but I'm too far out

    • @tiggytiger171
      @tiggytiger171 3 года назад +10

      Sucks to be a big foot. I feel you man

    • @dustinsterling3248
      @dustinsterling3248 3 года назад +7

      cryptid life mang

    • @martiddy
      @martiddy 3 года назад +5

      at least you have access to internet

  • @beanos5240
    @beanos5240 3 года назад +53

    This is the man they warned us about in math class

  • @maxboiiyeeet1041
    @maxboiiyeeet1041 3 года назад +135

    The titel: Man dares Domino's to deliver Pizza on Moving train
    Do it perfect: You have awoken me from my Slumber

    • @xerosfs
      @xerosfs 3 года назад +1

      slumber, not slammer lol

    • @pikachuluck8249
      @pikachuluck8249 3 года назад

      @@xerosfs slammer-slang for prison cell

    • @UmiXan
      @UmiXan 3 года назад


    • @xerosfs
      @xerosfs 3 года назад

      @@pikachuluck8249 Not what I'm talking about, also I do already know that,
      Either way, thank you.

    • @figshwg
      @figshwg 3 года назад +2


  • @diomorota9178
    @diomorota9178 3 года назад +36

    "Mom can we get Elvis Presley"
    "No, we have Elvis Presley at home"
    *Elvis Presley at home* - 7:12

  • @stevejohn7459
    @stevejohn7459 2 года назад +1

    6:58 When Brew is showing off that he ain’t an introvert in high school in prom.

  • @briannacluck5494
    @briannacluck5494 3 года назад +9

    A friend of mine was riding an amtrak train to San Francisco and ordered pizza delivery to the train! Apparently at least for Amtrak it's not too uncommon with the larger stations

  • @daniperez8074
    @daniperez8074 3 года назад +3

    I'm so glad Quiz is a frequent host of this show. I love when everybody is on the show and just giving banter lol

  • @CheePufStudios
    @CheePufStudios 3 года назад +70

    RayCon is one of those thing like raid, it’s appears everywhere.

    • @xaius4348
      @xaius4348 3 года назад +13

      RaidCon Shadowbuds

    • @tosha2422
      @tosha2422 3 года назад +6

      @@xaius4348 not only was I thinking of this a couple days ago, I have a slightly different one. (Yours is still great, I just slightly changed it to involve ridge wallet)
      “Ridgecon Shadowwalletbuds”

    • @robertojaimes4234
      @robertojaimes4234 3 года назад +2

      They are durable, lasted around 2 years, only reason I had to replace it is that my baby got to the case. They still worked but the case is in two

    • @MasterZebulin
      @MasterZebulin 3 года назад +1

      @@robertojaimes4234 What about the wallets?

    • @friedcatfood
      @friedcatfood 3 года назад +5

      Not only that, but they sound horrible, and are literally rebrands of cheap wholesale chinese earbuds that cost less than half of the Raycon price. I recommend DankPods' video on them.

  • @homembabuino
    @homembabuino 3 года назад +135

    snap back to reality

    • @DjinnsĘnigma
      @DjinnsĘnigma 3 года назад +22

      Turtle in your gallery

    • @veeb343
      @veeb343 3 года назад +14

      ope there goes gravity

    • @springfox2338
      @springfox2338 3 года назад +5

      Oh there goes gravity

    • @lucas.c6911
      @lucas.c6911 3 года назад +3

      @@veeb343 oh, there goes rabbit, he chocked

    • @fjrdfk6869
      @fjrdfk6869 3 года назад

      Ur gallery smell fishy

  • @Cardoom
    @Cardoom 3 года назад +48

    Delivery apps:Am I hearing boss music
    Papa Murphy's:Am I joke to you?

    • @jrjr648
      @jrjr648 3 года назад +1

      Here’s your frozen pizza that you have to cook in your own oven! $57.00 has been charged to your debit

  • @silverhawkscape2677
    @silverhawkscape2677 3 года назад +11

    Elvis Brew can't hurt you, he's not real.
    *Elvis Brew*

    • @jackalope2302
      @jackalope2302 3 года назад +1

      Elvis Brew: I've be so lonely, baby, I've been so lonely. I've been so lonely I could cry.

  • @unit511lucky9
    @unit511lucky9 3 года назад +90

    Thomas the tank engine is impressed

  • @ondrabroz888
    @ondrabroz888 3 года назад +8

    I didn’t know I needed Elvis Brew in my life until I got him

  • @pianobooks42
    @pianobooks42 3 года назад +3

    My local dominos once tried to deliver someone else’s pizza to my dark bedroom at midnight while I was just starting to fall asleep, because they couldn’t find the door to my house which was the wrong house.
    and this dominos guy managed to correctly deliver the Hawaiian pizza to a random guy on a specific train at a precise time? I hope he got tipped big time.

