Age of Wonders 4 Tier List - Cultures

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 341

  • @veevoir
    @veevoir Год назад +169

    It is pretty weird you just hand-waved the High units as meh. The awakening itself gives them great stuff, that +4 damage on everyone just by casting one entry-level spell. And the awakening skill for archers? OOof! The most hilarious thing about High culture is that AI does not count awakening when moving towards you. So it stops right outside of your archers range. Then on your turn you awaken them - they get extra dmg, hit chance and +1 range - then wreck the enemy.
    Stacking range enchancements from tomes + awakening makes high culture turn into sniper culture that murders everything before it reaches you

    • @JumboPixel
      @JumboPixel  Год назад +35

      I should clarify that none of the unit types deserve to be ‘hand-waved’. I actually think they’re all quite diverse, and lean into their strengths well.
      I also wouldn’t say that units particularly swayed any of my ratings for that very reason. They’re all uniquely good, so had little impact on my already very close rankings.

    • @MGShadow1989
      @MGShadow1989 Год назад +30

      I'm particularly fond of going Evil with High culture so they start Awakened, and one of my favourite units when I do this is Zephyr Archers - up to +3 range on a ranged unit that can disengage from melee like a Skirmisher, as well as all the accuracy bonuses.
      As you say, definitely sniper vibes.

    • @drkmgic
      @drkmgic Год назад +5

      i agree to a point. awakening i just find to tedious. also it doesnt show which unit u've already awakened . i wish theres was a visual display

    • @MGShadow1989
      @MGShadow1989 Год назад +17

      @@drkmgic - there are icons next to a unit that represent buffs and debuffs, and you can hover over unselected units to see their buffs, but aye it would be nice to have a specific visual effect on certain buffs like a glow or whatever.
      The tedium is part of why I like going Evil, so the dormant buffs activate automatically and I can rely entirely on one or two Awakeners to rebuff some stuff, rather than also needing Sun Priests.

    • @johnhobbes2268
      @johnhobbes2268 Год назад

      @@MGShadow1989 Where did you get the third range? Awaken, seeker arrows and what am I missing?

  • @TheThinKing23
    @TheThinKing23 Год назад +152

    You laughed at the barbarian scout “outpost builder”, but it’s so convenient not to need to bring your precious heroes from the other side of the map, or just plopping down a quick outpost whenever you eg find a magic resource. Honestly I think that’s actually very strong!

    • @neetfreek9921
      @neetfreek9921 Год назад +12

      Heroes have like no base vision range too, it’s annoying as hell.

    • @JumboPixel
      @JumboPixel  Год назад +19

      I definitely don't mean to belittle it - very handy if your hero is elsewhere! In fact it's worth a mention because it sets them apart.

    • @daniele4568
      @daniele4568 Год назад +6

      This is my favorite thing about barbarians. You can have three cities up and running quickly with little effort

    • @Kn1ves0x
      @Kn1ves0x Год назад +4

      combine that with the Teleportation Province upgrade and you can just zip around the map. Hero included ^_^

    • @noneofyourbusiness3288
      @noneofyourbusiness3288 Год назад +4

      It is insanely good. Lets you grab special resources and ancient wonders early and get easy grudges against other players (if you need those, lets be honest you will probably declare unjustified wars anyway). Outpost builder is amazing.

  • @veevoir
    @veevoir Год назад +101

    And on point of Dark a small correction - they *do not* have souls resource. This is unlocked by dark-aligned tomes, but not specific to the culture itself.

    • @JumboPixel
      @JumboPixel  Год назад +26

      Yup, I goofed in saying that. Should have simply said they’re better aligned with the souls economy.

  • @mrbigglezworth42
    @mrbigglezworth42 Год назад +67

    High Culture leaning heavy into ranged damage and magic are what makes it a strong contender. You get 4 extra spirit damage through Awakening even if the unit doesn't have a dormant skill to also boost, so you can stack multiple magical damage types quickly and easily.
    I really like the High Culture for this.

    • @MrWuaandax
      @MrWuaandax Год назад +6

      It makes absolutely brutale archers

    • @MrWuaandax
      @MrWuaandax Год назад +5

      Plus 4 DMG on base Is found Only in t4s or under conditions, pretty bonkers on units that hit multiple times

    • @hugo3627
      @hugo3627 Год назад +4

      Works realy well with tome of inquisition and all the damage enchantments for ranged. I made some discustingly strong glade runners with high culture, pyromancy, horde, inquisition and amplification.

    • @ScabbyMcKniel
      @ScabbyMcKniel Год назад +2

      Take Wightborn and you get lifesteal on top. Plus glowy eyes on skeletons.

  • @rwme4698
    @rwme4698 Год назад +46

    Really miss the unit lore that was found in prior AoW games and Planetfall. Very disappointing that it is isn't present.

    • @zacharyjackson1829
      @zacharyjackson1829 Год назад +9

      understandable, but i prioritize gameplay over paragraphs I don't read except for special occasions

    • @Cowkill
      @Cowkill Год назад +2

      I agree. It brought a lot imo.

    • @mr.murlock9780
      @mr.murlock9780 Год назад +6

      Agreed! I miss the little bit of story you could infer from the small lore bits in each units stat card

    • @ceberskie119
      @ceberskie119 Год назад +2

      But this way you can make your own lore. Headcannon is fun in its own way.

  • @iyziejane
    @iyziejane Год назад +39

    The way mystic works, star blades stacks up to 3 times. Astral infinity lets you unlock tactical spells on turn 1. Your leader should be a Wizard king. So cast a tactical spell on turn 1, use overpower to cast two more tactical spells on turn 2. Now you can first strike the enemy with 3 stacks of star blades, and the battle is over before it starts. It's the most powerful culture in late game I think because of tactical spells.

    • @jtisaacs4
      @jtisaacs4 Год назад +1


    • @Tobichiii
      @Tobichiii Год назад +1


    • @dawn4383
      @dawn4383 Год назад

      Early Astral blooded too and you'll have 3 stacks of fortune by that point.

    • @Someone-lg6di
      @Someone-lg6di Год назад

      Aditionally enemies proc the starblades as well was runing a mana addict nevromancer biuld using chaos tomes gor t1 buffs and it was ridiculous i sent a t1 army and hero on turn 30 and killed a dragon bandit camp while loosing only 1 unit

  • @zacharyjackson1829
    @zacharyjackson1829 Год назад +12

    Guys don't sleep on your unique scout mechanics! For example since Dark scouts get camouflage for rocky, swamp, and forest terrain they are great for razing enemy domains or just keep a watchful eye on your enemy's movements. The barbarian scout ability to create outposts allows rapid expansion especially with Adept settlers and the first nature affinity perk.

  • @Krymefighter
    @Krymefighter Год назад +11

    Bit rough on the Nightguard, it has decent stats and good offensive attack, with a very useful debuff to adjacent enemies *and* the Cull the weak damage bonus to enemies triggered by weakening applied by the very units (pursuer, Warlock) that it protects. Great synergy.

  • @Vanethen
    @Vanethen Год назад +13

    Something I found out recently: If you hover your mouse over the attacks in-game it gives you a more detailed breakdown of what that attack does. For example, the T1 Dark ranged unit applies weakened at 90% efficiency (the highest) on every attack. This turns an otherwise 'meh' unit into something quite different. I am a casual Dark enjoyer and there's a lot more depth to the culture than I expected at first.

  • @theschisack
    @theschisack Год назад +17

    So the prospecting ability as long as you have mountains I actually think pushes industrious into B. You can get snow ball really hard off the resources and you can get hero items. It doesn't say it but that is actually super strong early.

    • @Smithers322
      @Smithers322 Год назад +3

      I was ROLLING in hero items from prospecting. I pumped out 4 scouts as my first units and sent them as fast as I could to all the mountains i could find. I got the fully equiped hero achievement so easily from this ability. I was also getting that snowball from the constant influx of industry and gold.

