큰병원은 아직도 마스크 착용하는 이유가 더러운 침 튀기는거에 대한 거부감과 역겨움때문에 의사들이 해제를 반대해서 아직 의무로 하고 있는거랍니다.의사들은 코로나 전에도 침 튀기는거 때문에 스트레스 많이 받았다고 해요.직업의식 때문에 겉으로 티를 안냈을 뿐이지 속은 타들어 간다고 했습니다.아마 지금이 기회구나 생각하고 대형병원은 평생 마스크착용 의무화 할것같네요.(정부의 개입만 없다면) 의사들이 심적으로 상당히 편안함을 느낀다고 합니다
We are obviously one. That goes without saying. But y'all are talking like we don't already have CBX and SC units and as if exols don't support them. Anything EXO releases is gonna be loved by exols like you and me. Baeksoo did have 2 songs together like What Is Love and Moonlight. That's where I began to love that combination. You both can rest assured. SM will prolly never make a Baeksoo unit. But it's just a wish of mine.
Kyungsoo dan Baekhyun is another level wkwk i really love it. Kayaa, kenapa gemesh banget oiii.. Apalagi pas baek bilang "dah kamu diem aja, aku yg bakalan lakuin" Wkwkwkkw
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo together are just too much. Have a great 2024 my loves, all of you. Thank you for the quality and artistry you have given us throughout the years. Always the best. EXO L forever!
Part baekhyun & do ngakak banget haha .. baekhyun selalu out of the box gayanya .. no wonder dijuluki genius idol .. ide-nya suka di luar nurul melulu haha love bangett
Este año 2024, lo que más deseo es que todos los miembros sean más felices, libres, tengan mucha salud y disfruten todas sus actividades. Los amo demasiado y espero que sea un año muy hermoso y con muchas cosas buenas para EXO :)
정말정말감사합니다.EXO를 위한 스페셜영상이였습니다.학교콘셉트최고의퍼포머.콘셉트주인이라 해야하나 ㅎㅎ 사랑해요 EXO. We are one Exo 사랑하자. 너무 보고싶다 엑소 더 많이 부탁해 카이도 레이도 보고싶다 2024년 엑소의 강력한 컴백과 솔로가수들의 컴백을 기대한다 엑소는 특별하다 K-POP 황제님, 존재해주셔서 감사합니다
My sunshines. 2024 is already looking a lot better. When it gets hard I will come back to this video and lean on you. Thank you for all that you've endured.
Exo every word is less to what my heart feels for u but still one thing i wanna say is thanku so much for being part of my life EXO WE ARE ONE SARANGHAJA FOREVER
They have so much potential and SM should be thankful for having them in their company. Please sincerely promote them, like there's not any other artist who has been that famous and valued in the industry for so so long. So, SM you better take them seriously and they will break more and more records instead of wasting time, money, and effort in debuting new groups.
"potential"? you make is sound like they are rookies 😂. they are near 12 yrs into their careers. EXO has nothing more to prove. It's not about breaking more records anymore. Growing as a artist (and person) is not always about the group. They are successful in their individual careers. I don't think mentioning "wasting time and money with new groups" was necessary as well. EXO was "new" at one point. Was that a waste? Everyone deserves opportunity to become successful and following their dream.
They are individually talented and they already proven it thats why they reach 11yrs being famous as group and as individual, and see how much they loved by their million fans around the globe until now they still busy working in their individual shows guesting and projects...many new talents arise but my heart and support only for EXO..we are one forever
@@lovingmyselfright would be nice but that is also up to the boys. have to remember what fans want may not always be what their favs want. When you get to be as old as EXO (in age and having long career) they will focus more on their individual goals. I would love a Baekhyun solo comeback and world tour. I always felt it was a shame he was peaking but then covid happen. then he had to enlist. And this year he was more focused on EXO although he got to do some festivals here and there. Next year I hope he can do it cuz he has so much potential as a soloist. as for a EXO tour who knows. I feel they might wait till after Sehun gets discharged? until then maybe they will continue to do solo and subunit activities. Like how they are doing now.
@@mrmaclipstick5183even after 12 years at their career, don't you think that they deserve better treatment?? look at the way SM promoted their groups. EXO just like a step child
through the years everything in my life has changed... from school to college to work, but EXO have always been my north star... even on the darkest nights you shine so bright and brighten up my dull skies.
