Željko Malnar - Čekajući Ljubav

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • Željko Malnar ‎- Čekajući Ljubav
    Label: PGP RTB
    Catalog#: 2150204
    Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
    Country: Yugoslavia
    Released: 1986
    Genre: Electronic
    Style: Monolog, Ambient
    "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
    Dedicated to Željko Malnar (1944 - 2013)

Комментарии • 70

  • @MentalMickey
    @MentalMickey 4 года назад +133

    Došao sam kući mrtav umoran od posla, natočio sam čašu vina i upalio ovaj video koji mi je izletio na YT.
    Ostao sam prikovan svih 15-ak minuta i slušao Željkov glas. Ponovno me vratio u čudesno vrijeme kada je imao svoju emisiju Nightmare Stage koja je u pauzama presijecana upravo ovakvim dokumentarcima i monolozima. I Željko Malnar i ta emisija su bile bljesak koji se jako rijetko desi, samo jednom u životnom ciklusu nas pojedinaca. Sve ostalo u našim životima je nažalost agonijska tuga od iščekivanja boljeg vremena i boljeg života. Kada gledam sada ovaj svijet kako izgleda i kuda sve ovo vodi, sretan sam zbog privilegije da sam živio u realnom vremenu stvaralaštva Željka Malnara.
    Željko hvala ti!

    • @queenofjamrock7811
      @queenofjamrock7811 4 года назад +7

      Ista situacija ovde!
      Pozdrav veliki i sve si u pravu! 😊

    • @dankankan
      @dankankan 4 года назад +5

      Copy paste i ovdje, potpisujem!

    • @nikolamalavrazic2082
      @nikolamalavrazic2082 4 года назад +5

      Sve si rekao ali sve!Bravo!

    • @liverpool666
      @liverpool666 4 года назад +4

      RIP Dr Ante i Željko

    • @dinochupevski
      @dinochupevski 4 года назад +6

      Не можам да опишам колку ми е неизмерно криво што ние, генерацијата од 90-ти ја испуштивме оваа наполно различна културна и уметничка димензија. Живели за вредноста наследена од нашиот ЈУ период. Поздрави од Скопје!

  • @ljubicapopovic8811
    @ljubicapopovic8811 5 месяцев назад +3

    Željko Malnar! Pa stvarno genijalno! Stvarno genijalno!

  • @branilavsavkovic1609
    @branilavsavkovic1609 3 года назад +17

    Kada ovaj zapis bude imao nekoliko miliona pregleda, znajte da ima nade za sve nas koji razumijemo ovaj jezik. 🙏

  • @Tibor19921
    @Tibor19921 3 года назад +16

    Slušamo glas čovjeka koji više ne postoji ali od kojega je ostao trag. Da se naježiš... slušajući ovaj glas i ove životopisne riječi.

  • @miroslavajecmenica6741
    @miroslavajecmenica6741 4 года назад +21

    Željko je bio izuzetan i čudesan čovek i um.
    Divan.....Zgodan.... Mudar...
    Ljubav je u nama ... Ljubavi je naš život ...
    božiji dar..ljubav dajemo i ljubav želimo i tragamo za njom...i čekamo ...taj sekund
    kada se stopimo sa njom....
    ljubav je iskra života

    • @mirjanakucinic6711
      @mirjanakucinic6711 5 месяцев назад

      Pa on je baš mrzio takav glupi i slijepi idealizam,a ljude koji su ga vidjeli kao vi nazivao je idiotima,i to ne metaforički,nego doslovno.

  • @velikamorava1717
    @velikamorava1717 3 года назад +12

    Genijalno.Veliki pozdrav iz centralne Srbije.

  • @predragsinko2513
    @predragsinko2513 3 года назад +9

    Ovo treba čuti.

