EVERYONE:Hi guys! BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other * laughing * ~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~ LORENZO: I know! BRANDO: 3..2..1 *everyone wrote "Benedetta" * BENEDETTA: * laughs * BENEDETTA : that is not true! BRANDO: nobody actually bought that... BENEDETTA: ThAt Is Not TruE!! BRANDO: that's better *everybody clapping* ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic) BENEDETTA : how do you know it? BRANDO :we saw you ~ who's the laziest one? ~ BENEDETTA : come on this must be right! * everyone wrote "Riccardo" * BENEDETTA : we love you ricki! ~ Who makes jokes the most? ~ LORENZO :this was easy BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2 BRANDO : wait! Wait! *everyone wrote "Mirko" * LORENZO : like stupid things EVERYONE: yeah! BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't! BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know! LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not BRANDO : well he actually never is serious LORENZO: yes I know ~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~ BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe... *benedetta looks at Alice's board* *they laugh* BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true! LORENZO : sure (ironic) ALL: go! *Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" * * Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" * * Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" * *Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " * BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board! GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot MIRKO :Yes! ~what is brando's hobby? ~ LORENZO : this is easy! BRANDO: women! LORENZO: BOOM *Lorenzo wrote" surfing" * *Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos* *Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"* *Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" * *brando wrote "poker" * LORENZO: SURFING! GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos! BRANDO: *shows them his board* LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing* ~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~ ALICE : do not look you have to guess *she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone* BRANDO: we can see you! *Alice turns around again laughing* BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO! *benedetta wrote "meatballs" * *Lorenzo wrote "milk" * *Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) * *Alice wrote " saffron rice" * ALICE: you don't know me! BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs? ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer! ~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~ LORENZO: on set! *everyone wrote "we can't tell" * LORENZO: ahahah not true! ALICE : we have secrets too! ~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~ GIUSEPPE: lots of things LORENZO : everything *benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"* *Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" * *Alice wrote "everything" * *brando wrote"if you touch his hair"* *Mirko wrote "Alice" * *Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"* BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs* GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you! GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face* ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby Thank you for reading Please like, it took me so much writing this!
EVERYONE:Hi guys! BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other * laughing * ~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~ LORENZO: I know! BRANDO: 3..2..1 *everyone wrote "Benedetta" * BENEDETTA: * laughs * BENEDETTA : that is not true! BRANDO: nobody actually bought that... BENEDETTA: ThAt Is Not TruE!! BRANDO: that's better *everybody clapping* ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic) BENEDETTA : how do you know it? BRANDO :we saw you ~ who's the laziest one? ~ BENEDETTA : come on this must be right! * everyone wrote "Riccardo" * BENEDETTA : we love you ricki! ~ Who makes jokes the most? ~ LORENZO :this was easy BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2 BRANDO : wait! Wait! *everyone wrote "Mirko" * LORENZO : like stupid things EVERYONE: yeah! BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't! BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know! LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not BRANDO : well he actually never is serious LORENZO: yes I know ~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~ BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe... *benedetta looks at Alice's board* *they laugh* BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true! LORENZO : sure (ironic) ALL: go! *Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" * * Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" * * Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" * *Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " * BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board! GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot MIRKO :Yes! ~what is brando's hobby? ~ LORENZO : this is easy! BRANDO: women! LORENZO: BOOM *Lorenzo wrote" surfing" * *Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos* *Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"* *Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" * *brando wrote "poker" * LORENZO: SURFING! GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos! BRANDO: *shows them his board* LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing* ~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~ ALICE : do not look you have to guess *she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone* BRANDO: we can see you! *Alice turns around again laughing* BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO! *benedetta wrote "meatballs" * *Lorenzo wrote "milk" * *Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) * *Alice wrote " saffron rice" * ALICE: you don't know me! BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs? ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer! ~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~ LORENZO: on set! *everyone wrote "we can't tell" * LORENZO: ahahah not true! ALICE : we have secrets too! ~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~ GIUSEPPE: lots of things LORENZO : everything *benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"* *Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" * *Alice wrote "everything" * *brando wrote"if you touch his hair"* *Mirko wrote "Alice" * *Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"* BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs* GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you! GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face* ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby Thank you for reading Please like, it took me so much writing this!
