Why Nobody buys the Maserati GranTurismo

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 882

  • @rafajednorog4757
    @rafajednorog4757 Год назад +1137

    Actually I prefer those old fashioned buttons rather than touchscreens everywhere

    • @suzuki-gsxr6008
      @suzuki-gsxr6008 Год назад +24


    • @Brandon-vo2rx
      @Brandon-vo2rx Год назад +11


    • @craig9843
      @craig9843 Год назад +16

      Right?? Looks beautiful to me

    • @1JayVon
      @1JayVon Год назад +12

      born in the 90s and i feel the same way...love turning my key and cd player

    • @PandaPi123
      @PandaPi123 Год назад +8

      The touchscreen thing is for those who don’t love about driving but just want to show off.

  • @serpentcrown
    @serpentcrown 2 года назад +1343

    Driving Maserati isn’t about the electronics. It’s about v8! And sound!

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  2 года назад +270

      Such a bullshit excuse for mediocre technology and build quality.

    • @stanlee7635
      @stanlee7635 2 года назад +49

      @@DhruvDrives Have you ever been in one? Build quality is excellent.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  2 года назад +166

      @@stanlee7635 I took the video💀 so yes, I have been in one 😂😂. And i have also been in every other Maserati model. The build quality is atrocious in the ghibli and Levante unless if you get the top trims.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  2 года назад +5

      @@stanlee7635 ruclips.net/user/shortsjLxDE0WLrDM?feature=share

    • @SenszR
      @SenszR Год назад +20

      @@stanlee7635no it’s not 😂

  • @DemarcusQ
    @DemarcusQ Год назад +267

    Everyone swears they need 700hp just to go to Starbucks. Drooling over regular traffic looking cars instead 😂😂 Give me the Maserati TF!

    • @CashKiinG
      @CashKiinG 4 месяца назад +1


    • @V1NS1L
      @V1NS1L 2 месяца назад

      Dont get your taco in a twist just yet cuz the sound for performance cars is truly something beautiful

    • @Teddu-
      @Teddu- 2 месяца назад +4

      ? Absolutely no one buys a performance car cause they think they need that power to get from A to B they buy it for beauty, noise, speed depends on the person

    • @NatVirgo
      @NatVirgo 7 дней назад +1

      You won’t be able to afford starbuck after your yearly expenses

    • @esco819
      @esco819 11 часов назад

      You can't afford the maintenance😂

  • @TWolfyG
    @TWolfyG Год назад +121

    My 2012 quattroporte is perfect, I don’t mind the outdated look at all it actually makes it cooler to drive because it feels more classic.

    • @philliptownsend2829
      @philliptownsend2829 Год назад +7

      And in 2012 no one would complain. Would you buy the exact same car for 155k today

    • @TWolfyG
      @TWolfyG Год назад

      @@philliptownsend2829 I didn’t have $155k to spend so I bought it for the price it was at which worked out. I think it still drives and performs like a $155k car tho 🤷🏻‍♂️everyday people compliment it and I’ve had decked out hellcats/mustangs follow me because they want to race or hear it some more. It’s a great car

    • @italianduded1161
      @italianduded1161 Год назад

      @@philliptownsend2829no, but for 30.000 yes

    • @TWolfyG
      @TWolfyG 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@philliptownsend2829I’m not complaining now 🤔😂

    • @stifflerantique9005l
      @stifflerantique9005l 3 месяца назад +5

      2009 Maserati QP ExecGT owner here. I updated the variator, completely replaced cooling system, 3(three) engine mounts, 4 suspension bushings, a/c. Why? Bcoz nothing else drives n sounds like a Maserati QP4.7. Anything else (& i'v looked) is a down grade.

  • @ttvv90
    @ttvv90 11 месяцев назад +92

    I believe their biggest flaw is quality and how much work and money it takes to keep them on the road. The outdated interior tech is probably a blessing in disguise, if it came with as much tech as a Porsche you would never get it out of the shop.

    • @spencerbaete940
      @spencerbaete940 2 месяца назад +7

      Yeah, I love how he neglects how maserati is notoriously unreliable

    • @bornbredclt
      @bornbredclt Месяц назад +5

      @@spencerbaete940 That generation was reliable. This is a Ferrari generation Maserati Gran Turismo

    • @meeeeeeeeeeee
      @meeeeeeeeeeee 5 дней назад +1

      It's decently reliable for a sports car. Of course nowhere near Honda reliability, but probably better than a BMW etc. And better than the newer Chrysleratis.