  • @lililiana551
    @lililiana551 3 года назад +11

    Svi mi koji smo smo te poznavali znamo da si imao dušu iskrenosti,topline,suosjećajnosti,razumijevanja,ljubavi. Uskoro će biti devet godina da si otputovao.Tvoja duša je otišla tamo gdje zaista pripada.Ovdje je teško živjeti. Znaš, ponekad pomislim kako promatraš ovaj haos negdje gore u Svemiru i sve promatraš svojim pronicljivim pogledom. Mnogi su zaboravili da si hodao ovdje među nama ali dovoljno je i nas malo da te se sjećamo. Bio si najbolji prijatelj.Hvala ti na riječima, nikad nemoj izgubiti dušu ... ❤️

    • @lililiana551
      @lililiana551 3 года назад +2

      Slušam danas, 9.7.2021. ✨✨✨Putuj prijatelju dragi po svemirskom prostranstvu. Hvala ti za svaki tvoj savjet dok si hodao zemljom. Hvala ti za tople riječi nade u život. Hvala ti za svaki osmijeh i pogled pun topline. Hvala ti za nesebično poklonjeno vrijeme tvog života. 🌹 Bio si predivna duša. ❤️

    • @lililiana551
      @lililiana551 2 года назад +1

      @Felix Cannabi (Lažunologija) Bio je čovjek čiste, iskrene duše, poseban. Teško je u životu sresti nekog poput njega, ne postoji✨✨✨

  • @jasminkasimic8598
    @jasminkasimic8598 4 года назад +8

    Jezero plavog lotosa I horizont! Cudesno!

  • @lililiana551
    @lililiana551 2 года назад +5

    ✨💖✨✨9.7.2022. prošla je još jedna godina od kada si otputovao...često slušam ovu snimku...znam napamet...sjećam se svakog tvog odgovora na postavljeno pitanje na koje si mi uvijek strpljivo davao ispravan odgovor...i sada kada sama sebi ne znam odgovoriti pitam tebe i znam da mi šalješ ispravan odgovor...ti si dragi prijatelju uvijek prisutan...hvala na tome...sretna sam što sam od tebe naučila mnogo o životu....bilo je lijepo imati u ovom životu prijatelja takve duše kao što si bio ti...

  • @nikolamalavrazic2082
    @nikolamalavrazic2082 4 года назад +22

    Covek koji je toliko toga lepog doneo u moj zivot,covek uz cije sam emisije i monologe odrastajao i stalno upijao u sebe i tako ucio sta je zivot,putovanje,postovanje i mnogo toga!Hvala ti na svemu veliki covece!Legende zive vecno!

  • @necarock5567
    @necarock5567 4 года назад +29

    Noćna mora - nešto najbolje što je ovaj čovek napravio, najbolji talk show na Balkanu! Večna mu slava i hvala mu. Republika Pešćenica danas obeležava dan sećanja na svog predsednika, 09.07.2013.

  • @63M1N1
    @63M1N1 4 года назад +12

    kako je lijepo voljeti

  • @maricpredrag6055
    @maricpredrag6055 4 года назад +38

    Волео бих да завирим код Пеђе у његову собу са колекцијом плоча. Како ли оне све изгледају ? Како ли миришу? Како изгледа његов грамофон... никад нећемо знати... неке тајне боље да остану скривене...Браво за све аплоадове:)

    • @dinochupevski
      @dinochupevski 4 года назад +5

      Убаво ми е на душичкава кога ќе видам дека и вие пишувате на кирилица. Да си го негуваме богатствово од времето на ЈУ и да го цениме тоа што го имаме, и да ги учиме новите генерации како да се борат со шундов што го живееме во новите ни републики... Поздрави :)

    • @fil_frijol
      @fil_frijol 3 года назад

      @@dinochupevski свака част! Потпуно се слажем.

  • @oceangleam
    @oceangleam 4 года назад +8

    Ljubav je način života.
    Sloga sa samim sobom i svojom okolicom.
    Onome koji ljubav traži, izmaknuo mu se način
    života koji je u skladu sa njim samim i njegovom okolicom.

  • @losprogramer
    @losprogramer 4 года назад +28

    Poenta, ljubav se ne čeka, ona se traži

  • @cecilija2028
    @cecilija2028 4 года назад +7

    R.I.P. Ljubav se budi u nama, ili spava, cekajuci da se probudi.....

