I have uploaded my free music sheet, please check it out. Thanks! www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l1svgf9ukdv1pljrxf8pq/First-Love.pdf?rlkey=sepf9bftwnkth03l3le0t7l4q&dl=0
Hi, you can screenshot my video's image to get the complete and free piano sheet of "First Love" as it has been shown on the upper side of this video. Sorry that I do not have my own website to share my sheet music right now. Thanks!
I have uploaded my free music sheet, please check it out. Thanks! www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l1svgf9ukdv1pljrxf8pq/First-Love.pdf?rlkey=sepf9bftwnkth03l3le0t7l4q&dl=0
享受音樂是一種享受,每次心情不好的時候,就好像周圍的一切都在跟著唱,我也沉浸在其中,想像著自己也在其中。 音樂城優美的舞蹈和旋律讓我心情舒暢,疲勞和不開心都消失了。 👍🎉👍🎉👍💯💯💯🎶🎼🎵😘
“如果愛只是一個詞,那麼當你意識到它不存在時,為什麼會如此痛苦? “
I have uploaded my free music sheet, please check it out. Thanks!
Can I download your sheet music please
Hi, you can screenshot my video's image to get the complete and free piano sheet of "First Love" as it has been shown on the upper side of this video. Sorry that I do not have my own website to share my sheet music right now. Thanks!
I have uploaded my free music sheet, please check it out. Thanks!