EVERYONE:Hi guys! BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other * laughing * ~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~ LORENZO: I know! BRANDO: 3..2..1 *everyone wrote "Benedetta" * BENEDETTA: * laughs * BENEDETTA : that is not true! BRANDO: nobody actually bought that... BENEDETTA: ThAt Is Not TruE!! BRANDO: that's better *everybody clapping* ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic) BENEDETTA : how do you know it? BRANDO :we saw you ~ who's the laziest one? ~ BENEDETTA : come on this must be right! * everyone wrote "Riccardo" * BENEDETTA : we love you ricki! ~ Who makes jokes the most? ~ LORENZO :this was easy BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2 BRANDO : wait! Wait! *everyone wrote "Mirko" * LORENZO : like stupid things EVERYONE: yeah! BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't! BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know! LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not BRANDO : well he actually never is serious LORENZO: yes I know ~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~ BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe... *benedetta looks at Alice's board* *they laugh* BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true! LORENZO : sure (ironic) ALL: go! *Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" * * Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" * * Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" * *Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " * BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board! GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot MIRKO :Yes! ~what is brando's hobby? ~ LORENZO : this is easy! BRANDO: women! LORENZO: BOOM *Lorenzo wrote" surfing" * *Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos* *Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"* *Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" * *brando wrote "poker" * LORENZO: SURFING! GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos! BRANDO: *shows them his board* LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing* ~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~ ALICE : do not look you have to guess *she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone* BRANDO: we can see you! *Alice turns around again laughing* BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO! *benedetta wrote "meatballs" * *Lorenzo wrote "milk" * *Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) * *Alice wrote " saffron rice" * ALICE: you don't know me! BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs? ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer! ~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~ LORENZO: on set! *everyone wrote "we can't tell" * LORENZO: ahahah not true! ALICE : we have secrets too! ~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~ GIUSEPPE: lots of things LORENZO : everything *benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"* *Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" * *Alice wrote "everything" * *brando wrote"if you touch his hair"* *Mirko wrote "Alice" * *Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"* BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs* GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you! GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face* ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby Thank you for reading Please like, it took me so much writing this!
Magari è una cavolata, ma io generalmente noto le piccole cose e il fatto che Mirko alla domanda “qual è l’hobby di Brando?” abbia scritto più hobby, fa capire che tra loro c’è un rapporto di amicizia oltre che di lavoro, sicuramente dovuto anche al fatto che hanno lavorato insieme in “Bracialetti Rossi” e che si conoscono ormai da molti anni... e questa cosa mi commuove un po’ 🥺❤️
