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  • @luanna376
    @luanna376 5 лет назад

    They should be worried about God' Wrath. Amen, Mr Murray💛

  • @lancegaynor8378
    @lancegaynor8378 5 лет назад

    Blessings in the saving name of Jesus the Christ the Son of God! To the man of God, Elder K Murray and all the Family of heaven and earth called by the name Jesus. Giving God thanks for the man of God since the first day I heard him teach The Doctrine of Christ. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless and prosper and further the preaching of the Son of God for the end of the time of the gentiles is at hand.

    • @lancegaynor8378
      @lancegaynor8378 5 лет назад

      Alias King James Version. Firstly, Are you a criminal? If you are not a criminal, why are you using an Alias?
      Secondly, why are you hiding behind an Alias? Certainly, your name is NOT King James Version!!!!
      Thirdly, why are you concealing who you are intending to mislead the public?
      Forth, are you a true Christian? If you are, why are you hiding yourself from making the public know who you are?
      Fifth, how can you claim that what you believe about the Son of God is true and you intentionally DON'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE?
      You concealing yourself is a presumption that you are attempting to DECEIVE the public!!! The Spirit of God has given these verses of the Holy Scriptures for you:[ May GOD'S mercy save you] John 3:13 - 21. The key verses that expose you as an evil person is John 3:20 - 21[ For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God.]
      Also, John 3: 19 expose you. You are in darkness to the public of WHO YOU ARE!!!! How can you claim to have the truth and concealing and hiding using an Alias like a criminal.
      Let me warn you!!!!! My gift is different from Elder K Murray. I have the power to do the same that the Apostle Paul did to Elymas to ANYONE WHO SEEK TO TURN AWAY PEOPLE FROM THE FAITH, AND PERVERT THE RIGHT WAYS OF THE LORD!!! Be careful because the preachers you know may be a FAKE but IM NOT A FAKE!
      Are YOU one of Gino Jennings ministers?
      I won't prove anything to you. You have been at it before and all the same Scriptures were mentioned to you. Stop the EVIL that you are doing before you cause the wrath of God to fall on you.

    • @davebrown4261
      @davebrown4261 5 лет назад

      @@lancegaynor8378 was it the same evil spirit that you tried to cast upon Miss Becky you are now telling my friend King James Version to be careful Lance Gaynor are you a Wizard claiming to be a Christian Lance Gaynor Miss Becky did talk about you how you tried to cast a evil spirit to attack her just because she didn't agree with what the so-called elder Murray was saying Lance Gaynor you cannot do my friend King James Version nothing Lance Gaynor i come against you in the Name of Jesus Christ Lance Gaynor you cannot stop no body from coming here expossing the false doctrine that your so-called elder Murray is preaching Lance Gaynor who do you think you are Lance Gaynor you are just a blind victim who get caught in the foolishness and the hate that is plaguing Murray towards Jennings

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 5 лет назад

      Dave Brown .. wow Mr Brown where did this man come from! He was NEVER on here till Murray got so mad at me for showing him that the Scriptures say that if someone is in darkness then they don't have the HS!( 1Jn. 1:5-6) I really wonder if Murray has put him up to this BUT surely to God not!! This man is threatening witchcraft!! Surely Murray knows better, but he sure hasn't rebuked him!!

    • @davebrown4261
      @davebrown4261 5 лет назад

      Miss Becky are you okay this man Lance Gaynor tend to want to come and cuss out those that find a error in what Murray is preaching and no true believer that is in Christ dont behave like that so when you are in a disagreement with them you will see there true colours popping up because they are not in the light but in darkness

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 5 лет назад

      Dave Brown .. yes I'm ok & THANK YOU for asking ( you actually made me cry) You are right these chat sites reveal peoples true "spirit"! But I'm not going to stop speaking truth though! And I've said from the beginning when asked why I was here if I didn't agree with Murray, I believe the Lord lead me here & here I stay till the Lord says different! But there is definitely something very strange as to how this man
      " came out of nowhere" ..( does Murray have something to do with him and his wicked threats?) Well I'm not going to lie, it did shake me up pretty bad at first because I recognized it was sorcery, then I got mad and then the Holy Spirit comforted me by reminded me that no man can curse what God has blessed!
      " I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curse you.." Gen.12:3a

  • @luanna376
    @luanna376 5 лет назад

    The devils we deal with are On The Earth, Going To And From People...