
  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • this is for my polish hertiege and polish comrades
    a Polish song that is believed to have been written in 1879. Wacław Święcicki wrote the song while serving a sentence in the Tenth Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel for socialist activity. The song received its name during a May Day demonstration in 1905, when it became the hymn of the demonstrating workers. The composer of the music is unknown.
    lyrics in russian and english
    Вихри враждебные веют над нами,
    The enemy whirlwinds are flying over our heads
    Vikhri vrazhdebnye veiut nad nami,
    Темные силы нас злобно гнетут.
    Dark forces are oppressing us
    Temnye sily nas zlobno gnetut.
    В бой роковой мы вступили с врагами,
    In the battle that we were destined for
    V boj rokovoj my vstupili s vragami,
    Нас еще судьбы безвестные ждут.
    Unknown fates are awaiting us.
    Nas eshche sudby bezvestnye zhdut.
    Но мы подымем гордо и смело
    But we will proudly and boldly raise
    No my podymem gordo i smelo
    Знамя борьбы за рабочее дело,
    The banner of the workers' struggle
    Znamia borby za rabochee delo
    Знамя великой борьбы всех народов
    The banner of the great battle of all the peoples
    Znamia velikoj borby vsekh narodov
    За лучший мир, за святую свободу.
    For a better world and the holy freedom.
    Za luchshij mir, za sviatuiu svobodu.
    На бой кровавый,
    To a battle bloody
    Na boj krovavy,
    Святой и правый
    Holy and just
    Sviatoj i pravy
    Марш, марш вперед,
    March, march forward
    Marsh, marsh vpered,
    Рабочий народ.
    Working people.
    Rabochij narod.
    Мрёт в наши дни с голодухи рабочий,
    Must the worker still starve nowadays ?
    Mriot v nashi dni s golodukhi rabochij,
    Станем ли, братья, мы дольше молчать?
    Brothers, shall we keep silent ?
    Stanem li, bratia, my dolshe molchat?
    Наших сподвижников юные очи
    Can the sight of the gallows
    Nashikh spodvizhnikov iunye ochi
    Может ли вид эшафота пугать?
    Frighten the young eyes of our brothers at arms ?
    Mozhet li vid ehshafota pugat?
    В битве великой не сгинут бесследно
    In the great battle don't let us die without leaving a trace behind
    V bitve velikoj ne sginut bessledno
    Павшие с честью во имя идей.
    Those who have fallen in honor for an idea
    Pavshie s chestiu vo imia idej.
    Их имена с нашей песней победной
    Their names in our victory songs
    Ikh imena s nashej pesnej pobednoj
    Станут священны мильонам людей.
    Shall become sacred to millions of people.
    Stanut sviashchenny milonam liudej.
    Нам ненавистны тиранов короны,
    We loathe the tyrants' crowns
    Nam nenavistny tiranov korony,
    Цепи народа-страдальца мы чтим.
    We deem that chains turn the people into a martyr
    Tsepi naroda-stradaltsa my chtim.
    Кровью народной залитые троны
    The thrones are covered with the blood of the peoples
    Kroviu narodnoj zalitye trony
    Кровью мы наших врагов обагрим!
    In their own blood we shall redden our enemies.
    Kroviu my nashikh vragov obagrim!

    Смерть беспощадная всем супостатам!
    A ferocious death is awaiting all the enemies
    Smert besposhchadnaia vsem supostatam!
    Всем паразитам трудящихся масс!
    All the parasites of the working classes
    Vsem parazitam trudiashchikhsia mass!
    Мщенье и смерть всем царям-плутократам!
    Vengeance and death for all the plutocratic tsars
    Mshchene i smert vsem tsariam-plutokratam!
    Близок победы торжественный час.
    The solemn hour of victory is near.
    Blizok pobedy torzhestvennyj chas.

Комментарии • 515

  • @Dulbeks
    @Dulbeks 4 года назад +68

    One day I heard the spanish version (a las barricadas) and I had a very strong inexplicable bout of nostalgia. I did some research and soon realized it was actually what my parents used to sing me as lullaby, except it was the late 1960s italian adaption. And that's what I am singing to my daughter.

