"Smithers - We need a comedian that tells jokes, knows English literature, interviews world leaders, is adorable, dances, cross dresses, does impressions, plays drums, sings, does puppets. Who can we get?" ""Sorry Mr B. Current day comedians don't do any of that. But I can get you some guys that will read lines like in a 7th grade school play. I'll call Sat Night Live""
I love Kronos King of the Monkey People! Seriously underrated puppet. Up there with Sid for me.
"Smithers - We need a comedian that tells jokes, knows English literature, interviews world leaders, is adorable, dances, cross dresses, does impressions, plays drums, sings, does puppets. Who can we get?"
""Sorry Mr B. Current day comedians don't do any of that. But I can get you some guys that will read lines like in a 7th grade school play. I'll call Sat Night Live""
Thank goodness they ran out of “material” so that Kronos could return.
So what happens with his puppets when he retires. :(
Well that's rather forward of you Earthling!