My word for 2025 is HEALTH. I will be 77 in March, enjoy great health with the exception of pesky arthritis in my knee. I want to be healthy so that I can travel, enjoy my obsession with knitting and be a present and interesting partner for my wonderful husband who never minds searching out yarn stores during our adventures around the world. Health is everything, especially at my age!❤🎉
I completely agree! I will be 76 this month and I am working on being healthy so that like you, I can continue to travel and knit and visit with friends. My man is also very supportive.
Just discovered your channel and loved listening to you. My word for 2025 is intentional. I want to apply it to everything I do, knitting, quilting, reading and food choices. A secondary word would be frugal as I intend to use stash yarn, finish WIPs and read many books I have but not yet opened. Happy 2025
That shawl that you don’t love to wear would make a lovely throw for your chair or couch. It’s very beautiful and you could enjoy looking at it every time you passed by.
This is a great mantra. I’m sure it will help in moments you feel the heart start to race. To just breathe in, breathe out and whisper “calm”. I love it!! Wishing you a peaceful, calm 2025, Kathleen!
My word is quality 🍳 quality over quantity. In the things that I knit and buy. But also quality in my relationships, my job, the choices I make. The best version of myself.
🥚Hi Hailey and Sweet Georgia Brown! This was such a great Roundup format. I was nodding along SO MUCH with your 'takeaways' from the misses. My word of the year is PRESENCE. I need to show up for myself and loved ones this year without so much distraction and do my best to really BE where my feet are in the moment each day in 2025.
Thanks for stopping in, Leanne!! Glad you enjoyed my kinda sideways take on a year end recap. This is a great word for 2025 and definitely something I can do better with as well!
My word is generosity. I’m trying to see how I can be more generous with others, and think of what response is generous and loving. Health and gratitude are my usual go-to’s, I love both of those too, but this is more outwardly focused instead of just all about me, which feels right for now. Thanks for your great video and sharing your time and experience with us! 🥚
🥚 My word is Frugal. I decided to track my spending on yarn, patterns, and fiber related items last year just to see how much I truly spent on my hobby. It was shocking to see just how much money I spent. This year, I want to only knit from my very large stash and spend nothing on new yarn.
Wishing you strength and sending support for your cancer journey. I can only imagine the love you are putting into each item you make and I know it will be cherished.
I just found you so my word is optimistic, sometimes doggedly, or r realistically. Going into 23/24 winter a cardinal family asked for help, which was not ignored as it turned into high snow year & all the critters needed food. By February, I knew it would be a difficult year. Loss in various stages occured in my close and extended family. I also like your word, and I will borrow yr word later this year. I love your projects, you are a talented fiber crafter and wish you well in this new year. Sending you peace, hope and resiliency for the coming year.
🐣 my words is Carol first. I always put everyone before me and it has taken its toll. I loved seeing all you knit of 24. Can’t wait to see what you do in 2025.
🥚 my word for this year is intentionality. I want to pay attention to what I'm doing, and do things with intention and not just letting life happen to me
Hi Hailey, so happy to find your podcast. It’s always a pleasure to get to know somebody with the same taste of knitting patterns 😊. All the best for 2025 from Martina, Cologne/ Germany.
🐣 I think that I will go with “Simplify”. Recently I cleaned out my garage and donated or threw away stuff that I had no idea was even there. I would like to re-home things that no longer bring me Joy but may give Joy to others. Target places will be my closet the kitchen (pantry/freezer) and yes even my yarn stash. I am also hoping to find things that still bring me Joy that I completely forgot about. Lovely podcast. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for posting - I enjoyed this and saw some lovely patterns I feel inspired to use. Good Luck with 2025 and best wishes to you and your family with coping with health issues. Please to have found your podcast.
This sweater looks fabulous on you Hailey! My mantra for 2025 will be "just breathe" 🥚, lots of changes and transitions last year and I kind of fought with them head on. So this year, I am going to just breathe, acknowledge the problem, recognize it but then just let it go if I cannot do anything about it. Happy New Year to you and your family! (I could have picked kindness too, like some other viewers, because we definitely need a lot more of it!)
Sometimes just breathing is all you can do!! I try my best to ask myself “Is this something I can control?” If the answer is no, which is often is… I surrender. Accept. And find some way to channel that anxious energy. Love to you!!