    • @mercb3ast
      @mercb3ast Год назад +6

      Yea, honestly I'm shocked he has it rated as low as he does. Prospecting alone, IMO, pushes Industrial into A, if not S tier. The units are nothing to write home about. They are good I guess, but not like, amazing. It's fun to take a mount for them, and then you get a mega tanky mobile cavalry unit. However, prospecting is just so over the top strong that you can practically ignore your economy once you make contact with a few factions. I suppose the effectiveness of prospecting scales directly to the size of the game.
      Prospecting hits a pretty hard ceiling on a small map, with limited factions, play with 7, or the 12 player mod, and you can sell your unwanted items for hundreds of gold per turn.
      I'm actually curious if the resources you get from prospecting scale with fabled hunters. Since one of the features of fabled hunters that isn't in the tooltip, seems to be that you get better quality items when they drop as well. Double resources prospecting, plus a tendency for higher tier item drops. Could be an insane combo.

    • @haakoflo
      @haakoflo Год назад +2

      @@mercb3ast Industrious units are fine. With the right buffs and a support leader, bastions become near-unkillable by mid game. Also the auto-resolve really likes them, and typically bastions don't get killed in auto combat.
      EDIT: I've seen Iron Golems described as great units in several Tome reviews. But buffed Bastions are way better, even if you have Eternal Earth which gives Undying to the golems.
      For DPS, add ranged units. Get seeker arrows to make sure you can stay in the back rank with them, while retaining all 3 actions. Get Zephyr archers or Glade Runners from one of the tier 2 tomes, and you can kill virtually any enemy with low to zero losses.
      As secondary affinities, both order and nature work well. In fact, I would prefer tier 4/5 tomes from one of these. For instance, angelized fully levelled up (through ascended warriors) with Martial Mastery and Keeper's Mark has something like -70% upkeep, and can cheat death once per battle. Add the resurrect spell, and your units basically will never die.
      Or, on the Nature side, Gaia's Chosen ++ work equally well.
      The trick to fighting with units like the Bastions is to NOT rush ahead to fight the enemy. Use defense mode most of the time, and let the enemy come to you. Early game, charging opponents may make that feel unsafe. Before bastions, use halberdiers in the most exposed positions (buffed by Anvil Guards on the flanks) to counter that.

    • @gtafbi1
      @gtafbi1 Год назад +3

      more like S tier, the prospecting ability on maps with mountain ranges easily doubles the gold and production you get in the first 20+ turns simply by adding about 2 extra scouts early on.

    • @turmuus753
      @turmuus753 Год назад +1

      Definitely, it's really annoying to use though since game doesn't tell you if the province is already prospected until you move a scout on top of it.

  • @SteveMorris-c2r
    @SteveMorris-c2r Год назад +24

    I think you placed Industrious a bit low. I know its all a matter of playstyle but I think you need to give them a deeper look. Their units are incredibly durable and fantastic templates for enchantments. Sundered blades, seeker arrows and siege magic are great on the materium side, but throw in some enchants from other affinities and their units get scary fast. Chaos enchants on industrious units are crazy. Not to mention getting to toss bolstered resistance on tough and hard hitting units like warbreed and tyrant knights
    Industrious cultures also have better economies. City gold income is boosted by production when no buildings are in construction. That allows you to get better return on investment for building production. Food can only grow your city to a point. extra draft gets converted into food. Research and mana are limited to what tomes you have, but gold is always useful. A larger budget lets you field more scouts to prospect, establish more heavily walled outposts to protect your holdings, a larger military and more heros.
    Yes Industrious culture can feel a bit slow but all it takes is one fight to swing in their favor and suddenly your either King of the hill or fighting an impossible uphill battle fighting against a force that can take your best to the jaw all day long.

    • @firekeeper1870
      @firekeeper1870 Год назад +1

      Exactly. If you focus on enchantments rather than strategic magic, paired with all the defensive buffs Industrious offers and add some of the useful race transformations on top, your armies can become nigh unkillable.
      When all of your units reduce any physical damage they take by 80-90% and magical damage by 60-80%, while also constantly being able to heal themselves by attacking due to the lifesteal of the Wightborn transformation, then your enemies will be hard pressed to take even a single one of your units down. And due to all the enchantments, you units strike like a freight train.
      You pretty much covered all the economic aspects, so there's nothing left for me to mention there.
      And yeah, the setup can be a bit tough, but once you've got the Industrious train rolling, it doesn't stop.

    • @SourceOfViews
      @SourceOfViews Год назад +1

      I'm currently on my first industrious, perfectionist artisan playthrough and I'm honestly not that happy with my units currently.
      Any recommendations?

    • @dorianodet8064
      @dorianodet8064 Год назад +4

      Yeah, Industrious C tiers hit me like "Waaaaat". Industrious is an easy S tiers civilization in my opinion. Their early game is heavily carried by the insane amount of durability that their unit get from inate tankiness + bolster passive. Tankiness scale better than damage with healing and regeneration. Tankiness scale better than damage with long term thing like inflicting debuff. Tankiness is more important than damage for melee unit, especially repeat attack melee unit cause their base damage are usually high enough, but getting into melee and surviving there is much more difficult. Even if you don't invest at all in them and therefor just want meat shield in front of your stronger unit, then once again ... Tankiness is best.
      Their ranged unit is very, very very strong. Both the flexibility of one AP attack and strengh of full AP attack.
      To me, the industrious is like the absolute perfect build of unit that just wait for enchantement to be slapped on top

    • @veevoir
      @veevoir Год назад +1

      @@dorianodet8064 Almost agree with it all, except the range unit is crap - they are mobile and versatile due to 1AP attack and have a nice skill... but lack of multiattack hurts their damage big time (enchantments trigger only once per attack, instead of 3 times in case of multiattack). But if you play with Materium or Nature books - there are good archer choices there anyway.

    • @dorianodet8064
      @dorianodet8064 Год назад +1

      @@veevoir It's not an archer, it's a sniper basically. You either get the great flexibility of 1 pt action or the three pt take down that does damage and more. Once again, not a main damage dealer indeed. It' a flexible killer. As for enchant, it will deal well with all enchant that are % based and debuff based cause, if I'm not wrong, full action attack have better % of success to apply debuff than repeating

  • @willemverheij3412
    @willemverheij3412 Год назад +5

    Industrious culture got pretty scary with my pyromancer type wizard king combining materium and chaos affinities.
    A more defensive playstyle works best for them, let the enemies come to your tough battle line. Move it close enough for your crossbowmen and ranged heroes to fire at the enemy but have to come to your solid battle line of tough infantry.
    Fire enchantments on their weapons helped out too, and chaos affinity really helps to add the needed aggression to them, backed by the solid defences and economy of industrious culture.
    I quite appreciate having this more defensive option, I appreciate each of the six options though for being pretty different and kind of catering to different playstyles while focusing on different affinities and tomes can help you customise it to compensate for weaknesses or double up on their strengths.

    • @chengarqordath
      @chengarqordath Год назад +3

      Especially since if you're going Industrious you'll probably also take the Materium trait to help you research enchantments faster and reduce their upkeep.

    • @willemverheij3412
      @willemverheij3412 Год назад

      @@chengarqordath That too, and it combines really well with chaos that adds some aggression, cheaper tier 1 units and getting some for free as well.
      Their tier 1 units are pretty solid, you can form a good battle line with them. Infantry in front, crossbowmen behind.
      The crossbowmen especially pack quite a punch when flanking and work better with moving around than archers.

    • @RoadRunner217
      @RoadRunner217 Год назад

      Sadly the defensive formations get ripped to pieces by teleports or flying movements.
      And combat spells can really ruin your day if you try to stack defenses.
      At the end of the day, industrious and materium really need a buff.

  • @eidolon9625
    @eidolon9625 Год назад +57

    So just in case people don't know, the mount option in the race creation are best used with the barbarian culture. I just got done playing a round based off the mongol hordes and exclusively used furies even to up against tier 4 and 5s. Furies riding Unicorns are great especially if you give them amplification arrows from the astral line. All of my armies moved incredibly quickly on the world map considering I was using exclusively mounted units and if a melee unit caught one Fury I could just phase out.