  • @HerroVincey
    @HerroVincey 3 года назад +2

    Quiz's VA is improving really fast!! Must be the great support from all the cast!! 😊

  • @about7grams
    @about7grams 3 года назад +47

    I miss Chill and Grill :( I heard Raycon in the beginning and I was hoping I would hear the Raycon rap but no 🥺

    • @eddo_2169
      @eddo_2169 3 года назад +4

      Sorry but what happend to them? :0

    • @kaesyo2966
      @kaesyo2966 3 года назад +6

      @@eddo_2169 Their probably tired of Brew's shenanigans, So that's why Quiz's there to help brew I guess..

    • @bjap1563
      @bjap1563 3 года назад +5

      @@eddo_2169 They are there. At the previous episode. Or maybe, Having a private intimate bonding?

  • @ferretmode
    @ferretmode 3 года назад +11

    Wow! Papa Murphy’s has a delivery plane? I’m in Alaska and even I didn’t know that :0

  • @simplydavemn
    @simplydavemn 3 года назад +15

    I think Quiz needs some more character development videos. Like maybe a couple of videos where she takes the lead and Brew reacts, just so we get a bit more of her characters perspective.

  • @jochenstacker7448
    @jochenstacker7448 3 года назад +1

    I want you to deliver a pizza to me, now listen up, this is where it gets tricky.
    A train is leaving London at 3 pm going 60 miles an hour with a 5 minute stop at Birmingham, when you leave the pizza place at Newcastle going 30 miles an hour on your moped, taking 30 minutes baking time into account, when will you intersect with me at the railway station?
    Pizza Dude: All my nightmares have come true.

  • @ZeitInstants
    @ZeitInstants 3 года назад +5

    No one:
    That EarthBound pizza delivery guy: 3:21

  • @ilovechika1
    @ilovechika1 3 года назад +11

    The dad joke is BACK! how long did he brew this one for?

  • @kwakdeducc
    @kwakdeducc 3 года назад +7

    he did everything just for a pizza, what a lad

  • @lucasmartinez5703
    @lucasmartinez5703 3 года назад +1

    3:05 Man is capable of doing amazing things when he's really, really hungry.

  • @Perrypool09
    @Perrypool09 3 года назад +4

    Congrats on your first Raycon sponsor Quiz! 🦇

  • @pilotpat
    @pilotpat 3 года назад +4

    Salute to that man for delivering the pizza

  • @lilixcashxlili806
    @lilixcashxlili806 3 года назад +6

    Grade school makes sense! Train traveling 80 mph north, the pizza is steaming hot. How many apples are left after you eat 1😂

  • @ProxyGamingPG
    @ProxyGamingPG 3 года назад +2

    I live in Durham, I'm not surprised they took the delivery on board. Dominos is literally right under the train viaduct where the train station is next to, its only a 7 minute or less of a walk haha. More money, not much work

  • @yawcty6478
    @yawcty6478 3 года назад +6

    Brew worked so hard to perform that Elvis act, so far to get rid of his wrinkles for a bit.

  • @Zephriesz
    @Zephriesz 3 года назад +2

    7:02 Sleek Brew lookin Fly yo

  • @SL_-yc1pk
    @SL_-yc1pk 3 года назад +9

    I clicked on this and didn't know this was posted today

  • @matthewreynolds8068
    @matthewreynolds8068 3 года назад +2

    About a month ago, on the 8 empire builder from Minot to Seattle (24 hour train ride) we had pizza hut deliver to the train. The conductor had it all planned out and said to place the order, then him take care of it. The person who took my order was very confused about when and where we would be as my location was constantly changing. Luckily we got it figured out! What a feat 😄

  • @DiamondDepthYT
    @DiamondDepthYT 3 года назад +12

    I thought Elvis had been revived for a second..

  • @Momo_Kawashima
    @Momo_Kawashima 3 года назад +1

    "Hawaiian pizza is great"
    Me, an italian: alright that's it, dishonor, make a note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, dishonor on your cow

  • @felixhenson9926
    @felixhenson9926 3 года назад +5

    "Kanye West pulling the kind of stunt for which he's known Kanye Best put in a curry order for himself and 7 Kanye Guests"
    had me cackling

  • @JokinglyJo
    @JokinglyJo 3 года назад +2


  • @maru93-c1x
    @maru93-c1x 3 года назад +4

    Ok now try to deliver my food in a moving air plane going to a rocket to Mars

  • @Enderia2
    @Enderia2 3 года назад +2

    “Lookin at you grubhub”
    Me who realizes Quiz wasnt a one time episode: *visible happiness*

  • @shiningsun4023
    @shiningsun4023 3 года назад +3

    Them skirt-pockets are MVP for sure. 👌😆

  • @BlindingLight
    @BlindingLight 3 года назад +2

    Try our new Amtrak Pizza, it:
    -Is delivered by train (somehow)
    -Is literally just a cheese pizza
    -Costs 40 bucks
    -Might take a few hours to get here

  • @yeetghostrat
    @yeetghostrat 3 года назад +18

    That was a really good Elvis impression

  • @NovaAge
    @NovaAge 3 года назад +1

    2:28 No, I REFUSE to believe that such a person with such a name exists, such an occurrence is just too perfect for my mortal eyes...