My word is intention. Try to be more intentional about focusing on the things I want to do when I’m so often helping everyone else. This was a fun episode! Wishing you and your family wellness ❤️
Hope you are doing well, someone super close to me just started going through a health crisis and it’s so difficult, even though the outlook is good air doesn’t make it any easier on them or the supporters. I hope you can continue to take care of yourself and prioritize your wants and needs and those of your families. Love your videos!
🥚 my word of the year is serene…I feel like we cld all use a lot more peace in our very busy lives! I want to be still and embrace the calm and want to be a symbol of peace for others.
My word for the year is patience. To have more patience with myself and also those around me. I want to allow myself the time to live my life more slowly, methodically and wto remember to be patient as much as possible. 30:08
For me this year is create, last year my word was explore where I learnt lots of new skills. This year I want to use them to truly create craft and art I am happy with.
I have enjoyed your podcast so much this year. So nice to see a recap of your most worn, and to hear your reflections and thoughts going forward. 🥚I choose the word "openness" so during the year I can embrace whatever life gives me with an open heart, and a dearingness to share how I feel in a way that engages others
Hailey, I love your hits of 2024! I had been scrolling all the knitting videos and did not like what people have been knitting (they knit all the same stuff 😕) and I like your precise way of talking about the key points of the pieces. I too had an unexpected health crisis with a close family member this past September and I understand what you must be going through. So what with all the issues in the world, and the personal crisis , my word of the year ( I dont normally do words of the year or resolutions) is SLOW, as in take it slow, appreciate every moment, good or bad, dont rush through any of it. Time is precious. Hope things get easier for you. 🪺
My word for 2025 is WELLNESS. I have a surgery coming up that will repair an issue that has impacted my life negatively for several years. I will need to be strong to break patterns that have been introduced because of these limitations, but I am determined! Cheers to a wonderful and productive 2025 for all!
🍳I love all of your knits and loved seeing your Artus Shawl which I’m working on right now. This year I’m going to destash, declutter and practice frugality.
Thank you for such a thoughtful and cheery video even in the midst of all you're going through 💜 my word for 2025 is simplicity. It's looking like a full on year ahead so I'll be fighting for simplicity whenever and wherever I can 🙂🥚
JOY…I need to find joy in all my knitting…which fills my heart with goodness. I find peace and happiness every time I pick up my needles but need the joy in each project I start. I’m going to give myself the grace needed to frog if the joy doesn’t happen in the beginning. I’m hoping to have far less WIPS by the end of 2025 than what I am starting the new year with. So yes, JOY!🪺
I haven’t done a word for the year before, but I discovered your channel with this video and now have been thinking about it more. I want to worry less, and some words that are opposite worry came up as peace, trust, calm, lightheartedness, and jollity. I think I will choose Delight for this year. 🥚
🥚🍳. My word for the year is peace. We have some craziness happening in our family that is troublesome and myself and others just need to be able to find moments of peace in the midst of it. Thanks for the video! I always enjoy it!
My word for 2025, at least one, is Joy. I am deeply embracing what brings me joy and devoting myself to fully exploring those things. Life is now and it just seems to make the most sense that we savor each moment we have. Many blessings to you and your family for peace and joy.
Beautiful knits! My word of the year is elevate- not just my skills, home, wardrobe, work and health but also my friendships and relationships with other people. 🥚🐣🐥↗️
🍳 wow, before I even heard your word I said ‘resilience’. One of my best friends did a New Year card reading for me and resiliency was a theme in all of the cards, plus it feels so fitting after a long, hard year. If I had to pick a second word I would go with Growth!
I love the idea of a word of the year. My word should be completion. I’m suiting on a lot of projects that I just haven’t finished like decorating my house that I bought 2yrs ago. 😂🐣 wishing you and your family all the health and resilience you need in the New Year. I also love that turquoise in your shawl.
Just found your podcast. It's a good one. I don't have a Revelry account so not sure I can win a pattern, but I will say my word will be DO. I tend to think about things (even knitting) more than actually doing all the things. 🥚
Appreciate you sharing. My word will be "joy" because it's always there, even if it's small and hard to see at first... It'll be something I keep looking for in 2025 🐣 btw your artus shawl is gorgeous!