    • @Rascol161
      @Rascol161 23 дня назад

      It is the anarchist version . Very strong too. I love them both.❤✊

  • @afinoxi
    @afinoxi 6 лет назад +367

    Category : Education
    *_ok youtube ok_*

    • @denxero
      @denxero 5 лет назад +28

      fuck yeah, and anyone disagreeing can get 5 years of social rehabilitation.

    • @LAZER-u1i
      @LAZER-u1i 5 лет назад +7

      Of course it is. It educates us the power of the Red Dragon.

    • @ernstschmidt4725
      @ernstschmidt4725 5 лет назад +13

      socialist (re)education

    • @alessa3697
      @alessa3697 5 лет назад

      Honest M'aiq Jewtube

    • @spade3779
      @spade3779 5 лет назад +1

      Wasteland Courier
      I’ll take the rehabilitation, commie fuck.

  • @David-cy5zu
    @David-cy5zu 7 лет назад +223

    R.I.P: Alexander Choir

  • @ludus6301
    @ludus6301 4 года назад +31

    I don't know why, but when I listen to this song I get very motivated.

  • @MatthewHowland
    @MatthewHowland 4 года назад +41

    I just had this song surgically implanted into my ears and it's being pumped into my brain 24 hours a day! Greetings from Minnesota. Crush the Oligarchs!

    • @Loreless
      @Loreless 4 года назад +7

      stay strong comrade

    • @vladdracul5072
      @vladdracul5072 2 месяца назад

      *Capitalists, not oligarchs
      And they are strongest where you live.

  • @AP-lc5ys
    @AP-lc5ys 2 года назад +17

    One of the most touching songs I know.
    Warm Greatings from Germany.

    • @AP-lc5ys
      @AP-lc5ys 2 года назад +3

      ...and please stop killing your brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

  • @Superta7
    @Superta7 8 лет назад +285

    Beautiful performance . Greetings from Poland .

    • @bohdanchmielnicki4682
      @bohdanchmielnicki4682 7 лет назад +14

      o ty komuchu

    • @Satan-ez8uv
      @Satan-ez8uv 5 лет назад +8

      Coś ci to przypomina😐😐?

    • @ondasikora7353
      @ondasikora7353 5 лет назад +3

      @@Satan-ez8uv Güten tag
      Surprise Anschluss, Polan

    • @wolnorynkowiec5727
      @wolnorynkowiec5727 5 лет назад +7

      @@Satan-ez8uv powiem ci tak.... nie popieram mordu w katyniu aczkolwiek strzelali oni do swoich wrogów .. tam rostrzeliwali oficerów AK samo bycie w ak było karane śmiercią więc wiedzieli na co idą..

    • @Satan-ez8uv
      @Satan-ez8uv 5 лет назад +1

      Komunista 1917 Nie nazywaj się polakiem 🙂

  • @ComradeCody
    @ComradeCody  11 лет назад +119

    yes im fourth generation Russian my great great grandfather was polish and a socialist he moved to the newly formed soviet union in 1919 and joined in the red army against the white army

    • @MCL003
      @MCL003 4 года назад

      LighTWArriorYT Official not polish myself but yeah I’m interested polish history is interesting

    • @Ostry018
      @Ostry018 4 года назад +1

      He "moved" or just moved?

    • @jeanpi314159
      @jeanpi314159 4 года назад +8

      @LighTWArriorYT Official
      So, why all my friends Polish ( I get many) support USSR and socialism. In France, Polish resistance has only been communist ( FTP- MOI) and among the most efficient. They even now support Soviet and condamn the today fascist Power in Poland.

    • @daeboilyoverhorse9026
      @daeboilyoverhorse9026 4 года назад

      thats kinda well !!! bratanchik

    • @MrFireplace79
      @MrFireplace79 4 года назад +2

      Maybe a Jew....not polish

  • @89BuAli
    @89BuAli 12 лет назад +41

    It's about art and literature from my point of view , it's enthusiastic , I'm not a Marxists but it is all about Russain history and literature

    • @CoWinkKeyDinkInc
      @CoWinkKeyDinkInc 5 лет назад +3


    • @velcranoxofficials9970
      @velcranoxofficials9970 4 года назад +1

      This was made by a polish guy I believe but still kinda true since he wrote this while in a cell