    • @dsinemoi1mouton
      @dsinemoi1mouton Год назад +5

      Looking forward trying this soon. Ty for sharing

    • @flyinggothicsheer1346
      @flyinggothicsheer1346 Год назад +10

      I would say that's debatable, the wolf mount is probably most synergistic with Dark Culture. Because the wolf mounts get enfeebleing howl. Which applies weakend in a 1 hex radius around the unit.
      The Nightmares give mounted units intimidating aura for free. I don't know if that stacks with intimidating aura from the supremecy tome. But that's great for demoralizing builds.
      I agree the Unicorn giving phase is a great ability. But I think it would be better on the Tier 3 Spellbreaker or Awakened than the fury. But would have to try your build and see for myself.😅

    • @notalefty999
      @notalefty999 Год назад +4

      The problem with furies benefitting from mounts is that furies are a bad unit. The tier 3 battlecasters of both high and mystic a much better units overall as candidates for mounts, particularly when you factor in quick phase later on. Combine this with the wolf mount, and you can strike first with a full 3 attacks and do so clustered together for a very large damage bonus.
      The 6 range AoEs for both are nice also. The spellbreaker has a very useful dispel effect, and the awakener, whilst its AoE is less impressive, can be awakened for a large range, accuracy and damage buff. It enables both to strike from a significantly larger distance than furies even before quick phase.
      They are also quite a bit tankier, with +20 health, +1 armour and +3 resist compared to furies.

    • @eidolon9625
      @eidolon9625 Год назад +5

      @@notalefty999 Not really sure what you're saying... If you're saying that higher tier units have better stats than lower tier units then in-arguably yes. My point was that with mounts the fury becomes entirely viable even to take on stacks of tier 4+ units.
      I have not used the spellbreaker or the awakener with mounts but considering they are already good units without them I would not doubt that they become even better.
      Incidentally, I choose to go down the Gaia's chosen route with my fury build in order to make up for that weakness.

    • @davids9760
      @davids9760 Год назад +6

      I've had success with knights with wolves in a nature build. Lot of cavalry options. can tech in order or materium as needed

  • @nathanperish5983
    @nathanperish5983 Год назад +30

    I love how many youtubers are dropping these tier lists with minimal game knowledge and baiting out engagement via debate in the comments. Keeping it classy as usual.

    • @PwnMissile
      @PwnMissile Год назад +6

      You can tell when Dark gets given an S tier despite everybody unanimously agreeing that its mechanics are fairly weak and that other cultures can generally do whatever it is trying to do better.

    • @male_maid5951
      @male_maid5951 Год назад

      @@PwnMissile i find dark very powerful. the dark affinity is lop sided, but the dark knight is amazingly strong.

  • @DarkExcalibur42
    @DarkExcalibur42 Год назад +5

    If the devs plan to add more cultures, I'm hoping for more combinations with Nature, Chaos, and Shadow. Having a source of Chaos that isn't tied to Nature would add some variety to build outcomes, and having a source of Shadow that doesn't automatically make you a little evil would be nice.
    At the same time... I really like how distinct the flavor of each of these cultures is, and I don't want to see stuff added that isn't of the same quality. Hard to say what could be added between the existing archetypes. Druidic (Astral & Nature), maybe?
    I figure one hard rule is opposing affinities shouldn't be paired (Order/Chaos, Astral/Materium, Nature/Shadow). But some other affinities feel like they'd be hard to mesh as well. Like Nature & Materium or Chaos & Materium. Shadow & Order also feels odd.

    • @mustacobra
      @mustacobra Год назад

      I know this post is 2 weeks old and you probably know, but dlc include few cultures. After all 4 dlc we should have around 12 cultures

    • @DarkExcalibur42
      @DarkExcalibur42 Год назад

      ​@@mustacobra I haven't seen anything to suggest THAT many new cultures.
      The first DLC, the dragon one, looks like we should expect a new racial appearance and a new ruler type plus some Tomes. But it didn't say anything about a new culture.
      Empires and Ashes has promised a single new culture, and it looks like that's some sort of artificer themed thing.
      Where did you hear about the other 5 new cultures?

    • @mustacobra
      @mustacobra Год назад

      Dlc spoke of 2 New culture, I think it was dlc 2 and 3. But i still quess that last one also gives New culture, its just my quessibg thats why I said "around"

  • @jtisaacs4
    @jtisaacs4 Год назад +5

    Don't forget the benefit of mystic to be able to summon disposable armies around the map. Tons of mana equals tons of units that can be put on the front lines.

    • @khanhnguyen-tt3ff
      @khanhnguyen-tt3ff Год назад +1

      Lol it being out shadow by time of horde and alot of nature's tome

  • @Hrafnskald
    @Hrafnskald Год назад +8

    Mystic (not Astral :) pairs really well with Mana Addicts (which you can get from the Pantheon unlocks: every turn you cast a spell on, your units gain lifesteal, healing while the Starblades make you stronger. And it's nice to be able to cast big summon spells constantly :)

  • @rajofpsg
    @rajofpsg Год назад +3

    man im loving how deep this game is, its insane

  • @dannymunch4633
    @dannymunch4633 Год назад +4

    I would boost Industrious to B-Tier based on the fact, that Scout Prospecting actually has a chance to find items, even though it isn't mentioned in the description. Never stacked out heroes with items faster than with Industrious.

    • @Cobra6x6
      @Cobra6x6 Год назад

      You can also prospect some regions in the underground, the ones with stalagtites. Couple that with excavation and you can have an income of resources and items with very low risk and investment, until it runs out.

  • @notalefty999
    @notalefty999 Год назад +7

    I would say that high actually is very solid for a focus on ranged racial units. Awakened battle casters and archers significantly outclass other cultures.

    • @ngocanhnguyenho6788
      @ngocanhnguyenho6788 Год назад +1

      Yeah, ranged can dominate early game with concentrate fire tactics, but come to mid game with tier III teleport disruptors, they start being weak. Strongest tactics now is summon and mind control, late game may add mass bolstering melee.

  • @johnsnow5125
    @johnsnow5125 Год назад +2

    You didn't mention that units like Fury get mounts from racial traits. And in regards to Fury, the do 3x ranged damage, Sunderers fire just once, Sunderers don't outclass Fur(ies?) but they are good, yeah. For High, the measly tier 1 archers are actually some of the best in the game because of Awakened, and the tier 3 Awakener is an actual beast of unit that also gets the +1 range on their spells with Awakened

  • @cathulionetharn5139
    @cathulionetharn5139 Год назад +12

    kinda shame mystic doesn't have an archer unit
    Also I always had a soft spot units that evolve into better units peasant->defender or coppergolem->irongolem
    Just wish the evolved units had some bonus as a holdout from evolution

    • @minibotas9496
      @minibotas9496 Год назад +5

      I can understand why they don't have archers in-universe, if being a spellcaster in that culture is as easy / common as it seems, having archers seem redundant from a military perspective, better train more non-spellcasters to keep the enemy at bay rather than use those resources on more range and less protection.
      I also wish that more units evolved at higer levels, or got neat stuff at max levels

    • @veevoir
      @veevoir Год назад +2

      What is sad is that peasants evolve into a Shield unit, instead into a better polearm unit. Totally changes the buffs they can get and the role in combat.

    • @cathulionetharn5139
      @cathulionetharn5139 Год назад

      @@minibotas9496 yep, unfortunately some enchanntments only work on physical ranged attacks and mystics are clearly research and magic and therefore enchantment focused

    • @fendelphi
      @fendelphi Год назад +1

      That said, you can buff their tier 1 Arcanist by basically treat them like a typical "swarmer" unit. Take Hearty(+10 health), Arcane Focus(+15% magic damage) and Mana Addicts(lifesteal). Give them the Spawnkin Minor transformation, and give your hero Battle Seeker Training(+20% damage to tier 1 units) and you have basic Arcanist dealing 6/6/6 damage without Star Blades.