  • @charlieryan1736
    @charlieryan1736 2 года назад +335

    Spend 2K on a updated Apple play system with a backup camera and you are good to go 👍🏻

    • @liberte1700
      @liberte1700 Год назад +2

      @@sjb3460 No I think they did it to save money come on backup cam 360 view on a 2017 model its basic it's old the interior but still a good car they just decided to save money

    • @XChronicHash
      @XChronicHash Год назад +47

      You’re paying 100k for a damn car the least they could do is add a fucking backup camera

    • @BeastModeYTClips
      @BeastModeYTClips Год назад +12

      Just add a backup camera, they’re like $100

    • @BeastModeYTClips
      @BeastModeYTClips Год назад +4

      @@sjb3460 1000% true

    • @TheV8Pumpkin
      @TheV8Pumpkin Год назад +7

      Spend the same amount on a bmw m4 competition and get every available tech feature from 2017 and a faster, better performance car…

  • @skittlesgarage
    @skittlesgarage Год назад +19

    I have a 2012 and it looks exactly the same. But…you can go aftermarket and update everything from the A/C controls all the way to a digital dash to modernize the interior.

  • @boilmaint
    @boilmaint Год назад +370

    You bought a serious engine, not a gadget bucket...

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Год назад +95

      Having a “serious engine” doesn’t justify a “luxury grand touring vehicle” having an interior from 2004 and having an MSRP of $155k. There is a reason these things lose 75% of their value in 3 years.

    • @imJohnnyCox
      @imJohnnyCox Год назад +21

      Not even really a serious engine it's a 450 horsepower N/A 4.7 litre V8

    • @CertifiedSwerver
      @CertifiedSwerver Год назад +37

      @@imJohnnyCoxyea that’s totally not special at all… most cars you see on the road have that.

    • @dominicjeanb2063
      @dominicjeanb2063 Год назад +19

      @@CertifiedSwervera mustang GT has better interior quality, offers more power and a 6sp manual, is probably more reliable and easier to maintain, and much newer tech for the same price used. I like the grand turismo but the dude making the video is right, there’s a reason why they depreciate harder than most cars out there. Most of you who justify the price tag and say it’s all worth it for the “serious engine” are full of sh*t and probably never have or will own one of these. Nice car but $155k
      Msrp is criminal

    • @CertifiedSwerver
      @CertifiedSwerver Год назад

      I'm definitely not justifying the price tag or really much else about this car , it's overpriced as shit lol. I agree there's a bunch of better options, admittedly like a mustang, which I also consider a special car to a degree. All things considered though I think some respect should be put on at least the engine, it's far from "not really serious".@@dominicjeanb2063

  • @Arcella1981
    @Arcella1981 9 месяцев назад +38

    Why would you need a back up camera? You can turn your head when backing up, cars were doing just fine for a 100 years with no backup cameras, I think you will be fine

    • @Marc-Mcloud
      @Marc-Mcloud Месяц назад +2

      That was before looks was more important than usability

    • @JustSendMeLocation
      @JustSendMeLocation Месяц назад +1

      Because it’s an expensive car that came out in 2017, reverse camera should’ve been a standard for that car same way bmw and Mercedes put reverse cameras as a standard feature on their higher end cars

  • @Whodat-te6pn
    @Whodat-te6pn Год назад +183

    It’s literally a high performance Italian GT car. To me it has just the right amount of technology.

    • @jdm-6452
      @jdm-6452 Год назад +4

      As someone who owned a quattroporte it isn’t the amount it’s alright its the quality. Maserati is wired like shit. And the electronics are worse than in a fiat from 10 years ago. And this problem doesn’t stop a the quattroporte pretty much every car has the same electronic component.

    • @BillDooner
      @BillDooner Год назад +2

      GT is not quattro or ghibli. It's flagship perfection. Ferrari engine detuned for every day driving.

    • @meeeeeeeeeeee
      @meeeeeeeeeeee Год назад +1

      @@BillDooner The older Quattros (M139) have Ferrari drivetrains too. I love mine. Actually the electronics have been surprisingly reliable on it.

  • @michaelwoodsdale460
    @michaelwoodsdale460 Год назад +232

    You can get all that tech in Kia. Why would anyone listen to the stereo in a Masarati - the music comes from the engine

    • @SAVAGE8
      @SAVAGE8 Год назад +11

      Well said, you nailed it. 🔱 Masterpiece

    • @PeterSchneemann
      @PeterSchneemann Год назад +31

      Why would you need leather seats if you have a music from the engine? Why would you have nice wheels if you have an engine. Because Maserati is supposed to be a luxury car. Why would you have to chose between engine sound and luxury if the car costs over 100,000$?