TRADUCCIÓN ESPAÑOL TODOS: ¡Hola chicos! BRANDO: Somos el elenco de Baby y hoy vamos a descubrir cuánto no conocernos risa ¿Quién se enoja más a menudo en el set? LORENZO: ¡Lo sé! BRANDO: 3..2..1 * todos escribieron "Benedetta" * BENEDETTA: * ríe * BENEDETTA: ¡Eso no es cierto! BRANDO: en realidad nadie compró eso ... BENEDETTA: ¡¡Eso no es cierto !! BRANDO: eso es mejor todos aplaudiendo ALICE: Sí, Benni, nunca lo consigues. loco (irónico) BENEDETTA: ¿cómo lo sabes? BRANDO: te vimos quien es el mas vago? BENEDETTA: ¡Vamos, esto debe ser correcto! * todos escribieron "Riccardo" * BENEDETTA: ¡te queremos ricki! ¿Quién hace más bromas? ~ LORENZO: esto fue fácil BENEDETTA: ¡Demasiado fácil! 3.2 BRANDO: ¡espera! ¡Esperar! * todos escribieron "Mirko" * LORENZO: como estupideces TODOS: ¡sí! BRANDO: Qué raro ahah LORENZO: una cosa sobre Mirko es que nunca se sabe cuando esta bromeando o cuando no lo es! BENEDETTA: ¡¡NUNCA !! ¡nunca se sabe! LORENZO: ¡Siempre habla igual! Así que eso depende de ti ... Tienes que entender si esta bromeando o no BRANDO: bueno, en realidad nunca habla en serio. LORENZO: si lo se ¿Qué es lo que más asusta a Benedetta? BRANDO: ¡Lo sé! ¡Sé! ¡Lo sé totalmente! bien quizás... benedetta mira el tablero de Alice ellos ríen BENEDETTA: ¡Eres tan estúpida! Ellos escribieron algo que no es verdad! LORENZO: seguro (irónico) TODOS: ¡adelante! * Lorenzo y Alice escribieron "sin tener me gusta en Instagram"* * Giuseppe y Mirko escribieron "serpientes" * * Brando escribió "'no tomando café alrededor"* Benedetta escribió "serpientes y la oscuridad (solo cuando estoy solo) "* BENEDETTA: se ríen (Giuseppe y Mirko) copiado de mi tablero! GIUSEPPE: ¡No! De hecho, hablamos de ello un lote MIRKO ¡Sí! ~ ¿Cuál es el hobby de brando? LORENZO: ¡esto es fácil! BRANDO: ¡mujeres! LORENZO: BOOM * Lorenzo escribió "surf" * Alice y benedetta escribieron "surfeando / tomando fotos Giuseppe escribió "tomando fotos" Mirko escribió "surf / cerveza / patinaje / mujeres" * #brando escribió "póquer" * LORENZ0: ¡SURF! GIUSEPPE: ¡No, tomando fotos! BRANDO: les muestra su tablero LORENZO: ¡¿Poker?! Ah ah ah ah BRANDO: en realidad me gusta hacer fotos. la mayoría pero estoy aprendiendo a jugar póquer (no es cierto ahah). Pero he estado tomando fotos desde niño BENEDETTA: anoche no durmió bien BRANDO: ¡Benedetta no ocupes mi lugar! risa ¿Cuál es el plato favorito de Alice? ALICE: no mires tienes que adivinar ella se da vuelta para cubrir el tablero pero ella en realidad se lo está mostrando a todos BRANDO: ¡podemos verte! Alice se da vuelta de nuevo riendo BRANDO: 3..2 ... 1 ¡VAMOS! #benedetta escribió "albóndigas" * * Lorenzo escribió "leche" * * Giuseppe, Mirko, brando escribió "a" trippa "(es un plato italiano) * * Alice escribió "arroz con azafrán" * ALICE: ¡No me conoces! BRANDO: ¿Qué escribiste? Arroz con ¿albóndigas? ALICIA: ¡No, arroz con azafrán! Y ... si eres un invitado en mi casa te cocinaré un poco Arroz de azafrán BENEDETTA: aquí tienes un consejo: si ella te invita a rechazar la oferta! ¿Qué es lo más extraño que hizo Lorenzo en ¿colocar? LORENZO: ¡en el set! * todos escribieron "no podemos decir" * LORENZO: ahahah no es cierto! ALICE: ¡nosotros también tenemos secretos! ¿Qué es lo que más molesta a Giuseppe? GIUSEPPE: muchas cosas LORENZO: todo benedetta escribió "si te burlas de él" * Lorenzo escribió "si llegas tarde" * * Alice escribió "todo" * brando escribió "si le tocas el pelo" Mirko escribió "Alice" * Giuseppe escribió "si te burlas de mí" BENEDETTA: mira el tablero de mirko y se ríe GIUSEPPE: Como si odiara cuando alguien me dice cosas malas! Como ellos toman ventaja de mi! Soy tan buena y tranquila pero cuando lo hacen me enojo BENEDETTA: ¡No me burlo de ti! GIUSEPPE: hace una mueca rara ALICIA: las risas de Benedetta podrían parecer un ángel pero ella es la matona del bebé(??? Eso es td ( lo traudci de otra traducción a por eso está todo mal escrito pero igual espero les sirva)
Well I'm Italian and it's means your good at it because they have a strong roman accent ( Which is one of many Italian dialects ) And sometimes even we other Italians have to listen again because the words are not clearly spelled out
Nobody: Me: *watching this video just because of LORENZO😍* P.s Im from Turkmenistan, and I understood nothing, but, dumn, i like his smile, voise, and just him😍😍😍
Tu poi io lo so, anche io so l'italiano xd jajja bueno yo hablo español soy de Ecuador, y pues vivo en italia es un poco facil aprender, aunque todavia me falta :v pero tú puedes ♡
*me watches this knowing they won't speak in english but expects there will be a subtitle* Me after seeing it: Oh so there's no subtitle okay then so we laugh when they laugh okay
Literally 90% of people watching this: let’s play a game of *pretend I know what they are talking about*
No one:
Literally no one:
Me: learns italian so i can become friends with Lorenzo.
🤣 true bruh!!
it's weird how yall want to become friends with someone just because they're attractive
@@user-ry7bu4dm9x i think it's because he's super funny too
Just friends??? Hummmm????
I’m the same with Mirko bahaha
I dont even know what theyre saying but gosh Lorenzo's voice 😍😍😍
which one is lprenzo?