  • @kieronjamescronin1588
    @kieronjamescronin1588 Год назад +1

    I think feudal might be S because of how fast you can get your city to grow (prolific swarmer + lord of the crops.) You can do this by either getting your hero to lvl 2 really fast (usually 2 combats so like 2-3 turns) or just resetting your hero to get it instantly on turn 1. You can then do this to every new city so everything grows really fast (change governors around, although you will have to reset your main hero if you gave him lord of the crops initially since iirc he has to stay on your throne city.) Also their early game feels pretty good since the peasant pikeman is really cheap (especially on brutal difficulty where you really need a lot of units to clear the surroundings quickly.) I also think the spells you can get for them are really powerful.

  • @caffiend81
    @caffiend81 Год назад +4

    Pure Evil + High is hilarious. Just finished a Military Victory run with that combo focused on zephyr archers with Overwhelm Tactics and boosting their range/damage/accuracy to the point I could regularly hit even when the prediction showed 5%. Two zephyr archers could one round buffed enemy gold golems before I was done lol

    • @leonholz5901
      @leonholz5901 Год назад

      Are zephyr archers so much better than the normal tier 1 archers? If so, how?

    • @masafromhell
      @masafromhell Год назад

      @@leonholz5901 More damage, and a 6 ranged aoe damage ability

    • @floflo1645
      @floflo1645 Год назад

      @@leonholz5901 yes, they are tier 3 though

    • @S3Cs4uN8
      @S3Cs4uN8 Год назад

      @@leonholz5901 Zephyr Archers are a lot better than their T1 Feudal counterparts. They're predictably a straight upgrade in terms of raw stats and also have the excellent Zephyr Shot ability giving them a potent AoE attack and the Slippery trait (unit doesn't trigger Attacks of Opportunity)

    • @mercb3ast
      @mercb3ast Год назад +1

      They are better, but only marginally better. The other thing to consider is, high base archers will compete with Zephyrs from any other culture. Zephyr archers cost significantly more, but they are not significantly better. For the cost of 1 zephyr, you can field at least 3 tier 1 archers. So, it is really a matter of economy. Are you so rich that you can afford to field stacks of zephyr archers? If so, you've probably already won. In the early to mid game, even when you can field zephyr archers, you are, IMO, better off just running the dusk boys for the most part.
      Now, don't get me wrong, the Zephyr archer is better. It's just, is it 20 gold vs 6 gold better? For most of the game, probably not, at least not enough to warrant more than a couple of them kicking about.
      By the time you start hitting tier 3 tomes, you can already 1 or 2 round tier 5 mythic units with just the Dusk Hunters. Take sneaky at race creation. Go all in on crit bonuses. Get a way to distract the target. Sun Priests can do it, but there are other, more reliable ways to do it via tome. Suddenly you have tier 1 archers, with 90%+ crit chance, that do bonus damage to flanked targets, getting crit flank shots doing 45+ damage per hit. Zephyr will obviously do it, ever so slightly better, but you can get your tier 1 dusk hunters doing that as soon as you finish unlocking your first two tier 2 tomes.

  • @theslayer5978
    @theslayer5978 Год назад +2

    You are heavily underastimate mystic units. Their tier 1 base battlemage can deal insane ammount of damage and unlike a lot of tier 1 scales really well and have place in your army. With various enchantments and racial upgrades I found out them overwhelming even tier 5 units with their high dmg output.

  • @anonymoushealer1475
    @anonymoushealer1475 Год назад +6

    Dark culture has nothing to do with souls. Thats the shadow tomes. A feudal lord can pick up a shadow tome and make undeads while a dark lord can chose not to

  • @Oj_Stimson
    @Oj_Stimson 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for this. I'm a new player and very overwhelmed over how much there is to learn in this game and your videos help a ton.

  • @Zuginator
    @Zuginator 7 месяцев назад

    Industrial Culture: a few things of note. 1) After the Industry DLC the Industrial Culture is great at crafting gear for Heroes. 2) The Hero skill where you're always defensive is AMAZING at keeping damage low in your heroes! It's especially nice with the Dragon, plus you can craft expensive items for the Horde.

  • @MartinHedegaard-q2j
    @MartinHedegaard-q2j Год назад +2

    soul gathering is not only avaliable to the dark culture, it is tied to a tier 1 tome of shadow tome that every culture can chose from start. Also their buildings for negating negative stability not only comes very late(meaning you have to deal with shitty income n stuff for while before you can negate) but also them not having any stability structures means that getting positve stability is very hard and therefore your income will always be lower than other cultures. Cull the weak is also one of the weakest damage bonuses cause it can only be gained with single target ranged attacks or a 1 hex aoe spell and negated by enemies that are stregthened. Overall the Dark culture is by far the weaskest culture i think closely followed by industious. Industrious sucks cause all the try to do is completely countered by Barbarian, Feudal and Dark tier 3 units(and any other unit that has the charge ability) the only thing they got going for them is their affinity to get to gold golems faster and scout prospecting which is very strong. You got one thing right, barbarians are by far the strongest culture, even in large maps on brutal difficulty against multiple ai players you can still just spam sunderers and win. and yes berserkers are also the strongerst tier 3 and funny enough they dont even need them.

  • @koeyfoo1028
    @koeyfoo1028 Год назад +4

    I think in team games, a Materium ally is pretty good because you can provide strong defense, are hard to take out, and can generate crap tons of income at the loss of mana with Transmute city enchant?

    • @BadFiend
      @BadFiend Год назад

      I tried a faction using only materium tomes, and I was struck by the excessive amount of shield units you are given. I suppose you could say the same about Mystic culture, but at least the Evoker is a different tier. Annoying to get tier 1 shieldmen and two tier 3 shieldmen as a reward for my focus.

    • @jacksheldon8566
      @jacksheldon8566 Год назад

      @@BadFiend 2-3 iron golem with 3-4 zephyr archer is a strong T3 army combo for materium.

  • @snowdawn
    @snowdawn Год назад +3

    Another great video Jumbo :) Enjoying so far your AOW4 content.