    • @SAVAGE8
      @SAVAGE8 Год назад +8

      @@PeterSchneemann Maserati Gran Turismo is not a Luxury car, you want Luxury you buy Rolls Royce.

    • @jonhughes7778
      @jonhughes7778 Год назад +1


    • @SenszR
      @SenszR Год назад +16

      @@SAVAGE8it’s a luxury car.

  • @Foxtrot_EW
    @Foxtrot_EW Год назад +33

    So here is my take on all 3 of those comments. Number one... I have a 2014 gran turismo gran cabrio and I have a backup camera and it is all factory just like yours with no aftermarket. I use my backup cam every single morning so I'm not sure why yours doesn't have it. Maybe some models did I don't know but my gran cabrio has it. Like I say, it is a 100% stock with the same info team you have. Number 2. They make a conversion kit to update the infotainment system and the HVAC. You can replace each one separately or you can get that massive tablet looking 1 that looks like something you would find in a Tesla. One giant unit. And last but not least... The depreciation. This is a good thing. You want it to depress it quickly so you can get yourself a low mileage 1 with 20000 miles or less like I have on mine for under $40000! Yes I have a 2014 gran cabrio with less than 20,000 Miles on it in showroom condition and it is also the sport model and I paid 40 grand! That's what you pay for a crappy Subaru WRX new! Where else can you have a Ferrari 4.7 l engine for that price. And The F136 is Ferrari's most reliable engine and they are nearly bulletproof! I have had 3 of them so far with not one issue ever. I can't afford a $150,000 car. Now the new ones are over 200k! Yes... They are making the gran turismo again for 2024 and it starts at 205k without any options! So when this quarter of a million dollar car that's fully loaded comes down to just $50,000 in a few short years...well thats when it shines brightest and I pounce!

    • @argentum3919
      @argentum3919 3 месяца назад +4

      Nice counter post! You make me want to buy one. 😂

  • @MelAlstonJr
    @MelAlstonJr 5 месяцев назад +8

    That jawn definitely look like a 1999 volvo inside lmaO

  • @LexeV4
    @LexeV4 9 месяцев назад +8

    Maserati's are not building for generation Z boys!
    You don't understand for what Italians car stands :
    as little electronics as possible, as much passion as possible
    If you need a camera, buy an iPhone

  • @tomallen9820
    @tomallen9820 Год назад +9

    I can’t be the only person that prefers physical buttons rather than a big screen

    • @siler7
      @siler7 Час назад

      You sure can't.

  • @ksc5522
    @ksc5522 Год назад +24

    Could also be the maintenance costs and crap reliability.

    • @edwinmenor8338
      @edwinmenor8338 4 месяца назад +1

      I know of several Mercedez AMG cars that have tons of maintenance problems that costs a ton of money so compare to the Maserati GT 2013 and later which has little to no problems and just routine oil change, air filter change cabin filter change, brakes, and tires. some weird TPMS or engine light that goes on then goes off when you reset the battery (electronic gremlins i call them).

  • @affenkakke20
    @affenkakke20 Год назад +68

    I couldn't care less about the interior ists about that engine and the feeling
    Its one of my dream cars and i usually only drive Mercedes bit that car has something on it that's desirable 😅

  • @edwinmenor8338
    @edwinmenor8338 Год назад +72

    The GT is not for folks that wants to look at advanced Infotainment system. It's designed for drivers who enjoy the sound. You saw this infotainment system when you bought it, the question is why did you buy it knowing it depreciates fast? next time, you should do your homework.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Год назад +12

      I didn’t buy the car.

    • @PeterSchneemann
      @PeterSchneemann Год назад +14

      I completely agree with the author of the video. This outdated interior is unacceptable considering the price. A Ghibli is a better choice in my opinion.

    • @Brian-jv8iy
      @Brian-jv8iy Год назад +1

      most people buying maseratis just do it for the name. they’re mostly clueless about how outdated each maserati is, including the newest gt and grecale

    • @darklight6013
      @darklight6013 Год назад +2

      @@DhruvDrives Well... if you really care so much about infotainment, probably motorsport isn't for you at all.