    • @wingedhussar5528
      @wingedhussar5528 3 года назад +7

      Song is about the workers uprising in Warszawa aka Warsaw Poland NOT Russia

  • @jankowalski-lg6bs
    @jankowalski-lg6bs 10 лет назад +55

    Polish song written some time between 1879 and 1883. Waclaw Swiecicki wrote the song in Warsaw. Music : Jozef Plawinski. The resulting different language versions, of which the most popular is the Russian today, but it is also in Esperanto. Polish oryginal : /watch?v=XY7xharH4Fk
    There are two songs :
    1. Warszawianka 1831 by Karpinski
    2. Warszawianka 1905 by Swiecicki

    • @jankowalski-lg6bs
      @jankowalski-lg6bs 10 лет назад +2

      Author songs for prison walls gave the text in the form of the original secret message, dotted the correct letters in the book "Pan Tadeusz" by Adam Mickiewicz. And these are the words of the original song:
      Warszawianka 1905 roku (ok. 1880)
      muzyka Józef Pławiński
      słowa Wacław Święcicki
      Śmiało podnieśmy sztandar nasz w górę,
      Choć burza wrogich żywiołów wyje,
      Choć nas dziś gnębią siły ponure,
      Chociaż niepewne jutro niczyje.
      O, bo to sztandar całej ludzkości,
      To hasło święte, pieśń zmartwychwstania,
      To triumf pracy, sprawiedliwości,
      To zorza wszystkich ludów zbratania.
      Naprzód, Warszawo, na walkę krwawą,
      Świętą a prawą, marsz, marsz, Warszawo!
      Dziś, gdy roboczy lud ginie z głodu,
      Zbrodnią w rozkoszy tonąć jak w błocie.
      I hańba temu, kto z nas za młodu
      Lęka się stanąć dziś na szafocie.
      Nikt za ideę nie ginie marnie,
      Z czasem zwycięża Chrystus Judasza.
      Niech święty zapał młodość ogarnie,
      Choć wielu padnie, lecz przyszłość nasza!
      Naprzód, Warszawo...
      Hura! Zerwijmy z carów korony,
      Gdy ludy dotąd chodzą w cierniowej,
      I w krwi zatopmy nadgniłe trony,
      Spurpurowione we krwi ludowej!
      Ha! Zemsta straszna dzisiejszym katom,
      Co wysysają życie z milionów!
      Ha! Zemsta carom i plutokratom,
      A przyjdzie żniwo przyszłości plonów!
      Naprzód, Warszawo...

    • @mega2914
      @mega2914 8 лет назад +1

      There's a Spanish version called: A las barricadas

  • @SPENT71
    @SPENT71 7 лет назад +20

    God bless you brave and noble men. heartbreaking loss today.
    God bless Russia

    • @ixpo
      @ixpo 2 года назад

      Aged like milk huh?

    • @ngwemoewin
      @ngwemoewin 2 года назад

      russia is a country so you meant, " god bless you brave and noble country? "

    • @ithnanthemage_9477
      @ithnanthemage_9477 Год назад


  • @wildernes84
    @wildernes84 7 лет назад +61

    This song gives me goosebumps and makes my arm hair stand up

    • @wolfgangschneider3117
      @wolfgangschneider3117 3 года назад +8

      And this is exactly why performing this song was banned by a local German court in Berlin in 1924.

    • @ngwemoewin
      @ngwemoewin 2 года назад +2

      @@wolfgangschneider3117Germany disliked russia and now i am crying while typing this xd

  • @bochenek1820
    @bochenek1820 4 года назад +20

    Ask me about my favourite music.
    It's dificult to explaine...
    Greatting from Poland!

  • @palewrickis1237
    @palewrickis1237 8 лет назад +7

    Easily the most magnificent song in creation, hats off to Wacław for writing it.

  • @wolfgang8470
    @wolfgang8470 7 лет назад +81

    Great song, thank you for uploading comrade
    Greetings from germany

    • @a_loyal_kiwi88
      @a_loyal_kiwi88 7 лет назад +1

      ist da eine deutsch varshavianka?

    • @dennisn2820
      @dennisn2820 6 лет назад +1

      vanillahapynis TM ja die gibt es gibt es glaube ich auch auf RUclips

    • @BigChungus-gi3uo
      @BigChungus-gi3uo 5 лет назад

      Dieses Lied ist gut. Hallo von einem amerikanischen kind, Das google translate verwendet hat. Ich mag deutsch besser.

