As Castro says in part 3 of the interview when being asked if socialism and communism works: "Does capitalism work in Mexico when millions of people are putting their lifes at risk, when thousands of people die every year when trying to enter the United States? Now you say that socialism doesn't work here? Then capitalism doesn't work either". As top consumers most people believe that capitalism works because THEY have it good, even if many in the capitalist society that are poor and homeless.
The American Capitalist decided to build a financial Empire instead of continuing to develop the productive forces in the United States. This gave rise to Trump and the disgust with the two parties. Capitalism's failures are once again bringing the question of socialism to the front of the political debate.
BTW Babwa Walters, life in Cuba may not have been so damn difficult if we didn't have an oppressive blockade around the damn country. If instead of our sociopathic bankers drooling over getting control of the country back since Fidel kicked them out in '60-61(after he tried to work with them), we could have aided it in what could have been a social experiment. We could have helped the country develop in an actual genuine effort to make it reach it's highest capability. Don't give me the shit about life and liberty and freedom of press(for people with the money to own it). Because we have, and do back the worst regimes on the planet. Including House of Saud's Saudi Arabia, Congo(Mobutu), Suharto's Indonesia, Pinochet's Chile, Zionist Israel's disgusting massacres and occupation, the Taliban in Afghanistan(sheeple like to forget), Saddam in Iraq as well(sheeple really like to forget that one), even Batista in Cuba, etc. I could go on and on for pages about all the worst regimes we supported. Literally. At least Castro's goals were honorable. Even if his ego got in the way. He meant to create equality. And to eliminate inequality, poverty, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, lack of access to medical care, etc. Wake up sheeple. This was not an evil man. Flawed, yes, but not evil. Men like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Schiff, Loeb, Warburg, Carnegie, Oppenheim, Goldsmith, etc. fit that bill.
Hahahahahahaha Fidel Castro is own by the same people. You really think they can take over Cuba if they wanted to? They did it in the 1898 Spanish-American War from Spain.
"Life in Cuba for most families is difficult" - Uh huh, yeah, and life in America right now is just peachy for everyone, right? This woman is getting on my last nerve. She should actually spend 6 months living in Cuba and getting to know what life is like there, how close communities and families are because they're not distracted by material things, properly before shitting on them.
I love Cuba, we go for vacation to Cuba every year, we make sure we take a lot of school supplies and drop off most of them at local schools, the rest we hand out to kids in towns. People are extremely nice and as Canadians we feel very welcomed there. Why would we go to Mexico for example where tourists are being robbed, and sometimes killed. My idea of vacation is not going places and looking over my shoulder all the time, in Cuba we feel welcomed and safe.
When one of the greatest economic powers of the world is your neighbour and has an embargo on you, you've got to expect there to be problems. Cubans can thank US Administrations for that.
A good life does not rely on how much money they have. People can be happy with less money. And you see them all smiling there, the joy is not missing.
The position Barbara Walters takes against Fidel Castro, trying to sell her case and appeal to Americans , is so unsubtle and sickening. I hope Americans are intelligent enough to understand how obviously slanderous this is. Fidel Castro is one of the greatest leaders the 20th Century saw.
@RalphdaCuban There is no American Dream, and it is certainly not in America. The ones most responsible for the lack of freedom in Cuba are Americans, and yet some still wish to join their oppressors. The embargo is one of many ways the Americans ensure Cuba is not free. Castro does what he does to protect his people from what plagues all other countries in Latin America, and the true nightmare that existed under Batista before him. He fights with all he has despite being next to powerless.
I am an American citizen who is able to understand the position that Cuba is coming from. Although Cuba does still have some steps to make. America does like to romanticize about the hard conditions of other countries. A good book for all American Teens and young adults to read is " Lies My Teacher Told Me" It will give you a very differnet view on America.
take into perspective there are food shortages and some hunger and lack of goods in Cuba, because of the continued US embargo on Cuba that makes it impossible for the US and Cuba to trade, if there are problems in Cuba it is the US that has caused it, how can you talk about the American dream when a lot of Americans live under $15,000 a year? how can you justify the extreme discrimination to ethic minorities in America ?