@@crackheadaye2435 the one in black between the girls
@@crackheadaye2435 the boy in the front in the first row
me trying to understand without subtitles lol
BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other
* laughing *
~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~
LORENZO: I know!
BRANDO: 3..2..1
*everyone wrote "Benedetta" *
BENEDETTA: * laughs *
BENEDETTA : that is not true!
BRANDO: nobody actually bought that...
BRANDO: that's better
*everybody clapping*
ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic)
BENEDETTA : how do you know it?
BRANDO :we saw you
~ who's the laziest one? ~
BENEDETTA : come on this must be right!
* everyone wrote "Riccardo" *
BENEDETTA : we love you ricki!
~ Who makes jokes the most? ~
LORENZO :this was easy
BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2
BRANDO : wait! Wait!
*everyone wrote "Mirko" *
LORENZO : like stupid things
BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah
LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't!
BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know!
LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not
BRANDO : well he actually never is serious
LORENZO: yes I know
~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~
BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe...
*benedetta looks at Alice's board*
*they laugh*
BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true!
LORENZO : sure (ironic)
ALL: go!
*Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" *
* Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" *
* Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" *
*Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " *
BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board!
GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot
~what is brando's hobby? ~
LORENZO : this is easy!
BRANDO: women!
*Lorenzo wrote" surfing" *
*Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos*
*Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"*
*Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" *
*brando wrote "poker" *
GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos!
BRANDO: *shows them his board*
LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah
BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid
BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night
BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing*
~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~
ALICE : do not look you have to guess
*she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone*
BRANDO: we can see you!
*Alice turns around again laughing*
BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO!
*benedetta wrote "meatballs" *
*Lorenzo wrote "milk" *
*Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) *
*Alice wrote " saffron rice" *
ALICE: you don't know me!
BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs?
ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice
BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer!
~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~
LORENZO: on set!
*everyone wrote "we can't tell" *
LORENZO: ahahah not true!
ALICE : we have secrets too!
~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~
GIUSEPPE: lots of things
LORENZO : everything
*benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"*
*Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" *
*Alice wrote "everything" *
*brando wrote"if you touch his hair"*
*Mirko wrote "Alice" *
*Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"*
BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs*
GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad
BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you!
GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face*
ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby
Thank you for reading
Please like, it took me so much writing this!
@@angy6176 THANK YOU
@@angy6176I LOVE YOU❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@angy6176oh baby you niceeeee thank u
Lorenzo’s laugh at 3:23 😍
BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other
* laughing *
~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~
LORENZO: I know!
BRANDO: 3..2..1
*everyone wrote "Benedetta" *
BENEDETTA: * laughs *
BENEDETTA : that is not true!
BRANDO: nobody actually bought that...
BRANDO: that's better
*everybody clapping*
ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic)
BENEDETTA : how do you know it?
BRANDO :we saw you
~ who's the laziest one? ~
BENEDETTA : come on this must be right!
* everyone wrote "Riccardo" *
BENEDETTA : we love you ricki!
~ Who makes jokes the most? ~
LORENZO :this was easy
BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2
BRANDO : wait! Wait!
*everyone wrote "Mirko" *
LORENZO : like stupid things
BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah
LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't!
BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know!
LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not
BRANDO : well he actually never is serious
LORENZO: yes I know
~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~
BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe...
*benedetta looks at Alice's board*
*they laugh*
BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true!
LORENZO : sure (ironic)
ALL: go!
*Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" *
* Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" *
* Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" *
*Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " *
BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board!
GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot
~what is brando's hobby? ~
LORENZO : this is easy!
BRANDO: women!
*Lorenzo wrote" surfing" *
*Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos*
*Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"*
*Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" *
*brando wrote "poker" *
GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos!
BRANDO: *shows them his board*
LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah
BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid
BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night
BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing*
~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~
ALICE : do not look you have to guess
*she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone*
BRANDO: we can see you!
*Alice turns around again laughing*
BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO!
*benedetta wrote "meatballs" *
*Lorenzo wrote "milk" *
*Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) *
*Alice wrote " saffron rice" *
ALICE: you don't know me!
BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs?
ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice
BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer!
~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~
LORENZO: on set!
*everyone wrote "we can't tell" *
LORENZO: ahahah not true!
ALICE : we have secrets too!