My 2025 word is illuminate. This is my 12th year to pick a word. Thank you for your hits and misses, I appreciate knowing your experiences with yarns, patterns etc., and seeing your beautiful knits! 🥚
Thanks for the great podcast! I’ll play along- especially because I have dragon eyes for your Bergman 😊 I picked explore for my word. I want to push myself to gather more experiences and not cocoon all winter. 🐣 My flop that I really enjoyed knitting is my Instant Crush. It wears me- I don’t wear it. Luckily it looks fabulous on one of my daughters, I just have to shorten the sleeves a bit and it will have a happy home. Sending best possible wishes for your loved one as they go through this difficult time.
Thank you for the well wishes, Lorna!! Good thing we have knit worthy people in our lives!! My aunt’s craft group does a fair every year to raise money for their church. I’m strongly considering gifting her the shawl to put in their booth.
My word of 2025 is “flow”, I am embracing the highs and lows that life inevitably brings as well as aligning with the present moment. Letting go of internal struggles, rigid control or overthinking. Happy New Year to you and your family and thoughts of health to your loved one❤
Your Artus Shawl is stunning! Mosaic knitting seems like such an time investment to me, but obviously one that paid off well for you. 🪺 My word for the year I think is going to be FULL. A couple of weeks ago I heard a podcaster correct herself, instead of saying she was “busy”, she said that she wanted to adjust her thinking to “my life is very FULL”. I know I’m not the only one that feels like life is an overwhelming crazy train of business, but I am so very blessed with how very full my days are and I want to remember that blessing every day this year, instead of bemoaning how quickly time slips away or how many tasks there are always to be done.
Hi Hailey! Thanks for another fun and inspiring video, and congratulations on your beautiful knits! Wishing you peace and resilience (great word choice!) through your family's health challenge. 🥚 Presence.
🐣my word is…. Sweetness. Enjoy every moment with my grand babies. See the new discoveries through their eyes. Lord knows I need every bit of this in my life. I love your word and thoughts on it. I couldn’t agree more. Great podcast
What a fun video. I absolutely love to see how a project turns out, beyond the initial “FO”. I like seeing how much it is used and enjoyed or not and the reasons why My word this year is Thrive. More than surviving and getting by. I want to really thrive in my relationships and in my career. 🐣🥚❤
My word of the year I think is going to be mindfulness. I want to be more mindful about what I make and how I show up in my day to day life. I've been coasting for years and I nothing I want to live more mindfully and be more present in the process. Be that creatively or just in general with family, friends and life.
Pivot is my word this year. I will go ahead make plans, set up a course and schedule, but I will also be prepared to make changes based on: my energy level, what’s practical, and what’s necessary. Expectations are subject to change. 🍳🥚🪺
Love these year recap videos. Thanks! 🥚 my word is more of a theme: organize, simplify, declutter. This mainly because my basement flooded late Dec so I’ll be spending the next couple of months doing all of that,
Ugh… we had 18” in our basement earlier this year. So I totally feel your pain. In our situation our basement is storage only… so in the end it did kinda help us tackle some long overdue culling. Though it was not fun in the moment…. Best of luck with your year of simplicity!!
🪺my word is ‘authentic’ I’m a bit of a chameleon and in 2025 I want to be more (and more) myself, or trying to find out what I like and want instead of being influenced by others. Not only in knitting! Like your video, your hits and misses and why.
I loved seeing all your hits! I am planning a Bergman sweater this year, too. Such a great graphic pop! 🪺 My word this year is self-compassion. The runner up was progress (not perfection)!
I always like to say there is such a thing as good enough. And good enough allows us to move forward rather than spin our wheels waiting for perfection.
My word for 2025 is HEALTH. I will be 77 in March, enjoy great health with the exception of pesky arthritis in my knee. I want to be healthy so that I can travel, enjoy my obsession with knitting and be a present and interesting partner for my wonderful husband who never minds searching out yarn stores during our adventures around the world. Health is everything, especially at my age!❤🎉
Linda, this warmed my heart and spoke to my soul. Go give that wonderful husband of yours a big HUG!!
Awwwwwww❤… married 39 years and love this !!!
I completely agree! I will be 76 this month and I am working on being healthy so that like you, I can continue to travel and knit and visit with friends. My man is also very supportive.
What a beautiful word for 2025. May you be granted continued health, happiness, and fulfillment!
Just discovered your channel and loved listening to you. My word for 2025 is intentional. I want to apply it to everything I do, knitting, quilting, reading and food choices. A secondary word would be frugal as I intend to use stash yarn, finish WIPs and read many books I have but not yet opened. Happy 2025
Endurance would be a good word for me for this year, I will be turning 80 this year and looking forward to many more birthdays after this one 🐣
Good on you, Patricia!!! Hope your 80th is a stellar year!