    • @philliptownsend2829
      @philliptownsend2829 Год назад +1

      I agree it’s not about the interior but money doesn’t grow on trees. And if I’m paying over 100k for a car just a good engine doesn’t justify that price whatsoever. Same reason hellcats are whack to me. GREAT motor but In 2023 I don’t want the same interior from 2012.

  • @nikkastellorizios6585
    @nikkastellorizios6585 Год назад +53

    When your driving you hear and feel the car that’s the magic .

    • @donarthiazi2443
      @donarthiazi2443 Год назад +5

      But not when you're constantly taking it back to get tons of repairs.

    • @BillDooner
      @BillDooner Год назад

      Nothing like it on road.

    • @BillDooner
      @BillDooner Год назад

      ​@@donarthiazi2443What yr gt did u own & what were the probs?.. rhetorical bc u nvr owned a gt

  • @axonom3tric
    @axonom3tric Год назад +16

    I don't care about any of that bro, if I had the money I'd buy one and drive it till I die man.

    • @cykablyatman5758
      @cykablyatman5758 Месяц назад +2

      You can buy one for like 15k they cost less than a civic lol

  • @theplugrecuiter_4155
    @theplugrecuiter_4155 2 года назад +16

    I’m getting a 2018 soon, with Maseratis it’s best if u wait a couple years to depreciate because that how Maserati is lol

  • @nadi359
    @nadi359 4 месяца назад +3

    One of the best sounding stock engines IMHO. I’ve wanted to own one for a while now but, sadly, these vehicles are absolutely plagued with issues.

  • @raysrecipe1993
    @raysrecipe1993 Год назад +1

    Hows the maintainance and cost of these?

  • @SwissWatchGang
    @SwissWatchGang Год назад

    I put apple car play in mine from aliexpres unit. Works like a charm. Also built in a rear view camera, a great daily! 2008 model :)

    • @derrickcherry185
      @derrickcherry185 2 месяца назад

      What’s the name of the company you got the radio from

  • @marcvanhoren6109
    @marcvanhoren6109 Год назад +69

    If you complian about the outdated infotainment system you do not understand a Maserati and better by a sterile Tesla😂😂

    • @BGSGBF
      @BGSGBF Год назад +5

      Precisely. Go and drive iPad on the wheels.

    • @donarthiazi2443
      @donarthiazi2443 Год назад

      At least it won't stay in the shop... like the Maserati

    • @BGSGBF
      @BGSGBF Год назад

      @@masonballard-ir3mi Teslas for almost the same price still have the sht plastic, bad composition and cheap look, and does it today. Not from the 5 years old restyle.

    • @BGSGBF
      @BGSGBF Год назад

      @@masonballard-ir3mi why would you measure luxury class Maserati to cheap Tesla? Model S was 95K USD and Plaid S was 135K USD. All the different comparison now, isn’t? :)

    • @BGSGBF
      @BGSGBF Год назад

      @@masonballard-ir3mi we’re talking about the new cars in 2017 :) The cheapest I could find was 68k and we’d need to compare that one with Chevy Cruze :)

  • @MagnusPaul1976
    @MagnusPaul1976 27 дней назад +1

    I was once asked... Do you want to buy quality or fancy lights ? I went for quality. If you do not want this car, ship it over to me... That V8 noise is mind blowing ! 😊👍

  • @danisahumanable
    @danisahumanable Год назад +25

    If you started with my 1984 bi turbo, you would learn to appreciate what you have sir, and for the 30k or less for a 17' it's not terrible

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Год назад +5

      Yeah I’m talking about the $140k MSRP

    • @danisahumanable
      @danisahumanable Год назад

      @@DhruvDrives well, there's a reason why the guy who bought it at that, isn't driving it anymore, my 18' Tacoma had a high MSRP but is only 35-40 ish now, and that's only because it's a TRD. I've owned nice sports cars, but didn't last long because they were not under warranty anymore, I also learned the hard way. As far as build goes, you should see the McLaren, similar faults and that car is WAY more expensive

  • @rafibalouzian9951
    @rafibalouzian9951 Год назад +33

    This is a drivers car not a infotainment loaded sterile machine. You turn off the infotainment, select manual sport, enjoy the engine sound, and front mid engine balanced handling. Who needs apple play. Even the most advanced infotainment system will look dated in a few years.
    This is timeless sculptured art.