    • @warcriminal5139
      @warcriminal5139 5 лет назад +1

      Ah davai east german comrade, im from east germany too

    • @aureliancaesar7285
      @aureliancaesar7285 3 года назад


  • @theferalwolf7
    @theferalwolf7 2 года назад +2

    Welcome back camaraderie’s
    Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 stands with you 👍

  • @svPlopper
    @svPlopper 5 лет назад +7

    Searched so long for that song, thanks for uploading and translating it :)

  • @The666CZARNY666
    @The666CZARNY666 10 лет назад +42

    Thank you for uploading this comrade and if somebody wants here's the Polish version: Warszawianka (Wersja skrócona) Red greetings from Poland.

  • @f-8238
    @f-8238 10 лет назад +30

    ¡¡¡A las barricadas!!!

  • @morradi10000
    @morradi10000 10 лет назад +56

    very powerful

  • @ДанилМуромец-п1ь
    @ДанилМуромец-п1ь 4 года назад +5

    Glory to all workers in the world! All depends on us, only on us

    • @pufinjb3551
      @pufinjb3551 3 года назад

      if not plutocrats u wouldn't have job commie fuck

  • @ComradeCody
    @ComradeCody  11 лет назад +17

    true but im russian with polish blood so thiis is to show both cultures a polish song being sang in russian

  • @emancipatedconsciousness3512
    @emancipatedconsciousness3512 Год назад +1

    I was suffering from a heartbreak since last month, today I also woke up with depression. But something really strange happened just a few momements before, I just realized that I changed myself for a person, I changed my taste in music as well. Eastern Music is love ❤ for me, sorry I abandoned you for a person, I never will again!!

  • @iosifstalin6788
    @iosifstalin6788 9 лет назад +384

    Stalin approves.

    • @rembrandttip4861
      @rembrandttip4861 8 лет назад +30

      +Iosif Stalin I very much doubt that this song approves of Stalin........

    • @giannistzavaras2508
      @giannistzavaras2508 8 лет назад +3

      i didn`t see anyone asking you

    • @rembrandttip4861
      @rembrandttip4861 8 лет назад +7

      tzavar tzavar I didn't see anyone asking Stalin (or you).

    • @IOStalin
      @IOStalin 7 лет назад

      Its the people, problem?

    • @zaverino1423
      @zaverino1423 7 лет назад +7

      Who is real Stalin?

  • @Natrazim
    @Natrazim 9 лет назад +23

    Да Здравствует Социализм. ТОЛЬКО социализм

  • @redkick8824
    @redkick8824 6 лет назад +8

    Greetings from Serbia 😉

  • @thekiryl1213
    @thekiryl1213 7 лет назад +10

    Until now I haven't know, that our Warszawianka has Soviet version xd

  • @thatrocksong
    @thatrocksong 6 лет назад +1

    I just took a shot while listening to this... It was the most epic one in the history of humanity

  • @wendigovanderblitz4823
    @wendigovanderblitz4823 5 лет назад +11

    *Someone:* My day is going bad.

  • @WedgeBob
    @WedgeBob 12 лет назад +4

    Here's an unofficial verse to add to that tune:
    Марта марш о товарищи,
    бороться за свободу,
    высоко поднять знамя,
    Марш, марш вперед!

  • @KilgoreTroutAsf
    @KilgoreTroutAsf 5 лет назад +5

    The music became, and is to the day, the official anthem of the Spanish anarchist-syndicalist trade union CNT / FAI.

    • @mrozek683
      @mrozek683 5 лет назад

      How sick
      Oryginal song was anti car and anti Communist
      Sang by polish socialists that hated communism ;p

    • @KilgoreTroutAsf
      @KilgoreTroutAsf 5 лет назад +2

      @@mrozek683 The Spanish Anrachists were not very fond of Stalin either.