Our Sehuniee is the cutest 🐣🐣😘😘 Our Chanyeollie is the softest 🍞🍞🥺🥺 Our Baekhyunnie is the prettiest 🐶🐶😍😍 Our Kyungsoo is seriously getting so handsome i don't think it's legal anymore 😱😱😍😍 Our Chennie shines the brightest 😍😍💖💖 Our Xiumin Oppa is a pretty fairy who is literally aging backwards like excuse me sir? 🧚🏽♂🧚🏽♂😍😍 Our Suho Oppa is the sweetest 🍰🍰🥰🥰 and our Jonginnie did not change at all 🐻🐻🤭🤭🤭🤭 ( Jongin-aah! miss you 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
인트로 첫눈 대박이다 🫣🫣
Kyungsoo is so cute . His smile is warming my heart 😉🤣😘😂
이거봐 얘네도 백도에 진심이라니까……. 그러니까 제발 2024 엑소 유닛 변백현 도경수여야만 한다……
No FREE kyung
@@Havefunn3 akgae go away
ㄹㅇ 백도여야 함.... 이자리에 뼈를 묻겟음
이제 둘다 sm 소속이 아닌데도.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
자컨 아이디어드립니다. 엑소들은 이쁜 스웨터입고 카메라앞에 모입니다. 그리고 겨울앨범 노래들 전부 부릅니다. 나는 기절합니다 ❤
나도 기절 예정…
1Nguyễn Gai Tôi 2 ❤ 3:00 Bảo Bảo 3 ❤ 3:10 Kim Lisa Lisalisa Solo 4 ❤ 3:24 Park chaeyoung Kim Rose 5 ❤ 4:16 Park Jimin
더러운 침 엄청튀겨요. 마스크 써야합니다. 초고속 카메라 실험영상에서 기침하면 침만 나오는게 아니라 입안에 이물질도 튀어나오고 목에 낀 미세한 가래까지 사방팔방 분출됩니다.내 몸에 이런것들이 튀지 않을려면 서로 마스크 착용하는게 바람직합니다.
개념없는 인간들이 많아서 입도 안가리고 고개도 안돌리고 사람몸을 향해 기침하는 인간들 엄청 많습니다.
큰병원은 아직도 마스크 착용하는 이유가 더러운 침 튀기는거에 대한 거부감과 역겨움때문에 의사들이 해제를 반대해서 아직 의무로 하고 있는거랍니다.의사들은 코로나 전에도 침 튀기는거 때문에 스트레스 많이 받았다고 해요.직업의식 때문에 겉으로 티를 안냈을 뿐이지 속은 타들어 간다고 했습니다.아마 지금이 기회구나 생각하고 대형병원은 평생 마스크착용 의무화 할것같네요.(정부의 개입만 없다면) 의사들이 심적으로 상당히 편안함을 느낀다고 합니다
Baekhyun and D.O. unit is too cute for my heart to handle. SM COME ON RELEASE A BAEKSOO UNIT ALBUM. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 11 YEARS
@ernajsandy2938true, cs with solo promotions we can’t get enough of a whole group😭
We are obviously one. That goes without saying. But y'all are talking like we don't already have CBX and SC units and as if exols don't support them. Anything EXO releases is gonna be loved by exols like you and me.
Baeksoo did have 2 songs together like What Is Love and Moonlight. That's where I began to love that combination. You both can rest assured. SM will prolly never make a Baeksoo unit. But it's just a wish of mine.
Omg!! I have been praying for years for this and will keep praying till it happens!!
Kyungsoo dan Baekhyun is another level wkwk i really love it. Kayaa, kenapa gemesh banget oiii.. Apalagi pas baek bilang "dah kamu diem aja, aku yg bakalan lakuin" Wkwkwkkw
Baekhyun and D.O.'s chemistry is no joke
1Kim Jisoo Nguyễn Gia Hân Flower Blackpink 2 Park Chaeyoung Kim Rosé Bambi 3 ❤ 5:55 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân ROSE 4 ❤ 6:19 Do Kyungsoo D.O
엑소는 진짜 아무도 이길수 없다 ..
3세대 레전드 아이돌
Kyungsoo sama Baekhyun blg,moment ini mngingatkn mrka era growl❤
Kyungsoo looks like a baby, he is just so cute.