Kindness. There is not enough kindness in the world 🍳
That shawl that you don’t love to wear would make a lovely throw for your chair or couch. It’s very beautiful and you could enjoy looking at it every time you passed by.
My word of 2025 is calm. I tend to throw myself into chaos and this year I’m working on staying calm. 🐣
This is a great mantra. I’m sure it will help in moments you feel the heart start to race. To just breathe in, breathe out and whisper “calm”. I love it!! Wishing you a peaceful, calm 2025, Kathleen!
Your show stopper shall is beautiful. The colors are so pretty on you. My word "thriver". Sending you good vibes for 2025. The cat cracks me up✨️
My word is quality 🍳 quality over quantity. In the things that I knit and buy. But also quality in my relationships, my job, the choices I make. The best version of myself.
🥚Hi Hailey and Sweet Georgia Brown! This was such a great Roundup format. I was nodding along SO MUCH with your 'takeaways' from the misses. My word of the year is PRESENCE. I need to show up for myself and loved ones this year without so much distraction and do my best to really BE where my feet are in the moment each day in 2025.
Thanks for stopping in, Leanne!! Glad you enjoyed my kinda sideways take on a year end recap. This is a great word for 2025 and definitely something I can do better with as well!
I love your cat! I bet she is complaining because you're in her space. 😂😂
She a is always complaining about something 😆
Also here for the cat! 🐱
🐣🐣🐣 my word for the year is JOY. Doing things that bring me joy, bringing joy to others, and finding joy in small things.
My word is generosity. I’m trying to see how I can be more generous with others, and think of what response is generous and loving. Health and gratitude are my usual go-to’s, I love both of those too, but this is more outwardly focused instead of just all about me, which feels right for now. Thanks for your great video and sharing your time and experience with us! 🥚
🥚 My word is Frugal. I decided to track my spending on yarn, patterns, and fiber related items last year just to see how much I truly spent on my hobby. It was shocking to see just how much money I spent. This year, I want to only knit from my very large stash and spend nothing on new yarn.
That’s a great perspective, I also want to adopt this!
🐣 creative legacy. Living with stage 4 cancer, I often think about what my legacy is. What will people remember by.
Wishing you strength and sending support for your cancer journey. I can only imagine the love you are putting into each item you make and I know it will be cherished.
@ thank you. There definitely is a lot of love in each stitch I make!
I am so happy for you that the Shoep shawl remains in your life. It is so stunning on you!!! Happy New Year, sending heartfelt care to you and yours.
All thanks to you!!!
I just found you so my word is optimistic, sometimes doggedly, or r
Going into 23/24 winter a cardinal family asked for help, which was not ignored as it turned into high snow year & all the critters needed food. By February, I knew it would be a difficult year. Loss in various stages occured in my close and extended family. I also like your word, and I will borrow yr word later this year. I love your projects, you are a talented fiber crafter and wish you well in this new year. Sending you peace, hope and resiliency for the coming year.
🐣 my words is Carol first. I always put everyone before me and it has taken its toll. I loved seeing all you knit of 24. Can’t wait to see what you do in 2025.
🥚 my word for this year is intentionality. I want to pay attention to what I'm doing, and do things with intention and not just letting life happen to me
Hi Hailey, so happy to find your podcast. It’s always a pleasure to get to know somebody with the same taste of knitting patterns 😊. All the best for 2025 from Martina, Cologne/ Germany.
🐣 I think that I will go with “Simplify”. Recently I cleaned out my garage and donated or threw away stuff that I had no idea was even there. I would like to re-home things that no longer bring me Joy but may give Joy to others. Target places will be my closet the kitchen (pantry/freezer) and yes even my yarn stash. I am also hoping to find things that still bring me Joy that I completely forgot about. Lovely podcast. Thank you for sharing.
🪺 my word for the year is PROVIDE. Loved your knits and also your 🐈⬛.
Thanks for posting - I enjoyed this and saw some lovely patterns I feel inspired to use. Good Luck with 2025 and best wishes to you and your family with coping with health issues. Please to have found your podcast.
Have a happy new year Knitweekend
The shawl on 26:00 is absolutely amazing and suits you very well
I would say it's stunning! where could we find the pattern?