    • @mrozek683
      @mrozek683 5 лет назад

      @@KilgoreTroutAsf Poles fought singing this song aganist Lenin and Stalin... well i am anti socialist myshelf but using this as a communist song is not normal... of course Polish (well, soviet-polish) communists have stolen Socialist Warszawianka

    • @mrozek683
      @mrozek683 5 лет назад


    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 10 месяцев назад

      @@mrozek683But this song is older,during 2nd? Intl period- PRE communist parties of 3rd Intl
      but during various,earlier self styled communist factions etc. See the Manifesto of 1848 by Karl
      Marx & Friedrich Engels, who gave credit for the term to earlier
      activists .

  • @РомаСвобода-б2о
    @РомаСвобода-б2о 6 лет назад +5

    эх были песни. с этими песнями люди шли на смерть

  • @nihil5743
    @nihil5743 4 года назад +5


  • @gimfoxhound1780
    @gimfoxhound1780 5 лет назад

    Thx my friend, I love very much this song! Happy new year to you!

  • @richardbaker308
    @richardbaker308 7 лет назад +18

    the jackel brought me here

  • @Kriwistus
    @Kriwistus 8 лет назад +12

    Was the song "a las barricadas" from the Spanish civil war based on this song? the melodies are pretty much the same

    • @ComradeCody
      @ComradeCody  8 лет назад +13

      las barricades is indeed based on this song, got to love how a Polish Revolutionary song can inspire other revolutionary songs. i can't blame them it is one powerful tune

    • @Pokesus
      @Pokesus 8 лет назад

      Krijn Wilkens a las barricadas is better, but yes, are similar in some parts

    • @mestreioda7034
      @mestreioda7034 7 лет назад +1

      So is Stato e Padroni, from the Italian movement "Potere Operaio".

    • @artur297
      @artur297 7 лет назад +2

      there is a german languague version too used in the GDR (Warschawjanka).

  • @ComradeCody
    @ComradeCody  11 лет назад +9

    Well considering the communist manifesto was published in 1848, its no surprise there would be a huge fellowship afterward one such example is the Paris commune in 1871 which inspired Eugène Pottier to write The Internationale, which is now anthem of far-left revolutionary movements around the world.

  • @joefrantzen4726
    @joefrantzen4726 4 года назад +6

    Red greetings from America
    Yes we exist, I know it’s surprising

  • @roideschats8799
    @roideschats8799 5 лет назад +3

    Les rafales ennemies passent au dessus de nous
    Des forces noires nous oppriment
    Dans la bataille qui nous était prédestinée
    Nous attendent des destins inconnus.
    Mais nous lèveront fièrement et hardiment
    La bannière de la lutte des travailleurs
    La bannière de la grande bataille de tous les peuples
    Pour un monde meilleur et la sainte liberté.
    A la bataille sanglante, sainte et juste
    Marche en avant, peuple travailleur !
    Le travailleur doit-il encore mourir de faim de nos jours ?
    Frères continuerons-nous à nous taire ?
    La vue de l'échafaud peut-elle effrayer
    Les jeunes yeux de nos compagnons d'armes ?
    Dans la grande bataille ne mourrons pas sans laisser de traces
    Ceux qui sont tombés avec honneur pour une idée
    Leur nom dans nos chants de victoire
    Deviendront sacré pour des millions de gens.
    Nous haïssons les couronnes des tyrans
    Nous estimons que les chaînes font du peuple un martyr
    Les trônes sont recouvert du sang des peuples
    Nous rougirons nos ennemis de leur propre sang.
    Une mort féroce pour tous les ennemis
    Pour tous ceux qui parasitent les classes laborieuses
    La vengeance et la mort pour tous les tsars ploutocrates
    L'heure solemnelle de la victoire est proche.

  • @5anjuro
    @5anjuro 4 года назад +1

    When the pay slip shows less than you expected.

  • @ComradeCody
    @ComradeCody  12 лет назад +5

    true i'll put on the russian and english lyrics later on today

  • @Sweatykeyboard
    @Sweatykeyboard 7 лет назад

    Funnily enough, an anarchist song of the spanish civil war as the same melody, it's "A LAS BARRICADAS"

  • @CorruptedSoul87
    @CorruptedSoul87 11 лет назад +1

    Where I come from there is a saying: "Half knowledge is worse than no knowledge". That is exactly what I thought when I read your comment.