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are so cute.
EXO Saranghae
엑소는 여전히 빛나고 있어 엑소야
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo together are just too much. Have a great 2024 my loves, all of you. Thank you for the quality and artistry you have given us throughout the years. Always the best. EXO L forever!
KYUNGSOO IS SOOOO PRETTY!! also, the baeksoo moments!! arggghhh
이렇게 또 엑소 단체스케쥴 만들어낸 엑소엘!!!! 🏳️🏴 SM…어물쩡 넘어가려다간 엑소엘한테 죽지….. 울 엑소팀 앞으로도 계속 화이팅 합시다!!! 🖤
Baekhyun & Kyungsoo are so damn funny 😂
와 진짜 얼굴로 복지 제대로 채워주네 진짜 존잘남의 향연이다ㅠㅠㅠ 사랑해 엑소 진짜 !!!!!
백도유닛 제발 내주세요~~~~~~~~~~~~
No Free kyung^^
Oh D.O so handsome
Aku melihat D.O tersenyum , dan ajaibnya aku ikut tersenyum karena tingkahnyaa 😊
that’s my group foreva
Always with EXO ❤
1Park Jimin 2 ❤ 1:20 Oh Sehun Hành Quốc 3 ❤ 1:40 Zhang Yixing Lay Trung Quốc 4 ❤ 1:47 Suho Kim Jung Myeon
Broo where were you
U keep on disappearing
I miss your version /covers
I'm crying by seeing all of them together!!
Don't worry these tears are of happiness..
Love you EXO , thanku so much for coming back...
Can we all agree that EXO has the best visuals
Baeksoo is literally melting my heart today
D.O my bias❤❤❤
Chanyeol is that school heartthrob that everyone has a crush on 😍 he's the cutest with his curly hair and dimpled smiles 🤍
Popular opinion: Everyone agrees that EXO will never disappoint us!
Konten-konten exo adalah penyembuhan❤ TERIMA KASIH EXO
9:49 "유닛 간의 케미"
믿을게요 얼굴합 목소리합 성격합 케미 최고인 백현 디오 유닛🫶
10년을 말했으면 이젠 들어줄 때가 됐다고 믿어요😊👊
Chanyeol will always make sure that people will know that he is Kyungsoo's best friend:mentioning him whenever he can hahaha My ChanSoo heart
4:00 찬열이의 경수 사랑은
너무 꾸준해서 너무 귀엽고
진심이 느껴지고 정말 사랑스러워요
소중하고 너무 귀한 엑소 사랑하자 ❤❤❤👍🏻
본업하는 아이돌 엑소 너무 소중해 행복해 ❤
Kyungsoo is so cute and sweet 🥺
진짜 엑소 사랑하자….
존잘들…❤ 백현 디오 조합은 말모..
진짜 이번 시그 너무 예쁘다. 시그 보면서 으르렁 때도 생각 많이 나고, 정말 너희는 늙지 않는구나... 이번에 컴백한 크림소다도 너무 좋고, 너무 예뻐...🩷🩷🩷 앞으로도 건강하고 활동 많이 하자! 사랑해 보고싶어!
Kyungsoo, iuuwi talaga Kita! Walang pipigil kung ayaw masaktan.
Kyungsoo so cute... 🌹
I think December is meaningful for them. 1st album, 1st variety show, 1st concert, and so on. Thanks guys, you all have great work🎉🎉
Las tomas de Baek y D.O me dan mil años de vida ❤
baekhyun kyungsoo.. so cute😊😊
Kyungsoo is still the cutest ever! No one can top that cuteness!!! ❤❤❤
Kyungsoo looking cute while breaking the heart is too much lol
Why did he just taste the toothpaste 😭
Because EXO are silly, haha
11 years and still with EXO.
EXO and EXO-LS forever
We are One, EXO Saranghaja
아니 썸네일 뭔데 저대로 유닛이라도 내줄것처럼..😂
Part baekhyun & do ngakak banget haha .. baekhyun selalu out of the box gayanya .. no wonder dijuluki genius idol .. ide-nya suka di luar nurul melulu haha love bangett
6:50 time stops. This is too cute omg baeksoo it's been awhile ❤️
Este año 2024, lo que más deseo es que todos los miembros sean más felices, libres, tengan mucha salud y disfruten todas sus actividades.