    @URFATH3R 2 года назад +18

    True but I legit excuse that all and will still buy the Maserati GT
    when I get my license just cause that sound is absolutely insane and the driving is smooth

    • @JESUSISKING77742
      @JESUSISKING77742 Год назад +3

      Don’t man parts and labor is very expensive

    • @URFATH3R
      @URFATH3R Год назад +1

      @@JESUSISKING77742 I got money

    • @mkviis
      @mkviis Год назад +1

      M3 E92 >

    • @JESUSISKING77742
      @JESUSISKING77742 Год назад

      @@URFATH3R same but why not get a Porsche at that point. U do u though they do sound nice

    • @URFATH3R
      @URFATH3R Год назад

      @@JESUSISKING77742 v8 vs v6 and Italian… but yeah porsche is top

    @JASONHN Год назад

    I have a question, because all the videos I watch of Maserati have an engine light on

    • @SAVAGE8
      @SAVAGE8 Год назад +1

      Check engine light goes Off after 10sec, when you start the car, back in the days that's how Ferrari did.

    • @JASONHN
      @JASONHN Год назад

      @@SAVAGE8 I thought it was because everyone had something wrong 😅

  • @jakelogan630
    @jakelogan630 Год назад

    How reliable are these cars? I’ve always loved them but being a Maserati I’m not sure how comfortable I’d be with owning one lol. Do they still hold up well past 100k miles?

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Год назад +3

      I wouldn’t touch one with a 10ft pole unless if I had a legit extended warranty. Such as certified pre owned warranty on a 2018 model. The people who buy 2011 models for 28k end up paying 5k every repair bill

    • @albertleonhart3093
      @albertleonhart3093 2 месяца назад

      ​@@DhruvDrivesAnd if you can do your own maintenance?

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  2 месяца назад

      @@albertleonhart3093 then go for it !

  • @bigwig2174
    @bigwig2174 2 месяца назад

    The only model that only depreciates 19% in 5 years. Strong engine. Absolutely loved it.

  • @maciejtomasz5111
    @maciejtomasz5111 Год назад +15

    Raw car for real driver
    i love mine, don't miss rear/front/ camera, don't miss car play - 4,7 sound is beautiful.

  • @Jfhfi678
    @Jfhfi678 Год назад +2

    Lmaoo I had nothing but good times.. MOST RELIABLE CAR IVE EVER OWNED!!

  • @americandanny
    @americandanny 3 месяца назад

    The glaring CEL and other warning lights screaming at you are Maserati’s biggest flaw.

  • @martinsimek
    @martinsimek Год назад

    You can easily have camera retrofitted if that’s so necessary for you. Also Apple CarPlay can be added to the original screen so it doesn’t stuff up the original design. once these are done you have no more grounds for complaining. And depreciation is something across the car industry. Go look at other cars and makes. they all go down and not up. Especially in this segment.

  • @allgasoff-road499
    @allgasoff-road499 Месяц назад

    These maserati sound so amazing!!! The older ones are the best ones and you won’t see them everyday…

  • @feelunseen
    @feelunseen Год назад +2

    i love how it looks more tbh!

  • @thisisbrandonmichael
    @thisisbrandonmichael 6 месяцев назад +1

    I got the 2018 Maserati Grandturismo MC and it’s got updated tech. I’m enjoying it!

  • @wanzacharywanisa5762
    @wanzacharywanisa5762 Год назад

    Would it be possible for someone to switch out those outdated things with one of those touch screen displays?

  • @maserati
    @maserati 5 месяцев назад +1

    You should definitely look at the new GranTurismo interior.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@maserati oh yea it’s a lot nicer now

  • @transmath
    @transmath Год назад +14

    well. It’s a good deal on the second hand market. You don’t by this car for it’s multimedia system, just for its engine and its unique sound.

  • @BabyMilo322
    @BabyMilo322 Год назад

    My maserati is stuck in ICE mode and cant switch to motor by pressing. Does anyone have the same problem or know how to solve it?

  • @andywillis9701
    @andywillis9701 2 месяца назад

    totally. it was certainly the head unit that prohibited sales of a ...maseratti. not the build quality, reliability issues, insane costs of ownership and repair or as you yourself mentioned, the depreciation because of all else noted above.

  • @ESuccessMasters
    @ESuccessMasters 2 месяца назад +1

    You buy a Maserati for its design beauty and engine a car that has soul and not like modern cars which are just a big iPhone 😂

  • @gilgonzalez5902
    @gilgonzalez5902 10 месяцев назад

    Ive seen good examples of these going for 25k, at that price range you dont have to worry about depreciation. Whats more there is an aftermarket solution for this car as far as the head unit/tech.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  10 месяцев назад

      Yes, I agree. It’s a terrible value new but used it’s good.