  • @ElectroSkat
    @ElectroSkat 6 лет назад +3

    На русский язык текст перевел Кржижановский Глеб Максимилианович. Коммунист, ученый, разработчик плана ГОЭЛРО - "Коммунизм это Советская власть плюс электрофикация всей страны".
    Начинал свой трудовой путь в ЭНИН имю Кржижановского. Но тут пришёл "эффективный менеждер" чубайс и все прихватизировал.

  • @osasunaitor
    @osasunaitor 11 лет назад +16

    Soviet music was the best ever!

    • @skymaster0yt
      @skymaster0yt 4 года назад +1

      Dude ;-;
      Poland did this song.

    • @hamulcowa
      @hamulcowa 4 года назад +1

      This isnt soviet song, this is socialist song from Poland

    • @ngwemoewin
      @ngwemoewin 2 года назад

      @@skymaster0yt you too

    • @skymaster0yt
      @skymaster0yt 2 года назад

      @@ngwemoewin what me too

  • @ChelseaFC741
    @ChelseaFC741 12 лет назад +2

    Greetings from Poland!

    • @bynajmniejniekomunista3232
      @bynajmniejniekomunista3232 4 года назад

      Trzeba wytłumaczyć idiotom z zagranicy kogo to jest pieśń, a jest to pieśń PPS-u, który zagorzale walczył z bolszewikami w 1919-1920 i 1939.

  • @toaster9922
    @toaster9922 6 лет назад +8

    i listen to this while i go to sleep

    • @michaelkabara4749
      @michaelkabara4749 5 лет назад +1

      And the dreams are don't stop coming and they're don't stop coming and they're don't stop coming...

  • @Mimigmzzz
    @Mimigmzzz 4 года назад

    In Spain this is an Anarchic song but with different letter. "A las barricadas".

  • @lucanatali3960
    @lucanatali3960 6 месяцев назад


  • @rafsanjanyahmad1876
    @rafsanjanyahmad1876 2 года назад +3

    The Jackal bring me here

  • @FirstnameLastname-qe3ry
    @FirstnameLastname-qe3ry 4 года назад +1

    my grandfather used to play this all the time. im not communist but it is a nice song none the less

  • @shinobistrikerfanatic7837
    @shinobistrikerfanatic7837 5 лет назад

    Respect from New England

  • @starybozydara2675
    @starybozydara2675 6 лет назад +3

    it russian version orginal is in polish language it was written in 1879

    • @vwem1237
      @vwem1237 5 лет назад

      Read the description

  • @guneslawguneslaw
    @guneslawguneslaw 6 лет назад +2

    Gracias por la cancion!

  • @Werckme1ster
    @Werckme1ster 4 года назад +2

    Vikhri vrazhdebnye veiut nad nami,
    Temnye sily nas zlobno gnetut.
    V boj rokovoj my vstupili s vragami,
    Nas eshche sudby bezvestnye zhdut.
    No my podymem gordo i smelo
    Znamia borby za rabochee delo
    Znamia velikoj borby vsekh narodov
    Za luchshij mir, za sviatuiu svobodu.
    -Na boj krovavy,
    Sviatoj i pravy
    Marsh, marsh vpered,
    Rabochij narod.-
    Mriot v nashi dni s golodukhi rabochij,
    Stanem li, bratia, my dolshe molchat?
    Nashikh spodvizhnikov iunye ochi
    Mozhet li vid ehshafota pugat?
    V bitve velikoj ne sginut bessledno
    Pavshie s chestiu vo imia idej.
    Ikh imena s nashej pesnej pobednoj
    Stanut sviashchenny milonam liudej.
    -Na boj krovavy,
    Sviatoj i pravy
    Marsh, marsh vpered,
    Rabochij narod.-
    Nam nenavistny tiranov korony,
    Tsepi naroda-stradaltsa my chtim.
    Kroviu narodnoj zalitye trony
    Kroviu my nashikh vragov obagrim!
    Smert besposhchadnaia vsem supostatam!
    Vsem parazitam trudiashchikhsia mass!
    Mshchene i smert vsem tsariam-plutokratam!
    Blizok pobedy torzhestvennyj chas.
    -Na boj krovavy,
    Sviatoj i pravy
    Marsh, marsh vpered,
    Rabochij narod.-

  • @stephenarcher8929
    @stephenarcher8929 6 лет назад +1

    We march as one with this banner.