  • @dxggang
    @dxggang 4 года назад +79

    Pošto sam potrošila like sat vremena prevodeći ovo ko retard zato što me podseća na voljeni strip (yes yes Corto Maltese yes yes), a možda neki nesrećni Englez baš sad razmišlja 'Oh man really wish I knew what was going on here! His voice is so sexy and myserious!' (yes that last part is important), evo mog bednog pokušaja da prevedem ovu magiju:
    Željko Malnar - Waiting For Love
    I'm sitting with my guides
    In the nomad encampment in the Indian country of Rajasthan
    What day is it? What century is it?
    It's not important. What's important is that it's night time
    The nomads don't believe in the sun rising and setting
    The nomads believe in the birth and death of a day
    We're sitting around the fire at night
    And we're discussing days past
    We don't discuss days to come here
    Because maybe the day decides not to be born
    Our goal is to reach the Blue Lotus Lake
    We talk about camels. We talk about sand storms. We talk about the horizon.
    My guides are constantly telling me that their home is in the horizon
    I don't understand that and I stare at the fire intently
    While they tell the story of Blue Lotus Lake
    Sitara, the guide who has been wandering the Thar desert for the past 40 years while searching for his house in the horizon
    Begins the tale:
    "Brahma created this world, Vishnu protected it and Shiva destroys it so that Brahma can create it again
    As the god creator, Brahma isn't devoid of love
    One day, as he was roaming the world with cosmic speed
    He saw a dairymain, beautiful, from this part of the world
    You know, in those days, this part of the world was rich with grass and tall trees
    Rivers flowed full of milk and the people lived in abundance.
    Brahma fell in love
    He flew down and asked the dairymaid to marry him
    A brahmin came and he officiated the ritual of promising love which we Indians call marriage
    Song and dance started up, and the lovers, staring into each others' eyes, didn't even notice
    Brahma's wife, who had arrived with cosmic speed, and when she saw him with another woman
    In a typical female bout of anger, she turned all the milk, all the dairymaids, all the grass and all the trees into sand
    Since that time, the Thar has existed
    Brahma, having seen his love turning into sand, shed a single tear
    That's the Blue Lotus Lake
    And once a year, all those who believe in love, who believe in hope, respect and friendship
    Go with camels, elephants or by foot to swim in Brahma's tear, or Blue Lotus Lake, so that they can get hope
    That in another life, or if they're born again, they'll be able to love just like Brahma loved."
    I watch the fire and think about the story
    I think what life is and what death is
    Who are we? What is the world? What is the cosmos? What is love?
    How lovely it is to love and how it is to love at all
    Do we wait for love or do we go to it
    You can hear the voices of children in the background; and of Rajasthani women, wives of my guides
    People are preparing for sleep because there's a long road ahead of us, ahead of us is the road to Brahma's tear, to
    Blue Lotus Lake, to love.
    I watch the faces around me in the reflection of the fire and I marvel at the beauty, the beauty of the soul that urges these people
    To constantly stay on the move, constantly move towards the horizon
    And I envy them because they know that one day, they will arrive at the horizon
    It's morning
    The day has decided to be born and so has given another chance to us all
    The nomads are happy, the childen are playing around the rocks and the women are preparing an Indian breakfast
    (idk this part, he's just describing the breakfast,,, apparently being prepped on camel poop??? lmao)
    I look at the map and ask the guide which direction I should go in
    'Towards the horizon, to north, of course', he replies happily
    Caravans are being loaded, and the first starts up, the others soon follow
    We've been on the road for a month now
    We're tired from the sand, from the wandering and of the horizon
    Blue Lotus Lake is still nowhere to be found
    I send out the guides to scout out where we can set up camp, I stop the caravans and I Wait
    Minutes pass and then hours too
    My guides are nowhere to be found
    The night settles and I give the order to light the fires and unload the camels
    In all that commotion the guides come in, very confused, and they immediately throw themselves at my feet, screaming:
    "Sahib (Master), we're leaving you, we need to go back!"
    I ask them what had happened
    The guide replies:
    "Sahib, I've been wandering the desert for 40 years now and I've never seen someone build a house on the sand dune."
    "Well, yes?" I ask, "What of it?"
    "Sahib, those aren't normal works, that's the devil's work. No one has a reason to build a house on the sand dune,
    The desert for us nomads is always Color. It's a conflict of the color yellow with the blue one which is called the sky.
    The combination of those two colors is called the horizon and that, Sahib, is our house.
    No one normal would ever think to build a house on the sand dune."
    I calm him down and that night we sleep at the camp.
    The next morning, I decided to go with him and to see that great marvel of my guide
    We ride for about 2 hours and we spy the house on the dune.
    I approach the house and in front of it, there sits an old man with long white hair and a long white beard
    "Namaste!" I say
    The old man rises and in a traditional Indian way he thanks me for the greeting and invites me to sit down.
    We sit.
    No one says anything.
    After half an hour of silence, I decide to ask. I turn to the man and ask him:
    "Old man, please, tell me why you've built your house in the middle of the desert,
    In the middle of these two colors of yellow and blue
    Because my nomads think that you don't need a house here
    Because the house is for all of you, the horizon."
    He turns to me, looks me in the eyes and says:
    "Many years I've wandered this desert, towards the horizon. In that wandering, I've grown tired.
    I've built a house so that I could wait for love because I believe love visits old men like myself.
    In all that waiting, I grew old. My vision weakened, my hearing too, and I can no longer walk.
    I waited still, and time passed. I no longer have much time left ahead of me and I know that
    And I also know that love had come, knocked on my door, but I was so old that I couldn't hear her.
    Now I sleep outside, outside of my house, so that if she ever comes around again, I can hear her and see her."
    Nadam se da će bar neko ovo pročitati lmao