  • @GCcoutoo100
    @GCcoutoo100 Год назад +7

    I was originally going to make a small list with brief opinions but this kind of snowballed into something of a larger thing lol
    Feudal: The most versatile culture in the game. The Bannermen is the strongest early game support unit, with the only competitor being the Soother but the Bannermen having way more utility. Knights are just stupidly strong. A very strong focus on Food yields and an inclination towards playing a nature game by summoning/producing and using animal along with powerful cavalry. The lack of Mana focus doesn't mean you won't be using spells, as Nature spells are some of the most powerful in the game. The Nature specialty provinces are also very focused on giving you a stable growth along with improving your mana yields. Their playstyle is pretty balanced and lets you essentially do whatever you want with safety as you'll rarely be in a situation you cannot solve one way or another. I'd place it very highly as it is, again, very versatile and essentially a beginner friendly choice for anyone.
    High: I think this is the most difficult Culture to play. It only really synergizes with itself and it's strongest unit comes way too late in the game. Even it's unique abilities aren't anything to brag about. They're not terrible per se but the only other affinities that synergize well with it are Astral and ironically, Chaos. I haven't tried everything with it, but I'd guess Materium also works well with it since it also focuses on enhancing units you already have. The units are the most lackluster thing here, as you'll be forced to rely on tome units instead along with your Awakener which comes often in late mid-game. Your buildings focus on giving you better stability and thus giving you the bonus yields from having high stability. By going further into Order you'll have access to diplomatically impacting spells and abilities, which is good if you want to play a more vassal-focused game. In general, this is focused a lot more on having tons of vassals, which you can acquire by conquering or negotiating with free cities. The issue is that more often than not vassal cities are not very useful outside of the ability to trade with them for their resources. They won't help you much during wars but they'll at least defend themselves. If you want to play a warlike High culture, you'll need to be more creative and focus on conquering enemy cities and then releasing them as vassals. I'd rank this a little bit lower than most due to it's lack of versatility and lackluster units.
    Barbarian: If you like to have massive armies, razing everything in your way and hording your way through the game, Barbarian is for you. Jokes apart this is legit one of the best cultures in the game(if not the best) just because it gives you easy access to the Chaos affinity(which focuses on killing everything in your way). It is also very versatile despite it's focus on war, and it's not uncommon to see Barbarians having gigantic cities getting tons of yields on all ends. It's support unit is amazing, but loses out to the Soother and Bannermen and the Berserker is kind of a letdown imo, with the Knight, Dark Knight and Awakener being the better Tier 3 culture units. It gets a bit overshadowed by the Warbreed, which if you're going Chaos you'll definitely have. Overall an amazing, very versatile culture that can do a little bit of anything, but always geared towards domination through war. Since you can basically conquer the entire map very easily with this culture, it's an easy S-Rank tbh.
    Industrious: I feel like people kind of fail to understand how useful Industrious can be. If Feudal lets you basically ignore your food yields because they'll always be high, then Industrious lets you totally ignore your production yields because they'll always be decently high. The biggest issue with this culture is that compared to all the others, it seriously should translate some of it's benefits to Draft. I feel like Industrious combines great with hording as well since you have that ridiculous early game production. The Arbalest has one of the best damages in the early game and can cancel retaliation from range, being the only unit that can do this without displacing. I agree that it is overall the weakest of the cultures, but it is only because it is focused a lot on the early game compared to the others, and falls behind very quickly. Bastions are incredibly strong and I dare say the strongest shield unit in the game with insane defense, and insane resistance if you get the right enhancements. I think they'll have to tweak this culture to be stronger in the late game and maybe giving it insane draft yields would be the way to go imo, as it makes sense that it's industrialization would provide it with the ability to create large tier I or II armies super quickly.
    Dark: Just like High, I feel like this is in a bit of a weird spot. I've seen Dark nations get roflstomped every time in my games and I think it has to do with how people believe the way to go is by focusing on Shadow affinity. It is also a class that has very little versatility with other things. It's focus seems to be on playing a "science" game where you are always two steps ahead of your foes, which really fits the theme. The ability to ignore Stability is nice, but only comes into play with the hyper-expensive Overlord's Tower. Before that, you just don't the debuffs from being below normal stability(which when compared with the benefits of having high stability doesn't pan out). Overall it feels lacking. It's starting units are piss-poor, with the archer and swordsman being extremely reliant on each other and you'll only get your ball rolling when you get other units to complement that. The saving grace is a very powerful Tier 2 Battle Mage unit that gets old very quickly when you start to get other Battle Mage units. I also found the Shadow tomes to be lacking, with only the Great Transformation tome being interesting due to Wightborn. I feel like despite giving Shadow Affinity from the get-go you might want to go for Chaos or Astral instead and focus on having powerful tactical spells that debuff and damage your enemies.
    Mystic: Oh boi, where do I begin with these? This is a culture for those who want to snowball the snowball. Mystics take the idea of using physical damage and throws it out the window. If you like casting a shitload of tactical spells, dealing a fuckton of damage just for casting those spells and summoning tons of units, Mystic is the place to go. The only sacrifice is the lack of good units by itself. The Soother is the best unit in their arsenal but everything else is kind of eh. They also lack versatility compared to the others since they're so hyper-focused casting spells, as you'll be forced to go with Astral to go get more casting points(Summoner's Tome is your best friend). One of the best cultures, competing with Feudal and Barbarian for it's ability to snowball the game incredibly heavily and just using tons of spells every time on every situation possible. The Mystic Abbey further helps you in getting you those early tomes, and the units themselves aren't anything too shabby, with the Arcanist dealing insane amounts of damage early in the game and even outdamaging the Warlock. Thus far they're my favorite culture and I always having fun mixing Astral with other stuff and just being OP by remaking my armies in a few turns.

    • @JT-yl9yt
      @JT-yl9yt Год назад

      You clearly have no idea how to take advantage of high units....

    • @GCcoutoo100
      @GCcoutoo100 Год назад

      @@JT-yl9yt The fact that you *need* to do anything to take advantage of them already puts them in disadvantage compared to Mystic units where all it takes is to cast tactical spells. Anything that requires an extra step to be useful is already inherently inferior to anything that is immediately useful.
      Though I admit myself that I haven't tried everything with them yet so I understand your point.

    • @JT-yl9yt
      @JT-yl9yt Год назад

      @@GCcoutoo100 Their support units and heroes come with free actions that awaken units for several turns.

    • @GCcoutoo100
      @GCcoutoo100 Год назад

      @@JT-yl9yt The buffs you get are comparatively not as great as some others. Like I said, they're not terrible, but when compared to Mystic or Dark even they're just less effective.
      The Awaken ability can be cast only on a single target, and otherwise you need to use a tac spell to get it off on your entire army. Until you get your Awakener with his Twin Awakening or you become Pure Evil, you're not going to be awakening your entire army at all times.
      Meanwhile Mystic triggers it's Attunement on all units upon spell cast and Dark get trigger Weaken much more easily and readily since it's enemy target.
      Like I said, I don't think High is trash, it's just comparatively harder to play due to these limitations and generally less flexible than other cultures since it plays focused on itself.

  • @thegamesforreal1673
    @thegamesforreal1673 Год назад +1

    Dragon Lords from the new DLC have certainly pushed feudal up to S tier for me. The dragon skill Ancient Governor I and II give a combined 25 knowledge to your main city, which combined with lord of knowledge (another +15) and the Lord's Manor building (+100% governor bonus) turns into a whopping 80 knowledge income, and an amazing +40 stability and +35 fortification as well. It makes playing tall as perfectionist artisans or chosen destroyers crazy good on the knowledge side, which was previously a weakness of that kind of playstyle due to knowledge generally being tied to world tiles.

  • @youmukonpaku916
    @youmukonpaku916 Год назад

    Industrious gets Bastions. Bastions are insanely powerful. Huge defense and good attack when buffed using enchantments. Overwhelming tactics combined with artisan armaments and morale boosts from revelry tomes makes for a critical force to me reckoned with. Absolutely doomstackable.

  • @cubandarknez
    @cubandarknez Год назад +2

    barbarian warrior has access to a 1 pip stun action with defense mode, as a tier 1 this makes it one of the best front line units. Has great synergy if doing a status res shred strat too, but in general it's just great.

    • @BadFiend
      @BadFiend Год назад

      The sunderer is just so much better that it's almost not worth using warriors though. Very, very early they can be useful to absorb damage for your more fragile skirmishers, but once you have any kind of enchantment going the sunderer stands alone due to having both ranged and melee attacks available, and the spamming nature of barbarian culture in general.

    • @fendelphi
      @fendelphi Год назад

      Pretty good early game, but later on, the stun chance is often less than 50%, unless you can reliably shred status resistance. If it was a unit with First Strike, then a wasted stun is less of an issue, but otherwise, it is a unit that potentially does "nothing".

  • @wischfulthinking
    @wischfulthinking Год назад +1

    I think you’re underestimating just how Uber defensive industrious can be. Tier 1 units tanking tier 4+ np.

  • @noneofyourbusiness3288
    @noneofyourbusiness3288 Год назад +1

    I value draft a lot higher than knowledge. Knowledge is quite easy to get in different ways imo (like the shadow-affinity perk giving you knowledge whenever you defeat a hero), while draft is very hard to get. Sure: you can speed up production every turn with gold and there is a lot of ways to get gold, but you need the gold for literally everything, so having a way to safe some is really useful.

    • @IronWilliam
      @IronWilliam Год назад

      I've been getting way more bottlenecked by gold upkeep on units than draft though, when doing anything other than chaos T1 spam. So even if draft is harder to get, I just haven't felt like I needed more production than I have.