~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~
GIUSEPPE: lots of things
LORENZO : everything
*benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"*
*Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" *
*Alice wrote "everything" *
*brando wrote"if you touch his hair"*
*Mirko wrote "Alice" *
*Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"*
BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs*
GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad
BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you!
GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face*
ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby
Thank you for reading
Please like, it took me so much writing this!
angy 06 thank you so much!!! Lots of love from Indonesia! ❤️
thank uu
angy 06 thank you so muchhhhhh 🔥🔥🔥❤️
The way I’m only watching for Lorenzo scares me 😳
Belle queste sfide col cast di babyyyy ne vogliamo altre
I have no idea what they said but I’ll act like I did
BRANDO: We're Baby's cast and today we are going to find out how much we don't know each other
* laughing *
~Who gets angry more often on the set ? ~
LORENZO: I know!
BRANDO: 3..2..1
*everyone wrote "Benedetta" *
BENEDETTA: * laughs *
BENEDETTA : that is not true!
BRANDO: nobody actually bought that...
BRANDO: that's better
*everybody clapping*
ALICE : Yes Benni, you never get mad(ironic)
BENEDETTA : how do you know it?
BRANDO :we saw you
~ who's the laziest one? ~
BENEDETTA : come on this must be right!
* everyone wrote "Riccardo" *
BENEDETTA : we love you ricki!
~ Who makes jokes the most? ~
LORENZO :this was easy
BENEDETTA : too easy! 3..2
BRANDO : wait! Wait!
*everyone wrote "Mirko" *
LORENZO : like stupid things
BRANDO: What a weirdo ahah
LORENZO: one thing about Mirko is that you never know when he is joking or when he isn't!
BENEDETTA: NEVER!! you will never know!
LORENZO: he always talks the same way! So that up to you... You have to understand if he is joking or not
BRANDO : well he actually never is serious
LORENZO: yes I know
~ what scares Benedetta the most? ~
BRANDO: I know! I know! I totally know it! well maybe...
*benedetta looks at Alice's board*
*they laugh*
BENEDETTA :you are so stupid! They wrote something that is not true!
LORENZO : sure (ironic)
ALL: go!
*Lorenzo and Alice wrote" having zero likes on Instagram" *
* Giuseppe and Mirko wrote" snakes" *
* Brando wrote "not having any coffee around" *
*Benedetta wrote" snakes and the dark (only when I am alone) " *
BENEDETTA: *laughs* they (Giuseppe and Mirko) copied from my board!
GIUSEPPE: No! We actually talked about it a lot
~what is brando's hobby? ~
LORENZO : this is easy!
BRANDO: women!
*Lorenzo wrote" surfing" *
*Alice and benedetta wrote "surfing/taking photos*
*Giuseppe wrote" taking photos"*
*Mirko wrote "surfing/beer/skating/ women" *
*brando wrote "poker" *
GIUSEPPE: No, taking photos!
BRANDO: *shows them his board*
LORENZO: poker!?! Ahahahah
BRANDO : actually I like taking photos the most but I am learning how to play poker( not true ahah). But I have been taking photos since I was a kid
BENEDETTA: he didn't sleep well last night
BRANDO: Benedetta do not take my spot! *laughing*
~ what is Alice's favorite dish? ~
ALICE : do not look you have to guess
*she turns around to cover the board but she is actually showing it to everyone*
BRANDO: we can see you!
*Alice turns around again laughing*
BRANDO: 3...2...1 GO!
*benedetta wrote "meatballs" *
*Lorenzo wrote "milk" *
*Giuseppe, Mirko, brando wrote "a' trippa" (it is an Italian dish) *
*Alice wrote " saffron rice" *
ALICE: you don't know me!
BRANDO : what did you write? Rice with meatballs?
ALICE: No, saffron rice! And... If you are a guest at my house I will cook you some saffron rice
BENEDETTA: here is a piece of advice: if she invites you decline the offer!
~what is the weirdest thing Lorenzo did on set? ~
LORENZO: on set!
*everyone wrote "we can't tell" *
LORENZO: ahahah not true!
ALICE : we have secrets too!
~what annoyes Giuseppe the most? ~
GIUSEPPE: lots of things
LORENZO : everything
*benedetta wrote" if you make fun of him"*
*Lorenzo wrote "if you are late" *
*Alice wrote "everything" *
*brando wrote"if you touch his hair"*
*Mirko wrote "Alice" *
*Giuseppe wrote "if you make fun of me"*
BENEDETTA: *looks at mirko's board and laughs*
GIUSEPPE: Like I hate when someone says mean things to me! Like they take advantage of me! I am so good and calm but when they do it I get mad
BENEDETTA: I don't make fun of you!