Thankyou David, the america, dream never existed, the US is not the only country ,there are others that have opened the doors and years ago to Cuba, Russia and Canada
Looking forward to a brighter future for the brothers and sisters that are the US and Cuban people. Today the American Embassy reopened in Cuba, tomorrow, the US may lift the embargo.
I recently visited Havana and yes they have issues, don’t we all, but it’s a beautiful city where gun violence is non existent and the family unit seems stronger than in America. I encourage Americans to visit Havana, it’s nothing like the US Government or media portrait.
Why does one page have a pro Castro comment as a top comment and another page anti Castro comment as a top comment. Surely the same people are watching all 6 pages!
Around 4 min into the video, when she speaks about how many families in Cuba have a hard time, she mentions the old cars, the trade embargo, the fall of the Sovjet Union. All of these are effects you can´t blame the system itself on. It would be interesting to see somekind of a comparison between the poor in Cuba and the poor in the US. Cuba definetely has its issues, regarding freedom of speech and so on. But still, without the embargos and it´s involentary isolation things would be different.
How can she say the worst of our country is better than the worst of theirs? It’s the same conditions only we have millions of people starving in America.
I want to know the difference. If Walmart is the only store you can afford, and it's workers are on public assistance and the owners get huge tax cuts while purchasing everything from China, how is it different? How free is the shopper and the employee? Only the billionaire owner is really free.
@ldeagnon my cousin went to cuba, and she was appalled at the crumbling buildings, the poor quality of life and the fact that they had to have someone travel with them and monitor their whereabouts. Not to mention religion is not allowed, the consumption of red meat is also not allowed and the populace was not allowed to go to certain tourist destinations or have contact with people from the outside world. Yeah, what a country Cuba is. whatever.
Fidel's lying through his teeth at all points during this interview. In part 3, he says, "they (Cubans petitioning for more freedom) will have their response in due course". That's the same thing Soviet Ambassador Zorin said at the UN, when questioned about the missiles in Cuba. And the Elian Gonzalez thing is a tragedy....a tragedy that we made possible. This man on the interview is not even his real father. The FBI (under the direction of Janet Reno and president Bill Clinton) took him from his real relatives by force, and in the middle of the night to boot (look up the pictures of that event, if you don't believe me). Elian's mother obviously wanted freedom for her son....he never got it. For that, we should be ashamed. :(
You don't live free, I could list 5 logical and fundamental reasons why you aren't a free individiual wherever you may be, and you are speaking truth, "People are never happy with what they have", if I am lazy no? Of course I would like to work, just I don't chase money, I chase knowledge since knowledge is the ultimate power, and in capitalism systems if you don't have a dollar, you can't access to that kind of power, money these days is overrrated and currency is perhaps
@itsjustme2919 Don't know what year your cousin was in Cuba but you have wrong info about Cuba. Most of what you have said is not true. I've been to Cuba many many times & I have not had to experience this. Yes, a lot of buildings are not in the best shape & Cuban people struggle but they are very resourceful people & most friendly. I have friends in Cuba that I visit all the time. No problems.
Our cities are crumbling, we are shipping out our industry to Russia, India and China, Capitalism has failed in my country(USA) our roads are far from made of gold I can't drive more then 50 feet on street road(bucks county USA) without hitting pot hole.
@crudstickles your right, your right the world is so bad, Id rather live in a place like cuba where I have no rights at all and cannot speak freely. Yep. Who needs freedom, I want someone to keep me under their watchful eye all day and night. I want to incentive to work other than for someone else. I want no dreams. Yes Cuba all the way.
@99caca99 Well I have nothing personal against American people in general. But it is the American government that pisses me off & they brain wash their people. Also there are a lot of Canadians & people from other countries that do not understand Cuba. All governments are corrupt. Cuba is a wonderful place & the people are resourceful & most are happy. I have very good Cuban friends.