    • @male_maid5951
      @male_maid5951 Год назад

      @@IronWilliam dont forget draft is also extra food in its downtime

    • @IronWilliam
      @IronWilliam Год назад

      @@male_maid5951 At like 25% efficiency though. It's not nothing, but it's not really a huge boost that makes draft extra worthwhile, better to just get food if you need food.

  • @notalefty999
    @notalefty999 Год назад +9

    You didnt mention that the pursuer applies weakened, which is obviously important for the dark culture. The nightguard is absolutely fine statistically as a tier 2 polearm and with first strike and a useful debuff, its a decent unit to run up to enemy units and stick in guard mode.
    The biggest problem with Dark units is that to benefit from their culture specific mechanic, you need to apply weakened. There are plenty of combinations of tome units you might realistically want to use that simply dont provide this debuff. Compared to other cultures, the dark mechanic is the one which least reliably applies to non culture units.
    I would say your analysis for Dark Culture economically is way off. Dark absolutely sucks economically. Even with the overlord's tower (which has a significant cost and build time), you take a huge economic hit from not having the stability bonuses. With the lowest level of stability, you get -50% income, which the overlord's tower doesn't mitigate at all. Preventing provinces from breaking off is virtually a non issue for other cultures; with the tavern and bathhouse (which also provides an xp bonus for units), there is no way you will have minus 80 stability without enemy spells on your cities, which isnt a common problem. Only dark has this is a realistic problem, and halving your city's income will completely overwhelm any economic benefits for they get from building structures. Even if your stability isn't this low, the net difference between Dark and other cultures is 70 stability, which will likely translate into a 15% reduction in all resources at a minimum. Large cities have literally hundreds of income in every resource. If Dark does drop into -80 or worse, that transition alone is from -20% income to -50%, which is catastrophic.

    • @jameskaram8338
      @jameskaram8338 Год назад +2

      Turns out dark avoids income penalties as well, one of the town hall upgrades (T2 I think) completely negates income penalties from low stability in that city.

    • @DeadlyGrub
      @DeadlyGrub Год назад +3

      Dark ignores stability minus penalties with the T2 Keep, so they actually have a rather strong eco, And why would you need to build any other units besides frontliners warlocks are insanely good. Stacking stupid amounts of debuffs while doing good dmg. I ran 4 warlock 2 eagle riders armies and had really good success. Because the cull the weak is placed on the frontline units even out of culture with the enchant.

  • @OldDragonScholar
    @OldDragonScholar Год назад +1

    I looked around and I think near everyone is sleeping on dark cultures ranged units, purely because of the debuffs. Nothing any of the other cultures have anything like the T1 pursuer erasing 30% dmg with weakening in one turn without damage loss. or a T2 mage being able to erase 2 of every defense, every other turn without damage loss, at 6 range letting you to screw that one guy in particular, like their hero. This is before you start adding enchantments that do things like chain your arrows to hit a second target, essentially erasing 30% dmg across 2 units doubling the effect. The weakening starts at 90% chance for both archers and mages so it hits often even on T4 and 5.
    It's incredible cost to effect value and so effective as they are T1-2 and the debuffs deal in increasing or decreasing % values. You don't even need to be aggressive with dark culture, debuff defense from a distance, let the charges clash into your spears, debuff and damage their engaged line with ranged units and mop up with your spears. They are incredibly effective at dealing with higher tiered units, dark knight probably does better in pvp because of AOE being strong against T1 spam (I don't know, I don't pvp), but it's also a lot more expensive to field and would even benefit greatly from the debuff support itself.

  • @ellyann4603
    @ellyann4603 Год назад

    When it comes to industrials and prospection you said we could get gold and production but you can also get mounts, and gear for your heroes. it's really easy to snowball through a gear difference, and to me this makes a HUGE difference, i wouldn't rank it so low just because of that ^^

  • @crazyelf1
    @crazyelf1 Год назад +1

    Yeah I think that the Industrious tree needs a major buff. Given that the game is just out, at time of this writing, perhaps it should be no surprise that there are balance issues.
    Maybe some buffs to their units, better buildings, etc, and some unique cultural advantages could move it up.
    Maybe a slight buff to the Mystic tree as well.

    • @lionelwhiskerknot
      @lionelwhiskerknot Год назад +2

      They need a major materia racial transformation I think.

  • @stanleymunro1500
    @stanleymunro1500 Год назад

    For industrious the diff between the two tier 2 spear man was first one is low def h8gh resist higher dmg. The 2nd one had high def med resist low dmg. So i wouldnt call it weak just lowwr dmg

  • @kcw1879
    @kcw1879 Год назад +1

    I usually play a High culture, and I have WAY more moral than I need, in my cities and units the majority of the time. I don't even cast those spells or build buildings that give more moral, as my cities are in "Harmony" already.

  • @frenchfry9370
    @frenchfry9370 Год назад +1

    Honestly it kind of makes sense that the "Evil" cultures are stronger, can't be much of an evil overlord if you got a weak faction

  • @Majber
    @Majber Год назад +1

    22:56 if you play on map with lots of mountains then it's sss culture

  • @ZekeRaiden
    @ZekeRaiden Год назад

    Shocked by how highly you rated Barbarian. As you said here and before, Knowledge is crucial. Paying Knowledge is *costly,* and really hard to make up for: Special improvements are rare and mostly depend on Snow/Ice (which suck to settle), regular Research Posts require mana nodes/magic materials, and Wonders are totally unreliable as sources. By comparison, Draft is easy, and doubly so because you can replace some of it with Gold via Buyout. Getting two-for-one Draft is a weak trade.
    TL;DR: Even once a city is in full swing (one Research Post, Library/Academy/Arcane Institute), you're still about 20% behind everyone else (55 vs 45 is about an 18% difference.) For a majority of the game, you're more like 40% behind everyone else (10+15=25 vs 5+10 = 15). That's _huge._ The extra bonus Draft and strong units can help you conquer more cities, but you NEED to conquer those cities/city-states just to reach Knowledge parity with regular empires--who can spend those resources on growth and defense instead. Consider how highly you ranked Ancient Wise Ones in the society traits tier list; Barbarian is more of a penalty than Ancient Wise Ones is a bonus! Getting an extra 20 Draft per turn just does not make up for losing 10 Knowledge per turn.
    I think Mystic, High, and Feudal are roughly at the intended balance point. Mystic: finicky but potent if leveraged (befitting magic.) Feudal: basic all-arounder, hard to go wrong. High: good at doing things that aren't easy to do, lots of minor bonuses and synergies. Not surprised Dark is OP, anything that lets you ignore parts of the economy or replace them with a new economic system tends to be abusable. And Industrious, like Materium, is just really weak on paper--not that you _cannot_ win with them, but they're _harder_ to win with than other options. I'm expecting Empires and Ashes to fix this by adding a Materium transformation (turning your people into machines!) and more/better unit types.

  • @matthewmullin6042
    @matthewmullin6042 Год назад +1

    Why did you say the High archer is weaker than the other archers, and specifically weaker than Feudal? It has the same base stats as the Feudal version, but awakened gets +4 damage and +1 range. It is arguably the strongest base archer in the game, even beating out the tier 2 archer from barbarian.

  • @unfairlive2
    @unfairlive2 Год назад +1

    Am very sad about my favourite civ, mystic, being so low, but I can't disagree with it. Mana is nice lategame, once you unlock many summons (Phase dog), but early game it just doesn't provide you with any bonuses to get going, at least astral affinity is quite alright, but it's not amazing either.

  • @JT-yl9yt
    @JT-yl9yt Год назад +1

    You realize crossbows only fire once right? Units with bows can attack up to 3x using 3 actions points its why their dmg is lower they can light up units rather quickly. Awakened high archers are pretty ridiculous for t1 units to rain down dmg from safety.