  • @wusu8828
    @wusu8828 3 года назад +4

    Elvis brew needs more screentime

  • @CatholicK5357
    @CatholicK5357 3 года назад +1

    My roommate and I ordered a pizza online after finding a pizzeria that we liked the looks of. It was only after ordering that I found out it was two cities away. Unsurprisingly, the delivery never arrived - but I was surprised it went through to begin with. Gratefully we did not pay in advance and ordered something else after from a closer location.

  • @Izak_Klark
    @Izak_Klark 3 года назад +3

    Brew may be the only one who could (potentially) convince me to try Raycons. So much charm in these episodes.

  • @arkadeepkundu4729
    @arkadeepkundu4729 3 года назад +1

    Idk about you guys but here in India, Dominos Delivery Pizza to a train is a standard feature. To the point that there's an option on the Dominos app to enter your train ticket reservation number instead of the address & it'll automatically take your train, car & seat number from the railway site & deliver it right to you on the platform.

  • @Charoy612
    @Charoy612 3 года назад +3

    Skirt with pockets! Perfect place for raycons.

  • @charadesthe_trash_eater6521
    @charadesthe_trash_eater6521 3 года назад

    My aunt grew up in the village, and a favorite treat of theirs were Royal Kreem crackers. Miles away from home (down In Wasilla) she got a craving. She found a bulk box on span Alaska, however found that they only shipped to the villages. She NEEDED her crackers. The smaller, sweeter, creamier pilot breads. She called them up, told them “Look I haven’t had these crackers since I was a little girl, what can I do to get a hold of them?” We do have family with bush planes, however to make the trip down and back is expensive. Span Alaska told her to put down a random village and pick up her box from the warehouse, and we enjoyed delicious Royal Kreems. I also find it pretty funny about the whole “cold” thing. Near the mouth of the Yukon by Alakanuk and Emo it gets nice and hot enough to take a swim. Anchorage isn’t small, it’s a big city. At least in my book it is. Until I went to Arizona. Or when I saw Mexico City. How do people live there, it’s so stuffy! If you’re not on hillside, Anchorage is crowded. The houses are right next to each other!

  • @zerovod4150
    @zerovod4150 3 года назад +4

    I've only seen Quiz twice and I already like them.

  • @DeviilReaper
    @DeviilReaper 3 года назад +1

    Nice video, but I must point out that at 7:38 you wrote 8000 cal which is not the same as 8000 Cal or 8000 kcal. 8000 cal is = to 8 kcal or 8 Cal.... yes American food companies tries to make the number of calories in their products less by putting Cal instead of kcal, they have intentionally created Cal similar to cal but distinctly different unit with a totally different value.

  • @CiderDivider
    @CiderDivider 3 года назад +8

    Quiz is so charming! I'm glad they're in videos :D Is Quiz okay with fanart? :o

    • @jackalope2302
      @jackalope2302 3 года назад +3

      Yes she's cool but I do miss the boys. Their interactions were entertaining

  • @2nasandwich577
    @2nasandwich577 2 года назад

    Brew always talks about people's bad habits and addictions but MANS DRINKS COFFEE FOR EVERY VIDEO.

  • @Phant0mZ_360
    @Phant0mZ_360 3 года назад +4

    This is legendary

  • @LikaLaruku
    @LikaLaruku 3 года назад +2

    $200 for a sandwich? I could make that Fool's Gold Loaf at home for just under $20.

  • @makoty5550
    @makoty5550 3 года назад +6

    I love you people commenting before watching the video.

  • @azel7056
    @azel7056 3 года назад +1

    6:58 this IS CURSED ON SO MANY LEVELS...yet oddly entertaining🤔

  • @YilmazDurmaz
    @YilmazDurmaz 3 года назад +9

    hilarious coffee addiction:
    "I would give up coffee ... for an hour ... to get fresh coffee"

  • @RGC_animation
    @RGC_animation 3 года назад +2

    Spongebob Pizza delivery episode: Finally, a worthy oponent.

  • @sammylawrence227
    @sammylawrence227 3 года назад +16

    Bring back Chill and Grill! Freezerburn is why I watch!

    • @warehouselead
      @warehouselead 3 года назад +6

      Yeah, like what the heck happened to the cast of the show? The whole wacky dynamic is way off.