Los amo demasiado y espero que sea un año muy hermoso y con muchas cosas buenas para EXO :)
Kyungsoo, our polite boy. 🥰
All members together is the best gift for Exo-ls
변백현 도경수... 내가 너희를 어떻게 잊었는데...
1 ❤ 7:53 Do Kyungsoo D.O 2 ❤ 8:28 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toấn
우리엑소....3세대의 아이돌 1군이고 수장이라서 더더욱 멋지고 대단한듯 2024년도 엄청 행복하게 건강한 하루를 보낼 수 있도록 영원히 응원할게,,,,👍🏻🩶 사랑해 많이!!!!😍🥰
Kyungsoo looks so cute and handsome at the same time. My litol bibi ❤
❤엑소 사랑하자 ❤
4:00 찬열이의 경수 사랑
5:33 우리 됴 등장
어쩜 모든 행동 하나하나 다 사랑스러울까
2024 엑소 유닛 - 100% 백현 디오 일듯요
(feat. 찬열) 까지 였으면 진짜 좋겠어요
일부러 sm에서 빌드업 중
분명해 분명해
오래오래 멤버들 같이 있는 거 보고싶다
장수그룹하도록 꾸준히 우리엑소 지킨다....🩶🤍🩶🤍🩶🤍🩶🤍
정말정말감사합니다.EXO를 위한 스페셜영상이였습니다.학교콘셉트최고의퍼포머.콘셉트주인이라 해야하나 ㅎㅎ 사랑해요 EXO. We are one Exo 사랑하자. 너무 보고싶다 엑소 더 많이 부탁해 카이도 레이도 보고싶다 2024년 엑소의 강력한 컴백과 솔로가수들의 컴백을 기대한다 엑소는 특별하다 K-POP 황제님, 존재해주셔서 감사합니다
Kim Jongdae it is wonderful to see you smiling with your group members. My ears are blessed listening to your lovely singing.
1 ❤ 14:57 Suho Kim Jung Myeon 2 ❤ 15:08 Kim Taehyung Hương V 3 ❤ 15:18 Jennie Kim Solo Black Pink 4 ❤ 15:51 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toấn 5 ❤ 17:42 Do Kyungsoo D.O
EXO is my very first and only
favorite band in the entire industry.
EXO is not just my only love "all these
boys are so dear to me as a family".
All of them look perfect,,they are all glowing up
Parece um bebê ❤
No one can beat their visual, their voice and their talents....EXO is always the best, weareone EXO saranghaja
The hoodie shoots were the best! They all looked so adorable!
My sunshines. 2024 is already looking a lot better. When it gets hard I will come back to this video and lean on you. Thank you for all that you've endured.
Exo every word is less to what my heart feels for u but still one thing i wanna say is thanku so much for being part of my life
we are one exo, 사랑하자
They have so much potential and SM should be thankful for having them in their company. Please sincerely promote them, like there's not any other artist who has been that famous and valued in the industry for so so long. So, SM you better take them seriously and they will break more and more records instead of wasting time, money, and effort in debuting new groups.
"potential"? you make is sound like they are rookies 😂. they are near 12 yrs into their careers. EXO has nothing more to prove. It's not about breaking more records anymore. Growing as a artist (and person) is not always about the group. They are successful in their individual careers. I don't think mentioning "wasting time and money with new groups" was necessary as well. EXO was "new" at one point. Was that a waste? Everyone deserves opportunity to become successful and following their dream.
They are individually talented and they already proven it thats why they reach 11yrs being famous as group and as individual, and see how much they loved by their million fans around the globe until now they still busy working in their individual shows guesting and projects...many new talents arise but my heart and support only for EXO..we are one forever
@@mrmaclipstick5183they have never even gotten a full world tour. That's what I want from them.
@@lovingmyselfright would be nice but that is also up to the boys. have to remember what fans want may not always be what their favs want. When you get to be as old as EXO (in age and having long career) they will focus more on their individual goals. I would love a Baekhyun solo comeback and world tour. I always felt it was a shame he was peaking but then covid happen. then he had to enlist. And this year he was more focused on EXO although he got to do some festivals here and there. Next year I hope he can do it cuz he has so much potential as a soloist. as for a EXO tour who knows. I feel they might wait till after Sehun gets discharged? until then maybe they will continue to do solo and subunit activities. Like how they are doing now.