GIUSEPPE: *makes a weird face*
ALICE: *laughs* benedetta might seem like an angel but she is the bully of baby
Thank you for reading
Please like, it took me so much writing this!
@@angy6176 thank you so much❤
Girl same 😂😭
HAHHAH my parents can speak italian i’m gonna ask what they said
@@angy6176 thank u ur an angel
Comunque Mirko sempre di una bellezza disarmante
Sarah Sendrer mado
kawtar per davvero
ma parliamo di Lorenzo piuttosto
Benedetta è la bulla di baby 😂
My boy Fiore and Niccolo 😍😍
I have the biggest crush on Mirko and Lorenzo!
welcome in the club
3:16 Mirko e Brando
Sono solo amici visto che si conoscono da quando sono giovanissimi e hanno fatto braccialetti rossi e comunque Mirko è fidanzato
Andrea Favilli he doesn’t have a gf
Sono due attori che hanno interpretato una coppia nella serie, già nella vita reale si considerano fratelli.
i literally have no clue what Lorenzo is saying but i will learn the whole language for him
Benedetta is such a true Gemini lol
and mirko an aquarius, i was not surprised when they said they couldn't tell whether he was joking or not 😂❤️❤️❤️
Ma Riccardo Mandolini sparito nel nulla?!😂
Dato che l hanno associato al più pigro, starà ancora dormendo sul divanetto della festa di halloween 😂😂😂
Mirko is like the more attractive version of David Dobrik lol
As a Portuguese speaking person, I dont understand what they saying. I'm so addicted to the show, tho. Cant wait for season 3😍😍😍
Same here
Magari è una cavolata, ma io generalmente noto le piccole cose e il fatto che Mirko alla domanda “qual è l’hobby di Brando?” abbia scritto più hobby, fa capire che tra loro c’è un rapporto di amicizia oltre che di lavoro, sicuramente dovuto anche al fatto che hanno lavorato insieme in “Bracialetti Rossi” e che si conoscono ormai da molti anni... e questa cosa mi commuove un po’ 🥺❤️
Concordo troppo aaw
sii, troppo carino
que bueno que está Mirko!..y tiene una sonrisa hermosa
TODOS: ¡Hola chicos!
BRANDO: Somos el elenco de Baby y hoy
vamos a descubrir cuánto no
¿Quién se enoja más a menudo en el set?
LORENZO: ¡Lo sé!
BRANDO: 3..2..1
* todos escribieron "Benedetta" *
BENEDETTA: * ríe *
BENEDETTA: ¡Eso no es cierto!
BRANDO: en realidad nadie compró eso ...
BENEDETTA: ¡¡Eso no es cierto !!
BRANDO: eso es mejor
todos aplaudiendo
ALICE: Sí, Benni, nunca lo consigues.
loco (irónico)
BENEDETTA: ¿cómo lo sabes?
BRANDO: te vimos
quien es el mas vago?
BENEDETTA: ¡Vamos, esto debe ser correcto!
* todos escribieron "Riccardo" *
BENEDETTA: ¡te queremos ricki!
¿Quién hace más bromas? ~
LORENZO: esto fue fácil
BENEDETTA: ¡Demasiado fácil! 3.2
BRANDO: ¡espera! ¡Esperar!
* todos escribieron "Mirko" *
LORENZO: como estupideces
TODOS: ¡sí!
BRANDO: Qué raro ahah
LORENZO: una cosa sobre Mirko es que
nunca se sabe cuando esta bromeando o cuando
no lo es!
BENEDETTA: ¡¡NUNCA !! ¡nunca se sabe!
LORENZO: ¡Siempre habla igual!
Así que eso depende de ti ... Tienes que entender
si esta bromeando o no
BRANDO: bueno, en realidad nunca habla en serio.
LORENZO: si lo se
¿Qué es lo que más asusta a Benedetta?
BRANDO: ¡Lo sé! ¡Sé! ¡Lo sé totalmente!
bien quizás...
benedetta mira el tablero de Alice
ellos ríen
BENEDETTA: ¡Eres tan estúpida! Ellos escribieron
algo que no es verdad!
LORENZO: seguro (irónico)
TODOS: ¡adelante!