  • @Enos666
    @Enos666 Год назад +1

    29:16 - "Standard Scout" I gotta disagree man, I think you're sleeping on how useful outriders are and brushed over/ignored their best attribute.
    They're hidden in Forests, Mountains, Rocky and Swamp terrain and when coupled with Infiltrate your ability to stealthily keep tabs on what your adversary is doing is best in class.

  • @airhead4740
    @airhead4740 Год назад +2

    One thing about the high cultures awaken mechanic is it gives strengthen to any one who’s already awake so the damage at full awakened archers with more range and accuracy from there dormant trait is the best in the game.

  • @kraiden3
    @kraiden3 Год назад

    remember when materium was called the worst and weakest affinity line? Now its runaway the best

  • @GamerSerg74
    @GamerSerg74 Год назад

    Honestly you really missed the point on Industrious. For one, with all the cultures, you really dismissed the unique scout skills which for Industrious is very powerful. Assuming the map has a fair number of mountains, your scouts can bring in a ton of free gold and hero items. Production is very important since your cities will almost always be building something, and you really undersold the strengths of the Matirium skill tree and tomes. The skill tree gives additional siege projects that make them great at attacking cities and reduce upkeep for all your units allowing a larger army. The spell tomes have the most unit enchantments to buff up all your units, strong damage spells, strong elemental units and great race transformations. You can even give all your units the golden touch, turning enemy units into gold! Everyone raves about Chaos as the aggressive culture which is true but Industrious is also very good at war.

  • @johnhobbes2268
    @johnhobbes2268 Год назад

    A nice sidenote to barbarian, if you take a mount background you will get mounted archers.

  • @araska802
    @araska802 Год назад +1

    Feudal, good early game, suffers once everyone get's AOE spells, and taking advantage of being feudal will get you wrecked.

  • @aaronthompson2329
    @aaronthompson2329 Год назад

    I think you are underrating the Industrius culture. They lean heavily into defense and tanking but the arbalest is one of the hardest-hitting tier-one ranged units and as long as there are mountains the pioneer is strait broken. As long as mountains are in your world you will be printing money/ production/ hero items. In a recent Highlands game, I started next to some mountains and by the time I won on turn 67 I had pulled about 4-5k gold, 1.5k production, and all 6 of my heroes had tier 3+ mounts/ weapons/ items. Prospecting also works underground so even if you don't have a bunch of mountains you can get some value out of them, (until they get murked by a rouge stack you Really the only drawback that I see for them is their support unit doesn't have a heal.
    Also for Mystic the Spellbreakers Star Purge removes all positive buffs like the Berserkers steadfast, the high cultures awakened, etc. That one ability makes him one of the best battle mages in the game.

    • @JT-yl9yt
      @JT-yl9yt Год назад +1

      high have archers that can attack 3x with 10+4 spirit dmg from 5 ranges with awakened buff...they are the real hardest hitters and they are safe.

  • @oystermeister5497
    @oystermeister5497 Год назад +1

    23:52 Steelshaper is actually a ranged magic unit. You said it was a polearm unit

    @MYPSYAI Год назад +11

    I don't think you did very good job with this video. Theres a lot of information you don't even understand cause your just reading menu's copy/pasted from the game. You didn't even mention what awakening buffs are, you missed obvious important features of each faction and how they work together. Do you even play this game or do you just read the menu's?

  • @seriousdraw
    @seriousdraw Год назад

    Bolstering is awesome and Steelshapers are fucking amazing offensively. I laugh at the idea that Industry could be the worst.

  • @noonalamada1568
    @noonalamada1568 Год назад

    I played with the material centric culture and you didn't mention that there scouts can literally search the map for treasures and that gives BIG advantages which makes your C-Tier a bit questionable ;-)

  • @tomemaster1744
    @tomemaster1744 Год назад +1

    What really impresses me with AoW4 is every unit still feels valid right up until the Endgame. In my experience the game is exceptionally well balanced.

    • @ajlukan6959
      @ajlukan6959 Год назад

      Is a joke rigth? All they are basically broken, Astral is just a joke what a count of damage can do

  • @crowleyvoltaire5864
    @crowleyvoltaire5864 Год назад

    The feudal peasant pikemen are agressivly cheap for what they provide aaand evolve into defenders..add a horde tomb and mana channeling (mana summon w. Gold upkeep) and you can field some aggressivly overwhelming early game armies without strangling your economy. 🎉🥳🎉

  • @moviejuhlin
    @moviejuhlin Год назад

    You did't talk much about the Ritual of Alacrity for the Babarian. Witch is 1 of 3 active abillitys that effect movement (forced march and order spell(-50% movement on overworld)) on the world map.
    Ritual of Alacrity(RoA) - Refund all movment and heal army 50% health and cancel negative effects of forced march. 3 round coldown.
    To use it you need to stand in the middle of the outpost or city and go in the city gearlogo and their should be a ritual of alacrity bottom (I think you need 3 pop on city before you it apperes) or just klik on the outpost.
    1. So one idea is you can scout a head and build an outpost with your scouts and then get 2 turn movemnt with your main army or even more with the forced march Node.
    2. With outpost you can build teleporters and going through them takes all movement away but with RoA you can move after the teleport on to outpost
    I think this or somthing like this is the key to mastering the faction.

  • @mannsama7084
    @mannsama7084 Год назад

    The Industrious archer doesn't do more damage compared to the other tier one archers when using 3 AP. The Industrious archer out damages other archers if you spend 2 ap to reposition only.

  • @culus5180
    @culus5180 Год назад

    Something that i noticed is it’s really punishing to play as good alignment. You get far less money since you have to forgo pillaging/pillage less. It takes longer to get vassals than it would to just claim it through combat. Events usually have outcomes that are negative or do nothing for good alignments. Just in general you’re cut off from so much income on good alignments and that makes the High culture really punishing to play imo. It’s ranged damage potential is far outweighed by everything else that you lose.
    High/Evil is really fun though and I recommend that everybody tries it 😁

  • @thejackscraft3472
    @thejackscraft3472 Год назад

    I think you're underestimating just how tanky bastions are, they're by far the tankiest T3 unit that a culture can give you, and I think the tankiest in the game as a whole if you have more than one, with the most health and defense at base, and having shield wall and inspiring defense giving adjacent units +3 defense and a level of bolstered defense. get three of them in a triangle and each will have 15 defense. you're essentially forced to use charge units or magic against them if you want to break that formation. if you place them well you can form a wall against the enemy, while your ranged units shoot from behind, making up for their damage easily by using the stronger, but squishier, ranged units like the arbalest or zephyr archer.

  • @notalefty999
    @notalefty999 Год назад

    The war shaman has a very effective heal for the barbarians out of the gate. Assuming you arent already full health, adding temporary hitpoints, regen and bonus damage to the entire group can really improve your early game efficiency.
    The sunderer vs fury doesnt note that the fury does significantly more damage with a full attack action at ranged, but yes, the fury sucks for a tier 2 (it has no features at all) and the sunderer is a solid tier 1.

    • @BadFiend
      @BadFiend Год назад

      Barbarian is also so heavily focused on buffing tier 1 units that their tier 2 units really have to make an impact to be worth using. I think houndmaster is such a good unit specifically to replace the underwhelming fury, but that's just my theory.

    • @iTzTiMeToJuMp
      @iTzTiMeToJuMp Год назад

      ​@@BadFiend youre mixing chaos affinity/tomes with the culture. Barbarian doesnt have to use chaos tomes at all and can leave affinity at 1.

    • @BadFiend
      @BadFiend Год назад +1

      @@iTzTiMeToJuMp If you are playing Barbarian without starting with Tome of the Hoard you are doing it wrong.

  • @senexiratus973
    @senexiratus973 Год назад

    I don't understand how people rank industrious lower than high. I find awakening annoyingly micro, and without it, the units aren't that great. Industrious, on the other hand, are incredibly hard to kill without doing anything, basically, and using the steel shaper on any of the units, makes it hit like a truck. Bolstering just naturally stacks in the affinity tomes. Turn it into strengthen, and your unit is hitting way above it's tier. Not barb strong, but not as squishy or single-unit focused either. And your production can't be beat, providing all the buildings that provide the other resources we use. It's a great culture. I'd say better than High, with the disadvantage being, you really feel like you lose a lot if you move outside of materium affinity. (But golems...)