Thats how great communism is that mother rather die in the middle of the ocean in hope of living a American dream. Its so sad, so many people die in search for freedom.
what the fuck? why this vicious propaganda? If fidel did not allow an interview with elian's father, he's autocratic! If he allows, he's autocratic? wtf?
UnchartedGamer All “Real News Networks” in America whether they are Conservative or Liberal toe the anti-Socialist/Communist line. Of course they are going to make Fidel look like a emotionless dictator.
And I wonder who has taught you life is about "freedom and happiness"? We all are slaves to our conditions, human struggles, cause and effect, Poverty is an economical condition, now if you are talking about "poor in spirits" as in a metaphysical fact, you would have to define and prove me there is a spirit first, and second how can you be rich or poor spiritually speaking, truth is people are never happy with what they have, and everyone lies, so who tells actually the truth?
@itsjustme2919 dude people can't choose where they want to live my point is that there are places that are much worse then Cuba with the help from most of the other countries
@zoomy224466 not just that I am Indian which has a booming economy and just like Cuba it has rich places and poor places this women was trying to make it sound as thought it was because of socialism/Castro, her argument about the Cuban government giving them enough food to live on but not to live comfortably on, the Indian government/police/people see starving children or adults and don't do a thing
Elian is studying to be an officer in the cuban army,the difference is that unlike in the american armed forces the cuban army has the right to enforce the communist rule and beating people up is part of their duties!
what a lie elian had a good time it was not bad at all he went to american school where he dont have to to recite communist slogan he went to disney world and if you look at the video he had wonderful time
I dont understand when fellow Europeans here say "how great it is" in Cuba. While having work there the only thing that was great about Cuba was Cuban people. You know how great it was there? ALMOST everyone want out. Coworkers from Cuba beg me every day for aspirin & medicines.Actual communist supporters were even in denial as they want out too lol. So even when you say "how great it is" in front of computer in a nice home, pray your country does not become the next Soviet Union like Cuba.
As Castro says in part 3 of the interview when being asked if socialism and communism works: "Does capitalism work in Mexico when millions of people are putting their lifes at risk, when thousands of people die every year when trying to enter the United States? Now you say that socialism doesn't work here? Then capitalism doesn't work either". As top consumers most people believe that capitalism works because THEY have it good, even if many in the capitalist society that are poor and homeless.
The American Capitalist decided to build a financial Empire instead of continuing to develop the productive forces in the United States. This gave rise to Trump and the disgust with the two parties. Capitalism's failures are once again bringing the question of socialism to the front of the political debate.
"Nobody starves" That's enough for me.
BTW Babwa Walters, life in Cuba may not have been so damn difficult if we didn't have an oppressive blockade around the damn country. If instead of our sociopathic bankers drooling over getting control of the country back since Fidel kicked them out in '60-61(after he tried to work with them), we could have aided it in what could have been a social experiment. We could have helped the country develop in an actual genuine effort to make it reach it's highest capability. Don't give me the shit about life and liberty and freedom of press(for people with the money to own it). Because we have, and do back the worst regimes on the planet. Including House of Saud's Saudi Arabia, Congo(Mobutu), Suharto's Indonesia, Pinochet's Chile, Zionist Israel's disgusting massacres and occupation, the Taliban in Afghanistan(sheeple like to forget), Saddam in Iraq as well(sheeple really like to forget that one), even Batista in Cuba, etc. I could go on and on for pages about all the worst regimes we supported. Literally. At least Castro's goals were honorable. Even if his ego got in the way. He meant to create equality. And to eliminate inequality, poverty, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, lack of access to medical care, etc. Wake up sheeple. This was not an evil man. Flawed, yes, but not evil. Men like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Schiff, Loeb, Warburg, Carnegie, Oppenheim, Goldsmith, etc. fit that bill.
David Cunetta I gave you a thumbs up because I agree with quite a few of your points. Well said.