  • @olsirus
    @olsirus 9 месяцев назад

    You could always install a nice aftermarket radio with gps back up cam Bluetooth. Im currently looking at getting one and i can tell you these issues you pointed out are really the least of my concern

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  9 месяцев назад

      Yeah of course. I’m talking about the crazy new price of $155k. Which is why they tank in value and sold terribly new. As a used car it’s a good value

  • @battleartemis
    @battleartemis 4 месяца назад +1

    Luckily you can buy after market Apple car play screens with back up cameras online 🤯

  • @yuriymoyseyenko4488
    @yuriymoyseyenko4488 Год назад

    I have both the grand turismo S and quattroporte and I am happy I did not buy them new off the lot. But they are great cars and fun to drive and upgrade??

  • @ZACH_95_
    @ZACH_95_ Год назад +2

    I would rather have that than todays modern tech that won’t last. I miss all the buttons… but I’m a really simple man. That’s why I drive a 2 door xl f150 with a hat I believe is the 100a package. It’s bare bones. I had it specially ordered the way I wanted it, for what it is it’s pretty quick, has the 5.0 v8 in it with 4wd, a 2020. I absolutely love it. That Maserati is beautiful.

  • @Ghostbustingjedi
    @Ghostbustingjedi Месяц назад

    The center stack looks like it would have been great in the 90s.

  • @acirinelli
    @acirinelli 11 дней назад

    I love my GT. I swapped out the center console with a big touch screen, added backup cam and push to start. It’s like a 2024 now

  • @williamherron9365
    @williamherron9365 11 месяцев назад +2

    This actually appeals to me. I dont want all the electrical garbage

  • @floydfitzgeraldjr6390
    @floydfitzgeraldjr6390 10 месяцев назад

    If it bothers you the much, but an after market radio with navigation and drive a great car. Back up cameras are 50 bucks.

  • @Boostf83
    @Boostf83 12 дней назад

    It’s funny how the check engine light takes like 10 business days to turn off after you start it each time, other cars turn off the light within seconds

  • @jonlosito2004
    @jonlosito2004 4 месяца назад +1

    Sounds like youve been in Teslas way too much man.... People dont buy this for tech. They buy this for sound and performance. And most people dont buy it because of maintenance and quality. Look at the interior of the Toyota 4 Runner. Thats also got an old school interior but most people still buy it because its simple and reliable and it matches with the price point. Do more research buddy.

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  4 месяца назад +1

      @@jonlosito2004 having an interior from 2005 in a 2017 car with a new price of $155k is insane.

    • @jonlosito2004
      @jonlosito2004 4 месяца назад

      ​​@@DhruvDrivesDude.. that car is already 7 years old! You can basically get one used for like 50 grand or less now. And That interior doesn't bother me. I don't care if it's old or "outdated". Most people who buy these things aren't gonna care about interior quality. That's only just a you problem because you expect better. This is a driver focused performance car for enthusiasts, not a family car nor is it a Tesla 😂😂

  • @endshadow7066
    @endshadow7066 Год назад +6

    The very reason I like the is that people don't buy them thus they stand out everybody has a Dodge charger a Mercedes a mustang who wants to drive with everybody else has.

  • @ar-am1976
    @ar-am1976 4 месяца назад

    I owned one for 3 yrs and put on 37,000 miles. Didn't have one issue! Build quality was good, its a handmade car unlike the others offered in the Maserati line up at that time. I didnt care about the electronics because I bought the car for its beauty and its sound, the fact it was an incredibly comfortable GT car.
    While they do depreciate like crazyz they are exceptional value as a pre-owned vehicle.
    Much of what is complained about here can he said of Ferrari up until recent years. Same of Aston Martin, Lotus and more....if you dont like it then dont buy it. The Italian car experience isnt a German one.

  • @rmc3498
    @rmc3498 2 месяца назад

    Have 2013 GT, I swapped out head unit and heat/Ac unit for digital displays. CarPlay and other cool apps at my fingertips.
    Absolutely love the car, ride, and that Ferrari motor, naturally aspirated 455 hp.

  • @autolovers1
    @autolovers1 Год назад

    I heard they have problem with some hoes, requires to remove some big parts near engine is that right?? And which year of model they have those issues, anyone knows?