  • @lewismurphy8650
    @lewismurphy8650 Год назад

    Thanks keep it coming!

  • @ClawDragoon
    @ClawDragoon Год назад

    imo not enough focus on the awakened battle caster in high culture being extremely strong and the fact that the barabrian swordsman has a stun in his kit!!

  • @pepeadamczyk2163
    @pepeadamczyk2163 Год назад

    bruh, dark culture units: scout has multiple invisibility in x terrain perks (good for spying and surprise plundering, archer debuffs enemy every shot, mage also debuffs on standard attacks - nothing mentioned in the video about that

  • @randomrhino7500
    @randomrhino7500 Год назад

    I still want to play the industrial culture

  • @hochmeisterr
    @hochmeisterr Год назад

    S-Magic for casters which is OP.
    A-Barbarian for Mele, because having mini tryndameres one shoting enemy units is cool.
    B-everything else.

  • @myziot
    @myziot Год назад +2

    You’re churning out too many amazing tutorials not to thank you directly!

    • @JumboPixel
      @JumboPixel  Год назад

      I really appreciate it Michal, thank you!

  • @zreed545
    @zreed545 3 месяца назад

    You under estimated the prospect ability by miles, prospect alone makes industrious s tier even if you take away all of the other benefits.

  • @unfairlive2
    @unfairlive2 Год назад

    I disagree with dark culture,
    High stability simply gives too many buffs, and Dark culture is missing out on +60 stability, but not only that, they actually add -10 stability.
    It is very easy to stay at stable for most of the game (+5% production, draft and food), and if you push it just a tiny smidge, orderly (+10%) Dark gets to negate the downsides of their terrible stability, but doesn't do so for free, and 10 mana + 10 knowledge just simply does not make up for this. Not to mention their early game is kind of weak as they have no support unit, and I'd put them in B tier personally.
    (Yes I am aware that you can fix their terrible early game by going mana addicts, a very powerful combo, but that does cost you 1 of your society slots, and thus isn't entierly free even if it is the single strongest one.)

  • @sqwid12
    @sqwid12 Год назад

    Aw man, industrial main here, this stings lol

  • @silverhawk3231
    @silverhawk3231 Год назад

    I’m a simple person. I see pixel post a video, I click

  • @cubandarknez
    @cubandarknez Год назад

    imo most special province seem like bait. There are a few key utility ones, and some strong stacking ones, but most of the time I can't be bothered to not just go mana and gold, and filling in with whatever with the rest. The improvements are most impactful at very start and late mid when you can do the good stacking ones. Early game you don't have access to special improvements, and by mid late it might already be win more if I have started snow balling.

    • @Mistersheeaun
      @Mistersheeaun Год назад

      The best usage I've found for the special province improvements is when the city has literally no natural spots for a conduit/research/farm etc (desert maps make it hard to place enough farms to boost everything)
      So the actual amount of resources they provide is, for me, less important than the "acts as a farm" part

  • @NewGamesful
    @NewGamesful Год назад

    What website did you use for showing unlocks/buildings? Is it a feature in the game that i have missed

    • @S3Cs4uN8
      @S3Cs4uN8 Год назад +3

      It's in the description.

  • @Tobichiii
    @Tobichiii Год назад

    Spellbreaker weak? ... Mine do about 30 to 40 each shot if you got some buffs rolling. Arcane Addicts etc

  • @fredx2570
    @fredx2570 Год назад

    Subscribed. Ps. You rock

  • @dominicius77
    @dominicius77 Год назад

    Swap dark and mystic, and you will have a tier list that has a basis in reality.

  • @drkmgic
    @drkmgic Год назад

    i agree with this but i havent played mystic or industry yet so i cant comment on that.

  • @Zonnak
    @Zonnak Год назад

    Not sure if it's a bug or i did something wrong in the realm creation (only put 2modifiers being single big land mass and small underground) but i played and won a game as mystic exploring about 80% of all tiles and found only 1 echo was pretty sad about that.

  • @waffleswafflson3076
    @waffleswafflson3076 Год назад +1

    I've run a few games with dark and it just feels so weak. fights I could easily handle on feudal, barb or mystic are uphill battles with Dark. And got help you if you try to go dark culture with necromancy. You are the weakest early game combo at that point.

    • @Mistersheeaun
      @Mistersheeaun Год назад

      this is especially shocking since you would think being able to summon a horde of skeletons would make you an early game GOD. But their massive cost in terms of souls and mana upkeep means you can't get enough bone boiis to even touch the strength of a barbarian who can summon sunderers at will anywhere on the map

  • @insaeculasaeculorum
    @insaeculasaeculorum Год назад

    Don't overlook scout prospecting!!! It's reallyyy good for that strong early game

  • @danguhzone5130
    @danguhzone5130 Год назад

    I am new to the series. Trying to make my high cuktured orcs be good aligned chaos, but the transformation spell says no targets. Is there a limit to what culture can match with transformations?

    • @Mechalibur
      @Mechalibur Год назад +1

      There are no restrictions like that. You can only have one major transformation, though. If they've already been given another major transformation they won't be eligible for fiend form.

    • @danguhzone5130
      @danguhzone5130 Год назад

      @@Mechalibur thanks. My game must be glitching then

  • @Julien4PresidentxD
    @Julien4PresidentxD Год назад +1

    Shouldn't have made a tierlist out of this if you simply base the tierlist on your personal opinion. Makes me think of you really have thought about potential wombo combos... This tierlist is so bullshit. Clearly your own preferences.

  • @lite4998
    @lite4998 Год назад

    Is there a way to apply enchantment spells to mythic tier units you may have?

    • @fendelphi
      @fendelphi Год назад +1

      In most cases, no. But there are a few exceptions. The Horned One can get the benefit of anything that affects "plants". Both tier V materium units can benefit from the tier V enchantment that makes Elementals resurrect during battle.

  • @michaeltheodorou2490
    @michaeltheodorou2490 3 месяца назад

    Trying out AOW coming from total war. Finding it hard to get past 50 turns as I’m getting out numbered and out classed!

  • @markeyestone9980
    @markeyestone9980 Год назад

    I really wish nature and chaos each had a +2 affinity option. I think overall having only 6 cultures was a bit of a disappointment.

    • @khanhnguyen-tt3ff
      @khanhnguyen-tt3ff Год назад +1

      DLC I bet you there will be two culture base asian culture, china( two nature ),Japan (two chaos), or India (ight and chaos)

  • @rikkol8292
    @rikkol8292 Год назад +3

    Barbarian + tome of horde is so good

    • @jacobbronsky464
      @jacobbronsky464 Год назад

      The Horde is great with pretty much everything.

  • @jacawandersmok9043
    @jacawandersmok9043 Год назад

    suprise i agree
    may be i put feuldal at B

  • @DerFreiegedanke
    @DerFreiegedanke Год назад +2

    Souls are not connected to dark culture.

  • @kyuumann500
    @kyuumann500 Год назад +1

    Mystic gang unite!

  • @Snowarc
    @Snowarc Год назад

    Furry attacks 3 times with range(if not moving). Sunder only once with its ranged

  • @nicholasfleck2138
    @nicholasfleck2138 Год назад

    high is S teir pay attention to the pvp competitive meta, you cant beat 120 damage tier one archers with more range than battlemages.

  • @starlight6002
    @starlight6002 Год назад

    На мой вгляд мастеровые сильно недооценены.

  • @ashemar1
    @ashemar1 Год назад

    It's really weird that you positioned Dark as S tier while entire community put Dark as worst culture together with shadow affinity. I think it's just your preference and subjective view but I assure I can steamroll any of your dark setup with 'mediocre' B tier Mystic you mention.