The only, rational, honest, and true statement ive read this week. Well said David.
Absolutely spot on David!
Hahahahahahaha Fidel Castro is own by the same people. You really think they can take over Cuba if they wanted to? They did it in the 1898 Spanish-American War from Spain.
Leave Cuba fucking alone, SOCIALISM!
"Life in Cuba for most families is difficult" - Uh huh, yeah, and life in America right now is just peachy for everyone, right?
This woman is getting on my last nerve. She should actually spend 6 months living in Cuba and getting to know what life is like there, how close communities and families are because they're not distracted by material things, properly before shitting on them.
everything she asks is negative
I love Cuba, we go for vacation to Cuba every year, we make sure we take a lot of school supplies and drop off most of them at local schools, the rest we hand out to kids in towns. People are extremely nice and as Canadians we feel very welcomed there. Why would we go to Mexico for example where tourists are being robbed, and sometimes killed. My idea of vacation is not going places and looking over my shoulder all the time, in Cuba we feel welcomed and safe.
When one of the greatest economic powers of the world is your neighbour and has an embargo on you, you've got to expect there to be problems. Cubans can thank US Administrations for that.
YESS THANKYOU!!!!!!! bush jr said Castros election was a fraud, yet he had over 3,000 american citizens murdered on 9/11
Freedom is measured by the number of laws and regulamentations you have, America is one of the countries with the least amount of freedom.
No doubt and be damned if your African American, more young black teenagers are assasinated than in anyother nation on the planet
Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We have the most freedom. Go to Cuba and see what limited freedom looks like.
@@mikeacueto Haha😆😆😆😆 Yeah I think all the protests that was violently and viscously broken up by racist ass pigs says other wise.
It's funny that they were leaving her husband not Cuba! LOL
A good life does not rely on how much money they have. People can be happy with less money. And you see them all smiling there, the joy is not missing.
Carter, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush Sr. Clinton, Bush Jr, the butchers of the world.
Obama is the boss of the butchers
The position Barbara Walters takes against Fidel Castro, trying to sell her case and appeal to Americans , is so unsubtle and sickening. I hope Americans are intelligent enough to understand how obviously slanderous this is. Fidel Castro is one of the greatest leaders the 20th Century saw.
Yes,,, Castro never sent any of his citizens to fight wars that have nothing to do with Cuba, He was a real President
@RalphdaCuban There is no American Dream, and it is certainly not in America. The ones most responsible for the lack of freedom in Cuba are Americans, and yet some still wish to join their oppressors. The embargo is one of many ways the Americans ensure Cuba is not free. Castro does what he does to protect his people from what plagues all other countries in Latin America, and the true nightmare that existed under Batista before him. He fights with all he has despite being next to powerless.
Nobody starve!! Bravo cuba!! Belize central America sending love to our 🇨🇺 people!!✌🙏🌎🤗💯
I am an American citizen who is able to understand the position that Cuba is coming from. Although Cuba does still have some steps to make. America does like to romanticize about the hard conditions of other countries. A good book for all American Teens and young adults to read is " Lies My Teacher Told Me"
It will give you a very differnet view on America.
if every country had a leader like Fidel it would be a better world
take into perspective there are food shortages and some hunger and lack of goods in Cuba, because of the continued US embargo on Cuba that makes it impossible for the US and Cuba to trade, if there are problems in Cuba it is the US that has caused it, how can you talk about the American dream when a lot of Americans live under $15,000 a year? how can you justify the extreme discrimination to ethic minorities in America ?
Thankyou David, the america, dream never existed, the US is not the only country ,there are others that have opened the doors and years ago to Cuba, Russia and Canada
It'd be cool to be able to have a civilized conversation about politics. Whether you like Castro or not he sure knows how to debate.
funny how that boy went back to Cuba & became a communist baha
Respect to all Americans who still visit cuba despite the stereotype!! Belize central America
Have you ever been to Cuba???