  • @RobertSmith-le8wp
    @RobertSmith-le8wp Месяц назад

    I rented a Ferrari F430 manual close to 20 years ago and that steering wheel is exactly the same, minus the manettino switch. Also, I’ve always thought the modern Maseratis are beautiful cars. There’s definitely something Italian cars have that nothing else can match. I still want to get an Alfa Romeo Guilia quadrifoglio someday, and in that way I’m happy about depreciation

  • @williaml4893
    @williaml4893 Год назад +1

    they had a great run with that car

  • @wheelerking8380
    @wheelerking8380 18 дней назад +1

    that’s crazy, my 2010 RX450h has a camera and heated and cooled seats
    It’s kinda funny talking to Subaru people who are excited to talk about how their 2022 or whatever now has just got heated and cooled seats…like, man, i’m uh, real excited for you 😅

  • @6spd85notch
    @6spd85notch 15 дней назад

    Check engine light?

  • @peterniedbalski2765
    @peterniedbalski2765 Год назад +2

    no one buys this car for technological innovations, only for the engine and how it sounds

  • @micoyeung
    @micoyeung 3 месяца назад

    now i want to buy it. outdated means less stupid crap to fix later. I just have to worry about the breaks, suspension and engine issues.

  • @rolsguitars
    @rolsguitars 8 месяцев назад +1

    And its $800 for oil changes unless you're lucky and find it cheaper then its $600 , you have a Ferrari engine that no one wants to work on etc etc ...

  • @robertteitelbaum7940
    @robertteitelbaum7940 4 месяца назад

    Surrounded by people at Cars & Coffee looking at my 2013 Cab. People love this car. Great used car deal

  • @personalprivilege6992
    @personalprivilege6992 Год назад

    On point bro. The body looks amazing.

  • @tonybattagello6424
    @tonybattagello6424 Месяц назад

    One of the most underrated cars there is.

  • @vish1585
    @vish1585 4 месяца назад

    The older models were still owned under Ferrari they put way more time into building those cars before stelantis took over models before 2012 were peak but after that the fall off was dramatic. Although I am only addressing the build quality not the engine issues usually have to change the clutch every 15k miles

  • @pokecat6122
    @pokecat6122 4 месяца назад

    I think Maseratis reliability is what scares a lot of people away. Also, a lot of people who like Maseratis can’t afford or can barely afford them.

  • @jerrypolverino6025
    @jerrypolverino6025 3 месяца назад +1

    The buttons can be felt with your hand without removing your eyes from the road. Touchscreens are a menace.

  • @Mike6972
    @Mike6972 Месяц назад

    You can upgrade to aftermarket electronics. Very simple and cheap. I bought one and upgraded the head unit. I have everything the new ones have. But I have the V8 and the new ones suck with the V6 BS.

  • @phatballlz
    @phatballlz 3 месяца назад +1

    Bro got F430 engine in a saloon and asking for an iPad

  • @Arch-h5n
    @Arch-h5n 10 месяцев назад +1

    I mean I respect your opinion but in my opinion I think it’s not really much of a problem to me

  • @Andino.
    @Andino. Год назад +1

    That's why they are fantastic in the used market. 30K for one of these ain't bad. Can't tell how much is maintaining it though but I assume it can't be much more than a 911 or Jaguar F Type

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Год назад +1

      Yes, good car in used market. But maintenance is horrible on these. Every repair runs thousands. Especially with expensive parts

    • @MrIFARI
      @MrIFARI Год назад

      @@DhruvDrives That's how it is for *all* high-end luxury cars. I love that the clueless can't appreciate them...Jog, on!

  • @SabreT99
    @SabreT99 11 месяцев назад +1

    Beats my touch screen. The obsession with Tvs in the car is hilarious.

  • @razziade
    @razziade 4 месяца назад

    You should change out your audio receiver for a BLAUPUNKT. That’ll add a few dollars to the resale value. Make sure it has an old-fashioned cassette player too. 😅

  • @oyste5369
    @oyste5369 5 месяцев назад

    They said it was to “retain nostalgia” 💀

  • @RichHomieDon
    @RichHomieDon Год назад +1

    Maserati aka " The Poor Man's Ferrari" 😂😂😂

  • @steviethiccc7070
    @steviethiccc7070 Год назад +12

    If your only buying a Maserati for the interior technology, don’t buy it at all

    • @joshuabehrens7665
      @joshuabehrens7665 Год назад +1

      Exactly. Sounds like this is not the car for him.

