God is love. He sent his only son Jesus to save us from hell by suffering and dying on the cross to pay for our sins. (We rebelled against God, our creator, in our past.) Read the Gospel and the Bible; then, you'll know. God loves us with the greatest love. Anyone who accept Jesus as our savior will be forgiven and will be raised from death. God's created a new and better world for us. Tell Jesus all your problems. He's helped me a lot. He can help you, too.
當年紅伶唱藝功力真利害 雖然不能跟目前科技設備可比 但能將她倆現場演繹保留給聽眾回味 夫復可求❤
60年代的音響準不及現在,但任白2位唱功真的 無懈可擊。
這首籌款歌到底是現場演繹還是錄音版本 為何背後那麼多無謂雜音 若是未經修飾的現場收錄 倆位前輩的唱功真的世上無雙 堪稱一絕 絕對流方萬世零瑕疵的極品👏👏👏👍👍👍
@@lululuk6643 應該是當年現場錄音。
@@EEchan 那麼絕對是無械可擊的大師級作品 定必珍而重之成為收藏品 我敢肯定這絕唱已世上無雙⋯⋯!
@@nelsonwfoful 最弊我已冇乜再聽電台喇
Thx so much 😊
God is love. He sent his only son Jesus to save us from hell by suffering and dying on the cross to pay for our sins. (We rebelled against God, our creator, in our past.) Read the Gospel and the Bible; then, you'll know. God loves us with the greatest love. Anyone who accept Jesus as our savior will be forgiven and will be raised from death. God's created a new and better world for us. Tell Jesus all your problems. He's helped me a lot. He can help you, too.