Family First Always…and we will take u when we can. Take care of urself. Prayers are coming!!
This sweater looks fabulous on you Hailey! My mantra for 2025 will be "just breathe" 🥚, lots of changes and transitions last year and I kind of fought with them head on. So this year, I am going to just breathe, acknowledge the problem, recognize it but then just let it go if I cannot do anything about it. Happy New Year to you and your family! (I could have picked kindness too, like some other viewers, because we definitely need a lot more of it!)
Sometimes just breathing is all you can do!! I try my best to ask myself “Is this something I can control?” If the answer is no, which is often is… I surrender. Accept. And find some way to channel that anxious energy. Love to you!!
My word is intention. Try to be more intentional about focusing on the things I want to do when I’m so often helping everyone else. This was a fun episode! Wishing you and your family wellness ❤️
Hope you are doing well, someone super close to me just started going through a health crisis and it’s so difficult, even though the outlook is good air doesn’t make it any easier on them or the supporters. I hope you can continue to take care of yourself and prioritize your wants and needs and those of your families. Love your videos!
Thank you so much, Grace! 🤗
I would LOVE your beret! I just came back from a year in Paris! 🎉❤
So many beautiful projects to be proud of! I’m so inspired.
And I think my word of 2025 will be something like *perseverance* 🍳
🥚 my word of the year is serene…I feel like we cld all use a lot more peace in our very busy lives! I want to be still and embrace the calm and want to be a symbol of peace for others.
My word for the year is patience. To have more patience with myself and also those around me. I want to allow myself the time to live my life more slowly, methodically and wto remember to be patient as much as possible. 30:08
For me this year is create, last year my word was explore where I learnt lots of new skills. This year I want to use them to truly create craft and art I am happy with.
I have enjoyed your podcast so much this year. So nice to see a recap of your most worn, and to hear your reflections and thoughts going forward. 🥚I choose the word "openness" so during the year I can embrace whatever life gives me with an open heart, and a dearingness to share how I feel in a way that engages others
Hailey, I love your hits of 2024! I had been scrolling all the knitting videos and did not like what people have been knitting (they knit all the same stuff 😕) and I like your precise way of talking about the key points of the pieces. I too had an unexpected health crisis with a close family member this past September and I understand what you must be going through. So what with all the issues in the world, and the personal crisis , my word of the year ( I dont normally do words of the year or resolutions) is SLOW, as in take it slow, appreciate every moment, good or bad, dont rush through any of it. Time is precious. Hope things get easier for you. 🪺
Thanks for watching, Patti!! I hope your family is finding its way through and you get to slow down for 2025. Cheers!!
My word for 2025 is WELLNESS. I have a surgery coming up that will repair an issue that has impacted my life negatively for several years. I will need to be strong to break patterns that have been introduced because of these limitations, but I am determined! Cheers to a wonderful and productive 2025 for all!
🍳I love all of your knits and loved seeing your Artus Shawl which I’m working on right now.
This year I’m going to destash, declutter and practice frugality.
Beautiful knits! It's been a hard year, so my word for 2025 is grateful.
Thank you for such a thoughtful and cheery video even in the midst of all you're going through 💜 my word for 2025 is simplicity. It's looking like a full on year ahead so I'll be fighting for simplicity whenever and wherever I can 🙂🥚
Thank you for your sweet comment. Simplicity is a great word to guide the year ahead!
JOY…I need to find joy in all my knitting…which fills my heart with goodness. I find peace and happiness every time I pick up my needles but need the joy in each project I start. I’m going to give myself the grace needed to frog if the joy doesn’t happen in the beginning. I’m hoping to have far less WIPS by the end of 2025 than what I am starting the new year with. So yes, JOY!🪺
I haven’t done a word for the year before, but I discovered your channel with this video and now have been thinking about it more. I want to worry less, and some words that are opposite worry came up as peace, trust, calm, lightheartedness, and jollity. I think I will choose Delight for this year. 🥚
Delight sounds perfect!
I really appreciate your approach to the traditional year in review podcast, so much more intentional!! Thank you!
Glad you thought it was fun!
🥚🍳. My word for the year is peace. We have some craziness happening in our family that is troublesome and myself and others just need to be able to find moments of peace in the midst of it. Thanks for the video! I always enjoy it!