    • @stevengorlich4993
      @stevengorlich4993 3 года назад +8

      Totally agree. Even worse is the annoying voice of that girl that joined. Is this a relationship thing? Because if so, dear brew crew, leave us out of it and don't mess your show up

    • @LadyofRohan87
      @LadyofRohan87 3 года назад +5

      Yeah I had a weird feeling it's his GF. She's... Not good and throws the whole rhythm off.

    • @Inserthejojokehere
      @Inserthejojokehere 3 года назад +1

      Chill and grill were in last episode at the end

    • @deepthought4243
      @deepthought4243 3 года назад +3

      Quiz needs to quit

  • @petermardon2698
    @petermardon2698 3 года назад

    I can understand...when I was young (about 50 years ago, now) I worked in Wells Gray Park, near Clearwater, British Columbia. on a BC Parks crew rebuilding the road through the park and building new campsites. There was no pizza place in Clearwater, so when some of the crew left at the end of the summer they asked if there was anything we wanted form Vancouver (about 300 miles) So we said ''PIZZA'!!!'' And they sent it - via the Greyhound. Dunno how old it was when it arrived - maybe 2 or 3 days, but we ate it all. And we survived.

  • @maclainclock814
    @maclainclock814 3 года назад +5

    Yo, didn't even know a vid was coming out!

    @OSPREY-OF-THE-WEST 3 года назад

    Man: *what's Pizza to be delivered on a train*
    2:23 Domino's delivery Guy: *deja Vu starts playing in the background*

  • @JimboShogun0686
    @JimboShogun0686 3 года назад +7

    I would watch the Cats movie on repeat for Meatloaf and Potatoes

  • @AHandful
    @AHandful 3 года назад +2

    Brew in 1.25x speed is like "Brew with sleep"

  • @flintfoster8010
    @flintfoster8010 3 года назад +3

    If my grave doesnt say Ouwee, I'm not coming.

  • @BuddyMayfieldFishBuddy
    @BuddyMayfieldFishBuddy 3 года назад

    You guys realize only papa Murphys in Alaska delivers. The pizza normally is only refrigerated as the dough doesn't freeze well and is recommended to thaw for 24 hours in your fridge. I was an area supervisor for them and worked there for 12 years total. 🤷‍♂️

  • @SquishySenpai
    @SquishySenpai 3 года назад +3

    Waitaminit? Army of Darkness quote for an Elvis story? That's different. 😂

  • @leonfurry
    @leonfurry 3 года назад

    OMG! Papa Murphy’s pizza was what we sold at our store. We would buy in bulk of different frozen pizzas to sell by the slice after cooking them in our little gas station in Naknek, Alaska.

  • @Sovereignty3
    @Sovereignty3 3 года назад +6

    Fits into my skirt pocket, wait, your skirt has pockets? Cool!

  • @treyrandolph4720
    @treyrandolph4720 3 года назад

    i have those EXACT socks at 0:38 haha, thats awesome (bought them in one of those 5 packs from walmart)

  • @haroldtrei
    @haroldtrei 3 года назад +6

    No one is gonna talk about the my hero academia lucky socks? 🥰

  • @TheCoolDave
    @TheCoolDave 3 года назад +1

    I've been know to drive and hour plus for something I wanted to eat... but, this takes it to another level... Epic !!!

  • @TearsOfALyre
    @TearsOfALyre 3 года назад

    I have thrown a box of cookies into my father's car while running across a street

  • @
    @ 3 года назад +3

    *Parkour Mode Active*

  • @RazoE
    @RazoE 3 года назад

    My cousin always brought a Chicago style pizza to my mom (who was born in Texas, but grew up in Chicago) in LA as her carry-on when she would visit. My aunt also brought a White Castle crave case as her carry on for us.

  • @justinschieffer
    @justinschieffer 3 года назад +4

    What happened to chill and grill?

  • @silverhawkscape2677
    @silverhawkscape2677 3 года назад +1

    Talk about Top delivery service. Give a whole new meaning to satisfaction guarenteed.

  • @warehouselead
    @warehouselead 3 года назад +8

    Did I miss something? Who is Quiz and where is Chill and Grill?

    • @deepthought4243
      @deepthought4243 3 года назад +2

      Quiz is an irritating voiced know if all that replaced grill and chill which makes me sad because grill and chill were enjoyable

  • @mq5731
    @mq5731 3 года назад

    7:20 HEY! He forgot to mention that the loaf of bread was brushed with butter and then baked before being loaded up!

  • @isaiahdavis77
    @isaiahdavis77 3 года назад +4

    Dominos, it's daring, not delivery

  • @zilexfaulty
    @zilexfaulty 3 года назад

    I’m a simple man, I see people using footage of food wars, I like