@@mrmaclipstick5183even after 12 years at their career, don't you think that they deserve better treatment?? look at the way SM promoted their groups. EXO just like a step child
Kyungsoo socute 😁😁😁
My Baeksoo hearttt 😭❤❤
엑소오빠들 다 교복에도 잘 어울리고 너무 귀엽네요.🐯🍓 엑소 사랑하자 ~❤
엑소가 나오길 오랫동안 기다려서 너무 행복해요, 드디어 둘도 뭉쳤네요 😭🤍 기쁘네요. 멤버들 스태프들 항상 건강하시길 바라겠습니다 항상 응원하겠습니다 OT9 되기를 진심으로 바랍니다. Lay 그리고 Kai 님도 늘 건강하시길 바랍니다, 많이 응원합니다❤
I really don’t care how many boy or girl groups in K Pop now. I always root for EXO
난 엑소를 평생 사랑할 거야 2024년에도 계속 사랑하자❤️❤️❤️❤️
Only exo can make me smile the whole 21:00, thank you exo for always working hard to bring joy and happiness to our lives.
Kyungsoo is so cute🥹
O sorriso do D.O. coisa mais linda!
As always, kyungsoo makes me feel happy❤❤❤
BAEKDO !!! 😍
엑소 사랑하자 !! ❤
I was tired all day at work, but my energy came back just by watching this video, EXO EXOL stay healthy and happy saranghaja!!!
얘네는.. 늙지도 않아.. 나이는 내가 다 먹는구나ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ
Even the simplest canvas can be made expensive with these lovely boys. Looking forward for 2024 with these cuties again!
WE ARE ONE, 엑소 사랑하자~🗣️❤️
Exo is amazing in everything and my adorable baekhyun is too cute to handle 😍😍
Kyungsoo ❤
Emang boleh selucu dan segemes ini?? Sepanjang video senyum-senyum sendiri,, 😭
through the years everything in my life has changed... from school to college to work, but EXO have always been my north star... even on the darkest nights you shine so bright and brighten up my dull skies.
사랑하자 영원히.
달려보자 지구끝까지.
우리함께 하자 평생동안.
근데 백도앨범은 나올까?
사랑해 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for working hard so far, you are the best 😊 EXO FOREVER ❤❤❤❤
이게 얼마만의 자컨이냐ㅠㅠ 넘좋아😢😢 다들 귀엽고 멋있다😢😢 엑소 영원하자🙏🙏
Kyungsoo is so handsome!
Badan, mood, pikiran rasanya lagi cape bgt.. tapi liat exo tuh gatau ya langsung happy, mood langsung membaik♡
They are all so creative💓💓 love you EXO love you Chanyeolaa 🥰 항상 그리고 영원히 🫶❤️❤️
EXO never gets old 😮
They’re like age is just a number
The boys give me so much joy ❤ Happy holidays, my loves! Love you Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chen, Suho, Lay, Xiumin, D.O., and Chanyeol ❤❤
Why are you so cute Kyungsoo?😢❤
Ini yg selalu gue pengeennn aaaaaaaa seneng bgt ngeliat mereka make seragam sekolah giniii♡ fresh dan masi cocok bgtttt!!!
nobody will ever outdue EXO when it comes to school uniform concept! NOBODY! WE LOVE YOUUU EXO, TRENDSETTER KINGS
EXO from 2012 to 2024, it has really been a tough journey, we will love them the most❤
엑소는 최고의 보컬, 최고의 보이그룹, 멤버 모두의 비주얼을 갖춘 아이돌, 엑소 우리는 하나다
Our Sehuniee is the cutest 🐣🐣😘😘
Our Chanyeollie is the softest 🍞🍞🥺🥺
Our Baekhyunnie is the prettiest 🐶🐶😍😍
Our Kyungsoo is seriously getting so handsome i don't think it's legal anymore 😱😱😍😍
Our Chennie shines the brightest 😍😍💖💖
Our Xiumin Oppa is a pretty fairy who is literally aging backwards like excuse me sir? 🧚🏽♂🧚🏽♂😍😍
Our Suho Oppa is the sweetest 🍰🍰🥰🥰
and our Jonginnie did not change at all 🐻🐻🤭🤭🤭🤭 ( Jongin-aah! miss you 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Baeksoo is so cute