* Lorenzo y Alice escribieron "sin tener me gusta
en Instagram"*
* Giuseppe y Mirko escribieron "serpientes" *
* Brando escribió "'no tomando café
Benedetta escribió "serpientes y la oscuridad
(solo cuando estoy solo) "*
BENEDETTA: se ríen (Giuseppe y
Mirko) copiado de mi tablero!
GIUSEPPE: ¡No! De hecho, hablamos de ello un
~ ¿Cuál es el hobby de brando?
LORENZO: ¡esto es fácil!
BRANDO: ¡mujeres!
* Lorenzo escribió "surf" *
Alice y benedetta escribieron "surfeando / tomando
Giuseppe escribió "tomando fotos"
Mirko escribió "surf / cerveza / patinaje /
mujeres" *
#brando escribió "póquer" *
GIUSEPPE: ¡No, tomando fotos!
BRANDO: les muestra su tablero
LORENZO: ¡¿Poker?! Ah ah ah ah
BRANDO: en realidad me gusta hacer fotos.
la mayoría pero estoy aprendiendo a jugar
póquer (no es cierto ahah). Pero he estado
tomando fotos desde niño
BENEDETTA: anoche no durmió bien
BRANDO: ¡Benedetta no ocupes mi lugar!
¿Cuál es el plato favorito de Alice?
ALICE: no mires tienes que adivinar
ella se da vuelta para cubrir el tablero pero ella
en realidad se lo está mostrando a todos
BRANDO: ¡podemos verte!
Alice se da vuelta de nuevo riendo
BRANDO: 3..2 ... 1 ¡VAMOS!
#benedetta escribió "albóndigas" *
* Lorenzo escribió "leche" *
* Giuseppe, Mirko, brando escribió "a"
trippa "(es un plato italiano) *
* Alice escribió "arroz con azafrán" *
ALICE: ¡No me conoces!
BRANDO: ¿Qué escribiste? Arroz con
ALICIA: ¡No, arroz con azafrán! Y ... si eres
un invitado en mi casa te cocinaré un poco
Arroz de azafrán
BENEDETTA: aquí tienes un consejo: si
ella te invita a rechazar la oferta!
¿Qué es lo más extraño que hizo Lorenzo en
LORENZO: ¡en el set!
* todos escribieron "no podemos decir" *
LORENZO: ahahah no es cierto!
ALICE: ¡nosotros también tenemos secretos!
¿Qué es lo que más molesta a Giuseppe?
GIUSEPPE: muchas cosas
benedetta escribió "si te burlas de él"
* Lorenzo escribió "si llegas tarde" *
* Alice escribió "todo" *
brando escribió "si le tocas el pelo"
Mirko escribió "Alice" *
Giuseppe escribió "si te burlas de mí"
BENEDETTA: mira el tablero de mirko y
se ríe
GIUSEPPE: Como si odiara cuando alguien
me dice cosas malas! Como ellos toman
ventaja de mi! Soy tan buena y tranquila
pero cuando lo hacen me enojo
BENEDETTA: ¡No me burlo de ti!
GIUSEPPE: hace una mueca rara
ALICIA: las risas de Benedetta podrían parecer
un ángel pero ella es la matona del bebé(???
Eso es td ( lo traudci de otra traducción a por eso está todo mal escrito pero igual espero les sirva)
Te quiero
Giuseppe and Alice 🤩
studying Italian for 5 years and being able to understand most of this has made it so worth it😂❤️❤️
Proud of you
Angela Cervone I swear people online are ten times nicer than people irl 🥺🥰🥰
Well I'm Italian and it's means your good at it because they have a strong roman accent ( Which is one of many Italian dialects ) And sometimes even we other Italians have to listen again because the words are not clearly spelled out
@@chiarapesce4968 oh wow I'm learning italian on duolingo and I never thought about the accents...where is the strongest accent in italia?
They’re all so beautiful 😍🤩😭💕
Lorenzo and the one with blue sweater.
Obly nico and fiore
Amo il fatto di capire cosa dicono ahah
i have to learn italian to be friends with mirko and lorenzo
The red one shirt is cute😍👌
2:48 because of this I will ship them my whole life :)
What they Say?
I have no idea what they’re are saying but I love this
everyone thirsting over lorenzo lmao, me too !!