🥚- My word is adventurous, I want to learn and do knew this year with my knitting. 😊
My word for 2025 is Frugal. I'm going to shop my stash for projects. 😊❤
Love the co host ❤❤❤❤
My word for 2025, at least one, is Joy. I am deeply embracing what brings me joy and devoting myself to fully exploring those things. Life is now and it just seems to make the most sense that we savor each moment we have. Many blessings to you and your family for peace and joy.
Beautiful knits! My word of the year is elevate- not just my skills, home, wardrobe, work and health but also my friendships and relationships with other people. 🥚🐣🐥↗️
My word is Light. 🍳 Thank you for your inspiring projects and words!
🪺my word for 2025 is “New”. I want to make and do “new” things. Thanks for sharing your hits / misses.
The green & cream cardigan would make a lovely pillow cover - buttons and all. ;)
🍳 wow, before I even heard your word I said ‘resilience’. One of my best friends did a New Year card reading for me and resiliency was a theme in all of the cards, plus it feels so fitting after a long, hard year. If I had to pick a second word I would go with Growth!
I love the idea of a word of the year. My word should be completion. I’m suiting on a lot of projects that I just haven’t finished like decorating my house that I bought 2yrs ago. 😂🐣 wishing you and your family all the health and resilience you need in the New Year. I also love that turquoise in your shawl.
My word CALM 🐣. Keeping your own peace grants you a way to stay calm.
🐣 your podcast is so lovely! My word for 2025 is “presence”…which I am defining as living in the moment with an appreciative heart.
My word is realistic - about responsibilities, expectations and available time for crafting!🐓
First time viewer from Vienna. I enjoyed your channel so much. Looking forward to your next video. My 2025 word would be determined. 🐣
Just found your podcast. It's a good one. I don't have a Revelry account so not sure I can win a pattern, but I will say my word will be DO. I tend to think about things (even knitting) more than actually doing all the things. 🥚
Your Bergman sweater is certainly a hit! Looks amazing on you. ❤
Thank you, dear friend!!
Judgement is my word, a reminder to myself not to judge others. 🍳
Appreciate you sharing. My word will be "joy" because it's always there, even if it's small and hard to see at first... It'll be something I keep looking for in 2025 🐣 btw your artus shawl is gorgeous!
My 2025 word is illuminate. This is my 12th year to pick a word. Thank you for your hits and misses, I appreciate knowing your experiences with yarns, patterns etc., and seeing your beautiful knits! 🥚
Glad you enjoyed it, Laura!
🥚my word of the year is LOVE
You could totally rock a teal sweater! 🐣🥚🐣🥚My word is grace. Wishing grace for you and your family as you navigate the health challenges. 💕🙏🏼
Thank you, Cheryl! Grace is a beautiful mantra.
🐣 my words are acceptance and positivity…you inspired me to think about this❤
I love all your pattern choices. My word for the year is Peace.🍳
comfort 🐣 is my word of the year
I loved seeing your favorites. May your hits always outnumber your misses. My word for 2025 is compassion - for everyone, not just the easy people. 🥚
Thanks for the great podcast! I’ll play along- especially because I have dragon eyes for your Bergman 😊 I picked explore for my word. I want to push myself to gather more experiences and not cocoon all winter. 🐣 My flop that I really enjoyed knitting is my Instant Crush. It wears me- I don’t wear it. Luckily it looks fabulous on one of my daughters, I just have to shorten the sleeves a bit and it will have a happy home. Sending best possible wishes for your loved one as they go through this difficult time.
Thank you for the well wishes, Lorna!! Good thing we have knit worthy people in our lives!! My aunt’s craft group does a fair every year to raise money for their church. I’m strongly considering gifting her the shawl to put in their booth.
You might wear that beret to a St. Patrick’s Day party. My word is “joy”. I love watching your podcast. I learn something every time! Thanks! Denise
LOVE THE CAT!!! More of her please! ❤
She comes and goes as she pleases, but I agree she adds a special je ne sais quoi!
So good to see a recap
of your beautiful projects! Also I love seeing Georgie 🐈⬛
🐣for this year my word is "peace" for all - thank you for this great video, such beautiful knits !!!
My word is growth. 🥚 I love your podcast. As a fellow southerner it is nice to watch someone who sounds like home.
Thanks for hanging out with me!
Very useful and interesting video, thank you very much! Looking forward to your 2025 knits 🤎
So happy you found it useful!! Cheers!!