  • @МихаилАксютенков-д7т
    @МихаилАксютенков-д7т 2 месяца назад

    Varshavianka | Rare Orchestra (1928 Recording)Ninja ZX6R - Девушка Мечты (Terre & Level Remix) feat #мотоТаняБлестящие - А я все летала (Новая волна 2003)

  • @roideschats8799
    @roideschats8799 5 лет назад +1

    marche, marche, peuple des travailleurs ! (pour toujours susurre dans mon coeur)

  • @nikolaymikolayczyk2101
    @nikolaymikolayczyk2101 11 лет назад +13

    Ura! Ura! Uraa!

  • @19Koty96
    @19Koty96 6 лет назад +2

    oh look, the link has my name in it!

  • @gui220641
    @gui220641 6 лет назад +12

    We will rise again!

  • @slavicball3550
    @slavicball3550 6 лет назад

    Very good song) The text very good)))

  • @Goldberg1234
    @Goldberg1234 8 лет назад +102

    I miss you communism! from Poland.

    • @strictlynunya790
      @strictlynunya790 7 лет назад +45

      That's not something you hear every day

    • @jfrustrat1
      @jfrustrat1 7 лет назад +18

      Stuknij się w łeb. Czubku... Mało ci kulek w naszych głowach?

    • @adamw1201
      @adamw1201 6 лет назад +9

      Nie znasz historii, ani komunizmu. Komunizmu, który z Polskich bohaterów zrobił morderców i wrogów narodu. Tego samego komunizmu, co zabrał setkom Polskich żołnierzy życie.

    • @thearcheduck8746
      @thearcheduck8746 6 лет назад +2

      Lech Slavko Lew CUMMIE

    • @sampeterson6538
      @sampeterson6538 6 лет назад +3

      Yakovlev funny, because the KPRF, or КПРФ (communist party of the Russian Federation) is the second most popular political party in Russia after the ruling, liberal party.

  • @Donnerbalken28
    @Donnerbalken28 2 года назад +2

    The Song you hear when your pay gets lowered

  • @christopherjackson5679
    @christopherjackson5679 8 лет назад +1

    Don't know; but it's pretty good for all that.

  • @UfukToraman
    @UfukToraman 6 лет назад +1

    i'm watching a ww2 movie and this is only the second time pausing it to listen to soviet marches

  • @leonardoofficial5750
    @leonardoofficial5750 4 месяца назад

    I need the lyrics quick!

  • @jlcapaz
    @jlcapaz 5 лет назад


  • @yunusdogenci8651
    @yunusdogenci8651 6 лет назад +1

    Blagodary Tavarish...

  • @roberttapek8018
    @roberttapek8018 5 лет назад

    Kłaniam się robotnikom i tyle ...

  • @rockyh3556
    @rockyh3556 5 лет назад

    Even though I don’t understand a word, this song will s really powerful and cool

    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 10 месяцев назад

      There is a website + original lyrics
      translations for Polish, Spanish, etc. versions.

  • @emilmilobedzki9406
    @emilmilobedzki9406 7 лет назад

    beautiful performance.

  • @geisaune793
    @geisaune793 Год назад +1

    Implement the Land Value Tax and read Progress and Poverty! Up with Georgism and down with Landlordism!

  • @fridgeanon
    @fridgeanon 4 года назад

    Ja jestem Warszawianka - I'm Varsovian

  • @Muszkinson
    @Muszkinson 7 лет назад +5

    Im Polish, Im nationalist, This is fucking amazing...

  • @терми-ч3г
    @терми-ч3г 5 лет назад


  • @swift1793
    @swift1793 5 лет назад +4

    So beautiful, i became communist for 3 minutes

    • @raeesshaikh8857
      @raeesshaikh8857 4 года назад

      @Comrade Soviet 😍 love to be communist rather than to be communal.

  • @8888mkc
    @8888mkc 5 лет назад

    Forever !!! Polish ~

  • @manfredvonrichthofen8293
    @manfredvonrichthofen8293 7 лет назад


  • @SirSmiley1998
    @SirSmiley1998 12 лет назад +5

    Best Version ever! Long live Marx's ideas.

  • @kajetanchrumps8076
    @kajetanchrumps8076 9 лет назад +12

    Why it is in Russian?