  • @ivanak7073
    @ivanak7073 4 года назад +33

    So appropriate...
    unosiš balans u ovaj ludi svet, u ova mutna vremena...

  • @Strahlenwaffensamardzicnermina
    @Strahlenwaffensamardzicnermina 3 года назад +5

    Najbolje 🤍🙏🏻✨✨

  • @ivanvukic7911
    @ivanvukic7911 3 месяца назад


  •  2 года назад +1

    🍀🍀🍀Koja je ovo divota! Hvala legendi 🍀

  • @patrikpotocki6255
    @patrikpotocki6255 4 года назад +11

    Počivaj u miru legendo! 9.7.2013.

  • @liverpool666
    @liverpool666 4 года назад +5

    Zeljko I naš Dr Ante Pavlović su bili legendarni. RIP Dr Ante i Zeljko

  • @GhostshadowShadowghost
    @GhostshadowShadowghost 4 года назад +12

    Eskipistička legenda 🤠 😎

  • @gorangracijanisrbija2419
    @gorangracijanisrbija2419 3 года назад +3


  • @Koshirozation
    @Koshirozation 4 года назад +4

  • @kowya5952
    @kowya5952 4 года назад +7


    • @itsmvrik
      @itsmvrik 4 года назад +2

      Mene vise potseca na Uldum, mada nismo daleko :))

  • @NikolaEON
    @NikolaEON 4 года назад +5

    Noćna mora :)

  • @samabaraba3596
    @samabaraba3596 2 года назад +2

    uf kako ovo na acidu trebam poslusat

  • @aleksandracubra210
    @aleksandracubra210 4 года назад +4


  • @solufasolufic2696
    @solufasolufic2696 4 года назад +4


  • @VGLV888
    @VGLV888 3 года назад +4


  • @nzgkilla
    @nzgkilla 4 года назад +2


  • @raskec1
    @raskec1 4 года назад +6

    Vladimir played it!

    • @vindizna5703
      @vindizna5703 4 года назад


    • @palecastle6515
      @palecastle6515 4 года назад


    • @raskec1
      @raskec1 4 года назад +1

      @@vindizna5703 soundcloud.com/vladimir/vladimir-ivkovic-test-pressing-500-14-nov-2019

    • @vindizna5703
      @vindizna5703 4 года назад

      @@raskec1 hvala care

    • @amonra6419
      @amonra6419 4 года назад

      @@palecastle6515 😂

  • @devinharvell7150
    @devinharvell7150 2 года назад +1


  • @obraddanilovic5789
    @obraddanilovic5789 3 года назад +3

    Cezar i Jajan.

  • @montalbano1977
    @montalbano1977 4 года назад +6

    Starac je na krivom mjestu čekao ljubav, trebao je otići na Zrće!