My word for now is, quiet. 🐣 I’m really wanting to listen and hear, so I’m seeking the quiet amongst the noise. Wishing you and your family wellness.
My word of 2025 is “flow”, I am embracing the highs and lows that life inevitably brings as well as aligning with the present moment. Letting go of internal struggles, rigid control or overthinking. Happy New Year to you and your family and thoughts of health to your loved one❤
You forgot to include an egg imogi
My word for this year is Healthy 🐣
Your Artus Shawl is stunning! Mosaic knitting seems like such an time investment to me, but obviously one that paid off well for you. 🪺 My word for the year I think is going to be FULL. A couple of weeks ago I heard a podcaster correct herself, instead of saying she was “busy”, she said that she wanted to adjust her thinking to “my life is very FULL”. I know I’m not the only one that feels like life is an overwhelming crazy train of business, but I am so very blessed with how very full my days are and I want to remember that blessing every day this year, instead of bemoaning how quickly time slips away or how many tasks there are always to be done.
🐣Gratitude 🐣 I’m happy I found your channel, looking forward to the knitting year 2025! ☺️
Elegance. My life has become a bit rough and ready so I want to reinvent myself. 🐣
Love it! Reinvention can be a great way to re-engage with life!
My word is abide 🐣. Thanks for sharing your beautiful knits! The artist shawl is gorgeous!!
Oh am I absolutely love, love your shawls. Just stunning
Mindfulness is my word for 2025. I enjoyed your podcast very much 🐣
Hi Hailey! Thanks for another fun and inspiring video, and congratulations on your beautiful knits! Wishing you peace and resilience (great word choice!) through your family's health challenge. 🥚 Presence.
Hi 👋🏻 my word is minimise. 🐣I really enjoy the interaction with the cats. Sending lots of positive vibes to you and your family.
Savour! I spent last year on survival mode, this year I’m going to be savouring every moment 🍳
My word would be efflorescence. It’s my year to bloom 🌻🌻🥚🐣
🐣 My would could be „recover“ but I will think about it the next days if there is a better one 😊
🐣my word is…. Sweetness. Enjoy every moment with my grand babies. See the new discoveries through their eyes. Lord knows I need every bit of this in my life. I love your word and thoughts on it. I couldn’t agree more.
Great podcast
What a fun video. I absolutely love to see how a project turns out, beyond the initial “FO”. I like seeing how much it is used and enjoyed or not and the reasons why
My word this year is Thrive. More than surviving and getting by. I want to really thrive in my relationships and in my career. 🐣🥚❤
Glad you enjoyed this idea!
My word of the year I think is going to be mindfulness. I want to be more mindful about what I make and how I show up in my day to day life. I've been coasting for years and I nothing I want to live more mindfully and be more present in the process. Be that creatively or just in general with family, friends and life.
Courage. 🥚 I need the courage to do the big projects I want to do.
🥚Great hits. My word is family
Pivot is my word this year. I will go ahead make plans, set up a course and schedule, but I will also be prepared to make changes based on: my energy level, what’s practical, and what’s necessary. Expectations are subject to change. 🍳🥚🪺
Love these year recap videos. Thanks! 🥚 my word is more of a theme: organize, simplify, declutter. This mainly because my basement flooded late Dec so I’ll be spending the next couple of months doing all of that,
Ugh… we had 18” in our basement earlier this year. So I totally feel your pain. In our situation our basement is storage only… so in the end it did kinda help us tackle some long overdue culling. Though it was not fun in the moment…. Best of luck with your year of simplicity!!
This would be EGGcellent for my pattern collection and resolution to knit more non-garments this year! 🦢 My 2025 word = REBIRTH 🐣
Persevere 🥚
Love your color choices used in the shawls.🧶
🪺my word is ‘authentic’ I’m a bit of a chameleon and in 2025 I want to be more (and more) myself, or trying to find out what I like and want instead of being influenced by others. Not only in knitting!
Like your video, your hits and misses and why.
This is a fantastic word! I think we all struggle with this sometimes.
I loved seeing all your hits! I am planning a Bergman sweater this year, too. Such a great graphic pop!
🪺 My word this year is self-compassion. The runner up was progress (not perfection)!
I always like to say there is such a thing as good enough. And good enough allows us to move forward rather than spin our wheels waiting for perfection.
Patience...always patience. Happy New Year! 🍳