GOD CANT YOU PPL REALIZE THAT NOTHING MATTERS! were just humans nothing more.. do you see dolphins having a war right now with lions? ugh no
I can see in the little boy's face that he was sad to leave his mother....
Looking forward to a brighter future for the brothers and sisters that are the US and Cuban people. Today the American Embassy reopened in Cuba, tomorrow, the US may lift the embargo.
I recently visited Havana and yes they have issues, don’t we all, but it’s a beautiful city where gun violence is non existent and the family unit seems stronger than in America. I encourage Americans to visit Havana, it’s nothing like the US Government or media portrait.
Stay in Cuba my friend. If you're not there, go live there.
Why does one page have a pro Castro comment as a top comment and another page anti Castro comment as a top comment. Surely the same people are watching all 6 pages!
Yes, La Habana was Las Vegas then, under Batista backed by the U.S.
Around 4 min into the video, when she speaks about how many families in Cuba have a hard time, she mentions the old cars, the trade embargo, the fall of the Sovjet Union. All of these are effects you can´t blame the system itself on. It would be interesting to see somekind of a comparison between the poor in Cuba and the poor in the US. Cuba definetely has its issues, regarding freedom of speech and so on. But still, without the embargos and it´s involentary isolation things would be different.
How can she say the worst of our country is better than the worst of theirs? It’s the same conditions only we have millions of people starving in America.
I wonder which one will you prefer, this is just a question not meaning anything, cuba or mexico?
gatokiki01 Cuba.
Honor y Gloria eternos al Señor Teniente General Don Jorge Rafael Videla....!!!
I want to know the difference. If Walmart is the only store you can afford, and it's workers are on public assistance and the owners get huge tax cuts while purchasing everything from China, how is it different? How free is the shopper and the employee? Only the billionaire owner is really free.
@ldeagnon my cousin went to cuba, and she was appalled at the crumbling buildings, the poor quality of life and the fact that they had to have someone travel with them and monitor their whereabouts. Not to mention religion is not allowed, the consumption of red meat is also not allowed and the populace was not allowed to go to certain tourist destinations or have contact with people from the outside world. Yeah, what a country Cuba is. whatever.
Fidel's lying through his teeth at all points during this interview. In part 3, he says, "they (Cubans petitioning for more freedom) will have their response in due course". That's the same thing Soviet Ambassador Zorin said at the UN, when questioned about the missiles in Cuba. And the Elian Gonzalez thing is a tragedy....a tragedy that we made possible. This man on the interview is not even his real father. The FBI (under the direction of Janet Reno and president Bill Clinton) took him from his real relatives by force, and in the middle of the night to boot (look up the pictures of that event, if you don't believe me). Elian's mother obviously wanted freedom for her son....he never got it. For that, we should be ashamed. :(
What the hell good are all those things without freedom?
Louie is the belief that america is a free country its not and will never be
she said on part 3 that ppl goings hungry in Cuba... I know alot of people in USA that going hungry to? Omg Barbra...
You don't live free, I could list 5 logical and fundamental reasons why you aren't a free individiual wherever you may be, and you are speaking truth, "People are never happy with what they have", if I am lazy no? Of course I would like to work, just I don't chase money, I chase knowledge since knowledge is the ultimate power, and in capitalism systems if you don't have a dollar, you can't access to that kind of power, money these days is overrrated and currency is perhaps
@itsjustme2919 Don't know what year your cousin was in Cuba but you have wrong info about Cuba. Most of what you have said is not true. I've been to Cuba many many times & I have not had to experience this. Yes, a lot of buildings are not in the best shape & Cuban people struggle but they are very resourceful people & most friendly. I have friends in Cuba that I visit all the time. No problems.
Our cities are crumbling, we are shipping out our industry to Russia, India and China, Capitalism has failed in my country(USA) our roads are far from made of gold I can't drive more then 50 feet on street road(bucks county USA) without hitting pot hole.