Me: *watching this video just because of LORENZO😍*
P.s Im from Turkmenistan, and I understood nothing, but, dumn, i like his smile, voise, and just him😍😍😍
Nadie: Yo aprendiendo italiano para que Lorenzo me pare bola alv
Tu poi io lo so, anche io so l'italiano xd jajja bueno yo hablo español soy de Ecuador, y pues vivo en italia es un poco facil aprender, aunque todavia me falta :v pero tú puedes ♡
@@karlis5589 Jajajaja yo también soy de Ecuador y ya estoy aprendiendo un poco ;3
@@gigiyoond Como? Yo quisiera aprender
@@hillaryramirez6972 Estaba en un curso de italiano :'3 pero no,la niña ahora quiso aprender coreano y ahí quedó xD
Am I’m the only one who doesn’t understand but is a big fan and just sits there and watch 😂😂😂😂
I have no idea what they’re saying but I’m here for benedetta and Alice
i love these guys❤❤
mi rende così felice vederli tutti felici insieme 💝
Amo questa serie e l'ho amata fin dall'inizio perché amo come si veste Ludovika
I habe no idea what their saying but i love seeing them so happy❤
Que bueno que está Lorenzo
Peccato che Riccardo non sia quasi mai presente in queste sfide o semplici interviste!
cant keep my eyes off of alice, what a goddess beauty
Baby=ragazzi delle fiction di Rai 1 messi insieme
Brando e Mirko = braccialetti rossi
Benedetta = tutto può succedere
@@andreafavilli9596 si, una bella merda direi
*me watches this knowing they won't speak in english but expects there will be a subtitle*
Me after seeing it: Oh so there's no subtitle okay then so we laugh when they laugh okay
Esperandooo la terceraa temporada sin dudaaa🥺🤩🤩🤩♥️
Sono un bel gruppo si vede che vanno d’accordo anche nella vita
I dont understand this but i finished watching as im enjoying seeing the baby cast together since im sad that season has come to an end :(
questo è stato il miglior spettacolo di sempre
Love them and this Italian show ❤️🙌🏻
no se que dicen pero omg lorenzo te caes de bueno
Who else wanted to learn Italian only because of Baby... I go first, MYSELF!!! Sorry, io!
Yes me too omg! I’m learning from Duolingo😅
i don’t understand a think there saying but it’s sounds funny so i’m laughing LOL
Lorenzo and Giuseppe 🤗
Ma solo io sentivo una certa intesa tra Lorenzo e Chiara?
I have no clue what their saying but I’m still watching just because I wanna see Lorenzo and Alice
Giuseppe se un bono ciao
Sono tutti bellissimi ♥️
Eu ñ falo italiano kkk mas eu adoro vcs ❤
Me: watches in English speaker 👁👄👁
Love you guys 😘😘😘😘
amo troppo lorenzo e benni💘
Yo toda Española sin entender nada, solo estoy aquí por el guapísimo de Lorenzo 😍🇪🇸
mirko te se ama da morire però due paroline dille eddaje
ok but the beauty
i literally understand none, but i agree and they're all so fine like bye
i love her hair darker. i like the blonde but i love the dark hair on her.
i love ludo so much
Che figo essere italiani e capire
Chiara has such gorgeous broad shoulder frame !
Hiçbir şey anlamadım sadece izledim o da keyifliydi.❤️❤️
Io lo capito quando è serio o no vabbè mirko e brando sono i più fighi me li prendo. Io💗💗💗💗💗💗 ciao💗💗
Love you lorenzo ❤️
I am waiting for season 3 🧐
At least they had provided the subtitle🙂
Yo veo Baby en Netflix por la trama...
La trama:
i cant understand BUT I LOVE LORENZO SO MUCH
Subtitles? 😢
Life Of Leslie you don't miss anything xD
Ok so, since I speak Spanish I could understand a bit 😔😂
Okay guys but I see this again and I can't believe how Benni rejected Lorenzo, I'm like wtf
Lorenzo kinda looks like Hayden Christensen
September 16
my parents can speak italian i’m gonna tell them to teach me
i have no fucking clue what they’re saying but HELL YEA
Siete belissimi
Araga quanto è figo Mirko da piccolo e da Grande!?
Vi amo 😭💖💖💖
Mirko ha letteralmente detto: ... 😭😭
how do you put subtitles????
the icon has gone for me !!
Debería tener subtitulos en ingles o español 😭😭😭
I didn't understand shit but I watched until the very end
Kayla West look at the official page on Instagram, there’s the video with the subtitles
Chissá che avrá fatto Lorenzo sul set?😅
Please add subtitles
Super top.