    • @dabrula
      @dabrula Год назад +4

      This is one of the worst cars ever made in terms of what it has to offer. It fails in every category. The exterior styling is literally the only selling point.

  • @Coral-reef.
    @Coral-reef. 6 месяцев назад +1

    Dont worry about it bro you dont have the money to own one anyways stay with your little 335i bmw you have

  • @andyhughes1776
    @andyhughes1776 11 месяцев назад

    Big depreciation is actually great news for auto enthusiasts because they can pick one up for cheap.
    Italian sports coupe is all about driving, not electronic doodads anyway

  • @robertcrawford3246
    @robertcrawford3246 Год назад

    Eh, in my 1960 chevy p/u I didn’t have a back up camera either. Or power steering either

  • @KR0TE7
    @KR0TE7 4 месяца назад

    And the only reason they probably added a backup camera was because they became mandatory in every new car in 2018 but id definitely buy a depreated one id just be careful of reliablity

  • @supermariosportscars7180
    @supermariosportscars7180 Месяц назад

    I have a 2017 and who cares about the infotainment it’s about the engine and the driving with the sound of pure bliss! Take your newer cars with pop corn engines and a flashy screen I’ll take one of these any day of the week! Great car! I suggest getting one especially for the price.

  • @AccountantByDay553
    @AccountantByDay553 Год назад +2

    Nah this is peak maserati

  • @X3N.
    @X3N. Год назад +1

    There is upgraded climate and infotainment, check it out, there is a bloke who sells all the stuff

  • @Coral-reef.
    @Coral-reef. 6 месяцев назад +1

    The panties dont drop because of the radio it has they drop because of look, sound, and recognition.

  • @whatsnew2u
    @whatsnew2u Год назад

    Ghibli S Q4 was nice, acceleration was quick and the exhaust sounded great. A 2014 Granturismo MC Stradale looks better and sounds way more mean. The V8 just gives it a growl you can feel in your chest when in sport mode. If you are in the market, check out both. V6 with a tune would be a good race. The stradale is lighter due to all the carbon fiber. It takes off 💯 if speed is everything, get you a V8 3.8 TT and tune it. Me personally? The stradale is where it’s at. It’s such a beautiful car and well balanced. The exhaust note is sexy

  • @FabioWild85
    @FabioWild85 Год назад +16

    You don't buy a Maserati to have a back camera view or digital buttons. You buy a Maserati when you're looking for an incredible exhaust sound on the level of the Vienna orchestra, an orchestra that raises the dead...

    • @XChronicHash
      @XChronicHash Год назад +4

      Why cant it have both, no one wants that shitty looking console

    • @realsaintanthony6198
      @realsaintanthony6198 Год назад +1

      Inb4 Mercedes AMG or corvette or the new bmw M series

  • @CLOUD316
    @CLOUD316 Месяц назад

    Maserati Granturismo is literally "moving art" such a timeless design and has one of the best sounding V8's... you don't drive it for its electronics buy a Tesla if u want tech

  • @flashuser777
    @flashuser777 Месяц назад

    They added the updated head unit in 2018 because backup camera was legally required 😂 if not for that maybe it would still be the same

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  Месяц назад

      @@flashuser777 wouldn’t be surprised

  • @davijuli50
    @davijuli50 5 месяцев назад +1

    My parents had the same multimedia unit in their Peugeot 307 from 2002. Which is even more disturbing...

  • @tima.478
    @tima.478 2 месяца назад

    I could care less about depreciation, I never trade in a car anyway. I love that I NEVER see another one of these rolling in my area! My 2014 has been a dream to own since 2018. Aucar that head unit and climate and this car is the ultimate Grand Tourer... Just what it was designed for. ✌🏽

  • @kame6051
    @kame6051 6 месяцев назад +1

    My brand new Maserati turned into junk soon after engine conked out at 33000 miles right after warranty ran out. No thanks no more!!!

  • @Davemphipps
    @Davemphipps 3 месяца назад

    I owned a 2009 maserati gts it looked exactly the same inside. Was actually very mechanical good car, no major issues. Bought for 120 000k sold after 6 years for 27000 😢

    • @DhruvDrives
      @DhruvDrives  3 месяца назад

      @@Davemphipps dang that’s some crazy depreciation

  • @theadventuresofred19
    @theadventuresofred19 Год назад +1

    Reliability issues for me are my concern

  • @markbeach8996
    @markbeach8996 7 месяцев назад +1

    It’s a drivers car ,it don’t need no back up camera and fancy gizmos .we go fast around here .