    • @ComradeCody
      @ComradeCody  9 лет назад +9

      ***** because at the time i could not find the original polish version

    • @jackrabbit4545
      @jackrabbit4545 9 лет назад +6

      ***** Comrade Stalinator Even if its in Russian or Polish its still communist revolutionary song and sounds good in both languages and versions :)

    • @kajetanchrumps8076
      @kajetanchrumps8076 9 лет назад +12

      It was not communist, but socialist song

    • @jackrabbit4545
      @jackrabbit4545 9 лет назад

      Kajetan Chrumps well communist/socialist, I posted the other comment early in the morning and I wasn't having such good spelling and I forgot how to spell socialist lol I went to sleep right after posting that but I was would had put communist/socialist if it wasn't for this

    • @v.adrov777
      @v.adrov777 9 лет назад +2

      ***** Потому что это русская песня

  • @РомаСвобода-б2о
    @РомаСвобода-б2о 6 лет назад

    молодцы. спасибо

  • @PARskb
    @PARskb 10 лет назад +131

    End capitalism - For Socialism and Communism before it's too late!

    • @LucaHulot
      @LucaHulot 9 лет назад +8

      PAR SKB no fuck you.

    • @PARskb
      @PARskb 9 лет назад +9

      Luca Hulot Yes, you fuck.

    • @LucaHulot
      @LucaHulot 9 лет назад +5

      PAR SKB what ? you said i should fuck... you ?
      we've already seen what it has done to greece.
      40 year of socialism...

    • @PARskb
      @PARskb 9 лет назад +7

      Luca Hulot Fascist and social-democrat pigs, the gallows pole is coming.

    • @LucaHulot
      @LucaHulot 9 лет назад +2

      PAR SKB just because i don't like socialism doesn't mean i prefer capitalism.
      i'm just in the middle.

  • @Egemony
    @Egemony 6 лет назад +20

    Wow, Lyrics sum up the Great Communist Cause!

    • @skymaster0yt
      @skymaster0yt 4 года назад +1

      Dude. Original of this song is from Poland.

  • @elkindiaz
    @elkindiaz 4 года назад

    Who did remember the words in the movie? "This is not Chicago, this is Russia"

  • @fpspoland9874
    @fpspoland9874 11 лет назад

    A lot of Poles know the polish version of this song ("Rozszumiały się wierzby płaczące").

    • @hamulcowa
      @hamulcowa 4 года назад +1

      Ktoś tu się mocno pomylił

  • @wildernes84
    @wildernes84 11 лет назад

    This is the Russian version.
    The polish version [Earlier] is Warszawianka.

  • @abdulraeesshaikh9935
    @abdulraeesshaikh9935 4 года назад

    Where can I download it

  • @pierrelaurence5108
    @pierrelaurence5108 7 лет назад +2

    Слава Русский и Филиппины sorry for my bad russian товарищи

  • @tachankafreeman3442
    @tachankafreeman3442 2 года назад

    this song reminds me of a soviet sub coming up and beaking a sheet of ice

  • @yunusdogenci8651
    @yunusdogenci8651 5 лет назад +1

    Güzel olacak her şey...

  • @benbrentley4509
    @benbrentley4509 6 лет назад +1

    Lit 🅱 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @_MegasAlexandros_
    @_MegasAlexandros_ 4 года назад

    Hi, i have a questions, why the USSR take a polish song in the red army voice? I know that is a song of polish against the tsar before 1918, so a revolutionary song, but russian doesn't love polish.

  • @digidonk
    @digidonk 8 лет назад +5

    dawoj granaty statoil i prawdy

  • @storozhevoy75
    @storozhevoy75 5 лет назад

    I listen to this when I need to unwind 😁

  • @eltiostalin3566
    @eltiostalin3566 8 лет назад +2

    Muy bien camarada, muy bien...

  • @raeesshaikh8857
    @raeesshaikh8857 4 года назад

    Greeting from india

  • @aureliancaesar7285
    @aureliancaesar7285 3 года назад

    The background came from German MG 42er, lol....

  • @lancecorporalrookie8321
    @lancecorporalrookie8321 4 года назад

    A black lagoon amv brought me here

  • @roberttapek8018
    @roberttapek8018 5 лет назад