RIP Barbara Walters
@crudstickles your right, your right the world is so bad, Id rather live in a place like cuba where I have no rights at all and cannot speak freely. Yep. Who needs freedom, I want someone to keep me under their watchful eye all day and night. I want to incentive to work other than for someone else. I want no dreams. Yes Cuba all the way.
yes also in cuba isin't drugs like in these so called independent countries i think castro did a good job!!!!
@99caca99 Well I have nothing personal against American people in general. But it is the American government that pisses me off & they brain wash their people. Also there are a lot of Canadians & people from other countries that do not understand Cuba. All governments are corrupt. Cuba is a wonderful place & the people are resourceful & most are happy. I have very good Cuban friends.
Long live Fidel
I am totally astonished at your response.. smh
Thats how great communism is that mother rather die in the middle of the ocean in hope of living a American dream. Its so sad, so many people die in search for freedom.
One day our beautiful countries will be free of evil!
what the fuck? why this vicious propaganda? If fidel did not allow an interview with elian's father, he's autocratic! If he allows, he's autocratic? wtf?
also for the father they use a translator who uses emotion, for castro they use a robotic sounding one
Pra123 Agr123 fedel castro 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
fatwan erni whatever !!
UnchartedGamer All “Real News Networks” in America whether they are Conservative or Liberal toe the anti-Socialist/Communist line. Of course they are going to make Fidel look like a emotionless dictator.
plantea tus discrepancias con altura, no son necesarios los insultos
Long Live Castro !
And I wonder who has taught you life is about "freedom and happiness"? We all are slaves to our conditions, human struggles, cause and effect, Poverty is an economical condition, now if you are talking about "poor in spirits" as in a metaphysical fact, you would have to define and prove me there is a spirit first, and second how can you be rich or poor spiritually speaking, truth is people are never happy with what they have, and everyone lies, so who tells actually the truth?
saddam started at a high point? what?
@itsjustme2919 dude people can't choose where they want to live my point is that there are places that are much worse then Cuba with the help from most of the other countries
@itsjustme2919 ... you could say that about most of the world mate
What a president, what a man, love you Castro
don't forget obama
@mayaaisabel my point exactly
@zoomy224466 not just that I am Indian which has a booming economy and just like Cuba it has rich places and poor places this women was trying to make it sound as thought it was because of socialism/Castro, her argument about the Cuban government giving them enough food to live on but not to live comfortably on, the Indian government/police/people see starving children or adults and don't do a thing
same in mexico, except 10x as many.
@espressotub have you been there? there is freedom of religion.
@artisticlatino07 shit id do it. cubas beautiful
I want a Castro in my country!
then why don't you go live in Cuba?
tali guevara Stop making that stupid ass argument.
@@taliguevara567 tHeN WhY dOn'T yOU gO liVE In cUba? i am retarded omg save me.
@@allengreene9954 if its a stupid argument then Im sure you would have no problem putting it to rest with a good answer?
Your intelligence is protruding through your comments.
It's very easy to insult, but not so to argue. Loud doesn't mean right.
!! viva fidel y punto.
And everybody Starves they have no food even if u have money
Elian is studying to be an officer in the cuban army,the difference is that unlike in the american armed forces the cuban army has the right to enforce the communist rule and beating people up is part of their duties!
Absolutely not dense question to ask because it is still happening with a lot of European tourists hiring very very young prostitutes.
what a lie elian had a good time it was not bad at all he went to american school where he dont have to to recite communist slogan he went to disney world and if you look at the video he had wonderful time
infantebenji The only liar is you.
I dont understand when fellow Europeans here say "how great it is" in Cuba. While having work there the only thing that was great about Cuba was Cuban people. You know how great it was there? ALMOST everyone want out. Coworkers from Cuba beg me every day for aspirin & medicines.Actual communist supporters were even in denial as they want out too lol. So even when you say "how great it is" in front of computer in a nice home, pray your country does not become the next Soviet Union like Cuba.
I think Fidel politcal wise is a bad man
Image wise I think he is epic